[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 8: The trade

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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Fluttershy is expecting and Princess Luna wants to be. But does even Luna know what to expect if she gets her wish?

"C & C chapter 8: The trade" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: This is the eighth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of the story takes place after season 2, episode 10: "Secret of my Excess."


During the late afternoon, Twilight Sparkle and her oldest friend stood at the train platform. "It's natural that you can't forget it, Spike," Twilight Sparkle said, looking at her assistant with understanding eyes. "You had a taste of what is to grow up, and growing up is an eventual reality for us all."

"I don't want you to think I'm leaving you high and dry," the little dragon said. "But I feel...restless. And seeing Rarity making googly eyes at Princess Luna all the time doesn't help. I get it, of course; Luna's beautiful and graceful. Besides, I knew Rarity is a unicorn and I'm a dragon--but I couldn't help crushing on her anyway.

"Things are complicated. They didn't used to be that way. It used to be you and me, learning from Princess Celestia." Spike sighed a sigh of emotional fatigue, a sigh Twilight had never heard from him.

She empathized. But there was no way to directly help her faithful assistant this time. She kept her own sigh inside herself. "Spike, I'll always care for you. Go ahead, with all our blessings. You can decide to grow up at your own pace. In the meantime, I think an escorted trip to the mountain country to see what adult dragons are all about can only be a helpful thing for you."


Bright and early the following day, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle paid a visit to Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner. The unicorn and the pegasus had a statement and a few questions for the energetic earth pony. Business concluded, Fluttershy and Twilight quickly left again and went to the town square, where Rarity and Luna (and a fair-sized crowd of curious villagers) awaited them.

Fluttershy stood next to Twilight Sparkle, trying to be inconspicuous. Princess Luna would be doing most of the speaking, and Twilight would be doing the rest; Fluttershy and Rarity were there only to be seen as present with their friends and lovers. The timid pegasus's sea green eyes glanced at Luna, then at Twilight. They were natural public speakers; having them around was a relief.

"Good morning, citizens of Ponyville," said Luna. The hair of her beautiful mane and tail was mostly free flowing, but her mane also had shimmering twin braids, secured with tiger's eye agate clasps. Her tail had one such braid. "Not long ago, I returned to your excellent town to stay with my friends, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. While I have been here, I have had fun. I thank you all for your hospitality.

"I abide here because of an astonishing and joyous event. Fluttershy, your beloved animal caretaker, is pregnant."

Many murmurs and gasps ran through the crowd. Fluttershy looked down, but she could still feel the stares of wonder and disbelief on her, and she felt her cheeks growing warm.

"She is pregnant by her chosen partner: your industrious archivist, Twilight Sparkle," said Luna.

The murmurs and gasps were much louder this time. Twilight Sparkle did not look away from the ponies who looked at her, but she did lean a bit against Fluttershy, simply touching her shoulder to the pegasus's in a reassuring gesture.

The tall princess held up a hoof for silence. The crowd quieted quickly, and hung on the princess's next words. "You may remember the power of Twilight Sparkle. I have heard of her exploits when she dealt with an Ursa Minor in this very town square. She has done many more remarkable feats, though not so publicly," Luna said calmly. "Perhaps it may seem unlikely or incredible, but I tell you the truth: Twilight Sparkle has abilities even as amazing as this.

"Now to the manner in which this miraculous event involves me: I have long desired an heir. Therefore, I asked Twilight Sparkle to become my consort and she has accepted.

"I have also grown to love--and to be loved by--your wonderful designer and decorator, Rarity. I asked her to become my consort, and she has graciously accepted as well.

"I shall live in Ponyville for the foreseeable future. I ask your continued hospitality, and your patience, as I am not used to life in a town. Mayhap, I shall soon be visited by my sister, Princess Celestia. Please welcome her, but do not halt your business or interrupt your lives on account of her presence. She may be in Ponyville quite often over the course of the next several years.

"Now, please listen to Twilight Sparkle."

