The I-Mote 2.0

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#2 of I-Mote

Jane, our friendly doe protagonist finds a magical device that can give her the body of her dreams, but how will shi use this great power? Read the story to find out!

Sequel to the semi-popular I-Mote. Intended to be a one shot story in an on going series. No back story needed just smut up front :}

All characters belong to me so don't use them without permission.

I really enjoy comments so if you like it of think it could be better SAY SO!

The I-Mote 2.0

Every year Jane rented a cabin up in the mountains for the weekend as a little birthday present to herself. Lately between her job, life, and everything else she was feeling a bit slammed, and the mountains were always such a great place to find yourself again. Currently she was having a nice quite walk down one of the many nature trails in the area and enjoying the scenery when she saw a small shinny object laying on the ground. The doe bent over slightly as she gazed down on what appeared to be a smart phone.

She looked around for a moment before scooping the phone up and examining it. The thing looked very similar to her own sleek smart phone, but several things were a bit off. It had no markings other than the word "I-Mote" across the top and a small power button near the bottom. Jane brushed some dirt off the polished metal case and tapped the power button with one of her dainty fingers. Nothing happened. She tried it again with the same result and decided it must me dead, which was no surprise considering how long it must have been out here. The doe slipped the thing back into her pocket and continued on her wall through the crisp mountain air.

About two hours later Jane reached her car and drove back up the mountain to her rental cabin and fixed herself a late lunch. It wasn't till after when she was lounging about the cabin that she remembered the phone she had picked up. She pulled it out of her pocket and took a closer look. It looked to be in really good condition for being out in the wilderness for who knows how long. As she turned it over in her paws she spotted a small power jack that looked similar to her own phone. She walked over to counter where she had her own phone was docked and attempted to plug up the I-mote.

It was a tight fit, but it eventually clicked into position. Jane gave it a few seconds and tried the power button again and with a little buzz the I-mote came to life. The lights all over Jane's rental cabin slowly flickered as the phone became slightly warm in Jane's paw. The doe glanced around nervously and then glanced down at the thing in her paw. The screen had a large battery sign with a status bar inside that was rapidly moving towards a full charge.

In a few seconds, the battery was filled completely and the lights returned to normal. The I-mote gave a small chime as the words "I-Mote ver. 2.12" scrolled across the screen.

After a short animation three icons appeared on the screen, but the doe had never seen anything like them on any other phone or computer. The first was a sprite like character with the words "Self Editor" on it. The second was a more familiar "Apps" icon. The last was a microphone with a small mustache and monocle with the title "Pervous Personal Assistant" written in small type under the icon.

"Maybe this is some kind of old PDA," though Jane as continued to fiddle with the device. She eventually got tired of trying things so she tapped the "Pervous" app to try and shed some light on this mysterious I-Mote. The phone gave a chime and in a dry, wheezy voice the I-Mote began to speak. "Good afternoon Madam, I am Pervous. Your digital guide and instructor for the device you currently hold in your paw. Please state your command." Jane stared curiously at the device and wondered just how it had known she was female. "Madam I can't conduct any functions without you first inputting a command so what will it be?"

Jane's eyes widened as her arm twitched and the I-Mote came very close to being flung across the room. "Perhaps we should start with your user ID hmm? That might get things going. I don't want to just call you 'madam' or Ms. Doe when a more personal touch is required."

Jane continued to look at the phone with suspicion till she finally said, "Jane it's just Jane." "And what a wonderful name it is madam. Not at all common. Now how may I assist you today? "Assist?" said Jane. "Yes madam. Assist. Once again I am Pervous. The digital assistant for the I-Mote OS. I can help you in navigating through its many features or give you instruction on how to use the device." "But what do you do?" asked the doe with a frown. "You look kind of like a smart phone. Can you make calls? Browse the interweb? Play Furious Avians?"

The I-Mote gave the most genuine sigh of dismay Jane had ever heard and in a tired sounding voice said. "No, my creator did not see fit to program such meaningless features into me. Only to give me the power to reshape anyone however they might desire, in any way they might desire." "So you can change people? said Jane skeptically. "I only have a limited range, but there is little I am not capable of."

Jane was in full bore disbelieve mode as she looked at the device in her paw. Someone, had spent an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to make a smart phone spew a bunch of BS. And why should she even listen to this thing anyway. "All right. That's it. I've had enough. This is some kind of elaborate trick someone is having at my expense." said the slightly angry doe. "Ms. Jane, belief is not a perquisite for my operation," said Pervous in a slightly more sympathetic tone. "Simply ask and I will make whatever change you desire for yourself happen. Come now, I have not yet met a woman who was completely satisfied with herself."

