Jungle Lovin'

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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A plucky equine scholar journeys into the heart of the amazon intent of making history when instead he stumbles on a sexy heathen panther goddess. Can he free her and tame her feminine wiles or will she acquire another devoted worshiper.

All characters are mine. Do not use without permission.

If you like it please say so. All comments and criticisms are welcome

Jungle Lovin'

A machete swung down in a silver blur hacking though a thick jungle vine as a lanky male horse pushed his way thought the brush deeper into the Amazon jungle. The determined figure was Dr. William Forester, former professor of primitive South American history at the University of New Mexico, and this was his seventh journey into Amazon. The reason for this journey was a discovery the doctor had been a part of in northern Bolivia more than five years ago. While there he and his team had uncovered archeological evidence which hinted at the existence of a large city that had worshiped a female panther deity almost two thousand years ago, buried somewhere deep in the Amazon. It was most unprecedented because evidence of such a city excised nowhere else in the archeological record.

This was of course a fantastic discovery for the doctor and his team. The evidence pointed to several possible areas in the southern Amazon that might hold some clues to their city. While few of the researchers expected to find much evidence of their "phantom city", Dr. Forester was undeterred and though his position was able to get the university to finance four such expeditions into the southern Amazon. Each one made some interesting finds, however none had turned up anything related to the earlier discovery in Bolivia. Forester had been the consummate campaigner on each of the journeys, pushing the expedition farther and farther into the steamy jungle but each time he remained unsatisfied with their progress.

The idea of a lost city devoted to some unknown god hiding within the jungle seemed to infect his mind like a disease and it was all he could think about some days. After the university lost interest, the Doctor lead two smaller expeditions of his own with a few of his fellow colleges and several grad students. The last expedition had been a disaster with more than half the team coming down with malaria. One of the grad students and Forester himself had almost died on the trip and when he finally made it back stateside Forester's department head had suggested he take an extended leave of absence to "Clear his head of such foolishness".

Over his forced vacation Will found that he had a strange and lingering compulsion to travel back into the Amazon jungle. It even began to invade his dreams and he would wake many nights in cold sweat with an image of a half overgrown temple fading before his eyes. At nearly thirty five years of age, Forester was still single and without any children so eventually against the advice of his peers and friends he cashed in a portion of his retirement and bought a plane ticket to South America. Almost a week later his one man trek thought jungle began and only three days into his journey he was stopped cold. A piece of bamboo had stabbed clean through the radiator of his jeep on a remote logging road leaving him stranded. Forester had packed a day or two of supplies and left to jeep to move to higher ground in hopes his rather unreliable satellite phone or radio could pick up a signal.

It was nearly dusk and sweat poured off of the lanky horse making his tan shirt and green cargo jeans stick to his body. His arms were aching from having to swing the machete to clear the way, and his backpack seemed to weigh a ton as he moved though the sloping jungle terrain. Forester stopped a minute to have a drink from his canteen and check the compass that hung around his neck when he noticed something. All sound around him had died and only the soft sound of the jungle canopy swaying in the wind could be head above could be heard. Forester slowly turned to find a very large and very hungry looking feral jungle panther staring back at him. He froze as his mind immediately went into panic mode. He had heard of giant panthers like this deep in the jungle, unfortunately the stories never seemed to end well for furs that ran into one.

The panther's yellow eyes seem to glow in the dim evening light as it silently watched the horse. Forester slowly drew his sap stained machete from its sheath and silently prayed that the panther was less hungry than it appeared. The sky rumbled and a flash of lighting lit the entire scene. During the brief flash Forester saw each of the panthers great muscles tense and he threw himself sideways as the great cat launched itself at him. The panther missed him by only a few inches but its teeth and claws sunk into Will's backpack and it was torn from his shoulders. As soon as Will's body touched the ground he was up and running as the panther yowled and finished shredding his backpack. The jungle passed by in a blur as numerous vines and branches tore at his skin and clothes. The sky spilt open with more lighting as rain began pouring down through the tree canopy. The ground quickly became slick and muddy as Will fought for footing and he started to slow till panther screamed again, closer this time, sending a new surge of fear through him as he continued to run.

