[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 11: 1stborn, 1st contact

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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eleventh chapter of my mlp:fim story. fluttershy and twilight's baby arrives! also, as luna is nearly due, rarity hasn't been getting as much nookie....

"C & C chapter 11: 1stborn, 1st contact" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: It's eleventh chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" (We're getting close to the end of the story.) This part takes place after season 2, episode 10: "Secret of my Excess."


The royal obstetrician's horn gleamed a faint whitish green as she concentrated on Luna's womb. "Your babies are also in perfect health," she said, opening her eyes.

"Babies?" Rarity and Fluttershy exclaimed together.

"Yes, three," Luna told them while they looked at her, open-mouthed. To the doctor, she said, "I am overjoyed to hear your pronouncement."

"Don't make too much of it," the unicorn doctor said, straightening her glasses absently. "Single births are common. Twins are rare. Triplets are practically unheard of. There may well be complications with the delivery, even if the babies develop just as they should. Furthermore, I'd be willing to bet that they will arrive early by at least a week. You must not hesitate to call for me, day or night, if anything feels wrong." Twilight Sparkle rubbed Luna's shoulder reassuringly. Rarity had her foreleg hooked around Luna's, and she unconsciously tightened her hold.

The doctor turned to Fluttershy. "For you, I feel less apprehension. However, pregnancies can always turn complicated. Call me if you feel ill for more than a day at a time, if you develop sudden pain in your womb or abdomen, or if you have digestive troubles."

Twilight stroked Fluttershy's back fondly. "We will, Doctor," Fluttershy said.

After the doctor had left, Rarity spun on her hoof and faced Luna and Twilight. "How did you know there were three babies?"

"I didn't, just that there was more than one," Twilight said. "Three is a surprise! But I kept wondering why Luna's horn and her great size didn't diminish immediately after her egg was fertilized. There could only be one reason; the zygote had divided and formed more than one fetus."

"That was how I knew as well," said Luna gently, her eyes sparkling with quiet mirth, "and the last magic I performed with my horn before it vanished entirely was to scan my my womb for the health--and the number--of my daughters."

Fluttershy said, "It's really amazing! I've never met a pony who had triplets before."

For some time, the family of four discussed the upcoming births. Eventually, they said everything they could think of for the time being and got back to their different chores and tasks, starting another day in Ponyville.


The weeks and months passed quickly. Quickly for Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, anyway--as their pregnancies developed, Luna and Fluttershy sometimes felt that time was crawling. The season of harvest came and went, and the air grew colder. Fluttershy and Luna didn't fly very often, as their babies grew larger within their bodies.

"It's vexing," Rarity said to Twilight late one night, after Luna and Fluttershy (both exhausted) had gone to bed. "I have gotten a little accustomed to intimate relations with Luna. But lately, Luna's been feeling kind of tired and uninterested. I want to be supportive, of course, and I tell her she's more beautiful than ever--but I don't want to push her for um, intimate times. A-and here I am, still wanting some companionship."

Twilight nodded, thinking that she might know what Rarity was getting at.

"So I wondered..." Rarity's cheeks began to grow pink. "I mean, I remember how your...endowment looks. I've never had it, but Luna and Fluttershy have--and they rave about it, you know."

It was Twilight's turn to blush, but not just from embarrassment. She was proud to know that her two mates had been bragging to Rarity. "I see," she said, quite amused by the way Rarity was handling this conversation.

"Well, darling, I'm not ready to be a mother myself, so I thought I would ask when it was smart. Today is a safe day for me...so I thought maybe I could--I mean, m-maybe you and I could--have a bit of time to ourselves?" Her voice was soft and high by the time she ended her rambling question.

"Yes, I would like that, dear Rarity," Twilight said. Although her blood was pumping furiously with excitement and she felt a little bashful, she leaned forward and kissed the white unicorn's soft lips.

"Very nice," whispered Rarity when they broke the kiss. She initiated another. Her horn began to glow. She used her telekinesis to reach between Twilight's powerful rear legs and gently "touch" the hardening penis that hung there. Twilight inhaled with an audible hiss.

"I guess there won't be much foreplay," Twilight joked, being slightly unkind.

"No, there won't!" Rarity laughed, her voice squashing Twilight's awkward humor. "Foreplay's good for somepony who hasn't been waiting for almost three weeks!" She kissed Twilight Sparkle, forcefully. The purple unicorn's eyes widened in shock, but soon relaxed again. For all her urgency, Rarity still wanted this tryst to be satisfying, for both of them. Her wide, silky tongue stroked Twilight's tongue and the inside of her lips in a way that left Twilight breathless.

