Empty Space

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Decided to try my hand at Sci-fi. Not sure what to think of the result.

Comments and feedback appreciated!

Warning: Story contains gay sex between an anthropomorphic male dragon and a male human.

*Most of the spacing errors should be fixed now.

Empty Space

Erin awoke in a tank full of luminescent blue liquid. The man, barely considered one at the age of nineteen, gasped in fear as he saw the bubbles flowing up his vision. He could not see through the foggy glass of the tank and grabbed his throat with his hands out of reflex.

Where the hell am I?

He loosened his grip on his neck as he realized he wasn't drowning.

What is this? Am I dead?

He took another breath and deeply exhaled. Satisfied that his life was yet his own, he started to reach his hands out. He felt the cold glass-like surface that entombed him, and he pressed his hands around in various spots to see if there was any opening or weakness.

He found none. He was trapped in some sort of blue shimmering prison filled with fluid he could breathe through somehow, and panic started to settle into his mind.

Invigorated by fear, he started pounding his hands against the glass prison. There was no give, no crack or failure. He curled his hands into fists and started slamming them into the boundary of his cage, but still nothing.

Irrational fear was not helping him, he realized, so he retreated back to the center of the tank and floated in the middle a few inches above the bottom of the encircling cage. He looked around and found nothing distinguishing about the tank. The bottom was made from some dull grey metal, and the top of the tank appeared to connect to the roof of whatever building was outside. He couldn't see much through the foggy glass, however, and could only see as far as the blue fluid would glow. He felt his chest start to itch so he scratched it, and then he realized he was stark naked.

How did I get here? Erin tried to remember the last thing he was doing before waking up around this blanket of bubbles. He recalled that he was walking home from class. He was a sophomore in the University of Polomia, and he lived in one of the campus housing communities a mile away from the main campus. He was just strolling down a sidewalk next to a busy street full of cars and buses and feeling the wind sweep his messy uncombed hair around the top of his head, and then he remembered blackness. Did I get hit by a car or something? Maybe they froze me so I could be healed in the future? He shook his head through the light and watery fluid. Highly unlikely. _ He gulped down another massive breath of air. _Then again, it shouldn't be possible to breath through a liquid. He rubbed his hands around his neck again and felt around it just to be sure he hadn't grown gills.

He wondered what was going to happen to him. What if he really did get hit by a car and was in the future now? He didn't exactly imagine the afterlife to be a glass prison, after all. What would he do when they let him out then? Did he shatter his spine? Would he have to go through rehabilitation? He wiggled his toes and curled his fingers. He could see pass the blue filter in his eyes and saw he had full control of his extremities. Perhaps the liquid was some sort of nerve cell regenerative fluid? Erin was left alone to his thoughts for a while, and they eventually became more and more general. Did people finally invent hoverboards and flying cars?

A mild screeching noise broke his train of thought, however, and then a bright halo of light came down from the top of the tank. The glowing ring settled over his head, contracted until it wrapped around his skin, and then pulsed. Erin could feel humming around his head, and he wasn't sure whether it was the light or the light doing something to the water. He tried to move his head away, but the ring of light somehow kept him in place like some sort of binding spell. By now, he was convinced he was in the future and shrugged it off as some sort of future technology.

The light stayed wrapped around his forehead for a few minutes, and then the screeching sound returned. A few seconds after, the screeching turned into a voice. Speech.

"Language upload complete. Brain scan complete," Erin heard the voice say. It was definitely synthetic, but much more natural than the old text-to-speech programs he had tried to use on his computer before. He wondered what the voice meant by language upload: did he get cryogenically frozen so far into the future that English was a dead language now? The voice spoke again, "Chance of sentience, ninety-five percent. Intelligence level estimated in ninety-ninth percentile."

He heard some metallic noise coming from above, and when he looked up he saw the roof, which he now realized was also a hatch, open.

"Now extracting genetic code," he heard the synthetic voice say.

He saw a mechanical arm extend down through the liquid. It was holding a needle, and he quickly figured its purpose. He couldn't figure out what doctors in the future would need his DNA for, though it was clear they wanted it through his blood so he didn't shirk away from the needle. He let the needle take his blood and wondered what the voice meant when it calculated his odds of being sentient. Was he a primitive human in an evolved world now? But none of it made any sense; his parents weren't so obscenely rich as to be able to afford cryogenics to save his life. Then again, his parents were both doctors so maybe that had gotten some sort of discount? Silly, but he couldn't figure any other explanation for what was happening to him.

