One of Them
One of Them
by argouru
My name is John, and this is how I came to be the way I am...
It was dark out, but the light of the nearly full moon was bright enough to see things clearly. I wandered among the trees, making my way aimlessly through the woods with no real destination in mind. I'd hoped to get together with the other guys tonight, but they all had other plans, and as I didn't feel like doing anything solo, I'd gotten restless and headed out for a walk. It was just after midnight when I'd reached the edge of the wooded hills outside of town, and being a night owl, I was wide awake and full of restless energy. The scent of the trees and foliage was heavy in the air, and a gentle breeze stirred the leaves and brush as I walked. It was a warm night in the early summer, and I was wearing light loose clothing of t-shirt, thin sweat pants and sneakers.
I'd been walking for awhile and had sat down to rest, when something slammed into me from behind, knocking me roughly to the ground. The shocking part was that I hadn't heard anyone approaching, even though I should've. Before I could get up higher than from all fours, a deep growling, like that of a dog, sounded right in my ear. Terrified, I froze, not knowing what else to do as the creature moved closer to me, and I felt it's hot breath on the back and side of my neck. It must've been a wild dog, I'd thought, as there were no wolves in the area.
It sniffed me, then let out a soft growl. I gasped in shock as something gripped my shirt from behind, and yanked hard, tearing the fabric apart, and the shredded remains of the shirt fell off my torso to land on the ground. Shocked and confused, I just stayed on all fours as the seat of my sweat pants suffered the same fate, then even the legs were torn apart, and lastly, my shoes were pulled roughly off my feet, leaving me totally naked. A man with a dog, I'd realized, using the fierce beast to control people as he had his way with them. But then why was there only the sounds of one person moving around? The guy must be pretty skilled at stealth, maybe he was a hunter. It seemed like I was the quarry tonight.
Then the dog climbed up onto my back, his fur grinding against my smooth back. Was he going to make the dog fuck me? I'd always been curious about k9 sex, but had never tried it. Naturally I was nervous; I knew about canine anatomy, about the knot and the bone in a dog's penis. I also knew they weren't very gentle when it came to fucking. I wasn't that expirienced as a bottom, and most times I'd been topped by guys, it had hurt a fair amount, making the encounters less than ideal. Now I had some crazy guy getting off on having his hunting dog rape me. Did he have a gun? I was too nervous and cautious to try looking up to find out.
I screamed as the dog's dick punched into my rectum, and tried to buck the animal off me. He responded with a fierce snarling growl, and I screamed again as pain flared in my shoulder when the dog bit down hard, breaking the skin and drawing blood. The fucking that followed was the most agonizing of my life, and the pain was excrutiating. Finally after several minutes, I screamed yet again, as the knot was forced into me, and I began to sob shamelessly. I begged repeatedly for it to stop, the pain and fear mixing with my tears and slurring my words. The dog let go of my shoulder, and I heard him begin to whimper slightly as his humping became more urgent. Suddenly, he began to spasm, and let out a moaning growl of relief as his dick began to jerk and twitch, filling my abused arse with canine sperm.
Weakened, he collapsed on top of me, his weight driving me down to the ground, his heaving chest warm against me, and his panting sent gusts of hot, canine breath over me. I just laid there and shuddered, my crying making my cheast heave repeatedly for an entirely different reason then that of the beast on top of me. We laid there for several minutes before he got to his feet and tried to pull free. I screamed again, as my insides and sphincter protested violently to the action, and the dog laid back down and began to lick the wound on my shoulder. I hated the touch, but endured it if it would make the dog stay still. I was past my tears now, and just wanted to be free of this humiliation, so I could go home.
Several minutes later, I felt the dog's soft dick ooze out of my rectum, and he moved down to lick the seed that leaked out of my anus. I moaned in pleasure, despite myself, as the pain had mostly faded, and the feeling was incredibly intense. I shuddered in pleasure as the flat, wide tongue dug up inside me, scrapping my insides, esspecially my prostrate, and the sensations drove me over the edge. I moaned loudly as the intensity of my orgasm flowed through me, my cum covering the ground as my sphincter clentched on the invading tongue repeatedly. The dog growled softly in appreciation, then pulled out and ran off into the woods. I rolled over to see my tormentor who had controlled the dog, but no one was there. Overcome with exhaustion, I collapsed into unconsciousness...
