Dangerous Intentions

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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Carter hated the city. He hated the suffocating traffic, the noise and filth, and the fact that he could not find a single coffee shop that sold an average cup of coffee. However, the city beat patrolling the country, considering Carter was a man of being where the action was. Unfortunately, the action was centered in the deprived parts of the city, and that's where Carter hated to be.

"Hey! Carter! Snap out of it!"

The black wolf glanced up from the computer screen he was staring at.

"What now Simmons?" Carter asked as he sat up in his seat.

"You were zoning out man. Looked like your eyes were glazing over. I know it's a dead night bro but try to not fall asleep on me." Simmons replied as his paw tightened around the cruiser's steering wheel.

"Tuesday nights is always this dead. Especially at one in the morning." Carter sighed as he turned his attention back to the cruiser's computer screen. "I mean look at this! Nothing lining up on the list. The night is dead."

Simmons adjusted the radio on his shoulder. The tiger, who was currently Carter's three year partner, looked just as bored as him.

"Well at least we had one call to respond to." The tiger commented.

"And it turned out shitty. We didn't even have to step out of the car!" Carter replied back as he let his arm dangle out of the window.

"Well at least it's a nice summer night." Simmons glanced over at the wolf.

"Yes, wonderful. I could be sleeping right now." Carter muttered.

The two were silent for several minutes, allowing the silence to only be broken my valueless radio chatter.

"Hey Carter. How's that guy you were talking to?"

Carter snorted.

"Turned out to not be my type." The wolf muttered with a sideways glance. "I'm telling you man, no one wants to hook up with a cop."

Simmons chuckled.

"I don't agree with that statement man. Chicks always dig a guy in uniform."

"Yeah well there's the big difference. Chicks dig guys in uniforms. Other guys do not dig other guys in uniforms." Carter countered as he picked up his coffee.

"Car 1009, car 1009, we have a 10-26 in progress at the corner of Midway Street and Henderson West. Report of three males currently engaged in a physical fight. Respond?"

Simmons shot Carter a grin as he picked up the radio.

"Dispatch this is car 1009. We'll take that 10-26."

Carter sat up straighter in his seat as he buckled his seatbelt.

"There's your excitement tonight man." Simmons said as he shouldered the radio and started the police cruiser. "Let's go break up a fight."

Carter's response was drowned out as the cruiser peeled out of the parking lot they were sitting in.

"Damnit Simmons! You made me spill my coffee." Carter growled as he set his coffee down and wiped the lukewarm liquid off of his uniform.

"Then be happy that our uniforms are black. Sirens or no sirens?"

Carter flipped on the sirens as the police cruiser reached sixty.

The two pulled up to the corner of Midway and Henderson in record time. Carter barely heard his partner report to dispatch that they reached the scene. He set his paw on the butt of his service weapon as he opened the cruiser door. The headlights from the car illuminated three males strafing around on the sidewalk. Carter immediately scanned the scene as he started to jog over to the fight. A fennec wearing jeans and a red polo was dodging the strikes from a bear and a panther. The fennec's shirt was torn, and blood was streaming from his muzzle.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Carter shouted as he stepped towards the two assailants, his paw still resting on his service weapon. "Break it up now! Or we will use force!"

Simmons approached the bear from the side, his taser aimed and ready.

"Fuck off!" The bear growled as he took another swing at the fennec, who dodged it with ease. "This faggot owes us some shit!"

"Last warning to resolve this peacefully! Step away from the fennec with your hands above your head!" Simmons commanded.

"Just fucking tase him or something!" The fennec shouted as he dodged another devastating blow from the bear.

Carter blinked. That voice. He recognized that voice.

Simmons glanced at Carter. Carter nodded. Simmons fired his taser. There was a loud electronic crackle as the pins fired from the gun shot into the bear, along with a tremendous amount of electricity. The bear tensed up and collapsed to the ground in a heap. Seeing what happened to his partner in crime, the panther slowly stopped and started to back away. Carter knelt down and put the incapacitated bear into handcuffs while Simmons ordered the panther to place his hands behind his back.

