Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 2

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#2 of Sheila Tenderhoof

Our story continues as our brave heroine battles the effects of the drug while she hurries back to the lab for answers. But first she'll have to charm the pants off a young (and good looking) canine security guard before she can go anywhere.

All characters are mine. Do not use without permission.

If you like the story please say so. All comments and criticisms are welcome.

Link to Part 1:

Part 2

As Shelia slid into the driver's seat of her rather small Japanese compact, her mind was buzzing. She was more than a little concerned about her situation. Getting exposed to a super concentrated dose of some experimental drug never seemed to turn out well for the victims in the movies. It wasn't like she was unhappy with the changes. She had never looked this good or felt this good. A few inches in height, almost ten pounds of muscle, and gloriously peaky C-cups were something allot of women would kill for. But the progression of the changes however was a little worrisome.

She had no idea if her changes had run their course or if more was in store. It was possible such a large dose could make her sick and cause some type of permanent damage. She might even be contagious. At the thought of spreading her "disease" to others Shelia reflexively jerked the wheel and nearly swerved into a otter on a motorcycle in the next lane. The otter promptly gave her the one finger salute and zoomed pass.

"Eyes on the road dumbass," thought Shelia as she pulled back into in her lane and continued on. "I can't be contagious," she thought out loud, "we designed the virus to be inert as possible. It needs some kind of injection or sub-dermal contact to transfer." While silently reassuring herself that she was not some kind of walking WMD her stomach began to remind her that she had forgotten breakfast that morning.

A few miles down the road Shelia stopped at a deli she sometimes got dinner on her way home from work. She ordered a footling veggie lovers and devoured it with a gusto that even she found surprising. Just as she was polishing off the last bit of sandwich she caught the young wolf working behind the counter staring. As soon as their eyes made contact the wolf quickly looked away with a slightly embarrassed glance.

"That guy was totally checking me out," thought Shelia as she quickly scanned the room looking for other possible subjects of the wolfs gaze. When she found none her ego soared a bit. "Maybe the new and improved Shelia is working out, or maybe its just the shirt," thought Shelia which was about a size too small for her new found bust. Either way it left Shelia in a good mood as she walked back to her car.

Ten minutes later Shelia was pulling up to the gate in front of Doall Pharmaceutical. She swiped her gate tag over the sensor and that the parking gate began to open up. She quickly found her spot in the parking garage and took the garage elevator up to the main atrium. The guard at the security desk looked a little bit startled when Shelia stepped out of the elevator. As she stepped up to the desk Shelia silently wondered how she had missed this particular guard in the past. He was a tan and black German Sheppard with icy blue eyes and a rather statuesque build of about six feet. He had a rather fresh young looking face that still managed to come off as more handsome than boyish.

From the cut of his uniform it also looked like he spent some time in the gym though he wasn't linebacker broad. He was built more like swimmer than a bodybuilder though he was still a bit thicker than the former. "Mmm," though Sheila as the heat began to gather between her legs again. "I bet he would look great without that shirt, on his knees, eating out my cu-"

"Miss are you all right?" said the guard standing up. "You look a bit, umm, flushed." Shelia quickly snapped you of her haze and realized that while she had been staring at the guard and trying to rip off his clothes with only her eyes, he had asked for her company ID twice.

"Sorry, I have no idea where my mind is today," said Shelia she fished her ID out of her purse. The guard looked at the card a minute and back at Shelia. As he looked up at Shelia he had a bit of a frown on his face,

"Miss, I think it might be time for a new picture because this one doesn't do you justice," said the dog as he handed Shelia back her ID card. Shelia practically glowed at the complement and slipped it in her jeans pocket.

"Thanks, and if you don't mind me asking you look kind of young to be a guard, most of the others are pushing fifty mister..."

"It's Lance ma'am," said the dog, "Just Lance. This is just a temp job for the summer. Then it's back to school in the fall."

"What year are you," asked Shelia.

"Senior," said Lance, "studying economics."

"Interesting," said Shelia her gaze again roaming up and down his body. "Well I just need to pop into my office and get a few things. By the way do you have a key to the labs? I left some of my research notes in there on Friday." A frown appeared on Lance's face that made his ears twitch a bit.

