[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 10: Shower within, shower without

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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Pinkie Pie has worked her tail off to make this the perfect baby shower. Everypony should enjoy it--and two ponies in particular will!

"C & C chapter 10: Shower within, shower without" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: The tenth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part takes place after season 2, episode 10: "Secret of my Excess."


Sweet, wet lips covered Rainbow Dash's mouth. The feisty blue pegasus felt them after a few seconds and she woke, aware of the kiss. Slyly, she kept her eyelids shut, letting her bed mate prolong and deepen the sensual contact.

After many glorious seconds of unbroken passion, the juicy mouth left Rainbow Dash's. Rainbow Dash worried for an instant that perhaps she'd kept up her "deep sleeper" act too long. But then she felt the mattress rise in certain places and sink in others, and she decided to continue her act a bit longer.

There was a low, suggestive chuckle. Rainbow Dash smelled the musk of a mare. An instant later, she felt the caress of a long, dripping tongue, teasing the lips of her vaginal area. That magnificent tongue worked down, then up, then down again, slowly and firmly. Rainbow Dash did her best to stifle her whinny of excitement, but it still escaped from her throat as a loud whimper.

Rainbow Dash trembled with excitement when she felt a pair of sopping wet vaginal lips come to rest on her mouth. Here was a conundrum! Keep playing possum (and let Pinkie Pie provide pleasure the way she wanted to a bit longer) or start eating the tantalizing, tasty pussy that rested on her face. (--And see if she could make Pinkie scream!)

Rainbow Dash coyly moved her lips and darted her tongue from her mouth, stimulating Pinkie's sex organs just a little. But as she pushed her tongue against her partner's outer labia once more--

"--Ooh!" Something smooth, firm, cool, and rounded pushed against the blue pegasus's entrance. It wiggled up and down and slid inside her. Rainbow Dash's eyelids snapped open. Of course, she didn't see much besides Pinkie Pie's plump ass and juicy pussy. "What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I knew you were up! Good morning, faker," the excitable earth mare said playfully. "To answer your question, this is breakfast!"

The blue pegasus was about to ask for something specific, but just then the still-unknown object rubbed exquisitely against a sensitive part of her interior. All Rainbow Dash produced was a muffled sigh. She put her muscular front legs around Pinkie's thighs and tried to pour more love into her cunnilingus.

No good! Rainbow Dash's willpower melted. Pinkie Pie was going to deliver one amazing orgasm, and it was almost there! The earth mare had begun suckling at the pegasus's clit, gently but insistently. Her hot lips and cool breath caressed the little button to exquisite effect....

"Pinks! Yes--oh yes!" Rainbow Dash's hips rocked, her abdominals burned, her powerful wings twitched nearly hard enough to lift them both off the bed. Feminine fluids seeped from her ecstatic vagina.

At last, Pinkie slowly pulled out the object. Rainbow Dash's lungs convulsed for a second: even the exiting feeling was exquisite!

"Okie dokie lokie, it's t--ooh!" Pinkie Pie had begun to climb off her smaller lover, but was shocked at the strength of the grip that held her hips in place. Then she felt Rainbow Dash's tongue and lips again. Kissing, sucking, licking, prodding, massaging: the little blue pegasus's oral skills had increased every time they'd had sex. Rainbow Dash focused her formidable love-making attentions between Pinkie's smooth, hot thighs.

With her soft left foreleg, Rainbow Dash stroked Pinkie Pie's excited nipples. Pinkie's abdomen trembled and her teats darkened in response. Rainbow Dash's tongue, meanwhile, began darting more and more quickly into and out of Pinkie's quivering pussy. Her lips kept lightly vibrating as she altered her breathing to make the effect: and quite an effect it had! Jolts surged through the party mare's clitoris, and her pelvis began to jerk erratically. "Dashie, oh, oh!...Dashie!..." Pinkie squeaked. In mere moments, she came. Her strong thighs locked around Rainbow Dash's neck, the muscles inside her vagina played tug-of-war with Rainbow Dash's tongue.

"Wow, Pinks," groaned Rainbow Dash after she and her marefriend uncoiled from each other and lay back, sweaty and satisfied. "That was amazing."

