[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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[MLP: FiM] part 6 of "Cockatrice and cock-a-...Twilight?!" In this chapter, Princess Luna begins living with her new friends in Ponyville. She has her own intentions, but life can play tricks on even a powerful, wise princess.

"C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: This is the sixth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of the story takes place not long after season 2, episode 4: "Luna Eclipsed."


Deep, soft violet eyes opened to see two pairs of concerned eyes--one pair sea green, one pair ocean blue--watching closely.

"Oh, Twilight!" The pale yellow pegasus immediately hugged Twilight Sparkle, warmly and gently. "I'm sorry. I didn't think the news would be so shocking to you."

The news? Oh, yeah--the life-changing information that Fluttershy had unexpectedly shared with Princess Luna and Twilight. "I didn't react well, sorry," Twilight said, her voice a bit sheepish. "I never even thought about whether I could, you know...make babies."

To the violet mare's bewilderment, both Luna and Fluttershy glanced at each other and smiled in amusement. "It was my fault," Fluttershy said. "I shouldn't have sprung that on you. Especially with Princess Luna--"

"--Just 'Luna,' please," said the winged and horned dark mare.

"Yes, of course, but it will take me a while to get used to that, Your--Luna," said Fluttershy. "With Luna's proposition, I should have realized that I ought to be careful about how I told you I was pregnant."

For a long moment, all three ponies looked at each other in silence. Then Twilight sprang up from her bed and hugged Fluttershy tight. "We're going to be mommies!" she said. Teardrops fell from her eyes as she kept holding her lover. "I can't believe it! It's...too amazing." For her part, the pink-maned pegasus mare also cried quietly.

Princess Luna felt a bit awkward to see this emotion, but also very touched. Even her eyes moistened. "Please be careful, Twilight Sparkle; you may still be unsteady. You did lose consciousness a short time ago," she said, hating to interrupt the scene.

"She's right," Fluttershy said. "Lie back for a bit, sweetie, okay?"

"Okay," Twilight said, humoring her. The unicorn mare felt fine, actually, but why not let Fluttershy fuss over her just a while? "Anyway, we have more to discuss, don't we?"

Princess Luna floated a glass of ice-cold tomato juice to Twilight, then took a sip from her own. The white rabbit sitting in front of the deep blue princess on the couch slurped some juice from his own little bowl as well. Twilight registered momentary amazement; Angel Bunny seemed to approve of Princess Luna! He often displayed a belligerent attitude to Fluttershy and even to Twilight or Spike. Seeing him docilely leaning against the tall princess's chest was encouraging, somehow.

"Aye, we should continue our discussion," said Princess Luna. "Fluttershy and I have spoken somewhat while you were indisposed. As she is early in her pregnancy, she may continue doing all her usual activities. However, in three months, the two of you may be glad to have 'another pair of hoofs,' so to speak, to help with all the work that must be done here. I have not Fluttershy's way with animals, yet I have some affinity for them, and they for me."

"I've seen it," Fluttershy added, her soft green eyes blinking eagerly. "Luna has been very good with the creatures she's met here."

"Then you would still like to stay with us, Highness?" Twilight asked, forgetting that Luna wanted to be called by her name. "I appreciate the offer, but wouldn't things be...kind of..."

"I desire to live here, yes. And I still hope you shall consider being my consort, Twilight Sparkle."

The purple mare wasn't surprised, yet she wasn't certain. "But now you know--we all know--that I might get you pregnant. Or am I wrong? After all, you're of royal birth, with immortal bloodlines."

"You are correct, I believe and hope." (The violet mare's mouth gaped at this response.) "I wish you to conceive an heir with me. That is one of the functions of a consort, after all," said the dark, winged and horned pony. "When I heard Fluttershy's news, I desired more than ever that you and I should become mates."

Fluttershy's pink mane hung near her eyes, shading her emotions. Twilight imagined how she felt though, probably very similar to how Twilight felt. The two of them were, in a way, responsible for the princess, not just beholden to her. They and their friends had freed her from Nightmare Moon. But why did this have to happen now? Twilight felt slightly resentful toward Princess Luna for pressing the issue. Couldn't she be more sensitive?