Will crested a small hill to find that the other side was much steeper than he had expected. The ground, now treacherously slippery from the rain, tuned Will's forward momentum into a rolling, tripping slide as he tried to stay on his feet. One misplaced step sent him stumbling head over hoof as he continued his roll down the hill. With a splash, Forester landed in fast moving stream that was already boiling from the rain runoff and the current yanked him under. A few seconds latter Will managed to break the surface and grab a large piece of drift wood near him as he tried to stay afloat.

The rain continued to come down in torrents, only broken up by the occasional crash of lighting and thunder. Will continued to drift along in stream, barely managing to keep his head above water for nearly an hour as he sped through the darkened jungle. When the stream broadened a bit, and the current finally seem to slow, he started to paddle closer to shore. Eventually he was able to release the driftwood and grab a passing tree root and pull himself up the embankment. He was so tired from swimming that he could barely move when a passing burst of lighting lit up a strange looking spar of rock with a small overhanging shelf. He slowly dragged himself under the small overhang so he was protected from the rain and immediately collapsed letting his mind spiral into the dark abyss of sleep.

It was nearly noon when an inquisitive insect on his face brought Will back into the land of the living. He slowly moved into a sitting position with his back against the rock and began to examine himself and his surroundings. His hands went to his back were the panther had torn off his pack and found that by some miracle the cat's claws and teeth had missed him. The rest of him however wasn't so lucky. He had a number of cuts and bruises from his sprint through the brush and his tumble down the hill. None of them were serious, but all of them reminded him where they were every time he moved. Will then checked his pockets and found that he still had his wallet, his pocket knife, and a small pen light. He had lost the machete somewhere in his mad dash to get away from the panther and worse still, his compass was gone from around his neck. So here he was in the middle of the jungle with no food, no supplies, and no way to contact the outside world.

"Great," said Will out loud as he stood up, "now I am good and proper fucked." He picked his way over to the stream which had returned to a slow steady flow after the storm surge and began to drink. When he had taken his fill he slowly turned back to the rock he had spent the night under. What he saw their made his blood run cold.

The previous night he had been so tired and close to blacking out that he hadn't noticed anything as he crawled up the bank. In the day light he could now see that the rock he spent the night under was in fact a giant relief caving of a female panther with her hands outstretched. The carving was perhaps twenty feet high and very detailed. The statue's proportions were much more realistic that typical native American carvings. Every detail was depicted down to the she panther's impressive muscle structure. "Impossible," thought Will, "no native population could have produced a work such as this." The thought had barely left his mind when with a start he realized this statue could be part of the very city he had been looking for. 'Yes, you have found me at last' said a small almost subconscious voice in his head as he pushed forward with renewed confidence into the surrounding jungle.

The path almost seemed to open itself up before him as he walked along. A strange compulsion, that under most circumstances would have freighted him, seemed to push him forward. As he moved along his trained eyes could see evidence of where structures might have been centuries ago but he still pushed on. A part of him wanted to stop and rest but that same compulsion made him forget about his hunger, his thirst, or even his scholarly interests. It was not until he at last laid eyes upon the temple did he stop.

It was a beautiful structure that blended into the surrounding jungle well. It looked almost like a pyramid except the structure seemed to have six sides of varying size making it lather oblong. The sixth and smallest appeared to be the front of the structure and was more sheer than the other sides with a large open entrance at ground level. Flanking either side of the entrance were two more relief statures similar to the one he had found earlier. Large she cats with their hands outstretched. Judging from the size of the statues Will estimated that the building was at least as tall as a ten story building. 'Beautiful is it not' whispered the small voice in Will's head. Will nodded in agreement without knowing why and slowly began picking his way down to the entrance.

The closer he got to the building the more Will began to notice how time seemed to have stopped at its doorstep. All of the stone that made up the structure seemed to be free of cracks or even weathering. It was also free of vines and moss which seemed just as impossible as its pristine condition. The entrance was a perfect square ten feet by ten feet and as Will took his first step into the temple a electric shiver ran through him. He then quickly pulled out his pen light and its small beam brightened the dim entrance. The entrance hall way continued for about twenty yards before opening up into a huge one room chamber.

