Off The Field: Chapter 3

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#3 of Off The Field Story Series

I feel like I'm floating when I open my eyes and my dream that I was having collapses. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before the memories of last night's events come rushing back into my head. I turn my head to the right and find Rhy's white muzzle lying next to me. The realization that I had actually made love with another guy suddenly hits me like the largest defense linemen. Cold panic hits me. As quietly but as quickly as I can, I slide out of the bed. Rhy remains asleep. I slip on my pair of shorts and a shirt and quietly leave the room. It's currently five in the morning, so the sun hasn't even come up yet. I don't give a shit though, I just need to get out, get out and think. The early autumn air is chilly as I step outside, and my breath comes out in short wisps of smoke. No one is out on the campus grounds at this hour so I just start walking.

My head feels like it's about to explode with all the thoughts swimming around. Everything seemed perfectly fine last night, as if I didn't have to worry about the aftermath of all of this. Now I'm back into reality and everything doesn't seem too great right now. The thought of me letting another guy blow me keeps on running through my head. Did this actually really happen? What the hell was I thinking last night? Everything seemed to happen so fast, I can't even really remember the order of events that led to it.

I shiver slightly against the breeze that ruffles through my fur. No one can know about this. It's only my third day of college and I've already fucked up my reputation. Well, not entirely. As long as Rhy doesn't tell anyone about us, then I should be fine. I mean, what would everyone think of the new star quarterback if they found out that he let another guy suck his cock? I lash my tail as I continue walking with no destination in mind. I feel angry, confused, and frightened all at the same time. What am I going to tell Rhy? That I'm not interested in him anymore? That seems to be the best option, but on the other paw, I don't want to hurt his feelings. He seemed so happy last night.

I need to end this though. I can't fall in love with another guy. I have a reputation to keep. What would my friends think about me if they found out? What would my parents think, especially my father? But most importantly, what is Rhy going to think when I tell him my decision?

"Stop thinking about him." I growl to myself.

That's the first step. With all emotions aside, I just need to tell the fox that I'm not interested in him anymore. I mean we can still be friends, but there will always be that awkward feeling we share between each other. I mean, I let the guy blow me for fuck's sake! What if Rhy doesn't agree with me? What if he becomes obsessed with me and he wants more? My eyes widen in horror at the thought of it. I could change rooms. Ask for a new roommate. Pretend I don't know him.

This is absolutely insane. Yesterday, we were best friends, laughing and talking over lunch. Now here I am trying to figure out how to get rid of the fox. The sun is starting to rise now and the first rays of sunlight are reflecting off the glistening drops of dew on the grass, and I haven't made one logical decision on what to do. As I make my way back to the dorms, I finally decide to just talk to the fox, tell him how I feel and what I think, and hopefully he'll understand. If that doesn't work...well...I'm shit out of luck then. I really don't want to end our friendship, but if he doesn't agree with me then I really have no choice.

I quietly open the door to my dorm. Thank God my key actually works this time. The door squeaks slightly and I wince, but Rhy remains motionless on the bed. His furry white chest rises steadily and the bed sheet covers his lower torso. The digital clock on the desk reads six-thirty in the morning. I'm eager to talk to Rhy and get this problem off my chest, but I don't want to wake him up. I sit down on the other bed across from him and start to wait. His tail twitches slightly and so does his paw, and I find myself stifling a chuckle. He looks so cute there. I wonder what he's dreaming of?

Fifteen minutes pass and I'm about to doze off myself when the rustling of sheets snaps me awake. I lift my head up to see Rhy's eyes flutter open. The fox sits upright and yawns. He glances over at me and smiles.

"Watching me sleep stud?" He asks as he rubs his eyes.

"Uh, yeah. I guess." I reply as I rub the back of my head.

Rhy cocks his head at me and his grin fades.

"Something on your mind?" He asks as he stands up completely naked and walks over to sit next to me.

I take a deep breath and try not to look at Rhy. Well, here goes nothing.

"Well...I was wondering...were you planning to tell anyone about...what know...what we did last night?" I stammer.

Rhy looks at me questionably.

"I wasn't planning on it. Am I supposed too?" He asks.

"No! I mean, please don't tell anyone." I say. "I just...I don't think I'm ready for anyone to know."

Rhy smiles as he rests his paw onto mine.

