[MLP: FiM] "C & C chapter 3: Shared Domicile"

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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"C & C chapter 3: Shared Domicile" by jami31 a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc.

Author's note: This is the third chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?" The story takes place after season 1 ep 17: "The Stare Master". You can enjoy this story even if you haven't seen it, but you'll get more from it if you do!


Soft but abrupt motion jostled Twilight Sparkle awake. She blinked slowly and looked around. A yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane was standing next to her bed. This particular mare was Twilight's lover, and the two of them had had an amazing interlude last night. Twilight smiled, though her jaw ached just a bit when she did.

"I tried not to wake you, Twilight; I'm sorry," Fluttershy said. "I've got to go back to my animals."

"It's still dark. It's not morning," Twilight said, her voice giving away the fact that she wasn't fully awake yet.

Fluttershy quickly kissed the purple unicorn's cheek. "They need me to get started early. You go back to sleep, sweetie." She turned and put her forehooves on the window sill.

"Are you busy?" Twilight asked, her mind clearing as she woke a bit more. "Will I be able to see you today?"

"I'm no busier than usual. Of course we can see each other if you want. Now get some more sleep."

That sounded like a good idea to Twilight Sparkle.


It was mid-morning and Twilight was lending a couple of home repair books to an earth pony named Steelycoil when Spike returned to the library. Spike waited until Twilight was done helping the dark grey pony with the cutie mark of three springs: two silver-colored, one bronze-colored. Two or three ponies were reading, so the little dragon and the unicorn mare kept their voices low while they talked.

"You didn't get caught in the storm?" Twilight asked.

"Nah, a while after we left, Rainbow Dash showed up and told Rarity it was on the way. We made it back to Carousel Boutique just before the first drop fell."

"That's good. How was the excursion? Did Rarity find enough gems to keep her settled for a while?"

"Did she?" Spike said. "We went back for a second wagonload! Yeah, she struck a huge vein, right where Zack said there'd be one."

Twilight's ears perked up. "Someone else showed Rarity where there would be gems? She normally finds them herself."

"She didn't have to find the lode this time, just the individual pockets of stones. Zack and his family sleep in that cave during winter."

"So Zack is a...?" the violet unicorn asked.

"Gopher snake," the baby dragon finished for her.

"A snake?" Twilight nearly shouted. Immediately, books were lowered and readers looked at her with surprise. "Sorry," she whispered.

At noon, Twilight closed the library for an hour, leaving Spike a small bowl of agates for lunch and a request that he organize the mystery section if he got the chance. As soon as she was out of sight of the library tree, she bolted, galloping toward the edge of town.

There was no need to knock at Fluttershy's cottage. The pale yellow pegasus was flying slowly near the ground, encouraging a gaggle of half-grown goslings to try their wings and join her in the air. She was paying so much attention to her little birds that she didn't see or hear Twilight until the studious unicorn was just a few strides away.

Perturbed though she was, Twilight slowed her pace so she wouldn't scare the small geese. Fluttershy smiled at her lover and quickly announced that they would take a break from the lessons for now. Her best assistant, Angel, led the goslings in a single file, back toward the pond.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" Fluttershy said, turning to her friend-with-benefits.

"Maybe," Twilight answered, fixing her eyes on Fluttershy's. "First, let's talk about how Rarity knew where those gems would be when she took Spike gem-hunting yesterday."

"Ah--please, not right this minute," said the pegasus timidly, her cheeks coloring. "It's--"

"--That's three schemes in two days by my count. You seem to be good at cooking up schemes."

"Let's not--"

"--Which do you like more, me, or fuc--" Twilight began, her voice's volume rising higher with each word.

Fluttershy panicked and slapped a hoof over Twilight's snout. "Not now!" she hissed, and she pointed her gaze over her left shoulder meaningfully.

As though on cue, Pinkie Pie burst out from Fluttershy's tree home, bounding up to her friends with three giant hops. Her little alligator was along for the ride, peeking out of the custom-made basket strapped to Pinkie Pie's back. "What're you girls talking about?" she asked in her bubbly voice.

