Off The Field: Chapter 4

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#4 of Off The Field Story Series

Two months. Exactly two months have passed since I came here and met Rhy. Two whole months have passed where every morning is magical as I wake up to the sound of the fox breathing next to me. And let me tell you, each morning never loses its magic.

My eyes flutter open at exactly seven in the morning. I twitch my paws and feel the tickle of Rhy's fur. I smile at the arctic fox lying next to me and quietly sit up. Rhy remains asleep as I quietly slip out of bed and stretch. It's the weekend so I have football practice right in the morning. Sure, it's a total bitch to not be able to sleep in, but that leaves the afternoon to hang out with Rhy and other friends. Today would be a whole lot more enjoyable though if I wasn't worried shitless about tomorrow's game. Tomorrow is the first football game of the season.

I yawn as I slip on my football pants and pads as quietly as I can. I'm putting on my jersey when the sheets rustle and I perk my head up to see Rhy sit up. The fox rubs his eyes and gives me a sleepy smile.

"Well good morning stud." He whispers.

I walk over to him and plant a kiss onto his sweet muzzle.

"Good morning to you too." I whisper back.

Rhy yawns and props his head up against his paw.

"Off to practice already?" He asks sleepily.

I nod as I yawn and smile at him.

"Yep. Sorry if I woke you up. You should go back to sleep."

Rhy shrugged.

"I'm awake now. Not really much of a point to go back to sleep again. Besides, I have somethings to do anyways. Oh, one thing, do me a favor stud, and try not to get hurt this time. I don't want to have to patch you up after every practice."

"I can't promise that. Football is a contact sport you know." I reply with a wink as I grab my helmet from the base of the bed.

"Just try. For me." He replies.

"I'll try. So I'll see you at lunch then?" I ask.

"Of course. I'll meet you down in the cafe." Rhy replies with a twitch of his ears.

"Okay cool. I'll see you later then." I say as I walk over to him and plant a quick kiss on his muzzle.

Rhy returns the kiss and waves goodbye as I leave the room.

I make my way through the completely dormant building and step outside into the frigid October air. Fuck it's cold.

I shiver as I follow the path to the football practice field. I can already hear coach screaming commands to the other players.

"Well there you are Kale. Thought you overslept." Coach said with a sideways glance as I approach the field.

"No way coach. First game's tomorrow." I reply.

"Now that's what I like to here. Get your tail out there and do your stuff." Coach replies as he points out to the field.

I nod and slip my helmet on as I jog out to the field.

"We've got a long five hours ahead of us." Dev says to me from his position.

"Don't even remind me." I moan in reply as I bend down and place my paws underneath the center.

"Well, let's do this." I whisper to myself.

It's going to be a long morning.

Two hours later, the sun has come up and the temperature has increased a little. I definitely prefer to play in cold weather though. I'm already beginning to sweat and I still have three more hours of practice to get through.

Coach is absolutely killing us. We've run through the same play for about an hour now. I know it's our last practice before our first game, but cut us some slack for fuck's sake!

"Milenski! Tell Connor to pick it up a little, or he'll be benched tomorrow!" Coach yells at me from the sidelines.

Connor. I glare at the second running back. He's an arrogant cheetah who thinks he's hot shit. He's fast, but not experienced enough. He's one hell of a prick too. I'm not looking forward at all talking to the dick but I really have no choice. With a sigh, I take my helmet off and walk over to Connor.

"Hey Connor. You have a second?" I ask the cheetah.

"Yeah, sure wolf. What's up?" He asks while he shifts back and forth on his feet.

"Listen. Coach says you've gotta pick up the pace a little, put some more effort in. If you don't, then he's gonna bench you for the first game tomorrow."

"Yeah well, tell coach that I'm the one player who's actually working out here today. The rest of the team's playing like shit." He replies without even looking up at me.

I feel the anger flare up in my chest.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me puppy." Connor replies with a snort. "And what the hell have you done today? All I've seen you do is throw the ball, and you haven't even done a good job at that! Half of the time you're throwing it over my fucking head! I can run fast but I can't get down to the end of the field in a second. Try throwing it to me next time."

I have half a mind to punch the cheetah's lights out right now, that fucking arrogant bastard.

"Really? That's funny, because everyone else on this team has no problem catching my passes. If your head wasn't so far up your ass, maybe you'd actually catch the ball more than once. Maybe you should work on that and stop catching shit." I growl in reply as I turn to walk away."

