The I-Mote

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#1 of I-Mote

Story about a cute couple that find a magical device with the power to change almost anything about themselves and the fun they get into.

All characters are mine. Do not use without permission.

Comments and criticism are welcome enjoy!

The I-Mote

It was a rather lazy Sunday afternoon and Jim found himself strolling though a yard sale with his girlfriend Tammy. Jim, a chocolate colored wolf, was rather uninterested in their surroundings but his girlfriend Tammy loved this kind of stuff. They made a cute looking couple as the slightly larger Tammy pulled her reluctant boyfriend through aisles of castoffs and knickknacks. Tammy was a tan colored mare with just enough curves to make her cute while Jim was about two inches shorter and a bit on the skinny side. They were quite in love however and Jim was more than willing to endure any number of yard sales if it made Tammy happy.

"What do you think of this?" said Tammy as she held up a rather battered looking blender. Jim eyed the appliance suspiciously and shook his head. "If you think we need it." Tammy smiled and moved toward the female otter running the sale as Jim moved down the aisle towards a pile of dusty electronics. Most of the stuff looked like complete junk but his eyes fell on a small device that seemed a bit out of place. It was shinny and rather new looking compared to the castoffs around it, and it kinda resembled a small tablet PC. The shape was rectangular and about the size of a normal hardback book with the screen filling most of the front side. It had a small power button at the bottom and small bit of labeling at the top that read "I-Mote". Jim flipped the thing over and on the back was a small door with several small screws holding it shut. Jim had never head of an I-Mote but it looked interesting so he picked it up and went over to join his girlfriend near the otter at the cash register. "How much for this," said Jim looking at the female casher. She scratched her chin and looked at the thing with a confused expression before saying, "Five dollars." Jim quickly forked over some cash to pay for the blender and the I-Mote and walked Tammy back to his car.

When they got back to Jim's apartment Tammy immediately grabbed the blender and headed for the kitchen while Jim continued to examine the remote. The small screws on the back of the remote were hex head screws so Jim rummaged around in his tool drawer till he found his hex key set and started removing each screw. Jim could hear Tammy trying out each speed on the blender just as he popped the last screw. He then removed back of the remote and looked inside. There was a small slot for what looked like a AAA battery but instead of a battery there was a piece of paper rolled up where the battery should have been. Jim slowly unrolled the paper, which was rather old looking. Written in an ornate spindly script the note said only, "Have fun! I know I did! May it bring you as much fortune as it brought me." Jim put the strange note down with a shrug and put a fresh battery into the slot when he heard a clamor and sudden squeal from the kitchen. He quickly threw down the remote and rushed to the kitchen.

When he got there it was all he could do not to burst out laughing. Tammy and most of the counter was covered in a thick off white goop that smelled like banana smoothie. "The cap came off," said Tammy with a sniffle as Jim quickly grabbed some paper towels and started helping Tammy clean herself off. He removed as much as he could then licked a bit of smoothie off of Tammy's muzzle. "Go get a shower baby, I'll finish cleaning up the kitchen," said Jim as he put the blender in the sink. Tammy trotted off as Jim began cleaning the kitchen and before long Jim heard the sound of the shower cutting on from the bathroom. After spraying and wiping every surface down, Jim threw away the dirty paper towels and went back to the remote and plopped himself down on the couch in the den to examine it.

As soon as he held the remote up it gave a little chirp and words appeared on screen. 'I-Mote, we give you control.' A prompt then came up next asking to sync the phone to all locals. "Locals?" thought Jim as he stared at the remote. After a moment of hesitation he punched 'yes' and an hour glass popped up. Another prompt appeared stating that there were two compatible locals and a status bar appeared. Jim watched as the green bar slowly crawled its way across the screen. When it finished Jim was shocked to see two cartoon depictions of himself and Tammy. "What the fuck it is?" thought Jim as his cartoon doppelganger started back at him. His finger moved over Tammy's icon and clicked and he was suddenly looking at of image of Tammy in the shower as she scrubbed herself clean. "No way," thought Jim as her turned the I-mote in his hands. Below the window showing Tammy were various sliders which controlled various attributes like strength, stamina, and libido. Below that there were even wilder options like fur color, sexual orientation, species, and one odd button labeled 'Hermification'. Feeling rather adventurous Jim scrolled back up till her reached the libido menu and with a few key strokes set it at max.

