Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#1 of Sheila Tenderhoof

A mult part story about a lonely mare who is the victim of a lab accident that exposes her to an experimental type of drug. Its effects quickly become apparent, but maybe this change is just what the doctor ordered...

Are characters are mine. Do not use with out permission.

Comments and criticism is welcome. If you like the story SAY SO :] and please rate up!

Link to part 2:

Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1

Sheila Tenderhoof sat quietly in the cafeteria at Doall Pharmaceutical rummaging through the leftovers of her meal when she began a little bit of lunch time retrospection to pass the time. Sheila was rather petite for a horse, which caused many of her colleagues and the public at large to mistake her small 5' 2" statue for pony more often than horse. She had been mistaken for an intern more than once at work, and she still got carded at the movies or any bar she walked into.

"And why shouldn't they?" thought Sheila angrily, unlike most of her breed she was neither tall, buxom, or any of the other physical characteristics commonly associated with normal mares. She did however have a rather pretty charcoal gray coat and stayed in shape from her daily jogs and weekly forays into the gym. She was really not bad looking but seemed just a bit forgettable whenever other females were around.

She was however an extremely smart mare and quite well educated. She had gone to college on a running scholarship, and while there had discovered a passion for science and biology. Sheila had graduated Magna Cum Laude and gone on to medical school where she got her PHD in medical biology.

Doall Pharmaceutical had recruited her right out of college and she had been with the company for almost five years. She made a very good salary and was well on her way to paying off all her college loans, but Sheila's life wasn't quite where she wanted it to be socially. While at college her studies and track team practice had kept her quite busy and left little time for social activities. She had not had many encounters with what her then friends called "very eligible bachelors." So while her roommate, a rather attractive (tall, leggy, and buxom) Zebra drug home hunk after muscular square jawed hunk every weekend, Sheila sat in her room and tried to study over the sounds of her roommate and her newest conquest going at it. Though a large part of her, mostly the bit between her legs, wished it could be her next door ridding that stud to glorious climax.

While in grad school Sheila had been rather in love with a cute German Sheppard and while the sex had been so so the relationship had been enough to satisfy. That was until the bastard up and left her for ditzy Golden Retriver bitch who had a set of cans like Hindenburg's. After that there had been little to no activity in the bedroom for Sheila during grad school and even less now that she had a real job. Many of her fellow college friends were now married and a few even had kids. Worse, all of them seemed altogether too satisfied with their current life styles. "I'd settle for a coupe great lays," thought Sheila.

Sadly Doall Pharmaceutical was not the best hunting ground for a sexually frustrated mare. Many of the men at work seemed to have NO clue how to read a woman and never seemed to pick up on the many generous hints Sheila gave. Others were just plain creepy, and none of them looked like they had the potential to be the raging sexual dynamo Sheila's loins seemed to be craving lately except for one, John Steerington. John was a rather large bull who worked as a Chemist in one of Doall's labs. The same lab that Sheila's research department used.

Sheila had met John about a month and a half prior when her boss had dropped some research samples on her desk just before five on a Friday afternoon. Sheila had all but run down the three flights of stairs to get to the labs before they shut down for the weekend. As she was walking in the lab door she ran straight into a very firm chest. Inches away from his rather glorious pecks Sheila turned to look up into the face of a very handsome bull. The bull smiled and in a deep baritone said, "Last minute samples?" Sheila momentarily dumb struck could only nod silently as her face turned beet red. The bull nodded and extended his hand. "I'm John Steerington, I don't believe we've had the pleasure?" Sheila's stomach did somersaults as she extended her own hand and mumbled, "Sheila, Sheila Tenderhoof."

John smiled then turned and began walking back into the confines of the lab. Sheila quickly followed, her eyes roaming every inch of John's perfect backside. When they reached a large cooler John turned and asked for the project ID number. She rattled it off and quickly handed John the box full of fluid samples. After he had placed them in the cool John turned and asked,

"Are these for the Parkinson's project?" A now slightly less dumb struck Sheila almost let out a loud sigh as she finally had something to talk about rather than just stare.

"Yes, we're working on a treatment for Parkinson's and a few other muscle wasting diseases."

"Any signs of success?"

"Well we are just now moving to animal testing but so far we really think we are on to something. We are using a modified retro virus to infect the muscle and nerve tissue of the subjects body. The virus acts as a growth enabler and causes the muscle tissue to grow and thicken. We are also hoping this treatment will increase the density and flexibility of the muscle to reduce the amount of muscle tears so common in elderly patients. It also thickens the nerve tissue within the muscle proving more control and sensation to fight the effects of the disease."

John raised his eyebrows and whistled and said,

"Well I'm glad left a little late today and could let you in. From what you've said I might be looking a future Nobel winner." At this Sheila blushed crimson again and turned to follow John out of the lab as he turned the lights out and locked up.

