The Demon of Phlegdis

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#3 of Currents of Magic

Hello, this is the third part of my story series now called "Currents of Magic."

You can find the rest here

  1. The Cleric of Elshire

  2. The Wizard of Cairn

  3. The Demon of Phlegdis (You are here)

Warning! This part contains a male demon wolf raping a male anthropomorphic dragon. You can skip the *** section if you don't want to read the rape, but you might miss out on some character development.


The Demon of Phlegdis


"You can't possibly put that in me," Kevin said.

The dragonkin cleric was still tied upon the summoned pillar, bound with astral cords, and Onival, the wolf demon, stood near his tail and craned his back ominously over him.

"I could," the demon said, "But I would rather have you alive and talking."

The Demon Lord of Lust and Greed waived his paws and a red fire trailed around his massive canine cock. The giant member shrank from the size of one of the half-dragon's legs to something more manageable, but Kevin's eyes remained wide as he took a heavy gulp and prayed silently for mercy.

"Will you answer now?"


"Then we'll do this until you do."

Kevin didn't respond, but he had a clue as to what the demon was going to do.

Still, it was unexpected when the wolf rammed his entire length into him and he cried out from the pain. The demon's cock was still massive and was not lubricated at all, but he was sure he felt his insides create their own crimson lubricant.

The wolf demon was relentless and gave him no time to rest. He pounded into the half-dragon without care, and his bindings started to chafe through his scales from the intense force he was being fucked with. The wolf cock was burning hot and it was tearing his insides despite the blood. Every time the wolf speared himself forward, he could feel his fuzzy balls slap against his tail as he shoved and tried to force himself deeper and deeper.

"All you have to do is answer my questions and I will stop," the demon said.

"I refuse."

"You know you will break eventually. Why not stop now?"

Kevin narrowed his eyes at him. "Go back to Hell."

"Fine, if you want to play it that way. It looks like your body is already giving in."

The dragonkin looked down and, to his shame, found his own shaft had emerged from its slit.

The demon was the Lord of Lust and proved it by adjusting his forceful thrusts so that his cock would ram right around the poor half-breed's prostrate.

That brought a little pleasure through all the pain, but Kevin tried to reject it. His mind failed to control his body, however, and soon his own dragon cock stood firm.

"Well, it certainly looks like a dragon's," the wolf said with a lick of his lips.

He grabbed the dragonkin's erect length with his paws and started pumping it quickly and roughly. The pulsing heat from his paw sent a strange mixture of pain and pleasure to Kevin's brain, and he whined from his stressed mental state of confusion.

The half-dragon's body was not obeying his mind, despite all his concentration. He tried to detach himself from his body and was only partially successful. He wanted to slay this demon, he thought, and send his foul remains back to Phlegdis, the Circle of Hell he thought was most probable the origin of the wolf, and then find and strike down the warlock that had thrown him here in vengeance.

His thoughts were interrupted when Onival spoke. "Hmm, not exactly like a dragon's."

Kevin wondered what he meant and noticed the wolf had stopped thrusting, but then he shuddered as he felt the wolf's paws grip around the base of his cock. Every breath the demon took sent another painful burning sensation to his mind.

"Yep," the wolf said, "It's definitely missing something."

"What are you-"

The cleric was cut off as he felt the wolf demon start ramming him again. However, he felt that the thrusts were more restrained, or perhaps he was truly losing his mind.

And then he felt why. The wolf pushed himself against the dragonkin, and then he could feel that the wolf had not been hilting into him with each thrust; instead, he realized that he had been hitting the swollen base at his canine cock. He hadn't noticed that the knot had swollen large enough that it had only felt like he was being hilted with every shove, but he had realized the wolf's fuzzy balls were no longer slapping against his tail.

The wolf didn't restrain himself for long, however, and soon Kevin felt the wolf forcing himself in with all his might to try to stretch his hole beyond reason. His bonds dug into his scales painfully as the wolf shoved harder and harder, and he felt nothing but pure agony from his tailhole. He couldn't tolerate the pain and unleashed a scream that seemed to vibrate the room.