Jim sat there on the couch for almost a minute feeling rather silly and was just about to put the remote down when he heard a soft moan and looked up. There in the doorway of their bedroom was a dripping wet and completely naked Tammy. She was leaning with one hand on the door frame while the other had two fingers deep inside her folds. Her chest heaved as she continued to pleasure herself while soap suds still clung to her pert breasts and water dripped off her flanks onto the floor.

"Tammy!" stammered Jim, "what are you doing?" Tammy gave a growl and lunged at Jim tackling him backward onto the couch as her hands grappled with the top of Jim's pants. She had him unbuttoned and unzipped before he could even react and when he tried to shuffle backward Tammy yanked pulling his jeans and underwear down around his knees. Tammy cooed as her hands quickly found Jim's sheath and balls and Jim felt his body start to respond. As soon his bright red tip poked out of his sheath Tammy attacked it with her mouth, sucking and licking with a fever she had never before displayed. Soon all seven inches of Jim's cock were rock hard and throbbing deep inside Tammy's muzzle and as she bobbed up and down. Jim felt his organism bearing down on him like a freight train but was unable to even slow the crazed mare. "Tammy! I'm going to pop if you don't slow down!" moaned Jim to the mare at his waist but she ignored him and only increased her pace.

Jim felt his balls tense up as Tammy squeezed his knot and with a yelp he came furiously into her mouth. They had often performed oral sex on each other in the past but Tammy had swallowed like she was now. She seemed ravenous as she sucked on Jim's cock as hard as she could while Jim's back bowed and his arms thrashed about as he tried to control himself. Even after he stopped cumming Tammy refused to relent and continued to felashiate Jim's oversensitive cock. Jim fumbled with the remote and almost on cue, a prompt popped up asking if her wished to undo the last change. Jim clicked yes and almost as soon as he did he felt Tammy remove herself from his cock and sit up on the couch. "What just happened?!" panted an out of breath Tammy as she looked down at Jim. "I was in the shower when suddenly I HAD to have you. I don't know what came over me." Jim who was still recovering from his orgasm sat up and looked at Tammy for a second and then looked down at the remote. There on the screen was the image of Tammy sitting on the couch.

"Baby you're going to think I'm crazy but I think this remote did it," said the dazed wolf. Tammy stared at her boyfriend for a moment then cocked her head. "Jim, what do you mean the remote did it? That doesn't make any sense. I thought it was just a piece of junk you picked up at the sale?" "I thought so too till a moment ago. I popped a fresh battery into it and all kinds of weird menus started popping up so I pressed a button or two. Suddenly I see you in the shower and then your attacking my cock! The remote did it somehow." "Jim that's silly. It's just a some toy," said Tammy crossing her arms over bare chest. Jim picked up the remote and readjusted the libido attribute and almost immediately Tammy let out a long throaty moan and her hands went to her suddenly erect nipples. Jim pressed the undo button again and she stopped in mid fondle with a rather dazed expression on her face. "Oh god there it was again! How are you doing that?" "I told you it's the remote," said Jim. "It's like it has some kind of power over people."

"What else can it do?" asked Tammy with an eager gleam in her eyes. Jim looked at the mare's eager expression and back at the remote. He began scrolling through menus and again phone seemed to know just what he wanted. A slider popped up labeled 'Bust Size'. With a guilty grin Jim hit the '+' button and watched in amazement as Tammy's perky B cups started to grow. "Unnnngh," moaned Tammy as she felt her breasts begin to tingle then grow while she cupped them. When they finished growing, Tammy had a rather flushed expression on her faces as her fingers trailed lightly over her slightly larger nipples. She sat stood up suddenly, her new found bust giving a light bounce, and all but ran to the full length mirror in their bed room. Jim quickly shucked off his jeans and shirt leaving him in only his boxers as her grabbed the remote and headed after her tail wagging.

