Off The Field: Chapter Two

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#2 of Off The Field Story Series

I jerk awake from the blaring alarm from what I think is my alarm clock. I groan and reach out with my paw to slam the snooze button but all I feel is the cold wooden smoothness of the desk beside my bed. I crack my eyes open and realize that there is no alarm clock. My ears perk up as I hear a rustle of sheets, and then the blaring alarm goes silent. I open my eyes all the way and I see Rhy sitting on the edge of his bed. His white fur is a little disheveled from sleeping, and one of his ears is folded down. The arctic fox yawns, showing off his perfect set of white teeth and pink tongue. He's shirtless and I can see his toned muscles ripple underneath his fur. I throw the sheets off of me and take up the same position as Rhy. "Morning." Rhy says as he looks at me with a grin. "How'd you sleep?" "Decent." I reply as I smooth the fur on my chest. "Feels weird not waking up in my own house though." Rhy chuckles as he stands up and stretches. "I call bathroom first. You wanna go get some breakfast?" "Yeah sure." I reply as I dig through my bag for a pair of shorts and shirt. I'll need to unpack all of my clothing soon. I watch as Rhy walks to the bathroom, his white tail swaying lazily back and forth. Why do I find it so mesmerizing? I have no fucking clue. The events of last night flow back into my mind, and I feel that confused feeling again. I push the thoughts out of my head and try to focus on my agenda for today. Let's see, I have College Algebra first, then American Literature I, and then Physics. After those classes, all I have is football. I glower at my first class on my schedule. Great, my worst subject is first. I look up as Rhy comes out of the bathroom, clad in a pair of khaki shorts and a plain black polo that fits his frame perfectly. "We'd better hurry if we want to grab some breakfast before our classes." Rhy says as he grabs his book bag and cell phone. I nod in reply as I grab my clothes and trudge to the bathroom. I slam the door a little too hard behind me as I strip out of my shorts. I let out a long sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror. My fur is a little messed up between my ears but I really don't give a shit. I turn the faucet on and splash some cold water on my face to wake me up. I quickly dry my face off, apply some deodorant, and slip into my pair of shorts and a plain black t-shirt. "You ready?" Rhy asks. "Yeah. Where are we gonna get breakfast?" I yawn. "Just down in the cafe again. The food there is pretty amazing." I grab my cell phone from my bed. "Okay that's fine with me." I say as I follow the arctic fox out into the hallway. The rest of the dorm building seems quiet besides an otter and a black fox who seem to be getting ready for morning classes too. We make our way down to the cafe, grab some muffins and packaged snack food, and then bid each other farewell as we head our separate ways. As I walk across the campus to my first class, my thoughts drift back to what had happened last night. I'm still not so sure if Rhy is gay or not, or why I was having unexplainable feelings towards him. You know what? Fuck it. I'm not going to give this another thought. I'm just friends with Rhy, and that's it. Just friends. I chew on the eraser of my pencil as I take my seat and wait for my first class to begin. I glance around at the crowded room as more and more students file in and take their seats. Soon it begins to get a little crowded and hot. The professor, a tall lanky fox, strolls in with a briefcase. He pushes his glasses up onto his muzzle as he smiles and greets the class. "Greetings everyone, and welcome to your first college class of the year. My name is Kyle Taylor." I try to pay attention to Mr. Taylor's lecture but I soon find myself getting jittery from sitting too long. I'm not so sure why but I always hate sitting for long periods of time. I always have to be doing something. I take a break from writing notes and I glance outside. It's a perfect sunny day, perfect for football. My tail begins to wag slightly just thinking about it. "Mr. Milenski? Would you mind telling the class the answer to my question?" My mind suddenly snaps back into reality as I quickly avert my gaze from the window to the front of the room. Mr. Taylor is standing there with his arms crossed and a smug grin across his muzzle. I quickly scan the problem on the board and do the math in my head. "The answer is fifty-seven." I reply. Mr. Taylor blinks in surprise. "Uh, yes. That's correct. Very good Mr. Milenski." I fight the urge to grin. Thought you could make me look like an idiot in front of the entire class? Ha, not this time Mr. Taylor. The class finally ends and I quickly pack up my books and papers and leave the room. I inhale deeply as I step outside, enjoying the light autumn breeze and the warm sunshine. I begin to walk across the campus to my American Literature class. "Mind if I walk with you?" My heart seems to skip a beat as I recognize the smooth voice. I turn around to see Rhy walking behind me. "Hey man. Not at all." I reply. "So how was