"Amazing," thought Will as his eyes roamed the huge room. There were several holes in the ceiling that caught enough of the natural sunlight to brighten the huge chamber but room appeared to be featureless except for an object in exact center. There lay strange black obelisk almost twenty feet high and about four feet thick. The rock was glassy smooth, like obsidian, but it appeared smoky almost as if the rock had once been a different color and some impossibly hot fire had charred it. The color on the rock almost seemed to shift and swirl as he slowly moved toward it. Wrapped around the rock in a spiraling pattern was a great stone chain. Each ring was a solid stone and Will could not see neither the beginning or the end of the chain as it wrapped its way around the obelisk.

Will walked slowly like a man in a trance toward the stone and the colors on its surface spun faster. Now inches away from it Will's right had reached out and palmed the surface. As soon as his hand made a powerful shock tore down his arm and through the rest of his body flinging him backward. He crashed to the floor his vision going blurry as the chain wrapped around the obelisk burst into white hot flame. By the time Will got to his feet the chain was white hot and several of the links had started to crack. One link finally broke and the entire thing crashed to the ground and shattered into a thousand pieces.

Will stood stunned by this sudden and bizarre sight when suddenly he felt a presence. It filled up the entire room till the horse felt almost like he couldn't breathe. There was an almost electric feeling in the air as every hair on Will's body stood up. A warm breeze blew through the room and Will knew that _something_was in the room with him.

_ ** "Touch the rock,"** _ said a deep sultry voice in Will's head. He nearly screamed as he whirled around looking for the source but it quickly came again with even more power this time. _ "Touch the rock." _

"What are you?!" screamed Will at the top of his lungs.

_ ** "I am your destiny little one, your past, present, and future. I am what has watched over you and guided you here. I am what compelled you onward when any sane man would have stopped. Now touch the rock."** _ Will's whole body shook with fear as the words lanced though him. He was more scared than he had ever been but somehow he was even more scared of what would happen if he disobeyed. His entire body broke out in cold sweat and he again moved toward the obelisk. His hand trembled as he held it just inches away from the stone and the air seemed to crackle with power.

"Will it hurt," asked Will in his smallest voice.

_ "No," _purred the great voice, _ "it shall be the most wondrous experienced of your life." _ With that Will's hand bushed the stone again and a thunderbolt tore through a hole in the ceiling above and wrapped his entire body in a corona of power.

The energy surged though every single cell as all Will's clothes vaporized around him. Will was horrified at first but rather than pain, the fire that burned around him brought an intense pleasure everywhere it touched that was almost better than sex. The experience seemed to go on and on till suddenly Will was left gasping on the floor as his body tingled from the afterglow. Stars still danced in front of his eyes and he weakly pulled himself to his feet.

"Gods," moaned Will, "you got any more of that?" The voice gave a deep chuckle and said, _ "You want more already you greedy thing? What makes you think it's over?" _

_ ** ** _ It was at this point that Will begin to feel a tightness throughout his body. His muscles began to twitch and shudder and he felt a surge of strength run though him. He had never been particularly impressive specimen for a horse and during his college and high school years that had caused him a great deal of grief. Will had grown up but never out and was still quite the beanpole. Even more disappointing than that though was his cock. He was squarely in the below average range for a horse. It was not uncommon for an equine of his size to have a full foot of cock but his own was barely eight inches and not nearly thick enough. That was quickly changing though as he felt each of his muscles tense and throb. Ropey veins crawled their way all over his swelling muscles as Will's breath began to come in ragged pants.