The dark, elegant princess winked at Twilight. Twilight cleared her throat and stepped forward. "I don't have much to say, except that I've found Ponyville to be the best home a pony could ever want. I'm one of you now; I love this town. Don't treat Rarity or me differently because we're consorts, please. And mares, come to Fluttershy's and my baby shower! Pinkie Pie and Mr. Cake will be catering. It's going to be set up in a pavilion on Goose Run Meadow, near the lake, two weeks from today."


The four had received dozens of congratulations and answered quite a few questions after that. Princess Luna had talked the most, but even Fluttershy had had to respond once. Now the little group of mares walked back toward Fluttershy's tree home. Rarity beamed at Luna and Twilight. "That was smooth, and you two both cut admirable, confident figures up there. Nicely done!"

"Thank you for the styling," Luna said, bending down and kissing Rarity's forehead, right beneath her horn. "You were right to insist that I wear my tiara, but I am very glad that my hair drew attention away from it. You have done me a lovely service, dearest one."

Rarity blushed a bit, mostly due to pleasure. She fluttered her long eyelashes and said, "It was my honor to style your gorgeous hair. I've wanted to play with it for so long!"

Twilight and Fluttershy grinned at each other silently. After a long pause, the yellow pegasus said, "I forgot to tell you earlier, Luna. Now that you and Twilight are trying to conceive, I have pregnancy tests for your use."

"They shall not be necessary," the tall, dark mare answered. "Yet I thank you for your generosity."

"You planned ahead," said Twilight. "You brought your own? That's good thinking."

"It seems our friend Pinkie Pie is waiting to greet us," said Luna, using an elegant wing tip to point up the road.

"Ah! So she is. That pony is amazingly fast when she wants to be!" Rarity said brightly. However, the white unicorn felt doubtful. If she didn't know better, she'd think that endearing, guileless Luna had just purposely changed the subject of the conversation. If she had...Luna was about as intimate with Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity herself as she could possibly be, so what could she want to hide?

"And she isn't alone," said Twilight, noticing a small blue figure in the sky, swiftly approaching them.

"I forgot to ask you; I know you invited the mares of Ponyville, but did you have any others--from somewhere else, I mean--to invite? It would be a cinch to send out invitations if there are," Pinkie Pie said as she bounded up to the quartet. "Oh, and Luna; since you plan on having a baby soon, too, I'm wondering if you've got any particular colors in mind. You've got special status, so maybe the usual shower colors might not be what you wanted--what about gold and silver and blue and black?"

By this time, Rainbow Dash had landed. She listened to her lover's chatter with a bemused smile on her face. Twilight Sparkle said, "My mom and dad. Besides them, I don't think we have others to invite."

"Okie dokie!" said the party-planning pony.

"You have the expertise in this area," said Luna in turn. "I trust your decision with regard to color scheme, as well as all other celebration preparations."

Rainbow Dash jumped into the conversation. "Twilight, you totally pinned the radicalness-meter! Your magic always came in handy, and sometimes it was real impressive, but this blows away what you did before now!" The excited blue pegasus turned quickly. "And you, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash energetically threw her right front hoof over her oldest friend's neck. Then she seemed to think better of the gesture, and patted Fluttershy's neck gently. "Sorry, got to remember you're going to be a mom soon. Anyway, I'm psyched for you! If your baby's a pegasus, you can count on Aunt Rainbow Dash to teach her the best aerial moves ever!"


About half an hour later, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Luna entered the spacious tree house. "Conversing with that pair can be a tiring experience," Luna said, sinking onto a long sofa.

"Quite true!" Fluttershy agreed. "But the more you get to know them, the less that happens." She too, settled on a sofa, feeling a bit hoof-sore. Maybe a tad tired-winged too: the pink-maned pegasus realized that she was feeling the effects of significant weight gain.

Twilight noticed Fluttershy's actions and expressions. "I'll throw together a lunch for us," she said kindly.

"I'll help her," said Rarity.

The two unicorns provided a tasty meal, and all four mares soon felt satisfied. Rarity cleared up with her customary efficiency. Just as the four were about to get back to their various daily tasks....