"I would love to let you in ma'am but it's against the rules to let any outside personnel into the labs after hours unless they are accompanied by one of the lab supervisors. Something to do with union safety codes. Why just yesterday some yuppie from upstairs nearly killed herself."

"Is that so," said Shelia her mind racing. She needed to get into the labs and find out the exact contents of the drug she had been dosed with and the observation notes of the techs doing the live animal testing. Suddenly Shelia had an idea that she was sure she would have never even dreamed of even yesterday.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do," said Shelia in a sultry tone as she sat down on the desktop right in front of Lance and slowly crossed her legs. Shelia fixed her gaze on Lance as he fidgeted in his seat.

"Www-well I would love to but my supervisor would really chew my ass Miss,"

"Call me Shelia," she said as she gently swung both legs over the desk so her whole body was now inches away from his. Lance quickly stood up pushing his chair backward and putting a bit of space between himself and Shelia.

"Ma'am www-we really shouldn't be doing this"

"Doing what exactly?" said Shelia as she hopped off the desk. "We haven't even done anything but have this nice little chat," said Shelia moving even closer. With a burst of speed that surprised herself almost as much Lance, Shelia wrapped her arms around Lance pulling his body close to her and pinning him to the wall at his back. Lance tried to push away from the wall but this mare was stronger than she looked, and her body also felt SOOO good against his.

All kind of thoughts were racing thought Shelia's mind as her body seemed to be operating almost on autopilot. Shelia pushed her mouth into the scruff of Lance's taking a deep breath of him and letting it out slowly. Lance shivered as her warm breath flowed over his neck. "You smell good pup," said Shelia as she moved her head to whisper in his ear. "Maybe we should head down to the lab and take care of this," said Shelia as she cupped his now rock hard package. Lance gave a cute yip of surprise which quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as Shelia continued to squeeze. "I'll get my keys," Lance said in a rather strained voice.

As Shelia watched Lance rummage though the security desk looking for the lab pass card she had a sudden pang of doubt. This wasn't like her. She had NEVER moved this fast with any guy much less seduced a random stranger for her own needs. She could barely believe it was really working. This sudden change in her personality scared her slightly but her new found aggressiveness felt good. It felt right like something had finally clicked into place. The heat in her loins spiked and a familiar tightness in her muscles began as Shelia let out a moan low enough to be a growl. _ _When Lance turned back around with the card in hand he was stopped in his tracks by the force of Shelia's gaze.

She had a terrifyingly predatory look in her eyes that did not look at home in a five foot sevenish mare. "This woman is going to eat me alive," thought Lance as he stared back. He tried to maintain eye contact by but her gaze was so intense, so dominating that he couldn't meet her eyes. Shelia slowly moved closer to him and gently put her fingers under his chin and raised his head until they were staring into each other's eyes.

"Why don't we head down to the lab so I can give my good samaritan his reward," said Shelia her face inches away from his. Lance realized at that very moment that he would have done anything for her. He was by no means a virgin and attracted more than his fair share of attention from the opposite sex. He had been with girls that could be considered beautiful but none of them had ever affected him quite this.

"Yyy-yes ma'am," Lance stammered quickly breaking their gaze.

As soon as Lance unlocked the door of the lab and they were safely inside Shelia all but threw Lance up against a wall as her mouth came crashing down on his. Lance moaned into the kiss and their tongues continued to dance around each other. Lance eventually realized that he to come up for air so with some reluctance he pried his own mouth from hers and gasped for air. No sooner had he done that then Shelia began to bite and nibble up the long line of his neck bringing more moans and yips from his lips.

Simultaneously one of her hands snaked down and with surprising dexterity up buttoned his pants and plunged inside. Her hand quickly found his scalding length and began to stroke. Her gentle nibbles continued up his neck and when she reached his ear she whispered,

"My, my you have something impressive down here," giving his cock a squeeze. "But are you ready for your reward?"

"Yessss god yesss," hissed Lance through clenched teeth. Shelia then moved back slightly using one hand to unzip him and gently pull down his pants and then his underwear. As she did his package was finally revealed and Shelia was pleasantly surprised. Lance's lance was almost eight inches from sheath to gently tapered tip. More than adequate for what she had in mind.

