[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 12: Birthdays

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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Princess Luna and her family know it won't be long before the triplets are born. Also, Pinkie Pie is planning a surprise for somepony.

"C & C chapter 12: Birthdays" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: It's twelfth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" (We're close to the end of the story.) This part takes place after season 2, episode 10: "Secret of my Excess."


Fluttershy, Twilight, and Cobalt Shock were sleeping in their soft, wide bed. The parents and their young foal were warm under the quilts. Snow had begun falling outside. The night was almost totally dark. The moon--which Princess Celestia had raised that evening, as she had every evening since she'd come to Ponyville to await the birth of Luna's children--wasn't much more than a sliver.

There was a piercing cry of pain from across the hall. There were hooffalls in the corridor. Twilight Sparkle sat bolt upright. She looked into Fluttershy's sea green eyes and made a motion for her to stay with their daughter. Then Twilight smoothly got out of bed, not disturbing the sleeping infant. "I'll see if Luna is in labor," the magic-wielding mare whispered to her winged lover.

She quickly went to the room Rarity and Luna shared. Princess Celestia and Doctor Calming were there already. The doctor's horn was shining as she appraised the situation.

"As I feared, the babies are not going to be able to wait for full term," she said. "Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, I can count on your assistance? Your Highness, you will have to monitor health: of Princess Luna and of her unborn children. If you notice any signs of distress, tell me immediately. Twilight Sparkle, you will have to keep Princess Luna's breathing, pulse, blood pressure, and level of pain as stable as you can make them. Use your magic to bond with her involuntary muscle control. I will influence her endocrine and musculo-skeletal systems into beginning labor now."

The doctor's tone was brisk and businesslike, but everyone in the room realized that they had to do their parts well. Otherwise, a difficult labor would deteriorate into an emergency.

Twilight was thankful (as she had been many times in her young life!) that she'd done so much studying and so many practical exercises while she was in school. Although she felt a thrill of panic, she was able to remind herself that she knew what she was doing. Her horn produced an orange light while she focused her magical skill on the task the doctor had assigned her. If her eyes hadn't been shut, she would have seen Celestia and the doctor also concentrating.

Rarity felt helpless. Luna's forehoof squeezed hers, and she could do nothing but rub it comfortingly in return. If only she'd studied more magic! She'd never regretted that until tonight.

Luna's brow furrowed and she groaned in pain. "You'll be fine, love, you'll be fine. You're doing wonderfully, my darling," Rarity said. Instinctively, her telekinesis picked up a small towel--Doctor Calming had said that they should have some handy, so Rarity had put a stack of them on the dresser--and gently wiped the sweat from Luna's forehead. The white unicorn scolded herself for being unable to do more.

As if she read Rarity's thoughts, Luna shifted her eyes and smiled gratefully at Rarity. "I am glad of your presence," the dark princess said, her words slurred with pain. Presently, her breathing slowed and the muscles of her face and neck relaxed somewhat. Twilight's wizardry had soothed some of Luna's agony.

For the moment, no one noticed as Fluttershy flew into the room. She settled onto the sofa, cradling Cobalt Shock against her chest. Fluttershy knew that she could offer no help, but she still wanted to support Luna, and the whole family, by being there.

"The pulse of the baby trying to be born is rising fast," Princess Celestia told the doctor suddenly.

"That's normal. Don't try to slow it unless her pulse rises above 170 beats per minute," said Doctor Calming, her voice remaining cool and reserved. "Princess Luna's body is being very cooperative, speeding up her labor. The baby should be able to enter the world without having to 'fight' free of the birth canal."

But Twilight Sparkle and Rarity both noticed an increase in Luna's pain. The doctor noticed also. The delicate tissue at the top of Luna's vaginal opening had torn a bit and was bleeding. They didn't tell the dark princess that she was hurt; it wouldn't do anything but add to everyone's worries. Twilight swiftly directed more of her magical aid to dulling those nerves, so Luna's pain wouldn't multiply itself.

"I see a horn," Rarity said. Everypony but the doctor stopped talking. Soon, the filly's entire head emerged, then her neck, then her chest and upper back. Luna felt stabbing pain, even with Twilight's help. But once the filly's front legs emerged, she was born with little effort and pain after that.

As Luna relaxed with sudden relief, the baby began wailing. Rarity picked her up and made soothing sounds immediately. She wrapped the newborn in a cotton blanket and gave her to Twilight.

Luna and Twilight's firstborn was a unicorn. Her body was lavender-tinted silver, except for the lower portion of her back legs and her entire front legs; those were colored dark grey. Her mane was light pink--so light it made Fluttershy's look dark.