"Oh!" gasped Fluttershy. Her exclamation was so quiet that only Luna heard it. But the next was much louder. "Oh! The baby! Twilight, the baby's moving!"

All three companions rushed to Fluttershy, their work forgotten. The yellow pegasus's eyes shone with joy. "Here, feel," she whispered. She gently took Twilight's right front leg and placed Twilight's soft, sensitive foreleg on her lower abdomen. Obligingly, the tiny filly inside her womb shifted.

Twilight Sparkle's mouth moved, but she made no sound. Her lips formed a radiant smile. Tears streamed from her eyes. Her daughter! This was the first interaction the violet unicorn had had with her, and Twilight was nearly overwhelmed.

"...May I also feel the child?" Luna asked softly.

"Of course, dear one," Fluttershy answered fondly.

Slowly and reluctantly, Twilight Sparkle pulled back, giving the princess room. The princess's larger foreleg was no less soft than Twilight's had been. "Amazing," said Luna, looking up for a moment and meeting Fluttershy's eyes. "Thank you for this. The child is very strong for her age, a sign of good health."

Rarity was next. Her face lit up as she felt the movement of the growing life inside Fluttershy. "I have said it before. I'm ve--" The white unicorn choked with emotion for a second. She cleared her throat. "--very happy for you. You two will be wonderful parents."

It was much later when the two unicorns and the alicorn finally split up to do their separate errands and chores. Twilight gave Fluttershy's belly a lingering kiss before she forced herself to leave her pregnant lover and mind the library for a few hours (she was still the town's official librarian, after all.) Fluttershy stayed close to the house; there were many tasks right at home.


In the early evening, the four had their evening meal together at the tree cottage. But when Rarity tried to excuse herself for the night, Luna unexpectedly asked her to stay. "You have consented to be my consort," explained the tall, majestic mare. "So has Twilight Sparkle. While Fluttershy has not, she is a true friend to us both, and Twilight Sparkle's devoted lover. I wish that we may live like a family, with no ill feelings and no unfamiliarity separating us.

"Quite apart from that, I remember that the six friends who defeated Nightmare Moon were stronger together than they could have been as six individuals. It was not merely stronger magic; it felt as though...what you desired was more likely to happen. I have no rational explanation, yet I believe I am more likely to conceive when the four of us are together than when only Twilight and I try to conceive."

Fluttershy's ears turned red, and Twilight and Rarity's cheeks flushed when they heard the princess's words. "Luna, are you saying you want Fluttershy and me to be there while...you and Twilight...." said the glamorous white unicorn.

"I am saying that I wish you to make love with us. Fluttershy, I would greatly appreciate it if you would join us in the bedroom as well."

"I don't think I can do that, even for you," said Rarity.

The exotic princess captured Rarity's lips with her own. She kissed the smaller mare tenderly. Eyes wet with unshed tears, she murmured, "Please? For us?"

Rarity knew it wasn't possible to say no.

In short order, the four mares sat or lay close together in the master bedroom.

Twilight Sparkle was impressed at Luna's instincts. The regal alicorn seemed to understand that Rarity would need immediate personal attention to get into these activities. Luna provided just that. She kissed the delicate white unicorn deeply, hungrily. Using her telekinesis, (Twilight wondered why she had never thought of that) Luna began to gently massage Rarity's shoulders, then her chest, then her belly....

As Twilight watched, she felt the touch of feathers on her rump. She turned and looked into the almost-innocent green eyes of her pregnant lover. With tantalizing sways of her hips, Fluttershy advanced. The soft-spoken pegasus locked lips with Twilight, initiating a fiery kiss. Twilight's sex organs throbbed while Fluttershy's long, velvety tongue explored her mouth.

In response, the violet mare concentrated, using the power of her horn to begin softly stroking Fluttershy's sensitive, swollen abdomen. "A little more gently!" the winged mare said, her voice quiet but urgent. Twilight focused more, suddenly aware that she had almost never cared before how much force she had used with her innate telekinetic ability.