"Can you take care of these two? I'm gonna go talk to the fennec." Carter whispered as he led the dazed bear to the patrol car.

Simmons nodded as he opened the cruiser's back door and pushed the panther inside. Carter patted his friend on the back and started to jog over to where the fennec sat on the side of the road. He was in rough shape but luckily there seemed to be no life threatening injuries.

"Hey. Fennec. Holding up okay?"

The fennec looked up as he wiped some blood away from his nose. Despite the obvious pain he was in, he still managed to give that sly grin that Carter knew so much.

"Officer Chillcote. I'm glad that I ran into you. I mean, I'm glad that you ran into me." The fennec said as he sniffed.

Carter glanced back at Simmons to make sure the tiger was not within earshot. Simmons was currently occupied with doing background checks on the two assaulters.

"Jesus Sift, please don't tell me you went back to your old habits." Carter said as he sat down on the curb next to the fennec.

"What? No! Carter, I've been clean for about a year now!" Sift exclaimed.

"Okay, okay. I believe you. Quiet down." Carter replied as he raised his paw. "Then would you mind telling me why those two were trying to beat you into next week?"

"I don't mind Officer Carter, but would you mind calling an ambulance first? Or you could drive me there." Sift replied as he wiped more blood off of his nose.

Carter stood up and motioned for Simmons.

"Call an ambulance for the kid." He muttered into the tiger's ear.

"Already done. You know him boss?"

"Who? The fennec? No." Carter lied. "Just gathering some information from him."

Simmons nodded as he glanced at the fennec.

"I'm gonna finish up these background checks. Meet you back in the car." He said as he started walking back to the cruiser.

Carter nodded as he turned and went back to Sift.

"Ambulance is on its way. How are you holding up?"

Sift shrugged.

"I lost a tooth I think. Couldn't find it though. My head is pounding and looks like I'll be throwing this shirt away."

Carter's ears perked up as the wail of sirens approached from the distance.

"Before we ship you off to the hospital Sift, please answer this one question. And I want the truth." Carter said as he set his paw lightly on the fennec's shoulder. "Are you still clean?"

Sift sighed.

"Yes Carter, I'm clean. I promise. I've been clean for about a year now. I'm going to school, I have a job, and my own apartment now."

Carter smiled as the ambulance pulled up to the street. He offered out his paw and helped Sift to his feet.

"I'm glad to hear that Sift. I really am. Listen, I'm gonna stop by the hospital once my shift ends to get your story. You okay with that?"

Sift smiled and nodded as he sniffed.

"I'll see you at the hospital then, officer."

A fox and a horse clad in blue uniforms pushed a white stretcher over near Sift.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of walking." Sift commented as he eyed the stretcher.

"Sorry. Standard procedure." Carter shrugged as he gently picked up the fennec and set him down on the stretcher.

Sift gave him a quick wink. Carter turned to face the two medics.

"Take good care of the kid. I'll be stopping by later so if you can let the station know what room he will be in, that would be great."

"Don't worry officer. We'll make sure he's taken care of." The horse said as they wheeled the fennec into the ambulance.

Carter gave a nod to Sift before he shut the ambulance doors. The wolf sighed as he watched the ambulance pull away and head off to the hospital. He glanced at his watch as he walked back to the patrol car. The time was currently three in the morning, which he had about two hours left until his shift was over.

"The kid going to be okay?" Simmons asked as Carter slumped down in his seat.

"Yeah. He's pretty banged up but he'll be okay."

Simmons nodded as he started the patrol car and started driving.

"So...we're back to where we were." Simmons commented.

"Mmhmm." Carter mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "Let's just go get some coffee."

