[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 7: Love, duty, or both?

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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Twilight seems to view Luna as a good friend--but for Luna, that isn't enough. If she is to reach her goal, she will need help. But she will also need to grow on her own.

"C & C chapter 7: Love, Duty, or Both?" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: This is the seventh chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of the story takes place after season 2, episode 4: "Luna Eclipsed."


Gentle green eyes opened, and a wide grin appeared on a butter-yellow muzzle. It was probably about ten minutes until sunrise and Fluttershy had awakened in interesting circumstances. Twilight Sparkle--snoring occasionally--was in bed behind Fluttershy. The unicorn's penis was slowly growing erect, as it did regularly at sunset and sunrise. The warm, firm mass of flesh was pressing softly into Fluttershy's thigh.

"Oversleeping isn't much worry anymore; I've got an 'alarm cock'," Fluttershy murmured, giggling quietly.

There were chores to be done. The timid pegasus was normally already working at this time of day, but she and Twilight had gotten to bed late the night before. Fluttershy found herself in an unfamiliar situation, now that she had slept so long. The presence of her lover sleeping next to her, getting hard--it was a new temptation.

The winged mare intended to succumb to it.

With slow motions, Fluttershy worked her way toward the foot of the bed. Too much cool air might wake her bedmate, so she took care to keep the blankets in place as much as possible.

"Good morning, Joan!" the pegasus whispered. She gave the tip of Twilight's long, thick penis a soft kiss. She pulled back and looked proudly at her lover's unique endowment. There was a gorgeous pearl of clear liquid, right in the center of the head; with her wide tongue, Fluttershy collected the rich, pungent fluid.

Although she was asleep, Twilight Sparkle sighed and rolled slightly, letting her legs spread wide.

Fluttershy's damp vagina throbbed. Twilight's scent--the musk of her marehood mingling with the smell of her stallionhood--filled Fluttershy's mind with naughty impulses. She moved forward and put her lips around the massive head of her lover's cock. So hot and firm, and it made her feel so wicked! A thrill ran along the pegasus's spine, then spread through her vagina, belly, wings, and chest. Fluttershy massaged the underside of Twilight's penis as she took more and more of the huge appendage into her mouth.

Twilight's hips jerked. Her dick thrust into Fluttershy's throat. The pre-occupied little pegasus gagged, surprised by the sudden movement. Tears spurted from her eyes. She backed off and drew a breath, then immediately started sucking again, only slightly shallower.

"Uh!" moaned Twilight Sparkle.

The blankets flew off the bed. Fluttershy looked up, meeting her bemused lover's eyes. "Fluttershy! What are you doing?"

Not a question worthy of a smart unicorn like Twilight Sparkle! Still, now that Twilight was awake, Fluttershy decided to stop the fellatio--at least for the moment--and answer. "Joan woke before you did. Because I'm going to be a mommy soon, I figured I'd polish my technique for putting wakeful girls back to bed. I guess I'm better at it with baby animals, though...."

By now, the two mares were smirking at each other. This conversation was leading toward only one possible conclusion. "I love you," Twilight said. "You are amazingly sexy."

"Same to you," Fluttershy said, winking while her cheeks colored due to pleased embarrassment. "How should we do this?"

"I'm feeling great already," said the violet unicorn. "I think I'd last long enough to get you off if you got on top of me."

"Yes!" The unicorn mare sat up, supporting her lower back with a pillow, leaning slightly against the headboard. The pink-haired pegasus got to her hooves, standing astride Twilight Sparkle. For a moment, she waited.

Twilight asked, "What is it, love?"

"I don't want to disturb our daughter. But I want you. Do you think you...could use...my...?" Her voice got softer and her cheeks grew redder with every word.

Twilight understood, and licked her lips. "That sounds excellent," she purred. "Hold still a second." Using her horn's ability, Twilight squeezed a dollop of coconut lotion from a tube on her night stand, then spread it carefully around the rim of her marefriend's dark yellow anus. The tight hole puckered immediately at the contact of the cool lotion, but relaxed again an instant later, showing just a hint of the brilliant, rosy pink interior. "Very inviting," said Twilight.

Fluttershy blushed tomato red.

"Make yourself comfortable," Twilight Sparkle said, setting her hooves on her lover's hips, her voice oozing lust.

