[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 9: Varying types of assistance

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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When things are apparently ripe for celebration, there are still problems to deal with. Some are small, some are large. Luckily, Princess Luna won't have to face them by herself.

"C & C chapter 9: Varying types of assistance" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: The ninth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part takes place after season 2, episode 10: "Secret of my Excess."


Twilight went into Ponyville to tell Pinkie Pie about the change in plans: the baby shower would now be for Princess Luna as well. While she was at it, the purple unicorn also told Pinkie about the way Luna's appearance had changed.

As she usually did when the information was incredible, the party-planning mare stayed very calm when she heard the news. "Do you think we'll need another pavilion then?" was her first question. "Luna--well, not to be a meanie, I'm just trying to tell the truth--Luna doesn't have nearly as many friends as Fluttershy, and most of Luna's friends are Fluttershy's friends too. Then again, she's royalty, so I guess lots of ponies from Canterlot will attend, invited or not. They'll be total wet blankets! No--I won't let them; Luna's baby shower is going to be a real cele--"

"--You're right; I never thought about that!" Twilight Sparkle said, zipping closer Pinkie Pie. Her deep violet eyes boiled with strong emotion. "Pinkie, please, do whatever it takes to make sure that Luna's shower is fun and lively, and memorable! If there's anything you need from me or Rarity, just name it, you hear? You're so right; those Canterlot bigwigs would make our baby shower into another Grand Galloping Gala if we let them. Well, we are not going to let them! It's got to be wonderful! Luna deserves the time of her life. No stuffy aristocrats are going to ruin it for her."

"...O-kay then." The cheery earth pony was taken aback by this passionate response from the strait-laced bookworm. But Pinkie Pie quickly recovered and smiled. "So let's plan this. How many pavilions?"

"One: the biggest one you can possibly get. Then, I'll use my magic to enlarge it!"


"Was that a delivery of post?" asked the tall, dark blue pegasus.

"Yes, a bit early today," said Rarity. Her horn glimmered and she retrieved the mail. "...Looks as though there's a letter for you. Would you like me to open it?"

"Thank you, dearest, but no; I must accustom myself to life without a horn. I shall accept your help gladly with most tasks, but a pony must be able to open her own missives." Luna took the letter and thought for a moment about how she must look, tearing an envelope with her teeth! But why should she be embarrassed? If it was an acceptable method for earth ponies and pegasi, then it was good enough for her.

The contents of the letter were hardly surprising, yet Luna's heart rate increased as she read it. Rarity had been checking warm-toned swatches of close-woven cotton against a mannequin, but also looking at Luna from the corner of her eye. "Anything interesting?" the wavy-maned unicorn asked casually.

"Aye," said Luna, setting the letter on the counter. "My sister will visit us tomorrow, at mid-morning." The princess's self-control was perfect; her deep, smooth voice concealed the nerves she felt.

The front door opened and in walked Fluttershy. She immediately sat on the closest sofa. "This heat!" she said. "When will the autumn cool begin? It's been hard to convince the squirrels that they need to store seeds."

"Rainbow Dash says it will only be two or three days," Rarity said. "By the way, you have mail."

"Where's Twilight?" asked the yellow pegasus as she paged through her new issue of Plants-for-Your-Animals-Monthly.

"Not back from town yet, but she will be any minute, I'm certain," Rarity replied.

"I've got to have at least a snack! I'm sure she'll understand if I don't wait for her." The green-eyed pegasus stood and plodded to the pantry.

It was just a few minutes later. Fluttershy was helping herself to another stalk of celery. Luna was talking with Rarity about the pros and cons of making a hooded cloak out of wool instead of cotton. Twilight Sparkle entered the house, looking pleased with herself. "Pinkie Pie has gotten at least 30 responses to the shower invitations already," the violet unicorn announced. "Not one of them has been a 'Regretfully Declining' yet."

The four mares chatted and ate their lunch. Angel Bunny sat near Luna and pensively munched his cabbage and lettuce while Luna stroked him absently with the tip of one wing. Luna seemed deep in her own thought. Rarity thought that it must have something to do with the planned visit of Princess Celestia, but she kept that idea to herself.

Abruptly, Princess Luna decided to speak. "My sister shall visit me tomorrow," said the dark, majestic mare. Her three companions politely listened. "I wish that you stay beside me to meet her. I have told her very little."

Six eyes grew wide. "Exactly how little do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked.

