:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.7-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life, Pt.7-

by Argouru

(Febuary, 2002)


(M/M, quick-transformation, docking, worship, sounding, transformation.)

{Werehumans, werewolf, werebear, werebull, every kind of creature imaginable, humans}

[Author's note: mostly plot this time, but some yiffing none the less. Flammers get burned!]


Skyler stared at his reflection in the full-length mirror of his slave's bathroom and frowned as he scratched his covered chest. The face was as he remembered it - the short brown hair, green eyes and slight stubble were as they'd always been. It was seeing himself in human-form after almost two weeks in other forms - mostly his wolf and dragon forms - that was somehow odd now. He grimaced as he reached down to get an itch on his thigh.

"Please don't scratch, you'll get used to it, Sir" his slave said. Skyler was wearing a white t-shirt, red plaid overshirt and tight faded jeans - all borrowed from Martin. Only the shoes were new, bought this morning at the town's general store; Martin's feet were two sizes smaller than those of his master.

"It's weird to see myself like this again!" the weredragon said, examining his human-form in the mirror. "And why do I itch so badly?" he complained.

"Well Master, you've gone without clothing other than leather gear for about a third of a month now. It's only natural you've gotten used to not wearing it by now," the werewolf slave answered.

"Hmmm..." the human-form murmured in irritation. A third of a month, ~that~ was taking some real getting used to. Eight days in a week, six weeks in a month, fifteen months a year - it was very confusing for the still mostly new were. Even the hours were different; twenty six hours in a day, with the hours being a hundred seconds long and the minutes being a hundred seconds long.

Time in this new world was longer and more drawn out; perhaps that was why people here seemed more relaxed and less stressed.

Martin dressed him in a black leather jacket, taking liberal time to grope his owner as he went about his task. Skyler sighed good-naturedly, and allowed the canine to indulge himself - it was worth it to the master as much as it was to the slave.

Finally, he grabbed the wolf-pup by the hips and pulled him close, hugging him fiercely. Martin leaned into him and returned the hug.

"How old do werewolves get to live to?" Skyler asked.

"About a hundred and fifty years. Though there are magicks that can extend a person's life many times over. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering how long we have, I'll live for centuries to come. I got this nagging question in my head as to how long we'll have together. You're twenty-seven now, right?"

"Yes Sir, and you're thirty - we make a good match!" The wolf said teasingly. "Don't worry, we'll have lots of time together."

"And making the most of it," the human-form answered as his mood lifted, squeezing his slave's ass cheeks in his hands.

They started to caress each other's bodies, and kissed - which was an interesting expirience when only one of the two had a muzzle. Martin took the lead, stroking the insides of Skyler's mouth with his tongue. The canine tongue rubbing over and around his own felt fantastic, and the human-form master moaned in enjoyment.

They broke off the kiss, and Martin unzipped Skyler's pants. With effort, the wolf squeezed his hand-paws into the back of the jeans to massage the hairy - but furless in the traditional sense - mounds of the human-form's posterior. It was a tight fit as the master filled out the seat of the tight pants admirably.

He looked into the green human-form eyes and asked: "Master, do you know what docking is?"

Confused, the wolf's owner shook his head. Smiling the canine asked: "May I show you, Sir?"

"Go ahead, Slave." Skyler sighed in pleasant anticipation.

Martin pulled free of the jeans, and then pulled them down. He took the freed human-form dick in his paw - which was starting to get hard from the slave's touch - and his own furry sheathed cock in the other. He positioned the foreskin covered human dick tip to the opening in the end of his sheath, and pushed the two together.

Skyler watched in facination as his hardening tool slowly entered the slave's sheath. The feelings in his penis had increased once he became a were - esspecially with the regaining of the foreskin - and the sensations of being imbedded inside the warm soft tube of furry flesh felt incredible. He wanted to shove it all the way in, and made gentle pushing motions with his hips.

Feeling his master's desire, the wolf shoved forward until the human-form dick was completely buried inside his furry covering. The wolf's own canine member began to stiffen, but he held the sheath firmly to prevent Skyler from being shoved out. There was pain, but the slave grunted and held firm, not wanting the expirience to end prematurely.

Skyler moaned deeply, and began to pull out. He only went a ways though, before shoving in again. He repeated the motion again, and again, and continued. The feeling of his stiff dick rubbing against the trapped wolf cock as well as the texture of the inside of the sheath itself drove the master to hump harder and faster. Skyler felt a warmth spread through the sheath and onto his phallus, lubing the two fuck poles liberally as they rubbed back and forth along each other.

Martin lifted his face to the ceiling, exposing his throat. Skyler growled, and grabbed it with his blunt human-shaped teeth, pinching the furry flesh without breaking the skin.

Precum flowed from both members now, mixing together as the two sexual pistons stirred them together. The combined fluid of their mating poured out of the sheath, over the human-form's pubic hair, and down their legs. The scent of their musks intermingled, driving them into a deeper sexual heat as the mixed precum dripped down off them to the bathroom floor.

Skyler lowered his hand to the flow of precum and gathered a good amount on his fingertips. He then lifted his hand to his face, and stuck out his tongue. The master painted the liquid onto his tongue as Martin looked down, and pulled the wolf's mouth to his own to share the sweet juices. Martin moaned loudly as he sucked on his master's mouth, enjoying the flavor.