your first class?" Rhy asks as he walks up beside me. "It sucked. I hate math." I reply with a slight chuckle. "Really? I love it." Rhy replies with a twitch of his ears. "Well it's my worst subject. I don't know how I'm going to survive Calculus." "I can help you." Rhy says as he studies me with those deep blue eyes. I find myself smiling as I nod my head. "Okay. I'd like that." We finally reach the building to where my American Literature class. To my surprise, Rhy is in the same class as me, and we end up sitting next to each other. I try to pay attention to the lecture on famous writers, but I find myself laughing with Rhy at the jokes he makes during the entire lesson. For a fox, he's pretty damn funny. Lunch is after American Literature and I end up eating with Rhy again. A couple of guys from the football team end up joining our table, including Dev, and I'm glad how well Rhy fits in. After lunch, I make my way to my Physics class with Rhy. I choose him as my lab partner and we end up fooling around the entire class again. Maybe college classes won't be too bad after all. And finally, football begins. "Finally!" I yell as I throw the door open to our room. "Careful wolf. I really don't want to fill out a damages form on the first week of college." Rhy says as he follows me and closes the door. "How long is practice?" "About four hours, or something like that." I say as I throw off my shirt and shorts. I feel Rhy scan my features and I start to feel hot. I turn around to my bag and pull out my football pants and jersey. "Are we gonna grab some dinner after?" Rhy asks. "Huh? Oh yeah, sure." I say as I slip on my jockstrap and football pants. They're a little tight but they'll loosen up over time. "You look...good." Rhy comments as he looks down at the floor. I pause in the middle of putting my pads on. How the hell should I respond to that comment? "Uh...thanks." I stammer as I pull my football jersey on. I look down proudly at the royal blue jersey with the large white number fifty-one printed on the front. It seems unreal to me that I'm actually wearing a Xavier football jersey. "Try not to get hurt out there." Rhy comments with a sly smile as he collapses onto his bed. "I'll try. What class do you have next?" I ask as I grab my football helmet. "Nothing right now." Rhy replies as he opens the book he was reading the other night. "I might go down to the lounge later and work on some stuff with some friends." "Okay. Well I'll see you for dinner then." "Have fun." Rhy says as he waves his paw at me. I exit the room and practically run down the stairs and outside. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I approach the football field. There's already about eleven other players running drills on the field. The coach, a black cougar, is busy shouting at a couple players on the field. I take a deep breath, and keep on walking forward. Time to meet my fans. "Hey! Milenski's here!" I look up to see the black panther that I had met yesterday waving to me. I struggle to remember his name. "Dev! Stop getting distracted and focus on the play!" The coach yells. Oh yeah. Dev. That's his name. The coach turns to face me, and I start to feel nervous. "Welcome to the team Kale Milenski." The black cougar says as he firmly shakes my paw. "Name's Carter. Everyone just calls me Coach Carter." "It's such an honor to meet you." I say as I shake his paw. "Glad to hear it. I've seen how you play on television, but I haven't seen you play in real life. So how about you run out onto the field and show me what you got?" "Yes sir!" I say as I put my helmet on. My heart is still beating rapidly as I run out onto the field. Dev waves to me and I wave back. I acknowledge the other players as I take my position behind the center. I'm so fucking nervous that my knees are shaking. "Okay, we're running Triple Option!" Coach Carter yells. Triple Option. I'm familiar with this tricky play. He's obviously testing me to see how I do under pressure. I bend down and place my paws underneath the center as I run the play through my head. My job is to run back as soon as the center snaps the ball. The running back is going to be open as he runs behind me. My job is to fake a pass to the tight end but then the running back will come in and I hand the ball off to him. The only problem is watching the defensive line to make sure they don't overwhelm me. "Triple! Ready! Hike!" I shout. As soon as I feel the ball around my paws, I take off running. Everything rushes past me in a blur, but I'm only focusing on the running back. I fake the pass, then hand the ball off to the running back just as the defensive line breaks through. I end up getting tackled by a large bull but I don't give a shit. I completed the play successfully without fucking anything up. I smile to myself as the bull helps me up. "Impressive." Coach says with his arms crossed. "But I'm gonna have to see more. We're gonna run a few more plays. Get out there and run a shotgun." "Yes sir." I reply as I run back out onto the field. The other guys congratulate me as I line up again behind the center. I smile to myself as I bend down and get ready for the next play.

