:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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  • A New Life, Pt.9

by Argouru

(Febuary, 2002)


(M/M, 69, Rimming, masturbation, mutual masturbation.)

{Weredragon, werebull, human, werelion, werewolves, weredog (Irish Setter), werebear, ox-morph}

[Author's note: The answer you've been waiting for to last time's cliff-hanger. Less yiff and more plot this time. Fry, flammers, fry!]


The flight to the hospital seemed to take an eternity, but in truth it only lasted a few minutes. Skyler flapped harder to slow himself for the landing, and hurried through the glass double doors into the hospital's emergency room. He walked up to the the nurses' station briskly and saw a young looking human male in hospital 'candy striper' garb.

"Where's Martin?" the dragon demanded.

"W-who?" the human asked meekly in fear of the dragon's stern tone of voice.

"Martin! The wolf electrician?!?" Skyler said, his temper rising and his finger talons scaring the linolium of the counter.

"Oh, the electrical burn, right. Um..." he said, and got up to look down the hallway. "They're still working on him."


"Down there," the human said, pointing down the hall.

Skyler turned away from the nurse, who grabbed his arm. Bristling, the weredragon spun back to glare at him.

"Please sir, you musn't disturb the doctor and healer. It would jeopardize the safety of the patient! Please, I know you care about him, but the best thing you can do is to let them do their work in peace."

"I just-" the dragon said, but words failed him. His wings, tail and neck drooped down in dispair.

"I know." the nurse said sadly, and led him to the waiting room with a pitcher of water and a glass, then explained what had happened to the wolf.

"Oh shit!" Skyler gasped as the nurse finished his explaination. "Thank you for telling me." he said simply.

The human smiled reasuringly, then walked away, leaving the were to worry and wait... alone...


Harold blasted the horn as someone cut him off on the freeway.

"Damn morons!" he muttered, and dialed a number on his cell phone. Screw the law against using them while driving - this was an emergency.

"~Hello?~" asked a sleepy voice.

"Leo, it's Harold. Martin was hurt, and is at the hospital. I don't know what happened, but Skyler's already on the way there. I don't want him to be alone, and you're a mild friend of Martin too."

"~Right. I'll head right over!~" the lion said, instantly alert.

"Thanks." Harold said, and hung up.

The crazy traffic was really slowing him down, not to mention pissing him off. He heard the plastic of the steering wheel creak omminously as he pushed on it with both hands. Sighing in fustration, he eased his grip. Snapping the steering wheel in half would only prevent him from getting there in time.

*If it isn't already too late...*


Fifteen minutes later, Skyler heard someone approach, and looked up to see a group of four wolfs - two male and two female - approaching, accompanied a female fox, and familiar male lion.

"Leo." Skyler said, feeling some releif that he didn't have to wait alone any more.

"Hi," the sheriff said, leaning down to hug him. "Hey, I'd like you to meet some people."

The wolves came closer and the younger of the two females *Bitches?* dressed in elaborate green robes with tons of decoration sat down heavily next to him. Skyler recognized some of the symbols on her clothing and knew her for a sorceress.

"Sorry, I just need to rest. Those teleportation spells over such distances really took alot out of me." she said tiredly. "I'm Martin's sister, Melanie."

"Hush dear," her mother said sitting next to her, "You've done more than enough." She turned to the Dragon. "So you're Skyler, eh? I can't tell you how happy my son is since you and he became involved. He's wanted someone to give himself over to for quite awhile."

"You know... about me and him, how things are between us?" the dragon asked numbly, and leanded back into the narrow back of the chair designed for people with wings to rest comfortably in.

"That he's your sex-slave?" asked the younger male wolf. "Sure, and we're all very happy for him."

The older male approached the reptile and nodded in greeting. "My son's in a good relationship of the nature he enjoys most, and that's all that matters. Even though it's not really the proper time, I'd like to formerly welcome you into the family. Now, do you know what happened?" he asked in concern as he sat down across from the dragon.

Skyler sighed werily, and told them what the human nurse had said...


Martin had been down in the basement working on the main power lines. He was still fighting off grogginess from sleep, and was distracted. He hadn't noticed when he'd knocked his screwdriver to the floor. When he turned to shout instructions to a member of the hospital staff who'd volunteered to help, he'd stepped on the screwdriver, his foot went out from under him and he grabbed at the wall to catch himself - grabbing hold of a live wire in the process. He'd only made contact for a few seconds before letting go on reflex, but by the time the staff-member reached him, Martin was already unconscious on the floor with his left handpaw smoking.