"Don't worry pup. I'm not going to tell anyone. It's our little secret."

Our little secret. I remain silent as Rhy's words echo through my head. Rhy leans in and plants a kiss right onto my muzzle. I return the kiss, but it's restrained. Rhy seems to notice it as he pulls away.

"There's something else bothering you." He says as he gives me a look and crosses his arms. "What's really bothering you Kale? Are you having second thoughts about what we did last night? Or what you told me?"

Damn, why does he have to be so smart?

"It's something like that." I mutter as I stand up. "Well don't walk away! We can talk and figure this out." Rhy says as he grabs my arm.

I'm about to protest but I know that I'm not going to be able to leave this room until I tell him. I sigh and sit back down on the bed.

"I'm just...I'm just having second thoughts about what I said last night." I say as I rub my paws together.

"You mean about you liking me?" Rhy asks softly.

"Yeah. I mean, I really do like you a friend, but I'm not so sure I really really like you yet. I mean, I've liked girls all my life, and last night was my first time with a guy. I just need some time to...adjust to all of this, I guess." I blurt out.

I take a deep breath, feeling kind of relieved that I finally got that out. I refuse to look over into Rhy's eyes though. Rhy remains silent so I finally glance over at the fox. Instead of sadness in the fox's eyes, I instead see understanding and a slight hint of amusement.

"It's okay Kale. I completely understand."

"Really?" I ask as my eyes widen in surprise.

Rhy nods and squeezes my paw.

"Of course I do. I know that this must be complicated for you. We can take things slow. If you don't feel anything for me, then I'll back off and we can just be friends."

I ponder Rhy's words for a few seconds before I finally smile and nod my head.

"Okay. We'll do that then." I reply.

"Okay great-" He says, but I don't let him finish.

I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him in and press my muzzle against his. His blue eyes widen a little in surprise, but then they close as he melts into the kiss. When we part, he's giving me that sly grin that I love so much.

"Is that taking things slow for you?" He asks as his ears twitch.

I chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah kinda. But that's it for today." I say.

"Very well." Rhy replies, but his eyes really tell me that I shouldn't even try. "Well shit, I was hoping to take a shower before class. Oh well, I don't look too bad, do I?"

"Nah. You look fine." I say as I grab my book bag.

Rhy quickly throws on a pair of boxers, blue jeans, and a striped polo before he brushes his teeth.

"Remember, I have football practice right after lunch today." I say as I bounce on the balls of my feet.

"Mmpht ime?" Rhy mumbles over his toothbrush.

"What time? I think around one-thirty." I reply. "Why?"

I wait as Rhy spits out the toothpaste and washes his mouth out with water from the faucet.

"Because my friends and I want to watch you. I've been telling my friends how amazing you are and they want to see you in action."

"Oh, well okay." I reply as my ears twitch.

Rhy shoulders his book bag and flattens the fur down around his ears..

"Okay. Let's go." He says.

I hesitate as I open the door.

"You promise to not say anything to your friends?" I ask quietly.

Rhy smiles and nods.

"I promise Kale. My lips are sealed."

"Okay. Just making sure." I reply as I open the door for the fox.

I wave goodbye as we head to our different classes. The sun is shining brilliantly and there's a perfect autumn breeze. I watch Rhy's white tail become smaller as he walks to the other side of the campus.

Fuck, I hope I made the right decision.

"What's up Kale? Looking better I see!" Dev says as he slaps me on the shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Get out there!" I laugh as I shove the panther away.

"Milenski! Johnson! Stop screwing around and get your tails out there! We have a long last hour of practice ahead of us today!" Coach barks from the sidelines.

Dev grins as he turns and takes his position on the field. I take mine behind the center and bend down, my paws placed underneath the center's tail. I shout out the play, then move quick as soon as the ball touches my paws. I dart left, fake a pass to the receiver, then hand the ball off to the running back. The kid is new, but he's fast as hell. The cheetah darts down the field, dodging most of the defensive linemen before he's finally tackled by a bear named Toby.

"Nice run Simmons!" I yell to the cheetah as he stands up and dusts himself off.

"Thanks Kale. I've done better though." He replies with a grin.