Tammy made quite a sight as she stood in front of their full length mirror. Still damp from the shower, her added size contrasted with her modest curves to make her quite stunning. Jim watched as Tammy turned slowly admiring herself from various angles and felt another stirring in his groin. "Tammy you look great," said Jim as he starred at the mare. "Oh Jim that felt fantastic," said Tammy turning her whole body towards him. Jim's breath caught in her throat as he took in her figure. Tammy moved closer and wrapped her arms around Jim's neck pushing her newfound assets up against Jim's muzzle. "Can it do more?" said Tammy as she ground her body against Jim's. "You, you mean you want to go bigger?" stammered Jim. Tammy gave a slow nod as ground her nude body into Jim's. "Sure I guess," said Jim as he pulled out the remote. He pointed the it at Tammy and hit the plus button again. Tammy looked eager as she felt the sensation of growth start up again in her breasts. First her nipples thickened an lengthened to almost an inch while each breast slowly grew. Tammy cupped each one till as they filled out slowly growing larger reaching a full and firm DD-cup.

Jim's mouth watered as he stared at his girlfriend's new rack and she seemed to like it almost as much. Her new tits stood out proudly on her chest and each one was perfectly shaped without an ounce of sag. While they were just a bit outrageous on her figure, she clearly did it for Jim who had always been a bit of a tit man. Tammy pinched her now longer nipples and gave a soft nicker as her face flushed. Jim knew that Tammy had considered getting implants in the past but the cost and the potential dangers involved had always prevented her from going ahead with it. Still it was still a bit of a surprise just how much she seemed to be enjoying her new look. She continued to play with herself a bit more till her eyes locked on the remote in Jim's hand. "Give me the remote Jim I want to try something else," said Tammy with an evil gleam in her eyes. Jim held it out and Tammy quickly snatched it away and started scrolling through the options till she seemed to find what she liked. Jim saw her grin and then press something and watched as Tammy's body began to grow again.

Tammy had never been fat and kept in decent shape, but like most furs she had a few extra pounds here and there. They were well distributed on her hips and thighs and gave her a bit of extra fluff that made her look a bit curvier, but as Jim watched the fat slowly melted away to be replaced by hard muscle. Tammy now had a nicely defined six pack, toned muscular legs and a tight curvy ass. Tammy flexed an arm and showed off her new biceps. The effect was stunning as normal cute Tammy turned into smoking hot gym bunny right before his eyes. Jim was very much a wolf in love as he starred slack jawed amazement and the new and improved Tammy. "Like what you see puppy dog?" said Tammy as she flexed both arms. Jim could only nod as his cock continued to throb and drool against his leg.

Tammy once again turned back to the remote and shuffled through some more menus with and evil look till she found a few more options she liked and with a giggle pressed a few keys and almost immediately a moan was torn from her mouth. Her labia clenched visibly as her nectar stated to run down her inner thighs and ropey veins appeared on her major muscle groups. The muscles themselves flared larger and larger as each vein pulsed with power. Tammy whimpered in ecstasy as her body stretched taller and muscles continued to grow. Her nipples erected further and thickened till they resembled shot glasses as her breasts grew to G-cups.

Jim watched spellbound as her cunt continued to spasm rhythmically her clit bobbing higher and higher. Her lips thickened till they were thick and distended while her clit grew to be as thick as the tip of her thumb an almost an inch and a half long. Jim watched as every vein bulged and each one of Tammy's muscles rippled with power. Finally she let loose a beast like roar as her blazing cunt clenched like a great fist and released a torrent of fluids soaking the floor beneath her feet as she finished growing.

Tammy looked like a goddess made flesh with a physique that would have made most body builders blush. Her her seven foot tall body didn't have an ounce of fat and each muscle was chiseled as if out of stone. Every time she took a breath her entire body quivered with power as her many muscles danced under her skin. The randy mare sat down on the end their bed and with one finger motioned for Jim. As he approached she brought him into a deep kiss, and with her new found height she found she could remain sitting while Jim stood. "How do you feel baby?" said Jim with a little bit of concern. Tammy grinned and flexed again "That little toy you found is amazing. I didn't even know I wanted to look like this till I tried it out. Now I feel incredible! I feel so big and strong like I can do anything. I feel like I could run for days and not get tired and my body's sooooo sensitive now," Said Shelia as Jim squeezed her rock hard bicep.

