Dangerous Intentions: Chapter Two

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 of my story series. I'm quite happy with how well it's coming along and I hope you guys like it too. Also, kudos to those of you who catch the cross-reference in here! Thanks for reading!

Carter's eyes fluttered open at the blaring of his alarm clock. Bleary-eyed, he hit the button on top of the clock and silenced the alarm. He had been asleep for six hours but it felt like he had been sleeping for six minutes. The wolf yawned as he threw off his covers and sat up in his bed, completely nude. His uniform lied in a heap on the floor from where he threw it. He looked around the rest of his cluttered room with irritation. He really needed to clean the place up, but work kept him occupied to the point where the simplest task was hard to find time for.

There was one friend who always greeted Carter in the morning, without fail. Carter smiled as he walked up to his coffee maker sitting on his kitchen counter. With expertise, he poured in the grounded coffee, filled the container with water, and flipped the machine on. Within minutes the smell of roasted hazelnut coffee filled the kitchen. Carter picked up the steaming mug as he sat down at his kitchen table. He took a sip from the mug as he sifted through the morning newspaper. Nothing really of interest. He turned to the sports page and smiled as he saw that Xavier University's football team was heading to the playoffs. First good news of the day.

The coffee mug was empty by the time Carter walked back to his bathroom and turned the shower on. He sighed as he rubbed the fur on the back of his head and stepped into the lukewarm water. He allowed the water to run through his fur and down his entire body before he grabbed some soap and lathered up. He quickly rinsed and turned the water off. For a few minutes he stood there in the shower, allowing water to drip off of him. He closed his eyes and sighed as the chill of cold air ran through his fur. His shift started in four hours.

Carter quickly dried off and walked over to his closet. He grabbed a clean black uniform shirt and black uniform pants. He made sure that his badge and nametag were perfectly polished before he attached them to his shirt. He slipped his uniform on and adjusted his collar in the mirror. When he was satisfied with how he looked, he grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter and opened his apartment door. He waved to his neighbor who was watering her flowers as he locked the apartment door. The apartment complex he lived in was one of the nicer ones, where mostly families and rich college students lived. He often felt out of place whenever he walked around the community. He opened his truck door and slid into the driver's seat. He inserted the key into the ignition and started the vehicle up.

For an autumn day, the temperature was quite high. Carter had his windows rolled down and was already panting within ten minutes of driving. The city traffic did not help either. Carter glanced at his watch and saw that he had three hours until his shift. He wanted to talk to the captain but that was not going to take three hours. A sign with directions to Carston University caught Carter's eye. If he remembered right, Sift might be done with classes and just might be walking out of his last class now. He stared at the sign as he came to a stop at the intersection. He knew that Sift checked out of the hospital this afternoon, and the fox would definitely not want to miss class. His fingers drummed against the steering wheel. He could just pull into the campus really quick and pay a surprise visit to the fennec. Sift's question came flooding back into his mind though, and Carter changed his mind. If he did just show up unexpectedly, than Sift might think that there was a chance for them, which Carter definitely did not want. Then again though, he could just say that he wanted to check up on the fennec and make sure he was doing okay. But would that still make Sift think there was a chance? Carter growled in frustration as he tried to decide. The light turned green, and Carter whipped the steering wheel to the right. He made a sharp right turn and drove down the road to the college campus parking lot.

Carston University was known for its beautiful campus and cherry blossom trees that were scattered across the campus. Carter dodged through the crowds of college students who were just released from their classes. He received a few wary looks from some of the students as he passed by them. A group of girls whistled and giggled as he passed by but Carter ignored them. He saw a few foxes but none of them were Sift. Carter was just about to give up when a red fox with a cast on his left arm walked out of the mechanical engineering building. Carter's ears perked up as he saw the fennec. He was smiling and chatting about some book with another fox. His bright blue eyes fell on Carter and he felt his heart leap in his chest. Sift bid his friend farewell, then strolled up to Carter.

"Officer Chillcote? What are you doing here?" Sift asked with a smile that showed his teeth.

"My patrol shift doesn't start until eight. I just thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing. I mean, see if your injuries are bothering you or anything."

Sift's ears twitched.

"Are you sure that's it?"

"Uh yeah. That's it." Carter replied as he shifted his feet.

Sift glanced at his phone.

"Your shift starts at seven you say? Well that gives you about two and a half hours." Sift commented. "You want to grab a coffee or something?"

"I dunno Sift, I really shouldn't." Carter replied.