The blue pegasus heard a giggle, followed by a crunch.

"Yeah, you mentioned breakfast," Rainbow Dash said, sitting up.

There was Pinkie Pie, shooting her a grin of pure wickedness, eating a zucchini that looked incredibly shiny. "...The glaze really adds a certain spice," the pink earth pony purred.

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and not think about how sexy Pinkie had looked when she slowly licked the vegetable from one end to the other. "Let me try one," she said, flapping toward the ice chest and opening the produce drawer.

"I'd like to, but you can't this morning!" Pinkie Pie said. "I've got to go to the pavilion and make sure the shower starts on the right hoof! Shoot, I'm almost late already--better get into the monkey suit!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled and helped her lover with the zipper on the fuzzy burgundy-colored monkey costume. Somehow, the costume kind of made sense on Pinkie. The sports-loving pegasus didn't look forward to parties as a rule, but she was now.

For herself, Rainbow Dash picked a blue-and-green butterfly costume. (She'd chosen it partly because it reminded her of how pretty Rarity had looked with her magical wings, not that Rainbow Dash was going to admit that to anyone.)


"...one or two of us should be there right away," Rarity explained to Fluttershy and Luna. "This shower is for us. We don't want to seem ungrateful by having no one there early."

"I'll go early," Twilight Sparkle volunteered, doing her best to sound eager. "I have a couple of last-second matters I'd like to set up with Pinkie Pie anyway."

"I shall go early as well," Luna said. Her voice matched her facial expression; they betrayed anxious but hopeful anticipation. She kept switching her position in the air, the way an earth pony or unicorn would shift her weight nervously from left hooves to right hooves, back and forth.

"Fluttershy, dear, I'll go with you, whenever you decide to go," Rarity said kindly.

The pink-maned pegasus beamed gratefully at her oldest friend. She said, "Since I haven't been feeling all that well, I want to wait until an hour or so before noon. Rarity, I really appreciate your offer, but I know you love parties. If you want to go earlier, go ahead. I'll be all right arriving by myself."

"How about this?" Twilight said. "I'll come back here, pick you up, and escort you to the shower."

Fluttershy approved of the idea. The mares kissed each other and separated. Luna, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle set off for the meadow with the party pavilion.

Few Ponyville ponies were there so early, but there were some ponies from Canterlot already on the grounds. Most of them were hired help. Some were celebrity reporters or event reviewers as well.

And one of them was Princess Celestia--wearing a very cute tan and grey duck costume. She was talking with Pinkie Pie and using her telekinesis to place and adjust four enormous vases filled with hibiscus; honeysuckle; red and black roses; forget-me-not; strong pink azaleas; impervious white angraecum; and--of course!--baby's breath.

"The flowers are beautiful. Thank you!" Princess Luna said, rushing toward her sister. Celestia looked up in time and met her, and the two ruling mares hugged each other tightly.

"They really are lovely," Twilight Sparkle said, cantering to reach the scene. "And I see that the corners of the ceiling are enchanted to look like the starlit sky--very creative!"

"She volunteered to do that," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yes, Pinkie Pie told me that you intended to decorate a little more yourself, but as you weren't here yet, I wanted to lend a horn. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all; you did a wonderful job," Twilight replied.

"Yes, thanks to you and Pinkie Pie," Rarity said, joining the small gathering. "It's an honor to have you, Princess."

All around the princesses, the throng of comically costumed mares was growing. Guests from Canterlot and Ponyville were starting to appear in force, as well as a few from Cloudsdale, Manehattan, Bridleborough, and Fillydelphia. Pinkie had gotten help from Twilight and set up a magical public address system; she and her helpers took charge.

"Thank you for coming to my friends' shower, ponies of Equestria!" said the monkey-costumed party pony. "And thanks for being such good sports; you all look so cute!" (Quite a few ponies from Canterlot and Manehattan were slightly offended at that statement, but seeing their liege lady also in an animal suit, they applauded lightly.) "We're going to have a great time today!"


