:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.5-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life, Pt.5-

by Argouru

(January, 2002)


(M/M, Oral, Anal, Transformation, Rimming, Leather, Spanking, Agressive, Watersports, Slave & Master, Three-way, Multiple Orgasms, Nudity-public and private)

{Weredragon, werebull, werelion, demon, werewolf, many others.}

[Author's note: More like chapter 3 this time, leather aspects and agressive sex. A VERY intense scene in this one! Flammers, don't bother...]


Skyler (in dragon-form) came home to find Leo smiling.

"What made you so happy?" He got a sarcastic smile as he looked the lion over and asked: "How many times you and your deputies do it?"

"Only once." the lion replied with a poorly faked glare. "I found something I want you to see. Let's go."

"NOW?!? Why the rush?" the dragon asked in bafflement.

"Nope," Leo said, grabbing his keys off the counter. "If we wait, you'll miss it."

"What is it? A meteor shower?"

"Pretty much, but you have to see it. I'll be showing you the greatest place in town to see it at too."

Skyler sighed, and followed him out. Once in the car, Leo turned to him. "Gimmie your head."

"What for?"

"I want it to be a suprise. Now hold still." he said as he tied a folded up strip of cloth over the exasperated reptile's head to cover his eyes.

Leo started the jeep's engine and pulled out. He drove for a long time, making many turns, and Skyler started to feel like they were going in circles. Finally they slowed down and Leo honked the horn twice.

"What? Something up?" the dragon asked, moving his sightless head around in curiousity.

"I thought I saw a friend of mine, but it looks like I was wrong."

Leo answered, and turned to the left. There was a bump, and they pulled forward slowly a ways and stopped.

The lion walked around and helped him out. They then walked a ways furthur along a concrete walkway and climbed a few wooden stairs. The scent of incense was thick in the air.

*Insense? What is this, some weird kind of initiation party or something?* Skyler wondered, smelling a metaphorical rat. Opening a door, the lion guided him into a building that sounded small and reeked of heavy incense.

"Ok, Skyler..." the sheriff said.

"WELCOME HOME!!!" he and dozens of other voices shouted simultaneously.

Skyler ripped the blindfold away to see several townfolk standing in the livingroom of the house he was planning on moving into (once he found a way to fix or cover the ruined wooden floors).

He looked down to see the entire floor covered with plastic mats and thick throw rugs. A huge folding table held lots of food, including a cake. Everyone came forward to offer their congradulations and hand him wrapped gifts - some of them heavy.

Finally towards the end, a brownish werewolf approached and said with a smile: "Hi, I'm Martin, I'll be your next door neighbor to the left. I'm also a close friend of Harold."

"He's the one who talked me into moving here." The bull said, coming up behind the wolf.

Skyler smiled and thanked the wolf before looking him over.

The wolf was about six feet tall, and had warm brown eyes and thick, canine fur all over his body. Like most weres, he had the head and tail of the animal he was on a human shaped torso, arms and legs. There were black claws instead of nails on the fingers and toes, and his canine ears and muzzle were lean and well defined. His bushy tail swished back and forth in his happy demeanor. Nude - as most townsfolk were - his furry nuts and sheath with it's membrane conecting the top side of it to his torso below the navel hung free to the world. The size of his genitals was smaller than the dragon's, but it wasn't suprising as Skyler was practically half as much taller than the wolf. Still, the size was very nice for the canine's body. His feet were oddly shaped, however. They were as long as a human's feet, but the back end was raised off the floor and he stood only on the front halves. The wolf caught his stare.

"These are mammal-type digitigraded feet." he explained. He lifted the foot and grabbed his ankle to show the newest addition to the community the bottoms of his feet.

The dragon saw the soles of the front half to the wolf's soles were black, thick and heavily textured like a traditional canine's paws. Skyler also saw the palms of Martin's hands were similar, but not as thick in the pads - they looked softer too. The back halves of the bottoms of his feet though, were soft and covered in fur-there were no pads or soles of any kind on them. Skyler liked the way they looked, and said as much.

As Harold wandered away to let them get aquainted in peace, Martin led him to a couch someone had placed there for the party - at least that's what the dragon asumed. The house had been unfirnished when he looked at it yesterday, now there were several pieces of furniture in it.

On the couch, they talked away from the crowd. Martin was an electrician, and had lived here for almost eight years now. He'd already been a were when he'd moved in though. Martin appologized in advance for the state of his yard - esspecially the back yard, which got littered with lots of electrical supplies and tools.