The arm retracted away back to the roof with his blood, and then the hatch closed again. But then he heard the same metallic noise come from below him, and he looked down to see the floor had opened up in the same manner that the roof had.

"DNA extraction complete," he heard the voice say, "Commencing gamete extraction sequence."

What? Gametes? Surely they don't mean to-

Lost in his surprise and confusion, Erin didn't notice that a tube, connected to a metal-twisted line, had slithered its way up to his waist. The tube lunged itself towards his crotch, and he had no time to react to it. It suckled onto his penis like a vacuum and he tried to pull it off but to no avail. He shook his body and tried to kick the metal rope that connected the tube to the machines under the floor hatch, but he couldn't break anything.

The voice rang through his head. "Specimen is resisting, executing restraining protocols."

As he wrested against the tube, he saw more of the metal ropes fly out of the hatch. He tried to swim up the tank, but then he realized the top hatch had released its own ropes and had tied his arms already. The ropes from the floor latched around his legs and he could no longer move any of his limbs.

He could still turn his head, however, and he looked down to see the tube around his groin settle over his flaccid penis, and then some more mechanical devices emerged from the floor hatch.

"Neural pathways analyzed. Erogenous zones identified."

Erin's eyes widened as he saw two thin mechanical arms come up. Their fingers were covered in black rubber, and they gently clamped over his nipples. Another arm, one with only one digit tipped with a circular brush, settled over his balls, and then a final arm lifted behind him, but he could not see where it was going.

He felt where it had gone soon enough though. Erin had been openly gay in college and was no stranger to feeling things shoved up his ass, but it still greatly disturbed him when he felt a cold, yet pliable, metal rod enter his rear. He tugged at the bonds around his limbs again, but they were locked around him tightly. If he couldn't do anything about his situation, then he figured he might as well enjoy it.

Not that he could've resisted enjoying it for long, anyway. The rubber pincers around his nipples began vibrating, and he felt the surprising tingle of small jolts of electricity flow into them. The same gentle flow of electricity stimulated his ball sack, and before long the tube was suckling on his fully erect six-inch length. Despite the pleasure emanating from his entire body, he still had to wonder what sick reason a doctor, even if the future had a wildly different culture, would have for wanting to have his sperm.

The metal rod slid in and out of his ass with perfect rhythm. There was no care or feeling in it, only the need to have him cum. He stared at the tube around his shaft and noticed it had started filling with some sort of pleasurably squishy pink substance, and it vibrated over his cock while the tube continued its constant sucking.

Erin couldn't last long, not with such a relentless assault on all his pleasure zones. He came with a howl and tilted his head back and arched his back as far as it would go, but none of the sexual devices stopped doing what they were doing. The rod in his ass continuously bumped into his prostrate, and he felt his load continue to pump into the greedy tube that sucked away every drop of his seed. It was not for his pleasure, he knew, but it was meant to milk him of as much semen as he had.

The flow through his cock became a dribble, and then the pink substance in the tube felt like it was massaging his cock from the base up to gobble up any semen that might still be inside his length. The electricity around his nipples and balls didn't stop flowing until he became entirely flaccid again, and it was only when the machine was satisfied that he had been milked dry that it retreated away into the hatch with its anal stimulating partner.

The wires restraining him pulled away as well, and then he was left alone to float in the blue tank again. Erin was stuck in a strange state of mind: there was the afterglow of orgasm mixed with massive confusion. Then the voice shook him again. "Genetic code extracted and catalogued. Commence disposal of specimen."

Erin's body shook as he heard that word. What did it mean by that? He was just going to be disposed from the tank, right? By being released?

Then he felt a pressure around his entire body. Pressure that was slowly increasing. It started choking him, and he felt his eyes start to hurt. He swam to the glass and started pounding on it, fueled by his need to survive. The blue liquid felt like it was trying to crush the life out of him now, and soon he had to stop pounding on the glass walls so he could cover his eyes. His eyeballs felt like they were going to explode of their sockets, and the liquid also particularly pained his other vulnerable extremity: his testicles. He screamed in horror and pain, and his knees bashed against the glass while he begged between the screams to let him out. His screams became muffled, however, as soon he could no longer breath with the pressure on his neck and chest, and his kicks grew weaker and weaker.