Twilight Sparkle, in turn, kissed back with more passion. She had been honing her control of her telekinesis for months. Now she tentatively used her mental force to rub Rarity's chest. Gradually, she moved lower, to her abdomen, then her teats, then to her sensitive sexual organs. Rarity had long since begun probing Twilight's damp vagina as well as teasing her penis.

The two unicorn mares began to pant and moan while they kissed.

The fancy white unicorn stepped back with a sigh. Locking eyes with Twilight, she slowly sat on some of the large cushions in the living room. She lay back, giving Twilight a perfect view of the tight, juicy marehood between her legs. "Now I want to get to know Joan better. Put that gorgeous feminine penis in me," Rarity said, her voice low and seductive.

Twilight licked her lips. Her erect cock bobbed up and down with her racing heartbeat. She advanced on the petite unicorn mare in front of her. She felt Rarity's "grip" on her, guiding her to the entrance of her vagina. Rarity shut her eyelids. She was no virgin, but her hymen had never been penetrated. She knew there would be some pain.

"Don't worry, Rarity," Twilight whispered. Her horn gleamed pure silver. She stroked Rarity's clitoris, making gentle circles. Centimeter by centimeter, she sunk her penis into her fellow unicorn's slippery cunt. Rarity's concentration faltered. She could hurt Twilight if she didn't keep control of her telekinesis--by pinching something delicate, for example. She moved her focus, instead combing her mental power through Twilight's mane.

A groan came from Rarity's throat. Pain, yes--but also satisfaction and discovery. She felt the thick, hot flesh of Twilight's penis pushing deliberately deeper, triggering instinctive excitement and pleasure. Her pelvis trembled; her insides welcomed this intruder even as they stretched uncomfortably.

"That's so good," Twilight said, her voice strained. "Rarity, you feel so good."

"Twilight," Rarity squeaked in answer. "Please, move faster. I need more; I need you to thrust. Pound me!"

The violet mare stopped hesitating. She took a breath and shoved the rest of her length into Rarity's wet snatch.

For an instant, the mating mares rested, motionless. Then, feeling their instincts, they began moving again. Rarity's hips pushed toward Twilight, then fell back, repeating their little circuit over and over, meeting every thrust of Twilight's long, thick cock.

"Rarity! Yes, yes, yes...." Twilight panted as she picked up her pace. Her balls swung as she moved in and out, rhythmically tapping her excited clitoris, driving her nearer to a climax from her mare parts, even as the pressure built, driving her stallion parts also toward climax.

Rarity made plenty of noises in response, not that any could be called words. No wonder Luna and Fluttershy liked this! So hot--so full! Even the discomfort (Twilight occasionally went too deep and bumped against her cervix) was transformed to good feelings while her clit and the nerve endings in her vagina picked up more and more stimulation. She gasped unintelligibly. A splendid climax burst through her. Her muscles contracted spasmodically for a moment while pleasure surged in her brain.

Rarity's inner muscles weren't as strong as Fluttershy's, but they still felt great as they milked Twilight's massive penis. The dark unicorn pushed more rapidly, sweat rolling off her back as she tried to prolong Rarity's bliss and reach her own orgasm.

"Yes!" she panted. Her vagina tightened reflexively, stimulated to orgasm by the drumming on her clitoris. Her cock twitched and let go. Squirts of thick white spunk poured into Rarity's vagina. The heat was incredible! Rarity felt a second, slightly smaller orgasm blossom between her thighs. Her muscles strained and burned while she glided on her ecstatic peak.

Before the pleasure had totally subsided, Rarity moved slightly back. Twilight Sparkle's penis, smeared with bubbly, thick whitish fluids, slid out of Rarity's pussy and flopped onto the linen cushion-covers. They would have to be washed, of course. Rarity rolled onto her side, then scooted forward, alongside Twilight, very close to her crotch, and looked at the softening cylinder of hot pony flesh.

"Joan's gotten all messy." Rarity's mildly reproachful tone of voice hid her intentions.

"Yeah, but that's what showers are for," said Twilight, relaxing onto her flank, letting her heart rate slow down.

"As a designer, I see a more creative solution," the petite white mare said.

She kissed the head of the long, slimy penis, discreetly slurping some of the long strands of sticky sperm. She daintily parted her lips and advanced, slowly and demurely wrapping Twilight's sloppy cock in her velvety mouth.