The master, meanwhile, had lowered the hand to coat it thoroughly with the flowing precum. Once it was covered well enough, Skyler moved the hand to the slave's furry ass while the other lifted the tail away. Martin spread his legs, and raised up higher on his footpaws as he sensed what was coming. The human-form then shoved his slickened fingers into the furry tailhole of his mate, causing the canine to murr in pleasure as he pushed against the hand, which soon slid in up to the base of the thumb. Martin had had lots of expirience in this, and was able to loosen his tailhole muscles with ease, allowing the human-shaped paw into him.

Martin lifted his head to the ceiling again, and his tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle, a drop of saliva forming at it's end. He moaned even louder as the fingers inside him began to massage his swollen prostrate.

Skyler continued to fuck the wolfen sheath, grunting and growling animalistically as he stroked in and out of the now tight passage. He felt the pressure building, and lifted his free hand to pull the canine head down to look at him. He looked deeply into the canine eyes as he got closer, pressing on the wolfen prostate and rubbing it. He lowered his other hand to squeeze the canine sheath.

He felt lumps developing on the dick he was rubbing along, and squeezed the base of the sheath behind the forming knot. Skyler groaned half in pain, half in pleasure as the hardening canine shaft pressed hard against his own, cramping the human-form's cock as the wolfen one tried to free itself from it's prison.

Martin began to wimper from pain as well as the cramping became uncomfortable, but it was combined with the erotic sensations, and he knew he was getting close as well.

Skyler began to moan louder and louder, announcing his approaching orgasm. "Get ready for it," he gasped. And then he released his jism into the furry sheath, which began to swell up as it filled. The human-form shouted and moaned loudly as he came, hugging the wolf tight in a fierce grip.

Martin wimpered and moaned, then gasped out: "Master, I want to cum! Please, please can I cum?"

"No!" came the answer in a commanding voice, "You hold it!" the master said as he continued to fuck the sheath.

Skyler had to take hold of the sheath in an iron grip to keep them connected, and the wolf slave's wimpers grew even louder. "Pl-please, Sir I can't hold it anymore! I have to cum!"

"Not yet!" Skyler commanded, massaging the hardened prostrate with his fingers shoved up the furry asshole, and the covered base of the sheath with the other hand. He felt Martin's frantic pumping and knew the wolf was almost there.

Finally he pulled his submerged hand free and opened his other hand. The canine dick shot out like an arrow, and the master grabbed the knot in one hand as it popped free with an actual loud wet popping sound, while the other grabbed the hard length of the wolfen shaft and stroked it quickly.

The second the human-form hands seized his wolfhood, Martin climaxed, shooting the pungent seed in his firmed up furry testicles out so hard, it felt like light punches against the stomache on the shirt of his master.

Skyler kept up the treatment, causing the wolf to drop to the floor in convulsions, yet never loosing his grip on the quivering wolfmeat as it spurted continually. He saw the look of total abandon on the canine face as Martin howled loudly from the sensations and dug his claws into the wooden floorboards of the bathroom, raking deep gouges into the timber as he thrashed around.

Finally the wolf's climax faded, and he laid on the floor panting. After several minutes, he opened his eyes and sat up with the master's hands to aid him.

"Oh shit." Martin exclaimed as he took in the mess.

He'd sprayed cum everywhere. On the walls, the mirrors, the toilet, the floor, even a few drops were dripping off the ceiling - he'd shot so hard. But mostly, the two males were covered in the stuff.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" the human-form asked, wiping cum off his face. Skyler looked around to see the mess, and looked at his now cum-soaked clothes. He began to laugh...


After another shower and change of clothes, Skyler walked to Harold's house in another pair of jeans, red button-front shirt and a denim jacket. The shoes had been cleaned up quickly and hosed down in general household cleaning fluid to kill the smell of the wolf's orgasm - for the most part: Martin said he could still smell it even with the strong odor of the cleaning solution. Skyler reached the bull's house just at nine o'clock as agreed upon.

He knocked, and heard footsteps approaching - not the hoofsteps usually heard at the approach of the minotaur. The door opened onto a stranger.

He was human, or at least in human-form, with broad, well defined muscles that were a bit short of being those of a body builder. He was very strong looking though, with short brown hair and sharp, clear brown eyes. He had a square jaw, and firm cheeks and brow. The nose, ears and eyebrows were of an even size - not too big, not too small, but with a strong, chisled look. He was dressed similarly to Skyler, only the shirt was blue to the weredragon's own red shirt that covered his human-form.

"Well?" the stranger said, opening his arms in invitation, "What do you think?" he asked in a slightly lighter sounding version of Harold's voice.

Skyler's eyes grew large in suprise. "Wow! You look good as a human!" he replied.

Harold frowned a little, and guestured his friend to enter. "I'll be ready in a second," the bull said, then walked to the bathroom. Skyler frowned in confusion, but said nothing as he walked into the livingroom.

Harold came out about a minute later - smelling of aftershave, and they went out to the minotaur's vehicle, which turned out to be a large blue pickup truck that reminded the dragon of an old ford. Though the paint was faded somewhat, there were no dents in the body, and when they climbed in and Harold started it up, the engine sounded strong and clear.

