[MLP: FiM] C&C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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[MLP: FiM] Part 5 of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" While Fluttershy and Twilight are getting along quite well, they've made other ponies interested in them, for different reasons. What can stop a curious Pinkie Pie? What does Princess Luna want to discuss?

"C & C chapter 5: Discoveries and realizations" by jami a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: This is the fifth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of the story takes place not long after season 2, episode 4: "Luna Eclipsed."


Rarity, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy stood across from Twilight Sparkle, watching her load her luggage into the brightly-painted passenger car. One after another, they said their goodbyes. Spike teared up a little, but Fluttershy promised him that they would have a good time together while Twilight was gone on her errand to Princess Luna. Fluttershy managed not to cry, but she hugged her marefriend tightly and said, "Come back as soon as you can, okay?"

Twilight said, "I promise." The unicorn leaned close and kissed her marefriend's cheek. Fluttershy blushed but she gave Twilight Sparkle a kiss in return.

The violet unicorn boarded the train. She waved to her friends and they waved back until the train disappeared into the foggy valley ahead.

After the departure, Fluttershy and Spike said goodbye to other two and left for Fluttershy's large cottage at the edge of the forest.

Rarity turned to Pinkie Pie. "I'm surprised that you weren't surprised!" she said. "How did you know that Fluttershy and Twilight are lovers?"

The bubbly earth pony laughed--but there was a note of nervousness. "Who wouldn't notice, the way they've been acting?" Hoping to keep Rarity from asking anything more, she excused herself quickly and took off for parts unknown, heading in the direction of the mountains.


"This stop: West Canterlot Station. Next stop: Bridleborough Station," the conductor said over the train's public address system.

Twilight Sparkle had to be honest with herself. She was a bit apprehensive about meeting Princess Luna. It was irrational, and that made her a bit cross. The violet unicorn knew Princess Luna better than almost anyone in Equestria knew Luna, except for Princess Celestia, of course. Princess Luna was forceful and a touch eccentric, but she was a good-hearted pony. What was to worry over?

The graceful dark alicorn personally met Twilight at the platform. They smiled at each other and Twilight felt her nerves relaxing immediately. The princess arranged for Twilight's cases and bags to be brought to the main guest room in Princess Luna's apartments. Luna then started to make oddly accented small talk as she and Twilight climbed the hill toward the castle. Twilight Sparkle succeeded in not chuckling at the Princess's outdated vocabulary; it was actually a bit charming.

Soon, Twilight asked about Princess Celestia. Luna looked away for an instant, but she said, "Her royal business demands her attention at this moment. We will speak with her before long; you need not worry."

The two mares got to Princess Luna's enormous apartments--almost a mansion within the castle!--and began talking about particular dangerous creatures they had met and what magic had been useful in dealing with them. Twilight Sparkle bore with the princess, but she knew that this wasn't the purpose of the summons.

Minutes turned into hours, and Twilight began to think about supper. Should she remind Princess Luna about it? After all, the princess was in charge of the night. Meal times for her might be--

At a pleasant yet horrifying throb from between her legs, Twilight looked out the nearest window. The shadows were very long. Twilight hadn't drunk the tea that controlled her stallion parts for quite a while. "Highness, I need to use the Fillies' Room!" she blurted, trying to use her tail to hide the penis and testicles that were becoming visible. She almost galloped from the room.

But the regal mare said, "Twilight Sparkle, do not go, please! I know your secret. That is what I wish to discuss."

Twilight turned and looked straight into Princess Luna's eyes. She blushed. In spite of herself, Luna blushed in response. Her self-control was stronger than a little embarrassment, though. She said quietly, "I have read about the very rare condition of certain female unicorns who are born with genitals both female and male. I waited here, with you, until sundown to see whether the obscure text I read was correct."

Mortified but curious, Twilight asked, "How, Your Highness? I mean, how could you have even gotten to that topic? As you say, the condition's rare, and even your sister doesn't know I have it."

For a moment, Luna looked away from Twilight. "I saw for myself," she answered. "I fly at night very often. I almost never see any pony, and certainly not two ponies having a picnic! As I drew closer to the two ponies, however, I could see more and more clearly. I perceived what they were doing, and then who they were.

"As you may imagine, I did not choose to interrupt the actions of the couple. I flew away without speaking.