He couldn't see with his hands over his eyes, but he heard another voice. It was distinct, different. A male voice. It sounded less synthetic, but still unnatural. "Computer, override. Authorization code alpha omega four one one seven."

Erin felt the pressure suddenly lift away, and then he heard one of the hatches open again. He gasped for air while the fluid drained away, and soon he was standing on the floor looking at the blue water escape through the top hatch. Without the liquid, there was nothing left in the tank to light his vision and he just stood in the middle of the tank, feeling violated and afraid.

Then the whole tank was awash with light. He could see the light coming from the outside through the foggy glass, but he couldn't make out anything outside beyond vague shapes. There was one shape, however, that seemed to move and grow. It came closer to his tank, and Erin realized it was someone. Through the obscured glass, he could tell it was a person; there was the vaguely defined shape of four limbs and a head, at least.

He pressed his forehead against the glass to try and see through it clearer, but then the glass opened up and he fell forward. He saw a coat on the person, a white coat, but that was all he saw before he noticed the floor of the tank was elevated relative to the floor on the outside, and then he felt his head knock against the floor before seeing black again.

Erin fumbled with his hands wrapped around a thick sheet of cloth. He turned his head along a pillow, and then his eyes snapped open as he realized he was in a bed. A very comfy bed too, so he knew it wasn't his.

He sat up slowly, still feeling a throbbing pain on his forehead, and rubbed at it with his palms. Where am I now? Was that all a dream?

After the pain dulled enough, he took a good look around the bed he had been sleeping in. He saw silver walls, maybe made of aluminum. Odd, he thought, since hospital rooms were usually painted plain white. The room was well-lit by a light on the ceiling, a little strip that seemed like it should've been only as bright as a nightlight. There was no door, only an opening where a door should've been. The room had a bookshelf stocked with items Erin couldn't describe, and there were no windows anywhere. He twisted over so he sat on the edge of the bed, and then he rubbed his head again to think and soothe his forehead.

What was going on? Did he take way too much weed and imagined everything? Did he really even go to class today? Maybe he had, and then his mind was just screwing with him. Hell, he could be high right now and envisioning his own room as something else.

Then he heard footsteps. They grew louder, and then a shadow hovered over the entrance of the room. The shadow stepped forward, and then the light shone over the...something.

Erin rubbed his eyes to make sure they were working right. He looked again, and he could not change what he saw. A muzzled face, head with frilled ears and a pair of silver horns, scales colored black. White hair, hawked on his head to somewhere behind him. A tail, dragging along the ground. Muscular, yet thin, arms that extended into normal-looking hands. Legs attached to digitigrade feet, also thin but muscular. If Erin had to explain what he saw, he would say he saw a humanoid dragon; that was the most fitting description he could find. Except he had no wings. And he was a he, for sure, as he saw a hefty sack swing below the dragon's cock sheath.

"Don't be afraid," the dragon said.

Erin rubbed his eyes again, but the dragon didn't go away. He noticed a small chip attached onto one of his ear frills, and another near on the side of his neck. "Am I high?"

"You are high," the dragon said back. "Very high. Space."

"So I'm totally spaced out, huh? Who are you?"

"I am Jor'val. You are?"

"Jor'val? I'm Erin. Who are you really? Is that you, Kevin?" he asked, believing that he was hallucinating and seeing his roommate as a dragon.

"I am Jor'val," the dragon repeated himself. "Come, follow me."

"I don't want more weed, dude, I'm already way out of it."



Erin got out of the bed and noticed he was still naked but couldn't spot any clothes, so then followed the dragon out of the room. Jor'val walked leisurely, his tail sweeping along the floor like a broom fanning the ground. The man had to admit the dragon was particularly sexy in an exotic way, and he briefly imagined fondling his hefty pair of testicles.

They walked into a hall, cold silver walls lining every way they went, and then the dragon stopped in front of a piece of glass. Erin stood off his side, and only saw darkness through the glass.

"Look," Jor'val said. He stepped aside to let the human look at the glass.

Erin moved over and looked through. A hand slipped over his lips, and he gasped as he understood what exactly he was looking at. The glass was a window, and outside were white streaks flying by. Space.

He turned his head towards the dragon and stared at his faintly blue eyes. "Space? I'm in space? And you're not Kevin?"