Heading out of town, they soon reached the interstate freeway, and drove in the direction of the sea. Harold turned on the radio, as a talk show came back from commercial. On it, a female and two males debated the pros and cons of demons teaching school children. Skyler listened in facination to the conversation, which was unlike anything he'd ever heard before.

The fellow motorists were also unlike anything he'd ever seen before. Canines, felines, bears, reptiles, mythicals, bird-people, even a racoon family - the children making faces at the other vehicles as their mother shouted her muzzle off at them, while the father sat solumnly in the driver's seat, saying nothing and keeping his weary face pointed at the road ahead with his ears laid back.

All sorts of creatures passed and were passed by them as they drove on. The talk show ended and a musical hour began. The first song was of a female who slightly hissed her S's as she sang about her boring life and how she regretted the life choices she'd made. The music continued 'til they reached the city.

"You ok?" Skyler asked, concerned that Harold seemed rather glum, and had been so since Skyler complimented his human-form. He was acting as if he were steeling himself for something bad.

"Sorry. I just hate these family get-togethers. I don't exactly get along with my folks too well, but I did promise my sister I'd come."

"That's alright," Skyler replied, "We'll get you through it."

Harold's frown deepened, but he said nothing...


The city itself was packed full of life in every form imaginable. The sky was full of flying creatures - some with wings, some with machanical aid, others with no visible means of flight. The radio announced that there were no macro sightings in the area.

"'Macro's?" Skyler asked, putting together strange phrases he'd heard on the radio such as 'Furs', 'Scales', 'Feathers', 'Fins', and such, he hadn't heard that particular one before.

"Hm? Oh, giants. They don't make a habit of watching where they're walking. Pretty dangerous for us. Fortunately there aren't many of them."

Skyler asked about the other terms.

"Well, Furs are mammals like me, Feathers are bird-morphs and such, Scales are reptiles - like you, but you mostly qualify as a mythical, since you're a dragon. Fins are sea creatures like mermaids, Mythicals are the morphs and weres who's animal sides don't exist in other worlds - at least none that we know of. You're a mythical, so is Greg. Micros are little folk. You'll get the gist of it in time." he said reassuringly.

Skyler turned his attention to the city around him, and was soon glad he was in human-form, for his long draconic neck would be in a knot by now from all his 'rubber-necking'.

Every kind of creature imaginable walked the streets or flew above them in the form of various mammals, reptiles, aviaries, aquadic creatures, mythicals, demons, monsters, humans, aliens and some things that couldn't even be classified by the were. All ages from infants and hatchlings to the elderly were seen in the faces in the crowd. Some folks where nude, but most wore some form of clothing from highly suggestive pouches and straps to robes to 'traditional' clothes to sci-fi outfits, uniforms and everything else.

The mixuture of scents threatened to overload his olfactory glands, what from the smells of the people, concrete, steel, glass, wood, plastic, machines, food and everything else - even the fading smell of removed refuse. The buildings, the people, the general scenery - all of it was totally new, totally amazing. He drank in the sights, smells and sounds eagerly, Harold amused by his friend's innocent gawking.

They turned a corner, and almost instantly something Skyler didn't catch at first, changed.

After looking at the people, he quickly realized the people were mostly walking in groups of only one gender - for the most part, there were males, females and...a few nude folks with breasts... and penises to go with them!

"Oh...kay...." the dragon said.

Harold caught his gaze. "Herms. Hermaphrodites. There are quite a few of them. Welcome to the gay district."

They found a parking spot and got out. Together, the two human-form weres walked along the street, passing resteraunts, a car-dealership, a bookshop, several clothing stores and a couple of bars. They soon came to a shop where articles of leather gear hung in the windows.

Going inside, they were greeted by a large brown bear. "Harold, glad to see you again. So soon too! What're you after this time?"

"Just showing my friend where to by all his leather at. Skyler, I'd like you to meet Ben."

The bear - who was dressed in leather cod-pants and a vest - took the human-form's hand in a large furry paw. "Say, you the one he got that harness kit for?"

"Yeah, thanks, I really enjoy it."

"Great! I hope you'll keep us in mind for your next purchase." the proprieter said beaming.

"I will."

The shop had harnesses, chaps, hats, vests, boots, arm bands, gauntlets, jocks and codpieces, slings, restraints, paddles, pants and shorts, everything a leatherman, woman or hem could want. Ben also proudly declaired that he could make custom fittings and orders.

Skyler was looking at a sling made of a network of leather straps as the bear approached, and the bruin pressed up against his back. Poking his furry muzzle over Skyler's shoulder, he asked: "Like it? It's very comfortable. You ever been in a sling? It's quite relaxing."

"Once." the were replied.

"Only once?!? Alright then!" the bear said firmly as he spun Skyler around and began to quickly strip the human-form of his clothes.

Shocked, the victim went to protest. "I-"

"Quiet!" the bear snapped. "You obviously need this, now shut up and take it like a man, boy!" the bear growled, as he finished, and lifted him into the sling. He swatted the exposed ass with a thick hand-paw, causing the were to cry out.

Ben grabbed Skyler's dick and began to stroke it. "Nice cock, Cub. Next time you're in your harness, you're gonna think of me, aren't you? Thinkin' about your hot Daddy-bear givin' you the time of your life, aren't you boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now, son," the bear said as he walked around the sling to Skyler's head, "Show your daddy how much you appreciate your present." He pressed the hard shell of his bulging codpiece into the human-form's face.