I awoke in a soft, warm bed with a familiar face standing over me. Rob smiled down at me.
"Glad to see you're awake. We were worried about you."
"What happened?" I asked. "Where am I?"
"You're in my guest room. I was out in the woods last night, and found you unconscious with your clothes all torn up. What happened? Do you remember anything?"
"Some guy attacked me. He must've snuck up on me from behind. He had a dog with him too. A big one, as far as I could tell. I thought he was going to let it rip me apart."
"You know..." Rob said akwardly, "From the angle of that bite, and the scratches all over your back... Did that dog rape you?"
I stared at him in a mixture of shock and shame. He sighed and nodded.
"I though so. When I was cleaning you up, your butt still had some blood coming out of it... among other stuff, and I've seen and heard of some really freaky stuff. It looks like you're okay though. There's no sign of rabbies, or anything else."
Rob worked for the local pound, and was trained in some vet medicine, so I took his word for it. I told him my thoughts about the dog's owner, and how I thought it must've been some kind of hunter.
"I really don't think so. I looked all around there, and the only tracks I found were some paw prints and your own tracks. There wasn't any sign of anyone else being out there. My guess is you got raped by some overly horny dog."
"Great! How am I ever going to live this down?"
"Don't worry, I don't think any less of you. ...Hey! Maybe this'll make you feel better. We've decided to make it official... you're in."
"Really?" I asked in excitement, my thoughts latching desperately onto something positive.
"Yep. Esspecially after what you've just been through. We talked it over this morning, and we all agreed. ...Say, we'd like to do it tonight, if you're up for it. With the medications and first aids I've given you, I think you'll be in good enough shape by nightfall."
I ran a mental check on my body. Dispite my ordeal, the pain was almost gone, and I did feel better. "Sure," I said. "I can't wait!"
I stayed in Rob's guest bed all day, and during the early afternoon, I heard what sounded like an argument coming from downstairs. A short time later, Rob came in with some medicine and had me take it.
"This may knock you out for a little bit, but I'll wake you when we go to get started, okay?"
"Sure," I replied, feeling drowsy rather quickly. I was asleep within moments...
I awoke with a start. I felt a warm breeze gusting over exposed flesh. Bolting upright, I stopped short as a chain that conected a leather collar around my neck to the ground by a metal stake went taunt. I looked around to see all of the guys, including Rob, surrounding me, dressed in their black hooded robes. We were all outside, in the clearing in the woods out back of Rob's house where the group observed our religious practices. The altar was already set up, and Rob raised his hands to the sky.
"In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi!" Rob called out, invoking the presence of Lord Satan.
He continued the initial calling, then after the libation, which was given to me as well, four of the eleven other robbed men made their calls to the four Princes of Hell at each of the quarters. None of this was a shock to me, as I had been hoping to be given full membership into the Satanic coven for several months now. The only part that had me disoriented was the fact that I was chained naked to the ground in the middle of the ritual area.
Once the opening of the ritual was complete, Rob lowered his hood and turned to me. I started to speak, but he held up his hand to me for silence, and I kept my peace.
"Brother John, first, I must appologize to you for the deception, but it was necessary. Before you are made a full member of our coven, there is something you must know. Now, if we simply told you what that was, you would think us crazy or deluded. Thus, the chain. We've had our eye on you for awhile now, and had planned on making you a member in a few more months. However, the time has come earlier than we'd planned."
Rob turned to glare at Brother Alan, who hid his face benieth his hood, as though in shame.
"We are a coven... a clan, of men who are drawn to Satan, but also drawn to the pleasures to be found in the arms of other men. We are a sexual coven, who worship our lord in rites of power and pleasure. Satan is like any other god... he draws power from the worship, love and religious expression of his followers. As we revere him so strongly and loyally, he has granted us the power to express our primal desires in a way far different from others... He has granted us the powers of the wolf."
"What?!?" I asked, shocked and disbeliving of his statement.
"Werewolves, Brother John. Satan has the power to bring out the beast in us, and he offers this same gift to you. We had planned on feeling you out a bit more... to make sure you would accept this gift, but one of us took it into his head to take you without permition! For his crime, Brother Alan has been demoted to the status of Omega, below even you, Brother John."
Brother Alan came forward, and kneeled before me.
"Brother John, I beg your forgiveness! I appologize for raping you. I was out hunting last night, and came upon you. I desired you, and took you by force. I accept my punishment! Please forgive me!" He lowered his head until his face touched the ground, prostrating himself before me.