The pegasus pony bit her lower lip as she felt Twilight knocking at her back door. Slowly, hoping not to hurt herself, Fluttershy sank onto the firm, thick pole, filling her intestines with Twilight's pulsing cock. Fluttershy was surprised. She had had a virgin anus, just as she'd had a virgin vagina, yet there was no pain this time--plenty of unpleasant pressure at first, until she'd gotten used to it, but no pain. After a moment, her brain realized why. No hymen was present. And Twilight was a very gentle lover, size notwithstanding.

The unicorn mare put her right front leg around Fluttershy's waist. Smoothly, she let her soft foreleg drift lower, until she was massaging Fluttershy's clitoris from the outside. This special attention, combined with the throbbing fullness in her backside, drew a loud, blissful sob from the winged pony.

With no small amount of moaning and panting, the two mares began to build a solid love-making tempo.


Just after sunrise, Luna was working along the small hillside above the cottage she shared with Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. On this particular morning, she tended the raspberry and blackberry bushes. The pegasus ponies had provided plenty of rain this year, so the berries had done well--they looked full and juicy. The black bears would get most of these, but there would be some for the market, too. The dark princess's mouth watered as she pruned the bushes, thinking of the desserts Applejack and Pinkie Pie could make using these berries.

From a tree some distance away, a hawk gave a screech of greeting. Well-learned in the ways of birds, Luna recognized the call and turned toward the source. There was a glimpse of pink. Then another, then Pinkie Pie emerged, cheerfully hopping on the wooded trail. Once she saw the tall princess, she smiled and made her bounces smaller. "How's it going, Princess!" she said.

"Good morning, Pinkie Pie," said Luna, "please call me 'Luna' while I am living here."

"Oh, yeah, Rarity told me to do that. I didn't think it would be polite to do it until I heard that from you personally, though; you don't mind, do you?" The earth mare fluttered her eyelashes. "Calling you 'Luna' makes it sound like we're friends, and I'd love to be your friend--except on Nightmare Night, when the sight of you is going to freak me out--"

"--There's no telling how long she will keep going like that if you don't say something in return," said a pleasant, familiar voice. Luna and Pinkie both turned toward the woods again, and saw Rarity trotting toward them, wearing small but useful cotton saddlebags. They were mint green with dark blue trim and brilliant white and dark green gem accents. "Good morning to you both! What brings you here, Pinkie Pie?"

"I just had a question for Luna," said the party-loving pony. "After all, I'm in charge of celebrations around here! Baby showers included--so I need to know: when are you due?"

Rarity's jaw fell nearly to the ground. Princess Luna, however, seemed only mildly surprised at the question and quickly answered. "I am not yet expecting a child. I would like to conceive soon, yet Twilight Sparkle has not--"

Panicked, Rarity did something so impertinent she would not have dreamt of it only a month earlier. She interrupted the winged princess! "--That's supposed to be a surprise!" the petite unicorn said forcefully. "Luna, with the greatest respect, shouldn't we find a better time and place to talk about such things?"

Pinkie Pie saw the meaningful glance from Rarity to Luna. Obviously, these two also knew Fluttershy's secret. Obviously, they weren't going to tell her. But why? Pinkie's patience was nearly worn out. She didn't want to press the princess, of course, but it wasn't nice to feel like half her friends had a secret and didn't trust her with it. "You can tell me!" she said impulsively. "Please, Rarity! We're good friends, and I've been wondering for months; who got Fluttershy pregnant?"

Rarity's eyes opened wider for a second. "We are indeed great friends, Pinkie Pie," she said. The white unicorn looked at the tall dark alicorn standing beside her. Luna nodded. "I believe that soon, we will tell all of Ponyville, but for now, we trust you with the secret. Twilight Sparkle made Fluttershy pregnant."

"...Come on! Don't treat me like foal! Twilight couldn't--"

"--You have seen the wondrous powers she has," Luna said unexpectedly. "She has worked miracles before now. You have witnessed them with your very eyes."

The curly-maned earth mare looked at the dark princess. "Are you serious, Luna?" she asked, her voice very soft.

"I am. I am hoping that Twilight Sparkle will also impregnate me. That is the greatest reason that I am living in Ponyville instead of Canterlot." Unnoticed by either Pinkie Pie or Princess Luna, Rarity winced at that plain-spoken declaration.

Pinkie Pie said, "That's the biggest secret ever! But don't worry!" She closed her mouth and went through a strange-looking pantomime routine that lasted nearly a minute.