"Oh Gods!" Martin's mother groaned in agony. Her husband moved quickly to her side to comfort her.

"Shit!" Leo muttered.

Melanie groaned as well and her brother swore.

"Dammit, I knew this kind of work was too dangerous! I told him time and again to find something safer!" the younger pale gray furred wolf in his auto-mechanic's uniform - of a navy blue union suit - exclaimed.

"Simon, don't. Martin knew the risks when he started training in his chosen profession. It was his choice, and his decision," the father said calmly.

"I know, but..." the son said, and finally went quiet.

Heavy hoof beats announced Harold's arrival. He looked at the gathered group in worry.

"There hasn't been any word yet." Skyler said dully.

"Hi, Harry." Melanie said sadly.

Harold scowled mildly. "I told you not to call me that." he said with a small bit of wry humor, and hugged her as she got up. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too." she said tiredly, and sat back down.

Skyler shifted uncomfortably, his wings were feeling more like lead weights than anything else, so he quickly shifted to wolf-form.

Martin's mother looked at him for a moment, studying him, and finally said: "You're very hansome, I can see part of what what my pup does in you. I'm glad you two met. I'm Peggy by the way, and my husband Rick."

Rick shook Skyler's handpaw.

"This is my wife, Vicki." Simon said as his vixen wife nodded and smiled in greeting.

"It's nice to meet you." she said simply.

"We were hoping you'd come with Martin to the family reunion early next month," Peggy said, "But now-"

A male voice cleared his throat, causing everyone to turn to it's source - a male irish setter with red fur in surgical garb. He removed a sterile surgical muzzle-like mask from his red furred mouth and said: "I'm sorry to interupt, but we're finished working on Martin."

"How is he?" Simon asked fearfully, everyone else was holding their breath unconsciously in dread and antisipation.

"He's going to be alright," the doctor said in tired pleasure. "He was actually very lucky. That magickally boosted healing and regenerating ability helped alot. But still, the injuries were very bad - not to mention the severe shock. If he hadn't been on hospital grounds, and with someone, I doubt he would've survived. As it was, the magickal healing and regeneration where what saved him more than anything else. If he hadn't had it, he would've ended up alot worse off."

"How bad was it?" Leo asked.

"Third degree burns to his hand and arm, severe trama from the electrical shock, no brain damage I can detect, though, and resperatory and cardiac arrest. We were able to get him breathing and his heart going fairly quickly, which was good. Maru took care of the neural trama."

"Maru?" Skyler asked in confusion.

"That would be me," said a large gray bear in a deep voice made thicker from his magickal exertions. He looked totally exhausted, and was being supported by a black ox attendant. "Martin has an incredibly strong will to live, that was how I was able to help him. He should recover nicely, any side effects from his near-death expirience should be minimal. There won't be any residual brain-damage. Perhaps a slight loss of co-ordination on his left side, but nothing more."

"Thank you." Rick said, hugging the bear gently in graditute. Skyler thanked him as well.

The bear turned to the black wolf-form. "You were what kept him here more than anything else, even more than his family and friends. The bond between you two is unusually strong. Cherish it."

"I will," Skyler promised.

With that, the bear and ox left.

"Can we see him yet?" Harold asked the doctor.

"Later. He's resting from the healing session right now, and needs his rest.

The doctor left, and the group began to hug and talk...


The doctor returned an hour later. "He's awake, you can see him now, but in small groups and quietly. He's still somewhat disoriented, so don't expect too much from him yet."

Peggy looked hopeful, but sighed and turned to Skyler. "I think he'd want to see you first."

"You sure?" He asked.

She smiled and nodded.

The doctor led him to the room. There was an EKG machine, an IV attached to the wolf's right arm and the left one was covered in bandages. The walls of the room were covered with wallpaper that was a scene from a section of forest. The doctor closed the door softly behind him.

Skyler sat down in the chair next to the bed. Martin moaned and said in a slurred voice: "Where's the truck? I coulda sworn I parked it right here!"

He went to sit up quickly, and exclaimed: "Gah-ah-ah!" as he blacked out momentarily and fell back into the pillows.

"Don't try to get up, you're still not well enough." Skyler said, placing his handpaw on Martin's chest.

