Tails' Trouble - Chapter 2 - Share and Share Alike

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of Tails Trouble

And an old lemon, that was reworked a fair bit. Man it is painful to look at my old works!

A second sonic lemon. This is sort of an amalgamation of the Sonic comic, Sonic video games, and Sonic X TV show. This lemon was a request of sorts from another talented artist by the name of Nitro. He showed me his art, and I was introduced to a wonderful character, a panda girl by the name of Sushi. Just the look of her told me she was porn material.

This is an old story... It was painful to read! The tense was off, I used it's and its wrong half the time. And I had run on sentences that lasted an entire paragraph. I couldn't post it without some majored editing.


Tails' Trouble

Chapter 2: Share and Share Alike



Rouge purred softly... or what could be best described as a purr from the bat. The white, large-eared anthropomorphic bat smiled, her wings folded back, her hand wrapped firmly around a leather leash. She sat back in one of the more posh chairs in the hidden away BDSM club. It was earlier so there were not too many other furs and friends around... a few couples and singles hanging around. None of her major friends were around. Rouge watches with odd amusement as she tugged on her leash. "Mmm a bit dull in here today pet, is it not?"

Tails sat on the floor silently, still going over the events of the previous few days in his mind as he lay there, yipping in surprise as the leash was suddenly tugged, blushing deeply as she addressed him in that manner once again "Y-yes... Mistress..." he said, his voice still quivering slightly as he said the line, the small two tailed fox still new to these procedures. The famous fox was still over his head, going from naïve virgin to sex slave in just a few days.

The bat thief purred again as she held out her leather boots... Tails was getting better trained by the day. Rouge was so glad she caught the inept little thief digging around her penthouse apartment. Breaking in fresh blood was always fun, especially when they were as cute and inexperienced as Tails was. "Good little pet... why don't you give my boots one of your special boot shines... I know you love to lick them to a new sheen." She smiled again, her white fangs glistening from the sides of her mouth.

Tails blushed deeper as he took in her every word, looking around them at the other Mobians in the club before he nodded slowly. He was still embarrassed whenever he did anything in public... he was glad most of Rouge's activities were confined to the bedroom. Even though a sub licking another's boot was far from extreme in this place, Tails would still get a glance from the clientele. "Yes Mistress..." he said, the Mistress part was coming on almost without hesitation now as he moved from beside Rouge's chair to sitting in front of her. He grippied the left boot in his soft fox paws he slowly started to lick up from the heal to the tip of the toes and then back down again, doing it slowly and in strips as he works to get every inch of the boots to a glossy shine.

The white bat just sat back and enjoyed the little show. Tails was hard at work. His white furry cheeks were turning pink with blush as he lapped the leather with his long canine tongue. The fox must be blushing hard for the red to show up right through his cheek fur. The fox teen did not even notice another fur walking up behind him. It was a shapely panda girl, around eighteen years old with bright pink hair. She wore a leather skirt and a too tight tank top around her rather ample rack. The Panda just watched Tails for a moment... before suddenly petting Tails on the back like he was a common mongrel. "My, cute and young."

Tails' eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he felt the paw on his back, about to stop and look behind him to see who it was who had touched and spoke to him, but after catching a look from his bat Mistress he decided not to. He moved to the tops of the boots now and began licking up them, still wondering who it was behind him. Tails knew from his short experience Rouge would punish him for breaking an order... it was never anything painful, or too painful... but it was always something worse than what he was currently doing. Once, Rouge made Tails masturbate in front of a group of furs as punishment, which embarrassed the lad to no end.

"Sushi!" Rouge smiles at the new arrival, obviously knowing the girl intimately. Sushi just smiled back... still petting Tails. Those soft finger tips of hers were getting awfully close to his butt cheeks. "Nice to see you finally got yourself a pet Rouge... I am still looking myself... hard to find someone as cute as this little fox toy you have for yourself."