Twilight was glad for the respite when she slipped out of the lullaby-and-poem writing section of the party pavilion. So far, Pinkie Pie's plan was working; everypony looked like she was having fun. Luna was the one Twilight cared about the most, of course. Every time Twilight had seen Luna, the gorgeous dark pegasus had been flitting among the party-goers, a huge grin on her face.

Probably, Fluttershy would also have a good time at this shower. But partying didn't come naturally to the pale yellow pegasus. Nor was it natural for Twilight Sparkle, so she took her time going back to the tree cottage.

Fluttershy was waiting for her. She looked a little uncomfortable but totally adorable in her mint green bunny costume.

"Are you okay with this, my love?" Twilight asked, searching Fluttershy's soft green eyes.

Fluttershy chuckled. "You make a cute rabbit!" she said. (That offended Angel Bunny: he stomped his enormous foot and hopped away toward the back of the cottage.) "Yes, I feel quite up to this."

"Not as cute as you," said Twilight with a smirk, "but just wait until you see the crowd at the shower!"

Side by side, the two lovers--dressed as matching green and crimson rabbits--began a leisurely walk to the shower.


"It's been proceeding wonderfully!" said Rarity. She'd found a moment when she had Luna to herself and drawn her off, behind a pine tree-covered knoll just outside one of the side entrances of the pavilion. The breeze was broken by a stand of close-knit fir trees from the north, making the spot pretty well screened from passersby. "I've gotten so many warm wishes! I've gotten several design ideas too, although those weren't intentional. How do you like the shower?"

"I have enjoyed it perhaps more than any pony," Luna said. "Well-wishers have made my acquaintance and old acquaintances have renewed their relations with me. I have written a lullaby and several musicians from Manehattan have arranged a tune to accompany it. I have enjoyed the snack items also, of course!

"Yet I have been unable to concentrate fully on the shower. There has been stirring within me."

Rarity's sapphire blue eyes boggled. "You've--stirring, as in--may I--?"

Luna's lips formed a loving smile. "I wish you would, my lovely one," she said softly. "Please help me with this costume."

Her horn glowing, Rarity unzipped Luna's panda outfit. Luna took Rarity's soft foreleg and laid it on her slightly swollen abdomen.

"Amazing," Rarity breathed, gently massaging as the little one in Luna's womb moved her developing limbs.

"Verily," said Luna. "So soon after I experienced the wonder of pregnancy from the outside, now I am from the inside. The feeling of growing life within my body is miraculous--nearly overwhelming."

Rarity and Luna gazed into each other's eyes, drawing closer together until they shared an affectionate kiss. "Soon they shall miss us," Luna said as she and Rarity separated. "We must rejoin the party."

"You're right," the stylish unicorn said. "Let me assist with the costume again."

Gracefully, the stunning pegasus princess turned her back, swaying her hips, shaking the shimmering hair of her tail. She waited for the feeling of magic tugging her panda costume up her legs--

--Instead, she felt Rarity's breath in her ear. "I want to bend you over and make love to you right here!" Rarity whispered in an uneven voice. "You're stunning, when you're pregnant and when you're not. Even in a silly costume, you're irresistible to me. I've got to have you, Luna."

Shocked, Luna could only stand mute, trying to control the throb between her legs. Rarity's words had been pure lust, and they had turned her on. She couldn't be serious, of course.

A second later, the night princess hissed in delight. Rarity's wide, wet tongue slid heavily along Luna's vaginal entrance. It felt so good! But Luna couldn't let this happen at her baby shower!

"Rarity!" whispered Luna as loudly as she dared. "They shall find us. They shall hear! Or see!" But Luna found herself unable to move away from Rarity, and unable to ask her to stop. She couldn't control her own muscles, even; her hips thrust eagerly toward Rarity's heavenly mouth.


Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle had arrived at the shower several minutes ago. Shortly afterward, Twilight had noticed that neither Luna nor Rarity was anywhere to be seen. Besides that, she heard some of the guests murmuring among themselves. Princess Luna had vanished somewhere.


Pinkie Pie was helping judge the baby-warm-weather-outfit contest. There were quite a few adorable onesies, but she found herself liking the gingham overalls and the red polka-dotted frock more than the other outfits--

Suddenly, out of nowhere: ear flap, knee twitch, forehoof shiver!

