A Promise

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#2 of Fleeting Light

Here's a shorter chapter since I want to separate the sex scenes a bit. This one's more smut than plot, but the next one will move faster, I swear!

Still M/M gay sex between a feral dragon and a human in this one.

Feedback appreciated as always~

A Promise

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The tenth day of their training mission passed and the captain of the Flameseeker had elected not to travel further south. Instead, the airship approached the valley of the folbats to within five miles, marked its location, and then moved on eastward past the river that split the forest into two halves.

Ilia Roslyn's trainees were also commanded to avoid the valley and follow the ship over the river. The Flameseeker parked over the forest well away from the water line and spent the rest of the day testing its weapons while the trainees continued their mission.

Ray, Eliza, Kalios, and Marinai flew their required five hours without incident. The forest was immense and they had no problem avoiding interaction with the Light-Commander's other trainees. When darkness fell, Kalios followed his rider to the river and shared another pleasurable night without any objection from the human. As a matter of fact, Ray had grown to enjoy how they bonded with their mutual touches.

On the eleventh day, the four followed the Flameseeker as it traveled north back to the kingdom of Minos while charting the eastern side of the forest. There was mostly nothing else of interest, however, and the booming sounds from the ship lessened with each passing day as the chief of engineering, master mage-engineer Robert Pulli, finished testing and tweaking the ship's advanced long-ranged weapons.

They all flew on steadily northward at the same pace that they did coming south. The only thing spectacular about the land was the sheer immensity of it. It was no wonder only its sea borders had been mapped: the thick forest did not let up anywhere, and it would've been hard-pressed for early explorers to press through the dense thicket.

The days went on and everyone forged on. For Kalios, the days had become quite boring. The blue dragon's wings had grown used to the long hours of flying and the training mission was no longer a challenge for him, and he could tell that Marinai, his brown feathered wingmate, had also started growing weary from the dullness. At least, he thought, his nights with Ray were most satisfying.

On the fourteenth night, the dragon decided to nudge their nightly routine beyond just mutual masturbation and blowjobs. He wondered how he would broach his desire with Ray, and eventually he settled with the same method he had used to start: a fair, perhaps one-sided that favored the human, trade.

By now it was routine: a few hours after Eliza and Marinai fell asleep, Ray would nudge Kalios on his side to wake him up and they'd go out to the side of the river together. To keep their activities secret, Kalios created his circle of silencing every time. He had even figured out how to meld another spell into the same circle. The other spell magnified the light from the moon so that Ray could see much better, but the light was contained inside just like their sounds were so anyone outside would simply see normal darkness.

They couldn't find a nice rock or tree trunk to lie against tonight, so they just settled with a relatively flat and featureless spot. When Kalios had finished the spell, Ray stepped in and laid down a sheet that they could get comfortable on. Then he started stripping his clothes. They were simple clothes only meant for the barest protection from the elements and were as clean as one could expect from being worn all day without a real thorough wash, but Ray did try his best with the river water. He couldn't help but notice how clean Eliza's clothes always looked, however, and he always wondered if she had some miracle soap she was hiding, or perhaps her light magic had more mundane uses as well.

In any case, Ray couldn't spend any more time thinking about such things since as soon as he had dropped his underwear, Kalios jumped onto him and knocked him down onto the sheet. The dragon had wrapped an arm behind the human so that his head didn't hit the ground and hurt him, but the shove was still unexpected and startled him.

Ray blinked as temporary fear faded away. "A little eager tonight, aren't you?"

The blue dragon licked the man's cheek. "I'm thinking of trying something new this time."

Ray gulped. He could tell, from the tone of his dragon, what he had in mind. The dragon rider had thought about it for some time during their long mission when there was nothing else to do, and the more he thought about it the more he was inclined to let it happen. He was at the point now that if Kalios asked, he knew he could say no, but his eyes and body would tell the dragon he was lying. There would be no hiding from the dragon if he asked: Ray wanted it to happen.

Yet Kalios was not as perceptive as the human thought. The dragon still thought his rider had some doubts about their physical relationship, so he wanted to offer himself first to make Ray feel more comfortable.

Ray shook his head as he felt his eyes droop from the rhythm of their breathing and asked, "Like what?"

The dragon slid his arm behind Ray's back and then, with his other arm still holding his head, he rolled over so that his rider now lay on top of him. He replaced his forearms with his wings so that they wrapped around his rider, and with his forepaws now free he used them to gently rub along his rider's shoulders. Kalios enjoyed feeling the human's soft skin, and the human liked being touched in return. In fact, he could start feeling something hard begin to form at his belly scales near his rear legs. Then the dragon looked into his rider's eyes and said, "I want you to fuck me tonight, Ray."

