Sweet Revenge

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Commission for ChaosComm over on FA

Morgan LaFontaine sat back, kicking his bare feet up on the round table. The speakeasy in the French Quarter of New Orleans was a favorite haunt of his. The place fronted as a flower shopped, both owned by a hyena named Sadie. The speakeasy was contained two floor building with the front store, "storage," and Sadie's apartment upstairs.

"Boy I know your feet aren't on my table." Sadie said as she dropped a frozen glass of Vodka on top of the table. Morgan laughed and swiftly removed his feet from the table. "I don't know why you're laughing, a couple million years ago I would have eaten your baboon punk ass!" she said with the same coy smile she always gave him.

"Mandril." Morgan replied taking a sip of his vodka and winking at the hyena. He liked Sadie, she had a certain flair and sense of humor about her that appealed to him, and she made a good deep fried shrimp.

"So are you going to actually pay for your drinks this time or is it going on your tab again?" Morgan laughed "I figured that'd be obvious to you by now." the mandrill said.

Sadie shook her head disapprovingly, but Morgan could see the creep of a smile tingling on her lips. "I swear, you're gonna run me out of business boy." They played this little game every time Morgan ordered his first drink for the night, but in the end he never had to pay, he had done Sadie some favors, and nobody knew where the bodies were, nobody but Morgan.

The door swung open. The music stopped, the dancing stopped. The room fell silent as a tall moose walked into the bar. He looked out of place with his muscular build and his nice clothes. That could mean only one thing, a raid.

"Law what the fuck!" Sadie yelled at the mouse who manned the store front.

The moose grabbed Sadie's arm as she was moving to smack Law. Everything tensed, a few of the regulars stood up from their stools at the bar, the snow leopard manning the bar reached down for the shotgun they kept under the bar. "No need ma'am, I'm not here to cause trouble." While his words did relieve the tension, his posh British accent only furthered his alienation from the regular clientele. "I'm just looking for a baboon, goes by the name of LaFontaine." the moose continued meekly, keeping his grip on Sadie's arm as if he were ready to take her hostage if things went south.

"Mandrill actually." Morgan said taking another sip of his drink. "Now why don't you let the lady go, and we can talk business friend." The moose looked at the hyena he had been gripping.

"Oh nine hells, I'm sorry miss. Don't know my own strength sometimes." the moose said, meekly letting go of Sadie. He walked over towards Morgan's table hunched over in embarrassment. He took a seat opposite Morgan. The Mandrill's feet had found their way back on the table.

"So how can I help you friend?"

"You...you're Morgan LaFontaine right?"

"The one and only."

The moose nodded "I've....I've heard things about you...that you can do things... my name is..."

"No need for your name there John Bull, I know who you are. I've seen you in the papers!"

"Then I guess you know why I'm here." the moose said pulling an envelope from his coat pocket. "There's two hundred dollars in there." Morgan's eyes lit up at the mention of two hundred dollars.

"Perfect, then wait an hour and go home, and all your troubles will just shrink away" Morgan said, not bothering to accept the Moose's extended hand "A pleasure doing business stranger."

"Almost been an hour, they should be coming around now." Morgan said as he looked at his pocket watch. He had spent his hour well after the ritual. Drinks and a romp with Sadie. Now he lazed around his apartment, slowly allowing the trance to take over. "Just one little push, and then I'm strictly an observer." The second ritual was done, the ritual for his personal gain. He'd just fall asleep and let his spirit wonder. It wondered from his apartment, and past the front door. It wandered to the mansion of a wealthy industrialist from England. A wealthy industrialist who was running into various legal troubles and was at risk of losing his fortune. Said wealthy industrialist was Galvin Monroe, a moose.

Stuart awoke with his head a flame. The world was chaotic, with blurred vision and ringing like spikes through the ears. His entire body ached, like every muscle in his body was torn at once. The doberman knew pain, through his ten years on the force he had been shot twice, but this was something different, this made getting shot feel like a paper-cut. He blinked a few times to clear his vision. He saw two bodies laying a few paces from him, both foxes, behind them was a coffee table. Stuart blinked, that chair was too large. "What the..." He blinked again, it must just be the grogginess right? He blinked again, and again. The coffee table was still too large, as was the chair behind it. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Stuart yelled jolting the foxes awake. Besides Stuart were two additional furs, a lion and an otter. They were all jolted awake by Stuart's shout, crashing into the same panic as the doberman.

"What's going on?"

"Why are we here?"

"Who did this?"




Everyone fell silent, the panic stopped. Not a single muscle of the five moved. "What was that?"