Jane put the phone down on the kitchen table and crossed her arms. The thing had hit a nerve. She had never liked how she looked. From her hair to her curves (or the lack there of) or her completion. Jane had never felt cute and certainly not beautiful. However she doubted if this 'I-Mote' was the answer to her problems.

"Fine. Do I need to say 'I wish'?" said Jane looking skeptical. "No madam, any legible command will do." Jane thought about how stupid this sounded and finally said, "Make my hair orange." She waited for a moment and nothing happened. No magic flash of smoke, no strange tingle, just nothing. Jane was about to open her mouth and say something rather rude when she caught her reflection in the polished surface of the refrigerator. Her normally dark brown neck length hair was now a violent shade of orange. She ran a paw through it to make sure it was real, and this wasn't some weird dream and it flowed though her fingers like silk.

Jane sprinted to the bathroom with a surprising speed and skidded to a halt in front of the mirror. She flicked on the overhead lights as stared in wonder at her new hair. "I look like some fur from a shampoo commercial," thought the doe as she stared at herself. Except for the rather adventurous color her hair was stunning. It looked sleek and shinny, and it even fell in the right way. Jane ran her fingers through it, then a brush, and finally gave it a tug till it began to hurt. She walked back into the kitchen in disbelief and picked up the I-Mote.

To her surprise, there on the screen was a perfect rendering of her body, sans clothes. She was outraged for a minute before she began to look harder. It was an image she was familiar with but seeing it displayed in such a manor made her remember how much she hated her body. Jane was not what you would call curvy up top or down below. Most of her life she had been rather thin but in the last few years she had picked up a few pounds which seemed to sit in all the wrong places.

As she looked at her image on screen she made up her mind and started moving toward the bathroom. "Pervous, can you make any change a person wishes." "To an extent madam. I am not allowed to let the user cause harm to themselves but short of that the sky is the limit." Jane slipped out of her jeans and shirt leaving her standing in front of the mirror with only panties and a training bra on.

Jane was not what you would call unattractive but there was definite room for improvement. In college she had put on the freshman 15, and then a few more pounds when she moved into a desk job. She was not stocky but a bit shorter than most cervidaes and Jane had always felt a little out of sorts about it. So as she looked at the mirror she knew what to ask for. "Pervous make me six inches taller," she commanded. Jane looked down at the I-Mote as her body began to tingle. The rendering of her on screen seemed to stretch as the tingling grew stronger in her legs. Jane felt a weird sense of vertigo as the entire room seemed to move away from her. She stumbled and caught herself on the counter as the feeling subsided.

The doe straitened her back and stood up as she looked around. The sensation of suddenly being taller was a strange one and made her slightly dizzy. The view of everything was slightly different but she quickly forgot that when she saw her form in the mirror. The extra height had brought her from a runty 4'8" to a respectable 5'2". The extra height also had the effect of distributing her pudge a bit better but the more she looked the less satisfied she became. "Pervous please give me the body I had when I was eighteen sans the change in height." "Would you like to maintain your current level of intelligence or do you wish to be a air headed teenager again." Jane gave the device a look and said, "Just the body please."

Again Jane feel that full body tingle like she had earlier but this time it felt more distributed. She studied her face closely in the mirror and as the tingling increased and began to note the changes. Her completion brightened a bit and her skin and fur looked a bit fresher as most of her extra pounds melted away.

Jane smiled and she palmed herself and enjoyed her reflection for the first time in a long time as her stomach began to growl. "Wow. I haven't been this hungry since," "High school, yes," said Pervous in an all too smug voice. "Are you satisfied with your changes?" asked the I-mote in a questioning tone as Jane walked out of the bathroom. "So far yes," said Jane with a smile. "I'm still having trouble believing this is all happening though," said Jane moving in the kitchen. "I assure you that it is all quite real though I have been unable to convince some of my pervious users." "How many owners have you had?" asked the doe as she plopped the I-Mote down on the counter and began rummaging through the fridge. "Oh I am not at liberty to say," said Pervous. "As part of my programming I am not allowed to divulge past users or the nature in which they used the I-Mote. However I can say that I have passed through quite a number of paws and your session has been quite tame compared to some.