I smile back and give him a slap on his helmet. That's when I see Rhy and a couple of his friends walking on the sidelines of the field. I stop walking and watch as the arctic fox and his friends sit down on the home side's bleachers. A red fox and an otter seat themselves on both sides of Rhy. I can tell that Rhy is scanning the team and trying to find me. Should I wave to him, or should I wait for him to notice me? Rhy suddenly makes eye contact with me, and he raises his paw in greeting. I slightly raise my paw and wave in reply.

"Kale! Stop socializing with your friends and get in here!" Coach Carter yells at me from the sidelines.

I duck my head and jog over to the rest of the team on the sidelines. "Friend of yours?" Dev asks as he points to Rhy on the bleachers.

"Uh, yeah." I reply as I take a drink of water from my water bottle. "He's my roommate."

"Oh sweet." Dev says as he looks over at Rhy again.

The black cougar turns around to face me again, and I see a smug grin spread across his muzzle.

"What?" I ask.

"Dude, I think he wants your dick." He snickers.

"What the fuck's that supposed to mean?" I reply as I give him a shove.

My heart starts thumping in my chest. Dev laughs as he steps back.

"Look at him man! The way he's looking at you and everything! He has a total crush on you!"

"Shut up." I grumble as I shove the panther again.

"I'm sorry dude. I'm just fucking around with you. He seems like a cool guy." Dev replies as he takes a drink of water. "I wish I had a cool roommate like you."

"You haven't even met him Dev." I chuckle.

Fuck that was close. My heart is still hammering in my chest.

"Yeah I know, but you're obviously not bitching about him. And he must be a pretty cool guy if he wants to come watch you practice football."

"Yeah. He is a pretty cool guy." I reply as I take my helmet off. "How's your roommate?" Dev makes a face and sticks out his tongue.

"He's one of those gamer nerds, you know? All he does is sit in front of his computer and plays some computer game all day. I swear, he never seems to step outside. I've asked him several times if he wanted to have lunch with me and some friends but he always says no."

"Ouch. That sucks." I chuckle.

"Yeah, no shit." Dev replies as the coach blows his whistle.

"Okay, breaks over! Everyone get out there and give me fifties!" Coach Carter yells. Everyone on the team, including me, groans loudly. We trudge out onto the field and line up across the field. Fifties is the worst part of practice. It involves a strenuous fifty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, fifty up-downs, fifty jumping jacks, fifty knee-ups, and is finished with a complete lap around the field. I get down and start with the push-ups. I'm only on my twenty-third one and my arms are burning like hell. Panting, I look up and see Rhy. His dark blue eyes shine brilliantly in the evening light, and I suddenly feel the need to impress the fox. I quickly muscle my way through all of the exercises in what seems to be a record time for me. I collapse to the ground as I finish the lap around the field. Dev finishes second and collapses onto the ground next to me.

"You guys are pathetic! What the hell am I going to do with all of you?" Coach says as he places his paws on his hips and looks down at us.

"Thanks coach." I mutter as I stand up and wipe the sweat from my face.

"Ah, you'll get better. Now hit the showers men! I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early for a mile run."

The entire team groans in reply.

"He's gonna kill us." Dev pants as he throws his helmet off. "Fuck me man, I don't think I can survive all of these practices."

"Come on. Just a few more and then we'll be playing our first game." I say as I help Dev up off the ground.

"Yeah man. Can't wait for that." He replies with a grin. "See you in the locker room?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." I reply.

I make sure that Dev and the rest of the team is far away enough before I walk over to Rhy on the bleachers. His friends were waiting down at the entrance gate to the stadium.

"You look hot." Rhy says as he grins at me. "In both ways if you were wondering."

"I look like shit right now." I reply as I find myself smiling back.

"Ehhh I dunno. I have a thing for sweaty muscular guys in tight pants." Rhy replies with a subtle wink.

I chuckle slightly and I fight the urge to plant a kiss on his sweet muzzle right there.

"So we gonna meet up later for dinner? My friends really want to meet you." Rhy asks.

"Yeah sure. I just need to take a quick shower. You mind if Dev joins?"

"No not at all." Rhy says. He raises his eyes cunningly. "He's pretty hot too you know."

"Hey stop that." I reply.

"What? I can't voice my own opinion on your friends?"

"Not like that. It sounds...weird."

Rhy's muzzle twists into a look of cynicism.

"And this is coming from the guy who let me blow him last night?"

"Shhhh! Don't say that so fucking loud!" I hiss as I quickly glance around me.