The wolf only perked his ears at the sound of his suffering, however, though he did stop for a mere moment to speak. "Cry louder, my little half-dragon. It only makes me hornier."

Then the wolf continued ramming himself into Kevin's tailhole. He tried to resist screaming to prevent the wolf from having such satisfaction, but the pain broke his will and he failed.

Roshul, the warlock in another part of the house, winced as he heard the horrible screams that pierced through the walls. He couldn't imagine what the demon was doing, and had no desire to open the door to his basement to see.

The wolf kept smashing himself against that abused hole, but it would not give and accommodate his knot. He paused, leaned back a little, and stared at the defeated cleric. The wolf brushed his paw around the dragonkin's white hair and rubbed his ears a little.

"It's a shame," Onival said, "You really are quite handsome." He lowered his furry muzzle next to the ear he was rubbing and whispered to him, "I'll stop, you know. Just tell me what I want to know."

Kevin spat at him and the saliva frosted into a shard of ice when it touched the demon's fur before quickly melting back into water from his heat. He was not going to give in, and now he wanted nothing more than to smash the wolf's head against a wall. He wanted him to pay for what he was doing to him and forgot the real reason he was not going to speak: to protect Alric.

Revenge was all the half-dragon could think about, and he wanted nothing less than the demon's blood splattered against the wall. "Fuck you," he said.

The wolf brushed the melted ice off his cheek and snarled at him. "Fine, if that's how you're going to be, then so be it."

Onival rammed his cock back in all the way to the knot, and then he shoved hard. He was relentless and leaned over the dragonkin's body to try and push harder, and Kevin screamed again as tears started welling up in his eyes. The demon never let up and kept pushing harder until at last the half-dragon's bloodied tailhole stretched over his massive knot and locked the canine cock inside.

"You can tell me what happened to those mercenaries whenever you feel like," the wolf whispered. He wiped the tears off the half-dragon's cheeks with his burning paws and grinned, baring his teeth. That was all the respite the he was going to have.

The demon started ravaging Kevin's ass and pulled and tugged and shoved in him with his knot still inside. The poor dragonkin just wanted to pass out, but the jolting pain wouldn't knock him unconscious, and he wasn't sure whether it was because of his physical training or because of some power the demon was using on him. Either way, he cursed both and kept crying and screaming despite his attempts to control himself.

Kevin lost all thought, and time became meaningless to him. The tiny pleasure the carnal act was creating was swept over by the pain, and he only stared blankly at the ceiling as the wolf kept on spearing into him. At some point, his tailhole had been torn so wide apart that the wolf could thrust his entire length, knot and all, in and out while his burning paws gripped at his horns. Every time the swollen gland popped through his ass he would whine a bit and his eyes would water a bit more.

The wolf had reached down with a paw, releasing on of his horns, and started pumping his dragon cock again too, but he felt nothing from it except for the burning heat from his paw. He didn't even notice when he had climaxed, and only realized it when he felt wetness along his belly. He saw the wolf greedily slurp his seed away and drink it down, and then the wolf went right back ramming into him with both his paws tightly wrapped around his horns. He wished the demon would finish already.

That wish was, thankfully, soon to be granted. The wolf's savage thrusts became erratic, and then his hefty furred balls tightened against his loins. The wolf howled, and the intensity of the sound caused the half-dragon's ears to start ringing.

The wolf came. He came hard. His cum was burning hot too, and it seared at his insides. Kevin cried again from the pain, but the wolf didn't stop shooting his seed deep into his bowels. The canine cock just kept pumping more and more burning cum into him, and it even started spurting out around his tail despite the knot plugging his abused hole.

Then the wolf pulled his cock, still shooting cum, out of the half-dragon. He grabbed it with his paws and directed the pumping seed all over his scaly body, and when at last the stream started weakening, he raised himself higher so he could let the last drops of his demon seed dribble over the dragonkin's face.


Kevin felt disgusted. He was covered with the thick demon cum, and he felt utterly humiliated and hurt. His eyes continued to water from the pain, and he didn't take his eyes off the ceiling.

"So strong," Onival said. "So brave. So handsome." His paws clamped around the half-dragon's muzzle. "Come now, surely no information is worth this much suffering?"