"Yes," the dragon replied. "I am Jor'val. You are in space. Please do not be afraid."

A hundred questions bubbled up to the human's mind, and he took a few seconds to figure which one was best to ask. He settled with, "Why am I here?"

"Come with me, and I shall explain."

The dragon started walking away again, and suddenly Erin was afraid. He didn't know what the dragon-alien thing's intentions were, and he didn't know whether he should trust him. But he was more afraid of being left alone there, in the hall, looking out at the vast emptiness of space. He followed.

They walked into a small room bare of anything except a small polished white cone in the middle. Jor'val stood opposite across Erin so that the cone separated them, and then he said, "Ship diagram."

The cone lit up, and then a spaceship formed out of the light appeared between them.

"We're on this?" Erin asked.

"Yes," Jor'val replied. "We are on the Alexandria. It is the greatest legacy of my species. The ship was built to travel the universe and record and save every life form it comes across."

Erin thought back to the tank he was imprisoned in. "So you were recording my genetic make-up?"

"Yes. You are smarter than the computer thinks."

Erin smiled at that, but then thought about how the water had tried to kill him. "Why did it try to dispose me?"

"It is standard protocol," Jor'val said. "Alexandria does not stop over a planet for long, and it does not return to the same planet twice. The ship takes a random member of the dominant species of a life-bearing planet and records its genetic makeup, and then the ship destroys them unless the computer believes the subject has a greater than 99 percent chance of sentience."

"And I had a 95 percent chance." He smiled a little and said, "This ship is like a technological Noah's Ark. So how come I am still alive now?"

The dragon closed his eyes. "Ninety-five is more than enough for me. Since the conception of this ship, I have never found a species with more than an eighty-percent chance of being intelligent."

"How old is this ship?"

"Alexandria has wandered through space for about five millennia now."

"Five thousand years? How could you have been with the ship since its creation? Are there others like you on board?"

"No, there are no others. My body is recreated every century or so from my original DNA sequence saved in the ship. My mind is transferred over every time, but every transfer I forget a little of my past. I know only of my home world through the ship's library of data and entertainment, built for me so that I don't go insane: I have forgotten my own memories of home."

Erin had taken a step back. "How can you not go insane living by yourself for thousands of years? Why is it only you on this ship?"

"I might have. Probably why I released you. The other question is easier to answer. The ship is built to sustain itself, but without life entropy always increases. Someone must tend to the ship, or it will fail in time. Alexandria did not have the capacity to support more than one person from renewable energy alone. The replicators to create food use a ton of energy is mostly why."

Erin sighed. "So does that mean you'll send me home now?"

"No," Jor'val said. Erin's eyes revealed his fear. "Rather, I cannot even if I wished to. There are some things I can control on the ship, but its course is not one of them."

Erin just stood there and faced the dragon, his eyes desperately pleading for some solution. He would never see his home again, then. His parents, his stupid roommate, his sister; they were all as good as dead to him now. The dragon gave him a minute to fully realize his situation, and then Erin's concerns grew towards his stomach which had started to ache after seeing the stars through the window.

Erin asked, "If the ship can only sustain one person, then how am I supposed to survive?"

Jor'val smiled a little, causing the human's fears to abate a little. "I have been on this ship for five thousand years. I've managed to make the ship's energy consumption much more efficient so that it could probably sustain four or five people now, at the very least."

"Oh, good. Can I have some food then?"

The dragon nodded. "Of course. This way."

The human followed the dragon again to a larger room, this one with a table and a pair of chairs. One of the chairs fit with the sleek silver styling of the table and the walls, but the other chair seemed to be made of some colorful materials, and it seemed to actually be comfortable compared to the cold that he felt just from looking at the silver chair. He sat himself down in the colorful chair and watched Jor'val speak to a rectangular hole in the wall in a language he didn't understand.

The hole filled with stuff on a plate, and then the dragon pulled the plate out to the desk. Erin looked over the food with curiosity: there was a soft pink mass of meat, some bulbing small vegetable that looked like it was purple broccoli, and by some miracle there was a familiar mound of simple white rice.

The dragon opened a drawer under the replicator and handed him a funky piece of eating utensil. It was like a spork, but the third spike was underneath the other two so it looked like a triangular poking stick. He scooped up some rice first, somewhat comforted by its familiarity, and took a mouthful. It tasted the same as normal rice, he thought, so he ate some more. Eventually he ate the pink meat and found that its taste to be enjoyable, like soft beef, but the purple vegetable was just as repugnant as broccoli.