Martin swung his head over to the side and smiled dopily at his master. "Hey! What're you doing here? I'll be home soon, just let me finish working on these lines."

"Martin, don't you remember what happened? You were hurt!"

"Huh?" Martin lifted his bandaged arm to look at it. "Well look at that!" he said, poking at the bandages with his free finger-claws.

"Don't do that." Skyler said in annoyance.

"What? It doesn't hurt. Well it stings a little, but tha's it. I know," His eyes growing wide, "They must have me on pain-killers!" he said wisely, shaking a finger at his master's face. "And this shit is good too, 'cause I just feel WOW!" he finished loudly, rolling his head back on the pillow and giggling.

"Uhh... ok... Um... Your family's here, wanna see 'em?"

"Oh really?" the doped up greybrown wolf asked in amazement. "Well bring them on in here, you can spank me in front of the whole lot of 'em!"

"Oh no, not when you're like this, and not so soon after your accident."

"Oh come on! You know, old pop's fonda tying up mom every now and then, that's proly, ... pro-bly, ...I think that's where I get it from!" He whispered loudly.

"Thanks for sharing." Skyler mumbled dryly, massaging his temples...


Several minutes later Skyler quietly closed the door behind him, and turned to the group.

"He's ~really~ doped up on the meds and isn't making alot of sense. He's acting like he's drunk out of his mind, so I'd advise you keep it brief," the black wolf-form said wearily.

Peggy and Rick nodded, then headed in to check on their son. Simon left to get some motel rooms for everyone with his wife for company. Leo expressed his relief at Martin's well-being, but had an early appointment in the morning and bid farewell after promising to stop by later in the day.


Martin had to stay in the hospital for a few days so his recovery could be monitored. His family stayed for three days to make sure he was ok before he shoved them lovingly back to their own lives, but only after promising that he and his master would attend the family reunion in five weeks.

Now, five days after the accident, he was allowed to go home. He stayed at Skyler's house - which gave the carpenter that Leo had hired time to replace the back door in the kitchen that the sheriff had kicked in almost a week ago.

Anyone who knew them would have found the behavior of the two amusing as the slave was confined to bed while his master waited on him handpaw and footpaw. Skyler didn't mind, he was glad his lover was going to be alright. But to an observer, it would seem as if their roles in the relationship had reversed.

Skyler came out into the living room hearing canine groans of fustration. Martin was sitting up in the pillows on the couch-bed watching a sex channel and trying akwardly to masturbate right-handedly. Martin grunted in annoyance as his handpaw slipped off his semi-hard shaft.

"Shit!" he muttered.

"Problem?" his master asked, his black wolf's muzzle twisted into an amused smile.

"I can't seem to get used to this," the greybrown wolf answered in resignation.

Skyler sat down on the edge of the bed, took the softening wolfdick in his handpaw, and started to play with it. "Kinda sucks being a south-paw, doesn't it?"

"Only when I can't use my good hand." Martin replied, lifting his bandaged left handpaw in emphasis. He sighed gently at his master's touch.

"Poor Slave, you haven't cum in days. If I were in your position, I'd be going up the walls right about now."

"I admit it's been difficult to restrain myself, Master, but I'm only really now feeling up to doing anything."

"How good do you feel?"

Martin looked into his master's eyes and replied: "Nothing rough, Sir, but I really what to do something."

Skyler got up and went around to Martin's feet, which he pushed up to rest on their pads with the knees bent. He opened the legs and moved up between them. Leaning forward, he stuck out his flat tongue and started to lick the greybrown furred balls of his property. He traced his tongue up along the shaft and onto the soft stomache-fur, then up the torso, along the neck, and along the underside of Martin's muzzle to finally kiss him deeply.

He rooted around in the fur along the edge of Martin's pecs until he found a nipple, and squeezed it firmly. Martin opened his mouth and moaned. Skyler continued to stroke his tongue along that of his mate as he began to stroke the slave's firm dick. His black furred chest pressed gently into the fur on Martin's chest as they continued.

Skyler got up and moved back a bit. He then grabbed Martin's thighs and gently slid the greybrown wolf towards him along the bed. Once the slave was where he wanted, Skyler moved the slave's legs to lay flat on the bed. He got up, and walked on his knees to the slave's head and lifted Martin's muzzle to his crotch.