Luna's lower lip quivered. "I repent!" she said suddenly. "I have led you to believe that I had told her nearly everything that has transpired, but I was frightened--frightened of all sorts of chances, eventualities, consequences, and improbabilities. I have told her only that I am living with Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle, and that you are my friends."


All eyes turned to Twilight, who had used her telekinesis to pinch herself. "Not a dream," she murmured.

Rarity hugged Luna as the tall pegasus cast down her eyes in shame. "Don't worry. We love you and we are with you," said the white unicorn. "Please tell us what has worried you."

"Everything! I was first afraid that I could not make friends, then that I could not keep them. I was afraid of having to go back to Canterlot, still lonely and empty. Lately, I have feared having to go back to Canterlot and leave my precious loved ones. I feared that Twilight Sparkle might reject me. I feared that I could not conceive an heir. I was afraid that my sister would not approve of my consorts, or of my decision to attempt to have a child. I have recently begun to fear that Celestia would visit, and that my omissions would come to light, and that I would lose the love of all those I love! Please, I--"

Fluttershy and Twilight had moved forward to comfort their distraught companion. Twilight kissed Luna's cheek. Fluttershy stroked the lovely princess' shoulder and back, just beneath her wings. "--Don't be upset. It's not good for the baby," the green-eyed pegasus said softly.

"We cherish you," said Rarity quietly. She touched her nose to Luna's. "Please don't be worried or scared, because we'll never abandon you. You're part of our family."

"That's right," Twilight said. "You're ours; you are bound to us and we to you."


The fertile fields of Ponyville's countryside looked peaceful and orderly from above. Princess Celestia descended near the riverside, enjoying the way the rising thermals supported her glides farther than usual. This visit was to be informal and brief. Celestia had foregone the royal escort, hoping that she wouldn't attract the attention of the average Ponyvillean.

Four ponies awaited the princess: two unicorns and two pegasi. Celestia recognized Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity in an instant. The tall, dark pegasus--who could she be? As the white monarch considered, a gust tossed the pegasus's mane. The unknown pegasus's hair shimmered transparent and translucent, just as Luna's did.

Celestia's eyes widened. But an instant later, she smirked and stifled a laugh. She landed in front of the waiting quartet. "It's very nice to see you all after so long," she said. She noticed the nervous look of the dark pegasus and she smiled more widely. "Especially you, Rainbow Dash--I mean, Luna, of course!"

The dark pegasus knit her brow in confusion. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight looked surprised.

"Twilight Sparkle has mentioned in several letters how fond you are of pranks!" said Celestia, letting herself laugh. "You must have gotten Rarity's help to make yourself look so convincing. I am impressed! But I still need to talk to the genuine Luna. Where is she?"

The dark pegasus inclined her head. "Celestia, it's me," she said.

Squirrels, crows, robins, and cicadas kept making noise, but none of the ponies did.

"No. This cannot be," said the Sunlight Princess at last. "...Who did this to you?"

"Please, do not put it that way. I wished to give birth to an heir. Nopony 'did it to me.' I chose a mate: Twilight Sparkle."

Celestia's eyes had been narrowing to their usual width, but they opened wider than ever. "Magic can do many things, but not that. You have never lied to me, but I know the limitations of magic."

"Twilight Sparkle has the natural ability," said Luna. Twilight blushed, but continued to look at Celestia.

Celestia wheeled and stared at her prized student. "Is this true?"

"It is, Your Highness," said the violet unicorn.

"How could you dare?" Celestia's voice trembled, heavy with anger and shock. She began looking back and forth, between Twilight and Luna. "How could you?"

"I would have informed you if I'd known you'd be angry," said Twilight. "Honestly, I love Luna--and so does Rarity--and she asked me to help her conceive a child."

"She asked you. That gives you the right to bereave me of my sister?"

Fluttershy and Rarity looked amazed at the question. Luna, however, looked perfectly calm, and Twilight looked only slightly dismayed. "Why did you say 'bereave', Princess?" asked Rarity, although her heart wakened to the reality of the answer Celestia would give.

"She lost her immortality! What did you think her change in appearance and magical power meant?"

Fluttershy and Rarity cringed at the sound of the princess's wrath. However, Twilight said, "I'm sorry I didn't consider that before Luna and I mated. It didn't occur to me until afterward that there might be other effects besides Luna getting pregnant."