"By the way," the wolf said, "I hope you like the couch. I just got a new one a few weeks ago and this one was sitting in the garage. I was going to have it hauled off soon, but heard you needed furniture, so take it with my blessings. You know," he said huskily as he leaned close to the reptile and licked the side of his muzzle, "It's got a bed in it..."

"Mmmmm..." the dragon murred in interest. But sadly, the wolf had apparently only done it as a tease, as he turned his talk back to little things.

Finally, some time later, Leo came over and took the dragon's arm. "Ok, Martin. You've monopolized him long enough. There's lots more people who haven't gotten to meet him yet.

By the time the party ended at around three am, he'd met virtually everyone in town, as townsfolk had drifted in and out during the course of the party. He had thanked everyone for this wonderful party and gesture as he was asked to cut the cake, and the gifts he recieved were in the form of towels, sheets, appliances for the kitchen, a king sized bed, a used - but in good condition refridgerator and stove, and a phone. He'd see about getting phone service tomorrow.


After Leo, Greg, and Harold had left, he found he wasn't as tired as he thought he'd be, and walked through the house to check for anyone who didn't know the party was over. All the rooms were empty, and as he sniffed at each doorway, found no traces of cum in the air in any of them. Strange, he'd have thought there would have been an orgy to celibrate, but none had taken place it seemed. The thick incense that had been burned in the house (to cover everyone's scents to fool the dragon), interfered with his sense of smell some though, so he wasn't certain.

Walking back downstairs, he went to the back door off the kitchen. Opening it, he went outside to enjoy the evening sky and walked down the steps from the back porch to the grassy lawn, which was now damp from the mist of the soon to come dawn. Looking up to the stars, he opened his wings fully, but desided not to take to the night air. He'd only flown once so far, and that had been during the day with the supervision of an expirienced flyer. Sighing, he folded his wings and walked back in to went to the livingroom.

His eyes fell on an unopened gift from Harold,who had told him to open it once alone. Sitting cross legged on the floor, he used an index talon to tear open the wrapping. An attached card read: 'To my Slave/Master, so you're never underdressed! Enjoy, esspecially (That word was underlined) with me! Harold.'

The box contained LOTS of leather straps an inch wide with snaps on the ends and chrome chains, as well as many chrome metal rings and cock rings. There were also rings with an odd 'U' built into them, and looking at the memo that was included, he learned they were cockrings for those with membranes on their shafts. There were also a few butplugs in various sizes. Flipping through the book taught him that by combining straps and rings in different arrangements shown, allowed one to create almost any kind of leather half or full torso harnesses the wearer desired. Some were designed to be worn with wings too.

Skyler was both estatic and shocked at the same time. Surely such an item was quite expensive. How had Harold come to buy it? He was in a mutual leather Slave/Master contract with the bull, true, but something like this...

Following the directions, he put together a harness that covered his full torso while leaving room for his wings. The smell of the new leather exited him sexually as he worked. Finally he stood up. A strap went over each shoulder to horizontal straps connected by a ring that went across the back just under the wing joint where they connected to his back. Straps made a square on his upper adominals, and a triangle made by two more connected the square to his genitals. An oblong cockring designed for a sheath and membraned phallus connected them to another strap through his ass which held a large butplug in place. The ass strap went to a large ring that fit around the base of his tail, from which another strap went up to the ring between the straps under his wings.

Walking to the downstairs bathroom, he admired himself in the mirror. The nude green weredragon in the mirror was covered in black strips of leather and chrome rings. Flexing his butt muscles caused the rubber plug inside him to move back and forth, causing incredible sensations. He flexed the muscles of his torso, legs and arms - enjoying the sight of himself. The dragon's muscles strained, and some of the straps loosened, while others pulled tight. He puffed up his torso, and all of the leather strained against the bulging scaled muscles, exciting him. His arrousal soon manifested from it's sheath to bounce in the air on it's own. As it grew, the membrane hardened, pulling it upwards to point towards his chest. He grabbed the expossed dragonhood, and an instant desire to fuck someone, anyone, shot through him. But his lust cooled. No one was here with him, and it was surely almost four am-no one would be up this late in such a small town.

Sighing in fustation, he walked to the livingroom. A human had gotten him a gag-gift in the form of a foot and a half long, three inch thick dildo. An otter had gotten him a huge bottle of lube as half gag/half seroius gift. Grabbing both, he walked upstairs to the master bedroom, his phallus swinging heavily from side to side as he walked. He went into his bedroom to find the bed no longer empty. Martin lay in it, sporting a hard on.

