A Day of Fun

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Commish for Vector.

Just your standard rampage story :3 fun read if I say so myself

The ground shook again. "Fucking tremors." the fox tweeted through his phone as his nose ring shook and lightly slapped against his nose. The red fox stood in line at a large coffee chain as annoying folk rock seeped through the speakers with lyrics as "sweet" as processed honey. Another tremor hit as the line moved up. He stood behind a fat giraffe who's coffee order was longer than the Geneva Convention. "It's weird, these tremors have been coming every couple seconds for the past 10 minutes." A wolf in a business suit said into his bluetooth headset. The fox nodded "Yea, it is weird." Another tremor. The fox walked up and ordered his coffee.

"Can I get a name?" the barista asked.

"Cody" the fox responded. Another tremor. "Do they have any idea what that is?" the fox asked "I got nothing on my news feed, but there's a bunch of twitter posts about it." The barista shook his head.

"Is it just me or are they getting louder?' the wolf in the business suit asked the room.

"Yeah....it seems like they are...." Cody said as he handed over the money for his coffee. What could be causing this? He thought as he waited for his coffee and the wolf ordered. Another tremor, louder and harder, the source, whatever it was, was getting closer. Another tremor, what used to be just an annoying rumble was now starting to lightly shake the ground, causing the fat giraffe to spill his brimming coffee.

The barista handed Cody his coffee, keeping a paw tight on the lid. Another tremor. Cody stepped outside followed by the wolf. The shopping center of this small north eastern U.S. City carried on as normal despite the tremors. There were shoppers walking about with heavy bags, hot dog vendors yelling at each other in Italian, people playing shirtless soccer in the park (Cody tried not to stare too hard.) Cody lifted the cap off his coffee cup and took a sip as another tremor lightly shook the ground. All in all none of the populace paid mind to the tremors, with most figuring they were a odd annoyance that would be gone as quick as they arrived, and they were sort of right, the tremors did stop soon enough. At the same time they did a large shadow loomed over head, as if a large building were just dropped in the middle of the city. The populous looked up to see a muscular black wolf standing at the outskirt of the park located in the center of the shopping district. For a brief second everything was still as the city's inhabitants just stared at the wolf. Some whispered about the blue streaks running down his fur, some argued over about his size (the consensus was about 90 meters) it was more awe that ran through the crowd than fear, until the wolf lifted his foot.

Panic spread as the crowd scattered. Running for buildings, vehicles, or just running. Cody and the business suit wolf both stood under the giant's shadow. Then the wolf shoved Cody as he broke into a run. The coffee in his cup shot out, scalding his eyes and face. Cody fell to the pavement writhing in pain. He had no chance, the foot was on it's way down way before his eyes could recover, it came down on him with the weight of a steam roller.

Vector looked down at his foot as blood oozed between his toes. He loved the first kill of a fresh morning like this. He curled his toes going into a trance for a bit, until he was awoken by the sound of business shoes awkwardly slamming against the pavement. Vector opened his eyes to see a wolf in a business suit sprinting away as hurriedly as he could, his thick suit clearly holding him back. Vector smiled as he lifted his foot off the remains of the fox and lifted it over the business man. "Hi." The businessman stopped and looked up at the giant wolf.

"Pl...please!" he screamed at Vector as the foot hovered over him. The businessman was frozen with fear "I....had to do it....it was me or him....please!" the man begged falling to his knees in sobs. Vector shrugged.

"I don't care." his voice boomed, shattering a few windows, and with that he slammed his foot down on the business man.

He lifted it back up to see the businessman still breathing. His spine was broken in half and he was coughing in blood but he was still alive. "Still want me to spare you?" Vector laughed as he rose foot back up over the businessman and ended his miserable existence. The feeling of a life snuffed out under his foot aroused him. His cock emerged from his sheath, standing attention at a full fifteen meters. Vector's cock needed something to fuck, and he was in luck. There was a pair of buses filled with furs from the crowd. One started driving away and the other was ready to when Vector grabbed it. He looked at the packed bus as the furs began to panic when the realized their bus was 90 meters off the ground. The sight of some furs jumping out the windows to their deaths made him laugh. He held the bus steadily on one hand as he swiftly grabbed the one that was on it's way out. "Nice try." he laughed as he held a bus in each paw. "Hm...decisions decisions." the wolf muttered to himself before taking the bus in his left paw and held it over his head. He tilted his head back and opened his mouth. He held the bus by the back end so the front was looking right down at him. Vector began violently shaking the bus sending a plethora of the furs packed in it crashing towards the windshield. The sheer weight of the of the crowd shattered the windshield on impact causing furs to come flying out of the bus and into Vector's maw, he greedily devoured these unlucky souls, murring as they slid down his gullet. He was ready to dispose of the bus when he saw a few extra furs who had manged to cling to the seats, one that caught his eye was a chubby calico cat.