"I see how you got your name," said Shelia grinning up at him as her hand continued to stroke.

"My mother was half mastiff, panted Lance as Shelia's other hand began to cup and stroke his balls. She then grabbed the base of his cock and slowly brought the tip up to her lips and ran her tongue slowly over the end of his velvety member. This drew a shudder from Lance as the veins under her fingers visibly throbbed flushing an angry purple in contrast with the rest of his dark red cock.

Shelia gave Lance's dick a few more sensual licks running her tongue from base to tip as she prepared to take all of him in her long muzzle. "Sometimes it pays to be a mare," thought Shelia as she engulfed his entire length . It was almost no much for Lance to bare as he watched his cock slowly vanish into Shelia's mouth till her lips met his sheath. His balls felt like they weighed five pounds each and he desperately wanted to cum but Shelia had one hand still wrapped around the base of his balls and every time they tried to pull up into his body Shelia would gently pull down and press the thumb of her other hand into the underside of his cock.

This had the effect denying him release while making his cock and balls feel like they were going to explode. Soon however even this was pushed from his mind as the pressure in his balls reached madding proportions and Shelia began to bob faster up and down his cock. Lance instinctively began buck his hips and his hands quickly found the back of Shelia's head as he began to fuck her mouth in earnest.

The raging need inside him pushed all traces of sentience from his mind as his body concentrated on fucking Shelia's wonderful muzzle as fast and as hard as he could. Shelia matched his speed thrust for thrust as she felt his scalding pre pool in her mouth. Suddenly Shelia released his balls and grabbed his ass with both hands pulling him as far into her mouth as she could and began sucking furiously.

This was all Lance could take as his balls slammed up into his groin. His hips bowed and his cock throbbed harder still as a ragged howl was torn from his lips. His hips tried to buck but Sheila's grip was just too tight as his cock erupted with a volcanic blast. It was one of the most intense and satisfying orgasms of his life as he felt his abs and groin clench rhythmically. He came so hard in fact that it almost hurt as he continued to pump round after round deep into Shelia's throat.

As the orgasm continued Lance was quite sure that his legs would have collapsed had it not been for Shelia's steely grip on his hips and ass. As he looked down at Shelia the expression on her face showed that she might even be enjoying this as much as he was as she continued to swallow ounce after ounce of Lance's heavy cream.

After almost a full minute after his last pump Shelia's lips finally parted from his cock. She gave it once last lick as Lance shivered and collapsed to the ground .

"That was mightily impressive puppy dog," said Shelia as she slid backward into a sitting position on the floor. Lance could only give a weak grunt as he rolled onto his back. Shelia stood up stretching out her legs and neck and began slowly taking off her clothes. Lance slowly sat up and watched the show. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt revealing her toned abs and slim midsection. She then unfastened her bra and took a deep breath revealing her perfectly shaped breasts .

Each of Shelia's nipples was a dark ebony black that stood out against her charcoal gray coat and each was already fully erect. Shelia's jeans slid down her legs revealing muscular toned legs and a firm heart shaped ass. She even held her tail beautifully as it ached high over her ass and gently brushed over her thighs and calves. Nestled between those shapely legs was really caught Lance's attention. A soaked pair of panties were the only bit of clothing Shelia still wore but they hid very little. Lance could easily make out the rather prominent shapes of Shelia's distended labia and clit.

"And now I think it's your turn to make me feel good," said Shelia giving Lance another predatory look.

"It going to be a bit before this guy is ready for action again," said Lance patting his groin.

"Not for what I have in mind," said Shelia seductively. She then reached over and pulled a chair from a nearby table turning it to face Lance where he still sat on the floor. She then sat down and began carefully removing her panties. Her groin now bare she gently leaned back in the chair reveling her glistening vulva. Lance was momentarily entranced at the sight of her. The mare's dewy folds were the same shade as her nipples, a deep deep ebony black that contrasted beautifully with her coat. Also Lance had never seen a woman in picture or person with such prominent labia. They were quite thick and every few seconds her entire pussy would contract in a powerful clench forcing a few more drops of nectar to run down her thighs.

