
Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Commission for Xipher.

Concerns a group of friends who break into a junkyard to swipe some old cars rumored to be there, they get more than they bargained for

"You better not be lying dude."

"I swear to God! There's a junkyard out here filled with cars, I told you I saw it when I was dirt biking last week with Kevin."

"And this doesn't strike either of you as creepy?"

It had been another boring summer night and these three furs, Eli, a cat, Tyler, a fox, and Aaron a bat, had spent it like every other night this summer. Casually smoking weed and watching bad horror films in Aaron's basement while all silently trying to adjust to the idea of going their separate ways for college. Each of them dreaded the idea of the summer ending, yet they all remained silent. The trio had been friends since kindergarten. They shared everything, joy, tears, trading in their V-cards. The idea that their friendship would be ending terrified them. July was half over, the fall was approaching fast. "Oh shit, did I tell you guys about the junk yard by the quarry?" Tyler piqued up over the noise of a zombie munching on the brains of a drunk teenager. Eli and Aaron shook their heads and lit respective joints, expecting another one of Tyler's boring stories. They loved Tyler too much to tell him how boring they were, so they spaced out as Tyler began to drone on about how he went dirt biking with his dipshit cousin Kevin. No-one in the group, not even Tyler liked Kevin. "I just hang out with him for the dirt bikes." was Tyler's common explanation that he always had on the tip of his tongue whenever a story about him and Kevin began. Tyler continued on about this jump, and that trick, and how awesome the dirt bike was in terms that were lost on both Aaron and Eli. ""And then there was the junkyard full of cars."

"And this doesn't strike either of you as creepy?" Eli said with a shiver. The light hoodie he had chosen to wear today clashed with the surprisingly low temperatures, though the shivers could also be the anxiety. Of the trio Eli was the "good one" not normally one to be breaking the law, but the promise of a hidden junkyard full of cars was too enticing, even for Eli.

"Dude are you really letting Rise of the Dead 3 Get to you?" Aaron asked laughing. The trio came upon a large rusted gate. "Well this definitely fits the junkyard motif." Aaron snarked as he began tugging on the rusted chain locking the gates. It came off easily, rust had been eating at the cheap metal for a good decade.

"I'm just saying, this is how every horror movie we've ever watched started." Eli continued, though that didn't stop him from following his friends into the junkyard. At first all they saw was scrap metal, old furniture, the standard shit they could have seen in any junk yard.

"Oh gee, look at all these beautiful cars." Eli said rolling his eyes. Tyler playfully punched the cat in the arm.

"Patience kitten, patience!"Tyler teased. The trio continued on through the junk yard all of them shaking with a mix of anticipation and mild terror. As much as Aaron & Tyler teased Eli, they too expected a zombie to pop out of one of the piles of scrap metal, hungry for the brains of adventurous, stoned teenagers. The trio continued on a bit before they came across their holy grail. Smack in the middle of the junk yard it sat. A Wal-mart parking lot full of cars of every kind. From Toyota to Lexus, recent models to classics, there were even a couple bikes in the mix. To say these three young furs were enamored would be an understatement. They all stared wide eyed at the vast array of cars, checking out various ones to suit their styles. They noticed all the cars had keys in the ignition. This excited and distracted them further as they ran around turning on various cars. The sound of all the cars sputtering to life made sure they didn't hear the soft groan as a shadow rose from one of the scrap metal piles. It was a cloudy night, so the shadow that loomed over them didn't seem too out of place.

"What are you runts doing in my junk yard?"

The voice boomed across the lot, shattering the windows of the cars near the source. The three furs looked up swiftly as shock ran like spears through their ears and into their guts. They looked up to see a black dragon standing at the far end of the parking lot. A dragon that stood at about 50 feet, looming over them with a ferocious grin. "Well? What are you runts doing in my junk yard?" The dragon asked as he took a step forward, his left foot landing on a Toyota Camry. The roof of the car creaked beneath the weight of his foot as the supports gave out and the roof caved in on top of the car. As the dragon put the full weight of his foot down on the car, the sound pf scraping metal leaked from under his sole as the car was crushed like a soup can under a truck. Eli squeaked as the fur on his tail pricked up. The dragon moved his right foot forward, stepping onto the mustang that Aaron had just been in. Once again the roof of the car creaked as the dragon lightly pressed his sole on it. As the roof collapsed onto the base of the car the car alarm shot out, it's sirens blaring into the night. Not that anyone besides these four would hear it, these woods ran deep and it had taken the trio a good hour to get where they were. The dragon pressed down on the car, crushing it into oblivion. The siren wailed one last time as it's swan song came to a close.

"W....we were just leaving." Tyler had stepped forward, meekly offering an explanation to the dragon. The dragon's grin grew wider, showing off his sharp white teeth.

"Oh no, you had your time to leave. Now is my time for fun." The dragon took another step towards the group, revealing the details of his body. The dragon was well built, with every inch of his body smooth and muscle toned. At normal sizes he would have been an intimidating figure, instead the dragon went a few farther as he inspired terror and awe in the furs he quite literally towered over. The dragon raised a foot over Tyler and slowly brought it down on his head. Tyler shot his arms up to catch the foot. The dragon laughed as he could feel the fox trying to push the foot off of him, the dragon added a bit more pressure. Tyler's knees began to wobble and eventually gave out. Tyler feel to the ground and the dragon's foot swiftly but gently covered him.