Will watched in amazement as both of his hoofs slowly grew and the muscles in his legs flared larger. He flexed them and watched as his calves billowed outward. His quads and hamstrings were next as each muscle budged and fought for space till you could see each muscle group flex every time he moved. Will's glutes and abs were next as each grew bigger and harder. When they were done Will was left with a rock hard and shapely ass to go with his killer legs. His eight pack looked as if they had been chiseled out of rock and the lats on both sides framed them beautifully. The horse then roared with joy as he felt his chest, arms, and back begin to grow. He flexed both arms as his biceps and triceps exploded. His back became just as chiseled as his front when his pecks grew till a deep vee between them. Finally Will's neck thickened and he felt his face shift a bit.

"I feel incredible!" yelled Will as he flexed each of his newly pumped muscles.

_ "And here comes the best part," _ the voice purred as Will felt an intense shock of pleasure shoot into his groin. In a matter of seconds Will was shockingly hard and his big spade shaped tip began to drool pre. His glistening ebony cock was so hard that every vein was visible and all of them pulsed with every powerful beat of his heart. He quickly began stoking himself and found that his cock had never been this sensitive, and the more he jacked his vein riddled cock the more he felt the pressure build in his balls.

Will's rod bucked in his hands and shot a large wad of pre onto the stone floor as he felt it swell and lengthen. This became a pattern as every few seconds Will's cock would buck and shoot a large wad of pre even further than the last. More and more veins began to creep up his length as he felt himself reach a full foot. He was considerably thicker now as well and every time his heart beat his fist sized tip would spread wider.

The pressure in his balls increased till Will was sure they were going to explode yet he still couldn't cum. They were starting to feel like lead weights hanging between his legs and Will checked them with his free hand. Like his cock they had gotten massive as well and felt like two plump oranges dangling between his legs. Will's cock was now firing pre almost four feet in front of him as he tried to desperately to relieve the pressure in his balls. One hand could no longer fit all the way around his cock and he was forced to use both as he continued to grow. His cock was now past fourteen inches, and the though flickered though Will's head that if he ever survived all this his he was almost guaranteed a successful career in the porn industry.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse (or better) a new surge of energy hit him and his entire body flexed and went ridged. His hips began to move in conjunction with his hands as he used both hands to stroke himself even faster. He felt his entire organ bulge and thicken as his now softball sized nuts began to pull up into his body. His cock stopped bucking as several more inches pushed out from his sheath and the underside of his cock filled with cum.

He let out and ear splitting whinny as his cock flared and he painted the ground in front of him with his musky seed. Will felt the belly of his cock bulge as each load erupted from the broad tip of his cock and his mind was lost in a sea of pleasure.

_ "YES!" _ shouted the mysterious voice loud enough to shake every stone in the building. This was enough to bring Will at least partway back to his senses as he noticed the obelisk. It had not been spared Will epic orgasm and much of the side closest to Will was covered in his thick horse cum. However as Will watched, the cum began to be slowly sucked into the stone only to be covered by another burst. Slowly but surely the stone was growing paler and paler as it continued to suck up each bit of horse spunk that landed on it.

_ "MORE! I NEED MORE!" _ yelled the voice laud enough to rattle Will's teeth. The air seemed to sizzle around him and suddenly it felt as if a giant hand squeezed both of Will's balls and his loads went from massive to torrential. Each burst visibly deformed the underside of his cock as Will let out one long howl of pleasure. They came faster and faster till is almost seemed like one continuous stream, yet the grip around his balls did not loosen. The obelisk seemed hungry for his seed as it pulsed with an otherworldly energy. It was now a light gray in color when a large fissure began to snake its way down the rock. Will's cock finally stopped spraying as fell forward onto his knees into a puddle of his own cream just as the obelisk began to emit a groaning yowling sound. Slowly the rock began to split into two halves as the wailing noise grew louder and less distant. The sound continued to increase in volume and pitch until Will had to clamp his hands over his ears as the whole room reverberated with the sound.

_ "NO STONE CAN CONTAIN MY MIGHT!," _ yelled the voice as Will suddenly realized the noise he heard now was the almost the same as the panther's scream he had heard the night before. Barely had the realization crossed his mind when the entire stone exploded with a shuddering crack and the two pieces flew across the room to slam against opposite walls. Will coughed as a cloud of stone dust obscured where the stone had stood. He was about to stand when a gust of wind from the entrance hall blew in and began to dissipate the dust. It had barely cleared when Will noticed a figure in the dust and his heart almost stopped. She was both the most fearsome and beautiful thing Will had ever seen and as soon as he saw her him mind knew immediately what she was.