"Oh, you think I play like shit?!" Connor snaps back as he takes a threatening step towards me.

"You heard me." I growl in reply.

I already know where he's headed before he even moves.

Connor snarls as he pounces and pulls his fist back to give me a right hook. I see it coming though and I quickly duck underneath the blow and full on tackle him to the ground. Connor's strong, but he's definitely not as strong as me. I pick the cheetah up by his football pads and slam him into the ground. Connor growls in pain but continues to fight back. He flails wildly and his claws happen to slice the skin beneath my left eye. Wincing slightly, I loosen my grip on Connor. He manages to squirm out of my hold, but I've had enough of this shit. I clench my fist and land two swift punches right on his face. Connor falls back, obviously stunned or struggling to not hit the ground.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Kale! Break it up!"

I suddenly feel two strong paws pull me away from Conner. I lash out but stop when I see Dev behind me.

"Shit, Kale. Calm down man." Dev says as he raises his paws up and gives me some space.

"Sorry." I mutter as I touch underneath my eye where Connor had scratched me.

My paw comes away bloody.

"What the hell is going on out here?!" Coach demands as he jogs out to the field, his tail twitching angrily.

"Connor attacked Kale and Kale beat the shit out of him, sir." One of the defensive linemen said.

"Bullshit!" Connor growled as he stood up slowly, blood flowing from his nose and muzzle. "Kale started it and-"

"Dammit Connor, how old are we? This isn't first grade! You start something, you better be prepared to pay for it. Understand?"

Connor stared at the ground.

"Yes sir." He muttered.

"Good. And Kale, go to the bench and cool down a little. Dev, help him out with that eye."

I'm about to protest when Dev gives me a shove.

"I'll get right on that sir." Dev says as he passes by me. "Come on Kale."

I still want to say something to coach, but I know he's pissed right now. I sigh and follow Dev to the bench instead.

"Shit Kale, he really got you good." Dev says as he carefully parts my matted fur away from the blood. I wish it was Rhy's fingers instead.

"Yeah well, I think Connor got it worse than me." I chuckle slightly.

"Yeah well, this is definitely gonna leave a nasty scar. Hang on, let me clean and bandage this up."

Dev leaves to go grab the medical kit from the nurses office. I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees as I watch the rest of the team run through plays. I'm starting to calm down from the fight, and I actually really don't feel like beating the shit out of Connor. Sure, the kid's a total prick, but he's part of the team. I'm just going to have to ignore him or show him how a real football player plays. I'm so lost in thought that I barely hear the muffled ring of my cell phone in my duffel bag. I reach over to it and fumble for the device.


"You're on the bench. Are you okay?" Rhy asks curiously.

"Rhy?" I ask. I glance up at our dorm room, but the sun's glare prevents me from seeing into it. "Where are you?"

"Our dorm faces the football field. I came back to grab my jacket and I saw Dev lead you off the field and onto the bench. What happened?"

"Nothing. A teammate and I just got into a little argument. It's fine now." I reply.

There is a long pause on the other end of the line.

"You there?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I heard you. I thought you said you were going to be careful." He huffed.

"I was! It's not like as if I control these things." I argue back.

"Fine. Just try not to make it worse."

"Okay, got it Rhy."

I hang up and throw my phone into my gym bag just as Dev walks up to me with the first aid kit.

"Okay try to keep still. This might sting." Dev says as he places his paw on the side of my face and presses a cloth with some antiseptic cream on it.

"Ouch! Shit Dev!" I wince as the cream cleanses the wound. "That fucking stings!"

"Hey, it's not my fault. I told you to keep still!" Dev snaps back.

He wipes away the blood, and then places a bandage over the wound.

"There! You're good to go! Damn, I could totally go to med school." Dev says as he steps back and admires his work.

It's a good thing that Dev's not going to college to be a doctor.

"Thanks Dev...I think." I say as I stand up and gingerly touch the bandage.

"Not a problem. Now do you think you can get through practice today without punching anyone?" Dev replies as he picks up his helmet off the ground.

"Yeah sure." I grumble as I stand up and slam my helmet back on.

I follow Dev out onto the field again. This is going to be a long practice.

"You are absolutely ridiculous." Rhy says as he shakes his head in disbelief.