"Sir?" the man asked, looking to Harold - who was now nude. At the minotaur's human headed nod, Skyler rubbed the hard shell of chrome studded leather with his face, the textured chrome tiles on it ba-bumping along his skin. He began to lick and suck on it.

"That's it, Cub, worship your papa's bulging crotch. Show him how much you love your leather."

Skyler moaned and enjoyed the hard package for awhile until Harold pulled the bear gently by the arm. "Much as we're all enjoying this, Skyler and I have an appointment to keep. Come on hot pants!" he said to the human-form in the sling. "We'll have to have a rain check on the fun."

Skyler frowned, but complied - getting out of the sling with Ben's help, and the bear sighed as his potental new toy got dressed.

"Oh, well. Stop by again, soon!" Ben said, slapping the once more denim-covered ass of Skyler.

"We will." Harold promised as they left.

They looked around for a few seconds more before heading back to the truck and driving north into the suburbs.


After about thirty minutes, they reached a street filled with upper-class houses on huge lots. No two houses were alike, and all looked very expensive. They pulled into a driveway filled with nice new looking vehicles. Harold sighed deeply and was reluctant to get out of the truck.

A human woman in her early thirties ran excitedly down the driveway to them, and was obviously related to the minotaur when you compared his human face to that of the bubbly woman who was grinning and shrieking hysterically as she approached. She looked like a petite feminine copy of the human-form bull. Harold smiled, and got out, hugging her as she tackled him.

"Amy, I'd like you to meet my friend Skyler. Skyler, this is my twin sister, Amy."

"Hi! I'm so glad you came! Are you a were too?"

"Air dragon."

"Oh wow! That's fantastic! And, uh, are you and my brother...?" she asked suggestively, grinning wickedly as her eyes flicked back and forth between them.

"No, just close friends and occassional leather-buds." Harold said a bit shyly.

"That's good," she said in genuine enthusiasm. "Ok. Come on, the party's starting to get good now." the woman said, and led them both away by the hands...


The rest of their visit was less than pleasant. Harold's human mother greated them stiffly, treating her own son as if he were a stranger who had a bad reputation that she'd been told of in advance. She walked stiffly and stood rigid as a board in her plain flower-print dress with starched lace at the collar and her graying hair in a tight short bun. She spoke firmly, and the disapproval in her voice could've cut solid steel as she spoke stiffly, as though she and her son weren't even related to each other, and she found talking to him to be horribly inconivinent. Skyler noted that the only interest she showed in him went as far as explaining the rules of their continued attendance of the party:

"It wasn't my idea to drag you all the way here, but Amy insisted. While you are here, neither of you are to talk about your personal lives, esspecially that... 'community' (she said the word as if it were the most vulger thing in the world,) you choose to digrade yourselves in. There will be no talk of your 'activities', either. You will both present yourselves as perfect ~human~ gentlemen while you are in my home."

She turned stiffly, and walked away in a brisk pace, her legs the only part of her that moved as she walked.

Skyler leaned over and wispered: "The stick up the butt of the stick up ~her~ butt must have a telephone pole up ~it's~ butt!"

Harold's face changed rapidly through a countless number of expressions in under two seconds. Skyler thought he saw signs of humor more than anything else. Finally he got himself under control and gave his friend a firm, no nonsense look of warning, but said nothing.

He then noticed an older human man - who looked somewhat like Harold - in a suit across the way, and waved, smiling. The man gave him a curt nod of a greeting and briskly looked away. Skyler saw the corner of Harold's mouth twitch at the brush off. The bull's mother walked to the man to stand at his side. Skyler realized the man was Harold's father, and frowned inwardly.

There was soft music playing, and the yard was decorated tastefully in pastels with flower arrangements on the tables. Not everyone here was human either, a family of wolves, a gay couple of a tiger and his leopard lover, a straight couple in the form of snakes, and a family of rabbits. Everyone was dressed tastefully except the two weres in their 'Hi, we're from the sticks!' outfits, as well as several youths of various species.

Amy then came up to them and began to introduce her brother and his companion to her friends. Her human boyfriend, named Todd, was the leader of a rock band ('Haven't gotten any gigs lately, but there's always tomorrow.') who's other members were a tan-furred female rat in leather punk-rocker garb, a female crow who was very sullen acting, and a white stallion who looked and acted as if he were either stoned out of his mind or about to slip into a coma. Skyler didn't smell any drugs on him - at least nothing recent. From the looks of them it was little wonder they hadn't performed professionally very often.

The group walked away from the boring party to a corner. As they walked, the roughhousing of the children got rougher as a wolf-pup nipped his rabbit friend on the arm. "OW!" the boy bunny protested loudly.

"Stop that!" He's more fragile than you so play gently!" she snapped in irritation.

"Wow, your mom's a real bitch!" the rabbit said to his friend.

"Yeah, so what?" the puppy asked innocently. Skyler chuckled at the pup's response, catching the unintended humor.

The group sat down a good ways away from the rest of the part-goers, where they wouldn't have to worry about being overheard, and Amy's beau asked: "So you two dress in leather and fuck, or what?"

"Amy!" Harold scolded in annoyance.

"Hey, you know I'm a blabbermouth. Besides, he's my boyfriend and I have to tell him everything!" she said in self-defense.