I can't believe he just fucking said that. Rhy chuckles to my disbelief and slight irritation.

"Calm down. There's no one around here." He replies calmly.

It's taking me all of my strength to not scream at the fox.

"Yeah, says you." I grumble as I turn around and start walking towards the showers.

"Okay see you later." Rhy waves.

"Yeah whatever." I reply as I wave my paw, not really caring.

I enter the locker room and quickly make my way my teammates' naked bodies. I stare at the ground the entire time. What if I find one of my teammates attractive and I get aroused right in the shower? That would be a fucking disaster. I consider not taking a shower, but I know I must smell and my fur is coated in dirt. Sighing, I strip out of my pads and jersey all the while staring at the ground. I just finish stripping out of my football pants when Dev walks up to me, completely naked.

"Better hurry before these guys take all of the warm water." Dev says as he jerks a thumb to the showers.

"Uh yeah. Thanks." I reply as I slide out of my jockstrap, all the while trying not to look at the cougar's naked glistening body.

Dev sat down on the bench next to me and started to dry off. I really kinda wish he would leave.

"Fuck man, I'm tired." He sighs as he stretches his back.

"Hey, would you like to join me and some other guys for dinner?" I ask as I wrap a towel around my waist.

"Yeah sure man. I'll wait for you outside." Dev replies happily.

"Okay cool. I'll just rinse off really quick and then we can go."

Dev nods and starts to get dressed as I grab some shampoo and walk to the showers. I'm reluctant to let my towel go from my waist as I view the community shower room. Nate the husky, the team's safety, is at one of the showers. A defensive linemen black bear is at another shower, washing out the dirt from his thick fur. I move to the farthest end of the shower and turn on the water. I let the tower fall to the floor and kick it aside so it won't get wet. I close my eyes as the warm water soaks through my matted fur and relieves some of the pain in my aching muscles. I lather up my fur with the shampoo and quickly start scrubbing.

"Hey Kale, awesome job today." A snow leopard named Seth says as he walks into the shower.

"Yeah Kale. That one pass you made was insane." Nate says as he turns his head.

"Uh thanks guys." I say as I slightly glance over.

I can see the husky's and leopard's bodies in my peripheral vision, but I feel no arousal at all. Surprised, I turn around completely to face them. Nope, nothing. I guess Rhy is the only male I'm attracted too. I turn back around and continue washing my fur, satisfied that I'm not attracted to every male I see.

I quickly dry off and change into shorts and a t-shirt. I'm still a little damp, but the sun will dry me off. I exit the locker room and wave to Dev who is waiting on a bench outside.

"So who are we gonna eat with?" Dev asks as we start walking towards the cafe.

"Rhy and some of his friends. They're pretty cool."

"Okay sweet. I'd like to meet him." He replies with a grin.

"Oh you will. He's a real character." I reply with a chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Dev. Name's Rhy." Rhy says happily as he shakes Dev's paw from across the table.

I smile and watch as the two shake each others paws.

"Nice to meet you too Rhy. Kale's told me a lot about you." Dev replies.

"Oh really?" Rhy asks, and I feel my face grow hot with embarrassment.

"Yeah. Don't worry though. He says you're a pretty cool guy."

Rhys beams at the compliment as he takes a seat.

"Well then Dev and Kale, this is my friend Chris," Rhy says as he points to the red fox to the right of him. "and this is Xan." Rhy points to the otter sitting to the left of him.

"Well nice to meet you guys." I smile as I reach across the table and shake the fox's and otter's paw.

"Pleasure is mine Mr. Milenski. I just want to let you know that I'm a huge fan of you." The red fox says with a warm smile.

Dev chuckles as I rub the back of my head.

"Well thanks Chris." I reply.

We easily melt into conversation about football, classes, teachers, and life in general. I look around happily at everyone at the table. Here, I feel like as if all of my past problems have faded away. Here, I feel warm and safe with my friends. I catch Rhy's eye as I look across the table and he smiles and winks at me. I keep on smiling but I feel my stomach drop. If I do get serious with Rhy, then sooner or later my secret will come out. It will be impossible for me to hide that I love another guy. But right now, I shouldn't give a shit about that right now. Right now, we're just good friends, and that's all I need right now.

"So Dev, you got a girl?" Rhy asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Me? Nah not yet. There's some pretty hot girls around here though, so I have some possibilities." Dev replies with a chuckle.