Twilight's eyesight darkened as another bolt of pleasure shot through her mind. She willed herself to slow her breathing so she wouldn't hyperventilate. Between her legs, she felt her overused penis growing hard again. A little sore but mostly ecstatic, Joan seemed to have a mind of her own. The magic-loving unicorn groaned while Rarity's lips and tongue aroused her pulsing rod again.

When her vision cleared, Twilight saw Rarity's plump, pink, cum-oozing snatch, just a hoofwidth or two from her nose. The sight and the smell were irresistible. So what if it some of her own sperm was mixed with Rarity's juices? Twilight wanted to "clean" Rarity's organs in return; it was only equitable! The violet pony laid a long, slow lick across Rarity's sopping marehood. Rarity moaned in response--not that she could make any other noises at the moment--and Twilight began lapping at the salty, tangy, intoxicating slit.

For a while, the new lovers took and gave their oral satisfaction from and to each other. Finally, Twilight fell back, spent. Rarity drew back as well, sated and nearly exhausted.

Murmuring endearments to each other, the two unicorn mares gradually untangled themselves. They didn't speak; it wasn't necessary. They smiled at each other and kissed again; took a lukewarm shower; floated the soiled cushions toward the laundry; and joined their lovers in bed.


The doctor visited again in the first month of winter. She estimated that Fluttershy was two weeks from delivering. Luna, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity all grew more nervous with each passing day.

Eleven days later, when Fluttershy was putting the leftovers in the icebox after their evening meal, she felt a serious contraction. Suddenly, there was the feeling of warm liquid running down the inside of her rear legs. "Twilight, she's coming," Fluttershy said breathlessly.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity quickly summoned the mattress from Twilight and Fluttershy's bed. They set it beneath the gentle yellow pegasus. Luna was already standing behind Fluttershy, and she was joined quickly by the unicorns. "How do you feel?" Twilight asked anxiously, trying to sound calm.

"I'm fine," said Fluttershy, dropping to her front knees. "Just a little...stretched...."

A tiny nose appeared, followed by one tiny hoof, then another. The little filly seemed to hear the encouragement of her "father" and her "aunts," because she quickly emerged from Fluttershy's aching birth canal. In a shiny, wet heap, she slid into the world. Rarity forced herself to keep her mental power away from the infant; Twilight should have the privilege of holding the infant first. Twilight was more than equal to the situation: her magic provided a thick pile of griffin down. The baby very slowly sank into the pure white feathers. The afterbirth fell from Fluttershy's womb a few seconds afterward.

"Our daughter is here!" Twilight whispered. Horn sparking, she picked up the child and brought her to Fluttershy, who had lain on her right side on the mattress. She waited with her front legs extended, ready to receive the baby.

The little filly spread her delicate wings. That action must have chilled her, because she began crying immediately. Fluttershy held the baby close to her warm chest. The baby seemed to consider the difference. The wailing grew quieter. The foal hesitantly opened her eyes.

Too bright for her! The crying grew stronger again. Fluttershy and Twilight smiled, however, as they cooed over the infant. "Sh, your mommies will keep you safe and warm," Twilight said softly.

"She is a pegasus. Shall we use the name we picked? Now that I see her, I don't think she really looks like a 'Cloudfeather'," Fluttershy said.

The newborn was mostly rich blue with a silver sheen. Her stubby wings grew darker and darker toward the tips. Her long legs, however, grew lighter and lighter toward the hooves. Her mane and tail were mostly pure white, with vivid streaks of burnished copper. Her eyes had only been open for a second, but they had looked very deep, dark blue.

"I think you're right," Twilight answered. "She looks...bolder than that. But what should her name be?"

"Zephyrworthy? Sunset Flash?" the tired pegasus said, rocking her squirming filly in her embrace.

"Falconwing?" suggested Luna.

"Daybolt or Cloud Ceiling, maybe," said Rarity.

"Cerulean Dart...no--you know, I like 'Zephyrworthy' but that also feels a little off," murmurmed Twilight Sparkle while she gazed at the baby filly.

"And I like 'Cerulean Dart,' but that's not exactly it," Fluttershy said.

"Cobalt Flash," the purple unicorn said, looking at Fluttershy for a reaction.

"Cobalt Shock," suggested Fluttershy, liking the sound of the words as they left her lips.

"Yes! That's the right name for this beautiful little filly," Twilight Sparkle said. To the infant, she said, "What do you think, little one? 'Cobalt Shock' or 'Cloudfeather'?"