"I have been unable to think of anything but Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy having intercourse. I summoned you to me...without any clear purpose. I wished to see you."

"Well," the unicorn mare said slowly, "if you've read the text, then what would you like to discuss? I'm afraid I probably can't tell you much more than you know, but I will try." By now, her enormous penis and heavy sack hung beneath her, revealed. Twilight was sitting more-or-less with her left side to the princess, not wanting to display her thick cock. However, Princess Luna was not trying to look. Her attention was focused on Twilight's amethyst eyes.

"I am still not clear of purpose," admitted the tall, beautiful alicorn. "My heart and my mind do not agree on all things, now that you stand here, with me. If you would indulge me, I would like to tell you several things that my mind and heart do approve."

"I will listen closely, Princess," Twilight said humbly. Her penis twitched every few seconds, but she was growing more and more comfortable, knowing that Luna wasn't about to gawk at or examine her.

The dark princess used her telekinesis to set a huge sky blue pillow with a golden fringe in front of herself. She sat near Twilight. She said, "I remember almost nothing during the time that I was possessed by Nightmare Moon. That is just as well. I do, however, remember feeling as though I had awakened, from an unpleasant, tiring sleep. I remember a painful but invigorating light warming me from within, restoring my consciousness, driving out the numbness that had filled me. The light came from the magic of your spirit.

"Now I wonder if I should have gone to Ponyville to reside near your friends and you. I went to Canterlot with my sister, as she bade me. I found obedience--and companionship and caring--but not understanding. Sympathy--

"--Sympathy is not a substitute for understanding," Luna muttered, more to herself than to to Twilight Sparkle.

The unicorn pony had said she would listen, so she sat and and listened, even as the moments of silence stretched. The princess had to collect her thoughts; Twilight helped her by staying quiet. The sound of a growing breeze ruffling the nearby oak branches came in through the windows.

Princess Luna resumed her talk. "You understand me because you have great power, just as I do. Yet I know that your understanding is more complete than that. As I was, you also were born different. You know what it is to live apart from other ponies, though you dwell amidst them. Is that not why you immediately aided me on Nightmare Night?"

Twilight Sparkle thought about it. "I can't say," she answered. "I want to do what I can for everyone who needs help. I acted, not caring what my motives were. What you hypothesize has the ring of truth, though. I know enough about sociology and psychology to know that ponies are more likely to help those who resemble themselves than ponies who they can't identify with. I have to tell you the whole truth, Princess; it's almost certain that part of my motivation was simply my devotion to your sister. I hope you don't mind hearing that. Plus, it was a holiday that was related to your experience. There would be no justice in you having a miserable time while everypony else had fun!...And I suppose I could go on, now that I'm trying to think of reasons."

Princess Luna chuckled, a low and musical sound that Twilight Sparkle loved as soon as she heard it. The imposing princess had a lovely smile. She said, "You need not! I know what you mean. Your actions spoke for you; you tried to engage me in the festivities; you introduced me to your friends; you also demonstrated to me what the holiday meant to the citizens, so that I might...'enter the spirit,' I believe you would say? Instead of trying to make the celebration fit me, I was able to try to enjoy it as it was.

"But Twilight Sparkle, I would like to be a friend of you and of your friends. I do not mind acting the 'bogey-mare' on Nightmare Night. Yet what of other nights? Since you accept me as an ordinary pony, I would like to see more of you, and be seen with you. Others would get the idea that I am a pony, whether I am a princess with amazing powers or not."

The small unicorn looked thoughtfully at Luna. "I am living in Ponyville at present, as you're aware, Princess. Would you like to come and live there a while?"

"Might you not return to live in Canterlot for a time?" asked the winged and horned mare. "You are quite popular here."

"I could stay for a few days, but I'd hate to leave my friends for more than a week," Twilight said.

"Not to mention Fluttershy," said Princess Luna. Twilight conquered her urge to look away bashfully. "She is your lover; you would not choose to be separated from her. Indeed, I should have bid her accompany you on this visit."

"She has so many animals--it would have been tough for her to come with me on short notice, Highness. But if you would come to Ponyville..."

Princess Luna laughed. "You have a gift for persuading ponies to do as you desire--even 'wise' ponies like myself! You are correct; we should go to Ponyville. However, it might seem absurd if we went today. All your packing and planning would be for naught."