Ray blinked in surprise. He had imagined taking Kalios like this the very first night he "helped" him and definitely did not object, but he had expected that the dragon would've wanted to mount him first. Of course since Kalios offered, the human didn't hesitate any more than necessary and began to make his move. Still, he was nervous when he asked, "Have you ever, you know?"

"No," Kalios said, "but you're smaller than a dragon. I don't think there'll be any problem, but if you want to lube me up first go ahead."

"Okay," Ray replied. He pressed two fingers into his mouth and licked them thoroughly, and then he slid down the dragon until he was shoulder-level with the dragon's hindquarters. He took the wet fingers out of his mouth, but he only pressed one against his dragon's tailhole.

To the human's surprise, it was actually difficult to enter the dragon's rear. The opening squeezed his finger tightly, though the only thing Kalios did was twitch his tail ever so slightly. Ray started fingering his dragon, and once the hole became looser he stretched it some more by inserting another finger. He looked up and saw the dragon's red cock start to rise against his light blue belly scales.

Kalios grunted after a while and said, "I'm good. The real thing now, please!"

Ray obliged by pulling his fingers out and crawling up, letting his chest and belly rub onto the dragon's ever enlarging length until his hips were aligned with his rear. He hadn't noticed that his own cock had completely hardened until now, and he was quite ready to bond with his dragon. He lowered himself and felt the smooth edge of Kalios's slit part around his head, and then he let out a gratifying sigh as the lips sealed past his fat human glans. He kept pushing lower since Kalios didn't object to any pain and before long, his chest pressed against the dragon's and he could feel a very rigid spire pulse along his slightly built belly.

Kalios just purred with pleasure as he felt Ray's entire body lined against his, and the warmth inside his ass had aroused him to new heights. There was too much sensory input for him to process! He could feel his rider's chest move as he breathed, his heart as it beat and drummed everywhere along his body and inside him, the tickle of his hair as his head laid slightly on it's side against his upper chest, the heavy pair of lumps that rested just below his tailhole, and so much more. He would've been content to just stay like this for a while, but a couple of moments later the human on top of him began to move again.

Ray pulled back, leaving Kalios feeling empty inside and cold outside as he lifted his body. The feeling did, however, make him appreciate it even more when Ray thrust back into him to meld their bodies together.

It continued like this for a while. Ray would leave and then come back again, slowly moving each way, and each time the human hilted into his ass Kalios could feel a greater pressure at his waist. His rider put more effort into every thrust as he tried to go as deep as he could, but soon he surrendered that slow and sensual approach for a more instinctual and animalistic one.

Ray raised his chest up and thrust his hips faster into the dragon for a rougher fuck and loved feeling his balls slap against the harder belly scales, but then he noticed he was only using his dragon's hole and not helping him share his pleasure at all so he slowed down and reached a hand between them to stroke Kalios's cock. By now, the human was intimately familiar with every feature on his dragon's shaft, and even while he was thrusting he would caress the three little bumps at the base of the spine of the red fleshy member.

Kalios let out a deep moan to show how much he appreciated the additional touch. Now the human's velvety soft skin was touching him in all the right places, and he could feel his climax coming as Ray moved his smooth hand up his dragon cock. His hand passed the bumps and went up to dig into the first ridge up the spire when he started thrusting just a bit faster, and Kalios knew he couldn't hold on for long.

The dragon bucked his hips up in rhythm with Ray's movements, and he could feel the spikes of pleasure whenever his rider's hand glided into another ridge. When the human's hand rubbed along the last ridge near the tip, Kalios had reached his peak. Ray hilted him one more time but before he could pull out again Kalios furled his wings over him and pressed his warm and smooth body so that it melded with the contours of his own.

Kalios's tail lashed against the sheet on the ground as he let out a soft growl and came. Ray's hand was squeezed between them and still wrapped around his cock, so the human could feel his cum flowing up as his muscles convulsed and contracted. The blue dragon painted his belly scales a lighter white and smothered it onto Ray's body as his cock continued shooting out his virile seed.

But Ray could feel other muscles of the dragon contracting too. As Kalios kept cumming, his anal walls tightened around his cock, buried all the way inside, and massaged it until he also came. He arched his back as much as the wings holding him would allow and screamed his dragon's name as he filled his rear with his love and passion.

Kalios's frilly ears twitched as he heard his name. He loved all of what was happening. He could hear and feel Ray's heavy breathing as his balls tightened and his insides were filled with his warm seed, and their bodies were glued together with his own sticky cum.