"Thank you; I knew we could count on you," said Rarity, trying to keep a straight face as she watched Luna clearly struggling to understand what the bubbly earth pony had just done. "Oh, but you can tell Rainbow Dash and Applejack, of course, as long as they keep it to themselves for now."

"Oh, good! I really want to tell Dashie; she wasn't as curious as me, but she wondered what was going on too. She'll be really surprised that I found out what the secret was too!

"But I almost forgot--when are we going to have that baby shower?"

Rarity said, "We don't know just yet. We will tell you as soon as we have agreed on a time and place."

"The place ought to be Sugarcube Corner, I think! Thanks, Rarity! Thanks, Luna!" Pinkie Pie scampered off, presumably to find Rainbow Dash.

Luna turned to Rarity and gave her kiss on the cheek. The prim white mare blushed but kissed Luna in return. "You are looking lovely this morning, Luna, but a little melancholy," Rarity said. "Is everything all right?"

"Everything is well," said the regal winged mare. "Yet it is not. I would have liked to have attempted to make an heir by this time, but Twilight Sparkle and I have not even kissed thus far. She seems very busy, and perhaps reluctant to deepen her relationship with me. Indeed, Fluttershy seems more favorably disposed toward me than Twilight Sparkle does. Rarity, you know much concerning them, and concerning relationships. Would you advise me in this matter?"

Rarity forced a smile. "Twilight is a dear, but she's not forward. She cares for you, Luna. Still, I believe that you'll have to make the first move in order to get her attention romantically. Where is she now?"

"She and Fluttershy were making love in their room a short time ago," said the majestic alicorn. Her voice was tinged with sadness. "I do not believe that they know I can hear them when I pass near their door."

Rarity got angry. She tried to force herself to stay calm. Fluttershy wouldn't do anything to hurt Luna's feelings on purpose. She just hadn't been very considerate. Still...

"I'll talk to Twilight Sparkle," said the petite unicorn mare. "In the meantime, I brought a couple of blueberry scones. Would you care to have one?"

"I accept!" said Luna. (Since she'd arrived in Ponyville, she'd begun wondering why everything seemed to taste better here than in Canterlot; perhaps these town and farm ponies used more milk and cream in their baking?) Rarity and the princess went into the tree house to have their breakfast.

As the dark princess and the light unicorn were finishing their scones, Fluttershy flitted out of the hall and into the room, humming a happy tune. As soon as she saw Luna and Rarity, she said, "Lovely morning! Rarity, we don't normally see you so early; what brings you here this fine day?"

"I wanted to talk to the three of you," said Rarity. "Where is Twilight?"

"She's taking a shower. She will be out in a minute," said the pegasus mare. "Would either of you like a honey cake, in the meantime?"

When Twilight Sparkle joined the trio, Rarity quickly spoke in a businesslike tone. "Applejack has begun to talk a bit about what is going on here," said the fancy white mare. "She says that there has been a lot of speculation in Ponyville. I've heard much gossip and innuendo myself. Therefore, I suggest that you three quickly explain as much as you will to our townsponies. Before the rumors get too wild."

"There is wisdom in your counsel. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, would you agree to this?" asked Luna.

"If even Applejack is talking, we've got to do it," said the violet unicorn. Fluttershy nodded her agreement.

Luna smiled. Then she raised one of her slender front legs and touched Rarity's shoulder fondly. "Twilight Sparkle, I must also inform you that I have asked Rarity to become one of my consorts and she has graciously accepted. You may decide not to become one as well, in light of this; yet I hope you will not decide thus...."

Princess Luna looking cute and awkward? Twilight barely kept from laughing aloud with joy at seeing this side of the intimidating alicorn mare. It was very sweet to watch as the small white unicorn leaned fondly against the much taller black mare. Twilight felt one of Fluttershy's hooves on her shoulder and knew that the little pegasus was doing all she could not to let a "Squee!" escape from her lips.

"I'm more sure than ever that I would like to be your consort," said the cheerful unicorn. "You two look very cute together, too!"

Rarity and Luna both blushed and looked away for a moment. But Rarity recovered fast. "As long as we are talking about important issues, I'd like a few minutes alone to talk to you about something, Twilight."