"A cop turning down a cup of coffee? What kind of cop are you?" Sift asked with a grin. "Come on Carter. I'm buying. Plus I owe you for saving my ass."

"Fine, if you insist." Carter replied with a sigh.

Sift smiled wider.

"Awesome. I know the best place.

Carter followed Sift to a small café located right next to the university's library. The smell of rich ground coffee wafted up through Carter's nostrils as they entered the building.

"Go ahead and get us a table. What do you want?"

"Um, anything with caffeine in it." Carter replied as he glanced around the small café.

"Got it." Sift replied as he approached the barista.

Carter found a lone table in the back of the café and pulled out a chair. He swept his tail aside and sat down. He rested his arms on the wooden table and watched as Sift ordered their coffee. The fennec was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a polo shirt that fit his frame perfectly. His backside was perfectly outlined in the jeans, and left little to Carter's imagination. He felt his sheath start to swell in his uniform pants.

"Here's your coffee officer."

Sift smiled as he set the steaming cup of liquid down in front of Carter.

"Thanks." Carter replied as he cross his legs, hoping the fox would not notice the bulge in his pants. "Do I smell espresso?"

"Yeah. I had them put a few shots in there. You know, kind of like an energy boost." Sift replied as he took a sip of his mocha latte.

Carter took a sip of his coffee and savored the strong and milky taste.

"So how were classes today?" Carter asked as he set his cup down.

"Miserable." Sift replied as he rolled his eyes. "We're learning about mechanical circuits and they are sooooo boring."

Carter chuckled.

"What about your other classes?"

Sift shrugged as he took another drink.

"My drama class is going well. We're performing a play about a family of foxes trying to get along with their new neighbors, who are a family of coyotes. It's a drama and comedy."

"Sounds great. When is it?" Carter asked with a smile.

Sift raised an eye as he drank his coffee.

"Why? You planning on coming?"

"Well I certainly wouldn't mind on attending." Carter replied with a twitch of his ears.

"I never really thought of you as a drama fan."

"Why? Because I'm a cop?"

"Usually when I look at a cop, I don't think of a strong muscular man with a gun who enjoys mediocre performances by college students." Sift replied with a grin.

"You'd be surprised." Carter shrugged.

Sift nodded as he fidgeted with his coffee cup.

"You know you never really answered my question at the hospital."

Carter almost choked on his coffee.

"Well...you kinda caught me off guard." Carter replied as he shifted nervously in his chair. "What did you want me to say anyways? You know my oath that I took."

"Yes I know." Sift sighed as he rested his head against his paw. "But what if we keep it secret, you know? No one would have to know."

"Keeping a relationship a secret? Why would you want that Sift? You make it sound like as if we're two mates who haven't come out yet."

"It could only be temporary. I mean, would any of your superiors actually care if they found out? It's not like as if I'm on probation anymore." Sift protested.

"Yes, my superiors would care! It's against our rules Sift! I know you really want to be with me, and I feel the same, but it's too much of a risk!"

Sift leaned back in his chair.

"So you do want to start a relationship then?"

Carter's tail flicked as he realized what he just got himself into.

"What? No Sift! I-I mean, yes! I do! I just-we just-we just can't Sift! I could lose my career!" Carter stammered. "Is that what you want fox?"

"No." Sift sighed as he frowned. "I just figure you need someone in your life, you know? I've known you for three years now, and you never talk about finding that special someone. I'm the same way to Carter."

Carter growled in frustration as he closed his eyes.

"I don't need a boyfriend right now Sift. I'm working third shift and I just don't have the time. And you're in college. You definitely don't need the distractions."

Sift huffed.

"Fine Chillcote. You win."

Carter sighed as he downed the rest of his coffee.

"Listen Sift, I'm sorry. I would love to start a relationship with you, if only such a huge risk wasn't involved."

"Yeah, I get it Carter." Sift replied with a flick of his ears. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"You're not mad, are you?" Carter asked.

Sift shook his head. The fennec smiled, but it was forced.

"No, I'm not mad. I can't get mad at an officer of the law."

Carter chuckled.

"I have to get to the precinct. Thanks for the coffee Sift." Carter said as he stood up and adjusted his belt.

"Sure thing wolf." Sift replied as he smiled. "Please be careful."

"I'm always careful." Carter replied with a wink. He leaned in close to Sift's pointed ears. "Please tell me when your play is. I would really like to attend."

"It's next weekend stud. And I'll believe it when I see it." Sift whispered back.

