Letting Off Steam

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Commission for xalex14 over on FA

featuring cameos by Big D, Conejito, and Odarious

Their characters belong to them

"Fucking pendejo!" the coyote cursed. "How the fuck did he only get a yellow card for that? That was an obvious trip! Fuck!"

"Shit Teo, calm down." Conejito looked at his teammate and friend, Teobalto Fernandez. The coyote huffed "but...fuck....we had the game! Goddammit we had it!" Conejito nodded, had their star player stayed uninjured the game would have been theirs. But he was injured and they lost, the rabbit only hoped he could calm the coyote down before said injured star player limped into the locker room. The bull had been dominating the opposing team for the first half, moving gracefully despite his massive bulked size. That had actually been his downfall, his Achilles heel. Odarious's obsession with working out daily left his muscles stretched. It only took a single rough trip to tear the bull's Achilles's heel. The irony was not lost on Conejito.

"Look man, it is what it is alright?" the rabbit said sighing "Now come on, Odarious, D and I are going out to get hammered, come on, I'll buy for you." The rabbit offered his younger, and not of legal drinking age friend.

Teo sighed "Thanks man, but I just want to work out right now ok? I'll catch you later alright hombre?"

Conejito nodded. He did want to cheer Teo up, but he figured this was the best he could get him right now, any further pushing would just send Teo off the deep end. "Alright man, you better still be up for the party this Saturday though." Teo nodded as he lay on the floor and began doing "angry push ups" as Conejito called them. Whenever Teo was displeased he would work out or jack off, and since he was easily displeased the coyote was well built, and with a rosy left palm.

Alex watched as three players, a rabbit, a hyena and a bull on crutches left the locker room, fully showered with their sweat covered gym clothes. "Shit, I hope I'm not too late." the mouse muttered to himself as he ran swiftly into the gym before the massive door closed. The "normal" sized locker room was one of the few places that was not constructed for micro access as the designers figured micros would never need to use it when there was a micro locker room and gym on the other side of the campus, closer to the dorms and main academic buildings. But Alex wasn't interested in working out. He was interested in being dumb and getting his rocks off. Alex had always been an adventurous mouse. If he weren't he wouldn't have left the micro reservation. He would have went to college there, settled down with another micro, and done the boring Normal Rockwell shit he hated reading about in school. Instead he was here, in SoCal university on a full boat of combined academic scholarships and micro scholarships. One of about 2000 micros on a campus that had a full student body of 20,000. Yet Alex had very little accommodations, he was just another student, who couldn't open doors on his own. After hitching a ride with his roommate to the game he had lied about hitching a ride back to the dorm with someone else. Alex wasn't normally a fantastic liar but cheap beer helps with that. So here he stood slightly drunk in the macro locker room when the thought hit him. "How am I supposed to get out?" He would have panicked were he not drunk, instead he just shrugged and went looking for some naked macro jocks. Being a micro attracted to macros lead to a lot of complications in his sex life as he didn't want to be with those his same size and most of those bigger than him too afraid of hurting him or just plain didn't dig it. So he'd begun resorting to drastic measures, such as sneaking into a locker room. He took a few paces in before noticing a coyote, still in his full sports gear doing push ups, huffing and grunting angrily. "Score!" Alex whispered to himself as he undid his belt.

"67....68.....69" Teo huffed as he did his push ups, he was well aware that counting aloud did nothing but expand more energy, yet he always found counting aloud comforting. It allowed him to go into a trance like state. The pain his body felt was faraway, it wouldn't hit him until he was safe in bed. "70......71......72......73..." Suddenly a gasp, followed by a moan. The sudden sound shattering Teo's silence startled him. "Fuck!" He yelled "who's there?" The coyote stood up nervously. He remembered this scenario from various horror films he'd watched with his suite mates. "You better come out man!" He wished he'd had a bat or club of some sort. "Fuck had to be after a soccer match!"he muttered as he turned the corner ready to see a psychotic serial killer in a clown mask. Seeing a 14 inch mouse hurriedly putting his pants back on instead of the prophesied killer Teo couldn't help but laugh

"Hey what's up Puto?" The yote said still laughing. He saw a splotch of cum on the floor by the mouse's feet "Like what you saw Puto? What are you doing here anyways?" The coyote said, taking his shirt off.