The two tailed fox relaxed some as he gathered that Rouge knew her to some extent, continuing to lick the bat's boots to a shine as he knelt there. He blushed deeper as he heard them talk about him like he wasn't even there. He felt her fingers getting closer to his rear, trying to think nothing of it and concentrated on her own duties.

Rouge smiled some more as he well trained pet. Tails did not stop licking throughout the whole ordeal. "Well I admit... he is rather new, my foxy little pet." The bat let out what almost sounded like a school girl giggle. "Fresh from the streets as it were. One hundred percent virgin."

"I can tell..." Sushi snickered as she pinched the fox's butt suddenly. "I mean, he is still blushing from a simple boot polishing!"

Tails yipped in surprise as he was pinched suddenly, squirming slightly as he continued to lap along Rouge's boots, He was now onto the second foot as he had shifted slightly to get at a better postion. Despite it all he had kept his tails out of the way of Sushi's paws groping at his rump. The cheeks, the ones on his face, were a nice deep, deep shade of red by now.

Rouge let out a giggle as her pet seemed to blush brighter now. "Oh I know... I hardly have had a chance to break him in... Work and all...Spy on this, investigate that, steal this, so on and so forth." The bat's face seemed to brighten suddenly with an obvious idea. "Say I know it must be tough without your own little cock to call your own... why don't you use mine for a bit!" The flying thief said cheerfully to her bosom buddy.

The teen's eyes seemed to go out even further when he heard this, couching slightly. He blushed even deeper if it was possible, slowly stopping his licking of Rouge's boots. "D-Done Mistress..." he whimpered. He finally gazed slowly behind him at Sushi to see just who and what she was.

The shapely panda girl almost squealed as she was handed the leash. "Reallllly?" The panda giggled like a teenage school girl who was just asked out on a date. "You are going to let me use your slave?! Oh that is so sweet of you!" Sushi bent forward and kissed Rouge on the lips... perhaps a bit too long and hard for it to be a just-friends kiss...

Tails watched the intense kiss, submissively moving over beside Sushi slowly as she now had his leash. He squirmed as he watched the two girls kiss; obviously this was slightly arousing for the young fox, so much so that he couldn't look away until they broke the lip lock.

Sushi broke the smooch with the bat thief, giving Rouge a quick wink as she turned to the boy fox smiling. "Be a good little pet and maybe I will let you watch me and Rouge do more than a kiss..." She obviously could tell Tails enjoyed the little show. Of course, what straight male would not be turned on by two hot and willing lesbians? "Now come on foxy... let's get a private room." She giggled as he led the youngster to a door in the back.

Tails lowered his head more as he followed the panda girl fast enough so he wouldn't strain the leash any. He gazed back at Rouge once before following Sushi into the back room obediently, unsure of what the panda girl had in store for him. This was new to him, being passed around like he was a power tool from one mistress to another although trading partners in this club was all but commonplace.

The pink haired panda opened the door, and shut it quickly. She left the door unlocked... she did not mind if someone walked in, or joined for that matter. She just wanted the room for the toys and supplies. "So tell me pet..." Sushi undid the leash from Tails neck, but left the collar on. "What has Rouge been doing to you?" She murred as she stroked Tails once over the head, flattening his ears down against his head. The room seemed pretty non-descript... a four poster bed with shackles on each corner. A TV and a video camera on a tri pod for those who liked to watch and record themselves. There was also a rather large cupboard in one corner as well... Tails doubted it stored just towels.

The fox sat like a common four legged canine, obediently at the panda's feet and raised his head as she removed the leash from the dog collar around his neck. Tails was still blushing deeply as he went over the events of the past few days. The young fox had learnt so much about his friends this last week, and seen even more than he ever though he would say. "Mistress Rouge has played with me... between the legs a lot." Tails could not even say cock or dick easily. Sushi found this quite amusing. No wonder Rouge liked this one. He was so innocent. "She has had my tongue lick her over her body, and use some toys on her... and lick her boots." The young slave regaled what Sushi had seen earlier.