Fluttershy (who was quick on the uptake when it came to relationships) guessed what Rarity wanted to discuss with Twilight. However, the gentle pegasus realized that she would have an opportunity to talk to the princess as well, and that might solve the problem. She drew Luna aside and said, "While they're having a word, why don't we do the same near the herb garden?" Luna didn't have much idea what was going on, but she could tell that Rarity and Fluttershy both did, so she promptly followed.

As she hovered low above the fragrant green and tan plants, Fluttershy said, "Right now, Rarity is telling Twilight to make love to you and give you a child, Luna. But she's doing that because she doesn't know Twilight. Twilight is willing to do it, but she's reluctant.

"It's not easy for me to tell you this, because I love Twilight Sparkle. Yet I see that you love her too, in your own way. Luna...Twilight needs to be seduced."

The dark mare's eyes widened as she flitted alongside her smaller companion. "How do you mean that, Fluttershy?" she asked quietly.

"She is uncomfortable making the first move. She doesn't want to be an aggressor; that's one thing. She sees stallions as being aggressive. She sees herself as being a mare, through-and-through. In her mind, she will lose some of her feminine identity if she approaches you with romantic or...s-sexual intentions." (Fluttershy was finding it difficult to talk about sex, as she always had. She forced herself to continue because this was important to Luna--and by extension, to Rarity, to Twilight, and even to her.) "She thinks of her...penis as the only part of her that isn't female, so she doesn't want to let it define her."

Luna nodded slowly. "I believe I understand what you are saying. I am unaccustomed to thinking from the perspective of another, yet now that you tell me this, it seems almost obvious. I am sorry to need you to explain such basic things to me, Fluttershy, but I am very grateful to you for your aid."

Fluttershy stopped and looked directly into the princess's huge, soft blue eyes. "It's no trouble at all, and nothing to apologize for! But now that you understand, what will you do?"

"I must 'make the first move,' as I believe the young ponies say." Fluttershy suppressed her laugh at the serious way Luna spoke. "Yet now I am truly in need of help. I know not how to seduce anyone, as you suggested earlier."

Part of Fluttershy wanted to keep quiet, but she was too kind to leave the princess to flounder and fail on her own. A bit of emotional pain would be worth it if she could help this lonely, lovely alicorn who trusted her so much. "First, you need to be alone with her, either at sunset or sunrise. Then, you..."


When the conversations were finished and the morning chores were done, Rarity and Twilight, Fluttershy and Luna met again at the enormous tree. They quickly came up with a plan to tell Ponyville about Luna's presence. If they spoke carefully, they would be able to explain why Luna was in town without lying, and also without making life unbearable for Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, or Luna.

Fluttershy and Rarity left for town to post notices, promising that they would make an announcement at midday tomorrow. As long as they were near the center of the village, they would also visit the spa and do some shopping, and Rarity would pop in to her boutique just to make sure all was well.


"Fluttershy and Rarity said they'd get supper on their own, in town, but this is the first meal I've had without Fluttershy since we came back to Ponyville from Canterlot," Twilight said. "She's so much better at cooking than I am. I apologize if it wasn't good."

"It was very good," Luna said, smiling slightly. "Alfalfa and cucumber really hit the spot after a day spent looking after juvenile muskrats. I am not certain if you noticed, but alfalfa is rarely served in the palace. The cooks consider it 'provincial'."

"Thanks," said the violet unicorn. "And you did a great job with those muskrats, by the way. We might have been dealing with flooding in a week or two if you hadn't convinced them to build farther upstream."

"I am surprised at how tired several relatively simply tasks make me," answered the princess. "However, I still have enough energy to work on the fabric-imperfection-removal spell I promised to develop for Rarity."

Twilight's horn glowed as she cleared the dishes from the table. "You're developing a spell? That's always such a fascinating process! Would you show me what you've got so far?"

Just the reaction Fluttershy had predicted! Luna smiled again. "You may indeed. If I encounter trouble, I have no doubt an adept mare like you could greatly assist me."

Mere seconds after the two ponies entered Luna's bedroom, the sun began to set. The slender princess cast a furtive glance at Twilight. Sure enough--the stallion parts were emerging.

Luna was amazed; her heart was hammering; her mouth was dry--she was nervous! The dark, graceful mare worked hard to remember Fluttershy's advice. "W-would you please seat yourself and I-I'll show you what I have done so far?" Luna stammered.