"Goddess," he whispered softly as the figure locked eyes with his. She was a tall a fearsome figure with a coat as dark as midnight. Her form much like his own was heavily muscled but it took nothing away from her beauty. Her face was angular and perfect with full sensual lips. Her large bosom was held high on her chest without a hint of sag. Her abs were as defined as Will's own and her ass was just as taught. Will eyes paused at her sex and he felt another stirring in his groin. The skin around her sex was hairless and somehow an even deeper shade of black than the rest of her coat. Her labia were quite large and distended and resting at the top of her folds was her quivering clit.

" I have struck men blind who have dared look at me in such a way," said the pantheress in a voice that took up the whole room as she moved to closer to Will. Will's face reddened as he lowered his head in shame. His eyes, however, remained locked on hers and he could not look away. Her fierce yellow eyes seemed to burn into his very soul and just when Will believed she would make good on her threat she smiled. Her smile melted his heart and Will knew that instant that he loved her. She smiled and the light in her eyes seemed to dance when she said,

"_ It is right for you to feel this way William for we are now inexorably linked." _ She moved closer until she was just inches away from him and Will slowly inhaled her sent. She smelled as good as she looked with a sent soft like the smell of jasmine with just a bit of cinnamon spice thrown in. It seemed to calm him or at least most of him, and then she reached out and touched him. She began running one paw through his mane while the other rubbed under his chin. Will's whole body relaxed as he simply sat and enjoyed her touch. Her hands were so strong as her claw tips gently traced patterns on Will's thick brown hide as he let out a soft sigh of contentment.

"I don't know what you are but this feels so good," said Will as her hands continued to stoke him. "Who are you?" The pantheress purred softly and said, _ "My name is Shayna _ .""

"You were what they once worshiped here?" asked Will as she nodded.

_ ** "Yes this was once my temple and the ruins were once my city but no longer. The world has moved on."** _

"Why were you trapped in that rock? Who would do such a thing?" asked Will as her fingers moved to the side of his jaw. Another smile floated over Shayna's face and she put a finger over Will's mouth.

_ ** "I shall not speak of such things. The one who imprisoned me did so only because of his nature and my own foolishness. We gods are many things, however we cannot fight what we are lest we be destroyed. What matters now is that you are here and must receive my blessing."** _

"Your blessing?" asked Will.

_ ** "How else could you become my priest without my blessing,"** _ said Shayna as she brought Will's face up to her own and kissed him deeply.

Will could only moan into her muzzle as her hands held his face steady and her tongue danced into his mouth. Her kiss held the same wildness as the rest of her and soon her body was grinding against his. Her skin moved like silk over his own course hide, yet her muscles were like liquid steel as his hands found their way to her rump and he gave a hard squeeze. Will felt her muscles flex in return as she finally removed her mouth from his. He was already panting like he had run a marathon but she didn't even look winded.

Will's long thick cock was hard again and had moved up his belly and was squeezed tightly between their bodies as they ground against each other. Shayna's hand snaked down to meet Will's rapidly flaring cockhead and gave it a gentle squeeze that made Will moan.

_ "You have no idea how happy I was when I realized that you were to be a horse," _ said Shayna as she began to stroke him. He second hand went lower still and began caressing Will's nads. _ "And such a healthy stud too," _she said giving him another squeeze as his pre gushed out between her fingers coating her hand. Sheyna then brought the hand up to her muzzle and began to slowly lick the pre off while her other hand continued to stroke Will's virile horse cock.