Aggravated though she was, Twilight knew that it would be unwise to let Pinkie know. Besides, the unicorn mare had said that she'd do her best to keep others from finding out about her unusual endowment. "Sorry, I shouldn't tell you, Pinkie," she said, trying to keep her voice from sounding strained. "As you said, 'losing a friend's trust is the quickest way to lose a friend...forever!'"

"Oh, a secret! If it's a secret, I'd never try to get you to tell me." The energetic earth pony turned to Fluttershy. "Thanks again for helping me with birds to sing at Rarity's congratulations party. I'll see you at the pet play date tomorrow!"

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy smiled fake grins and waved as the pink mare trotted away. As soon as Pinkie Pie disappeared around a row of hedges, Fluttershy said, "Let's go inside and talk."

Twilight agreed and hastily followed.

"We should eat; it's lunchtime, after all," said Fluttershy. Wings beating gracefully, she moved toward the kitchen.

"I think we should talk, 'Shy," said Twilight. "Spike told me that the gems he and Rarity found yesterday were in a snake's den."

"That's true," chirped the pegasus.

"Well, it seems like you've been scheming to get time alone with me. But that rubs me wrong. It doesn't feel...honest, you know?"

"I do know."

"You do?" said the dark-maned unicorn. She'd just lost her momentum; Fluttershy hadn't gotten defensive. "I-in that case, don't you think you ought to stop 'accidentally' getting stuck alone with me?"

"Yes. It does feel like we're sneaking around, and that's not what either of us want, am I right?"

Cautiously, Twilight answered, "If we agree, we should probably start dating like a normal couple then."

The pegasus mare flew out of the kitchen, carrying a large pitcher of pureed melon. Absently, the unicorn mare helped her, using her telekinesis to drape a checkered tablecloth on the picnic table, then setting out dishes and glasses. Fluttershy beamed a bright smile at Twilight and placed a tasty-looking salad in front of herself and her lover.

"Why don't we talk while we're eating lunch?" Fluttershy suggested.

Both ponies were well into the meal when Fluttershy resumed their talk. "Princess Celestia's staff made arrangements for you when you originally left Canterlot, right?"

"Yes," said Twilight Sparkle. "Mm, I love this butter squash; it melts in my mouth!"

"I like it a lot myself," said the yellow pegasus. "Anyway, there's no reason you should continue living in the library. Please, move in with me."

The violet unicorn narrowly avoided choking on a chunk of squash. She coughed once and looked into Fluttershy's wide, seemingly-innocent eyes. "That would be a little obvious, don't you think?" Twilight said.

"Pinkie Pie lives with the Cakes."

A very unwelcome mental picture appeared in Twilight's brain. Her cheeks grew hot.

"No one thinks anything of it," Fluttershy continued, trying to ignore Twilight's blush. "They wouldn't think anything of us living together either; we'd tell anyone who asked that you liked the peace and quiet of the edge of town."

"It is idyllic out here," Twilight said slowly. "But all these animals--it would take me a while to get used to living with so many creatures around the house."

Fluttershy turned her head so Twilight wouldn't see her victorious smile and think she was gloating. "They're such darlings; you'd adjust to them in no time at all," she said, coaxing her marefriend subtly.

"What about Spike?"

"Why would he be a problem? He can have his own room in the cottage. Currently, you just ask him for privacy when you want some. There's no need for that to change, right?"

The young unicorn weighed her decision as she sipped her sweetened iced tea. Fluttershy moved to Twilight's side and began to stroke Twilight's back and flank with one of her wings. For a few seconds, Twilight simply relaxed into the pegasus's touch. Then she clicked her tongue reproachfully and looked into Fluttershy's lovely sea-green eyes. "You're a mare of action, not words. I'm learning that. Well, listen, 'Shy: how do I know you won't constantly put the moves on me if I come to live here?"

The pegasus mare laughed nervously, but she smiled fondly at her intelligent lover. "That's no kind of question, sweetie! I might have to start calling you 'Rarity' if you keep talking that dramatically."

Twilight wasn't just off-balance by now; she was completely disarmed. Fluttershy's sensual touch made it hard for her to remember what the drawbacks of moving in with the pegasus might be. Twilight shook her head slightly, making her pink-and-indigo mane shimmer in the sunlight.