"I'm not worried about what other ponies may think. My friends will ask me what happened and I'll tell them." Twilight got to her hooves, feeling relaxed, now that her male genitals had begun to hide themselves again. "It would be a good idea to stay here tonight, but tomorrow morning, we could easily get a train--but you've got the royal carriage, of course! We leave in the morning, if you'd like."

"Which would you rather use: the carriage or the train?"

"If you have never travelled by it, I'd like to show you the train. It's a bit slower than the carriage, but it's fun to ride. There's plenty of room to move around, ponies to talk to, they even serve meals if you're on the train for a long enough trip."

"Very well, I accept your offer! Let us sleep here tonight, then journey to Ponyville by train. Now, I must hasten to raise the moon."


While Fluttershy served supper to the reptiles, amphibians, and water-dwelling mammals and birds, Spike fed the land mammals and tree- and ground-nesting birds.

And as they were doing that, a quiet figure (the size of a fairly large mare pony) in a dark costume entered Fluttershy and Twilight's cottage. She didn't know what she was looking for, yet she had a strong hunch that she'd know it when she found it. Through dresser drawers, under beds, in cabinets--no, nothing! Time was running short, but she had to satisfy her curiosity.

Hm, Fluttershy's jewelry box. No, just jewelry--but wait, shouldn't it be deeper? Large blue eyes examined the well-made cherry wood chest. There was a hidden catch, just under the rivets that held on the front clasp. Just push that...yes, the shelf would move up and back, revealing a concealed compartment.

The intruder's eyes widened in absolute shock. She dropped the carved wooden box; luckily for her, it fell without a sound onto the quilt that covered the wide bed.

Pregnancy tests!

"Clack"--The front door shut. The costumed figure's mane and tail stood up in alarm. Forcing herself not to panic, she closed the box and returned it to its shelf as quickly and quietly as possible. Hoofsteps in the hall!

The sneaky pony jumped out of the window and galloped back toward town.


Fluttershy set her food baskets in the kitchen. Suddenly, there was the sound of a burp and a green glow from the living room.

"It's a letter from Twilight," Spike said.

The yellow pegasus let out a tiny cry of joy. "Great! What does she say?"

"Well, for one thing, she says she's returning by train tomorrow. That was a short tr--whoa!"

"--Such wonderful news!" said Fluttershy, picking up the small dragon while she spun in a tight circle. "She's coming home tomorrow! Today has felt like the longest day of my life, but Twilight's coming back!"


"Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash! I don't know what to do--I found out their secret, and Fluttershy was right to keep it so secretive, such a secret secret! But now I know and what should I do--should I tell Twilight?--should I--"

"--Pinkie Pie, slow down. See, this is why you shouldn't have tried to find out what it was."

"Well, it's so huge, though; such a gigantic secret--I knew it would be! But I can't just not tell Twilight--but if I do, what about Fluttershy?"

The mare with the multi-colored mane rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, whose secret is this?"

The pink earth pony settled down from jumping to hopping. "Twilight's and Fluttershy's, but--"

"--Then doesn't Twilight already know?"

Pinkie Pie paused in mid-air, defying gravity. "That's right!" She landed and just paced back and forth. "But maybe I was wrong? Does Twilight know? It might be just Fluttershy's secret--but I thought they both knew it--but how could Twilight know? It would be really weird if she did! It wouldn't make sense!"

"So...guess you have another mystery to solve. Better get to it! I'm going back to my nap." Rainbow Dash curled up on her little grey cloud again.

"Rrgh, you should help me!" the pink mare argued in frustration.

"Just ask them. Secret or not, if they know how much it's bugging you, they'll tell you," said the blue pegasus, waving a hoof dismissively.


"I have greatly enjoyed this train ride," announced Princess Luna. She glanced at Twilight quickly, then returned her gaze to the view out the wide window.

"I thought you might, Princess," said Twilight, nearly giggling at the excitement of her dignified companion. "Before we get there, maybe we should discuss where you'll be staying."

The dark, long-legged mare had an idea already, but she didn't want to tell it to Twilight Sparkle until Fluttershy was present as well. She answered vaguely, "I believe finding accommodation will present no trouble. When Princess Celestia visits Ponyville, she has no problems of that kind."