Jim's hands slowly drifted to either breast and began massage and fondle. Tammy nickered with pleasure moving her arms behind her and thrusting her chest up into Jim busy hands. Soon Jim began to use his mouth, licking and nipping while his hands continued their work. Tammy seemed to really enjoy his attention as her moans began to come quicker and louder and her labia began to clench rhythmically. Jim then latched on to one of her thick nipples and began to suck drawing a cry of pleasure from Tammy as her hips bucked a little and her snatch clenched harder. With his mouth still on her nipple Jim sent a hand downward and quickly found Tammy's erect clit and muscular folds. It only took a brief flick and Tammy was howling and rocking on the bed as her silky juices soaked the mattress.

Her organism lasted for nearly two minutes as her body bucked and writhed on the bed. He moans grew so loud Jim was quite sure that their neighbors would call the police, but he couldn't remove his hand from his cock as he continued to watch Tammy. "OOOOHHHH yeah!" moaned Tammy as she sat back up and looked a Jim. Surprisingly, she wasn't even panting and looked ready to go again. As it she could read his mind the mare smiled. "With this new body I can go all day and all night. You ready for a marathon hun?" said Tammy as she eyed Jim hungrily. "Sure Tammy, but I don't know if I'll be able to, um, keep up," said Jim blushing. "Oh don't worry puppy dog," said Tammy with a grin. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be a bon-a-fide STUD."

With than Tammy picked up the remote and pulled up Jim's profile and began to make a few changes. The first thing Jim felt was a tightness in his chest and legs. He watched as the pudge around stomach simply evaporated and a tight six pack appeared. His entire body thickened slightly and he grew a bit taller. His muscles continued to tighten as he felt strength pouring into him but his change was different than Tammy's. While he felt much stronger he never started to the develop the bulk Tammy did. After a minute or too Jim possessed a ridiculously shredded swimmers build that was just bulky enough to look masculine. Jim stared at his body as he flexed and watched his muscles ripple with every movement. He hadn't understood what Tammy meant when she said the whole thing felt incredible but now he sure did.

"Mmmm such a sexy wolfy," murred Tammy. "But I think he needs something that will make ALL the other boys and girls jealous. "What are you plannnnnnhh ohmygods!" moaned the wolf as his boxers were suddenly two sizes too small. His cock literally tore through his horseshoe patterned underwear and Jim almost fell to his knees when his hands wrapped around it. It was astonishingly sensitive and harder than Jim thought possible. As he watched, as his normally red cock turned a violent shade of purple and jumped in his hands. "Bet you didn't know you could made the changes happen slow did you?" said Tammy her eyes locked on Jim's rod.

More and more blood continued to be forced into Jim's cock as every vein budged obscenely and pre ran from his tip like a faucet. He was so erect that his normal tapered shape became thick and fat, as his pointed tip grew broader. "GODS Tammy what did you do to my cock?! It feels like it's going to EXPLODE," groaned Jim. "Don't worry sweetie," said Tammy as she stuck two fingers into her folds. "Nothing bad happened to me."

Jim could feel that his cock was much thicker now and his hand was having a bit of trouble fitting around it however he quickly had another problem to contend with as he felt a tingle in his balls and felt both grow heavier. It was an exquisite feeling as both balls expanded to completely fill his sac and then keep growing. Jim reached down and found that both were just as sensitive and almost as large as tennis balls. "Those nads would make any horse proud," said Tammy as she continued to finger herself, "But you might need to look into some new drawers when they get bigger." "BIGGER?" moaned Jim as he felt each one bulge till they were softball sized. Jim could actually feel each one throb as thick veins like those on his cock worked their way across his balls.

His cock was so thick now that he could no longer wrap one hand all the way around it and more and more was slowly pushing its way out of his sheath. In fact he was so thick that his canine cock was starting to look like a, "A HORSE COCK! Really Tammy?" said Jim as he stared at Tammy. Tammy giggled and said, "I thought all men wanted to be hung like a horse?" "I don't think I ever meant it literally," mumbled Jim as his cock reached twelve inches leaving even well endowed equines in the dust.