The air around Tyler was hot and humid, and smelt of the exotic cheeses his parents liked to import from France. He would have coughed but the soft sole of the dragon didn't allow him the room to compress his chest. "Is this what being buried alive is like?" He thought, though he figured being buried alive would smell much better. Beyond the cracks of the Dragon's toes he could hear his friends whimpering, not daring to move. Tyler heard the dragon bellow in laughter, and then the smooth wet wall that was the dragon's sole began to slowly slide up and down Tyler's body. Tyler hadn't noticed it before but the dragon's sole was covered in sweat. Sweat that bathed his fur in it's salty scent. Beads of sweat landed in his mouth. He gagged as the beads of sweat slide down his gullet. Content the dragon lifted his foot.

Tyler coughed as the dragon's foot was lifted. The fox's fur was coated in a thick layer of sweat. "Good luck scrubbing that out!" The dragon said bellowing. "Now hm...I think I'm a bit too small to keep playing the way I want to!"

"Wh...what?" Aaron asked. The dragon snapped his fingers and in microseconds his entire form shot up. The dragon stood at about one hundred thirty feet. He looked back down at the three furs, his yellow eyes glowing as prominently as ever. "Tell me, are you a fruit bat?" His voice shook the furs, and shattered the glass of all the cars in the area. Aaron nodded, unsure if the dragon could even see his body movements. Apparently the dragon did, because he picked up the fruit bat with surprising precision. He held the bat in his palm. "I've always wondered if you guys tasted like fruit." Aaron went wide eyed as the dragon opened his mouth to reveal his long, wet, tongue, covered with saliva.

"No please...pleaseeeee!" Aaron was tossed into the dragon's mouth as it slammed shut.

Aaron tightly gripped the dragon's fang. Maybe if he was lucky he could stay here for a while and slip out when the dragon next opened his mouth. Luck was not on Aaron's side as the dragon could tell the bat had yet to slip down his gullet. The titan tilted his head back, and Aaron felt his whole world turn on it's side. He clutched the fang as the Dragon's throat lay beneath him like the pit from Army of Darkness. Aaron wondered what was worse, deadites or digestion. The bat was confident in his ability to hold on though, he had both his arms and his legs wrapped securely around the fang, then he felt the tongue. The dragon's tongue bashed against his back, playfully at first but picking up it's force with each slap. Aaron could feel his grip loosening as the tongue continued its attack on him. Aaron's claws scraped against the dragon's fang as his arms spread out. He was losing his grip. Aaron screamed one last time as he fell down the dragon's gullet. What was worse? Deadites or digestion?

The dragon made a satisfied burp as he looked down at the cat and the fox. The were huddled together in terror, hugging. The cat was soaking up his sweat from the fox. "Well that's no fun, you need to wait your turn for my godly musk!" He picked Eli up with the same precision he grabbed Aaron with. He shoved the cat under an arm pit and pinched the fox between two toes.

Eli should have fallen. All logic dictated that an arm pit should not be able to hold someone so perfectly. Yet he stayed trapped in this salty prison. The dragon's sweat seeped over his head and poured down his back. That sweat acted as an adhesive, keeping the cat stuck in the arm pit. "Lick kitty cat, or you get crushed!" The dragon laughed. Shuddering at the thought Eli opened his mouth and began licking the dragon's arm pit. It was smooth and hairless like the rest of his soft body, and yet the sweat reeked worse. Eli closed his eyes and continued licking, preferring it to the alternative. He figure he should get used to it now, he felt he'd be doing it for a long time.

Tyler was gently sandwiched between two of the dragon's toes. If the dragon's sole had smelt like imported cheeses, the crevices between his toes smelt like the cheese factory. "You too foxy, I expect a warm tongue between these toes." Tyler started licking, taking more sweat into mouth. It slide down his gullet like bad whiskey. The dragon rumbled in pleasure at the feeling of his two new slaves licking two of his most sensitive spots.

The dragon rumbled in pleasure as he felt his two new pets servicing his body. They'd be at this for a long while. If they were good pets they could have his left overs, and wash it down with more sweat. While his slaves licked his body and his snack broke down in his belly, the dragon decided it was time for fun. The cars lay before him, neatly lined up, just waiting for him. He checked again to make sure his foot slave was safely between his toes, so as not to risk harming him while he had his fun, then he lifted a foot over a Lexus. Instead of lightly pressing down as he had before he slammed his foot onto the car, crushing it in one fell swoop. He kicked another car, a Chevrolet, as if he were kicking a field goal. The "rampage" had begun.

An hour later. The dragon sat back down. All the cars were in pieces, the only survivor was a blue Kawasaki bike. The dragon picked that up and crushed it like tin foil. Both his slaves kept licking, though both were feeling rather ill from ingesting all the sweat. The dragon giggled and lay on his back. It was time for a nap because tomorrow was a big day. He had to go get some new cars, maybe some snacks, maybe a couple more slaves.

Rekindling the Spark

"Hey, I know you, you're the Hyena King." the rabbit behind the counter said to the tall, bulk hyena in an excited voice. "Uh... yeah, that's me." the hyena said awkwardly. He hated that stage name. "Oh man I love your work man" the rabbit said in...

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