Princess Luna had never acted this way in the many months Twilight had known her; something was obviously about to happen. The unicorn's penis bobbed between her legs and she knew that the timing was no accident. She remembered that Fluttershy and Luna had had a while alone together today. What had the dear scheming pegasus cooked up? This encounter had her hoofmarks all over it.

"This y-yellow silk, for example," Luna said. "Do you see the tiny tangles and inconsistencies near the edge?"

Twilight looked at the bolt of cloth. "Yes." She quickly turned her neck and looked straight at Luna. The princess blushed and turned her eyes aside.

"...Now that I look at the color, this hue con-contrasts with your mane," said the flustered princess. "You know, your mane is truly...gorgeous!"

So adorable! Twilight grinned widely. "That's sweet of you," she said. She stood and approached the taller mare. Luna was immobile, trapped in Twilight's mesmerizing gaze.

"Twilight Sparkle, I would like to kiss you," Luna whispered.

"Be who you are, Luna," the violet unicorn replied, her voice soft. "Who you are is a lovely, wonderful mare I would be glad to kiss. I care deeply for you, you know."

"And I care for you as well," was the princess's heartfelt answer. The two dark ponies' mouths met in a soft greeting. They parted, then came together again. Kiss followed kiss, hotter and deeper and wetter. Luna wasn't experienced, but she had energy, as well as soft, sweet lips. She and Twilight enjoyed their intimate contact.

"Let us make an heir, my pretty consort," said Luna. Twilight nodded, and the couple leaned together for their most passionate kiss so far.

"How would you like to do this?" asked Twilight, taking a deep breath, drinking in the beauty of the dark princess.

For her part, Luna also took a deep breath as she stared at the immense cock that hung beneath Twilight's belly. "I had not given much thought to how large your p-penis is the first time I saw it," she said, her face flushing. "I believe I should first wet it with my saliva. Th-then, I would like you to sit on my bed and I will...ride you." Her voice grew quieter with each word, so Twilight could barely hear the last one.

Seeing Princess Luna acting bashful was amazingly arousing. Twilight's penis throbbed with lust. "As you desire," she said, her alluring eyes flashing.

The tip of Luna's tongue touched the tip of Twilight's cock. The alicorn's wide tongue started to slide along Twilight's dick, feeling more and more of the hot shaft. Then the unicorn felt Luna's lips. Then the damp, warm interior of her mouth. The imposing, beautiful princess was taking Twilight's penis further into her mouth, into her throat--

--This was Princess Celestia's sister! One of the two goddess/rulers of Equestria, performing oral sex on her! Twilight Sparkle felt a rush of excitement, followed by pleasure from both her penis and her clitoris.

Twilight could smell the princess's flowing fluids as well; Luna was getting very turned on by sucking her dick. Luna was surprised in turn; she enjoyed the throbs of anticipation that emanated from her vagina as it began to swell and moisten. Luna also realized that she liked the taste of the thin syrup Twilight's penis was producing. Part of her wished to keep sucking until Twilight climaxed, but of course that would not do! Instead, she took the unicorn's cock deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Then she pulled back, slurping and salivating, revealing more of the shiny, rigid member as she retreated. She suckled a bit at the head once the penis was nearly withdrawn. Then she let it go, listening with pride to Twilight's heavy breathing.

Twilight sat on the quilts that covered the thick mattress. She and Luna shared another fiery kiss. Then Luna stood astride Twilight Sparkle's penis. She felt the blunt head rub against her sensitive lips as the magic-loving unicorn's telekinesis guided it to the vaginal orifice. Luna rested her forelegs on Twilight's shoulders and began to lower herself.

"Mm-ngh!" The winged mare hadn't expected it to require so much effort. Sweat drops formed on her brow as she forced the petite unicorn's oversized penis between her clutching labia and into her tight hole. For her part, Twilight also pushed her hips upward, trying to help with the initial entry, knowing that it would get easier once this first step was done.

A gasp of triumphant bliss--Twilight's cock slipped into Luna's pussy and the princess immediately sank lower onto the well-lubricated shaft. Deeper, fuller--it was so hot and so thick! Sex could feel like this? Rarity had done her best--and she'd been a very good lover--but this was a different experience entirely. The feeling of being filled--could Rarity use her telekinesis and replicate this sensation?

