Game appointment

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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a young coyote hair dresser meets a famous lynx. they have little in common--but can this encounter have a positive result?

"Game appointment" by jami

Author's note: This story contains yuri (lesbian) relationships, as well as vulgar language. Please don't read this if you will be offended or if you are not old enough!


It was about 1830. I was working on Mrs. Deaver's cut and style. While I was putting down a pair of scissors and getting a comb, I noticed that I was being watched. There were two people: Maria the assistant manager, and someone who looked a lot like Lorr Gonzalez. Right, as if a celeb like her would appear in our shop! For a moment, the stranger pointed at me, and Maria nodded. I was curious, but I had to finish my job, so I didn't pay any more attention to them.

But when I got done working on Mrs. Deaver, my fellow stylist LaTanya was standing next to me. She said quietly (and hurriedly) that she'd do the collecting and the cleaning up, but I should go to the office right away. That was unexpected, but whatever.

I was in for a surprise.

"Here she is, Miss Gonzalez," said Maria, in a tone that was both nervous and eager. "She's one of our best stylists. She can do a great job for you, I'm certain."

The stranger approached me, holding out her hand to shake mine. She looked a lot like Lorr Gonzalez, even close up. She was a silvery-white lynx with thin black rings on her fur and black hair on her head. She looked about the right height, too: 165-170 centimeters (5'5" to 5'7"). "You're Chiom, right? I'm Lorr, nice to meet you."

"...Yes, glad to meet you," I stammered. I'd never met a celebrity, so I was a little nervous--or more than a little. Part of me still doubted that it was really her.

"I'll get to the point," said this lynx who called herself Lorr. "I need a bit of a trim and a bit of color: bright burgundy streaks, a centimeter or two wide."

"Of course, rahght away; do you have--"

"--No, not 'right away'," Lorr said, smiling wanly. "That's why I had to talk to your manager. I'm too busy to do this now, but I'm available for 2230."

"And we'd be pleased to accommodate you, Miss Gonzalez," Maria said, cutting off my response. 2230 was after closing time, and Maria didn't want me to say anything that might give this stranger some indication that we weren't willing to work with her.

In short order, the three of us had ironed out the details of the appointment and I was on my way home early. I planned to get an early dinner, then a long nap, and come back to finish my workday.


At 2210, I entered the shop, using the key Maria had lent me. Lorr had made it clear that she didn't want gawkers or autograph-seekers when she got her haircut, so I was by myself. I turned on only as many lights as I had to, so passersby wouldn't think we were open.

My heart was going a bit fast, so I forced myself to take a few deep breaths and try to calm down. I got my equipment ready at my station. Honestly, I hoped that if I did this right, Lorr Gonzalez might give me an good-sized tip. I wanted everything to go smoothly.

At 2236, I heard the door open. Then I heard the clicks of the lock being pressed and the door shutting again. There were a few soft footfalls and she entered the room.

She was wearing a sky blue top and pants. The tank top was cut so short that it kept giving me peeks of the bottoms of her large breasts. Her long pants looked sporty. They were made of a stretchy fabric that clung to her ass and thighs. She had her mid-back-length hair in an untidy ponytail.

I guess I must have looked surprised at her appearance. "I was doing yoga just now," she explained, quirking an eyebrow.

I said, "Oh, nahce! Well, please sit in the chair, Miss Gonzalez."

"You call me Lorr," she said firmly. "I get so tired of people treating me different from how they'd treat other people. Not that I've got a problem with you; it just gets old, y'know?"

"Rahght, Lorr," I said, although I didn't know. She sat and I threw the heavy black drape over her. "The trim and coloring we discussed earlier, rahght?"

"Yeah," she said. "Fancy styles usually don't make sense on stage, so something simple like this, but with a hint of the exotic: that really works for someone in my line of work."

"You'd have to have something easy-maintenance," I said, glad to be talking about something I knew. "Something that doesn't get in your eyes."

"Hey, was that your bike outside?" Lorr asked.

"Yes, mah baby!" I said. "She's a '76 Yamaha Special Edition II. You rahde?"

"Never learned, but I've ridden with other people. It's awesome! I'd like to learn someday." The lynx sighed while I snipped brushed. "There's never enough time to do all you want."


I was done. With a flourish, I removed the drape, folded it, and set it on my counter. Lorr got up from the dark purple padded chair. "Looks beautiful, Chiom," she said, moving forward to look into the large mirror at my station.

"Thanks, Lorr!" I said. "Ah was hoping you'd lahke it. You've been so easy to work with; it's honestly been mah pleasure."

I jumped. Her hand was in my hair! "Maybe I should've changed my style tonight," she said, twirling a few strands of my dark brown hair between her fingers. "I really like the length and style of yours."

"Yours looks great; there's no need to change it," I said, easing away from her a little.

"--Oh, fuck the small talk!" Lorr growled. She wrapped both her shockingly powerful arms around my waist. "You know why I'm here, puppy." She leaned forward and began an aggressive kiss. Her big, firm breasts pushed into my smaller breasts. I could feel that her nipples were excited. Her hands rubbed my ass and hips, and occasionally stroked the base of my tail.

I struggled to get out of her hug. It didn't work, but I was quick enough to pull my mouth from hers. "What're you doing?" I demanded.

She looked at me, and I gulped as I saw her fascinating dark green eyes narrow. She opened her mouth, showing her sharp, gleaming fangs. She tightened her grip on me and surged forward, kissing my lips again. This time, she held my tail tightly. She extended her claws, pricking my skin.

It was hard to do, but I escaped from her kiss a second time, and I snarled. "Ah'm a predator too," I said, hoping my voice didn't reveal my fear. I displayed my teeth to her. "Ah think you'd better leave."