Jim was amazed at the weight of his cock as he felt it tugging on his groin, yet even as it grew thicker and longer it continued to stand out strait, proud, and hard as a rock. "Gods Tammy, had big did you make this thing?!" said Jim with a shudder as his hand stroked the entire length. "Just big enough baby. Trust me when the boys get a look at you they'll start saying, 'I wish I was hung like a Jim'"

Jim now held thirteen thick veiny inches of throbbing horse cock when he started to feel a pressure in his already stretched sheath. The top half began to bulge outward as even more veins began to line the base of Jim's cock. When the budge started to work its way out of the sheath Jim looked up in disbelief. "I still have my knot?" Tammy nodded and stood up stating "Couldn't let you go without one of your best features hun." With a small 'pop' his knot came completely out of his sheath pushing his lengthy member to a staggering sixteen inches from tip to sheath. His knot alone was the size of a grapefruit and when Tammy wrapped her hands around it and squeezed, it sent Jim right over the edge.

Jim's cockhead flared as his softball sized nads unleashed a torrent of cum like neither of them had ever seen. A thick streamer blasted right past Tammy's head and hit the wall behind them with a loud wet splat. Despite its rather hefty weight Jim's cock continued to bob higher as it unleashed another long string over both their heads. Soon his cock was pointing straight up and in danger of blasting him straight in the face while Tammy continued to encourage it with her strokes. So great was the magnitude and force of the blasts, the base of Jim's cock would quiver and the belly of his cock would budge each time he shot load. Tammy suddenly gripped his cock and buried most of his cockhead in her mouth but when the next load came the blast almost blew her muzzle right off his tip as her lips bulged she struggled to swallow such a load. She finally gave it up just as Jim's orgasm began to peter off, and Jim's over stimulated cock began to relax. His knot shrank a bit till it was just slightly thicker than the rest of him and his cock began to droop a bit under its own weight.

As he came down from his orgasmic high, Jim felt like something was a bit wrong. The languid tiredness that should have come after such an orgasm wasn't there. In fact, if anything, Jim felt more energized than before. Before he could think anymore about his condition, Tammy had his cockhead in her mouth again as her broad powerful tongue ran over his slit. In mere moments Jim cock was as hard as it had ever been and his balls felt like he hadn't cum in weeks. Tammy popped Jim's cock out of her mouth and smiled as Jim's cock throbbed painfully and grew another inch in length. Jim whimpered as Tammy continued to smile while she gripped his cock. "A little surprise I added for you puppy dog. You can go all night with this beast and never run out of steam but every time you don't let it rest, it gets just a bit bigger and more sensitive," said Tammy as she fingered Jim's slit making him whine with pleasure. "It will return to normal eventually, so long as you can keep it in your pants, but that shouldn't be a problem for you should it?" With her right hand massaging his tip Tammy's left began to snake its way down to Jim's large knot. "Please Tammy knot again so soon!" begged Jim as Tammy's hand hovered over his base. "I need some time to recov- OOOOOH!"

Jim gave a high pitched howl as Tammy squeezed his knot and he came again almost as powerfully as the first time. He had barely finished cumming when Tammy's stroking once again brought him to steely hardness. This time Jim felt his balls grow heavier and his knot swell a bit more as his cock added another inch bringing him to a gargantuan eighteen inches.

Tammy stood up grabbing the throbbing rod and moving it down to her distended nether lips, which were almost a match for Jim's giant cock. She moaned as his cock pressed against her swollen clit and began to stretch her wide. Even though Tammy's snatch was soaking wet and Jim's entire length was coated in pre it was still tough going as Jim fought against Tammy's unbelievably strong inner muscles. It didn't help that every few seconds Tammy's labia would wink and flex around Jim's cock stopping all forward progress, not that he was complaining. Tammy felt heavenly as her passage throbbed and spasmed around him and he was barely half way in when Tammy's cunt clamped down like a vice as her entire body shuddered and her knees collapsed.