"Mmmm yes... Rouge does love to have her boots licked... She makes me lick the toes of her heart boots for hours as she..." The panda snickered as Tails blushed even more. "Well that is a story for another day... As for now... I want you to remove your gloves and shoes my sexy pet and get on the bed."

Tails blushed deeper, gulping softly as he gripped each glove one at a time and puling them off completely. He dropped them both on the ground together before slipping off his shoes slowly. He pulled off each of his socks and placed them in his shoes beside his gloves. He was rather neat. He crawled past her and pulled himself up onto the bed. He sat like he was on the floor and waiting for his next order obediently. It felt odd wearing absolutely nothing at all, even though the only thing he wore covered his hands and feet and not his privates.

Sushi giggled softly... she seemed rather cheerful... that was good for Tails hopefully. The fox had not been hurt in any of these little games of Rouge's... though Tails had seen some rather painfully looking going-ons here. Spankings...cloth pins...wax... oddly enough... the partner seemed to love it, even revel in it. "Now my naked little foxy... I want you to lie on your back... and spread your arms to the four corners of the bed."

Tails nodded only once. "Yes Mistress." he replied, without hesitation now as he had learned. He back on the middle of the bed and spreading his arms and legs into a sort of cross position and waited there as he awaited his next order or for Sushi to do something to him.

Sushi did not give an order right away though...She moved to the top corner of the bed, and pulled the fur lined cuff to Tails' left wrist. She clamped the shackle tightly under his palm. This made Tails a touch nervous as Sushi went around the bed... his left ankle was cuffed next... then his right... till finally his right wrist was secured. Sushi pulled the chains of the cuffs back each time so Tails had very little wiggle space... the fox had never been so helpless before. At least before he could move, he had some degree of freedom to fight or flight. Now he was completely at his current Mistress' mercy. Tails squirmed as each cuff was tightened around his wrists and ankles until he was pretty much unable to move. He whimpered softly but said nothing as he lay there waiting for Sushi to say or do something.

The brightly coloured haired panda giggled as she secured the fox to the bed. She walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a small shiny metal vibrator. It was a thin one, one of the smaller versions. "So my little foxy pet..." Sushi giggled as she took the pencil thin vibrator and lubed it with some oil from a tiny bottle. The panda made the action slow and deliberate, sliding her now slickened paw up and down the greasy vibrator in front of tails. "Has Rouge played with that cute little tailhole of yours much?"

Tails squirmed even more as he lay there and whimpered lightly in his bonds. "No Mistress. She made me play with hers. " He said as he recalled the several occasions on which that had happened. His fox cock pocking free of his sheath slowly as he remembered that wonderful ass of Rogue's.

The panda girl sauntered back over and leaned over the bed between Tails legs. "Ohhhh but I see you like the idea... Rouge does like it up her backdoor... but she likes much bigger toys. I am sure you know that." Sushi giggled as she took the thin vibrator and turned it on. A small hum filled the room as The panda pressed the slickened vibrator against the base of Tails shaft.

Tails blushed as he recalled the secret compartment in the bottom of Rouge's wardrobe that was full of all kinds of toys. They hadn't used them all yet but the fox was getting used to the bat's collection. The small fox letting out a little gulp as he felt the vibrator against the base of his shaft. "W-What are you going to do Mistress?" He asked as she shook.

The furry mistress giggled as she ran the tiny sex toy up and down the growing shaft. "Ohhhhh just giving your little shaft a treat... " The panda girl bent forward and gave the head of the head of the penis a quick playful kiss as she moved the toy lower. She held down on to base of the vibrator as she began to draw a circle with it around Tails virgin ass hole.

Tails moaned softly as she ran it up and down his hardening shaft, pushing his hips into the air and moaning out with a loud yip at the kiss as he let out a few soft pants. But his eyes widened once he felt the true destination of the vibrator. He began to squirm wildly as he tried to pull away. "N-No! Please Mistress! N-Not There!" he whined.