Kevin gathered his will to speak, but even then his reply was weak and muffled. "I won't."

The wolf released his muzzle and sighed. "I didn't want to resort to this, but you're the only one that has ever resisted so much."

The fire on the demon wolf's back flared, and then he snapped his fingers.

Horrible wracking pain burned throughout the dragonkin's body, and he cried louder than he had while he was being raped, louder than he thought was possible. From deep within his bowels to his body and face, everywhere the demon's seed touched burst into horrible pain, and he twitched and writhed against his bindings while his cries pierced the walls.

Onival snapped his fingers again and the pain subsided. Kevin gasped for breath as he wiggled from the leftover stinging, and tears flowed freely down his cheek.

It disgusted him how the demon used that sacred life-giving fluid to inflict such horrific suffering. He glanced down at his body and saw the demon's semen still sticking to his body unchanged. It was sick, he thought; the corrupt semen was used to cause pain without physically injuring the victim. It was nothing but a tool for torture. It was supposed to be a fluid for forging new life, to represent a bond of love, and to bring pleasure, not to cause such suffering as the demon had corrupted it to do. It was wholly distasteful, but he had not the strength to do anything about it. The demon could torture him like this for a while longer, but he was already broken.

"Please," the half-dragon mumbled, "No more. Please."

The wolf grinned. "Tell me what happened to the mercenaries. Did they have a rod on them?"

He stammered while gasping for breath. "I killed them. Rod, yes, a gold one. Took it home."

Roshul shivered as he heard the screams through the wall die down. He couldn't resist the urge to open that door and see what was happening, but he was still afraid. Still, he wanted to know if Onival had learned anything, or if he was just wasting time playing with the cleric.

He plucked his tome under his arm and gathered his resolve. It had been a while already, and he wanted to know if the demon was making progress. He went in front of the blasted basement door and hesitated for a moment, but then he forged on through and opened it.

Just from a glance, he could see quite obviously what the demon had been doing. His red wolf cock was still hard and leaking fluids, and the dragonkin cleric was covered in sticky white seed while his abused hole was filled with a mixture of white and red. The wolf shot him an annoyed look as he heard him enter the room.

"Milord," the warlock said with a bow, "I just thought I would check in on any progress."

The demon's face relaxed and he grinned. "You're just in time. The rod is at the cleric's home in Elshire. Go fetch it for your master."

Roshul nodded nervously. "Yes milord."

He left and shut the door quickly. He'd have to get the wizard to make a teleportation circle for him, so he decided to send him a call.

The warlock didn't get very far, however, as he was stunned in surprise by the sudden appearance of another wizard in his living room.

Alric twirled his massive cloak around to see the area as he finished the transportation spell, and then he stopped when his eyes met with the other practitioner of the arcane in the room.

They were locked in a wide-eyed staring contest, but after a long moment of blocked thought, Alric moved first.

He waived his arm in a circle above him, spoke a word, and a flowing shield enveloped him. It shimmered as he spoke to the warlock. "Why do you have my," he paused. "My friend, locked up behind a pile of wards? Why have you kidnapped him?"

Roshul looked upon him with scorn. "Your friend? The priest? He knows something of value to me, and that is all I will say. Leave my home at once, you are breaking and entering."

"Breaking and entering?" Alric said, "You kidnapped my friend, and I'm not leaving until you give him back."

The warlock whirled his own black cloak over himself, and then he simply stared at the wizard while he spoke. "I do hope you're not insisting on staying."

"I am."

Roshul was thumbing through his hefty tome under the cloak while they stayed locked in a staring contest.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to force you out," Roshul finally said.

"Try me."

Alric dashed his hand in a sweeping motion and called out, "Disea!" The earth split through the floor of the tidy home and a spike of rock lunged at the warlock.

The warlock was quick, however, and he muttered another word and his own barrier formed to deflect the stone. The barrier and earth met, and then they clashed for dominance until at last the stone cracked and crumbled into pieces.

The wizard was momentarily stunned from being violently torn out of his concentration, and Roshul pressed his advantage. He pulled his tome out and flipped it open to the page his thumb had lodged itself in and called out a stream of words to launch a powerful spell.