John reached down and shook Sheila's hand again as they parted ways outside the lab. Sheila watched him go then started the long three story walk back up to her desk. Ask she reflected back on the earlier conversation several things kept floating to the forefront of her mind. One, She finally had a "very eligible bachelor" right under her nose. Two, John wore no ring on his third finger which meant that he was neither engaged or married and left a small chance he was not seeing anyone. Three, with a body like that and the rather large bulge running down his left leg John should have NO problem satisfying any woman he pleased including certain rather horny mares.

Lately she had begun volunteering to take any and all samples her department needed tested down to lab in hopes of "just bumping into" John. So far she had only bumped into him once or twice and always with someone else around. This time however she was sure she would succeed. It was late in the day on a Friday afternoon and no one was sticking around a minute longer that they had to. She was delivering a concentrated batch of the chemical cocktail they had been working on. First the drug was diluted uniformly and small trace amounts would be given to a group of lab mice alongside a placebo to make sure any observed changes stemmed from the drug.

The idea was to get bigger healthier mice and the first several test groups had shown some promising trends. This current batch was the seventh formulation and was designed to test the effects of a large overdose on the mouse population. None of this however was the foremost thing on Shelia's mind as she practically skipped down the hall towards the lab. Shelia wore thick gloves so she could hold the near freezing steel container as she walked. The intense cold also had the effect of making her nipples very hard which distracted her further.

Shelia came to a stop outside the main lab doors and gently knocked with her elbow unable to open the door with both hands full. A large hand opened the door and Shelia nearly squealed with delight as she saw it was John.

"Hi Shelia, did you carry that all the way down here just for me," said John. Shelia nodded and said,

"You know what it's like John trying to round up volunteers on a Friday John." He smiled and nodded as they both began to move back into the lab. "This is it," thought Shelia, "this is where I ask him out and get a piece of that steer!" John stopped at the centrifuge mixer, a machine that most of the lab techs called the shaker. This machine would spin the mixture and then divide it into many smaller doses ready to be diluted and then applied. As John fiddled with the machine Shelia was trying to get her nerve up.

"Say John are you going to be busy this week end?"

"I didn't have anything planned, you need some testing done this weekend," said John as he unscrewed the cap on the canister and turned back to the machine.

"Well I was thinking more along the lines of a date." Immediately after Shelia uttered the word date John's head snapped around in surprise and so did his elbow. John's elbow connected with the now open canister and sent its contents, a syrupy blue goo, flying right at Shelia. With a loud splat the goo hit Sheila covering her from chin to waist.

"Get it off of me!" she squealed as she danced around franticly trying to wipe the sticky goop off her chest and face. Thinking quickly John grabbed one of her hands and pulled her toward one the emergency lab fire showers and pulled the bright red handle. A torrent of icy cold water pored over her as much of the blue goo was washed off. Several more lab techs and John all crowded around the now wet and thoroughly embarrassed Sheila was handed fire blankets to wrap up in.

Eventually the lab called up to Sheila's project head and explained the situation. She was then referred to the on-staff nurse who helped Shelia clean the last of the goo off and checked all over for chemical burns. When there appeared to be none, the young doe smiled and sent Shelia home early, a whole 45 minutes before she would have left normally but by that point Sheila would have taken any relief from the horrible embarrassment that had become her life. She quickly walked down to the parking garage hopped in her car and drove home.

When she got to her apartment spent almost an hour in the shower scrubbing every bit of her hide to remove any traces of the blue sludge. After an hour or two of TV and self pity Shelia made herself a large cucumber sandwich and went straight to bed. "Who knew embarrassing yourself in front of the hottest guy at work could make you so tired," thought Shelia as she clicked off her bedside lamp. That night however was a strange one. Weird half formed dreams kept rolling through her head as she tossed and turned. Several times she woke up sweating. Finally about four in the morning she fell into a deep dreamless sleep and didn't wake up.

The harsh blare of her alarm clock woke her around ten thirty as Shelia gently in stretched and sat up. It was at that moment that Sheila noticed two things, one that all her bed sheets had been thrown across her room and the panties she had been wearing the night before were gone. Neither of these things seemed particularly troubling as she moved toward the bathroom. It was her apartment after all she could wear whatever she pleased.

As she brushed her teeth her nether lips began to gently beg for her attention. It was a little odd for her to feel that way this early in the morning but she was not going anywhere. As her free hand snaked down she was surprised to find that she was already swollen and more than a little damp . As one of her inquisitive fingers brushed lightly over the tip of her clit a shock ran up her spine bowing her back and drawing a loud moan.

Morning hygiene was all but forgotten as Sheila quickly found herself with one hand braced against her bathroom mirror and the other greedily plunging in and out of her sex. Shelia couldn't remember a time when she had EVER been this sensitive or fingering herself had ever felt this good. She moaned and bit her lower lip as she shoved two slim fingers into her eager snatch.

Heat began radiating through her body with its epicenter directly between her legs . Shelia slid down the mirror until her chest was resting on the counter. The cool countertop felt wonderful on her nipples as Shelia began to pant and sweat profusely. Her pussy gave a mightily throb and grew even HOTTER as she felt it began to rhythmically clench and relax around her fingers. Sheila had heard about some mares being able to "wink" but she had never been so blessed until now. Sheila shoved a third finger in as her snatch clenched even harder around her figures.