I notice how Rhy is looking at Dev and I feel my stomach churn. I remain quiet though as I take a sip of water.

"How about you?" Dev asks through a mouthful of potato chips.

My heart seems to stop as I practically drop my fork. Oh God, please don't tell him you're gay.

"No me neither. Girls just aren't interested in me." He replies.

Dev nods in reply and I see that sly grin spread across Rhy's face.

"I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend though." Rhy says as he rests his head against his paw.

I stare at the arctic fox in disbelief. I can't believe what this fox is playing at! He's fucking hitting on Dev! And he's doing it on purpose to make make me...jealous?! Am I really feeling jealous right now?

"You looked great out on the field by the way. You're just as good as Kale at football." Rhy continues.

"Ha, well thanks, but Kale is definitely way better than me." Dev replies.

I find myself glaring at Rhy from across the table. Rhy glances at me but ignores me. I have to do something, and fast. Kicking the fox from underneath the table seems logical. I wonder if my foot can reach him.

"Well, it's kinda starting to get late. I should probably return to my dorm, right Rhy?" I ask.

Damn, that was a lame excuse.

Dev glances at his cell phone.

"Oh shit. I've got a physics quiz I have to study for. I've gotta go to. I'll see you tomorrow morning Kale! Nice meeting you Rhy, Chris, and Xan!" Dev says as he grabs his duffel bag and leaves.

"Wow, he is hot." Chris purrs quietly to Rhy.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Rhy whispers back, but he glances at me. I roll my eyes.

"Come on Rhy. Let's get back to the dorms." I mutter as I turn around and start walking.

Rhy quickly bids his friends goodbye then runs to catch up with me. We're silent as we walk through the campus, but that changes as soon as I shut the door to our room.

"What the fuck was that about?" Rhy asks crossly as he places his paws on his hips.

"Well how about you tell me what the fuck you were doing at the table back there?" I reply back angrily.

"What? I can't compliment your friends now? I was being nice!" Rhy shouts back.

"Nice? Is that what you're calling it? More like trying to get him to fuck you! Well guess what? He's straight, so it won't work!"

"Yeah well so were you, but it obviously worked on you." Rhy scoffs.

I whip around and it's taking all of my strength to not punch the fox right there.

"What did you say?" I growl.

Rhy's ears flatten back, but he doesn't show any sign of genuine fear.

"I'm just saying, you were straight too. Listen, I don't see why you're making such a big fucking deal over this. You said that you wanted some space, some time to think about this. So I back off and what do you do? You get pissed at me for hitting on another guy when you said yourself that you're currently not interested."

I'm about to scream in protest, but I fall silent. I stare at the fox, breathing hard.

"So which is it Kale? Do you want me, or not? What's your decision?" Rhy asks as he crosses his arms.

I continue to stare at him. I hate this. I hate that all of this happened. I hate that we're even in this situation. I hate how he's looking at me. I hate that I even met him. I hate that we're roommates. I hate...I hate...

I hate that he's right.

Without thinking, I grab a hold of the fox and press my muzzle against his. Rhy squirms for a split second, but then he melts into the kiss. I wrestle my tongue over his as I savor the warm taste of his muzzle. I finally pull away, gasping for air. I've forgotten what it was like.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes." Rhy whispers as he tickles my cheek with those soft fingers.

All I can do is smile as he backs away.

"Well, I know what we should do now." He says as I feel his fingers slip into the waistband of my shorts. I smile, as I know exactly what he's going to do, and there's no way I'm going to say no.

Rhy pushes me down onto the bed as he pulls my shorts and boxers down in one motion. I'm already erect and throbbing as I slip out of my shirt. I slip off Rhy's shirt as he gingerly wraps his paw around my member. I begin to pant as he slowly starts to move his paw up and down my shaft. Pre is already starting to flow from my member. My tail flicks as pangs of pleasure travel up through my body. I whimper slightly. I can't help it.

"Awww poor puppy." Rhy purrs.

For an arctic fox, he purrs like a pro.

I gasp as he starts licking the tip of my member. He soon slides his tongue from the base of my shaft to the very tip. I close my eyes and pant harder. Shit, he's so fucking good with his mouth. I stamp the floor with my foot as he takes my whole entire length into his mouth. My tail lashes against the bed in pleasure. He starts sucking on the tip, and I moan in pleasure. His tongue swirls around my member, causing me to moan even louder. Finally, I find the strength to pick Rhy up off the floor and place him in my lap.