"My name is Alex...I...I'm a student here."

"A student?" Teo said. Micro students here had to sign an accidental death lease, just in case something happened, their families couldn't sue and the student responsible could not be charged. A smile crept across Teo's face, a smile that resembled that of the psycho killer he had expected to see here. "So I see you were jacking it hombre."

"Uh....well.....you see...."

"You like the idea of a big guy like me puto?" Teo felt like playing wicked games. The things he could do to this micro would cheer him up more than any number of push ups and masturbation sessions could. Teo slid off his sneakers and socks, tossing them carelessly aside. He saw the gray mouse blush as a bulge formed in his pants. "You like my feet mousie?"

"Er....um....well yea....a lot actually." Alex slurred as he undid his belt again.

"No, no, keep your clothes on for now slave."


"Well duh! Now keep your clothes on, you look cute in the fedora." Alex had forgotten he had worn his black fedora to the game.


"Mhm." Teo grunted wiggling his toes "Anyways slave my feet aren't going to kiss themselves are they?"

"Um...well no sir." Alex said as he began walking towards the coyote's large feet.

"No no puto, you crawl to my feet." Alex swiftly dropped to his hands and knees and crawled to the coyote's feet. "Start with my left foot, tip of my toes."

Alex stared at the coyote's four padded toes on his left foot. He shyly planted his lips on the toe furthest out. Teo shivered "Oooooh that's nice, but use your tongue boi." Alex nodded and began to lick the small furred spot between Teo's toe pad and toe claw. Teo murred deeply "Ok stop." Teo said as he sat down and pointed his feet upward so that Alex could get a full view of his souls. The coyote's sole and toe pads were extremely smooth despite the amount of soccer he played. Teo's foot as a whole was a few inches taller than Alex. "Now back on your knees, kiss my heel."

"Yes master." Alex said with no hesitation now. The mixed intoxication of beer and feet had his mind wiped of any of his previous fears, all that mattered now was pleasing this coyote. Alex fell low onto his hands and knees and began kissing Teo's heel around the center.

"How does it taste slave?"

"Wonderful master." The mouse purred as he wrapped his arms around the sides of Teo's foot and began kissing the heel passionately, as if he were making out with it. Teo laughed and clenched his toes, fondling himself through his shorts.

"You really do like my feet boi." the coyote said pulling his heel away from the mouse. "Lay down." Alex did as his master ordered with no hesitation. Teo gently lay both his feet atop the mouse, completely covering him. "Get licking boi, my pads!"

Alex swiftly ran his tongue over the coyote's sole pads while Teo continued to fondle himself through his shorts. Alex didn't need to fondle himself, he could feel cum rising through the shaft of his 13 centimeter cock (large for micro standards.) He could feel the precum seeping out as he continued to lick Teo's smooth sole pads with even more passion than he had shown before. Teo himself moaned as cum shot out of his cock, splattering against his boxers. The coyote's cold semen coated his cock in chilled pleasure. Teo sighed contently and stretched, pushing his feet harder into the ground.