Carter nipped at the fennec's ears which called the fox to snicker.

"Stop it Carter! You're making a scene!" He hissed as he stood up.

Carter stopped as he covertly gave the fennec a pat on his rear end.

"Work hard Sift. We'll have to do something else sometime." Carter replied as he started walking towards the exit.

"I can promise that."

Carter smiled as he waved goodbye and exited the café. He was still smiling by the time he reached the police station.

"What's bothering you man?"

Carter glanced over at Simmons, who was concentrating on driving through the Wednesday night city traffic.

"Not much." Carter replied as he turned his head to the tiger. "Why do you ask?"

"You have that look again." Simmons replied. "Guy problems?"

"Something like that." Carter muttered. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything man. My ears are open." Simmons replied.

Carter hesitated, wondering if he should really consult his straight friend for advice in a gay relationship. He really could not figure out who else to ask though.

"There's this...guy who I'm talking too. Who I've been talking too actually. Actually, I've known him for awhile-"

"It's that fennec, isn't it? From last night's incident?" Simmons asked with a sideways glance.

"No! I mean...yeah. Yeah, how did you know?" Carter asked in surprise.

Simmons chuckled.

"There's a reason why I was recruited so quickly. It was because I could read people man. And I know that the way you looked while talking to that fennec was not because you two had just met."

"Oh? Was it seriously that obvious?" Carter asked meekly.

"No not really. I just know how to read people." Simmons replied as he returned his attention to the road. "So what's going on between the two of you then?"

"Well...I like the fennec. I really do." Carter sighed.

"Is he interested too?"

"More than interested."

"Well why don't you go for it man? I know it's another guy, but I think when both are interested in each other, then you're good to go to start something. Unless you gays do something differently." Simmons smirked.

"Ha fucking hilarious." Carter replied with a slight grin. "I'm being serious though. The problem is he's been convicted of abusing painkillers."

"Ouch." Simmons whistled. "What charges did he receive?"

"Misdemeanor." Carter replied. "He had a couple years of probation."

"Still on it?"


"But you're worried about dating someone with past charges since you are a law enforcement officer."

"Yes. Exactly." Carter sighed. "I just really don't know what to do though. I really do like him. I believe he's the one for me too."

"Then go for it man." Simmons replied as he glanced at a crowd of people standing outside of a club. "I won't tell anyone man."

"What? Really? Despite the risk?" Carter asked.

"Yeah! I mean, come on Carter. Do you really think any of the big guys do background checks on the ones we're fucking? Hell man, they don't even pay attention to our dating lives. The chances of them finding out you're dating that fennec are very slim."

"You really think so?" Carter asked.

"I know so man. I say go for it."

Carter smiled as he turned his attention back to the window. The radio crackled and he glanced at the computer.

"Car 1009, we've received a report of a bar fight at the nightclub on Autumn Street. "

"Dispatch, this is car 1009. We'll check it out." Carter replied into the radio.

Simmons grinned as he shot Carter a sideways glance.

"You ready for this partner?"

Carter grinned back as he hit the lights and sirens.

"Let's hit it partner."

The city lights cast bending shadows of different shapes and sizes as Carter drove home. All the clubs and bars were shut down and the only lights came from the streetlights. Despite the rainy and cloudy night, Carter's heart was swelling in his chest. He wanted to call the fennec up and tell him that he wanted to start something with him, that he wanted him to be his boyfriend. Unfortunately, Sift would probably be asleep at five in the morning. Carter smiled as he tried to figure out how to tell him. He smiled as he pictured Sift's face, how excited he would be. Sure, there was still a hint of trepidation in his mind, but Carter pushed that out of his head.

Carter glanced out of the window as he passed by the apartment complex where Sift lived. He could not possibly wait any longer. The wolf slammed on the brakes, his car coming to a skidding halt in the rain. He backed his car up to the entrance of the parking lot and drove right in front of Sift's apartment. He stepped out into the pouring rain, not worrying about his uniform getting wet. He was practically soaked by the time he reached the door and rang the doorbell. There was no immediate answer. Carter rang the doorbell again, his police uniform beginning to stick to his body. Still no answer. He stuck his ear up against the door as he rang the doorbell again. This time he heard the squeak of floorboards and the shuffle of feet on carpet. Carter's drenched tail began to wag at the sound of the door being unlocked. The door squeaked open. Sift stood there in a pair of shorts, his eyes blinking from just waking up.