Tammy fell forward on top of Jim and sent both of them sprawling to the floor as she thrashed about. Eventually she recovered and moved to where she was straddling Jim in the cowgirl position. She continued to lower herself and finally stopped when her lips reached Jim's knot. Tammy wasted no time and began to grind against it which made Jim whine and thrash about in the floor, however she was careful to never apply enough pressure to his knot make him cum. Tammy used her powerful legs to lift herself almost all the way off Jim's cock only to slam back down in a jack hammering motion making Jim whimper and his toes curl as his tail thrashed behind him. Soon Tammy had a pounding rhythm going as her pace began to slowly increase. After only a few minutes The mare had her second orgasm, then her third, and fourth and then fifth while Jim desperately tried to cum. He could literally feel the massive load building up just behind his knot in his gargantuan balls but Tammy's relentless pace never stopped, not even in mid-orgasm. In fact after her sixth one, Tammy's eyes seemed to glaze over as her rhythm grew even more frantic.

After nearly an hour of pounding Jim began to plead with Tammy for release. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" begged Jim as Tammy continued to ride him like a prize stallion. His cries fell on deaf ears as Tammy enjoyed her seventh, eighth, and ninth organisms in rapid succession, each one more violent than the last. She even succeeded in cracking the wooden floor underneath them with her hoofs after the ninth. Meanwhile the pressure in Jim's groin was now bordering on pain as he tried to force himself to cum. "PLEASE TAMMY! LET ME CUM!" shouted Jim again as Tammy continued to ride him. For a moment Jim thought that she would go on ridding him till he finally died, but something flickered in her lust glazed eyes and as she rose up his cock she stopped at her apex.

She gazed down at Jim with hungry eyes while his cock stood as if on display. All eighteen inches of his glistening ebony cock were covered in ropy cord like veins that ran from tip to sheath. Each one twitched rhythmically while his whole cock shuddered and pre poured out of his slit. Tammy gave a primal grunt and then slammed herself down on Jim's knot and this time she took all of him as she roared full of both pain and pleasure. Jim's knot stretched her to passage to its limit and as her lips slipped over his huge knot and clamped down he felt his broad tip smash against the end of her passage.

Jim had never felt such relief as every muscle in his body clenched and he felt himself explode inside Tammy. She roared with ecstasy as her hungry cunt began to feverishly milk Jim's cock. Each scalding hot burst seemed to fill her more and more as Jim's knot kept all his spunk inside her. Before long her washboard flat belly displayed a bit of a pooch as Jim's cock continued to gush. Tammy slowly rolled over so Jim was laying on top of her, his muzzle resting on resting on one of her massive breasts. With a dazed expression his mouth latched on to one of Tammy's thick nipples making her body shudder anew.

The two exhausted furs eventually passed out still locked together, their raging libidos temporarily stated. They slept till noon of the next day and after shower, which turned into another love making session, they started cleaning the bedroom which was almost completely covered in various bodily fluids. Strangely even after tearing the room apart they could find no sign of the I-Mote. It was if it had simply vanished into thin air. Even without the device, as far as Jim and Tammy could tell the changes they had made to themselves were permanent and they continued to enjoy their new bodies. However with their new physiques came some interesting new challenges. Jim got rather testy if he went without regular 'milkings' and neither could manage to go without sex for more than a day or two which made time apart rather difficult. Exercise which had never been a big deal for either of them now became a need. Their bodies seemed to crave it, Tammy's especially, so they both joined a gym and began running regularly. Barely a week had gone by before a supplement supplier spotted Tammy in the gym. A month later she was the face of their new line of supplements and two months after that she had a spread in a major fitness magazine. A photographer at her photo shoot spotted Jim when he came to see her on set and set him up with modeling agency he did work for. After seeing some of his semi-nude poses Jim's agent at the agency immediately got him several contracts modeling underwear. Jim's 'talents' were perfect for the job and any brand he wore sold out almost immediately. Between the two of them they quickly made enough to quit their day jobs and move to a much nicer place.

Our story ends with both Tammy and Jim living in domestic bliss. Between their new lifestyles and each other, both Jim and Tammy are happier than they have ever been. The I-mote changed their lives for the better and made every day seem like an adventure, even the days where they didn't made it out bed.

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