"For real?" she asked aloud.

"What?" her fellow judge Cheerilee asked.

"Nothing-I'll-be-right-back!" Before anyone could blink, Pinkie Pie zipped away from the assembled group and out the nearest door.

The energetic pink mare produced a shrill whistle.

Rainbow Dash recognized Pinkie's whistle and responded, unhurriedly flying out of the pavilion, toward the sound. When she saw that Pinkie Pie was jumping around in panic, she picked up her pace.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie said, noticing her pegasus marefriend. "We need a storm. Now!"

Pinkie Pie was nearly frantic. Rainbow Dash didn't ask questions: instead, she lived up to her name. She gathered a mass of dark clouds in four seconds--then she used her amazing speed to swirl them into a thunderhead.


Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy stuck close together, since Fluttershy was still a bit uncomfortable handling crowds by herself. From above, Princess Celestia saw the pair talking with about twenty mares--most of them from Ponyville and Cloudsdale--as they all worked on various recipes in the pavilion's "kitchen alley."

But where were Luna and Rarity?

Just then, Princess Celestia noticed Pinkie Pie disappearing from the enormous tent-structure. Not alarmed but very curious, Celestia waited a few seconds, then she quietly followed Pinkie Pie.


The sky darkened and rain began to fall. "Hngh! Yes! Please me, Rarity! Fill me! Uh! Yes!" Abruptly, a loud neigh burst from Luna's vocal cords. She bit on her foreleg, hoping that she hadn't attracted attention. There was a flash of lightning and a low rumble of thunder; perhaps that would disguise her ecstatic scream? What was most important was Rarity's tongue and her mental force, pushing deliciously into Luna's dripping twat.


A mere instant before the thunder, from her position on the low-hanging nimbus cloud, Rainbow Dash had heard a joyful neigh. Pinkie Pie, from her spot on the ground at the pavilion entrance, had also heard it. So had Celestia, from where she floated above Pinkie Pie.

Through the needle-clad boughs of the blue-green trees, Pinkie could see motion. While it was impossible to pick out details, it was plain what Rarity and Luna were doing in the downpour! Looking forward and up, Pinkie Pie knew that Rainbow Dash could see the scene clearly.

And what was that light thumping sound: more wings? Princess Celestia, hovering above!

The two flying ponies looked at each other, then at the earth pony beneath them.

There was another dazzling lightning strike and a roar of thunder. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Celestia quickly went back into the pavilion.


"Luna, I love you," Rarity murmured. "I love you. I love you...." Her horn pulsed with golden light as she continued to pound the elegant dark mare's royal vagina. She licked her lover's aroused clitoris slowly, savoring the firm, hot texture and exciting scent.

"I love you, Rarity," Luna gasped. "Oh! Rarity, yes!" The rain pelted down onto her widespread wings. Her muscles were shaking; her wings wouldn't shield them from the downpour much longer. She was getting tired, and a giant climax was building in her happy body. Rarity's telekinesis kept getting better! This time, the white unicorn cleverly "shaped" her forceful will into a cylinder that reminded Luna quite a bit of Twilight's penis. However, Rarity had added soft "protrusions" to the magical member, and she was working it in an amazing spiraling fashion, seeming to hit all her most sensitive nerve endings just enough--

"Unh!" grunted Luna. Her wings gave out. Rain immediately soaked the amorous couple. Climax was upon her! Her rear hips thrust, mashing Rarity's face into her labia. Creamy lubricant squirted from her in a weak stream, coating Rarity's tongue.

"Good girl," Rarity whispered, swishing her lover's sweet fluids in her mouth.


"Have you seen Luna or Rarity?" Twilight asked Pinkie Pie, spotting the party organizer near an entrance. "I've been--"

"--Yes I have but they're busy!" Pinkie said firmly. "No need to worry about them for a while. What're you doing? How's Fluttershy holding up? You should try some of the strawberry tart Scootaloo and Apple Bloom brought; they made it for the dessert contest and it's almost gone!"