Sushi giggled softly. "It's lubed up and the smallest one we got... besides... Rouge likes it... I like it..." The panda girl went on as she pressed the head of her toy against the fur lined hole... the toy slowly sliding into the boy's rectum. "We just have to give you a chance to see if you like it or not."

The boy let out a low moan as he was penetrated for the first time. It felt weird and a bit painful, but... a good kind of weird as he squirmed on the bed. His cheeks flushed red with a deep blush as his cock fully hardened now. He continued to twist and turn on the bed as much as his restraints allowed him.

Sushi smiled as she pushes the toy in about six inches, not too far in him. She didn't want to hurt or scare Tails. Well... maybe just a little to get his heart racing a little bit. She let go of the toy once it was fully in to vibrate Tails prostate. "Now be honest..." Sushi wrapped her slender paw around Tails' shaft and gave it a small squeeze. "How does it feel?"

Tails groaned out and pushed his hips up to meet her paw. "Ohhh... it feels... goooood... Mistress! " he moaned, panting more as it vibrated inside of him. The little fox was loving it now as he lay there spread eagle on the bed.

The panda smiles as she let go of the fox shaft and grabbed the bottom of her tank top. She lifted the skimpy material over her head, and two rather large furry breast popped out to bounce a few times now free from their clothed prison. "Well then..." She leaned down on Tails' chest putting a massive tit on either side of the boy's face. "You don't mind if we just leave that little vibe up your tail hole for now... do you?"

Tails gulped slightly as he stared at the furry orbs in front of him. "N-No... Not at all Mistress." he replied. He groaned softly at the sensations running through his prostate as his face was pressed into the large furry breasts.

Sushi smiles as she deliberately used her ample cleavage to get what she wanted. She slides down slowly on Tails furry body. She could feel the hard prick pushing up against her own soft fur as she slid down, until the five inch little prick was between her cleavage. "Ohhh I was hoping you'd say that." Sushi giggles as she put a hand on either side of her breasts, and squeezed them tightly together.

The duo tailed furry took a sharp breath as he humped upwards and rubbed his shaft in-between her breasts as best as he could. He was truly enjoying the warm furry orbs on either side of his five incher. The fox's muzzle hung open wide as his prostate and shaft where pleasured at the same time. Some precum was now dribbling out onto her cleavage as he tried to hump her chest more. His mind was slipping into pure animal passion now.

The panda girl smiled as she squeezed the member tightly in her cleavage. She bent her head down as far as possible so she could give the pumping cock head a good lick as he fucked harder and faster up her clevage. "Ohhhh you are a horny little fox aren't you?" Sushi kissed the head of the cock once more, the taste of pre cum on her lips now as Tails fucked the makeshift cunt again and again. "No wonder Rouge likes you so much... such wonderful enthusiasm!"

Tails barely heard her as he fucked away at her large breasts. He enjoyed each and every pump as he pounded away. More pre fired out of the cock tip as he moaned louder with each kiss and lick. The fox began to repeat the words. " Yes Mistress!!! " over and over as he fucked her large breasts.

Sushi moved up and down on the fox shaft. She could feel the blunt instrument of Tails in her rack smacking her chin over and over. Her tied-up toy humped as much as his bonds allowed him to do. "Oh yes... You want to cum in my breasts... you want to blow your load all over my black and white fur..." Sushi dirty talked as she continued to lick the dripping shaft between words.

Tails was so close now. Pre was flowing freely from the tip of his shaft as he pumped happily and lustfully into her breasts. He was enjoying each and every second as the vibrator continued to vibrate against his prostate and sent more pleasure up his spine.

The panda mistress smiled one more time and gave her breasts one more good hard squeeze as she can tell the foxy little boy was on the verge. She took the head of the fox cock in her mouth and suckled as hard as possible with a loud and long "Mmmmmmm..."