A jet of blue fire leapt from the page of the book. The fire twirled and twisted with streaks of darkness as it flew towards Alric. The wizard regained his focus and grappled it onto the shield that he had erected when he first warped into the room.

The stream of blue and black fire slammed into his shield and flowed around it as it tried to penetrate his defense. The fire held steady as Alric held on and tried to think of a way out of his situation.

The warlock was a strong user of the arcane, Alric thought, but he guessed that his knowledge of channeling words was weak, which was probably why he needed to carry around a tome. But then again, he had been able to summon a shield just as quickly as he could, though that was a simple and strong spell that needed only one word. What was truly odd, though, was that he was summoning the fire from the book instead of from his body or his hands in particular.

That tome was probably the key to the warlock's power, then. His shield started flickering as it began to fail, but Alric betted his life on his next move.

With a flick of a finger and a mutter, another shard of stone erupted from beneath the warlock. Roshul hadn't expected the wizard to do anything but focus on defending himself and was unprepared for the sneak attack.

That was what it was: a sneak attack. Alric couldn't focus on a large enough spike to seriously maim or kill the warlock or his concentration on his shield would break and he would burn alive, but he was able to give a little focus on bringing up a small rock from the earth while holding his shield steady.

The little piece of rock was nowhere near enough to seriously hurt the warlock, but that wasn't Alric's plan. He willed the shard to hit the tome, and it did so with great speed. His bet was well placed, and the book was knocked out of the warlock's hands and the flames ceased erupting from it.

Roshul yelped as the book flew away from him, and then he leapt at it after a momentary stun of surprise.

But Alric knew he would go after the book. He pointed his finger at the book and made a curving motion around it while he hastily spoke the word for a barrier spell.

When Roshul landed, he fell upon nothing but air. The shield around the tome kept him away from it, and then he slid down as if a glass window had barred his way. He shoved himself up and glared at the wizard.

As Alric expected, he made no attempt to attack. Without the tome, he knew no offensive spells. He dispelled the barrier around himself to concentrate his focus on another attack, but the warlock moved again and spoke.

"Curse this feeble body," he said. "I pity you humans. Can't even channel a bit of arcane power without an encapsulating word or phrase." He explained no further and he pulled his hand out of his black cloak and threw something at the ground.

Alric was confused at what the warlock had said. Only elves and dragons could cast arcane magic without speaking, and he had seemed perfectly human to him. Still, he didn't let the thought interrupt him and continued willing up a piece of earth to smite his enemy.

"Disea!" Alric called out again, but it was too late. The warlock had thrown a ball at the ground and the ball had been storing an emergency teleportation spell. The floor he stood upon had instantly drawn itself into a circle and warped him away while Alric's spike of rock struck at nothing.

The wizard wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead and sighed in relief. It had been a while since he'd participated in a magical duel, though this one he felt he had cheated a little. He was tired, but the earthquakes had kept him in practice and he felt the battle hadn't sapped him of as much strength as the previous earthquake that sent him to his new mate. He let the barrier around the tome dissipate, and then he went over to pick it up. He sifted through the tome and understood it was some sort of spellbook that specialized in the element of fire.

The tome had a tassel bookmark attached to its spine, and he paused at the page the tassel had set itself in. He looked at it and saw a sketch of the very rod he had in his cloak. The Rod of Onival.

He skimmed through the passage describing the rod, and then noticed an asterisk by a paragraph. Another paragraph was preceded by two asterisks. He looked at the bottom of the page and found that the single asterisk referred to a footnote at the bottom of the page. It said that the rod was needed to grant Onival, the fire demon of lust and greed, his full power in the mortal world.

Now the pieces started fitting together in Alric's mind. He figured that the warlock was searching for the rod for some nefarious purpose, and that perhaps he had hired mercenaries to hunt for the rod. They had found it too, but then Kevin had slain them in self-defense and somehow the warlock and discovered that, which was why he had kidnapped him.

Alric tried to figure out what the pair of asterisks was supposed to mean, but he didn't find another footnote at the bottom of the page. He decided he was wasting time, in any case, and shut the tome. He put it under his arm and headed for the door that his divination spell would not allow him to pass.