"What the...Carter? Is that...is that you? What are you-"

Carter did not give the fennec a chance to finish. He forced himself inside, grabbing the fennec's muzzle with his paws. He kicked the door shut as he pressed Sift up against the wall and pressed his muzzle up against the fennec's in a passionate kiss. Sift struggled in panic for a few seconds, but then realized what was going on and melted into the kiss. He wrapped his paws around Carter's neck and pulled him in closer. Carter pushed Sift's muzzle open with his tongue and wrestled his way into it. Carter in haled deeply through his nose, savoring the musky scent of the fennec. His tongue wrestled dominantly over Sift's and explored every part of the fennec's muzzle. Sift ended the kiss and broke away, gasping for air.

"So...Officer Carter...m-mind telling me what this is all about?" He whispered.

"I figured you'd know Sift." Carter replied as he smiled and pressed the fennec up against the wall a little bit more.

Sift gasped a little as he felt Carter's body rub up against his.

"I'm guessing you did some thinking?" He asked with a smile.

"I did, and I want to start a relationship with you Sift. I don't care about the risk. All I want is for me to spend my days with you and no one else, if you will have me." Carter whispered as he stared into Sift's blue eyes.

Sift placed his paws on Carter's damp chest and smiled wider.

"Of course I do Carter. I wouldn't want anyone else."

The two kissed again, this time a bit more gently and passionate. Carter's sheath began to swell in his uniform pants, and formed a nice bulge that rubbed against Sift's thigh.

"Uh Carter? Your gun is kinda poking me in the leg. And I'm not talking about the one on your hip." Sift snickered.

Carter chuckled as he took a step back, letting Sift relax from the wall.

"I know how to take care of that officer." Sift purred as he placed his paw against the bulge.

Carter squirmed slightly at the fennec's touch.

"An officer should never let anyone handle his gun, but I think I can overlook that rule just for you." Carter replied with a grin.

Sift huffed as he grabbed Carter's package and led him back towards the bedroom.

"I swear, you are so cheesy sometimes." Sift chuckled as he led the wolf to his bed. "Now let's get you out of your wet uniform."

Carter wrapped his arms around Sift's toned body as he unbuttoned his uniform shirt and slipped it off. He let it fall to the floor. Sift ran his paws across the wolf's muscular and toned chest, enjoying how the muscles tensed and rippled from his touch.

"You feel really stressed pup." Sift whispered as he dropped his paws to Carter's belt and unbuckled it.

"It was a long night." Carter breathed as he felt Sift's fingers undo his pants.

Sift pulled Carter's pants down slowly. Carter kicked them into a pile, along with his shirt and socks and shoes. Sift placed his paw against Carter's bulge and slowly rubbed his paw against it. Carter shuddered.

"You want to sit down on the bed?" Sift winked.

"Yeah, that will probably be for the best." Carter panted.

"Hold on pup! Let me get rid of these."

Sift hooked his thumbs underneath the waistband of Carter's briefs and pulled them down. He grinned as the wolf's throbbing member sprung free from its prison. He tossed the undergarments along with the rest of his uniform.

"You know, this has kinda been my fantasy ever since I met you." Sift whispered as he placed his paw around Carter's member.

"Nngh really now?" Carter gasped slightly.

"Mmm yep."

Carter gasped as the fennec licked the tip of his cock. He then proceeded to insert the tip of it into his muzzle and began to suck gently. Carter inhaled deeply through his nose as he arched his back in pleasure. Sift wrapped his paw around the base of the wolf's member as he inserted more of it into his muzzle. His tongue swirled around the length, causing Carter to moan in pleasure. Sift took his other paw and cupped the wolf's balls and began to gently roll them around in his paw. He sucked on Carter's length harder and began to deepthroat the wolf. Carter moaned louder and dug his paws into the bed sheets as waves of pleasure shot up through his entire body. His knot began to swell.

"W-wait Sift. S-stop." Carter gasped as he managed to push Sift away.

Sift backed away, panting for air.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, everything was perfect. I just didn't want to get off in your muzzle." Carter panted.

"Well how do you want me to get you off then?" Sift asked with a grin.

"Well let's start with this." Carter said as he pulled the fennec close to him,

He took Sift's shorts in his paws and pulled them off of the fennec. He took a few seconds and admired his bulge that was perfectly defined in the tight briefs that the fennec wore. He then pulled those off too. Sift's pink member was poking out of his white sheath. He yelped in surprise as Carter wrapped his arms around his body and lifted himself up on the bed.