Galvin loosened his tie as he walked in the door. The moose hoped the baboon's magic would work. He wasn't normally a believer in these dark magic religions that spread like wildfire through the urban poor, being raised in the Church of England, but he was out of options. Caught in a scandal that threatened to tear apart his career and his marriage. Rumors of long nights at speakeasies and cabaret clubs that contained more than just music. Some whore even had the audacity to testify to the papers about his infidelity. The state of Louisiana threatened to revoke his licenses, he'd have to sell his factory, maybe even his house. Galvin found himself visiting speakeasies from the stress. The irony made him want to drink even more.

Galvin hung up his over coat and walked up the stairs. He had bought this house twelve years ago. It was filled with memories, and the idea of it being torn from him made him sick.

"Honey I'm home." the moose said half hardheartedly. He got no response, he didn't expect any. He figured the vixen had run off by now. He had always doubted her true love for him, now he knew he was just her bank account. "Till Death do we part." he sighed. He headed towards the bathroom, he needed a bath.

"Look, let's just calm down!" the male fox yelled. Another thump.

"Calm down? Calm down? Are you fucking crazy?" the otter yelled. She was bathed in sweat, and jumped as another thump shook the floor.

"Yes, let's just talk alright." the fox said "My name is Cody McGrath, I'm a newspaper man."

"Cindy, just Cindy." the otter said "I...work the streets."

"The streets?" the female fox asked.

"She means she's a good time gal, isn't that right Cindy?" Stuart said. "Stuart Chandler, I'm a cop."

"Dana Monroe." the Vixen said "Wife and business partner of Galvin Monroe."

"I know him, I'm the lead on his case." Stuart said.

"Really? Small fucking world, I'm writing on that case." Cody said with a laugh, for a moment forgetting their dire situation.

"How bout you kitty cat?" Stuart asked the lion.

"Adam Denton." the lion said "I serve drinks."

"What kind of drinks?"


"So you work at a speakeasy." Adam tensed up. "Relax, arresting you is the last thing on my mind right now." Stuart continued.

"Did you serve Galvin Monroe any drinks?" Cody asked, reaching in his pocket for a notepad.

"Still after a scoop?" Stuart laughed. For a second the air cleared, the tension lifted from their collective shoulders. Then the thumps started again.

Morgan watched the scene, he laughed as the return of the thumps ignited a frenzy in the tiny furs. Now was his time to act. He normally liked to stay out of these situations, let events unfold naturally, and he would, they just needed a little push. The reporter was a chatterbox, and he seemed to be charismatic enough to sweet talk people, but the cop had authority behind him. Decisions, decisions. He settled on the fox. It was easy, his soul slithered into the fox like silk, and then he just said. "Maybe we should try to get the attention of whoever lives here."

The door swung open and the micros saw a giant moose standing in the doorway in nothing but a bathrobe. He walked towards the chair that sat behind them, his bare-feet causing the ground to shake. The micros scattered as his gigantic feet approached them. All but Cindy, who stood dumbfounded in her spot. Galvin's foot raised above her and then came down.

"Bloody bugs?" Galvin muttered as he felt something juicy from a crunch under his sole. He sighed and scraped his foot along the floor hoping to get the bug's remains off of his foot. He couldn't be bothered to wash his foot now. The moose continued his way towards the chair, sitting down, sinking into the deep soft leather, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. His hand found its way towards his crotch. He closed his eyes and began to rub himself, this is one of the few that could never be taken from him.

All four furs scaled the the legs of the coffee table. Cody couldn't believe he was doing this. Did he really suggest they get the moose's attention? It felt like he hadn't, yet he heard the words from his mouth. The four of them shimmied up one of the table legs, Stuart led the "expedition." He was the first to see Galvin raise his right foot. "Brace for impact!" the doberman shouted as Galvin's foot thundered down onto the coffee table, shaking the entire table. They kept climbing, Stuart reached the landing of the table first, followed by Dana. Cody followed with Adam close behind.

Galvin shivered as his cold cold hands massaged his cock and balls. No matter how stressed the moose became, he could always fall back on a good wank. He raised his foot again.

Cody lay on his stomach over the edge of the table to help Adam climb up. Stuart tried to calm down a hysterical Dana. "He's my husband, he's my husband and he might fucking kill me! Without even realizing it!" None of them paid attention to Galvin at the moment, so none of them noticed his foot was raising again. Stuart heard a crash. The foot had come down hard on Cody. Adam still dangled from Cody's arm, but it had gone numb. Adam desperately scrambled up Cody's arm, trying to grab on to Galvin's big toe. "Help me." Cody coughed out as Galvin drug his foot back, taking Cody with it. Adam had been loosely clinging to Galvin's toe when the movement happened. He couldn't hold on, Adam fell from Galvin's toe, crashing to the floor with a sickening crack.