He held his hand around the handle and took a deep breath. He expected it to have been locked or something, but the handle swung down without much effort and he pushed open the door.

The wizard froze as his eyes wandered about. The whole room was lit an ethereal purple, and there were twelve wizards standing around at equal distances upon the circumference of a large summoning circle. They stared with blankly white eyes toward the middle, and he knew they were being dominated by Magebane; there was probably one in each of the wizard's cloak's hoods. The rare stones' power was concentrated on controlling the wizards, thankfully, and they were not sapping his strength.

Still, what he saw at the center of the room did make his knees feel weak and his stomach felt like it was twisting into knots. Kevin, his new mate and protector, was tied upon a crystal pillar with sticky white fluid covering most of his body. A humanoid wolf creature stood over him, the demon Onival as he recognized from a picture in the tome, and he was stroking his mate's hair and slobbering his tongue all over his muzzle. It was very obvious what the fluid that covered him was as the wizard could clearly see the wolf's still half-erect cock rubbing against his dragonkin mate's bound wing.

The wolf stopped lapping at his toy when he saw the human enter. He was about to bark at the human for bothering him once again, but then he realized this new intruder wasn't Roshul.

Alric felt like throwing up as he saw the tears running down his mate's eyes, but his knees gave out before he could feel the disgust rise any further. He fell, dropped the tome, and, unfortunately, his arm dropped within the circle.

The wolf hopped over, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him entirely inside the circle. He sniffed at the human. "Well, what's this then? Another person to...question? Where is the warlock?"

Kevin bent his head down and saw the wolf demon leaning over someone. His body hurt, and it took him a while to recognize who it was. Alric. His mate. He wanted to rub his eyes and wish it weren't him, but his hands were tied and he doubted he would have the strength to do so.

He also heard the wolf speak and understood fully what he was insinuating. He was going to rape Alric, too. He peered and could see the wolf's canine cock start to stand at attention again.

His weakness started to flow away and he could feel his desire to kill the demon rise again. The way the wolf looked at his mate made him want to gouge his eyes out and then rape him for a change. He wanted to ram his dragon cock up that wolf's bloody ass until he died from a hemorrhage. It was no more than he deserved.

The demon didn't bother tying the human up. He just grabbed at his wrists and fell on top of him. The wolf's bulk and weight kept the human from moving or casting a spell, but Alric tried to fight him off anyway. He only managed to slightly wriggle under the wolf's mass.

The wolf grinned at him. "Another zipped mouth, huh? I'll take care of you, too."

Onival grabbed the wizard's cloak and threw it off of him. Luckily, the demon hadn't realized his precious rod was inside a pocket in the cloak. He wasn't as gentle with his shirt, however, and tore it into pieces while slightly scraping Alric's skin. The wolf jumped and swiftly turned himself around so he could do the same to his pants while keeping his weight on the human. He shredded his pants off in the same fashion except that he was a little more careful around his groin and then started shredding his boxers with his teeth instead of his claws. With another hop, the demon swiftly turned the human over so he could shred the back of his boxers. Alric whined and writhed, but he could do nothing to fight against the physically powerful demon. Then the wolf bit at the back of his boxers with his teeth, but when his snout reached against Alric's ass crack, he sniffed a bit and grinned.

"So," Onival said, "This human is your mate, isn't he, cleric?"

Kevin didn't speak, but his eyes stared at him in a way that conveyed what he would have said. "How did you know?"

The wolf demon chuckled softly. "I can smell your seed in him. Looks like I'll force myself into your mate, too. How precious."

Anger surged through the dragonkin's blood, and he wanted nothing less than the wolf's head mounted on a pike. Meanwhile, Alric shook and opened his eyes wide against the floor as he realized the wolf was going to do to him what he had done to Kevin.

The cleric's anger was not entirely directed at the demon either. His mind screamed at his god, and he asked him why he was letting this happen. Only silence spoke to him, and that only infuriated him more.

But then Kevin heard Alric cry. He was begging the wolf to stop, and he could see the wolf had jumped again to position himself over the human; his red pulsing cock aligned over his mate's rear.