Why agonize over this choice? Living with Fluttershy--the pros would far outweigh the cons! The slender unicorn raised a hoof and gave the pretty pegasus a hug. "When should I bring my things?" she asked.

The two mares smiled at each other and shared a kiss.


The town was humming with the news. Most ponies of Ponyville didn't know Twilight Sparkle very well. She was a newcomer; she'd been living in Canterlot until two or three months ago. She'd worked as the librarian since she'd arrived. That was good: Ponyville hadn't had one in years, so the library had been staffed only by volunteers; it was closed most of the time.

When an Ursa Minor, cranky and menacing, had come from the Everfree Forest to the edge of town, the unassuming librarian had revealed an amazing power. With her formidable magic and telekinesis, she had pacified and removed the threat.

Most ponies knew that the violet unicorn was organized (at times, to a fault) and that she kept a baby dragon. They knew that she was favored by Princess Celestia, too. Still, she was almost a stranger to most of the town's citizens.

Now, this newcomer was moving. She'd announced that she would still be Ponyville's full-time librarian, but that she would be living in a quieter, less busy place: Fluttershy's cottage at the edge of town.

Was Twilight Sparkle planning to write a book? Was she truly an equinologist posing as a librarian? Since when had she become so close with the beloved animal-keeper, Fluttershy?


"It's not nahce to gossip, 'specially about friends," said Applejack, placing her baskets around another tree.

"But you're curious, aren't you?" asked Pinkie Pie, hopping in a loose half-circle around the blonde workhorse.

Applejack lined up her rear legs with the tree trunk. "Sure, but that's their business, not ahrz. Twahlight and Fluttershy will tell us what's goin' on if it becomes ahr business. 'Til then, we shouldn't speculate or spread rumors."

Her fellow Earth pony pouted. "Ooh, I know you're right. But I'm so curious; I can't help myself! I saw those two acting weird just a couple of days before Twilight moved in with Fluttershy. They had--"

"I'm not discussin' this!" Applejack said firmly. With a powerful kick, she knocked the ripe apples loose from the tree. They landed directly in the baskets, except one. That one bounced off Pinkie Pie's head, then dropped into a basket on the rebound.

Pinkie Pie got the hint.

But as the fun-loving pink mare trotted back from Sweet Apple Acres, she kept thinking about this puzzle. She couldn't ask Rarity what was going on. Rarity was Fluttershy's best friend. Normally, the fashion designer loved gossip, but would she when her best friend was the topic? Not likely! But since Applejack wouldn't cooperate--

--Of course, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash was too competitive and sporty to care about gossip usually, but she would be just as curious as Pinkie Pie about what their two friends were doing. With a spring in her step, Pinkie Pie set out to find Rainbow Dash. Thanks to her uncanny knack of predicting where the blue pegasus would be, it took only a few minutes.

Quickly, Pinkie Pie filled in Rainbow Dash about the way Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy had been acting. "...so, they have a secret, and I just have to know what it is!" the party mare finished.

Rainbow Dash rolled her magenta eyes. "Aren't you the one who says that friends shouldn't ever tell friends' secrets?"

"Yeah, and that's why I'm not asking them; I'd never want either of them to betray each other's trust; how could they stay friends then? But if we happen to discover their secret, that's not their fault, right? They were just unlucky; they wouldn't be mad at each other."


"--Come on, they're two of our closest friends! Dashie, look me in the eyes and tell me you aren't wondering what they're up to."

Rainbow Dash said nothing. It was unfortunate, but Pinkie Pie was right.


"I'm beat. Good night, Fluttershy. 'Night, Twilight."

"Good night, Spike," chorused the two mares. The tiny dragon waved at them over his shoulder as he opened the door to his bedroom and stepped inside.

Twilight kept at her paperwork for another half an hour or so. Fluttershy kept at her weaving; she was making new nests to replace several of the old ones that were starting to look run-down.

Twilight finished her order for copies of recently published books for the library. She set down her quill and laid aside her parchment. Two lamps were burning in the cozy little living room, but one of them was sputtering, running low on oil.

The unicorn caught herself yawning for the second time in a minute.