Cody gasped for air. He was alive, his shirt was torn and his torso was covered in cuts and scratches, but he was alive. He writhed trying to stand up, his ascent was blocked by Galvin's smooth but heavy sole. Cody grunted trying to push the sole off with his back, futile as it was. It served to tickle Galvin, so much so that the moose pressed his foot down on the fox. Cody should have stayed still, maybe that would have stopped Galvin's foot. His current position was uncomfortable sure, but survivable. Instead the fox panicked, flailing, screaming and crying. The moose responded by increasing the pressure on the fox trapped underfoot. Cody felt as his spine began caving under the pressure of Galvin's foot. Blood spurt from his mouth and eyes as the balls of Galvin's foot slowly crushed Cody's head. The last thing Cody felt before the silent embrace of death took him was the feeling of his skull shattering apart.

"Another bloody bug." Galvin whispered, not missing a beat with his masturbation. It was odd, crushing this bug felt nice. He felt powerful, back in control. When he brought his weight down on the bug he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He supposed the baboon's magic was really working. He smiled as he continued to rub himself, ejecting himself from most physical stimulation. So Stuart and Dana's attempts to straddle his legs proved fruitless.

"His chest!" Dana said kicking the bottom of Galvin's knee in anger. "His nipples were always sensitive." Stuart didn't want to know how she knew that. "Alright, let's go for his nipples then." He never imagined himself saying that with a straight face, in another time he would laugh about it, but not now, now he was too busy being terrified to even think of the future.

The pair reached Galvin's upper thigh, the musk from his balls made them both dizzy. "We have to climb this..." Stuart said becoming more distraught. He had been trying to keep his cool this whole time, as a cop that's what you do, but the idea of having to scale Galvin's stomach just seemed too much. His knees wobbled, the doberman had held his cool through a lot of fucked up things. He had served in The Great War and walked out with a Silver Star and a cool head but this was too much. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" The doberman shouted "Why? Why Us!" he shouted to the heavens in anger

Galvin heard the whispered shouting, shaking him from his trance. He looked down to see two little specks on his thighs. He stopped masturbating and scooped up the two tiny furs. "Dana....Dana is that you?" the moose asked. "What's going on? Who is this? Why are you both so small?"

"Might as well come clean." A voice whispered into Dana's ear. She started into Galvin's large eyes. "Come clean and this nightmare will end." The voice continued "I promise." Dana broke down crying in Galvin's palm, confessing everything. Her hatred of Galvin, her bribing of bartenders and whores to claim he used both their services, leading the reporter on the scoop.

"Everything! Fucking everything!"

A smile crept across Galvin's face "And this guy, how's he involved?"

"He's the cop leading the investigation! Fuck, just make it stop Galvin!"

All your troubles will shrink away. Galvin laughed "That LaFontaine fellow has a sense of humor I'll give him that." He laughed, heartily and honestly. Laughed for the first time in weeks. Stuart and Dana stared at the moose, terror being replaced by confusion, and in Dana's case, annoyance.

"Goddammit Galvin, get us out of this!" That made Galvin laugh even more, but this laugh was not as hearty. This laugh was sinister, sending chills down Dana & Stuart's spines. Galvin picked up Dana by her ankle and held her upside down between his index finger and thumb. He smiled "Don't worry baby, I'll end it soon, as they say, till death do us part." He tilted his head back and opened his maw. Her screams echoed as she fell down his gullet. Galvin smiled and looked down at Stuart "Sorry mate, but no witness." He closed his palm into a fist and brought his hand to his cock. The moose pressed Stuart against the shaft of his cock. He smothered the doberman against his furry shaft, moving him up and down, further pressing on the doberman with his hand. He heard a crack, the noise sent a shiver of pleasure up his cock. Another crack, the cum built up in his loins. With a final crack the doberman was squished into a pulp. The moose used his new lubricant to give his cock a few final thrusts before he came, staining his black bathrobe with semen. With his orgasm Galvin felt everything lift from his shoulders. He felt alive and confident, he felt ready for what life threw at him, sure he may be kicked from New Orleans, but he could adapt. Galvin stood up from his chair feeling better than he had in years.

Adam coughed, multiple bones in his body were broken. The lion tried to move his left arm and groaned in agony. He was stuck here, but he was optimistic about his survival, he was always an optimist. Thump. "No no no" he muttered, tears flooding his eyes as another foot step shook the ground. Before Adam knew it Galvin's barefoot hung over him, specks of blood still on it from when he crushed Cindy. The moose's foot came down without missing a beat.

"Oh blimey, another bug."

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