And then he realized what his mind had done. He had only focused on vengeance, on destroying the demon for what he had done and was going to do. He had forgotten his true purpose. He remembered now. He only wanted to protect Alric, to protect his love.

That's what I wanted to hear.

"Hyratus?" Kevin mumbled.

Protect the ones you love. Defend the weak. Uphold the innocent.

He understood. Suddenly, strength pulsed through his body and a warm light bathed his scales. The demon was too focused on Alric to see, but the dragonkin's body was glowing with holy light and the foul semen on and in his body was burned away. Power pulsed through his veins, and he tugged at his astral bonds. They snapped and faded back into the astral plane, and then he stood with renewed strength and resolve; body and mind invigorated.

The wolf was about to thrust his cock into his mate, but he would not let that happen.

He stepped silently over to the wolf and wrapped his claws around his neck. The wolf howled in surprise and pain as the light burned his unholy flesh, and then Kevin lifted him up effortlessly and threw him towards a wall, careful to avoid the innocent mages that were here against their will.

The wolf flew towards the wall, but the edge of the circle prevented him from slamming into it. Still, the invisible boundary of the circle hit him just as hard as the wall would have, and he cried out as his skull bashed against the boundary. He slid down after and looked at what had thrown him like a ragdoll across the room.

"You," he rasped, "How did this happen? Avatar of are no average cleric!"

"Served Him for more than a century. That's all you need to know. You will not harm my love or anyone else while I breath."

Onival growled at the Avatar, and then he said, "Fool! Even with that kind of divine power you cannot defeat me."

"It's true that a demon cannot be killed by a mortal," Kevin replied, "But that doesn't mean I can't send you back to Hell where you can no longer hurt anyone else."

The demon glared at him. "The portal is one way. These mages cannot send me back, and the only way is with my-" he stopped himself when he realized that the cleric did have his rod, and he definitely didn't want him to know about it.

Alric, meanwhile, was still laying on the floor in awe as he stared at how the brilliant aura that was shining around his mate. A miracle had saved him from being raped by the monster he was staring at.

"So there is a way then." The cleric turned his draconic head to his mate and said, "Alric, look through the tome. It must say something about how to send him back to Hell!"

"No!" Onival screamed, and then he lunged at the nude human. He would have gone for the book and torn it up, but it was just a hair outside of the circle of mages.

The glowing dragonkin swiftly dashed in his way, and the wolf slammed against a golden holy shield he had summoned a moment before they collided. He roared and howled as his face slammed straight into the shield, and he fell onto the floor with his nose bleeding profusely.

Alric saw the spectacle and cheered in his mind, but then he caught himself and tore his attention away. He crawled out of the circle, causing whatever strips of clothing still on him to fall off his naked body, and flipped back to the bookmarked page detailing Onival's information.

He read it over and over while the demon had risen up again. Onival cursed at him since he had escaped the circle, and he realized that if Kevin also stepped out they could escape together and just leave the demon trapped here. He thought better of it immediately afterwards, however, as he knew he would never forgive himself if he just let the poor wizards be trapped here with the demon lost to the Magebane that controlled them. He knew Kevin would never abandon a group of innocents either, and he knew that he had to find some way to send the demon back to Hell before his love's strength faltered.

It had already started faltering too. He had called for Kevin to leave the circle so he could study the tome without worry for time, but the wolf grappled him down and he had lost the power to shrug him off. The demon summoned more astral cords to bind his feet, and he wrestled against the half-dragon. Every cord the dragonkin snapped seemed to sap his strength more until he couldn't break free anymore. His mate was trapped in the circle, and he was losing strength every minute. If he didn't hurry, the demon might-

He shook his head and pushed the thought away. He wouldn't let him die.

But he had read through the pages detailing the demon and found nothing helpful. The pair of asterisks before the paragraph about the rod kept drawing his eyes to them, and he could not find out what they meant. They weren't in the footnotes, and he couldn't understand what they were there for.

"Hurry Alric! I can't keep this up for much longer!"