If Alex found being under Teo's foot a tight fit before, now it must have been unbearable. The mouse could not move at all as the yote's foot lightly squeezed down on the mouse. Luckily for Alex those soft sole pads were still as soft as eve as they slightly contorted to his shape like a memory foam mattress. Once Alex got past the initial discomfort of immobility he found this predicament very enjoyable. The coyote's soles emitted a mild and pleasurable scent, and his soft pods felt comforting. The only complaint he had was the heat. Alex wished he could slide out of his clothes but the heat didn't bother him enough to hinder his enjoyment. Alex slid his tongue back out from his mouth and licked the small segment of pad he could manage. Teo murred and gently slid his foot back and forth, while maintaining the light pressure on Alex. The mouse's fur lightly tickled his sole pads. Alex murred as Teo's foot rubbed over his crotch. Muffled as the moan was Teo still picked it up. He smiled and lifted his foot, looking at the sweaty mouse, heavy breathing mouse. "Clothes off!" Alex jumped up like a trained dog and swiftly stripped his clothes, gently placing them on the floor next to him. Teo laughed as he saw Alex's throbbing erection, complete with a cherry topping of precum. Teo sat on a nearby bench and planted his feet firmly on the ground, curling up the toes on his right foot. "Come here boi!" He cooed wiggling his upward curled toes. Alex crawled towards Teo's foot. "Mmm now slide that cock between my toes boi." Alex's face lit up as he rested his cock between Teo's toes. Teo clenched his toes slightly creating as tight a crevice as he could, so that the skin and fur tightly hugged Alex's cock. Alex began to do the routine in and out as he had done many times with his hands. It struck him as funny how similar this was to masturbating but how different it made him feel. After this he didn't think he could ever enjoy masturbation again. The coyote's silky fur brushing against his cock sent pulses of orgasm down his spine as the cum slowly built up through his shaft.

"Ahh....ahh I can feel it!" Alex moaned as he began thrusting even faster, sweat poured down his face as he gave a few slow final thrusts and cum shot like rockets from his penis and on to Teo's foot and legs. Alex stumbled back, still spurting cum from his cock, he breathed heavily as he fell to the floor with a content sigh. He lay there gasping "That.....was....amazing."

Teo looked down at the mouse with a smile. "I'm glad you had fun hombre." Teo stood up from the bench and walked towards the mouse. "Too bad all good things have to end eh puto?" With that Teo lifted his left foot high above the exhausted mouse. He gave his toes a quick wiggle before slamming it down on Alex. Those soft soles didn't do much to stop the impact of Teo's muscular legs. The foot hit Alex hard, knocking the wind right out of him. Any pleasure the mouse was experiencing was shattered the moment Teo's foot crashed into him with the weight of a truck. Teo lifted his foot and slammed it back down, Alex yelped in pain but his body was too exhausted and sore to move. Even if he could he doubted he could outrun the coyote. The foot slammed down again, hard on his chest, toes smacking him in the face like bricks.

Teo stood over the bruised and exhausted mouse watching him groan in pain. It was so exhilarating, to have all this control over someone else. Teo had never been well acquainted with control, with everything fucking up, he had grown used to contingencies. But not now, right now he was a god. The thought aroused him, so much so that despite cumming not ten minutes ago he felt inclined to masturbate again. The yote slide off his shorts and boxers, revealing his nine inch cock, fully erect, his balls plump as if the yote had not ejaculated in weeks. Teo looked down at the mouse, still groaning and writhing. He began stroking himself while gently rubbing his feet over the mouse's bruised body, occasionally giving him a stomp here and there, to keep him on his toes so to speak. "No....no.....I need something more extravagant." Teo muttered to himself as he stopped stroking his cock. He stopped and looked around hoping for inspiration. He looked at his discarded clothes and it hit him like his foot hit Alex. Teo grabbed one of his socks off the floor, then grabbed Alex by the scruff of his neck. The mouse put up no resistance as he was dropped into the sock. Teo then slid his cock into the sock and began fondling himself again as Alex lay in the toe are of the sock, staring at the large head that was quickly preparing to fire off an ungodly amount of semen. And the ungodly amount came like one of the seven biblical plagues. The first shot fired off landing on Alex's chest. While's Teo's early ejaculation was cold to the touch this cum was fresh from the oven hot causing Alex to yelp in surprise, all of his soreness and exhaustion vanished as he woke up to try to dodge the following shots. It was all for naught though, for as soon as the first stream of cum hit Alex, another, larger stream followed. Within a few seconds Alex was elbow deep in hot coyote semen. In a few more seconds Alex was in over his head, holding his breath in a small pond of semen that filled the sock to halfway. He tried to swim out, but the semen was drying fast and the resistance was too much for his body to navigate.