Her juices were scalding hot as they ran their way down her inner thighs and dripped gently to the floor. With a primal moan Shelia wrenched her body up off the counter and slammed against the wall opposite the mirror as both hands went to her throbbing sex. Just as one began to feverishly stroke her clit her entire pussy flexed again and the heat in sex went from volcanic to supernova. Shelia's entire body felt as tight as piano wire with every muscle from hoof to ear tip strained and taut.

Just when she believed that her groin would truly catch fire her left hand grabbed her clit and squeezed. It felt like a bomb went off deep within her sex as Sheila let out a ear splitting whinny as her knees gave out and she crashed to the floor. Her eyes rolled back in her head with bliss as a huge tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her body.

It was like nothing Shelia had ever experienced. Her whole body bucked and withered on the bathroom floor as she experienced indescribable bliss. Shelia saw only stars as the orgasm tore through her body and left her unable to think or even breathe, all the while her swollen sex continued to clench rhythmically and her clit throbbed. For almost two minutes her sex continued to spasm leaving her unable to do anything but wither on the floor in pleasure and moan.

It was almost five minutes later before the poor mare finally regained enough composure to sit up.

"Wow," said Shelia to no one in particular as she viewed the mess she had made. Her legs were more than a little sticky with her juices as was her tail. The rest of her body was covered with a fine sheen of sweat and her nipples were still quite hard. Amazingly her womanhood still felt slightly eager despite the earth shattering climax minutes before. Just thinking about made her vulva clench and her clit throb again.

Shelia fought the urge to finger herself again as she tried to force down the wave of heat enveloping her body. After a few measured breaths the heat reduced itself to a low simmer. Shelia then reached out a hand to grab the counter top and slowly pulled herself to her feet. The first thing she noticed was the lack of protest from her body.

All that trashing around and the epic organism should had left some part or her sore. As she looked down she could see where one of her hoofs had cracked the tiled floor and at some point an elbow had slammed into a cabinet door hard enough to crack it from top to bottom. Yet as she rubbed her elbows she didn't even feel tired. Not even that languid tiredness that comes after good sex. She felt good, energized even. Better than she could remember feeling in quite some time. "Amazing what a good climax will do for a girl," thought Shelia as she turned to look at the mirror.

What see saw their made her freeze. The reflection staring back at her was not the same one she had seen this very morning when she had walked in to take her shower and brush her teeth. She was noticeably taller. Perhaps only a few inches but it was there. Her face was almost the same but it too had changed slightly. Her features had sharpened slightly giving it a slightly harder more sultry look but no one would mistake her for anyone else.

The rest of her body however had changed more dramatically. Her entire body was now very toned. She had defined biceps and triceps as well as a hint of a six pack. Her waist had slimed slightly and it gave her a decidedly more hourglass shaped figure that what she had once possessed. Her ass was now more rounded and very firm.

Her thighs looked slightly thicker and much more defined and the same was true for her legs as well. The most noticeable change however was her now ample cleavage. What had once been a small B-cup was now a generous and very perky C-cup. "This is too good to be true," thought Shelia as she turned and cupped her new breasts. They even FELT firmer.

As she was admiring herself one of her errant fingers happened to flick over a still hard nipple which brought a moan from her lips and clench from her still warm loans. As Shelia's eyes were drawn down to her very needy nether lips she noted some changes there as well. Her entire pussy was now somewhat more prominent. Both labia looked meatier and more pronounced. Her clit which had once been only noticeable during periods of extreme arousal was now almost half an inch long and prominently nestled at the top of her folds.

Almost as if it could read her mind Shelia's clit sprang to attention pointing straight at her toned bellybutton and drawing her vulva tight and causing it to wink. Shelia quickly decided that if she was going to go through this again it would be inside a shower and quickly hopped in and turned on the water full blast, while one hand found its way down to her crotch and the other began rubbing and pinching her nipples.

After the steamiest and certainly most enjoyable show of her life Shelia sat wrapped in a towel on the edge of her bed pondering her current predicament. Her enhanced orgasms did not seem to be letting up or slacking off in the least. The climax she had enjoyed in the shower had lasted almost as long as the first one and she had only barely managed to stay on her feet this time thanks to a now slightly bent shower curtain rod. Sheila had thought about going for a hat trick until her hot water finally gave out and her now cold shower gave her enough clarity of mind to see that maybe she should stop masturbating long enough to try and figure out what was going on with her body.

Ruling out any paranormal or cosmic causes for her resent changes brought Shelia back to the lab accident yesterday. "It had to be the drug," thought Shelia, "that's the only thing that could be causing all this." Her mind made up Shelia quickly decided on a course of action. "I've got to get back to the office and figure out just what this stuff is doing to me," she said to herself as she slipped on some clothes and hurried out the door.

Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 2

Part 2 As Shelia slid into the driver's seat of her rather small Japanese compact, her mind was buzzing. She was more than a little concerned about her situation. Getting exposed to a super concentrated dose of some experimental drug never seemed to...

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