The sight of this goddess licking his love juices off her hand made Will's cock throb even harder as his hips gave a few reflexive thrusts into Shayna's hand. She then pulled him closer and whispered, _ "would you like to try something only we gods can do?" _ Will could only pant and nod as Shayna held up her hand and formed a ring with her thumb and first finger. She closed her eyes and concentrated for a minute and a ring of golden light formed just inside her fingers. Shayna grunted and the muscles in that arm budged as the ring slowly grew circumference. When it was just a bit larger than a wrist ban she lowered the ring to the head of Will's cock and began to push. The ring seemed a bit too small to fit around Will's cock head and he started to say something.

"I think it's a bit smaaa ooohmmmmygggoddd!" The ring suddenly slipped over the crown of his cock, widening as it did so, and suddenly Will felt as if the tip of his cock had just penetrated the hottest, tightest, most luscious pussy he had ever had the good fortune to fuck. "Hhhhowww aaaree yyouuu doooinggg thaatttt" moaned Will as the ring slid down his cock engulfing more of it in this wonderful phantom snatch. Shayna grinned as the ring reached the bottom of Will's cock causing him to wither in ecstasy.

_ "When you have been around as long as I have you pick up a few things," _ she said mischievously. Her hand then moved back up his cock causing the ring to go with it and just as she would reach the tip she would start back down again a bit faster. Will could do nothing but grit his teeth and try to remain standing as Shayna's spell kept him in a state of ecstasy. It wasn't long before Will's balls pulled up into his body and will felt the belly of his cock begin to swell with seed again. Shayna snapped her fingers and the ring zoomed to the base of his cock and clamped down tight as she went to her knees and her muzzle engulfed the flaring head of his member.

The combined feeling of being balls deep in a vise-like pussy and Shayna's maw gently sucking and licking his dripping slit was too much for Will. The ropey veins running the length of his cock thickened visibly and with a mighty roar he came into Shayna's waiting mouth. The sheer volume should have drowned a mortal but Shayna was anything but. Will watched in amazement as her cheeks bulged and her throat moved as she swallowed his seed in great gulps. His organism seemed to drag on and on and every time he felt himself begin to slow the ring glowed and the invisible snatch around his cock tightened. Shayna could also suck as hard as a vacuum cleaner and she seemed to draw every last ounce of him out through his cock.

When he could finally cum no more Shayna released his cock and it fell limply to slap against Will's thigh. Will felt like a puppet with his strings cut and collapsed to a sitting position as Shayna rose up above him.

"My God!" exclaimed a rather shaky Will as Shayna looked down at him.

_ "You are most welcome Will, however it is I who should be thanking you." _ It could have been the haze of the afterglow but as Will looked up at Shayna she looked slightly different. Her muscles which had been very developed before looked even more pumped and pencil sized veins riddled most of her major muscle groups. Her inner thighs were coated with her slick fem juices and labia and clit seemed larger and more engorged. Shayna smiled and slowly flexed one arm.

_ "It is good for you to be so observant of your mistress. It has been so long since I have fed and longer still since I had a meal of such magnitude." _ Will looked at her with a slightly quizzical expression.

"You mean you ate my cum like it was some kind of meal?" Shayna laughed and said _ "It is not a meal in the sense you are thinking Will. Most gods must have some kind of sustenance to sustain their godhood lest they fade. They draw their power from something in the world or from their followers. You have just seen how I feed. Any of my followers may feed me however the deeper their devotion the more intense and filling the feeding is." _ Will began to blush at this and Shayna smiled again and it lit up her whole face. _ ** ** _

_ ** "I was slowly starving within that rock you released me from. Every second of every hour I could feel the accursed thing draining me. Had you not released me when you did I would have begun to fade, which is ultimately death for a god."** _

_ ** ** _ "You don't have to thank me," said Will. "I haven't really felt like myself in a while. It felt like something was pulling me here and I wouldn't be right till I got here. When I saw the rock I didn't know why but I needed to touch it."