No, of course she couldn't. She wasn't familiar with the behavior of ordinary ponies. She had recently returned for an exile of a thousand years. Powerful and beautiful and wise as Luna was, she needed help relating to other ponies.

"Fluttershy, my dearest, can you do this?"

The yellow pegasus nodded. She forced a smile and said, "It's the right thing to do. We both know it."

Neither of them spoke of the sacrifice they were making. In time, Luna would realize how much they had given up for her.

"I'm sure you understand that I can't become your consort right now. I am not declining;...I need more time. I think we all do. We don't know each other well yet.

"But we will be honored and delighted to have you live with us. Welcome to your new home, Luna," said Twilight.

Impulsively--and a tad anxiously--Fluttershy hugged the imposing princess. At once, she could feel Luna tensing.

The royal mare flinched at even such basic contact? Fluttershy's heart throbbed with sympathetic pain. She hugged Luna more tightly. The dark mare responded, hugging Fluttershy in return. Getting up from the wide bed, Twilight Sparkle joined the embrace. Luna had no idea why, but she suddenly felt better than she could remember ever feeling.

Friends: these two are my friends, she realized.


Experienced and very intelligent, Princess Celestia was almost never surprised. She enjoyed surprises mainly because they were so rare for her. She didn't spend her life bored, but that was because she kept busy, not because she didn't foresee opportunities, difficulties, and the like.

When she'd read her younger sister's letter, however, Celestia had been startled. Princess Luna was going to live in Ponyville? The white alicorn's eyes had widened and she'd read the rest of the letter quickly and carefully. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy would be her housemates? Remarkable!


While she enjoyed the steamy heat of the spa's sauna, Rarity glanced over at her friend. Fluttershy was not acting like herself. Rarity was a very genteel pony, but she had to get answers. Rumors were circulating; Princess Luna had supposedly been seen in Ponyville many times during the past week, most often near Fluttershy's pond. Much as she hated to do so, the white unicorn mare decided to ask directly.

"I simply must know! Has Princess Luna been visiting you?"

Of course, the meek pegasus had anticipated the inquiry. "The answer is yes and no," she said quietly, not wanting to be overheard. "You are my best friend, so I want to tell you everything...but I just can't by myself. I thought I might be brave enough.

"Instead, would you like to have dinner at our house tonight?"

She said "our," thought Rarity. "I keep forgetting that Twilight Sparkle is living with you now! Well, if I won't be imposing on you, that would be marvelous. Shall I bring anything: white grape juice, perhaps?"

Once they settled the details, Rarity and Fluttershy left the sauna and headed to the massage parlor.


Rainbow Dash shook her head, hoping to clear away her confusion. "Are you sure that was what you saw, Pinkie?" she asked.

The energetic earth pony said, "Totally sure! I looked twice--I didn't even believe my eyes the first time! But now you see why I don't know what to do: does Twilight know or doesn't she? She and Fluttershy were talking about something, and then they hushed up when I joined them, but that secret doesn't have to be this secret--and if it isn't, then I still don't know that secret (and that's frustrating!)--so maybe the thing to do is get Fluttershy alone and ask her what's going on. But that might not work!"

The little blue pegasus munched a blueberry muffin while she listened to her dear, amusing marefriend. "We've seen Princess Luna at Fluttershy's cottage," she said. "The princess must have something to do with this secret. Have even you got the guts to stick your nose in her business?"

"Whoa!" Pinkie Pie had been hopping on her front legs; now she stopped, balanced on just one hoof, tail extended straight up in alarm. "That's a scary idea! Fudge and frosting!" A switch flipped in her quick mind. "That's how Twilight knows. Those tests weren't Fluttershy's; they were Princess Luna's! She might be pregnant!"

Rainbow Dash's eyes nearly popped out of her head. The idea sounded crazy, but it would explain things. But Rainbow Dash also thought a step farther. Princess Luna hadn't just checked and left. She was staying with Fluttershy and Twilight.

In other words, there was no "might be."

Princess Luna definitely was pregnant.


Twilight Sparkle opened the door and Rarity entered the tree cottage. "Oh, I love what you've done with your mane," Twilight said, noticing the spell that made the fashion-conscious unicorn's lovely hair shimmer back and forth between dark and light, between indigo and periwinkle, between opaque and translucent.