Twilight Sparkle blinked, trying to contain her amazement. She nervously said, "'Busy!' Now?...Um, now that you mention it, I ought to try some of that tart and bring a little to Fluttershy; you know how refined her palette is." Smiling faintly, she let Pinkie Pie point her in the direction of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Surreptitiously, Rainbow Dash kept an eye on the pavilion entrance, hoping that nopony would decide they had to leave through that door until Rarity and Luna had finished their interlude. Apparently, it was enough that the guests could hear the rain and thunder; no one headed for the exit during the unscheduled squall.


"My darling, that was a reckless act; we are undoubtedly already missed within," Luna scolded. The reproach wasn't convincing; her eyes were glazed with bliss and her smile looked like it might never fade.

"Can you forgive me, love?" Rarity asked. She pushed out her lip in a shameless pout and caressed Luna's lower belly, making small gentle circles.

Luna laughed aloud. "How unprepared was I to live with you three? I believed that as a goddess-princess, I would spend much of the first year attempting to assuage your awe and fear of me! But you are amazing; each of you is a match for me." The pregnant pegasus lowered her voice and pierced Rarity's heart with a direct gaze from her enchanting eyes. "Especially you, dear Rarity, for I love you so. I am yours."

Tears blurred the elegant white unicorn's sight. She moved up and pressed her lips to Luna's: a steamy, pulse-quickening kiss in the driving rain.

The couple eventually came back to the present. The rain was slackening. In a hurry, Rarity used her magic to dry her own and Luna's hair (for a fashion-conscious mare, a blow-drying spell was a must) and she and Luna got back into their costumes. Attracting as little attention as they could, they rejoined the party.

For decades after, ponies throughout Equestria would look back on "Luna's First Baby Shower" as the gold standard for fun events. There was great food, drink, and music; but the way the activities offered something for everypony was truly remarkable--and even novel. Pinkie Pie's services as a coordinator soon came into high demand. Two of Equestria's most beloved lullabies were composed and written at the shower. "Genie's Gift" yogurt, (which mixes dates, pomegranates, and figs) a favored snack and--when frozen into bars--the most popular summertime treat for young fillies and colts, was a recipe first shared at the shower. And perhaps the most surprising result of the party was that the next Grand Galloping Gala was a costume ball, and it was actually fun! Thereafter, every seventh year, the Triple-G was a costume event.


A short time before the shower would end, Princess Celestia drew Rarity aside for a private chat. Rarity fought to keep calm; the look in Celestia's eyes made it plain that somehow she knew what had happened in the rain!

The solar princess wore a wan smile. "I nearly decided to make up an excuse and not attend the shower today. I knew it would be painful. But it was less painful than I had expected," she said. Rarity's eyebrows rose. "I had to be here, to support my sister.

"I will not hide from you that I saw you and Luna making love. And it made me glad that I attended...n-not to say that--I am no voyeuse, you understand!"

Both white mare's cheeks had bloomed hot pink, but Rarity laughed nervously. "I do understand, Highness," she said.

"What I mean is that I was glad to witness what had only been told to me," Celestia said, quickly regaining her composure. "I had not understood, or perhaps not believed fully, that Luna was accepted, loved, and desired. I finally comprehend, and it makes me happy.

"Now I can give my whole-hearted support to you and to this amazing group of family and friends. I simply wanted to tell you that, before this day ends and we go to our separate dwellings.

"Mind you, I will always remember the bizarre sight of my sister receiving pleasure from a pony dressed like a fuzzy white kitten!"

She had picked that costume because she thought it would be cute to match Opal. But why had she forgotten to take it off before intimacy? Red as a tomato, Rarity said, "Please don't let Luna know that you saw that; she'd die of embarrassment!"

"It was surreal--almost disturbing--yet strangely wonderful. But do not worry, my lips are sealed," Celestia said with a wink.


Relieved as she was that the white princess approved, Rarity was still happy to set off for home as soon as the party ended that night. She and Fluttershy, Luna, and Twilight said thank you and good night to Pinkie Pie as well as to her helpers. Then the foursome walked and floated over the dark landscape, talking softly together.

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