Two hours later, I'm sweating like crazy. My right arm burns like hell from throwing and my legs feel like they're going to break off if I get tackled again. I wipe the sweat from my eyes and take a drink of water. My uniform is covered in dirt and grass stains. "Kale! Get out here and run this play again!" Coach yells at me. Fuck me. I'm so fucking tired and hot right now I would do anything to take all of my pads off right now. I trudge back onto the field, cringing at every step that I take. I take my position behind the center and wince as I bend down. My muscles scream in protest. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow. I'm barely aware as I shout out the play. I feel the ball land in my paws and I take off running to the right. I look frantically for the receiver but he's blocked. I get ready to run the ball straight through the middle, but then I suddenly feel someone slam into me. Time seems to slow as my vision is filled with the blue autumn sky. This can't be good. The next moment, I feel an intense pain as I land on the hard ground. My helmet is thrown off and the side of my face drags along the rough grass and dirt. I feel two other guys fall on top of me and I gasp as the wind is knocked out of me. I try to move but I really can't with three two-hundred plus pound linemen on me. To my surprise, and slight appreciation, I'm still holding on to the ball. I finally feel the weight lift off of my body and I slowly stand up. Fuck my head hurts. The painful throbbing begins almost immediately as I stand up. I clutch my head and try to clear my vision. My paw comes away bloody. "Yo Coach! Kale's hurt!" I hear someone shout. I watch as coach jogs out onto the field with a few other players. "No. I'm fine coach. Just a little scraped up." I say as I shake my head. "That's still a nasty gash you have above your right eye. Go and get that cleaned up. Practice is over anyways." Carter says as he examines my face. I nod, feeling like a total idiot. Great way to make your first impression Kale, act like some amazing quarterback and end up fucking up a play and getting injured. The other players pat me on the back and ask if I'm okay. I just nod in reply. My head is really starting to kill me now and I feel the blood start to run down my face. "I'm sorry coach." I say as I grab my helmet from off the ground. "Sorry for what Kale?" He asks as he looks up from his clipboard. "I screwed up coach." I say as I look at the ground. "I wanted to impress you but I let my pride get the best of me. I made myself look like a total ass out there." I feel coach's paw as he set it on my shoulder. "What the hell are you talking about Kale? To tell you the truth, I was kind of skeptical about you. But after running all of those plays, I have to admit that I was wrong about you." "Really coach?" Coach smiles, the first time I've seen him smile the entire practice. "Of course I do, but don't get used to compliments. I don't give them out that much. Now go get that cut taken care of, and I'll see you tomorrow." "Yes sir. Thank you sir." I say as I start to walk off the field. I'm limping slightly as I make my way up the stairs to my dorm. My head is still throbbing and I have to keep my paw over my right eye to stop the blood from running into it. Man, Rhy's gonna give me shit about this. I knock twice on the door, since I really don't feel like messing around with the door and my shitty key. I wait a few seconds, then the door opens and Rhy sticks his head out curiously. "What the hell happened?" Rhy asks with slight concern as he opens the door wider. "I got tackled pretty hard." I say as I practically stumble into the room. "Here, sit down. That cut is bleeding pretty badly." Rhy says as he helps me sit down onto his bed. The fox grabs a washcloth from the bathroom and soaks it in some soap and water. "I'm fine. Really. I can do that myself." I say as he approaches me. "You stay there. Let me take care of this." Rhy says as he looks at me. I hesitate for a second, but I know that Rhy won't take no as an answer. I carefully set my paw down. I shiver slightly as his soft fingers brush my cheek and I feel the coldness of the washcloth press against my wound. "Sorry. Does that hurt?" Rhy asks. "Not really." I reply. I'm far too focused on the fox's touch right now. His soft touch causes shivers to travel down my body, and I suddenly start to feel a slight stir in my football pants. Oh shit, not now. It's not like as if my pants were tight to begin with. Now they're getting tighter as my sheath starts to swell. I