"This is how I die" Alex thought panicking "drowning in cum!" Alex opened his mouth to scream profanities and a flood of semen rushed into his mouth, he closed his mouth swiftly but his throat was still filled with semen that he had to swallow. It went down his throat like scalding water, his eyes teared as it slithered down his throat. "No...not like this." He thought as the cum seemed to get thicker and thicker.

Teo looked at the cum soaked sock. "Didn't think I had that much in me, that puto really got to me." He said smiling "I may have to do this again sometime. There are tons of micros around here." For the first time in a while Teo felt truly calm and happy. "But before I go....that puto did feel nice underfoot." Teo muttered dropping the sock to the floor. It landed with a dull thud. Teo felt around for the familiar mouse shape with his foot before finding it and giving it a few light stomps as a parting gift. "Anyways I should get rid of the evidence." he muttered, feeling like a hard criminal. He scooped up Alex's clothes from the floor and flushed them down the toilet before going to gather his clothes. Boxer, shorts, shirt, dry sock. He bent down to pick up the "wet" sock when he heard something "is....is that coughing?" Teo asked himself, as if he were expecting an answer. He peered into the sock to see Alex, alive. His fur was covered in cum, he had a black eye, a slightly bloody nose and countless bruises, but he was defiantly alive, and in good condition all things considered. "You're a tough little slave mousie." Teo said smiling "I guess we were meant for each other eh?" Alex didn't respond, just coughed and groaned a bit, not that Teo minded. He blew Alex a kiss before he sat down and put the sock on, murring as his foot slid into the various streams of cum that his stomping had spread throughout the sock. He picked up Alex between his toes about half way through the sock and gently carried him to toe of the sock. With Alex safely packed between his toes Teo put his sneakers back on and headed back to his dorm hall.

Teo walked with a stride he hadn't had in a good year. It was Saturday night, a week since his faithful meeting with his new slave Alex and his mood and hell his life had lifted. Ever since he took his slave home everything has been going right, better grades, a starting position on the soccer team, a raise at his no longer minimum wage job and to top it all of, nightly feet lickings in his room from a mouse with his arms bound with shoe lace. But tonight was a party. After feeding Alex a cracker and some water (as well as some foot pads.) Teo deposited his slave in his sock drawer and headed out, ready to party. As he walked to Conejito's frat house he saw a fox with a nose ring posting missing posters about his roommate, not that he was concerned with that. He rounded the corner to hear the heavy bass coming from the frat house, getting louder and heavier the closer he got until it was hitting him square in the chest and traveling through his arteries by the time he entered the house. He moved seamlessly through the crowd, grabbing a cup of vodka, nursing it with care, appreciating the taste as opposed to chugging it like he used. He was drinking to drink, not to get drunk. Eventually he spotted Conejito and slide through the crowd to him, giving him a hug.

"Teo man, glad you could make it!." Conejito said returning the hug, spilling a bit of his beer.

"I'm glad I could too man." Teo responded smiling and wagging his tail.

"You look great man, I mean shit I leave you alone for a week and you go from pissy yote pup to a social alpha type? What'd you do? Smoke a fuck ton of weed before this?"

"Nah man, I've actually been feeling pretty good since the game last week, a lot calmer, feels like stuff is just falling into place yanno?"

"Well that's great man." the bunny said taking a swig of his beer, spilling a bit more on his feet. The beer oozed between his toes. "Fucking hell man, I had to wear flip flops today." He said laughing it off.

"Seems like you need a stroke of good luck yourself man." Teo joked, looking at the bunny's large meaty toes thinking how Alex would deal with those.

"Maybe, haha, so what happened after the game? You were fucking pissed when I left you."

Teo smiled "I found a good luck charm so to speak."

Conejito shook his head smiling "Don't tell me you bought a fucking magnetic balance bracelet or something hombre, I thought you were smarter than that? Or is it a magic rock?"

Teo laughed with him "No no, something much different." he said taking another look at Conejito's beer covered foot paws "it's back in my room, maybe I could show you after the party."

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