"I remembered. I chose to remain silent and hope that the truth remain obscured from Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Fluttershy until my pregnancy was begun," Luna said quietly but boldly. "Having an heir was--and is--of utmost importance to me. There was high probability that Twilight Sparkle would refuse to become my consort if she knew that I would become mortal once I conceived a foal."

"Do you hate me that much?" Celestia asked.

"I do not hate you," Luna replied, her powerful voice faltering. "I love you, my sister."

Celestia's face was turning scarlet. "Your actions say otherwise! You four have betrayed me, particularly the two whom I care for and trust the most!"

"We all honor and care for you, Your Majesty," said Rarity, but Celestia was talking, not listening.

"My favored student and my dear sister--I ask again how you could do this to me?"

"It's not about you!"

The voice was Fluttershy's. Only Rarity wasn't surprised to hear her oldest friend raising her voice to the princess. The yellow pegasus's green-eyed gaze cut to Celestia's heart. Flapping harder than usual, (due to her swollen abdomen) Fluttershy approached the white princess.

"Luna was banished for 1000 years! It was your sentence, but you have no idea how it felt to serve it, and you gave no thought to that feeling. Once she got back, what kind of talk did you have? 'Live near me; we'll pretend this never happened.' You never addressed any part of the rift between you, or its aftermath. Poor Luna was terrified! Nothing had changed--why wouldn't history repeat itself and she be banished for another thousand years if she ever grew discontent? She was frantic for a way to change her life. You wonder that she longed for mortality, after 1000 years all alone? You wonder that she wanted to get away from you, since there was no closure whatsoever? You kept her isolated in Canterlot; you're shocked that she wanted to love and have a family, hoping for anything to fill the emptiness that she still felt? Here you accuse Twilight and Luna of not thinking about you--when have you tried to see things from Luna's point of view? You accuse Luna of not loving you--have you ever even liked her? Not enough to be considerate to her! You haven't said a single word to her about the child she is carrying! Twilight apologized to you. I won't! Neither will Luna or Rarity. In fact, I take back Twilight's apology! We aren't the selfish ones, Your Majesty!"

When Fluttershy fell silent, not a sound was to be heard. The birds, frogs, insects--everything had gone quiet while the pink-maned mare faced the majestic white alicorn.

Although their eyelids were shut, tears flowed down the cheeks of both princesses. Celestia's front knees flexed and she bowed low, burying her nose in the thick grass. "...I beg your forgiveness," she said.

Luna's beautiful blue eyes opened. She embraced her sister. "Tia," she murmured. "I love you, big sister. Bearing a daughter does not mean I do not love you. I shall eternally. Forever."

Rarity looked pointedly at Fluttershy and Twilight. The three smaller ponies quietly went into the tree house, letting the sisters be alone to talk and heal.


"You amaze me with your courage again!" said Twilight Sparkle. "Dragon, manticore, cockatrice--I'd rather deal with them all at once than try to rebuke Princess Celestia."

"I'm just as amazed--by your insight," Rarity said. "I'm ashamed that I say I love Luna and I saw almost none of what you saw."

"Luna was sad the first time I saw her, even when she was Nightmare Moon," said Fluttershy. "Don't be a bit ashamed, Rarity. The first time I saw Luna's sadness completely vanish was when she stood next to you and said that you'd agreed to become her consort."

Twilight resisted an urge to look out a front window. "Are you sure it's okay to leave them by themselves?" she asked, just a tad nervously.

"Yes. They'll work out some of the rougher points of their relationship and then they'll come into the house to talk to us. For now, we must not interfere with their reconciliation." Fluttershy spoke gravely, and Rarity nodded.


It was nearly an hour before Celestia and Luna rejoined the group indoors. While Twilight and Rarity busied themselves with late morning tea and pastries, Celestia congratulated Fluttershy on her pregnancy.

As soon as all five ponies were present at the table, Princess Celestia apologized again, to Twilight. The small purple mare was uncomfortable with the gesture, but Fluttershy cast a glance her way and Twilight got the hint. "All's forgiven! By the way, it's great to see you face to face again. Did Luna talk to you about the baby showers?"

"Indeed she has. If your friend Pinkie Pie is as efficient as ever with parties, I expect to get my invitation tomorrow; it may be waiting for me at Canterlot as we speak. I'd like to take this opportunity to accept now," said the gold-shod mare.