Unbelievably Lance felt his shaft begin to stir again as Shelia's voice snapped him out of his trance.

"If you like what you see why not come and take a closer look." Lance did just that crawling on all fours to where Shelia sat waiting. He then shoved his nose between Shelia's legs and took a tentative lick. Shelia's folds shuddered as she let out a low murr. Her groans grew more intense as Lance's fuzzy muzzle and whiskers brushed her inner thighs and his powerful and very flexible tongue began to rim her luscious cunt. As Lance's assault continued the frequency and intensity of Shelia's contractions increased around his tongue.

Finally when she couldn't take it more Shelia jammed two fingers in to her pussy spreading it as wide as she could while grabbing the top of Lance's head and forced his muzzle into her muff. Lance responded by burying his tongue in her as Shelia's ass nearly left the chair.

"Gods yessss!" hissed Shelia as began to buck her hips in time with Lance's thrusts.

Meanwhile, even though he could barely breathe, Lance was enjoying the experience. Her smell was pungent and heady and the more he breathed it in the hornier he got. His staff was all ready raring to go again which had to be a new personal best. Her taste was also exquisite as her silky fluids filled his mouth. She tasted tangy and slightly bitter with hint of cinnamon and vanilla and was without a doubt the best tasting thing he had ever put in his mouth in.

Her cunt was also amazingly hot. Every time he entered it felt as if the intense heat was almost too much to bare. However even with his powerful tongue and her rather generously sized entrance Lance found he could only penetrate so far before her powerful inner muscles stopped him. Undismayed Lance eventually found a spot near the top of her passage that made her buck and squirm even harder and began attacking it as fast as his jaw would allow.

The heat in Shelia's loins was starting to drive her crazy. Even with Lance's heavenly oral ministrations she couldn't seem to cum. Every time she reached a peak her body would demand more rather than giving her release. Also a familiar tightness was beginning to gather in her muscles which felt as taught as bow strings. Veins slowly began to snake their way across Shelia's body as they throbbed in time with her heartbeat. Lance's lips on her own felt wonderful and his tongue felt even better but no matter how hard she ground his muzzle into her crotch his tongue just wouldn't go deep enough.

Shelia needed something inside of her and this bit of foreplay wasn't doing enough. With a savage grunt Shelia snapped upright kicking the chair backwards and yanking Lance to his feet. Before he could even catch his breath Shelia shoved him to the ground again where he landed on his back. Shelia wasted no time in pouncing on top of Lance and straddling his hips. With her free hand she guided the tip of Lance's penis to her entrance and in a fluid motion slammed he body down into his. When she reached bottom she stopped and let out a long slow moan and her eyes seemed to glaze over as she rested both hands on top of Lance's muscular chest. This gave Lance a chance to finally take a breather at least until he felt Shelia's cunt throb and latch onto his dick with a vice like grip.

Shelia seemed to be having a mini orgasm just sitting up top of him as her whole body began to tremble and shake. Her inner muscles seemed to be doing their best to pull his cock even deeper into her body. Slowly Shelia straitened and began moving her hips up and down and slightly to and fro. Lance had never had a woman in this position before but it was rapidly becoming his favorite as Shelia worked him in and out of her body.

Every time her hips went up and back Shelia's cunt would spasm and grip his cock refusing to let go. Several times she griped him so hard that when her hips went up his ass nearly left the ground. Shelia slowly began to increases her pace as Lance struggled to keep what was left of his composure as the feel of Shelia's body brought him ever closer to the edge.

Shelia could feel that she was close. Every thrust sent a spike of pleasure through her as Lance's long thick cock plunged into her body. She didn't think she could take much more of the heat in her loins and every muscle in her body felt like it was going to tear and pop.

"Shelia I'm hhrrrff getting really uuuggghhh close. I can't hold it much longer!" Lance groaned. Shelia froze at the top of her stoke and gave Lance a withering stare.

"Don't even think about cumming till I do mutt!"growled Shelia as she locked eyes with the dog under her. Lance could only stare in shock as he looked upon the terribly beautiful visage above him. Shelia was dripping with sweat and every muscle in her body looked shredded. In fact she looked much more muscular that when they had entered the lab. Lance was unsure how this was possible but he was positive that her breasts were bigger now than they were just a few minutes pervious.