"We ought to call it a day too, love," she said. She magically snuffed the flame of the low-burning lamp.

The pegasus mare set a half-finished nest on her worktable. "You're right. It's getting hard to keep my eyelids open," she said.

Side-by-side, the ponies went down the corridor to the master bedroom (which, incidentally, was on the opposite side of the cottage from Spike's room). Twilight lit the way with luminescence, a spell she'd learned so long ago that it was as natural and automatic to her as breathing. It was still a fairly new phenomenon to Fluttershy, though, and she said softly, "That's very handy, you know; I used to have to use lamps and candles for everything after it got dark."

"Any unicorn can do this," said Twilight modestly.

"And the muted glow from your horn makes you look even more beautiful than usual," Fluttershy said.

"Thanks," Twilight said, a blush coming to her cheeks. "You look gorgeous in this light yourself."

"That's sweet of you," said Fluttershy.

The couple got into their empress-sized bed and kissed each other lovingly before lying down.


Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash lowered their binoculars. The light had gone out just seconds before the kiss, so they hadn't seen it. "It's too dark to tell what's going on. Not that we'd need light. They're going to sleep. So should we," said Rainbow Dash.

"I just got a combo! Ear flap, knee twitch, forehoof shiver: I've got no idea what that means; it's brand new; but something's going to happen--something big! If we get closer, we can find out; let's get closer quick!" Pinkie Pie whispered excitedly.

The bright-maned pegasus shook her head. "Impossible. Fluttershy's animals will make noise if you get too close. Besides, I'm tired. If you want to find out, go--and at your own risk. I'm going to bed."

The pink mare knew she couldn't change her friend's mind. "See you tomorrow, then," she said cheerfully.

"G'night, Pinks," said Rainbow Dash, already flying toward a comfortable-looking altocumulus cloud.

Pinkie Pie had been to Fluttershy's house many times after nightfall. Most of the animals went to sleep soon after dusk and most of nocturnal animals were quiet by nature. She could sneak closer to that window easily.


As she shifted to get comfortable, Fluttershy felt the soft, teasing sensation of Twilight's tail stroking her rump and thighs. For a moment, she lay still. Then she heard her lover's voice. "'Shy, want to fool around a bit?" whispered the unicorn mare.

Fluttershy's heart thumped. Twilight's voice had been low and sexy. Even more arousing, this was the first time Twilight had initiated their love-making. The lithe pegasus jumped at the chance. "Most definitely, my dearest," she answered, sounding sultry.

Pulse racing, Twilight Sparkle felt her penis rapidly hardening as she said, "If you want to, could we--" she stammered for a second and nearly lost the nerve to ask, but she pressed on when she felt one of Fluttershy's legs rub softly against her cock. "--could we make love...with my penis penetrating your vagina? I know we've only used our mouths so far, and I'd totally understand if you don't want--"

Endearingly nerdy, just like Twilight! Fluttershy cut off her rambling marefriend with a quick kiss to her lips. "--Of course I want that," she murmured. Even in the dark, she could see the unicorn's eyes light up. "I've wanted that so long! I want to feel you inside me."

Twilight kissed her beloved pegasus with passion.

The young ponies shifted in their large, soft bed. Fluttershy leaned comfortably on her left side and twisted slightly, putting her forelegs under her for support. She spread her rear legs, moving her right rear leg into the air. Twilight's breath caught at the sight of Fluttershy's glistening pussy, slick with her natural juice.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy's own blood was pumping fast as she looked over her shoulder at Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn's long, thick member was trembling with anticipation and clear precum bubbled from the head, dripping once every two or three seconds.

"You are so amazing," said the unicorn quietly.

"So are you," answered the pegasus, her voice hushed.

"I'm going to put it in," Twilight whispered.

Twilight's massive penis tapped at the entrance of Fluttershy's damp cunt. Fluttershy shut her eyes as Twilight pushed forward slowly. Despite her best effort, a moan burst from the pegasus's lips.

"Does it hurt?"

"Keep going, my love!"