Even after their orgasms died down, they decided to stay and revel in each other's bodies. The musky scent of Kalios's seed waded out and left them in a pleasing afterglow, and Ray's cock stayed hard inside his dragon for a long while. They couldn't stay like that forever, however, and eventually Kalios let up his wings and let Ray roll over onto the sheet.

After both reaching a very intimate and pleasurable climax tonight, the two were content to lie next to each other and just look up. Kalios released the moonlight spell, and the light inside dimmed until only the moon and the stars were left to illuminate their quiet little bubble.

Ray rubbed his belly, brought his hand up, and licked up his dragon's cooling seed. "We should go wash up and get to bed soon."

Kalios tilted his head over to look at his rider. "I'd love to just fall asleep here with you, Ray, wrapped under my wings."

The human grunted to acknowledge how pleasant he thought that would be. "But we can't. Imagine Eliza and Marinai's faces if they see us like this."

"Wet with semen and smelling like sweet sex?"

"Yeah. They'd probably go nuts!"

"We've known them for almost as long as you know me. Do you think they'd react...negatively?"

Ray brought out the same hand he had used to rub his Kalios's cock and nuzzled his snout with it. "I think it's best if we don't tell them for now."

Kalios nodded.

"You know," Ray said, "part of me is happy that we're charged with guarding Eliza, Marinai, and the light mages. It'll keep us out of battle."

Kalios sighed. He knew the main reason they were kept from the front lines was his rather small size compared to the dragons trained for direct battle. On the other hand, his small size allowed Ray and him to enjoy each other's bodies without much restriction. Still, he was rather confused by what he just heard. "But there is no chance for glory, no victory will ever be because of us or what we do."

Ray guided his hand between the dragon's milk chocolaty brown horns, caressed the soft scales on his head, and then pulled himself back. He stared up at the stars and said, "It's true that when I was younger, I always thought of winning battles and fighting head to head with the gryphon riders of Eios. But you know what changed my mind?"

"No, what?"

"You, Kal."

The blue dragon shrank back, afraid to hear what he had already known.

But his fears were unfounded when Ray continued, "I couldn't bear to lose you Kal. If we stay back and away from battles, we'll never be in danger. I know it sounds a little cowardly, but remember when I told you that I loved you as a dragon rider loves his dragon?"

Kalios nodded, and a little pang of guilt hit his conscience as he remembered how he used that as leverage to get the human to pleasure him that night.

"I didn't mean it, Kal. I know we've only been together for, what has it been, two years? Yeah, that's about right. But I was too cowardly that night to admit it. I do love you Kal. You're like a brother to me, not just a friend. Not just a dragon." Ray leaned over the dragon's wing and wrapped his arm around his neck for a hug. "Our encounter with those folbats had me thinking about a lot of things. If thekingdomofMinosshould ever fall and our mighty fleet burn, then when we make our last stand against our enemies remember this. We die together. No noble sacrifice to save me, Kal."

Kalios was quiet for a while as he pondered the improbability of such an event. Minos and Eios had shared an uneasy peace, aside from a couple of minor border disputes, for a fair number of years now, and unless something toppled that balance then it was unlikely they would ever even see any combat. Even the Flameseeker was supposed to seal the peace: the ship had been built to discourage any further hostility. It was, really, just a show of force and its weapons weren't really meant to be used as long as the Eiosian royalty understood the greater value of peace and cooperation. King Lorian, lord of all of Minos himself expressed his desire to finally end the centuries-long conflict, and the sentiment was shared by the Eiosian king. Kalios was about to respond by saying such a devastating destruction of Minos could never happen, but then he saw a star in the night sky go out and there was a strange cold that shot up his spine. The warmth of Ray's body fought off that cold, and suddenly he was aware that he couldn't live without that warmth. "Deal," he finally said, "but no noble sacrifice to save me either."

"We die together."

"We die together."

Fire in the Air

_Fire in the Air_ A sea of green was all that Ray could see as he peered over Kalios's head. The young dragon rider sat silently between his blue dragon's gently beating wings and watched as a mass of brown feathers hovered in front of Kalios and...

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Empty Space

_Empty Space_ Erin awoke in a tank full of luminescent blue liquid. The man, barely considered one at the age of nineteen, gasped in fear as he saw the bubbles flowing up his vision. He could not see through the foggy glass of the tank and grabbed...

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The Demon of Phlegdis

_The Demon of Phlegdis_ \*\*\* "You can't possibly put _that_ in me," Kevin said. The dragonkin cleric was still tied upon the summoned pillar, bound with astral cords, and Onival, the wolf demon, stood near his tail and craned his back ominously...

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