cross my legs to hide my growing erection. "Stop fidgeting. I'm almost done." Rhy says as he wipes the blood from my fur. "Ow, hey! Not so hard." "Quit being a pup." Rhy comments dryly as he stops. For a few seconds, I find myself staring into Rhy's deep blue eyes. I try to speak but my mouth has gone dry. My heart starts to beat rapidly. Rhy stares back into my eyes as he slowly sits down beside me. He slowly raises his paw up and brushes my cheek again, causing me to shudder with...with...excitement? He keeps his paw on my face and slowly strokes my fur. Now if anyone else had the nerve to do this, I would've given him a right hook to the face and send him to the hospital. But I feel no anger at all. I snap out of my trance and I turn my head slightly. My mind races to figure out an excuse for what just happened. "For fucks sake, sorry about that. Feel like a fucking faggot now." I mutter as I stand up. Rhy crosses his arms and gives me an irritated look. "Don't you think that word is a little harsh?" "What word?" I ask. "The word 'faggot'? It's a little harsh you know." "So? I use it all the time." I snort. "Well you should stop using it. It offends others." Rhy snaps back. "Offends others? Are you serious? Everyone uses it!" "Doesn't mean you should use it too." "Who could I possibly offend Rhy?" "Me." "You? Why?" "Because I am one, Kale." The look of shock on my face must have been priceless, considering the smug grin Rhy gives me as he folds his arms. I'm speechless as I try to figure out how to reply to Rhy's comment. "'re...a-are're serious-" "Yes Kale, I'm serious." Rhy huffs. I'm still standing there like an idiot, trying to figure out what I should say. Should I tell him that I kinda assumed he was? Should I just play dumb? "Well now what Kale? Are you going to beat up the faggot? Make fun of me? Kick me out of the room?" Rhy asks as he stands up, his tail flicking slightly. "Or all of the above? You football players are all the same." "That's not true." I snap back, suddenly feeling angry at the football player stereotype. "What about that one player from Woodland Springs? He's gay." "Yeah, one out of a million football players. Makes a huge difference." I flex my paws into fists as my anger rises. "Well whatever. I should start packing up my stuff." Rhy says as he brushes past me. I relax as my anger dies down. I watch Rhy's stature, how his usual confident stance is now slightly slumped. His ears are folded back slightly. I suddenly realize how he really must feel, how hard it probably was to tell me that. "Hey, listen Rhy." I sigh as I run my paw over my dirt-covered face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I used that word and offended you. Listen, I don't care that you're into guys. I still want you as my roommate." Rhy doesn't turn around, but his ears perk up slightly. He finally turns his head to face me with those blue eyes. "You're just saying that." "No! Dammit Rhy, I'm not! I'm dead serious. I'm sorry for being so harsh." Rhy is silent as he studies me for awhile, then he finally sighs as his ears twitch. "Okay Kale. I believe you. Thanks." I sigh as I rub the back of my head. "Yeah. No problem." I reply. I continue to stand there, not so sure what to do next. "Well, how about some dinner?" I ask, hoping to change the subject to something less awkward. Rhy's tail begins to wag slightly as he gives me a small smile. "Sure." He replies. "Cool. We'll go once I shower." I reply with my own smile. "I'll be waiting." Rhy says as he walks over to his bed and sits down. "Take too long and I'll leave without you." "Whatever." I shrug as I grab a clean pair of shorts and shirt and enter the bathroom. As soon as I close the door behind me, I sigh deeply. I strip out of my football pants and shirt and turn the water on in the shower. As I wait for the water to warm, I'm able to think about what had just happened. All my life I had made fun of gays, calling them faggots and making fun of them at school. But here I am now, at college and my roommate just came out to me. Why am I not angry? Why did I not freak out? Well, I kinda did, but not to the point where I could have thrown him out or something. Why did I not punch the fox right there? I know that the past "me" would have responded in one of those ways. But this is college. This is a whole new beginning for me. Maybe I'm just a new person now. Maybe the past "me" hated gays, but the new "me" doesn't. In fact, maybe the new "me" isn't attracted to girls as much anymore. Maybe the new "me" is attracted to other guys. Maybe the new "me" is attracted to a certain guy. Maybe the new "me" is attracted to an arctic arctic fox named...Rhy. Rhy. Just the thought of him causes me to smile. His looks, his attitude, his voice. His touch. Everything about him causes my heart to swell in my chest. I step into the shower and sigh as the warm water splashes over my aching body. Could I really be attracted to another guy? Doubt starts worm itself into my mind as I think about it. Why do I feel attracted to Rhy? Never in my life have I fallen for another guy. So what is it about Rhy that makes me feel so happy? I think about how my friends would make fun of the gay kids at my school. Would they make fun of me if they found out I was gay? And what about my parents? My parents could definitely not know about that, especially my father. But this is college. No one would have to know. It could be a secret between me and him. We're roommates anyways, so no one would really suspect anything. But what if Rhy is openly gay? What if he tells some of his friends, and it spreads around campus? I can't let that happen, no fucking way. I grab some soap and start to lather it all over my body. What if I just experiment? Yeah, just kinda maybe try it out and see if I'm still attracted to him. If I don't feel the same for Rhy after a few days, then I'm not gay. And I'm sure I can talk to Rhy about it too. I'm sure he wouldn't tell anyone if I didn't want him too. And what if I still feel the same for the fox after a few days? That thought brings me to a dead end. Fuck it, I'm going for it. If that happens, then I guess I'll worry about it when the time comes. Right now I need to focus on how I should start. Should I hold his paw? No, that's way too fast. Give him a hug? Hmmmmmm...maybe. Definitely not a kiss or anything. That's definitely too fast. What if I just set my paw onto his paw? Yeah, that's something that doesn't take things too fast. And then maybe I could go farther. A stroke of the paw could lead to holding paws, then maybe to a hug, then to a kiss, then on to full making out, and I chuckle to myself. That's a little bit too far. Let's just see how the paw stroking goes first. I turn the water off and quickly dry off. I change in a record time and step out of the bathroom. Rhy glances up from his bed. "I was about to leave without you." Rhy says with a smug grin. "Sorry." I say as I open the door. "You ready to go get some dinner?" "Of course. Let's go." Rhy says as he walks out of the room. I smile to myself as I follow the white fox down the hallway.

We get back to our dorm around midnight. We went to a nice restaurant downtown and I surprised Rhy with a bottle of his favorite kind of Moscato wine. We drank all of it, and my head has a nice buzz by the time we make it up to our room. Dinner was also great too. I ordered steak and fries, while Rhy ordered the seafood salad. We talked about classes while we ate, and he continued to surprise me with his knowledge of football. The entire time though, I found myself glancing at his paw every few minutes. Half of me wanted to set my own paw onto his, and I would've too, if the place wasn't so damned packed. The other half of me was still hesitant about how I felt and whether if I really wanted to go this far. Now here I am, laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling and lost in thought. The conversation Rhy and I had when he came out to me keeps on replaying through my head. I wonder how long Rhy has been gay, or when he first found out he was gay. I mean, did he just happen to wake up one day, look at a guy, and was just magically attracted to him? Seems ridiculous, but isn't that what happened to me? I just looked at Rhy, spent some time with him, and then I started to have funny feelings towards him. With a frustrated sigh, I sit up in my bed and glance over at the sleeping fox. He's shirtless, with one arm draped across his chest. I smile as I watch his chest rise and fall with every breath he takes. His ears are twitching slightly, so I'm guessing he's dreaming. I pick up my phone off of the desk and glance at the time. It's currently one in the morning, and I really don't see myself getting any sleep with these thoughts running laps in my head. I look at Rhy again and find myself wanting to wake the fox and just tell him how I feel. I'm afraid of how he would react though, or what he would say. Would he make some snide comment, considering I was using the "faggot" word a few hours ago with no care? Maybe he would understand though, and talk to me about it. Besides, if I don't talk to him