I scoffed. "Oh come on! You expect me to buy this bullshit?!? Werewolves? Please! Is this some dumb initiation stunt? Are you guys making fun of me becuase I like furries and anthros? Because I write erotic fiction about shapeshifting beastmen and satyrs, and stuff? This is a really lame joke!"
"It is no joke! Brother Alan... show him!"
The man in question got to his feet, then removed his robe. I've seen and felt his muscular body before, in the orgies and sex rites I had been allowed to attend with the coven. He closed his eyes, and shuddered. His eyelids snapped open to reveal the golden eyes of a wolf, as light fur burst out of his skin, quickly covering his body. He fell to all fours, as a tail began go grow out from the base of his spine, and his face pushed out slowly into a canine muzzle, his moans deepening into wolven growls. The hands and feet grew sharp claws, and the heels rose up and shrank as his feet changed shape. His penis transformed into a wolven phallus, the red, tappered meat jutting from a furry sheath. His pointed ears rose to the top of his head, and he opened a long mouth full of pointed teeth to let his long, flat, wide tongue loll out the side of his mouth.
The transformation ended with a lustful groaning growl, and he stood up in digitigraded feet in all his canine glory. The torso, arms and upper legs were still mostly human-shaped, but the lower legs, head and genitals were fully canine. He let out a deep sigh of contentment, and gave me a canine smile, his tail wagging behind him.
"Oh... fuck!" I exclaimed, taking in what I'd just witnessed. It was incredible, and also sexy as Hell. I'd grown to full erection just watching him transform.
Brother Rob chuckled. "I think we have a winner. Brother John, do you accept us, and the gifts Satan offers us. They can be yours as well, if you wish."
"I do!" I said, lust, greed and envy filling my heart. I needed this power! I'd always fantasized about becoming a werewolf, but had never believed it was possible until now. No matter what it cost me, I wanted this more than anything!
"Hail Satan!" Brother Rob exclaimed, and the rest of the coven responded in kind.
"Hail Satan!"I called out as well.
Rob took a dagger and slit the palm of his hand, letting his blood flow into a goblet. He then walked around the circle, and each Brother did the same. He then walked to me, and cutting my hand, let my blood mix with the rest. Dipping his left index finger into the mixture, he drew an inverted pentagram over my heart, the had me drink a bit of the combined blood of the coven members. He took the cup back, and passed it around the circle, each Brother taking a sip. Brother Rob took the last sip, then set the goblet aside.
"Satan, Lord of the Earth! Master of Beast and Man! We, your loyal servants stand before a new Brother! One who joins us of his own free will! His blood has mixed with ours, and now we are all linked by the essence of life! He is now one with us! Let him become as one of us! Grant him the powers of the wolf, as you have to us! Let him join with us, and become the newest member of our pack! To worship you through the flesh, and to give birth to his true self! Hail Satan!"
"Hail Satan!" we all answered.
There was an excited hush from the Brothers, and I felt a powerful presence approaching from behind. Brother Rob stepped forward and freed me from the collar, and I was able to turn around on all fours to see a huge black wolf emerge from the trees, His eyes glowing red, as he approached me. He walked right up to me, and stared into my eyes. Throughout all of my solitary and group rituals, I'd always felt Satan's presence, but never before had He appeared to me in a visible form. As He looked into my eyes, I felt pride, lust, love and acceptance from Him, and welcomed Him even further into my heart. There was no fear, or sinister intent to be found there. And although my soul remained my own, I pledged it to His worship and His service once again as I looked deeply into His eyes.
Sensing His acceptance and approval, I stayed still as He walked around me, and nuzzled my anus. I gasped in pleasure as His canine tongue entered me, reaming out my arse. I wiggled and moaned in pleasure at the attention, until I felt Him withdraw. My lust rose to new heights, and I accepted His phallus into me. He was as gentle at first as Brother Alan had been rough, and I felt pleasure from the heat of His dick and fur as He slowly increased the speed and power of His strokes. The coven members had all stripped naked and began to masturbate as they watched me receive the gift of Satan. They softly chanted "Hail Satan" over and over as they pleasured themselves in a circle around me and my Lord.
The air buzzed with sexual energy, like a swarm of bees as we all revelled in sexual pleasure, and Satan as the wolf, rode me, His bitch, filling me with His power.