"Police brutality?" Sift asked with a sly grin as Carter pushed him down onto his back on the bed.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Carter growled as he leaned over the fennec.

Sift gulped a little as he saw how massive Carter really was. He was glad that his blowjob did some help in lubing up the wolf's cock.

"Wait a second Carter!" Sift whispered as he felt the wolf's member poke at his exposed tailhole. "It's been a really really long time since I've done this. Like seriously, I don't know if I can take all of you."

"Shhhh. I'll go slow for you, okay?" Carter whispered as he nibbled on the fennec's long ears.

"O-okay." Sift stammered as he glanced at Carter's black member.

He hissed through his teeth as he slowly felt Carter's cock begin to slide into him. The tip slid in and Sift gasped as the rest of his length began to follow. Carter growled as he pushed his member in farther into the tight space. Sift cried out as he felt like he was being split in half. He buried his muzzle into Carter's shoulder to silence his moans.

"Jesus Sift. Y-you weren't l-lying." Carter growled as he pushed deeper into the fennec.

Sift only moaned in response. He finally gasped in relief as he felt Carter's balls bump against his rear. He felt so full with Carter's entire member in him. He clenched his teeth as the wolf began to pull out.

"Y-you doing o-okay?" Carter whispered as his breath came out hot and heavy against Sift's face.

"C-couldn't b-be better." Sift gasped.

Carter began to thrust slowly into Sift. The fennec moaned and whimpered with every thrust. Sift was beginning to feel loose now as his tailhole began to adjust to Carter's intruding member. He wrapped his legs around Carter's torso as his thrusts began to speed up. Carter started to breath heavily as he rammed his length deeper and faster into Sift. Sift moaned with pleasure as he felt Carter's cock slam into his prostate. He sat up and pulled the wolf's head down to his and pressed his muzzle up against the wolf's. Their breath came out hot and heavy as Carter continued to fuck Sift. Carter's knot began to form and Sift knew that he was getting close. He felt the wolf's balls slap against his rear end as the thrusts increased in speed.

"S-Sift! I'm almost there!" Carter growled as he grabbed the fennec's thighs and kept on thrusting into him.

Sift clenched his eyes shut as he felt a familiar pressure start to build up in his own balls.

"I-I'm c-close too!" Sift cried.

With a final thrust, Carter moaned loudly as his cock twitched inside Sift. Sift gasped as he felt several streams of hot wolf seed coat his insides. Carter managed to pull out and Sift felt two streams of hot seed coat his rear and tail. The feeling of Carter pulling out of him sent Sift over the edge. Sift cried out in pleasure as he came, sending spurts of his own seed against his chest and Carter's chest. Breathing heavily, Carter collapsed against Sift. Sift's orgasm diminished and he sighed as he basked in the afterglow. His insides were warm from being filled with Carter's seed.

"Hey Carter? You still with me?" Sift asked quietly.

"Nnnghhyeahhh." Carter moaned as he propped himself up off Sift. "You okay? Did I go too rough?"

"Not at all sweetie." Sift whispered as he smiled and wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck.

Carter smiled as he rolled over onto his back and rolled Sift over onto him. Their chests were sticky and matted as they pressed against each other.

"Should we clean up?" Carter asked as he stared into Sift's blue eyes.

"We can do that in the morning." Sift replied as he closed his eyes and nuzzled into Carter's chest.

"It technically is morning." Carter chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the fennec's toned body.

"Let's get a few hours of sleep first."

Carter nodded as he closed his eyes and rubbed his sticky sheath against Sift's abs.

"I'll see you in the morning Sift."

"As will I Carter." Sift whispered as he hugged the wolf tighter.

Carter smiled as he closed his eyes. For the first time in a long time, sleep came to him without any trouble at all.

Off The Field: Chapter 3

I feel like I'm floating when I open my eyes and my dream that I was having collapses. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before the memories of last night's events come rushing back into my head. I turn my head to the right and find Rhy's white...

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Dangerous Intentions

Carter hated the city. He hated the suffocating traffic, the noise and filth, and the fact that he could not find a single coffee shop that sold an average cup of coffee. However, the city beat patrolling the country, considering Carter was a man of...

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Off The Field: Chapter Two

I jerk awake from the blaring alarm from what I think is my alarm clock. I groan and reach out with my paw to slam the snooze button but all I feel is the cold wooden smoothness of the desk beside my bed. I crack my eyes open and realize that there...

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