about it, then I'll probably never be able to sleep. As quiet as I can, I pull the sheets off of me and slip out of bed. I pad over to Rhy and gently set my paw on his shoulder. "Rhy? Hey Rhy, wake up." I whisper as I give the fox a slight nudge. Rhy mumbles something sleepily and rolls over onto his side. "Come on Rhy. I need to talk to you." I whisper again as I give him another shake. This time Rhy wakes up. His eyes flutter open and he slowly sits up in a daze. "Kale? What the hell is-" "I'm sorry for waking you," I begin as I sit down on the side of his bed. "but I really need to talk to you about something." Rhy yawns and rubs his eyes. "Talk? Talk about what? What time is it even?" "Like, two in the morning, or something. That's not the point though." I sigh. Rhy turns to look at me. "So what is it Kale? What do you need to tell me?" I sigh again as I rest my elbows on my knees. I contemplate just telling him that nothing is bothering me, but that would be a total lie, and Rhy wouldn't let me go until I told him. "Well...I...I think...I'm having...weird feelings." I stammer. "I mean, I'm having...weird feelings...about you." Rhy shifts over to me and places his paws on my shoulders. I don't make any motion to stop him. "What do you mean Kale?" He whispers. "You know what I mean." I mutter as I turn my head to look at him. "I'm just...I don't know how to explain it. I met you, and you seemed like a total asshole, but then you became really cool and stuff, and then you told me you were gay, and-" "Kale. Slow down." Rhy interrupts as his muzzle brushes my ears. I stop talking and exhale in frustration. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I try to think of what to say next. "What I'm trying to say I mean to tell you-" "You're attracted to me but you've been straight all your life and you're confused by how you feel?" Rhy whispers. I sigh as I look back at the fox. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's pretty much it." I reply with half relief and half surprise. "It was that obvious?" "No, not really. Waking me up at two in the morning kinda gave it away though." Rhy replies with a warm smile. "Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right." I reply sheepishly. "So you're not mad?" "Mad? Why would I be mad Kale?" Rhy asks as his arms wrap around my neck and dangle against my chest. "I don't know. I figured you'd have something smart to say since we had that argument." "I bite my tongue." Rhy says with a grin. He leans in closer to where I can feel his hot breath against my neck. "You really mean what you said though? About how you feel for me?" He asks. I nod my head. "I do Rhy, like seriously. I've been having these thoughts all day and they've been bothering me all day. I really can't get them out of my mind." I look up over my shoulder at the fox and give him a reassuring smile. "I like you Rhy. I really do." Rhy smiles as he leans in closer so that our muzzles are touching. "I do too Kale. Although you can be a total jock sometimes, you're different. I really like that about you." Everything seems so right now. Everything seems right to the point to where I decide to close my eyes and make a bold move. I lean in close and press my muzzle against Rhy's. Rhy must have been expecting it, as he melts into the kiss. Our tongues meet and explore around in each other's. I savor the taste, the scent of Rhy as we continue the kiss for several seconds. It's fireworks. When we finally part, gasping for air and smiling, I notice how excited I let myself get during the kiss. Rhy takes notice too and gives me a sly smile. "You know wolf, I happen to know a few tricks to help you with that." Rhy replies as he motions towards the bulge in my boxers. My eyes go wide as I register what Rhy is offering. "What? Here-I mean-now? Are you serious?" I ask. Rhy shrugs as he licks his lips. "I mean, if you're comfortable with it. I don't want to pressure you into anything." "Are you okay with it?" Rhy chuckles. "Stud, I've been gay for seven years. Of course I'm comfortable with it." I'm about to say something when Rhy positions himself in front of me and slides my boxers down to my ankles. I yelp slightly as the waistband brushes my sensitive and fully exposed member. "Poor puppy." Rhy chuckles as he places his fingers against my length. "Prepare yourself." "Prepare? What do you-" Oh fuck, he takes me in all the way. I gasp slightly as my entire length enters his muzzle. Shivers run up through my entire body as his tongue works itself around the sensitive parts of my member. His