_ "I am not sure when but at some point during my imprisonment I became aware if your presence. My power was rapidly fading and with the last of it I reached out to you, and you responded. Make no mistake Will, fate has brought you here and not even the gods can stand in its way. _

Shayna paused for a minute and then crossed her arms under her ample chest and gave Will another thoughtful state. "_ If my untimely imprisonment was the thing that was caused me to meet you here this day then I can only say that it was worth every minute. I am no oracle like some of my kin but the strings of fate dance around you Will. Our future together can be nothing but bright." _

_ ** ** _ With that Shayna raised her hands and closed her eyes and the air around her fingers began to crackle with electricity. The air in the huge temple chamber, which had been still moments before, began to move and rotate around Shayna as she began to chant. Will was unfamiliar with the language but the words seemed to hang on the air reverberating throughout the room. Will watched in awe as a golden corona of flame trickled downward from Shayna's outraised hands and wrapped her whole body in shinning brilliance.

As suddenly as it started Shayna stopped chanting and lowered her hands. As she did so the corona around her body disappeared and air in the room grew still. In her hands was a thin golden ban less than a half an inch thick. She walked over and waited as Will slowly stood and raised the circlet over his head. The ring expanded as it slid over his head and then shrank as it reached his neck and conformed itself to the contours of Will's muscular neck. When it finally settled, the collar glowed briefly and Will felt a tingling sensation though his whole body.

"What is this thing," asked Will as he touched the collar.

"It is my claim on you, my mark if you will. It symbolizes the bond that now excises between us and will protect you from those who might wish to harm you." Will looked at her suddenly and said, "Your voice it's.."

"Yes,"_said Shayna, _"it now sounds less ethereal, more human. It is one of the effects of the collar, _ Though I can change it at a whim." _

_ ** ** _ Will stared into her lovely yellow eyes as she moved closed and began to stroke one of his muscular arms and his chest. Her touch had an even stronger effect on him now as even something as innocent as this caused things low in him to tighten.

"What happens to us now?" asked Will as the pantheress moved to press her taught body into his. "Tonight we consummate our bond," purred Shayna as she began to nibble on his ear, "and we let tomorrow take care of itself."

With that she snapped her fingers and Will felt the world spin around him. When everything stopped spinning, Will found himself in a room he had never seen before. It resembled a large bed chamber with a with pale sandstone walls and a large Roman style couch almost twice the size of a normal king size bed along one wall. The stone floor was mostly covered by intricate persian rugs, and much of the walls in woven tapestries. There was a large circular stone table covered with a wide variety of fruits and nuts, around which were several large chairs draped with more furs.

Along one wall was an relief statue of a fish and out of its mouth flowed a steady stream of water that landed in a stone trough that was also cut into the wall at waist level. At the end of the eight foot trough was another carving of an alligator and the flow disappeared into his open jaws. Above this sink was a giant polished piece of silver which acted as a mirror. On the side of the room facing the bed was a large ornate door of some dark polished wood and across from the great mirror was a curtained opening which lead outside to what looked like a large veranda. A warm breeze that smelt of the sea blew in from the outside balcony, moving the silk curtain and making the torches that lit the room flicker.

As he was gazing about the rather amazing room Shayna moved up behind him and pressed herself against his back and wrapping her hands around his middle.

"Do you like it?" purred Shayna as her hands rubbed up and down Will's abs.

"What is this place?" asked Will as he gazed about the room.

"This is my realm," said Shayna as her hands started to move lower. _"It is my refuge where I come to rest and think. No mortal can reach this place by foot, sea, or air. It is my home and you are the first mortal to set eyes on it." _ Will let the gravity of her words sink in as he turned to face her. His lips met hers in a soft and tender kiss. He could feel her desire in his head now like a steady pressure. It was a ravenous hunger almost scary in its intensity. The horse could also feel how much she cared about him, loved him even. It was evident in her touch, every movement of her body, every tender caress. The hunger washed over her as their tender kiss became more fierce.

Shayna moved Will towards the bed as her mouth moved lower to nibble up the long line of Will's muscular neck. She then gave Will a small push and he gently fell backwards onto the plush mattress of furs, his cock sliding out of his sheath to stand tall, thick, and proud. Shayna, still standing, stroked it a few times then gave his now leaking slit a long slow lick with her rough feline tongue. Will whimpered with pleasure as she grabbed his rod and began rubbing it over her sex. Once the head was covered in her juices she began to push, and despite Will's massive size, his cock began to disappear into her depths.