"Of course," said Twilight Sparkle. Fluttershy sighed and kissed Twilight's well-muscled neck. The intelligent unicorn decided to abandon the attempt to use her telekinesis for now and instead to use magic. The spell she cast fused quasi-duplication and limited automation. In effect, Twilight simulated two tongues, identical to her own in texture, temperature, and size, but magically undulating, and magically lubricating with a warm fluid very similar to Twilight's saliva. The conjured appendages were two dimensional, making them nearly invisible--nearly undetectable, in fact.

Within moments, Fluttershy felt the effects of the powerful enchantment. "Wow!" she said, panting heavily. "So good, so good...." The pegasus lifted her pink tail and thrust her hips backward.

As the lovers' actions grew more energetic, Luna carefully pressed forward. Rarity was oblivious to the movement until she felt something behind her. She and Twilight turned at the same time and discovered that their backsides had met. Twilight Sparkle looked at Rarity, affection and bashfulness in her gaze. Rarity looked at Twilight with skepticism, but also with affection.

Fluttershy felt the pleasing magic falter. She quickly turned and saw the situation. She nudged Twilight forward.

Rarity and Twilight kissed lightly. As they did, Luna ran her soft, feathery right wing across Rarity's labia, and used her telekinesis to fondle the white unicorn's excited teats. Her knees weakened and she stumbled forward, but found support against Twilight's smooth, firm chest.

Rarity smiled. "You kiss well, for a bookworm," she teased. She boldly looked lower, beneath Twilight's abdomen. Twilight was embarrassed, but she opened her stance slightly, letting Rarity satisfy her curiosity. "...I also see that Fluttershy didn't exaggerate the size of your equipment. But--if you'll forgive my saying so--your 'package' seems to fit you; it somehow appears very feminine. Perhaps it's the curves?"

"That's a lovely thing to say!" Twilight replied. She rubbed her neck along Rarity's, then gave her a kiss on the cheek. The violet unicorn moved her mouth along Rarity's jaw, until she met Rarity's luscious lips again.

While they had been watching the two unicorn mares, Luna and Fluttershy had begun to run their wings the length of each other's sensitive flanks. Luna suddenly flapped and landed right in front of the small pegasus. The dark princess bent her neck and brought their mouths together.

The magical tongue-toys that Twilight had conjured had been moving slowly and softly, but now they resumed their wet massage of Fluttershy's swollen vaginal lips. The yellow pegasus responded with vehemence: she captured Luna's tongue and sucked on it. The regal princess's eyes closed. What an amazing technique! She grew incredibly aroused.

...The four mares released their tension and began to kiss all their partners, feel all their partners, give and take pleasure from all their partners. Free of judgment, confident in their feelings for each other, they began making love as if they possessed only one mind, or perhaps one instinct....

At last, Rarity declared, "I can't take more tonight! I love you all, but I'm thoroughly exhausted." Her sweaty, royal blue mane flopped over her eyes as she collapsed, falling partly onto the carpet, but mostly onto the mattress.

Luna smirked at Fluttershy and Twilight. "I love you, Rarity," said Fluttershy, kissing the petite unicorn's nose.

"So do I," said Twilight, also giving Rarity a soft kiss. "Sweet dreams." The violet unicorn and the yellow pegasus said goodnight to Luna and went to Luna's room to get some sleep, leaving their bedroom to Rarity and Luna for the night.

Viscous semen continued to drip slowly from between Luna's engorged labia. (All four of them had pleased each other, but they had remembered their purpose, so only Luna had taken Twilight's cock inside her pussy.) The dark princess had been certain that she would know the instant she got pregnant, yet now she wondered. Surely, the two loads of sperm that Twilight Sparkle had poured into her had fertilized an egg! Well, there was no sense pondering this while she was so weary.