The teen fox let out a loud moan as he thrust up hard and held his hips there as he came. His thick canine cream flowed freely into Sushi's mouth as he had a powerful orgasm. The fox's tail slapped quickly on the be das a result of the immense pleasure from his tailhole and shaft.

Sushi moaned softly as she felt the rush of fox jizz in her mouth... Sushi didn't swallow even though she did not mind the taste. Instead, she simply let the white seed flow from her mouth and down her white furred cleavage, using Tails' dick to rub the cum all over her chest fur. "You made such a mess you naughty little boy." Sushi giggled and pumped the cock a few more times before finally letting the shaft free from her breasts embrace.

The furry teen male panted heavily as his orgasm finished. He blushed deeper now as she let him go. He groaned loudly as it drove the vibrator deeper into the fox as he lay there squirming. His fox cock still hard and glistening in the dim light. He was still trying to regain his composure as he stared at her cum covered cleavage.

The panda murred as she knelt up on the bed to make sure Tails got a clear view of her face. She ran a white furred finger over his shaft, catching a stray string of cum. Sushi then held the finger over her mouth and let the cum drop form before it fell into her mouth. "And such a tasty mess it is!" Sushi giggled with no shame. "Think you can help make another mess or two just like this one?"

Tails remained motionless as he watched and yes, he was still horny. "Yes Mistress, your obedient little pet can help with such a thing. " He said. He was getting used to his new life style now as he laid there with the vibrator still rumbling around in his rear.

Sushi snickered again as she stood up on the bed and straddled Tails over his waist. She turned around so her taut little butt was facing Tails' muzzle. She wiggled her rump playfully as she took off her tight skirt slowly... stepping out of the material one leg at of a time. Sushi was wearing a tight pair of panties, red frilly laced with black trim. "So... what do you think pet?"

The fox was silent for a moment as he stared at the ass before him, not able to take his eyes off it even as he answered. "B-Beautiful Mistress..." he said as his shaft began to re-erect itself at the sight before him.

The panda smiled softly as she wiggled the tight furry rump back and forth slowly. Her fingers took the band at the top of her undies. She slowly lowered the material down and revealed a moist furry slit. Tails' canine snout could easily smell the arousal as the panties moved down to Sushi's knees. "Mmmmmm does fox boy want me to ride him like the toy he is?"

The furry teen quickly nodded. His snout flared hard as he took in the girl's scent, loving every second as his cock just got harder. His mind was being taken over with lust as he squirmed in his bonds like a mad fur just wanting to fuck the panda girl now.

Sushi smiled as slipped out of her panties completely and stepped out of the holes one at a time before throwing the naughty undergarments on Tails' face... tripling the scent of panda in heat. Sushi turned around slowly and squatted down on Tails' legs, taking the shaft in her paw and rubbing the head of the cock on her wet pussy lips. "Mmmmm such a nice boner you have fox pet..."

The boy sniffed deeper and twitched as his senses where filled with the intoxicating smell "Ohhh... I've been told so Mistress..." he moaned, trying to press up and into her as she held his cock with her warm paw.

Sushi moaned as she rubbed the warm shaft up and down her slit, smearing Tails' pre cum into the fine fur out lining her snatch. Sushi let out a low, almost purr. "Ohhh Rouge has such good taste... I need to take it now..." The panda girl smiled once more as she moved forward more so she was squatting over the decent sized fox pecker. She pressed the head of the shaft against her sex hole and slid down slowly and easily. "Ohhhh yeah... damn that feels gooooddddd..." Sushi rolled her head back and moaned happily.

The male let out a loud moan as his cock was suddenly engulfed by the warm tightness of Sushi's cunny. The small fox began to wriggle about in pure pleasure beneath her as she easily hilted the young fox inside of her.

Sushi moans as she mounts the young boy as her paws went running through the white furred chest. The girl moans loudly as she starts to pump up and down quite easily. Sushi was far from a virgin and Tails may have been a decent size but it was nothing she couldn't handle. His shaft easily slipped in the folds of pussy lips as the Panda began to pick up tempo.