Kevin's voice started drawing him into a panic and he yelled out, "I can't find anything! There's a pair of asterisks that should be a footnote or something, but there isn't any!"

"Did you try the appendix?"

The wizard smacked his head. Of course, the appendix! By God he felt stupid. He flipped back into the appendix and scanned through for information on the Rod of Onival.

And sure enough, there it was. In the only entry about it, the appendix said that the rod was also the only way to send Onival back to Hell. It needed to be used as a focus for a spell against the demon, like any old wizard's staff or cloak, and the latent power in the rod would do the rest. That was the muffled current of energy he had sensed earlier, but couldn't figure what it was meant to do.

He crawled over to his cloak and reached inside for the rod.

Meanwhile, more cords wrapped themselves around the dragonkin's glowing but dimming body as the demon started clawing at him. The light protected him from harm, but its protection was quickly fading away.

The wolf said, "It's a shame I have to kill you, you handsome sexy dragonkin." He was concentrated on shredding through his light and hadn't noticed that Alric had retrieved his rod and was pointing it straight at him.

"Go to Hell," Kevin said.


A flurry of sharp rock shards flew at the demon. The rocks emerged from the rod and glowed together, a sign of an enchanted spell. The shards rained against the wolf and cut through his fur into various parts of his skin, and the red glow spread from the rocks to his body. The glowing seemed to merge with his leaking blood, and then the red light washed over his body until he disappeared completely.

The light faded from Kevin's body too, and then the rest of his strength faltered. He stumbled to the ground, and Alric crawled over after dropping the rod and tome.

"It's over? He's gone?"

"He's gone."

"I'm tired."

"You're hurt."

"God has healed me."

"I didn't mean your body. You're hurt."

"Hold me, please."

Alric did, their naked bodies pressed against each other's, and he felt the dragonkin's body was cold. He had been raped, and he had saved him from suffering the same fate. The wizard knew it would take a long time for his love to heal such an emotional scar. He'd help him through it however he could.

"You saved me again," the human said.

Kevin wrapped a wing around them and replied in a scattered voice, "I almost forgot. I almost forgot what I was meant to do. I almost forgot that I was supposed to protect you."

Alric shook his head, nuzzling his hair against the half-dragon's neck. "You remembered. That's what counts."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Don't leave me."

"I won't."

The two beings, two life-mates, two powers; arcane and divine, laid on the floor together in a tight embrace for a while. Alric shared his naked heat with him, and eventually his mate's body found warmth again.

The wizard whispered, "We should free the mages. They're still in this circle of power, and if someone commanded it they could open a gate to Hell for another demon to cross over."

Kevin nodded slowly. "Okay. Hold me up?"

Alric helped heave him up and winced a little as the small scratches the demon had given him while tearing his clothes started hurting him, but together they still managed to go around to every wizard in the circle. He helped carry the cleric, and he burned all the Magebane in holy flame.

The wizards fell after being freed and fell into a deep slumber. Their movement broke the circle, and it faded away leaving the room illuminated by nothing but a small enchantment Alric put in place.

"Can we sleep too now?" the dragonkin asked.

"Yes. There's a sofa outside, big enough for both of us. Let's rest our weary backs on it."

Alric picked up his big brown cloak and together, they stumbled out to the living room and dropped themselves onto the sofa while never leaving each other's touch. Kevin fell asleep almost immediately, and Alric tucked his cloak over the both of them before he joined his mate in restful slumber.

The Wizard of Cairn

_The Wizard of Cairn_ The room was lit up by the runic circle that connected twelve of the wizards inside. Each one stared into the center with pure white eyes, their eyes rolled back; a sure sign of mind control from Magebane. The circle lit the...

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Temeraire: In the Service of the Enemy

_Temeraire: In the Service of the Enemy_ _ _ Lien sneered as she saw the black Celestial approach her shaded pavilion. Her eerily red eyes glared at him as she shook her head in disapproval at his manner. "I will not have it," Temeraire said, "I...

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_Earthshine_ _ _ I slammed my car's door shut and waltzed up into the apartment complex. It was barely afternoon, but my boss had let me off work early so I could prepare for a sudden business trip tomorrow morning. That pretty much meant I had to go...

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