"That's true, but she's always been announced before the visit," the violet unicorn said.

"We are at the turn; beyond this is the small valley that leads to Ponyville. I have never seen it from this angle. The fir and spruce are much taller than I had expected," said the princess, changing the subject. "What variation of greens and blues, as well; on a very sunny day, I should like to come here again and behold this conifer grove!"

"I'm sure we'll get a chance to do that soon, Your Highness," Twilight said. "It is beautiful in the full sun."

Fluttershy was the only pony there to greet Twilight and Princess Luna at the platform, because Twilight had asked in her letter that there be no fanfare. The ponies who'd debarked at the Ponyville Station and the ponies waiting for others on the train couldn't help but notice the princess, so they bowed of course. But they had family and friends to greet, so they didn't make a big deal of her being there.

Hovering restlessly, Fluttershy said, "Welcome home, Twilight! Greetings, Princess: I'm glad to see you again." The yellow pegasus hugged her violet marefriend.

"I am pleased to see you again as well, Fluttershy," said the princess, inclining her head in a friendly manner. Fluttershy smiled nervously. Princess Luna was still so tall and mysterious--so overwhelming!

The pegasus mare said, "By the way, Twilight honey, you said in your letter that Princess Luna knew you 'as well as anypony.' Does that mean she knows...how special you are?"

"It does," Twilight Sparkle answered, blushing slightly in spite of herself. "In fact, I think the three of us ought to have tea and a private talk."

The eye-catching trio hastily adjourned to the upper floor of the Ponyville Library. (It was scheduled to be closed that day anyway, since Twilight had thought she would be at Canterlot for several days.) Twilight quickly fixed tea for three, and they began their meeting.


"Rainbow Dash! Princess Luna! Come on; we've got to see what they're talking about! The princess never--"

Almost nothing could stop Pinkie Pie while she was talking a blue streak, but she stopped herself this time. There was a heavy scent in the dark, foggy "cloud chamber" where her friend was lying. Rainbow Dash herself looked a sight; her blue coat was sweaty, one of her hooves looked shiny with some clear, milky fluid, her hair was disheveled. She had hastily curled up, facing away from Pinkie as soon as she'd heard her, but she hadn't been able to hide her actions completely.

"Can't a mare get a little privacy, Pinkie?" she complained, her breathing uneven.

"How much 'privacy' does a 'nap' require?" Pinkie Pie asked, blinking innocently. Meanwhile, her mind was racing. She'd never seen Rainbow Dash looking so sexy: hot and bothered and vulnerable! On the other hoof, she also needed to find out why the princess was here, and this opportunity would probably be gone soon....

But PinkieLogic was unlike any other way of thinking in the universe, and the party-loving earth pony quickly found a solution to this puzzle. "Okay, let Pinkie help make this 'nap' quick and enjoyable!" she said, approaching the pegasus and licking her lips. The scent was stronger with every step. Between that smell and the sight of the blue body glistening and heaving with exertion, Pinkie Pie let herself lose control.

Rainbow Dash had nowhere to run or hide. "Pinks, I d--"

The large, strong pink mare had already stuck her nose between her athletic friend's hind legs. That beautiful dark blue pussy dripping with pungent whitish liquid--Pinkie Pie made one long, deliberate swipe with her wide slippery tongue, starting at Rainbow's cute anus, going up to the top of her juicy clit.

"--Mm-ngh!" grunted Rainbow Dash. Her eyelids shut tightly and her legs went limp.

"Now I know why 'rainbow sherbet' is such a popular flavor!" Pinkie murmured. She put her front hooves on Rainbow's knees and licked again, faster and deeper.

"Pinkie!" groaned the helpless pegasus mare. She had no idea whether she wanted her friend to stop or continue. But her body knew; her forehooves rested on the back of Pinkie's neck and began to play with her curly mane.

Pinkie Pie probably hadn't needed any encouragement anyway, but now that she had some, she tongue-fucked Rainbow Dash in earnest. Her slippery, bumpy tongue was now inside, now outside, now making rough circles, now tenderly tasting, now drilling deep while her lips sucked the blue mare's large, hot clitoris--

Rainbow Dash's hips thrust into the energetic earth mare's face. "Ooh!" she sighed. A terrific climax walloped her as she writhed, muscles clenching and relaxing, lungs straining for breath. The energetic earth mare kept nibbling and licking. Rainbow Dash finally pushed at Pinkie Pie feebly, hoping to dislodge Pinkie before she hyperventilated.