"Thank you for noticing," said Rarity. "I do like to keep looking for new ways to stay fabulous."

They left the hall and entered the dining room.

"Good evening, Rarity." "Hi, Rarity," said Princess Luna and Fluttershy at almost the same moment.

"Good ev--Princess Luna!" The dainty white mare immediately bowed low.

The mysterious princess smiled. "Please, do not make a fuss, Rarity. In this house, I am not a princess; I am simply Luna. I am here to live with my two friends, as an ordinary pony. I desire to be your friend also."

She turned to Fluttershy. "By the way, Fluttershy, the bee colony does have enough room, as do the wasps. However, the hummingbirds must also drink from the flowers, and they may need a larger territory. One of their elders has told me that nectar is more difficult to find with so many insects frequenting the same blossoms."

Rarity did a great job not allowing the others to see or hear her amazement. Here was the once-inscrutable Princess Luna, talking to her best friend about mundane animal care tasks!

Her fellow unicorn knew what Rarity was feeling. "I'm sorry, but there are a lot of big surprises in store for you tonight," she said. "Are you sure you want to know the reasons so many things have changed with us?"

The pegasus, the purple unicorn, and the alicorn looked at Rarity, waiting for her response. The atmosphere was suddenly heavy, almost stifling. Rarity was intimidated; obviously, something very important was happening. "Fluttershy, you are my oldest and closest friend. You mean so much to me. I would indeed like to know what is happening in your life."

Twilight cleared her throat, nervously. "We already talked about how we'd tell you these things. Best to start right at the beginning. But not before supper--let's eat first. Then, we'll go to the living room and tell you all our stories."


It was nearly midnight when Rarity went to bed, in the guest bedroom across from Princess Luna's. The white unicorn stayed at Fluttershy's insistence, despite Twilight's offer to walk home with her. But as Rarity lay in the warm, comfortable (if just a bit narrow) bed, she knew sleep was still a long way from her. She'd never had so much news all at once, particularly such outlandish, nearly unbelievable news! The unicorn mare knew her emotions were struggling to catch up with it all.

She wanted to feel happy for Fluttershy--and for Twilight Sparkle--but the thought that those two were going to be parents seemed so alien. Rarity wasn't uncomfortable with it. Ponyville had many same-sex couples. But she had always thought of Twilight Sparkle as a mare: just like Rarity herself, in fact, as she was a unicorn. A mare getting a mare pregnant would take a while to accept. Until then, Rarity would be more puzzled than happy about the tiny filly that grew inside her best friend's womb.

She wanted to be happy for Princess Luna also. The princess had spoken a good deal about herself this evening. It was plain that she'd never had real friends until Twilight Sparkle had reached out to her. But Rarity was somewhat envious of Fluttershy and Twilight. The princess was living with them--oh, to be that close to nobility!

There was the biggest sore spot of all: Luna wanted Twilight to be her consort. If she accepted--no, when she accepted, Twilight would become an aristocrat. She was from Canterlot. She was Princess Celestia's personal protege. How was it fair that she should also become Princess Luna's lover?

Trying her best not to be jealous, Rarity focused instead on her own life. She had orders to fill tomorrow, and Sweetie Belle would be coming over for dinner. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were all going to be at the Carousel Boutique for a slumber party the next night. Those three energetic youngsters loose in her store--alarming in itself!

Eventually, Rarity got to sleep. Her dreams were vaguely disturbing. She woke with no memory of the details, thank goodness.


Word spread that Princess Luna was living in Ponyville. At first, there were many rumors and much gossip about why she was there--living with Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle, no less! However, Twilight addressed the town at a meeting called by the mayor. The violet unicorn asked everypony to go about their everyday lives, and to be polite, but not deferential to Princess Luna when they met her in town.

Pinkie Pie hosted a party for the princess, once Luna's presence was officially announced. (The party mare had hoped to talk to the princess and find out if she was pregnant or not, but the town square was packed and she never got the chance. Princess Luna didn't look pregnant to Pinkie, in any case.)