Twilight pushed more forcefully, sinking more and more of her cock into Fluttershy's vagina. The unicorn mare bit her lip. So hot, so wet, so good! The feeling of her lover's insides was even more exquisite than she'd thought it would be. She hesitated for a second, then thrust even deeper. Her pegasus marefriend had taken half her unsheathed length.

"Wait! Give me a minute to get used to this," Fluttershy said.

"Are you okay?" the purple mare asked.

"Fine, yes...just have to catch my breath. Great stars, you're huge!"

Twilight blushed, but with at least as much pride as embarrassment. She loved Fluttershy, of course, but why did she have to ask for a pause now? It was almost unbearable. She could feel the butter-yellow mare's muscles massaging the part of her cock that had already entered. Such pure pleasure, but such a tease too!

Fluttershy had expected only a little pain when her hymen was torn, but the pain had been quite sharp. Still, it was fading quickly, and the pleasant sensations being relayed to her brain from her sex organs were growing even more quickly. "Okay," she panted.

She gasped an instant later, as Twilight Sparkle thrust eagerly into her. There was a little more pain, but now Twilight's prepuce was rubbing Fluttershy's clitoris, making fireworks shoot through her. She forced her eyes open and stared in disbelief; she'd somehow taken all of Twilight's exposed shaft: four hooves (60 cm) of rock-hard flesh! As she watched, Twilight withdrew a bit, then thrust forward again.

"Mm!" Fluttershy whimpered. She bit her lip hard, worried that she might pass out.

Twilight loved that sound. She loved the smell of the pegasus mare's freely-flowing liquids. She loved the resistance she encountered inside that tight, steamy passage. The petite unicorn lost control and began to fuck her inexperienced lover: hard, fast, and deep.

Fluttershy's rapture overtook her. She felt like screaming her ecstasy, but she was having trouble just breathing evenly. Sweat ran from under her mane, stinging the corners of her eyes. Still, her muscles started twitching on their own, pushing her pelvis back onto Twilight's cock, as well as gripping the welcome invader inside her.

Neither pony had any idea how long it took, but Fluttershy had just finished her second orgasm when Twilight's hindquarters suddenly shuddered. Hips making a flurry of short, rapid thrusts, Twilight ejaculated mightily, pumping streams of warm, thick semen into her winged lover's womb.

The sensation was so intensely intimate that Fluttershy's eyes rolled and one more climax rocked her body. Twilight heaved a sigh and crumpled, partly collapsing onto Fluttershy's flank.

For several minutes, the two mares lay on their bed, weakened by blissful contentment as well as temporary muscular exhaustion.

Eventually, Twilight forced herself to her hooves. "Aw, darn!" she said. The thick top quilt was messy, saturated in places with various bodily fluids. "Sorry, 'Shy, but I need to strip the bed; would you mind getting up?"

With a groan, the pegasus did as requested, using her wings to assist her shaky legs. She landed next to Twilight Sparkle and leaned on her while the unicorn used her telekinesis to remove the quilt and toss it into the wash.

Fluttershy kissed her lover's cheek. The two mares decided to shower, since they didn't want to sleep while sweaty.

At last, (both more tired than they had been in years) Fluttershy and Twilight returned to bed, snuggled into each other, and fell asleep.


Pinkie Pie was uncharacteristically thoughtful as she turned and headed for Sugarcube Corner. At least now I know what the ear flap, knee twitch, forehoof shiver combo means, she thought smugly. Somepony's about to get lucky!

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were marefriends; that was obvious from the sounds and conversation she'd heard. But something still didn't make sense. It kind of sounded like Twilight had used a toy on Fluttershy, but the things they'd said to each other suggested otherwise. Puzzled, the lively Earth pony hopped away, as determined as ever to learn the secret.

[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 4: Acts during the darkness

"C & C chapter 4: Acts During the Darkness" by jami a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This is the fourth chapter of...

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[MLP: FiM] "C&C chapter 2: The Plotting Pegasus"

"C&C chapter 2: The Plotting Pegasus" by jami31 a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This is the second chapter of...

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[MLP: FiM] "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight? (chapter 1)

"Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" by jami31 a \_My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_ lesbian/intersexed (yuri/futanari) fanfic--the characters are trademarked by Hasbro, makers of the toys, tv show, etc. Author's note: This story...

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