Luna's eyes shut while she exerted herself, but Twilight's were wide open. How could Luna be so large, yet so slim and curvy and graceful? Watching Luna bounce in her lap was thrilling. Twilight knew she had to get Fluttershy to try this position--after she'd had the baby, of course.

Rising and falling, sweat now dripping from her face and neck, Luna took a bit more of Twilight's length inside her with each stroke, until she could feel herself sitting on Twilight's firm prepuce. She and Twilight Sparkle surged together and away, each giving the other satisfaction as their sex organs fondled and caressed one another. The strong muscles of Luna's sleek thighs strove to overcome the resistance of the powerful muscles of her cunt. The pounding pulse in Twilight's arteries made every heartbeat pleasurable for both of them. Luna's wings naturally spread as she strove to keep her balance and open more surface area to keep her body from overheating as she began to pick up the pace. She rode the cock inside her faster, letting her tongue loll from her mouth as she joyously impaled herself on Twilight's massive penis.

"So good! Twilight!" All the muscles in Luna's lower body contracted. Her orgasm crashed into her, and she whimpered and groaned in delight. Somehow, her brain managed to keep her wings and legs coordinated enough that she didn't fall backward. "Oh!" she sighed again.

Twilight gazed at the larger mare in wonder. She'd never seen such rapture on any face besides Fluttershy's. Love and pride gave her more strength, and the small violet unicorn thrust her hips quickly, trying to extend Luna's orgasm.

"Oh!" Luna squeaked. Her "grip" on Twilight's shoulders tightened.

That swell of ecstasy--Twilight knew what it meant. At that instant, she also felt Luna's trembling legs begin to give out. With no conscious thought, Twilight's horn caught the beautiful alicorn and suspended her gently. An instant later, Twilight bit her lip and made her strongest thrust yet.

Luna shuddered and flapped her wings spasmodically as she felt Twilight's thick semen shoot into her. She was finally able to open her eyes and she saw the unicorn mare working under her. Twilight was almost as sweaty as Luna, and her damp mane curled around her brightly-lit horn while she came inside her princess. Luna had never seen such a touching, inspiring, and arousing sight. "Twilight Sparkle, you are beyond amazing," Luna whispered.

Their orgasms subsided, and the two mares found themselves a bit more steady. A final twinge of pleasure surged through the couple. "You're amazing yourself, Luna," said Twilight. "Your beauty is breath-taking. I have always known you were a princess, of course, but I think I really understand what that means now."

Luna blushed heavily, but it wasn't easy to see; her face was already quite red due to the exercise. "Thank you, Twilight Sparkle," she said. "I am sorry that my legs failed me; I am not used to so much physical exertion."

"Don't be silly! But I'm afraid you will probably be sore tomorrow," said Twilight.

"I may!" Luna groaned and prepared to get to her hooves.

"--Wait," Twilight said quickly, putting a soft but strong foreleg on Luna's hip. "Chances of pregnancy are higher if we stay this way for a while; I read that not long ago."

"Are they indeed? In that case, may we lie on our sides? This position has grown wearisome, I am afraid."

"Of course," Twilight said, again amused at the princess's way of speaking. She and Luna carefully fell onto the quilts, keeping Twilight's semi-erect penis lodged deeply inside Luna's slick vagina.

On impulse, Twilight leaned forward and kissed Luna, who kissed back very sweetly. "I'm glad to be your consort," said the petite violet mare.

"I am glad to be your princess, your friend, your lover...."

The two mares looked into each other's eyes and smiled.


An hour later, Fluttershy hovered silently outside the door to Luna's room. Nudging it open just a crack, she saw Twilight and Luna, asleep in each other's embrace.

Fluttershy smiled and flew toward the room she normally shared with Twilight. Tonight, she would sleep alone, and that was a little sad. But Fluttershy wasn't the jealous kind. Clearly, the awkward Luna had not needed as much help as she'd thought she had.

Luna had Rarity, and Fluttershy had Twilight, and what had happened tonight hadn't changed any of that. It had brought them all closer together.

"Still, I don't want to make a habit of sleeping alone," Fluttershy whispered to herself as she landed in her bed. "Twilight's way too good at cuddling!"

The yellow pegasus turned off her lamp and went to sleep.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 8: The trade

"C & C chapter 8: The trade" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the eighth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of the...

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[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence

"C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the sixth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of...

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[MLP: FiM] C&C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations

"C & C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the fifth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!"...

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