"Take me Lord Satan!" I said softly as I was fucked by the massive canine meat. "Fill me with Your power! Make me a werewolf, like my Bretheren... make me a member of Your pack of Satanic wolves! Make me a big, sexy werewolf, so I can howl to Your glory! I give myself to You, Lord Satan! Hail Satan!" I groaned and gasped in erotic shock as His knot punched through to my insides, tying me to my god. He leaned forward, and gently bit the back of my neck, breaking the skin and drawing a small amount of blood. It stung, but didn't hurt too much, and I moaned in pleasure from it.
He released my neck, and began to snarl and growl fiercely as He pounded me hard and fast, letting me know it was a savage beast that was fucking me. Overcome by lust and agressive eroticism, I responded in kind, letting Him know just how feral and savage I too, could become. The coven responded to our increasing ferocity, snarling, growling, barking and howling like demonic beasts as they continued to beat their cocks while they watched a Brother being born.
Satan slammed into my hips brutally, and howled to the sky as He filled me with His power. I felt a tremendous force flow into my body from His twitching member, and knew He had given the gift of the wolf to me. The force and sound of His howl vibrated my entire body like a tuning fork, and I, too howled to the sky, as my seed burst forth from my dick, despite the fact I hadn't touched it at all. The coven howled as well, as they came, their jism splattering all over us, and they spasmed intensely as they stood surrounding us.
Satan turned over, and He and I stood butt-to-butt for several minutes until He softened enough to pull free of me. We turned to face each other, and He looked deep into my eyes, the warmth of His Love, approval and acceptance filled my heart. He turned to the side, and lifted His leg to annoint me with His piss, marking me as His. I sighed in pleasure, and opened my mouth to take in some of the golden nectar, and accepted the mark of being His property. The hot urine washed over my body, drenching me in the warm golden fluid. The flow ended, and He turned back to face me as I swallowed a mouthful of the pleasant-tasting urine. He kissed me, pushing his canine tongue into my mouth, and I moaned and returned the favor, french kissing the long, sexy muzzle.
Finally he broke free, and rose up, changing into the werewolf form, towering over me as the moon rose above the trees. It was the first of the three nights of the full moon, and I felt hypnotized by it. The full moon filled my vision, and I felt power swelling up inside of me, radiating out from my genitals to fill my entire body. I knew what was coming, and embraced it without fear, but with lust and greed, pulling the power to me, and becoming one with it. My eyes changed to a golden color, and widened until the whites of them were no longer visible.
"It is time, Brother John!" Rob said in a deep, gravely voice made harsher still by barely restrained lust. "You are one of us now! A member of our pack! Cast aside your humanity, and reveal your true self! Let out the beast within you! Show it to us! Share it with us! Show us the power Satan has given you! Become a werewolf in His name, and join us! Howl and run naked in the night with us! Hunt with us, and mate with us! In Satan's name! HAIL SATAN!!!"
Lust burst within me at his words, making me feel like I was exploding from the force of it. Power and erotic force was building within me until I vibrated and shuddered from the intensity of it. I felt like I was both dying and being born simultaneously. Satan roared in approval as the power awakened within me under the light of the full moon. I roared as well, thanking Him for these feelings. The power was bursting forth, and wouldn't be stopped no matter what. I didn't want it to, anyways. POWER! POWER!!! YES!!! YES!!!
"YES! I feel the power of the wolf within me! It's coming out! Witness my true self emerge, my Brothers! I am one of you! I am a werewolf! I... AM... A... BEAST!!! HAIL SATAN!!!"
It felt like an explosion, as the transformation tore through my body in a flood of orgasmic bliss. I growled and snarled, my voice deepening slowly, as I transformed into my true self. Fur exploded through my skin as it darkened to a blackish color. My dick became tappered and blood red as the furry sheath developed at it's base. A furry tail burst out from my tailbone, and I rose up to the balls of my feet as they reshaped to canine digitigraded form. Sharp, dark claws grew from my fingers and toes as the black leathery pads developed on my palms and the soles of the balls of my feet. My muscles swelled with definition and power as my mouth pushed forward. The nose grew a black, leathery surface, as my upper lip clefted. The teeth became pointed, and the tongue changed shape, as my ears grew pointed and moved to the top of my head. My senses exploded; smell, sound, sight, taste and touch became a thousand times stronger. The fur filled out, and my whiskers poked through the skin and fur as the intensity of my rebirth brought me to all fours where I belonged. I dug my claws into the earth as my transformation concluded, and the erotic sensations made my phallus spew my new canine jism all over the ground, and the scent of my powerful musk made my new head swim from it's intensity.