Tails leaned his head back. His eyes rolled closed as the pleasure rocks his small body. The small fox was loving every second as the panda bounced on his shaft. His paws began tugging at the chains which kept him held tightly.

Sushi just humped up and down the fox pole hard and fast. She was moaning in lust as she grabbed two fistfuls of white chest fur. "Oh damn, you are such a good toy!" Sushi panted hard with a look of pure lust on her face. The bed creaked and groaned with every thrust down. The dripping cock was held tight by wet panda pussy that was like a vacuum. Tails shuddered as he lay there, still trying to break free of his bonds so he could grab her or hold her. But the manacles held fast forcing the fox to stay in place. Al he could do was moan out loudly as he was fucked hard by the panda girl for all he was worth.

Sushi moaned as she used Tails as little more for a toy for her perverse pleasure. She continued to slam down again and again as her pleasure began to build. "Oh so close... so close my fox toy!" She moaned as she humps harder and faster, panting now in absolute lust.

The fox was close also. His precum starting to shoot up into her tight cunt, more and more filling her as he lay there to be used. He was trying to match her humping with his thrusts as best he could.

Sushi slammed down harder and faster. The shaft disappeared into her body again, reappearing, and disappearing once more. The panda growled down lustfully at the boy. "You want to cum, don't you! You want to spurt all in my tight pussy, right?!" She dirty talked down to him as she was so very close to climaxing

Tails let out one final howl. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" he screamed and arched his back as he came hard into the panda's cunt. Wave after wave of his hot fox cum went squelching into her tight snatch as his orgasm ran its course.

The panda morph squealed as she feels the hot spunk coat her insides. The girl squatted down hard thrice more before she too was sent over the edge. She rode the cum covered fox shaft for a good minute to keep the orgasm going as long as possible... before slowing down... coming to a complete stop with the penis still locked inside her. "Ohhh... yes..." Sushi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of the warm cock meat inside her.

Tails fell back against the bed. He began panting heavily and sweating as he laid there. His eyes closed tightly as he enjoyed the warm wet cunt around his cock. He moaned lightly as he enjoyed the afterglow.

Sushi humped a few more times, lightly, just enough to take the afterglow off, before she stood up. The cock slid out of her tight body along with a few drops of jizz that landed on the boy's stomach and crotch. "Ohhh I wish I could just steal you away from Rouge and use you all day long." Sushi chuckles... the vibrator still running up the fox's prostate.

The teen shuddered as his cock was released from its warm furry prison. He squirmed some more on the bed as the vibrator continued to rumble up against his prostate. The mistress panda smiled as she took her panties from Tails' face and slipped them on. The Panda murred as she continued to dress herself slowly... still covered in cum. Sushi was in no real hurry to remove it from her fur. She enjoyed the feel of it. "I must thank Rouge for allowing me such a good time with her pet."

Tails whined slightly as he watched her get dressed. His shaft began shrinking back into its furry sheath. "Thank you mistress." He panted as lay there utterly exhausted.

Sushi finished adjusting herself as she walked to the door. She still was coated with a decent helping of the fox's sperm. Tails realized something suddenly... Was Sushi not going to untie him? He looked to her as the panda opened the door. "Well a wonderful time fox pet, you do your true mistress well."

Tails whined louder. "H-Hey!" he called as he watched her start to walk through the door frame. "A-Are you going to untie me!? " he asked. He blushed deeply as he tugged on his restraints.

Sushi placed a hand to her lips and giggled. "Why? I must rush and thank your mistress... besides... some of the other furs may want a turn." Sushi blew a kiss to Tails as he cranked his head up. "Bye bye!" She laughed loudly and left the door wide open... for anyone to come in and use the helpless, bound fox.


An almost complete rewrite. God my old stories were painful to read. Anyway I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input. Please feel free to contact me! I enjoy hearing from fans.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

Tails Trouble - Chapter 3 - Unfaithfulness

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