I chew on a mouthful of potato chips as I roll my eyes.

"Like I said Rhy, football is a contact sport. I'm going to get hurt a lot, so you better get used to it."

"You get hurt from getting tackled, not getting punched in the face." Rhy replies as he crosses his arms. "Especially from one of your own teammates.

"He started the fight!" I protest.

"And you finished it."

"I wasn't going to let him get away with hitting me!"

"Well maybe you could've been the better person and not strike back."

"Easy for you to say." I mumble as I stuff the last of my sub into my muzzle. "You weren't the one who was getting insulted."

Rhy sighs and leans forward.

"I just care about you, you know that. That's my job as your boy-"

"Shhhhhhh!" I hiss as I quickly look around to make sure no one is nearby.

"What?" Rhy asks.

I take one last look around, and then lean in close to the fox.

"Don't say that we're boyfriends out loud. There are too many people here." I hiss.

Rhy's ears flick slightly.

"What's the big deal? No one will care."

"What do you mean no one will care? Do you know what will happen to me if someone finds out that I'm...that I'm-"

"Gay." Rhy finishes quietly.

I sigh as I nod my head. I still feel weird when I use that word to describe myself.

"Seriously Kale, you're overreacting." Rhy replies as he leans back into his chair.

"Easy for you to say. You aren't on a team with a bunch of homophobic football players." I mutter as I cross my arms. "Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Sure. Who's this Connor guy?" Rhy asks.

I can tell that he's bothered that I don't want to talk about my issues to him.

"He's just some cocky asshole. I don't think he's going to be a problem anymore."

"Well I hope not." Rhy replies dryly.

I open my mouth to say something, but stop when Dev walks over to the table and pulls out a chair.

"This seat free?" He asks.

I nod and Dev sits down.

"How's the eye? It's not hurting that much, is it?" He asks.

"No, it's feeling okay." I reply.

Dev looks over at Rhy and notices his sour look that he's giving me.

"Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Dev says as he looks over at me, then at Rhy again.

"No, not at all Dev." Rhy replies. I see that sly grin spread across his muzzle. "Kale and I were just talking about gay rights. Maybe you have an input on this?"

Damn foxes, why do they have to be so clever? He really knows how to make my blood boil.

Dev blinks as he stares at Rhy.

"Oh, well um...I really don't care about them, I guess. I mean, as long as they stay away from me, I'm fine."

"Hmmmm, interesting." Rhy says as he glances over at me.

I know that he's doing this just so he can prove his point. Well if he wants to act like a little cub and get his way, then fine. I'm not gonna let him get to me.

"Hypothetically, what if one of your friends comes out to you?" Rhy asks Dev.

"Well...I really don't know how I'd react. I guess I really won't care. I mean, it's his choice, not mine. I don't want to reform everyone to be how I want them to be. I don't believe that at all."

Dev pauses as he looks at me and Rhy again.

"Um, why are you guys talking about this again?"

"For a debate. In class." I reply quickly before Rhy has a chance to pull another stunt again.

"Oh cool. Didn't know there was such a thing. I would totally kick ass in that class." Dev replies. "Well I have to go to the library really quick. I'll catch you later guys." Dev says as he stands back up.

"See ya." I reply as I wave to the panther.

I wait until Dev leaves before I turn and glare at Rhy across the table.

"Nice. Real nice." I growl.

"What? I did you a favor. You heard what he said. He really doesn't care about them. See? That doesn't sound homophobic to me."

"Yeah whatever. You didn't have to get him involved."

"You're overreacting again."

"And you're being stupid."

I regret saying that as soon as the last word leaves my mouth. I can tell that Rhy's hurt, but he's good at hiding his emotions. His tail droops slightly and so do his ears, but only for a slight second. I want to apologize, but I can't bring myself to do it. Instead, I remain mute and stare at my empty plate.

"You're right. I'm sorry Kale. I shouldn't pressure you into such things yet." Rhy replies softly.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." I mutter.

Rhy smiles slightly as he stands up, but I can tell it's forced.

"Well I've gotta go meet some friends at the drama practice, so I'll see you at dinner."

"Okay. Have fun." I reply.