Jane grew thoughtful over dinner and began to imagine all the things that were possible with the I-Mote. Frankly it was a bit scary what might be possible. After dinner, while she was washing her plate in the sink, her mind went back to the Friday when she had moved into the cabin. She had been putting away her things in some drawers when she noticed a small suitcase that was not her own.

It smelled like a male's suitcase, and Jane assumed that a previous occupant had left it here by accident. She looked at it for a minute, fully intending to return it to the owner of the lodge, till her curiosity got the better of her. Telling herself that she might find some ID inside she opened the suitcase revealing several pair of underwear, a shaving kit, and few tee shirts. Jane felt rather guilty and silly until she reached but at the bottom of the suitcase where she saw a copy of Play-Fur magazine.

She stared at the Lioness on the cover for a minute. Toned body, hourglass figure, and a chest that made men drool. She was sex personified and everything Jane wasn't. The deer crammed everything back into the suitcase and practically threw it into a corner of her closet. She had forgotten about the suitcase but the image of the she-lion stuck in her head.

The doe's ears twitched as she stomped back into her bedroom and into the closet. She opened the suitcase and poured its contents out on the floor as the magazine came tumbling out. She opened it to the center fold and there was the lion. Stretched out on white shag carpet, her perfect body on full display, she seemed to ooze sexuality. Jane grinned as she ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the I-Mote and made her way to the bathroom where she slipped off bra leaving her wearing only her black panties.

She tapped the power button on the I-Mote and it sprang to life. "Your orders, Ms. Jane," asked Pervous in a somewhat eager tone. "I want a body like hers," said the deer. "And I want it to be perfect." "Now you're talking," said the device as she felt it grow hot in her paw.

This time it felt like she had grabbed a live power wire as a jolt shot through her body and all but brought her to her knees. Suddenly her heart was racing as the I-Mote slipped out of her paws and clattered to the floor. Both paws braced on the bathroom counter Jane let out a heated moan as her body felt hot and tight. Her nipples throbbed harder and harder as they thickened and her bust began to expanded. In seconds Jane went from an A-cup to a B, then a C and finally an amazingly perky D-cup.

The weight on her chest was a new sensation as the muscles in her back and chest grew to support them hefting them higher while her nipples continued to throb. Jane felt her waist tighten as the first hint of a six pack appeared on her very flat belly. The doe moaned again as she heard a series of loud 'pops' and saw her hips grew slowly wider. Her glutes and quads flared out just enough to give her a perfect hear shaped ass as her panties tightened and were drawn into the vee of her now very moist crotch as her flag of a tail twitched madly.

Her panties finally gave up the fight and with a 'snap' fell away from her body, reveling her glistening sex. Her swollen clit pulled at her distended lips, begging to be caressed as one of the doe's paws found its way there and began to feverously plunge her fingers in and out while flicking her thumb over her pleasure button. The other paw went north cupping her enhanced chest while her fingers found one of her thick nipples.

Jane flicked her clit and nipple simultaneously and the world seemed to go white as her whole body clenched. She trembled as her fingers stopped moving, and Jane felt as if a great storm were breaking inside of her. Her body seemed to release a fraction then tighten like a bowstring. With the force of a thunderbolt her climax hit and it was all the poor doe could do to remain standing as her knees shook with its force.

"GREAT GODS!" moaned the doe as her paws gripped the counter till her knuckles went white. Wave after wave pleasure crashed down on her body with its epicenter between her legs. Every few seconds Jane's inner muscles would clench and shoot another lance of nectar, as the bathroom floor quickly grew into a sticky mess.

It lasted for nearly a minute. The most excruciatingly delightful minute of Jane's life. It ended with her all but laying on the cool bathroom counter trying to catch her breath as small aftershocks of pleasure ran through her body. They were nothing compared to what had just happened, but each one made her grit her teeth and moan with pleasure. Eventually her body calmed enough so that so that she could stand up and look at herself in the mirror.

Even with her wild orange hair splayed everywhere, Jane was struck with just how good she looked. Her toned body looked better than she could imagine and she was almost memorized by how her breasts would rise slightly every time she breathed. If she could think of one word to describe herself it would have been voluptuous. She put her paws on her flanks as she turned and admired her ass and found herself getting a little turned on by her own display.