one paw grips my shaft as his other paw moves down to my balls and cups them gently. I can seriously not sit still. With every movement Rhy makes with his muzzle, pleasure shoots up throughout my entire body. I try my best to not moan loudly but Rhy is damn good at this. I've gotten sucked off before, but nothing compares to what Rhy is doing. He seems to know every sensitive part of me and just knows what to do to get me going. His tongue is doing wonders for me and I can feel myself getting close to release. "Rhy...ah! I-I'm...getting close!" I warn him as my paws dig into the mattress. Rhy doesn't show any sign of stopping. Instead, he picks up speed as his lips move up and down the length of my entire member. My knot has formed and he gives it a slight squeeze. That's when I lose it. With a muffled howl, my member jerks inside of Rhy's muzzle. I release my load into him, and I can feel him swallowing it all. Fireworks explode across my vision. And then it's over. I collapse onto my back, my breathing labored. I keep my eyes closed for a few minutes, just basking in the afterglow, and...well...the fact that I had just let another guy suck my cock. "You still with me?" Rhy chuckles as he traces a finger up my chest. "Mmmmmyeahhhh." I moan as I open my eyes and sit up. Rhy chuckles again as he starts towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna go ahead and clean up. you want to join?" "Is the shower big enough for two?" I ask. "No." He replies with a wink. I wave at him. "You go ahead. I'm too tired." Rhy gives me a weird look, but then shrugs. "Suit yourself stud." He says as he deliberately strips out of his boxers, exposing his thin and toned body. I roll my eyes and sigh but I don't turn away from his naked body. He starts the shower and steps in, which gives me some time to think to myself. I recline back onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling. My member is back in my sheath now and I feel exhausted. I keep on thinking that this is all a dream or something, that I actually just allowed another guy to blow me. Doubt begins to worm itself into my head again. Am I really gay? Considering what I just did, that makes me pretty gay. So now what? Do I have to come out to everyone? Are there certain things I have to do now? Is Rhy my boyfriend? Boyfriend. That word causes a sense of excitement and danger to flow through my body. Never in my life had I ever thought I'd have to use that word when referring to someone I liked. I always pictured myself settling down with a nice female wolf, one who had a great sense of humor and knew just as much about football as I did. Rhy is pretty much like that, at least the sense of humor and football knowledge part. But what would my family think if I brought home another guy? What would my team think? Would they turn their backs on me because being gay is weird and morally wrong? I clutch my head in frustration. All of these thoughts are giving me a serious headache. The bathroom squeaks open and Rhy walks out. His fur is slightly damp as he walks over to the bed and crawls into it with me. He presses his body against mine and I find myself smiling. "You doing okay?" Rhy whispers to me. "I...yeah." I reply. "I'm...just trying to figure out some things." "You can have all the time you want." Rhy replies as he hugs me close. I turn my body so that I can look into his eyes. "So...are we like...boyfriends now?" I ask sheepishly. Rhy chuckles as he brushes my cheek with his paw. "If that's what you want Kale. I don't want you to rush into things that you're not sure about." "I...I'm sure." I reply with a smile. "Are you?" "Yes." I reply as I pull him in closer. "I do want you as my boyfriend. I'm not so sure if I'm ready to announce it though." "I wouldn't expect you to be." Rhy whispers as he nuzzles me. "You have plenty of time to figure things out." "That I do." I whisper back as I stare at the ceiling. Rhy soon falls asleep, his body pressed up against mine. I can feel his steady breathing against me, and for once I feel like I'm on top of the world. Sure, I'm still confused by things, but everything works out in some way. I just need to give it time. Within a few minutes I drift off to sleep to the sound of Rhy's breathing.

Off The Field

Lately, people have been asking me how all of this got started. I grin and laugh slightly. "Well, it all started with this guy right here," I say as a motion towards the arctic fox. He sticks out his tongue and elbows me softly in the ribs. I laugh...

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