"So what kinda stuff you do to each other? And is it true your first were-form was a mouse?" the band leader asked as everyone leaned in close.

Harold glared at his sister, and clenched his hands. He looked as if he wanted to hit her - literally. The muscles in his neck strained from his suppressed fury.

Amy smiled weakly. "S-sorry."

Skyler looked at his friend in shock, but said nothing.

"So what's so great about leather?" Amy's boyfriend asked again.

Harold relaxed with effort, sighed and looked over his shoulder, but his parents weren't to be seen anywhere. He turned back to the group, and began to explain in a low voice the mental and emotional aspects of leather sex.

Skyler added his own thoughts on the subject as the discussion continued, and as Harold was quietly explaining about fisting, a stern woman's voice almost shouted directly behind them: "Harold! That's enough!"

Everyone spun around in shock to see Harold and Amy's mother glaring down at them. "That's it! Harold, I demand you and your 'friend' leave at once!"

"Mother!" Amy protested in anger, "We were just ~talking~! It's not like we asked for a demonstration right here in front of everyone! Besides, we were keeping an eye out for the kids, and would've stopped talking if they came within earshot!"

"Leave! NOW!" the woman demanded, pointing sternly to the driveway.

Amy got up quickly. "Mother! How can you be so cruel? He's your ~son~ dammit!" she pointed to the wolf mother sitting at a table watching and listening to the heated exchange in interest. "Forget Sidney, ~you're~ the real bitch around here!" she sobbed, before running into the house.

"Fine, I'm taking my queer, leather wearing werebull self out of here!" Harold said loudly for all to hear as he stood and walked off, Skyler following.

But apparently, mommy-dearest wasn't finished. Hurrying after them, she grabbed her son's arm roughly and yanked him around to face her as they reached the corner of the patio.

"Now you wait one minute! How dare you embarass your family in front of everyone, making a scene!" she said in fury.

"Haven't you heard, mother? Scenes are my speciality!" Harold sneered.

"Quiet! I don't know why you couldn't be happy with a nice boy, as a ~human~!"

"I was happy with a human boy, esspecially when I had him down on his knees, licking my hooves!"

Bristling, she smacked him across the mouth.

Skyler lost his temper at that, and stood before her.

She looked at him as if to say: What the hell do you want?

"How dare you treat your own child like that!"

"And who are you to tell me how to treat my children? You're obviously one of those degenerates from that disgraceful exuse for a town. What gives you the right to barge in here and tell me what I can and cannot do in my own home?!?" she ranted.

"I'm his friend, that's who! I don't believe you! I thought people in this world were better than those bigots back where I came from! But no, not you! You're a disgrace to all sentient creatures! I've seen serial killers who treated their kids with more respect than you! And yes," he said as he quickly transformed into his dragon-form before her shocked eyes in little more than a second, shredding his clothes as he changed; "I ~am~ one of those ~weres~!" he snarled, then growled into her face.

The human woman stood there in open-mouthed horror, not moving, and only a small gurgling sound escaped her parted lips.

"You think you own him just because he was soup in your crotch a couple of decades ago? Well you don't! He has the right to live his life however he wants! It's his life to live, not yours, and he'll do whatever makes him happiest! Now shut the fuck up and leave him alone! You think you're so perfect?" the dragon said loudly as his voice had risen to a shout, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: "YOU MASTERBATE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!"

Letting out a horrified, scandalized moan of shock, the woman covered her mouth, her eyes bulging, and quickly backed several feet away in terror.

Skyler grabbed Harold's arm and walked quickly to the truck, changing into his wolf-form as he walked. Harold's mother just stood there frozen in mortification.

They drove off, not seeing that a few moments later, almost all of the party guests left as well; upset over their hostess's dreadful treatment to her only son...


They were well past the city and half-way home when Harold told him to pull over. Skyler complied, and Harold stormed off into the trees off the side of the road, transforming into his bull-form and tearing off his clothes violently as he went. He soon disappeared into the small wooded area.

Suddenly a deafening bull-roar of furry rose from the brush, accomanied by the sounds of thrashing brush and splintering wood. It went on for several minutes, as motorists began to slow down to look - trying to see what all the comotion was. Skyler waved them on in annoyance until the sounds finally stopped. He waited a minute for good measure, then made his way into the woods.

He didn't need his nose to guide him - there was a trail of destruction that marked the minotaur's path. Trees laid broken and uprooted everywhere, and the ground was torn up in many places.

He finally found the bull sitting at the stump of a broken tree. Skyler moved up to stand just out of reach, and went to ask if Harold was ok when he saw the bull's shoulders shake rapidly and heard him sniff wetly. He got down and hugged his friend, who cried openly into the werewolf's shoulder fur. He finally stopped crying several minutes later, and appologized, then began to tell Skyler about his childhood...

Harold had always been small and weak as a kid, and that made him a favored target of bullies and ridicule. The fact that he was always gentle and polite was seen as furthur weakness. Every day at school was a nightmare of tauntings, beatings and practical jokes. He spent all of his time wishing he were bigger and stronger so the other kids would leave him alone. In high school, he envied the football players and weight-lifters. No one ever picked on them, they were the biggest and the strongest, and most people respected them.