Adam couldn't believe his position, today had been planned as an easy day of shopping with his girlfriend, and now the tabby cat was clinging to a bus seat for dear life. When the wolf attacked he ran for a bus, his car was on the other side of the city and he was too out of shape to stand a chance at running the whole way. The bus had seemed like a godsend, an escape, but they had taken too long. Steve knew he should have spoken up, told the bus driver to leave now while the wolf....no...the monster was busy with the fox and the wolf, but he wouldn't listen. So now Adam hung onto a seat near the back, he had a relatively stable grip on it currently but the it's not like he was safe from Vector by any means. If he wanted to Vector could just reach in there and pluck him out. Below him Adam could see two other survivors hanging on. A male otter and a female zebra. While the Zebra has a stable grip on a bus seat like Adam, the otter was hanging by a thread, gripping the windshield frame of the bus.

"Just hang on!" the Zebra yelled to the otter "I'm a trained paramedic, you'll be ok?" The fuck is a paramedic going to do? Adam thought to himself, then he realized that the answer was nothing. They were all powerless and the otter was fucked, they all were. Adam began to cry.

"No no NO!" he shouted "NOT LIKE THIS YOU FUCKER! NOT LIKE THIS!" hearing his insolence Vector decided to give the bus a swift shake. The otter never stood a chance, his grip on the bus was weak, all that was needed was a little push and he went flying down the wolf's gullet. Adam and the Zebra were also shaken, their perches weren't as stable as the desired. The zebra fell to another seat on the bus while Adam fell further, barely managing to grab onto the support pole closest to the windshield, as he dangled there he began to beg. "Please....please man, I have a girlfriend, a family, you can't do this dude!" the chubby cat sobbed. Deep down he knew it was worthless, as worthless as the zebra telling the otter that he'd be ok, yet he begged anyways, he was even surprised when the wolf was left unfazed. Vector gave the bus another shake and Adam was thrown again, smashing his head on the windshield frame on his way down to Vector's tongue. Adam was out cold as he slid down Vector's gullet. If he was lucky, he would be digested before he woke up.

Vector would have patted his belly had he a free hand. "That was a delicious meal." He said smiling. "Now what am I to do with the lucky survivor?" he asked to the cowering Zebra, who had been "lucky" enough to maintain a grip on her perch during the second shake. "I mean I'm full, so I have no real use for you."

"Wi...will you let me go?" the Zebra asked "I...I mean me and the other bus aren't worth your time right?"

"Sure, I'll let you go." Vector wound his arm back and threw the near empty bus into a nearby skyscraper. He watched as the bus collided with the windows, shattering them, he could hear distant screams from there. They would get closer soon enough. "Now what am I to do with you?" he asked the second bus.

Mikeal shivered with the same terror as the other passengers in the bus. After what they had seen, none of them expected to survive. Near the door there was a fat giraffe demanding to be let out. The lion bus driver looked like he was about to punch him.

"Look everybody just calm down!" the Lion yelled at the crowd of about fifty people. "We need to think this through rationally." he said in his thick Kenyan accent.

"Bullshit!" the giraffe said. "We need to get the fuck off this bus, now open the door!"

"Do you see that drop?" the lion retorted "We would never survive that?"

"Then what do you suggest we do?" the giraffe yelled back "We're fucked, and I'd rather pick a quick death over being that monster's lunch!"

Mikeal watched the argument not sure which side to take. The snow leopard watched as the wolf tossed the other boss into a skyscraper. The snow leopard's fur was already prickled up, a vestigial trait inherited from an ancient ancestor to ward of predators, though he doubted the macro wolf would be very intimidated by a poofed tail. "Now what am I to do with you?" thee passengers heard the macro wolf boom in his now familiar mocking tone. The giraffe started panicking, banging on the door to the bus, screaming at the lion to "open the fucking door!"