Jor'val ate his own meal on the silver chair, the same plate of food he had ordered for Erin, and when they both finished he put the plates back into the replicator. They disappeared, and then Erin was about to ask him how the replicator worked but then the dragon placed a hand on his shoulder. He stared at it: it had five fingers, one thumb, and was exactly like a human hand except for its black scales. It was warm too, and he wanted to ask Jor'val what he was doing.

The dragon sensed his impending question, however, and spoke first. "I do not remember how it feels to touch another," he said. "I only know of what it should feel like from the literature database. If it discomforts you, I will not do it again."

Erin could feel sympathy for what the dragon had gone through. Thousands of years without another person to talk with, to laugh with, to feel with, to love with. He probably would've killed himself. "No," he said, "It actually feels nice. Your hand feels not very different from a human's hand."

The dragon craned his head down so that his head settled over the human's flat hair, the black strands melding with the dragon's black scales. "Thank you," he said, "I am very lonely."

Erin wrapped an arm around the black dragon's belly, and then he heard a sniffle. Jor'val was crying.

"The last time," the dragon stammered, "the last time I opened the tank, Alexandria calculated that the chance of the creature inside being sentient was seventy-nine percent. It wasn't. Lunged right at me after I opened it, and I had to destroy it myself. Scary thing too, six legs and massive jaws. From then on, I didn't dare to open it unless the computer did. Then I saw you."

Erin could understand that. He was only sure the dragon was friendly because he assumed he was just a weed-induced hallucination, but from Jor'val's point of view he could've been seen as a potential threat. "Why did you let me out?"

Jor'val lifted his head away and backed off, but he kept his hand on the human's shoulder. "Highest calculated intelligence I have seen. And your appearance is very dracomorphic."

"So in the entire universe the only other intelligent and sapient species you've found is humanity? And what do you mean I look dracomorphic?"

"That is correct. And I mean look at yourself: you have one head, two arms, two legs that you stand upright on, two eyes, and one mouth; if you think about it your body is more similar to mine than you realize."

That was true. Erin should've realized how different aliens could be; he loved science-fiction and often dreamed of being an astronaut. In fact, he was majoring in Aerospace Engineering back in his university. "Funny, I would've said that you look like a humanoid dragon."

Jor'val tapped the chip on his right ear frill and smiled. "Dragon. Yes, I do appear like the dragons in your culture. In your self-centric point of view, I could indeed be described as a humanoid dragon."

Self-centric, right, that was normal. Just like he described him as dracomorphic. "What is that thing on your ear?"

"It's a translation chip. Lets me understand you. It connects to the Alexandria's database, and since it scanned your language it knows a little about your culture. The one on my neck converts my speech into English."

"Fascinating," Erin said. He reached out to touch the chip on the dragon's neck and felt him shiver as his hand rubbed over the smooth black scales there. He heard the dragon purr like a cat as his hand slid over to rub the area around his ear chip, and then he continued to feel around his muzzle. The dragon leaned forward to let him feel more of himself, and the human kept caressing the dragon's around the dragon's head, feeling how his scales softened and hardened in various spots. Erin's hand reached the top of his head, brushed over the line of white hair between his horns, and then he gripped the silver horns. They felt cold like actual silver, but he liked holding them nonetheless.

Jor'val, meanwhile, had leaned out of his chair and started pressing his entire body against the human. Erin released his horns and started caressing the rougher scales on his back, and then the dragon whispered to him, "I will not lie to you. I also released you because I felt...attracted to you."


The dragon stopped and retreated back a little. "I am sorry. Alexandria has taken you from your home forever, and here I am trying to take advantage of you. It's just; it has been so long..."

"No, please. Don't kick yourself over it. I always wanted to travel through space, so I suppose it's not too bad. I think if I'm stuck here no matter what, we might as well get to know each other. And I have to admit, you look pretty damn hot."

The dragon's face lightened considerably, and he smiled wider than he had for a very long time. "I am glad the feeling is mutual. Would you...would you like to continue?"