He had little time to think about it before Shelia began to take him even faster and harder than before. He hips moved in a near blur as her body continued to rapidly engulfed his steely erection. Lance felt his impending orgasm bearing down on him like a locomotive as his rod began to switch and spasm within her. This seemed to finally tip Shelia over the edge as she slammed Lance's cock as far into herself as she could and her inner muscles clamped down like vice.

Her muscles were so tight that Lance was having some difficulty cuming. He began to cum in long slow jerks that were almost painful but had the effect drawing out his orgasm in a way he had never before experienced. Meanwhile Shelia was just getting started as the rippling waves of her orgasm blew through her body satisfying her in a way she had never before known. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she let out an ear splitting whinny and sprayed Lances stomach and groin with her juices.

After almost a full minute of what felt like the biggest climax of his life Lance's oversensitive cock stopped twitching but he seem to be unable to pull out as Shelia's orgasm was still going at full force. The pressure around his cock was keeping him erect as Shelia's unbelievable pussy continued to milk him even harder. As the pleasure mounted he felt himself begin to twitch and spasm again. This time he howled and Shelia joined him.

Shelia forced two more orgasms out of Lance before he had the strength to pull out. As he did Shelia's own orgasm seemed to wind itself down as she collapsed on top of him in a big sweaty heap. It was another few minutes before either of them could move but eventually Shelia managed to roll off of Lance as they both stared up at the ceiling trying to catch their breath.

"I think you broke my dick," said Lance as he began to feel a raw ache in his now thoroughly sore member.

"Well I am pretty sure I can't move my legs," said Shelia. "Let's just hope your dick and my legs are temporary," said Shelia turning to look at Lance. He then rolled up on one elbow and brought his face down to hers for a kiss when suddenly they heard the lab doors open behind them. Standing in the doorway was an older badger in a security uniform that Shelia quickly realized must be Lance's supervisor. The look of shock on the guards face was priceless as he stood open mouthed in astonishment. The silence was deafening as no one uttered a peep for almost a full minute. Suddenly the badger broke into a huge grin and began laughing uncontrollably. Tears began to run down his face and he had to brace himself against the doorway just to stay standing. Finally his chuckles tapered off as he slowly wiped tears from his muzzle.

"You all right kid?" he asked with a huge shit eating grin on his face. Shelia turned beet red and cover as much of herself as possible.

"Yyyes Sir," said Lance sitting up.

"Well you look like you've got the situation well in hand."

"Yyy-yeah," said Lance as his face flushed crimson. "I think it going to be a minute or two before I can, uhh, get back to the desk though."

"Well take as much time as you need then," said the guard as he chuckled and turned to exit the lab. "I know I would."

Lance and Shelia eventually managed to gather up all their clothes in a rather embarrassed silence as Lance took Shelia down to the guard locker room where they each took a quick shower (separately this time, both thought it would be safer that way) to wash off all the sweat and other fluids that covered their bodies. Shelia then zipped back to the lab and quickly found the file of observation notes she had been looking for. She made some copies and tucked them securely into her purse. She then readjusted her clothes which seemed to have become even tighter and headed for the exit. A freshly showered Lance was once again sitting as the security desk. This time however, his left hand was handcuffed to the chair.

"Punishment?" asked Shelia.

"Yep. They are never going to let me forget it either," said Lance.

"So was it worth it?" Shelia asked in her most seductive tone. Lance gave a brief shiver.

"Fuck yeah." Shelia then reached into her purse and took out a bit of paper and quickly scribbled her name and number on it.

"Maybe we can do this again sometime," said Shelia handing it to Lance.

"Definitely," said Lance as he watched Shelia's shapely ass walk slowly out the door.

Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1

Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1 Sheila Tenderhoof sat quietly in the cafeteria at Doall Pharmaceutical rummaging through the leftovers of her meal when she began a little bit of lunch time retrospection to pass the time. Sheila was rather petite for a...

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The I-Mote 2.0

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The I-Mote

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