Because the trio led quiet lives, life returned to normal quickly. Only a few of the townsponies wondered what had brought the princess to Ponyville in the first place.


For Rarity, however, being in the know brought no peace. She went to the cottage at the edge of the marsh at least twice a week, always interested in seeing Fluttershy and Luna. As time passed, the fashionable mare grew more and more antsy, and finally admitted to herself that she had to talk to the princess alone.

Rarity invited Luna to visit the spa with her. "Of course," Princess Luna said, glad to keep company with such a well-dressed and courteous companion. "I consider you a friend, and I would love to spend time with you. Besides that, I have heard Fluttershy refer to this town's spa and I am excited to experience it. The salons and baths of Canterlot are so formal; I am hoping for a more relaxed environment."

The next day, Luna and Rarity met at the spa. Aloe and Lotus were completely professional. They treated the regal mare with care and with confidence.


Two pairs of eyes watching through the drawn blinds in the back room of Sugar Cube Corner spotted Rarity and Luna as they entered the spa facility. "This could be our chance to talk to Princess Luna," Pinkie Pie said. "We should go over there, Dashie! Let's hurry, she might--"

"--I don't know, Pinks. It doesn't seem like a good time," said the pegasus with the multi-colored hair. "I can't say why, but it looks like those two want to be alone."

"We'd only need a minute, though. If--wait!" There it was: "Ear flap--knee twitch! Front hoof shiver! You're right, we should leave them alone for now."

"A combo from your Pinkie-Sense? What's it mean?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie went to the door and set the "closed" sign in the window. "Come upstairs and I'll show you!" she chirped.


The pair got their hooves and horns done, and Luna got her feathers preened. (She was surprised at how well they managed her wings; they were earth ponies, after all, and had none of their own.)

Luna and Rarity went to the sauna next. Before she entered, Rarity drew Lotus aside. "Would you please ensure Princess Luna an hour of privacy?" she asked sweetly.

"As you wish, Miss Rarity," Lotus answered.

For several minutes, the two mares relaxed in silence. Luna closed her eyes shortly after they entered the hot room. When she opened them, she saw Rarity looking squarely at her.

"Does this suit you?" asked the white mare.

"Certainly. This experience has been greatly pleasing--more than I had expected, in fact. It is sophisticated, yet soothing," said the dusky blue mare.

"I'm glad." Rarity winked, and Luna smiled back at her. White steam rose around them as they sat together.

"Luna...do you really want Twilight to be your consort?"

The princess was very surprised. "I do," she answered, studying Rarity's face carefully as she spoke. Rarity's eyes showed a hint of anguish.

Rarity shifted on the warm wooden shelf. "You are lovely," she said. "I have always thought so. I love the elegant long lines of your legs and the graceful curves of your wings. Your mane and tail are the most beautiful mane and tail I have ever seen. Your eyes are a heavenly shade of blue; I could stare into them forever. I admire the smooth motion of your muscles."

"Thank you for seeing me that way," Luna said softly, her eyes shining with deep emotion. Rarity gave her a brilliant smile and continued.

Her horn glowed for an instant as she moved her damp indigo hair away fro her eyes. "When you wanted to be my friend, I was truly moved. When you said that you wanted Twilight Sparkle to be your consort, I was hurt; but at the same time, I was filled with hope. You would consider a mare as a mate. That had never occurred to me, though I can't say why it did not.

"I cannot do what Twilight can. You want her to give you an heir. For me, that is not possible.

"I am a proud unicorn, Luna. You haven't known me very long, but you've seen that. However, my pride can't keep me from speaking my heart. I request to become intimate with you."

The slender, dark mare saw the turmoil in her smaller friend's intense gaze. "You are proud. And you should be. Your independence and determination are inspiring! I say also that in my eyes, you are the epitome of beauty. The first time I saw you, you reminded me of my sister and of myself: as white as she, as dark as I. Yet you were petite and delicate, and only those who knew you well could see your strong spirit. I know you now, and it is my privilege to recognize your strength--your inner beauty as well as your outer."

Rarity stood and approached Princess Luna. Sweat and condensation highlighted the regal mare's muscles with a glossy sheen. Rarity kissed Luna, soft as a feather. The couple pulled back slightly. Each mare searched the other's eyes. There was understanding, tenderness, and desire.