He tried to develop his own body with exercise, but sadly made little progress, no matter how much he tried. Not being stupid, he avoided steroids, not wanting to wreck his body in the pursuit of physical power. Harold had been a hopeless geek, and avoided trouble as much as possible, but the bullies tracked him down with a vengance.

Finally he decided to become a were. He had always liked them, and envied the strong fierce creatures. He met a male fox at school named Tyler during his final year of high school who liked other guys, and they quickly became friends. The fox liked the human, and the human gave the vulpine his virginity. The fox friend revealed he was really a were, who's original form was human, but liked being a fox better. He offered to make Harold a were, who agreed as long as the fox promised to keep it a secret, and explained about his parents. The fox agreed, and they tried it, but it didn't take.

It took several tries before the change finally occurred, and Harold waited impatiently for the following day, when the human was to transform for the first time. Following Tyler's instructions, he activated the change. The sexual feelings were incredible, and he opened his eyes to look in the mirror in Tyler's bathroom, hoping to see a lion or a bear, or even a rhino, and was horrified to see a mouse staring back at him.

His hopes of ever being a big burly guy slipped away, and no amount of consoling from Tyler could cheer him up. They remained friends though, and when they got together with some of the fox's friends and went to the city, Harold got drunk and stumbled out of the bar they were in and across the way into a dark bar.

A bear grabbed him from behind and pinched his nipple hard - too hard.

"Stop that!" a bull said, yanking the boy out of the bear's grip. "Can't you see he's obviously drunk? Where were you heading, boy?"

Harold was too wasted to give a clear answer, and the bull sighed. He took the human to his motel room to sleep it off...

Harold awoke in a state of panic as he realized he didn't know where he was. The bull appeared at the doorway then, and explained how they'd met. The bull - who was named Jason - listened as Harold spilled his guts about himself, even about his horror at finding out his primary were-form was a mouse.

Jason nodded sadly, and finally asked him why being big and strong was so important to the were. Harold explained one of the real reasons - he was afraid of being effeminate. He wanted to be macho and masculine, and strong enough to fend off even the fiercest bully.

The bull told him about his own life and how he knew the spell to give a were his bull-form, as well as magicks to change one's body. Jason said he'd be willing to teach the young were the spells, but didn't know if they lived close enough together to spend the time together to train and give Harold the form of the minotaur. Harold told the bull where he lived, and Jason replied eagerly that he lived only a couple miles away in the next town.

Jason took him home, and they made arrangements to meet again the following weekend. Seven days later Harold met him at the corner, and went to the bull's home where he was given his first leather expirience. Jason taught him the magicks to transform a person's rectum to safely take massively sized cocks. Harold found himself taking the foot and a half long bulldick in just under an hour.

They both enjoyed the expirience, and met again and again until they soon came to the point where they met once a week. After a month of get-togethers, they made out a slave/master contract, and Harold began his new life as a secret (at least to his family) sex-slave.

Three months later, Harold graduated from high school, got a job as a dish washer at a dinner, and went to move into his master's home to better serve the bull's needs. He announced his status as both a were and as a leather sex-slave to his family as they sat together at the dinner table for the last time as a family all under the same roof.

Amy was glad (she'd always loved her brother unconditionally), but his mother and father were furious, saying he was a disgrace and a traitor to his family line as well as to humans in general. They also insulted his weak-mindedness for getting involved in such degrading sexual conduct. They disowned him, saying he was no longer welcome, and all but physically threw him out the front door.

Jason was saddened by the news, but welcomed his slave warmly. He taught the slave how to magickally strengthen his connection to his bull-form until it took over as his primary were-form.

Over the next seven years, Harold learned everything there was to know about gay sex and leather sex in all it's forms, as well as being a leather master, and being more assertive. He became a werebull with large muscles thanks to his master's spells - which he learned quickly. They eventually parted ways as friends, and Harold stayed almost exclusively in his bull-form.

Several years later he met Martin, and learned of the town of Wereman Falls. Visiting the place, he feel instantly in love with the small burg, and moved there within a month. He met his new neighbor Leo that night, and they became fast friends. Harold got a job as a tele-marketer, and was a success with his deep soothing voice that commanded respect as he convinced his customers to by stocks in a clothing manufacturing company.

Well over a decade passed, and then Skyler came to town. They met, and Harold began to feel incredibly masculine as he fucked the dragon for the first time. Harold had felt so grateful, he spent half a month's pay to buy Skyler the expensive harness-kit as a combination house-warming gift, leather stud starter kit, and secret thank you for the expirience they'd shared as well as making sure his part-time slave was properly attired...

Skyler sat there for several minutes after the bull had finished talking. Funny, he'd never thought of Harold as anything other than totally butch, and said as much to his friend.

The werebull smiled and thanked him for the compliment. He then looked up to see that it was almost sunset. "Come on, let's get home." he said, and they headed back to the truck.


Skyler looked into Martin's driveway as Harold went to drop him off, but the slave's work truck wasn't there. He sighed.

"Don't want to be alone?" the bull asked.

"Not really." the wolf-form answered.

"Wanna come over for a bit?"


They drove around the block to the minotaur's house, and headed inside.

"Thanks for going with me, I'm sorry you had to go through all that, though."

"It's alright, I'm glad I got to tell that ~woman!~ off! I don't think anyone else has ever had the nerve. And the look on her face! Priceless!"