"Let's try something new." He grins as he slides out of his pants and throws them onto the floor. He grabs his erect member and places it against mine. He wraps his paw around his and mine and presses them against each other. We both moan as waves of pleasure travel up our bodies. Rhy slowly starts to jerk both of us off as we face each other. We are both panting now and our breath comes out hot. Rhy's hand becomes slick with our pre-cum and he starts to move faster. I groan and grind my hips against his. Rhy whimpers and pants loudly as I buck my hips against his. I lean in and kiss Rhy on his muzzle. Rhy melts into the kiss and doesn't even slow down. I start to feel the familiar pressure on my shaft and I pull Rhy closer to my body. We break from the kiss as I feel my orgasm getting closer. I can tell that Rhy is about to lose it too as he gasps and closes his eyes. With a suppressed howl, Rhy spurts long and hard against my member. Ropes of cum shoot into the air and splatter against my own cock and his paw. Seeing Rhy cum, I lose all control and growl as my own member swells. Rope after rope of cum spurts out of my member and splashes against Rhy's paw and cock. Finally with a sigh, Rhy collapses against me as his orgasm ends. Mine ends a few seconds after his, and I find myself panting as I struggle to keep upright. We remain there on the bed for a few minutes, just panting and enjoying the afterglow. Finally, Rhy sits up and looks into my eyes.

"Great job." I whisper as I lick his nose.

"I know." Rhy whispers back as he licks the cum off of his paw.

I recline back onto the bed and sigh contentedly. Rhy does the same and nuzzles his head against my side. We're both sticky and our fur is matted, but I really don't give a shit. The post-orgasmic bliss is too nice to interrupt with getting clean. We're silent again as we just lie there together, Rhy breathing softly against me.

"So what made you decide?" Rhy finally asks as he traces circles in my fur with his finger.

I don't answer right away. I actually have to think about why I did what I just did.

"I don't know. I guess...I guess that I felt different with you. I mean, whenever I saw you, I would just get this surge of joy in me. Everything is perfect about you. Your physical body, your personality, the way you talk, everything is perfect. And I've never found that in a girl."

Rhy chuckles as he turns over and stares into my eyes.

"You really mean that?"

I smile as I stare into his deep blue eyes.

"Yes. I do. I just feel complete with you. All my life, I've always felt like something was missing, but now I've finally found that missing part. I may have been doubtful at first, but now I know for sure."

Rhy smiles and gives me a soft tender kiss on my muzzle. I close my eyes and return the kiss.

"When I first saw you on television, I made a joke to my friends that I would date Kale Milenski. I never thought that it would come true."

I chuckle slightly as I roll over and wrap my arms around the fox's chest.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Cross my heart." Rhy whispers in reply.

I yawn as I glance at the clock. It's currently midnight. Fuck, I'm tired.

"We should get some sleep now." Rhy whispers as he flicks off the lights.

I mumble a reply as I nuzzle the fox and inhale deeply, savoring the musky vulpine smell.

Rhy nuzzles against me and places his paw on my chest. His sheath presses against my back as he spoons against me.

"Are you sure you're okay Kale?" Rhy whispers, just as I'm about to drift off to sleep.

"Yeah. I am." I whisper in reply as I smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning then. I love you Kale." Rhy whispers in reply.

My heart swells at the comment.

"I love you too Rhy." I say without any trouble at all.

For once, I'm able to fall asleep without any doubts clouding my mind.

Off The Field: Chapter 4

Two months. Exactly two months have passed since I came here and met Rhy. Two whole months have passed where every morning is magical as I wake up to the sound of the fox breathing next to me. And let me tell you, each morning never loses its...

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Dangerous Intentions

Carter hated the city. He hated the suffocating traffic, the noise and filth, and the fact that he could not find a single coffee shop that sold an average cup of coffee. However, the city beat patrolling the country, considering Carter was a man of...

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Off The Field: Chapter Two

I jerk awake from the blaring alarm from what I think is my alarm clock. I groan and reach out with my paw to slam the snooze button but all I feel is the cold wooden smoothness of the desk beside my bed. I crack my eyes open and realize that there...

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