Vector brought the bus down a bit so it was level with his cock. He gripped the undersides of the bus, keeping hos palms by most of the front windows. He took a single backwards backwards pelvic thrust.

"Wh...what's he doing?" Mikeal called out to the bus. The giraffe and the lion were about to throw punches until Mikeal interrupted them. The entire bus turned to see Vector thrust his pelvis back.

"No....no fucking way!" the giraffe said just before Vector swiftly thrust his cock forward into the bus, shattering the windshield and tearing apart its frame. The cock pushed through the bus, it's wide length tearing the bus in half, sending many people falling to their deaths. The giraffe was one such unlucky individual, knocked back by the cock as the floor of the bus split apart beneath him. He slipped through the wolf's finger's and fell 70 meters to the pavement below.

Vector looked at the two micros in his hands. "I gotta be more careful next time." He had a bus filled with 50 micros and he kills all but two? He knew that was sloppy, but he shrugged it off, he was sure there were plenty more buses in the city. He looked down at the two micros, one a snow leopard, one a lion. "Well aren't you two lucky. You get the greatest pleasure of all, you get to help your new god orgasm." he said as his cock throbbed.

Mikeal was picked up by his leg and deposited on a nearby roof. "Don't you run away now!" the wolf bellowed as he held the lion in his hands. "Now you, you get the prime position, are you ready to sacrifice your life for your god?" Vector asked the lion with the same shit eating grin. The lion was speechless. His once golden fur was a sickly pale color. He put up no fight as Vector slid the lions feet into the slit of his cock. Vector murred as he began pushing the lion down his urethra, the lions fur tickling the inside of his cock. With the lion safely tucked away at the bottom of his shaft Vector turned his eyes back towards Mikeal. "You're turn." he said grabbing Mikeal and bringing the snow leopard up to his tail hole. He slid Mikeal head first into his tail hole. It was a tight fit, as Mikeal was slide against the smooth but hard walls of Vector's rectum, unlike the lion Mikeal did wiggle. "Murrrrr....that's a good slave." Mikeal heard Vector bellow as the last of his body was slid into the tailhole.

Vector was ready, his belly was full, his paws were moisturized, the cat was wriggling in his ass and the lion was in his cock. He put a firm grip around his cock and began stroking. He felt the pressure of his cum build up under the lion's feet, with bits leaking through but the main torrent kept at bay by the lion. Vector shivered with pleasure and started thrusting harder, feeling the cum build up in pressure, fizzing like an aerosol can. Eventually the pressure would be too much and it would cum out. It was only a matter of when.

Derrick felt the cum building up under his feet more and more with every stroke, he knew what the wolf had planned. He closed his eyes as he felt the cum start to rise.

The streams of cum shot through Vector's shaft carrying the lion with it. His urethra was again tickled by the lion's fur, which made him cum even more. His first string of cum shot out, carrying with it the lion. It splattered on a near by building. The next stream was the climax, spraying all over various buildings and the street. His cock pumping out cum at an alarming rate. His muscles clenched as he fell back, laying atop the park as another stream shot up from his cock, landing on his chest. Cum continued to drizzle out of his cock as the wolf lay on the park breathing heavily. "Oh...that was wonderful." he said murring, after a minute of rest he stood up, and felt a tickle in his tail hole. "Hah, so the kitty survived!" That made him smile, he'd never had survivors before, the idea of one filled his mind with new possibilities. Wagging his tail he walked back to his cave, careful not to crush the snow leopard trapped in his rectum. He took one last look at the city "I'll get a good week's rest and come back later." He said smiling. For all the destruction Vector had caused, he had just scratched the surface. There was a lot of city left, and Vector was just getting started.


"You better not be lying dude." "I swear to God! There's a junkyard out here filled with cars, I told you I saw it when I was dirt biking last week with Kevin." "And this doesn't strike either of you as creepy?" It had been another boring summer...

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Rekindling the Spark

"Hey, I know you, you're the Hyena King." the rabbit behind the counter said to the tall, bulk hyena in an excited voice. "Uh... yeah, that's me." the hyena said awkwardly. He hated that stage name. "Oh man I love your work man" the rabbit said in...

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