Will's girth stretched her distended labia lewdly and any normal woman would have cried out in agony but Shayna only only moaned louder and continued to push. Her pussy was scalding hot and incredibly tight around Will's cock as her juices ran down his shaft and over his balls. Every few seconds her snatch would spasm and grip his cock so hard Shayna would have to stop her downward progress. When she had taken more than a foot of him, Will wondered how he wasn't splitting her in half. When her lips finally met his sheath he just stopped caring. Will could feel all eighteen inches of himself throbbing inside of her and his tip pressing against the end of her passage. Shayna gave a wild groan that brought him back to reality and yelled at the top of her lungs,

_ "MORE!" _ Will practically jumped to his feet as Shayna wrapped her muscular legs around his waist and he gripped her ass. With a roar Will widened his stance and lifted the pantheress almost all the way off his cock then slammed her back down. It was entirely too hard for any normal woman to enjoy but when Shayna hit bottom she squealed with delight and withered on Will's long shaft. Cord like veins bulged in his arms as Will began fucking Shayna in earnest, her hips moving in blur of speed. Every time she moved down his shaft Will's legs would give a powerful buck that made Shayna slam home even harder and his heavy balls slap against her ass. Will could feel Shayna's claws digging into his shoulder muscles but any pain he felt was drowned out by the ecstasy he was experiencing.

This dance went on for a while until Will began to feel familiar tightness in his balls. Shayna seemed to be getting her fill too. She shouted the word, _ "CLOSE!" _as she slammed home again so he changed pace and flipped Shayna so her back lay on the bed and grabbed both of her legs raising both above his head. Shayna caught on wrapped her feet around the back of his neck allowing Will, who was still standing him to grip her thighs. In his this position Will could fuck her even faster and began to do so losing himself in his feral desire to fuck Shayna just as hard and fast as he could. Shayna approved and her body thrashed about in his iron grip.

The burring in Will's cock was so fierce it hurt and his balls felt like cantaloupes but he would not disappoint his mistress. Finally Shayna let loose a primal scream that literally shook the whole room and came. This was all Will needed as he hilted himself inside of her, his whole cock flaring stretching Shayna even wider. He could feel each burst of spunk travel down his long cock as it fought against Shayna's impossibly strong inner walls. It felt like cumming in slow motion as each load seemed bigger than last. The sensation was almost too much as his orgasm dragged on and on and his balls still felt nowhere near empty. Shayna's passage held Will's cock in a unyielding grip as it milked him for every ounce of his seed. The more he pumped into her the tighter she seemed to squeeze.

His spunk also seemed to be having a rather strange effect on the rest Shayna's body as well. Every time Will would pump off another round Shayna would give a deep throated growl that would roll thought her whole body. Will watched in astonishment as each of her muscles budged outward each time she roared leaving them slightly bigger than before. Will still gripped her upturned thighs and felt the muscles in her legs twitch under his hands as they grew thicker and her legs grew slightly longer. Her abs and chest billowed outward as her arms grew huge and vascular and her abs became even more defined. Will as watched as her magnificent breasts grew slowly with each breath, gaining several cup sizes. Even her sex grew more powerful as her labia grew thicker and more distended and her clit swelled into a thick two inches.

Will felt the collar at his neck burn and then Shayna's power washed over him again as his cock exploded in one final great burst. Will's scream of pleasure joined Shayna's as their bodies collapsed on top of each other in a sweaty quivering pile. Will landed on top of a now larger Shayna as she wrapped him up in her arms and drew him back onto the bed as his cock gave a few final twitches still buried inside his lover.

"Such a good boy," purred Shayna as ran her paws though Will's hair and he softly drifted off to sleep. "I think you're just what I needed."

The Adventures of Syth - Sexual Healing

The Adventures of Syth - Sexual Healing In a small valley between three hills sat a quaint cottage with a forest green door. It was a trim and neat structure with two windows that stared on at the yard like eyes shrouded by a dark green ivy that...

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