Predictably, the tiny filly paid no attention her. Instead, she tried to burrow deeper into Fluttershy's embrace, hiding from the light that streamed through the North-facing windows.

"She's so cute!" Rarity said, unable to keep quiet a moment longer. "Her colors are to die for; I'm going to have so much fun making clothes and accessories for her...."

"Aye, she is a beautiful infant," said Luna, "and although she is not used to her wings, they are well-formed and strong. Even now, she twitches them with energy."

"Now Fluttershy, how are you feeling?" asked Rarity, amazed at how easy the birth had seemed.

"A little tired and sore, that's all," she said, letting Twilight wipe her perspiring forehead. "Just as the doctor expected."

"What a relief!" Twilight said. Luna nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad too," said Fluttershy, earning smiles from the three mares who watched her. "I've seen my animals in childbirth. Some of the bipeds feel great pain, and occasionally the mothers would even have died if I hadn't been there to take them to the vet. Four legs are definitely better than two when it comes to having children!"


Two weeks after the birth of Cobalt Shock, Princess Celestia made a secret journey to Ponyville. She brought her personal doctor with her. The doctor announced that Luna was less than a month from delivering her babies. The dark pegasus's womb was very distended. Inside, the children were in good health.

"Yet they are restless!" Luna told the doctor. Celestia and Fluttershy (Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were gone to run errands in town) grinned to each other. Luna sounded and looked tired, but she also looked happy, despite her fatigue.


Shopping together had been Rarity's idea. Once she and Twilight Sparkle had reached the market, Rarity whisked her companion into a dim, empty alcove of Sugar Cube Corner.

When they each had a mug of warm herbal tea in front of them and the waiter had left, Rarity looked pointedly at Twilight.

There was fear in the white unicorn's eyes. Not the usual overblown panic of a misplaced bolt of cloth or a missing scissors--this was genuine distress. Rarity put her front foreleg over Twilight's.

"I'm pregnant!" the fashion-loving pony said, her voice trembling.

Twilight's jaw fell almost to the table top. "B-but you said--"

"--Yes, and it was true! I was supposed to be totally safe! What in the name of pony-dom is in those testicles of yours?"

Red-faced, Twilight said, "Please, keep your voice down!...Are you sure?"

"Quite sure," whispered Rarity, trying to regain her calm. "I was sick a week or two before Cobalt Shock was born, remember? I didn't think anything of it. But a couple of days ago, I noticed my weight was going up. I used one of Fluttershy's tests. It came up hot, but I still doubted. So I used my magic to search for the forming consciousness of the baby, if there was one; and there was. Unmistakable!"

Her mouth felt so dry, Twilight Sparkle drank the rest of her tea in one long gulp. "Well, what should we do?" she finally asked, not knowing quite what to say.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Darling, you aren't at your brightest today, I see. Not 'what' but 'when!' We have to tell Luna and Fluttershy. But if we wait, they might feel hurt that we kept it from them. If we tell them now, Luna might be so upset that she'd experience unhealthy stress. It's a small chance, but she might even go into to labor too soon."

The violet unicorn had recovered her wits. "You're right about the effect it might have on Luna. We have to tell them after Luna's delivery. I don't think Fluttershy and Luna will take it too hard if we don't tell them immediately. We've got to think of Luna's health first."

"Okay," Rarity said. "But if her babies aren't born soon, I might start showing."

"If your bump grows noticeable before the triplets' birthday, we'll tell them," said Twilight. "It's unlikely; Luna's due practically any day.

"And I'm happy, Rarity! I know we didn't plan this, but it's wonderful that we're going to have a child!" Twilight hugged Rarity securely, and kissed her tenderly on the neck.

In spite of herself, Rarity was touched by Twilight Sparkle's response. "Thank you, Twilight; I am too," she stammered, tears welling in her eyes. She enjoyed her newest lover's warm, reassuring embrace.


Princess Celestia knew her sister would soon deliver, so she and her doctor stayed. The large tree cottage was now a bit crowded, but living conditions were still workable. The only real trouble was that lines sometimes formed outside the bathroom.

Twilight had used her magic for duplication on a small scale, but never something as large as a room. After three days of study, she began a complicated enchantment. With a little assistance from the solar princess-goddess, (and observed by Fluttershy and the cute, quiet, interested-looking Cobalt Shock) she succeeded in making a fully functional copy bathroom, placed right next to the first.

Everypony was grateful.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 12: Birthdays

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