"Pervous, what the hell did you do to me." said the doe as she started to heat up again. "I followed your instructions to the letter miss." You asked for a body just like the lioness only 'perfect'. I am quite sure that you will find you are in every way physically superior." "No Pervous, I mean a few seconds ago when I thought my spine was going to break due to that orgasm." "Don't worry miss you will find that your new form is quite resistant to disease and has the adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D for proper bond density, It would be almost impossible for you to break your spine mid-" The doe snatched up the phone and her finger hovered over the power button as she stared at the device. "Oh you were enquiring about the ah, intensity of the experience," said Pervious nervously. "Yes and why I seem to get turned on just looking at myself in the mirror," said Jane with a frown. "Well, it seems that the template for your changes is quite 'expressive' when making love and she also occasionally takes other females to bed," said Pervous in the driest voice he could muster. "Your command for perfection seems to have amplified these qualities."

The doe groaned in frustration as she rubbed her temples and looked down at the device in her paw. "So you turned me into a bisexual nymphomaniac that cums like a howitzer." "Those were your commands as I saw them. I could restore your former form if you are displeased, but from what my sensors tell me you seemed to enjoy the experience a great deal." "That's the understatement of the century," thought Jane who was now quite sure she had never had a proper orgasm until tonight. "No I think this fine for now," said Jane giving herself another look in the mirror. "But what a really need right now is a shower," she said looking down at the floor. "And a mop."

Jane moved her charger into her bed room, and placed it and the I-Mote on her nightstand. Once it was docked an charging. She turned her attention to the bathroom where she tried to clean up as much as possible. When she was done it still smelled like a brothel but the floor was reasonably clean as she turned on the water. She caught herself examining herself several times in the mirror and every time it was as if she were looking a stranger. Her body had changed radically but she had missed the changes to face and muzzle. Her features were somewhat finer but more pronounced and the overall effect was quite stunning. Her whole visage took on a sultry look sexy enough for her own reflection to give her goose bumps and making things low in her tighten. Gods she loved the way she looked.

The mirror quickly fogged up, and she slid into the shower as she began lathering soap into her fur. The doe couldn't resist exploring every inch of her new body, and soon she had to bite her lip to hold back moans. Jane's paws roamed up and down her form and found that her whole body felt too good as the heat gathered between her legs. Soon her fingers were plunging in and out of her snatch as she rocketed toward another volcanic climax that felt every bit as intense as the first.

A slightly shaky Jane stepped out of the shower some time latter felling much better and if a little numb between her legs. "At this rate I going I'll ether blind or won't be able to walk tomorrow," thought the doe as she toweled off. She picked of the magazine off the counter and moved into her bedroom. Still nude Jane posed for a minute in the mirror over her chest of drawers and admired her form. She flipped open the now slightly sticky magazine and turned back to the centerfold as she compared herself to the lioness sprawled on the page. Save the face and fur coloration two could be twins, however as she looked harder she began to notice a few differences. The lioness seemed a bit more tone and a good bit chestier that the doe's own reflection.

"Pervous," said the doe with a frown. "I thought you made my body just like hers?" "Oh yes miss. No matter how talented they were, no male would ever be able to tell your bodies apart in the dark." "Then why does she still look better than me?" said Jane as she turned to look at the small back chatter box. "Better, as any male will tell you is in the eye of the beholder Miss Jane. I assure you that no male would ever will kick you out of bed. If you are referring to the slight differences between your own and the image in the gentlefur's magazine, have you never heard of air brushing and Photoshop?"

Jane thought about this for a second before an idea occurred that made her face split wide in a grin. "Pervous I want to be the culmination of everyfur's wet dream. So sexy that none can refuse me. I want to be the most gorgeous fur that ever lived." The I-Mote was silent for a moment Pervous responded in a voice a little too eager. "This I can do however I must warn you that what you are asking for will change you in ways you may not like." "I don't care," said Jane. "I've been a nobody my whole life. I want to love what I look like for once." "It is done then," said Pervous as the screen flashed briefly and went dark.

Jane stood there, wet with anticipation, as nothing happened for almost a full minute. The impatient doe was about to ask the I-Mote what was wrong when a dull ache filled her head. The ache subsided but was quickly replaced by an itching that brought her paws to her forehead. Jane was shocked to find growing antler tips and the bone spurs thickened and curved out ward. Two points became four then six and finally eight as the doe grew a thick full crown of horns that would have made and male jealous.

The new weight put a strain on her neck she had never known till her traps and shoulders began to thicken. "Antlers?" thought the confused deer her paws rubbed at the soft velvet on her new rack. The heat she felt during her earlier transformations retuned in full force as the doe nearly bent double with the pleasure. Every muscle seemed to tighten and flex as her bones thickened and stretched. The doe's height shot past six feet to stop at nearly six foot three with another foot on antlers on top.