Martin needed no verbal instruction; he took his master's now expossed shaft into his warm muzzle. He licked the length of the penis and sucked on it to make it harder. The scent of the master's shaft caused him to sigh in contentment. He felt movement, and opened his eyes to see Skyler turning over and moving forward to tend to Martin's crotch. He watched the black wolf's stomache move over him to fill his field of vision, and reached up to stroke the fur sensually with his right handpaw.

Skyler took the shaft into his mouth and began to lick and chew ever so gently on it's length. The feelings in his own wolfhood spurring him on into more lustful feelings. He worked on the shaft for quite awhile before lifting the slave's hips and bending over them. Growling lightly, he buried his nose into the soft tailhole and nuzzled it for a moment. He breathed in his mate's scent and musk, and began to lick the small spot of furless skin. After teasing it with his tongue for a few minutes, he shoved his tongue past the barrier and deep inside.

Martin gasped at the attention, and his master's cock feel out of his long mouth. He went to take it back in, but Skyler was pulling his ass forward and bending it down to him with the tail lifted high. Taking the hint, he began to sniff at the expossed orifice. He took in the strong odor of his master, and the scent of Skyler's musk filled his nose, taking over his mind. He buried his tongue inside, causing the black wolf to moan in pleasure.

The wolves growled and agressively licked and sucked at each other's ass, each using a free hand to stroke the other's now hard dicks. They continued to masturbate as they licked, and the moans and growls grew louder as they neared release. Martin stopped his masturbating of his master's cock, thinking the alpha would want to do something different, but Skyler's hand grabbed his wrist and started to make the slave's hand stroke him again.

Martin obeyed, and found it wasn't too difficult to get a good rythm on his master's dick at this angle with his right handpaw, so continued his stroking. He felt Skyler's ass muscles grow firmer as his knot worked itself out into the open. He lifted his bandaged handpaw to squeeze the knot as his own burst free from it's sheath. He moaned loudly as Skyler began to lightly scrape on the lumps of Martin's knot with his claws.

Skyler got more agressive with his slave's ass and dick as he got close, letting out fierce growls and snorts while he licked and stroked. The texture of the bandage on his dick was different, but not bad. He felt his agressive animal nature take over, and let it, knowing no matter what that he wouldn't hurt his mate.

Sensing his master's change, Martin slipped over to his own animal agressiveness, and worked away at the tailhole and cock with a vengeance as he growled and snarled. The long tongue up his ass felt incredible, and he shoved his ass down onto it to get more of it inside him. His rectal muscles started to clench and release repeatedly.

The scents of their musks grew thick in the air, and they began to claw at each other in abandon. Skyler finally came, shooting his seed over their torsos and coating the fur. He let out muffled growls as he spasmed, but continued to suck and lick as he sprayed in volleys.

The overpowering scent of the black wolf's jism was the last straw for Martin, the spasming muscles in his handpaw and around his tongue added to his sexual pitch as he too released his load between them. He somehow managed to keep licking and masturbating while he snarled and thrashed around on the bed.

Once it faded, the black wolf pulled free and turned around to lay at his slave's side, where they panted for awhile before finally cooling down and their breath slowed enough to allow them to breath normally.

"Feel better now?" Skyler asked.

"Much! Thank you, Sir."

They kissed for awhile before the black wolf looked at him for a long moment, then Martin asked why his master looked so serious.

"There's something I'd like us to do, but I only want us to do it if we're both ok with it."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Martin asked in a combination of shock and suprise.

Skyler's face bunched up in thought and he answered: "Not technically a marriage as such. But I want us both to make sure that we care enough about each other to do something like this," He told Martin what exactly he had in mind.

Martin was suprised, and pleased at his master's proposal. He thought about it. It was something he had put thought into before, and as he looked into his master's eyes, he knew his answer. "Yes, I'd be honored, Master."

The two smiled, and kissed deeply for several minutes before settling down for a nap.

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10 by Argouru (M/M, oral, anal, 69, tailfucking, group sex) {Werewolf, werebull, werebear, Siamese-morph, sex plant, many others.} [Author's note: One REALLY long scene this time, hope you enjoy it...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8- by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, anal, rimming, animal behavior, self-exploration, self-sucking. ) {Werewolves, humans, weredragon} [Author's note: One intense scene, and then some calmer...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.7-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.7- by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, quick-transformation, docking, worship, sounding, transformation.) {Werehumans, werewolf, werebear, werebull, every kind of creature imaginable, humans} ...

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