Erin knew where this was going, and he wasn't sure why he found it appealing. The dragon was attractive, sure, but he was an alien. Did it matter here, out in empty space, what anyone at home might think? He mentally shook his head. Not at all, no. He wanted to do it too; he wanted Jor'val to have someone to touch him, someone to love him. His hand was still touching the dragon's back, and he pulled him closer. "Yes," he whispered.

The dragon leaned forward until nearly his entire weight pressed against the human, but then there was a snap in the colorful seat before it collapsed. Jor'val pressed his hands against the floor so he wouldn't crush the human, and after they settled down he rolled sideways and let himself fall.

"Sorry," Jor'val said, "I made that chair myself. Never was too sturdy."

Erin laughed a little, and then he sat himself up. "I liked it. Looked much comfier than the silver one. And it was very artsy."

The dragon's face gleamed again. "Really? You think so? I can make another one, a pair for the both of us!"

"That would be fun! I could help too." Erin rolled over so that he was on top of the dragon now. He felt his ball sack rub along the dragon's soft black one, but he managed to restrain grinding himself into him then and there. "Umm, could we maybe do this somewhere more comfortable?"

Jor'val chuckled a little too. "Sure, let's go back to my room."

They helped each other up, and then they walked back to the room that Erin had woken up in. The human paused for a moment to stare out the window again and look at the passing stars. There was a pang of sadness as he watched: his home was gone, and there was no chance he could ever return. He wondered if anyone could ever guess what happened to him, but he decided not to dwell on such thoughts for now.

Jor'val waited for him to sort his thoughts, and then they continued their way back to his room. Erin was a bit mesmerized by the way the dragon's tail swished the floor and stared at it most of the way. Before they reached the opening to the room, he had to ask, "Do you walk around naked all the time?"

The dragon laughed loudly. "Yes? The ship's life support system keeps the temperature constant, and there's nobody else on board to care for modesty. There's no reason to wear any clothes, but the replicator can make some if you want them."

The air did feel fine, so Erin rejected the offer. Besides, if he started wearing clothes then the dragon might too, and he wouldn't want him to cover such a sexy body.

A sexy draconic body. One that he'd be feeling a lot of, soon enough. Jor'val sat down on the edge of the bed in his room, and Erin stood next to him as if he were waiting for the dragon to start something.

Instead, Jor'val faked a cough. "Umm, truth be told I don't remember how...I mean I might've done it on my home planet before, but I wouldn't remember that. The only things I know now are what I see and read in the Alexandria's entertainment database..."

Erin raised an eyebrow. "So you don't remember how to have sex?"


Erin wanted to chuckle, but he didn't want to hurt the dragon's feelings. "Alright," he said instead, "don't worry. I've done it before. I suppose I should consider you a virgin, then?"

"This body hasn't experienced sexual intercourse before, so it is technically correct to do so."

That was true, Erin thought. He briefly wondered if the ship could clone him when he neared old age, but he quickly brushed that thought aside; now was not the time.

Erin pressed his hand against the dragon's chest and his lips against the dragon's muzzle tip until they both lay down on the bed. The dragon's muzzle didn't have lips so he couldn't kiss him back, but he did stick out the tip of his tongue and slide it into the human's mouth when he tried to kiss him again. Erin's eyes widened as he felt the slithery intruder slide along his own tongue, and then he tried to have his slick appendage dance with the dragon's, but his tongue was far less dexterous than the dragon's and he only managed to wetly slap it around as he tried to wrestle with it.

The human eventually stopped concentrating on besting the dragon's performance, and instead he ground his half-erect member between the dragon's balls and up his sheath. He lightly continued grinding himself until he could feel his shaft harden and slide along the dragon's emerging one. He wanted to look down and see what it looked like, but the dragon's tongue kept his head locked in placed against his muzzle so he just satisfied that desire by imagining what it might've looked like based on what he felt rub along his member.

The dragon's cock was, expectedly, bigger at the base. It tapered off at the end, and he could feel some indentations along the length of it. Ridges, he figured. It would definitely feel different to have such an exotic cock in his ass, and he wanted to start riding it so he had no choice but to start tugging his head back.

The dragon reluctantly released his tongue, but his blue eyes stared into the human's brown eyes; they were silently pleading to continue.

"Sorry," Erin said, "I have to see what I'm doing. At least for now."