Their mouths met again; this time with a heat much greater than the interior of the sauna. Rarity kissed with pure longing. Luna responded with hunger and need.

Rarity separated her mouth from Luna's for a moment. "Let me try to make you happy," she whispered. She kissed Luna's lips again as she pressed forward, working her sleek thigh between the princess's hind legs. Luna gasped at the unfamiliar pleasure.

Though she had never had many magical abilities, Rarity had refined the use of her telekinesis to a level approaching perfection. It was easy for her to thread a needle with the power of her mind, even when she was distracted by other tasks. As she kissed her beautiful princess, Rarity focused her formidable power. She used her telekinesis to gently touch and caress; she ran her mental fingers along Luna's flanks, then up to her chest and down, gliding the length of her belly. With a soft, firm "touch", she manipulated Luna's teats. Luna released a muffled groan and continued to kiss Rarity passionately.

Still "squeezing" and "stroking" the dark princess's sensitive mammary area, Rarity slid even lower with her telekinesis, at last reaching Luna's clitoris. The elegant alicorn made a most un-princess-like grunt, and she ground her pelvis against Rarity's thigh. Rarity began using her mental force like a tongue, circling and pulling at the princess's stiff button.

Why use a mental tongue when she had a real one?

The princess whined when Rarity removed her lips from their kiss, but she was too weak with pleasure to do anything else. In moments, she felt Rarity's mouth on the lips between her legs. "Ah!" she panted. She clung to Rarity's shoulders, her eyes squeezing themselves shut.

The princess's smell was quite strong, even with all the steam. Rarity licked the royal vagina. The taste was strange--more bitter than she'd imagined--yet the dazzling unicorn immediately needed more of it. She stuck her tongue deep between the princess's labia, then brought it out slowly, wiggling and fluttering as she went. Luna thrashed, and her hooves pushed into Rarity's back, probably hard enough to cause a little bruising.

This is fun, thought Rarity, a hidden smirk appearing on her face. She put her lips around Luna's clitoris and rolled her tongue around the sensitive, trembling flesh. Luna whinnied, loudly! Rarity hoped that nopony had heard, but there was nothing to be done about it, even if somepony had.

Using her telekinesis on Luna's teats; her lips, tongue and teeth on Luna's clitoris and vulvae; Rarity brought the gorgeous, dark princess to orgasm; and then again, and again. Luna writhed and bucked, chanting Rarity's name, gasping for breath, sweating and heaving--

--Finally, Rarity had had her fill. She released the princess, with her mind and her mouth. Luna collapsed onto the wide bench, spent and joyful. Rarity extended her tongue and licked Luna's juices off her chin, beaming at the sight of the imposing, graceful, beautiful princess powerless in the throes of ecstasy--ecstasy that Rarity herself had delivered!

"Rarity...that was wonderful," the princess managed to say.

"I love you, Luna," the posh unicorn replied quietly.

"I have known you for only a short time...but I love you also," said Luna. She opened her large, ocean blue eyes, and smiled, showing the little white mare her affection. "Would you do me the honor of becoming my consort as well?"

Rarity was at a loss. "...I-I can't do for you what Twilight--"

"--I know you cannot," said Luna fondly. "Yet I know that she will never love me as you do. I need that love. Please."

The white unicorn found that she couldn't disappoint her lover, but she hesitated. "I am prone to jealousy," she warned the princess. "I may act in a fit of temper at times. It's a cruel fate that Twilight can give you an heir and I can't! I wish you were all mine."

Luna leaned forward and kissed Rarity. For a moment, the two mares shared their love for each other with pure, wordless feelings. Then Luna spoke again, her voice low and earnest. "You are first in my heart," she said.

"I will gladly be your consort," Rarity said, a tear running down her cheek.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 7: Love, duty, or both?

"C & C chapter 7: Love, Duty, or Both?" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the seventh chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part...

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[MLP: FiM] C&C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations

"C & C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the fifth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!"...

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[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 4: Acts during the darkness

"C & C chapter 4: Acts During the Darkness" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This is the fourth chapter of...

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