I watch Rhy leave as I throw away my trash. It's strange how we can get over an argument so quickly. It usually takes me awhile to get over an argument with anyone, but for some reason it's easy with Rhy. Maybe it's because I love him? Or because I'm afraid of losing him? I still haven't figured everything out yet, and I really don't want my emotions to get the best of me, especially when our first big game is tomorrow.

I return to my dorm, the argument still lingering in my mind. I strip off my clothes and turn the water in the shower on. Tomorrow's game, the fight between me and Connor, and the argument I just had with Rhy is all spinning around in my head. I feel confused, angry, and anxious all at the same time. Hopefully the shower will help soothe my restlessness. While I'm waiting for the water to warm up, I walk over to my bed and sit down onto it. I pick up the pillow and press it against my muzzle as I inhale deeply. The deep musky scent of Rhy flows into my nostrils and causes my body to tingle happily. I smile at the refreshing scent. I walk back over into the bathroom and step into the warm water. I feel all of the tension in my muscles release as the warm water soaks my fur and runs down my body. I sigh happily and close my eyes.

So much has happened in just a couple of months. I've become semi-famous, I'm part of the best college football team in history, I've made tons of new friends, and most importantly, I've figured out who I really am with the help of a special someone. Sure, we have our small quarrels here and there, but that's all part of a relationship. It just wouldn't be a normal relationship without an argument every so often. The important thing is that we get them resolved.

Resolved. The word causes me to open my eyes and lean against the shower wall. The last argument we had at lunch still lingers in my mind, and while it should be resolved, it still isn't. So why isn't it resolved? Well, it's because I'm still not ready for anyone to know about me and Rhy. Rhy is pretty much out about being gay, but he definitely doesn't wave around pride flags or anything like that. So what the hell should I do? I know that Rhy's going to want me to come out soon, but what if I don't want to? I know that's impossible if I want to be in a relationship with Rhy, and I definitely don't want to lose him. I try to think of another solution, but the only outcomes of solving this conflict is either coming out soon or telling Rhy that we can't be together, and the second option is a definite no for me. So that leaves the first and only solution. Should I come out before football? No, definitely after football. And who should I come out too first? Parents? No. Football team? Fuck no. Dev? I stop and linger on that thought. Dev seems like a pretty cool and accepting guy. I mean, he did say that he didn't care about gays. So there. My plan is to come out after football and tell Dev first. That way, I can take things slow and hopefully Dev will understand. Sure, it's going to be hard as fuck, but hopefully I'll be ready by then.

I turn the water off and step out of the shower. I grab a towel from the sink and start to dry my fur off. Will I have to tell my parents too? I really want my parents to meet Rhy some more, but I'm sure Rhy wants to be introduced as my boyfriend, not as a good friend. I wrinkle my nose as I think about it. Personally, I really don't know how my parents will react. My father will definitely flip his shit, but my mother might be more understanding. Fuck, why am I even worrying about this? I still have a long time ahead of me to figure these things out.

With my fur slightly damp, I step out of the bathroom and rummage through my drawer. I slip on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. My mind is no longer buzzing with mixed emotions, but I still feel a heavy weight in my heart. Rhy just doesn't understand how I feel. I need to talk to someone, someone other than Rhy. I glance outside the window and settle my eyes on the fitness building. Dev is usually lifting right now, and the weight room is usually pretty empty at this hour. Well fuck it. Dev seems to be the only person who I can talk to right now, so I might as well go talk to him. I slip my shoes on and quickly leave the room, the ache in my heart growing stronger with each thought of Rhy.

"You want to talk to me about a relationship problem?" Dev asks between reps on the bench press.

I rub the back of my head as I spot the panther.

"Uh, yeah. You seem like the kind of guy who can help me." I reply bashfully.

Dev exhales as he sets the bar back onto the rack and sits up.

"Well, I can't guarantee that, but sure, I'll see if I can help. What's the problem?"

I hesitate as I try to figure out how to word this.

"Well, this girl who I like, I want to introduce her to my family, but I don't know if they will approve, you know?"

That has to be the lamest story I've ever thought of.

"Really? What's wrong with her?" Dev asks curiously.

"Uh, well, um...she's just not that conservative. My parents believe in the no short skirts but appropriate clothing crap." I stammer.

"Ah okay. Well, the only suggestion I can give is to just go for it." Dev replies with a smile. "You can try to convince her to dress nice, but it's who she is though. It would be like someone trying to get you to quit football. It's just not in you."