"We've narrowed it down to three names," said Twilight. "Which one do you think fits this perfect little wonder?"

"I think...'Mirrordream'," said Luna breathlessly. Twilight gently held the baby pony close to her chest. The infant felt the warmth of her parent's bosom and began to calm down. Luna blinked hard to get the tears and sweat out of her eyes. "She is so beautiful."

"She is," Twilight said, bringing the tiny unicorn to the head of the bed, so Luna could see her better. (Doctor Calming used her magic to afford Luna a few precious seconds to greet her first child.) "Hello, Mirrordream," Luna said softly to the baby. The newborn filly stirred, drew an enormous breath, and stopped crying. As her parents watched, she cautiously opened her eyes. They were jade green. The baby seemed to think that the lights were too harsh; she shut her eyelids again immediately.

Princesses Celestia and Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle laughed with joy. The laugh brought sudden pain to Luna, and she forced herself to concentrate on trying to deliver the two remaining sisters. Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia returned their attention to helping her. Rarity took the newborn and set her in front of herself, cradled between her front legs. The next baby would arrive very soon.

"The baby isn't ready!" Doctor Calming said suddenly. "I need one of you to turn her so that her head is facing forward. You must be as gentle and as quick as possible. Be careful of the umbilical cord."

"I will do it," said Princess Celestia, glancing at Twilight Sparkle for a reaction. The task would have to be done without the benefit of sight, which added to the difficulty. Twilight nodded. She wasn't yet confident in her ability to use her telekinesis so well.

Despite all Twilight's effort, Luna's wounded birth canal bled more as it was stretched and ripped a little farther. Luna fought to keep pushing, even as the pain almost knocked her out. For her daughters, she had to be strong.

The second sister's birth--while it was excruciating--was faster.

But she was silent.

Fighting panic, Celestia used her mental power to massage the baby's tiny chest and back, gently and vigorously. The little winged filly drew her first breath, then began to breathe on her own, steadily. "She is here," the white princess whispered proudly.

With absolute tenderness, Rarity used another soft towel to wipe the natal blood from the newborn's delicate body. The tiny alicorn mare was dark, like her parents. Her chest, flanks, front legs, head, neck, and a long stretch of her back were midnight blue. All the rest of her body was a very bright, glossy blue: the blue of a robin's egg, only lighter. The hair of her mane was inky black, yet it showed a lovely purple sheen when light struck it. The hair of her tail, however, was a very pale straw blonde. Twilight immediately thought of Applejack's hair color. "She's your heir, Luna," Twilight said. "Her name will be Luna also?"

"Aye," said Luna, perspiration dripping from her brow and stinging the corners of her eyes. Rarity's horn gleamed; she wiped Luna's brow again. "The tradition means naught to me, yet Celestia insists that the ponies of Equestria are attached to the naming custom, and I agree with her point. 'Luna' this child shall be, unless you object."

"I think it's a fine name," Twilight replied.

"Thank you for acquiescing to my wish," said Celestia. "It may seem silly, but I am grateful to you anyway. They're beautiful; Mirrordream and Luna are absolutely beautiful!"

Rarity gently held baby Luna and nestled her next to her older sister, in front of her on the warm blankets. "The third sister is about to be born!" Rarity said. "See? There's her cute little nose already, and her tiny front hooves."

This was the easiest birth. Luna felt only a little pain. Now the trouble was that she was physically worn out, but she forced fatigue from her mind and delivered the third baby mare.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight marveled as the final sister struggled to enter the world. The delicate little foal made steady progress, emerging from Luna's tired, throbbing womb. As more of the baby's body came into view--

"--Wings!" Twilight gasped. "She's an alicorn too? How can that be?"

Luna smiled faintly and concentrated on her breathing. To Celestia, Rarity, and Fluttershy, it appeared as though Luna had expected this.

The last triplet's chest, face, horn, and front legs were pale pink, almost white. Her belly, rump, and rear legs were dull purple, almost black. The rest of her body was grey. Her mane and tail were silver--no, the hair was too dazzling to be called that. They were mercury, amazingly shiny and reflective. "Quicksilver Glare," murmured Luna, though she didn't consciously think the words or mean to speak them.

"Perfect!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Yes, that's her name!"

"You are bleeding a bit, Luna," said the doctor. "Lie still for now and let us close your wound. I'm ordering a full day of bed rest. You may only fly or walk for short distances for three of four days after that, and don't carry anything heavier than your children. It won't do to strain your muscles; they've been pushed to their limits."