By the time the two officers had returned to the precinct, the sun was just beginning to rise. The city was slowly waking up as the morning grind started. Carter walked through the halls of the precinct, putting more effort in trying to keep his eyes opened then trying to walk. He was on his fourth cup of coffee and it was not helping him at all. He gave a nod to the morning shift officers who were filing into the briefing room.

"Morning to you Officer Carter." A horse said as he walked up beside Carter.

"Morning to you Marcus. You holding up okay?" Carter asked as he yawned.

"Barely. Boring night. I should be the one asking you though. No offense man, but you look like shit."

"I feel like shit." Carter chuckled as the two entered the locker room. "I haven't really been sleeping well lately."

"Something going on man?" Marcus asked as he walked over to his locker.

Carter sighed as he started unbuttoning his uniform shirt.

"No. It's just the stress of work growing on me. I really need to get transferred to second shift. Graveyard shift is just really wearing me down."

"I know what you mean. Put in a request man. You've worked here for three years and have been at the top of the list. I'm sure chief will transfer you shifts."

"I really hope so." Carter replied as he stripped out of his uniform shirt.

The wolf undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He sighed in relief as he stripped out of them. He adjusted his package, which had been trapped against his thighs for eight hours.

"You planning on doing anything today?" Marcus asked.

"Sleeping." Carter chuckled as he slipped on a pair of jeans. "Actually I'm stopping by the hospital first."

"How come? If you don't mind telling me, I mean." Marcus asked with a sideways glance.

"I'm visiting a victim of assault." Carter replied as he folded his uniform and stuffed it in his duffel bag.

"So I'm guessing you find this victim attractive?" Marcus asked with a smirk.

"What? No, I just want to make sure the kid is okay." Carter replied as he threw on a white t-shirt. "Why would you assume that?"

Marcus folded his massive arms as he grinned.

"Come on Carter. I've known you for like seven years. I know when you're attracted to someone by what you decide to do. You're twenty-three bro. You really need to jump the gun on finding someone."

Carter snorted as he shouldered his bag.

"Whatever. I'll see you tonight man."

Marcus chuckled as Carter left the locker room.

He exited the precinct and walked over to his parked car. He threw his duffel bag in the back and then slid into the driver's seat. The hospital was only ten minutes away, but city traffic sucked so it would probably take him twenty minutes to get through the gridlock. Carter's eyes were feeling heavy again, and he did not have a cup of coffee this time. There was an old cup of coffee in his cup holder and he contemplated on drinking it. Carter shook his head. He really was addicted to coffee.

It was around eight in the morning by the time Carter pulled into the parking lot of Grandview Hospital. The wolf pulled out the piece of paper that he had written Sift's room number on.

"Room 204, third floor. 204, third floor." Carter recited to himself as he entered the hospital.

The smell of disinfectant and rubbing alcohol caused his nose to wrinkle. He quickly made his way to the elevators and jammed the button for the third floor. When the elevator doors opened, he made his way to the receptionist.

"Can I help you sir?" The female wolf asked from behind the desk.

"I'm here to check up on a Sift...um...Sift..." Carter stopped as he suddenly realized that he completely forgot the fennec's last name. "Um...he's a fennec. His first name is Sift and he probably checked in here around three in the morning. Also probably has a smartass attitude."

"Are you talking about Mr. Streak? Sift Streak checked in here at 3:25 in the morning."

"Yes, that's him. Is he currently awake?" Carter asked.

"I believe so sir. You may go check on him if you wish. He's in room 204, on the right."

"Thank you." Carter replied as he started down the hallway.

He reached the designated room and quietly opened the door. He smiled slightly as he saw the fennec lying in the hospital bed, his eyes closed. His chest was rising and falling steadily. A bandage was wrapped around his fingers, and his wrist was set in a cast. A piece of blood-stained cotton stuck out of his muzzle. Carter let the door shut behind him as quietly as possible. Sift's eyes fluttered open at the sound of the door closing.

"Hey you." Carter said with a smile as he approached the fennec.