"Yeah, I get what you're saying." I reply as I shift my feet.

"And anyways, if she truly makes you happy, then try not to care about what your parents or what anyone else thinks. Don't let them get to you man. Hell, I don't even listen to my parents anymore. I'll bring home any girl I want too"

I think back about what Rhy had said about people not caring, but the problem is that people do care. There really are those out there in the world who look at homosexuals as freaks. But what did Rhy and Dev both say? They said to not worry about what others think of me. I am who I am, and I shouldn't change because of what others think. I mean, look at Rhy. He's perfectly happy. But I'm just not ready yet.

"Okay. Thanks man. You really helped me actually." I say sincerely as I pat the panther on his back.

"No problem at all man. Let me know how it goes." Dev replies.

I smile and nod as I turn around and leave. It's time to talk to Rhy.

"So that's all you're worried about?" Rhy asks as he creates circles in my fur with his finger.

I sigh as I run my paw across the fox's toned chest.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about." I reply as I turn to look at Rhy. "I love you Rhy, I really do. But I'm just not ready to come out yet. I'm still not comfortable yet. I just need more time."

Rhy nods as he rests his head against my chest.

"I understand Kale. It's a hard thing to do. I shouldn't have tried to pressure you into something that you're not ready to do yet."

I smile at Rhy's reply. A feeling of relief washes over me as those words register in my mind.

"I'm glad you understand. I just need some more time." I whisper as I wrap my arms around his body and press him close to me.

"You can have all the time you need hon." Rhy replies as he slips his hand underneath the bed sheet and brushes my exposed member.

I press my muzzle against his and force my tongue into his muzzle. Rhy melts into the kiss and wrestles his tongue over mine. I slip my paw down to his sheath and start stroking it slowly. Rhy moans softly and slowly starts to grind his hips against me. I start to feel my heart race. The feel of Rhy's body against my paws is pure bliss. There's no one else who I'd rather be this close with. I cup his furry sac in my paw and gently massage his two testicles. Rhy moans in pleasure as he bucks against me a little faster. His member rubs against my fur and coats it in pre-cum. His paw starts to stroke my exposed member a little faster, and I growl in pleasure. We're so lost in the moment that I barely hear the knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I gasp slightly as I quickly sit up and frantically try to find my shorts that I had thrown.

"It's Dev. Sorry to bother you, but coach wanted me to give you the list of players from the team we're playing tomorrow." Dev said from behind the door.

"O-okay, just a second." I stammer as I quickly throw on a pair of shorts and try to look decent. I'm still hard though but I really can't hide that. Rhy quickly covers himself with the bed sheet and grabs his book from the desk.

"What's up?" I ask as casually as I can while trying to hide my hard-on behind the door.

"Here's the list of all the guys we're playing tomorrow. Coach told me that their running back is pretty damn fast." Dev says as he hands me a sheet of paper.

I take the paper while keeping the door partially opened.

"Okay, thanks." I reply.

Dev nods as he looks past me into our room.

"Hey Rhy." Dev says as he waves to the fox.

Rhy looks up from the book he's pretending to read and waves in reply.

"Well I better get some sleep. Don't want to be tired for our first game tomorrow." Dev says with a wink.

"Yeah, definitely man. I'll see you tomorrow." I reply as I bid the panther farewell.

I close the door and turn around to face Rhy, who's grinning slightly at me.

"Well, that was kinda close." I say sheepishly.

Rhy chuckles as he sets his book back down on the desk and uncovers himself again.

"Now, I do believe we were in the middle of something." Rhy says slyly as he beckons me over with his paw.

I smile as I slowly pull down my shorts. There's no way I can turn down an invitation like that.

Off The Field: Chapter 5

The stadium is packed. Despite the cold temperatures, thousands braved the weather to watch the first game of the Xavier Gryphons. The opponents: The unlucky Union Raptors. Don't get me wrong, the Raptors are an okay team, but they really don't stand...

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Dangerous Intentions: Chapter Two

Chapter 2 of my story series. I'm quite happy with how well it's coming along and I hope you guys like it too. Also, kudos to those of you who catch the cross-reference in here! Thanks for reading!...

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Off The Field: Chapter 3

I feel like I'm floating when I open my eyes and my dream that I was having collapses. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before the memories of last night's events come rushing back into my head. I turn my head to the right and find Rhy's white...

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