"You're not playing, are you?" she asked, her eyelids opening wide. "I thought you just wanted it rough. Did you really not figure out why I'm here? How old are you, pup?"

"Ah'm a fully adult coyote, so please don't call me 'pup'," I said, putting my hands on her wrists. She relaxed her grip and took a step back from me. "Ah'm 22. Ah admit that Ah didn't know whah you'd want to get your hair cut here, but that was your decision. It didn't have to make sense to me. If you had this intention the whole tahme, maybe--"

"--Sorry. I thought it'd be obvious. I thought you knew while we were still in your manager's office why we set things up the way we did." She didn't look or sound apologetic, just embarrassed. "Look, I didn't mean to startle you...."

There was a long pause. I kept eye contact with her.

She absently flicked her long tongue across her upper lip. "Well, now you know why I'm here. When I saw your bike in the parking lot this afternoon, I thought I'd stop in and ask who owned it. When your manager pointed to you, I was even more interested. A pretty working girl who rides a motorcycle: I've always found that type sexy. Now that y'know what's up, how about we have some fun? I promise to be gentle if you want me to be."

Was this woman for real? "No, Ah don't think we ought to do that. Ah'd feel like a hooker if Ah did, no offense."

She looked skeptical. "You've got a boyfriend, huh?" she guessed.


"You have a girlfriend?" she said, the pitch of her voice rising.

"No! Ah have self-respect. That's what Ah have! You've got money and fame, but you can't bah me--not even rent me for a naht!"

She half-purred, half-chuckled. (That irritated me further, but I kept my flaring temper.) "Doing this won't make you a whore, darling. It's simple fun. I'm a damn good lover; you'll have a good time.

"Besides, think about it. I could have anybody--but you're the one I want to be with."

"No." I glared at her with my light blue eyes. It was all I could do to keep from barking at her.

Her mouth, nose, and eyebrows crinkled in anger. "Fine!" she snapped. She took her wallet out of her purse, picked out a few bills, and slammed them on the counter. "Your loss, bitch!"

She spun and left the shop.

I hadn't realized, but I'd been sweating, and breathing fast. I'd been intimidated by her.

I took a deep breath and checked the money on the counter. For all her anger, she'd paid me a ridiculously generous tip.

I pondered that. Was the huge tip her way of telling me she wanted me to keep quiet about tonight?

Then, another thought suddenly occurred to my mind. Had she ever been rejected?

My thoughts and emotions were a confusing jumble while I cleaned up and got ready to head home.

Biking often clears my head. Riding was more exhilarating than usual tonight, when it was dark and the streets were nearly empty. I grinned. Freedom! Speed!

A new thought entered my mind, and I laughed aloud. I was nobody special, just a young coyote girl from a suburb of a mid-sized southern city.

And yet, I was special, for this reason: a lot of people talk about having a sense of self-worth. I hadn't just talked; I'd proved it! About an hour ago, I'd gotten the weirdest and most tempting offer I'd ever had, and I'd stood strong against it. I was proud of that.


The next day started like a normal day. Once I got to work, Maria asked me about how things had gone. I figured that she had picked up on the unspoken motives that I'd missed, so I answered carefully. I hinted that I hadn't done anything less or more than style Lorr's hair. I guess my honesty showed, because Maria looked at me with surprise when I gave my short account.

That was that. My life had brushed Lorr Gonzalez's life. It was a brief episode and nothing more.

At 1900, I got done with work. I went to my bike. There was a little yellow note stuck to the inside of the windshield, at the very bottom so it would be almost unnoticeable.

"I'd like to talk. Please meet me at the entrance to Walnut Park at 2000. Lorr"

I crumpled the note and threw it in the nearby trash can. "Like hell," I muttered. What could she have to say to me that she hadn't said yesterday?

But I was curious. My willpower eroded. Would a nationally-known celebrity really be waiting to talk to me? I didn't have a lot to lose by just riding past and seeing if she was there. Heck, maybe I could drive away without her seeing me--and stand up Lorr Gonzalez! Who'd believe it?

I meant to cruise past and check. Whether she was there or not, I wouldn't stop.

She was there. She was leaning against the back of a car--hers, I suppose, though it was nothing fancy--holding a little bouquet of yellow and pink carnations. Propped against the rear bumper next to her was rectangle of poster board, about a meter by a meter and a half. In huge letters that alternated silver and gold, she'd written "I'M SORRY", and there was a simple sad kitty face with blue tears at the corners of its eyes.

Unconsciously and inexplicably, I found myself turning. I pulled into the parking lot.

She was wearing a grey windbreaker and a loose-fitting pair of dark grey sweatpants. She also had on a mint green cloche-style hat (which pretty much hid her hair) and oversized dark glasses with mint green frames. Smart: in a costume like that, it would be tough for a bystander to notice that she was a celebrity.

She smiled widely when she saw my bike, and I smiled in response. She picked up the sign and held it high above her head while I approached. I stopped about a meter from her and took of my helmet.

"Sorry, I was a complete asshole last night," she said. "I told myself that I'd never act that way, and I've been thinking really hard about it. Could you give me a few minutes to talk to you?"

I said, "You do look stupid! But you embarrassed yourself for me. Ah haven't forgotten what you said, but Ah suppose Ah can hear you out. Just for 'a few minutes,' though, like you said. Where d'you want to talk?"

"You pick. Take me for a ride on your bike; or if you aren't comfortable with that, just lead and I'll follow in my car."

I rolled my eyes.

"Right: too soon for us together on your bike! I'll follow, like I said."

+End Note+ This story will continue only if people like it! Otherwise, I'll concentrate on my other stories/poems/images.

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