Jane could feel the power flowing through her like the best high imaginable. Her whole body trembled with her might. Her large paws gripped the dresser as it began to crack and splinter while she stretched trying to relieve the tightness everywhere. Her muscles burned and flexed as biceps, triceps, pecks and quads all engorged with blood. Slowly they grew stronger and thicker still Jane felt like her body would burst till at last they stopped leaving Jane with a godlike physique that retained her feminine curves.

The doe let lose a throaty moan as her breasts started to grow again. Her mounds ached as a gentle pressure pushed her bust up and out. Her melons grew until each was the size of her head and capped with a thick throbbing nipple that begged to be touched as she franticly pawed at herself. Meanwhile Jane's abs went from toned to washboard as they grew into a solid eight pack complete with lats that trailed in a sexy vee shape down to her prominent nether lips.

Jane's mind was a sea of lust as she stood up straight and tall. The doe's red hot pussy drooled down either muscled thigh as her engorged clit bobbed with every heart beat. Sweat covered every inch of her body and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. The doe spread her mighty legs as her paws went to either side of the mirror denting the wall. Her whole body trembled and quivered as she felt something build inside and then erupt.

Her body jerked as her hips thrust forward and she painted the mirror with her nectar, but it showed no signs of stopping as a new pressure built in her groin. With every torrid bust Jane's clit grew slowly thicker and longer. The nearly delirious doe was entranced as she watched her clit grow and before she knew what she was doing her paw was firmly wrapped around it jacking as fast as she could.

It thickened and lengthened till it was almost 13 inches and so thick and heavy it drooped under its weight. The frustrated deer continued to pump hir cock as hard and as fast as shi could but her release was still unforthcoming. With a roar that shook all the windows Jane's whole body seemed to flex as her heart rate doubled and ropey veins appeared on every inch of her body. Hir massive erection flared larger and longer as it stood straight up and slapped her abs, leaving a large glob of pre clinging to her abs.

It was then that Jane felt another pressure just under her cock as great orbs began to form. Each the size of a grapefruit and held tightly in an overfilled sac just above her pussy. The sensation of weight between hir legs drove Jane as she pumped faster trying to relieve her aching balls of their ever increasing load to no avail.

Even as hir balls slowly inflated, Jane's tongue began to slowly lengthen till it was almost a full foot long. Shi quickly took advantage of this and wrapping up on of her thick nipples pulled it into her mouth. One paw slid slowly down to cup and fondle her oversized balls slide a few fingers into her needy cunt while her other paw continued to pump. The combination of all these sensations finally gave Jane what she wanted as her trembling body began to cum violently.

Her swollen snatch clamped down hard on her fingers as her huge testacies pulled up into hir body. Jane's eye's rolled back in her head as her cockhead flared and began blasting long ropes on deer spunk. The first salvo cracked the mirror and every one after only seemed to increase as shi painted the wall, floor, and ceiling. It seemed to go on forever till Jane began to feel like a firehouse but after nearly four minutes hir organism tapered off as her cock began to droop. Each subsequent squirt grew smaller till at last Jane's balls felt empty.

The afterglow left Jane's mind blank as she drifted on sea of endorphins. Shi didn't even notice when her heavy frame fell backward breaking the bed frame. She was a sight, nearly completely covered in her own cum, and every where it touched seemed to tingle making hir nipples hard and hir cock twitch. Hir musk permeated every inch of the room and every breath added to the heat between her legs. Her uncontrollable libido would not let her drift off to sleep as she sat up with a pleasurable groan.

Her sharp ears picked up the sound of someone pounding on the front door but she paid it no mind as her tongue went to work licking the cum off each finger. The taste of her own spunk was enough to stoke her fires as a tightness returned to her balls.

Shi stood in one smooth motion, a paradigm of sexuality, every muscle moving in a sensual dance as she strode toward the front door while the hammering continued. Jane opened the door with a flourish to revel a pair of bunnies. One male, one female, they looked like a mated pair as they stared speeches at the cum covered sex god in the door. Jane's pheromones hit the pair like a sledge hammer between the eyes. As the male gave a whimper of desire as the female tried to complete a sentence. "We, ahh, heard noise, and we, we-" "You came to check on me you dears. Why don't you come in for a bit. I'm sure we can find something to entertain ourselves with," said Jane as her cock began to rise again.

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