Things had been kind of slowed down in Ponyville since the births of the triplets. Two days ago, the town (and all of Equestria, not that the locals cared about that) had been abuzz with the news that there were two new princess-goddesses. But since that day, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Fluttershy had sequestered themselves. Princess Celestia, speaking for them, had explained that Princess Luna's labor had been dangerous, and the whole family wanted to present the children only when everyone had recovered. They allowed a few visitors, but mainly asked for patience and privacy.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had seen Cobalt Shock shortly after she was born, but even they hadn't been allowed to see the triplets. And while most of Ponyville was content to wait, Rainbow Dash zoomed to and fro in idle agitation. It seemed like time crawled and the town was dull and there was nothing to do....

But after she'd moved around the rain clouds and helped supply a strong breeze, one of Rainbow Dash's weather-making colleagues had mentioned seeing Pinkie Pie's balloon in the sky about an hour earlier.

The athletic blue mare thanked her. Flying in lazy loops and sweeping curves, she checked the community storage barns.

The balloon was gone, sure enough. Rainbow Dash couldn't guess why. Pinkie Pie had often showed up at her mountainside home-away-from-home-away-from-home. She'd always used those energetic legs of hers to get there; hopping right up a steep mountain was no trouble for her. Maybe work had really tired her out today?

Curious, Rainbow Dash flew toward the cloud ceiling and right through it, looking toward her mountain apartment.

There was the balloon, tethered right outside the entrance. "Pinkie must be there," Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. But something was still strange.

Usually, when Pinkie did something unexpected, the result was very fun for them both. A shiver ran from the blue pegasus's shoulder blades to her wing tips. She picked up her pace.

There was a "curtain" of very dense fog at the entrance to the cozy cave-house, as always. But there was a pony peeking from the inside: a pony who had a golden face and orange hair. She made eye contact with Rainbow Dash and zipped back behind the curtain. Pinkie Pie's face appeared at the door just a moment later.

"Rainbow Dash, Happy Birthday!" sang the enthusiastic earth mare. "I know you didn't want to have a party this year, what with the new princesses being born two days ago, but I made a tiny little celebration for my best friend and hottest lover-filly anyway! So come on, I have a present for you! Actually, we have a present for you!"

The blue dynamo did as Pinkie directed. And when she did, she landed and stayed rooted to the spot. Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, stood right in front of her.

Clearly, she wasn't there to display her aerial moves or routines: she wasn't in uniform. The look in her eyes was one Rainbow Dash had seen in Pinkie's plenty of times.

"Rainbow Dash, happy birthday again," Spitfire said, taking a step toward the powerful little pegasus. "We've met several times; we've talked and hung out...but I wanted to do more. Your best friend has given me an invitation to greet you here...and to share my feelings with you."

Rainbow Dash blinked her wide eyes and tried to stay calm. The golden pegasus mare pushed herself into the air with a graceful flap of her compact, powerful wings. Her full, moist lips found Rainbow Dash's.

Rainbow Dash's magenta eyes searched for permission in Pinkie's blue eyes. The bubbly earth mare chuckled and said, "You and Spitfire have some one-on-one time! Don't worry about me, I'll be staying occupied!"

"You're so wild and confident...I find that awesomely sexy," the orange-maned stunt flyer purred, leaving Rainbow Dash's lips for a moment then returning, again and again, making hotter, wetter, firmer contact each time. "I'm glad you're not a Wonderbolt. As the captain, I don't let myself get 'involved' with them. We wouldn't have been able to do this."

Amazed as she was that this was happening, Rainbow Dash was touched by Pinkie Pie's surprise. She was also getting wetter by the moment. She abandoned herself to the kisses of this swift, strong, golden pegasus. Kissing back was wonderful; Spitfire's mouth was delicious without being overpowering, juicy without being sloppy.

She couldn't help being a little jealous when she watched Rainbow Dash and her idol getting deeper and deeper into each other--but Pinkie Pie's arousal was far greater than her jealousy. And arousal tended to spark the unpredictable earth mare's creativity. A new idea hit her and she quickly made preparations.

After Spitfire and Rainbow Dash had driven each other to orgasm, they were hot and sticky, of course.

But that was when Pinkie Pie introduced a new dimension to their intimate party: whipped cream, thickened cherry juice, and chocolate syrup. After embracing Spitfire from behind and gently lying her on her on her back, Pinkie poured the sweet fluids on strategic bits of Spitfire's anatomy.

"Enjoy your 'cake'!" she chirped to her rainbow-maned lover.

The energetic blue pegasus took a long, luxuriant lick. Then she and Spitfire dragged Pinkie Pie into the delicious, aromatic, delightful mess with them. Before long, the trio redefined the phrase "hot and sticky!"

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