Harold grabbed the wolf-form and hugged him for a long moment. Finally the bull let him out to arm's length and said: "I'm really glad you did that. No one has ever stood up for me like that, except my sister. It really means alot to me."

Skyler saw the look in the bull's eyes - one of deepest graditude, admiration, and even a little bit of love - all of which words couldn't express. Skyler kissed him, their nude furry bodies rubbing against each other.

The kiss ended, and they knew they'd be close for life. A bond of incredible strength had been forged between them now, linking the two together in a way that couldn't be trivialized by being named friendship - though that was what most people would call it. Nor was it as intense as romance; it was as if their souls had bonded, making them connected as what could only be described as soul kin. Not lovers, yet more than friends.

Harold got a mischievious look in his eyes then, and squeezed both of the wolf's nipples. "Well, Slave, I guess we'll have to celibrate our victory over overbearing 'better-than-thou' human bigots. And I know exactly how." He grabbed Skyler's furry sheath in his massive paw, and towed him to the basement.

Harold didn't lead him to the floor mat as last time though, he led the way to a sling near a corner. Skyler climed in, his furry posterior hanging out a few inches past the edge of the sling with his tail wagging slowly in a lazy fasion. Harold stroked the thick fur on the wolf-form's legs and lifted the footpaws up to rest the ankles in the loops on the chains. Harold ran his hand through the wolf's thick black chest-fur.

"So soft..." the bull said softly in appriciation. He rubbed the exposed ass in his other hand, then grasped the tail by it's base and tugged lightly, causing the wolf to gasp in exstasy. "Hm, hm. Like that, pup?" he asked, tugging on it several times.

"Uhnh... oh yeah. That feels great!" the wolf gasped.

"I'm very proud of you, Boy. You did good."

"Thank you, Sir."

Harold looked over to his side to the racks along the wall. Walking over, he selected something long and thin, and returned to the wolf. He set the object aside on a small stand out of Skyler's line of sight. The wolf looked up curiously, wanting to see what the bull had brought over, and started to sit up to get a better view.

Harold caught the movement, and shoved the wolf's chest roughly back down into the sling. He swatted the furry ass cheeks soundly. "I didn't give you permition to get up! You lay there and wait for it like a good little puppy! If I wanted you to know, I'd have told you."

"I'm sorry, Master. I was just curious."

"Trust me, Slave, I have something very special to reward you with, but don't go doing anything to make me feel you don't deserve it!"

"I'm sorry, Sir," the wolf said, laying his ears back and wimpering softly.

"I suppose I can forgive you, Boy," the bull answered, pinching the slave's nipples and twisting, causing the wolf to hiss in pain-filled pleasure. "Yeah, that's a good boy," Harold growled happily.

He placed a hand on the canine's furry sheath and began to massage it, causing it's contents to swell. Harold licked his finger, and stuck it into the sheath, tickling the hidden cock-tip which twitched in response. Harold began to finger-fuck the sheath, Skyler moaning and writhing around in enjoyment. Soon, his wolfcock pushed out into the open, and Harold took it into his muzzle.

Harold savored the taste of the canine meat, and his nostrils flared as he drunk in the strong wolf-musk. The slave's dick grew longer and harder, and as Harold stroked the sheath, he felt the knot begin to swell. He continued, licking the phallus expertly with his thick tongue as he sucked, until the knot grew to it's fullest, pushing the sheath down. The knot 'popped' free into the open air, and the bull devoured it in his muzzle so he could chew lightly on the hyper-sensitive base of the shaft behind the knot. He tasted the wolfen precum as it began to flow, and continued to stimulate it until the precum flowed continually. That was what the minotaur had been aiming for.

He got up and reached over to get the object, and when Skyler lifted his head and whimpered, Harold smiled at him and showed what he was holding. It was a long thin length of polished metal that was shaped in a way that made it look like it was made of several steel balls mashed together. Harold let the slave look at it for a moment before inserting the end into the piss-slit of the canine tool. He slowly pushed it into the inside of the wolfdick, using the precum as lube as it was the only fluid garanteed not to leave the recipient's urethra hurting later.

Skyler watched in silent joy at the sight and feel of the sounding device's bumps pushing slowly into him. He wanted it all the way inside of him, but knew he'd get punished if he disobeyed. He decided to just lay there and take it at his master's pace. He was rewarded when it finally pushed past his swollen knot and down the last inch to the inside of the base of his hard wolfcock.

Harold let him get used to it for a minute before pulling it back until it was almost all the way out. With a hand on the phallus to keep it steady, the bull shoved the sound back in all the way until it's full twelve inch length was buried up the canine's piss-hole with Skyler shuddering in pleasure the whole time - his eyes never leaving his own wolfmeat. Harold pulled it out and pushed it back in gently, quickening his pace bit by bit as he masterbated his slave's fuckpole from the inside.

Skyler lifted his arms to grab hold of the chains on either side of his head, his claws raking along the chrome links. He revelled in the feelings in his shaft from his master's treatment, and soon found himself panting - his tongue lolling out the side of his open muzzle. He licked the sides of his muzzle, the flat long tongue tickling the wiskers at the end and savoring the texture of his pebbly nose. He lifted his tail to lightly smack the bovine testicles repeatedly.

"Harder." the minotaur breathed.