"Hey yourself." Sift replied drowsily. "You actually came."

"Of course I did. I wanted to make sure you're doing okay."

Sift chuckled as he sat up.

"Well they gave me morphine, so I'm actually feeling pretty well right now. My wrist is fractured and I'm going to have to get a fake tooth. Other than that, I'm actually feeling fine."

"Well that's great to hear." Carter replied as he took a seat in the chair next to the bed. "So you up to telling me what happened?"

"Not much to tell Carter." Sift said with a shrug. "I used to buy my oxycodone from them, and I guess I kinda owed them some money. They weren't too happy when I told them that I didn't have the money."

"Well you won't have to worry about them anymore." Carter replied reassuringly.

"Thanks Carter." Sift replied with a warm smile. "I mean, thanks for everything. I don't think I've ever told you that."

"Yes you have." Carter replied as he set his paw on Sift's good paw.

"No, I mean, I really never told you how grateful I am for you. I mean, if you hadn't come along and kept me in line, I could be dead, either from an overdose, or worse. It's thanks to you that I turned my life around and started making changes for the better."

Carter shrugged as he looked at Sift in the eyes.

"It's part of my job man."

"Yeah, but were the weekly visits part of your job? Was the job searching and college recommendations part of your job? I don't think that's in your job description."

Carter gave Sift's paw a light squeeze.

"I care about you Sift. I really do. When I first met you, you were just a scared and lost kid. I saw potential in you though. Sure, you were a smartass, and you still are, but I knew that you had a bright future if you could just turn your life around." Carter stood up and brushed Sift's cheek with his paw. "And now look at you. You have a job, your own apartment, and you've just completed your first year of college."

"And you know this how?" Sift asked with a smirk.

"I've seen you walking around the campus. You look cute carrying all of those textbooks."

Sift chuckled as he sat up straighter and brought his muzzle closer to Carter's.

"May I? I mean, is anyone around?"

"I don't see anyone." Carter replied with a warm smile.

"Well I'm going for it then, officer." Sift whispered.

The fennec turned his muzzle and pressed it up against Carter's. Carter's smile grew wider as he melted into the kiss, allowing his tongue to roll over Sift's. He loved how Sift tasted, how their tongues wrestled over each other to explore each other's muzzles. Of course, this kiss was just a casual kiss.

"It's been way too long since we've done that." Sift panted as he broke the kiss.

"I know, I know." Carter yawned. "You know why though."

"Yeah I know." Sift replied with a roll of his eyes. "Having a relationship that puts your job at risk just isn't worth it. I really do wish we could though."

"Trust me, so do I Sift. Maybe someday though."

"Yeah, when you retire." Sift snorted. "I'll probably be with someone by then."

"I know you'll be with someone by then." Carter sighed, his mood suddenly downcast. "You should really get some sleep."

"You look like you need some sleep too." Sift replied.

Carter stood up and started for the door.

"Hey Carter? Can I ask you something?"

Carter hesitated, his paw set on the door handle.

"Of course you can." He replied without turning around.

"Do you think there's a chance of us starting a relationship? I mean, I know how the government frowns upon law enforcement officers having relationships with ex-criminals, but is there any chance for us starting one?"

Carter closed his eyes as he turned the handle.

"Get some rest Sift. I'll see you around soon."

With that, the wolf opened the door and exited the hospital room.

"I didn't think so." Sift muttered as he closed his eyes.

Off The Field: Chapter Two

I jerk awake from the blaring alarm from what I think is my alarm clock. I groan and reach out with my paw to slam the snooze button but all I feel is the cold wooden smoothness of the desk beside my bed. I crack my eyes open and realize that there...

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Off The Field

Lately, people have been asking me how all of this got started. I grin and laugh slightly. "Well, it all started with this guy right here," I say as a motion towards the arctic fox. He sticks out his tongue and elbows me softly in the ribs. I laugh...

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