I lifted my head, and howled to the moon and to Satan, announcing my rebirth to my pack, to my god, and to the world as a whole. The moon's light shined silver along my thick soft fur, and lust continued to pour through me. I had to cum again. I had to fuck, to mate, to drive my canine shaft into a hole and bury my new knot deep inside to tie me to it. As Alan stood there, I stood up shakily, finding my new balance, and once I had, I looked into his eyes and snarled, flashing my fangs. He lowered his ears and tail, then got down on all fours.
I stormed over to him agressively, and snarled in his face. He owed me, and was going to pay for his selfishness. I swatted him hard across the muzzle, dominating him, and he whimpered and rolled onto his back, expossing his vulnerable belly and throat. I had no intention of letting him off easily. I kicked him hard in his side, knocking him over onto his stomache. Grabbing his tail, I yanked him around into position, him whimpering and yelping in pain all the way. Straddling him, I shoved his face into the dirt, and looked up to Rob, the pack's Alpha. He made no move to stop me, and I took that as permition.
Yanking Alan's tail out of my way, I drove my still rock-hard penis up his tailhole, him yelping and canine screaming in agony as I raped him, with no consideration for his comfort. I was going to make him pay for the pain and fear he had given me last night, and as the pack's wolves all felt I was entitled, they made no move to stop me, but all stood silent witness to my justice.
I slammed his arse full force, using all of my strength, and shoved his head down into the turf, growling and snarling at him. Driven by my agression, I dove down, biting the back of his neck hard, drawing blood as I bit deep, sinking my new fangs into his hackles. I groaned in pleasure as my knot swelled and burst free into the night air, pushing the furry sheath back behind it. I fucked him until it was almost fully inflated, THEN rammed it into his rectum. He let out a canine scream of pain as I litterally punched it into him, and I almost passed out from the intensity of his warm insides wrapping tightly around my hyper-sensative knot. He whimpered as I continued to slam my wolfhood back and forth inside of him, snarling and growling like a rabid beast as I mounted my former tormentor. Our musks combined in the air, druggin me and robbing me of any rational thought.
The scents combined with the sensations were too much for me, and I howled as my dick exploded inside him. Driven by my newfound power, I stood up, dragging his arse up into the air with me, and lifting his lower body up to a painful vertical position, my arms bent forward at the elbows and my claws spread out and upwards from my upwardly-turned hands. I let forth another savage howl of power, lust and supremacy as he whined and yelped like a puppy, his arse trapped around my maleness forcing him into the painful position. I was so full of erotic power and satisfaction that I personally felt no pain, though I should've felt like my dick was being slowly ripped off. All I felt was pleasure and power.
I turned around, rotating my swollen dick 180 degrees inside of Alan's abused tailhole, and walked towards Satan, dragging my bitch along the ground behind me using only my phallus. I dropped to kneel before Him out of graditude and love, and He leaned forward to lock His muzzle onto mine for my first wolf-to-wolf kiss. He pulled apart after several minutes, and dropped to all fours, returning to the four-legged wolf-form. He howled once more, then loped away into the trees and was lost to sight.
My dick softened, and the knot deflated enough that Alan's arse tore free from it's prison upon my shaft. He dropped hard to the ground, then turned around and submissively began to clean the blood and juices from the source of my power, cleaning my dick for me. My revenge complete, I leaned down to Alan, and gently licked the side of his muzzle, letting him know I'd forgiven him, and trying to convey the fact that future matings would be less viscious... most of the time, that is.
The rest of the pack had transformed as well during my rebirth, and I watched as they shifted further into the form of true wolves. Reaching inside, I did the same. My arms shrank and thinned as the hands shrank into true forepaws, the legs shrank and reformed into true canine haunches, and my torso compacted into a sleeker configuration. My change complete, I stood there on all four paws in a true canine form.
Rob howled, and we all answered with our own howls, then the pack, myself included, ran off into the night, barking and howling joyfully as we ran naked through the night, dodging through the trees. The full moon making the world day bright, and our fur glow like liquid silver...