Fortunately for her, Pinkie Pie got the message. She pulled away from Rainbow Dash's vagina. For a moment, she sat there thoughtfully, watching her normally strong and willful friend lying weak and immobile with pleasure, legs apart, revealing her engorged labia in all their dark, naked glory. Pinkie Pie licked her friend's secretions from around her mouth while she watched, fascinated.

"...Thunderclouds and hail, Pinks!" Rainbow Dash said, rolling onto her side, letting her hind legs fall together for the first time in what seemed like an hour.

"Now that your 'nap's' finished, let's go see what the princess and Twilight and Fluttershy are up to!" said Pinkie Pie, recovering from her own warm and erotic feelings.

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I'm a mess! I can't go anywhere now!" She laughed more at the look on her pink friend's face. "But come closer and let me tell you a secret," the strong little pegasus said, lowering her voice.

Pinkie Pie immediately did so.

With amazing quickness, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and kissed her passionately.


"I would like to abide with the two of you, in your cottage," said the princess. "This is no whim. I wish to be in your company for most of the duration of my visit. Twilight Sparkle, you have empathy with me as no one ever has. Fluttershy, you have great empathy with nearly any living thing, and I believe the two of us can become fast friends."

"Princess, I would truly like to indulge you in this, but I'm afraid Twilight and I are--" began Fluttershy.

"--I daresay you are in love," said Princess Luna just a tad brusquely. "I do not wish to separate two lovers, especially if they happen to be my friends.

"That stated, I also wish for you, Twilight Sparkle, to become my consort."

Fluttershy gasped and nearly choked on her tea.

Poor Twilight, on the other hand, did choke on her tea, and she spent the next minute or two coughing and spluttering. Fluttershy rubbed her back as she tried to recover, and Princess Luna apologized for her poor timing several times.

"Um, Twilight is my lover, Princess," said Fluttershy in a fearful but assertive tone while she waited for Twilight Sparkle to regain her ability to speak. "I'm sure that she's honored, but the two of us are in love."

The dark princess smiled, hoping to soothe Fluttershy's fears. "I am also somewhat in love with her, dear Fluttershy," she said quietly. "I believe that you and she may love me as well, in time. Please extend me the kindness of staying with you for two months, as a trial. Our feelings for each other shall grow much stronger, I think."

The pink-maned pegasus continued to rub Twilight's back while she thought. "You are a princess," she pointed out. "Isn't it a good idea for you to pick a mate from the nobility?"

"My sister and I may select whom we will," said Princess Luna. "I can tell you have more concerns than you have voiced. Perhaps it may ease your mind to remember that we ponies are not usually monogamous. You take care of animals; you are aware that geese, for example, pick one spouse for their entire lives, while rabbits, for another example, mate with several partners during their lives--sometimes in the same season. While most ponies in the countryside prefer the former, most city ponies choose the latter."

Twilight had recovered, and she had read Fluttershy's reluctance. "Princess, nopony would share more willingly than Fluttershy under most circumstances." The unicorn mare turned to the pegasus mare. "The princess hasn't told you anything about biology you didn't know already. Don't be scared of her; she's very understanding. Please, tell her your reason."

Fluttershy blushed, but she said in proud voice, "I'm carrying our daughter."

Twilight Sparkle passed out.


Much later, Pinkie Pie remembered that she'd wanted to see what Princess Luna, Fluttershy, and Twilight had been doing. But by then, even her enormous energy was seriously depleted.

Besides, as she looked at the beautiful winged mare lying next to her, snoring softly, Pinkie Pie decided that she didn't have to go anywhere. Right now, what was important was cuddling with her precious friend.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence

"C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro. Author's note: This is the sixth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" This part of...

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[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 4: Acts during the darkness

"C & C chapter 4: Acts During the Darkness" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This is the fourth chapter of...

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[MLP: FiM] "C & C chapter 3: Shared Domicile"

"C & C chapter 3: Shared Domicile" by jami31 a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This is the third chapter of "Cockatrice...

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