Horn shining, the tall, elegant mare lifted her smaller lover and put her in bed. Then Luna--quite tired herself--got into bed beside Rarity. Rarity was already at least halfway to dreamland, but she sighed and pushed herself back, into the princess's embrace. Stretching one of her beautiful wings over the unicorn, Luna whispered her devotion to Rarity. She pulled a sheet over them and went to sleep.


Only a few minutes later, a black emanation erupted from Luna's horn. It grew lighter until it was silver, then darker until it was deep violet. Slowly, the light moved through the colors of the rainbow, in reverse order. After red, it shone a feeble golden-white.

The strange display didn't awaken either of the soundly-sleeping mares.

The pulsing energy dulled and faded.


Half an hour before sunrise, Fluttershy woke up. Stretching, ignoring the soreness of her muscles, she took a hot shower. As she finished, Twilight entered the bathroom. "You're up a bit earlier than usual, love," said the lithe pegasus.

"My body missed you when you got out of bed," the perky unicorn answered. "Good morning!"

Twilight took her time and enjoyed her shower. She went to the kitchen when she finished washing. Fluttershy had begun to prepare breakfast. "Can I help?" asked Twilight.

"How about waking our 'guests,' if they aren't up already?"


Twilight knocked on the door to the master bedroom. "Come in," said the voice of a groggy pony. Resisting the urge to chuckle, Twilight opened the door.

The small white unicorn still lay in bed, apparently sleeping (and breathing fairly loudly). However, the other pony was emerging from beneath the sheets--

"--Luna?" said Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes widened with worried wonder.

"You are staring at me so strangely," Luna said. By reflex, she used her horn's power to pick up the mirror on Fluttershy's bedside table. (It took effort! Was she still tired from the delightful exertion of the previous night?) The regal mare looked at herself. Her eyelids opened farther as she understood what she was seeing.

"Are you--" said Twilight.

"--I am pregnant with my heir," said Luna, her tone even, yet concealing a confused excitement just under the surface.

Rarity had been stirring and now she sat up. "Luna--Luna? Your horn! It looks like it's shrunk."

"It can't be true, but I think your whole body has shrunk," Twilight said. "That's not possible, is it?"

"It is. It is proof that our child grows inside me, and that she will be my successor. Why did these signs not appear immediately?"

"Please, tell me what you mean," Rarity said. Concern showed on her face.

"I apologize; I forgot myself for a moment. I shall explain. Let us go to Fluttershy."

"Good idea, because breakfast is almost on the table," Twilight Sparkle said, sounding carefree. Her stride seemed hurried, almost nervous.

The four lovers gathered. Fluttershy exclaimed her surprise as soon as she saw Luna, but she recovered quickly. Now the the pegasus and the two unicorns watched and listened closely. Luna twitched her wings and spoke.

"It is quite simple. Only two alicorns exist at one time. Now that I am bearing a daughter, she has become one of the two. I shall gradually diminish in size--until I am an ordinary pegasus mare, it is likely. My horn shall vanish entirely. I shall retain the mystical power to raise the moon until my heir is capable of doing so."

"Do you mean that you will...become a pegasus?" asked Rarity.

"I shall," said Luna. "The choice was mine, though I did not know what form it would take, and it was not a conscious choice. I could have become an earth pony and kept my size and physical might. I could have become a unicorn, as my mother did. I believe that my mind was at peace with becoming a pegasus because you would be by my side, Rarity, to help me until I adjust to life without the formidable powers of a horn."

"I'm touched, darling. But you're losing so much. I can't imagine living life with a horn and suddenly having to do without," said Rarity. Fluttershy and Twilight saw the emotions in the white mare's eyes: honor at being the princess's chosen, sorrow at the princess's sacrifice.

"Please, have no regret or sadness, even in the smallest fashion!" said Luna, looking at each of them in turn. "I am happier than I have ever been. I have never had the blessings I have in you. Also, I will keep the ability that has always been most dear to me: the ability to fly on my own two wings.

"And above all, I--we--shall have a daughter!"

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 9: Varying types of assistance

"C & C chapter 9: Varying types of assistance" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: The ninth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part...

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