Skyler swung his tail back and forth sharply, wacking the firming brown-furred globes with his furry apendage. The sound flew rapidly in and out of him, driving him crazy with it's texture. The scent of his musk finally began to register in his mind, along with that of the werebull, and he looked up to see the bull's chest heaving in and out as his own lust rose. Skyler saw the head of the bullcock rise up into sight.

Harold bent down to take his own dick in his mouth without his hands leaving the wolf. He kept his eyes on the canine though as he licked and sucked himself. His heavy breathing washed over the wolf slave's groin, giving Skyler more sensations to enjoy as the sharp gusts of exhaled breath stirred his black fur.

Skyler began to moan loudly, and lowered his hand-paws to rake his claws through the fur on his chest. He looked into the bull's eyes in a combination of euphoria and begging.

Harold kept up the pace of the sounding and moaned around his dick,: "Uh, huh...uh, huh..." in encouragement and permition.

Skyler gasp/panted rapidly for several seconds before he finally howled - his cum spurting out of him around the sound as he spasmed severely. He pinched his nipples hard for added sensation as he climaxed.

The smell of the wolf's cum was too much for Harold, and when the canine jism hit him in the face he lost it, and let go of the wolf to prevent hurting Skyler as he shot his load into his own muzzle. He stomped a hoof repeatedly with force, groaning in pleasure as the orgasm flowed throughout his body, and he heard the metal sound clang to the floor as it was pushed out of the wolf's dick by his canine seed...


Skyler walked home with mild difficulty awhile later to find Martin's truck parked at the werewolf's house.

The dragon - in wolf-form - walked up to knock on the door. Martin opened the door with an interested look, which changed to a smile mixed with humor as he saw who his visitor was.

"You don't have to knock, Master. You're welcome in my home anytime," the slave answered.

The master walked inside and answered: "I wasn't sure if you wanted company. I figured you might be too tired."

"I'm a little tired, but I'd like you to stay, Sir."

Skyler smiled and kissed him lightly on the tip of his muzzle. "You eat yet?"

"Not dinner, Sir."

Skyler walked into the kitchen - stiffly - and opened the refridgerator to find something for both of them.

"Are you alright, Master?" the wolf asked with a knowing smile.

"I was introduced to sounding by our bovine friend today," the master bragged.

"Wow, I'm sorry I missed it."

"You'll get to see it again," the black wolf promised suggestively with a leer.

They sat down to dinner, Martin smiling in graditude, and talked of the day's events, Martin almost choking at his master's 'remarks' to Harold's mother.

"I'm glad you told her off, Sir! That was totally inexcusable! And thank you for making dinner, too, Sir." Martin said once they'd finished up and cleared the table.

"See, it's nice to be waited on sometimes."

"I like serving better, Master," the slave replied with a tired smile.

"If you ever want to take charge, you can. I like some versatility."

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir."

After dinner, they went upstairs. They didn't want to take a long shower, so they changed into their human forms, and Skyler saw his property in human form for the first time.

Martin's greybrown fur shrank back into the skin, which began to lighten to a lightly tanned caucasian color. The brown head fur/hair lightened to a pale brown, and some hair remained on the torso, arms and legs. The muzzle pulled inward until the mouth was flush with the upper part of the head - the teeth became flat and the tongue shrank and thickened. The ears shrank and rounded as they lowered to the sides of the head. The claws shrank and flatened out into blunt finger and toenails. The tail retracted into non-existence while the membrane on his sheath faded away. The fully stiff wolfcock shrank a little to a length of seven inches as the knot faded away and the head widened to a human shape, the sheath fading into a human foreskin. The feet lowered until they were flat on the floor. The transformation finished with the now human-form shuddering in orgasm.

After a sadly short length of time, it ended and the figure looked up to his master's own human-form. Skyler found him very attractive, with his medium porportioned face and full, thick goatee/mustache combo of facial fur... hair. His uncut human cock hung down about three and a half inches now that it had finished softening. The light brown eyes smiled at him. The athletic muscular build with it's well defined six-pack abs and firm pecs drew the human-form dragon's eyes. The slave had french/germanic looks, with even sized eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, chin and ears. He was very attractive - for a human-form. Skyler walked up and hunged his wolf affectionately, and gave him a long passionate kiss.

"Damn, you're hot as a human."

"Th-thank you, S-sir."

"You alright?" the master asked, now noticing that the wolf was shivering.

"I'm cold. I was born a wolf, remember? I'm not used to being without fur!"

Skyler tossed him a large towel - reluctantly - and started the shower. He then hugged the slave to help keep him warm until the water got hot. They climbed in and showered quickly, too tired for horse-play, besides, Skyler didn't have a stallion-form yet. Maybe the guy at the rental store to be of service...

They dried off quickly, and went to bed after digging out a thick comforter for the bed. Peacefully, they fell asleep in each others arms...

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8- by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, anal, rimming, animal behavior, self-exploration, self-sucking. ) {Werewolves, humans, weredragon} [Author's note: One intense scene, and then some calmer...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6- by Argouru (January/Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, S & M, Leather, Blood - no deaths though! Rimming, Horse Role-play, 2-Way Fucking, Nudity-public and private) {Werebull,...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.5-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.5- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Oral, Anal, Transformation, Rimming, Leather, Spanking, Agressive, Watersports, Slave & Master, Three-way, Multiple Orgasms, Nudity-public and private) ...

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