Jor'val nodded, and then he watched the human sit up until he was crouching over the dragon's fully engorged member. Erin glanced at the eight inch cock and wished he had some lube, but he wasn't sure the dragon would have any. He could probably make some from the replicator but he didn't want to spoil the mood so instead he spat onto his fingers and shoved them into his rear until he was satisfied that he could take the dragon's length without too much pain.

He lowered his ass down until he felt the tapered dragon cock rub along his bottom and try to find his opening. He shifted a little up and down until the shaft slipped in, and then he began lowering himself.

The initial penetration was easy thanks to the small diameter of the dragon's cock at the tip, and Erin wondered why human cocks weren't designed like that. He lowered himself at least three-fourths of the way before it became harder, and there his cock wielded more girth than the head of his own shaft.

Jor'val, meanwhile, was completely lost in ecstasy. He moaned louder and louder with every inch the human took, and tried to crane his neck and lap at Erin's cock with his long slender tongue so that he could share what he was feeling. He knew sex with another was pleasurable, but he had been detached from it for so long that he didn't remember how it felt: masturbation had become so dull after the ages and felt like nothing compared to this.

Erin decided not to press himself further and instead decided to let himself open up over the course of riding the dragon, so he pushed himself up and began the rhythm of sex. The ridges did tickle his insides as amazingly as he thought they would, and the top ones would slide against his prostrate and cause him to dribble a small load of pre that the dragon's tongue would greedily slurp off his cock head.

Jor'val still had his instincts and they told his hips to thrust. He did; gently at first, and then harder with each stroke Erin took. The human's rear opened up slowly, but eventually he managed to hilt himself into his ass and he felt his balls slap against the back of his pebbly butt. He could feel the human's hanging balls slap against the middle of his waist too, and he began thrusting harder and harder so Erin didn't have to move himself so much.

It was a good thing too since the human was starting to get tired. Riding was always an awkward position to him, but he wanted to take the dragon's cock without making him work too much. Still, he was thankful the dragon started bearing some of the sex work and he let himself slow down and basked in the pleasure of being rammed by an exotic piece of alien dragon cock while having his own shaft being rubbed over and over by that lavish tongue.

Erin couldn't take much more. The dragon's thrusts grew rougher and rougher, and his ridges kept grinding against his prostrate. His balls sent little tingles of pleasure each time they slapped against the dragon's scaly black waist, and then he felt Jor'val's tongue completely wrap around his head. He felt the final spike of pleasure fly from his insides up to the tip of his cock, and then he came even harder than he had from being milked in the tank. Love, and the natural feeling of sharing pleasure with another, was far greater than any mechanical pleasure the machines could create, and his seed blasted past the dragon's tongue. His first shot coated the dragon's black muzzle scales, and each subsequent shot flew over his neck, chest, and belly until it finally weakened into a small dribble that flowed onto the dragon's waist, some of it sticking onto his ball sack.

The sight of the human's seed coating his body, combined with the feeling of his cock being tightened around by his ass in rhythmic pulses, sent Jor'val over the edge as well. His first sexual relationship in millennia culminated into a massive load shot right up into the human's ass, and there was enough already after the second spurt for the following shots to blast his cream out around his shaft and around his crotch. By the time he was done unloading his seed, his entire lower body was coated in his white cum, and it went with how his upper body was painted white with Erin's cum.

Afterwards, Erin drooped down and laid his head down onto the dragon's arm, panting hard. The dragon's cock slipped out of his ass, and the loads of dragon seed in him came flowing out until the dragon's entire central body was white with cum.

Jor'val was panting too when he felt Erin's head fall onto his arm. He curled it around him and softly petted his hair while the human leaned in to lick his seed off his muzzle. He helped by slurping his tongue around his mouth, and then they just laid next to each other, enjoying the afterglow of sex.

"I enjoyed that," Erin whispered. "I think I'll like spending the rest of my life on this ship, if that's what must happen. As long as you're here, I'll be happy."

Jor'val smiled, happy that Erin was happy. He still felt bad for the human for taking him away from his home even if he had no control over it. He certainly did not regret saving his life, however, and he was finally not alone anymore. "Thank you," he said.

"For what?"

"For not hating me."

"Why would I hate you?"

"You can't go home because of me."

"You said so yourself. It's the ship's fault. It's the ship's fault you can't go home either. And thanks to you, I'm not dead, right?"


"Then stop beating yourself over it."

The dragon rolled himself over to his side, and then he pulled Erin into a tight embrace.

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