"Thanks, we'll expect you eagerly!" said Twilight, and Rarity and Fluttershy agreed.

Princess Celestia stayed with the four lovers until well after lunch. While there was tension during most of her visit, everypony involved felt relieved: at last, the situation was plain, and Celestia accepted her sister's pregnancy. Luna seemed almost giddy; her worry had been a heavier burden than she had realized.


An hour or so before bedtime, Luna raised the moon and returned to the cottage. Fluttershy was playing a game of chess with Rarity. Twilight Sparkle was apparently carving something elongated from a block of hickory. (Luna hadn't known that Twilight did such an activity--yet why not? Twilight was a creative and disciplined unicorn, with pretty good control of her telekinesis.)

The dark princess heard three warm greetings when she arrived. She cleared her throat and said, "Rarity and Twilight Sparkle, would either of you object to my requesting of Fluttershy that she become my consort?"

Before either unicorn could answer, Fluttershy interjected. "There is no need, Luna," she said, smiling at the tall, regal pegasus. "I love you as a sister...but not as a mate. I care for you, trust you, and respect you. I hope you know that I see you as a close family member."

"Fluttershy, I am uncertain that I comprehend. No one has stood up for me as you did this day. Previously, I held a strong 'care and trust and respect' for you, as you did for me. But after, the feelings are much more powerful than they were prior to your defense of Twilight Sparkle and myself."

"That's natural! But taking me as a consort isn't the only expression you could give those feelings. You don't have experience with different types of love. I'm glad that you care for me so much, but do you have romantic desire for me?"

The princess's ocean blue eyes glanced upward for a second. "Not as I do for Rarity, or for Twilight Sparkle," said Luna slowly. "Yet I am deeply indebted to you. I wish to show how much your actions have touched my heart."

"If you wish to, you will," said the small pink-haired pegasus. "We have a better relationship already than I had hoped we would."

Rarity smiled inwardly. (If Luna wanted tips on how to demonstrate her gratitude, Rarity would be happy to help.) The elegant unicorn was pleased indeed that Fluttershy was so giving, so willing to share--and that she had turned down Luna's proposal. Some ponies were more selfless than others! Rarity would not have to share Luna with Fluttershy.


Rainbow Dash had never seen her energetic marefriend so focused. Here it was, long after midnight, and the pink earth pony continued to sketch and write her plans. Rainbow Dash blinked back her weariness. She stood, then swooped over to Pinkie Pie's side. "I'm gonna hit the hay," said the blue pegasus, kissing Pinkie behind her ear. "Care to show me what you're up to before I do?"

"Of course, Dashie! Why was the Triple-G such a drag, I asked myself; because it was formal, and official. First, ponies have to be in a fun-making mood: solution? Costumes! Of course, somepony wearing a costume quickly forgets what she's wearing a lot of the time, but not if she keeps seeing the costumes of everyone else around her. And these won't be just any costumes--guests will get to pick one of these: duck, bunny, butterfly, kitty, panda, or monkey. Besides that, the shower activities won't be just the usual hobnobbing, pin-the-tail-on-the-pony, cake-eating, and tea-sipping. They're in for creativity challenges! Design contests for newborn outfits: unicorn, pegasus, and alicorn. Scavenger hunts for items for toddlers; ideas for strollers and prams--including a tiny carriage fit for the new princess, of course! And that's just the beginning: baby meal and baby dessert and baby beverage recipes; plus writing lyrics and music for new lullabies and nursery rhymes (after all, plenty of us in Ponyville and plenty more of the Canterlot crowd are musically inclined)...there's going to be a ton to get involved with!"

"Pinkie, you're the best. Really. You put your all into this stuff. They don't know how much work you do just so everypony has a good time, and you'd never think of telling them."

"Aw, thanks, sweetie!" Pinkie said, turning to kiss Rainbow Dash's cheek. "But I've been getting tired; bed sounds like a good idea to me now. I'll just finish making a couple of notes."

Rainbow Dash grinned. Pinkie didn't look tired. She didn't sound tired. The athletic little pegasus licked her lips and felt some of her own tiredness disappearing. She ran her soft wing along her marefriend's sensitive ribcage. "See you in bed in a few minutes, then!" she said.

Pinkie Pie shivered with anticipation. She hurriedly scrawled her last few notations and took off after her rainbow-haired lover.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 10: Shower within, shower without

"C & C chapter 10: Shower within, shower without" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: The tenth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part...

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