"'Bout damn time you got here, I thought you were gonna end up sleeping downstairs!" the wolf said after he stroked himself a few more times for the homeowner's benefit. Skyler dropped the dildo and lube to the floor in a combination of shock and suprise.

He recovered, and feeling strong and dominant in his harness, the dragon strode to the foot of his new bed and placed his fists on his hips. "I looked in here earlier, you weren't here then."

"I hid in the closet. I heard you approach earlier and wanted it to be a suprise." he said, flattening his ears back against his skull and pointing his nose downward as he looked up at the dragon. His tail drooped down to lay limp as he responded to the reptile's forceful statement, using his expiriences with Harold and others to assume the appropriate role. "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't think you should have to sleep alone was all. It's a nice bed, and it seemed a shame to have to break it in all alone. Sir."

Skyler felt a thrill shoot through him as he looked down at the canine. He recognized the pose as one of complete submition, and remembered Harold saying he'd met this wolf in a leather bar. Skyler had never been a leather master before he'd met Harold, he'd always been the slave. Now, with this wolf sitting submissive before him with a hard cock expossed from his furry shaft calling him 'Sir', he felt his sexual feelings rise anew.

Slowly and deliberately, he walked around the king-sized bed to the side where the wolf was. As he walked, Martin started to turn towards him.

"SIT STILL!" Skyler shouted, "I didn't tell you to move!"

He swatted the wolf's furry ass forcefully. Martin let out a canine yipe, to the dragon's pleasure. He then began to stroke the fur along his back and ass, enjoying the softness of it. Bending down, he rubbed his head through it, and moaned in pleasure from the texture.

"I like your fur." He sighed and continued to rub and pat the fur, working his head up to the flattened ears. "And I suppose you deserve a reward for being so thoughtful."

Martin murred at the stroking and petting.

"You know," the dragon said softly into his ears as he rubbed, "I always wished I was a werewolf. Running free through the night, the moonlight on my naked fur, howling to the stars. You're in luck, pup, 'cause tonight you're gonna make my wish come true!" He moved his hand to the wolf's ass and squeezed a cheek. "You have very nice fur, do you know that?"

"Thank you, Master. I'd be honored to give you my form, Sir."

"Good puppy. You're gonna shove that thick wolf dick up my scaly ass and chant your muzzle off until you shoot that hot, magickal wolfspunk deep inside me and make me a big strong sexy wolf like you. You want that?"

"Yes Sir. I want to do it, Master. I want you to be like me!"

"Atta boy." the dragon added, and gave the brown furred ass cheek another swat, bringing forth another yip of pain filled joy from his naughty uninvited guest.

He then lifted the wolf's fuzzy tail and nuzzled his exposed tailhole, breathing in the intense arouma of canine scent. His lust rising more, Skyler stuck his tongue into the pup's asshole, forcing his tapered tongue-tip past the ring of resistance, and deep inside the writhing rear end the werewolf. Martin began to howl lowly as well as whine and murr in satisfaction as he was reamed out by the long tongue. Skyler let out a short draconic growl of forcefulness he worked away at the tailhole, the fur of the butt cheeks rubbing against his muzzle.

Getting up after awhile of this, he moved forward until his chest was over the canine's shoulderblades.

"I just remembered something...You teased me about the couch-bed and then left me high and dry. You're just a dirty little tease, aren't you? Nothing but a teasing little SLUT, HUH?!?" Skyler growled, putting his hand under the wolf's muzzle and pulling up roughly.

"Y-yes Master."

"Boy, you just bought yourself a LOT of trouble!" He turned Martin roughly to his left, and yanked the puppy's ass into his lap. Bringing, his hand down hard, he mercilessly pounded the furred ass with a series of strong smacks. The canine victim started yelping from the assault, and after a dozen or so swats, the dragon relented. He began to caress the sore posterior as gently as he'd been rough a moment ago.

Martin wimpered softly from the punishment until the dragon spoke softly: "There now, feel better little puppy? Be honest."

Martin let out in a deep sighing breath full of pleasure: "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir!"

Oh ho! The wolf liked to push the limits! Skyler knew he was going to have many good times with this one. He carressed gently for several minutes until the wolf's ass felt better.

"Ok, now you lucky little puppy, you get to have your revenge!" Skyler got up to his knees and removed the strap and butplug from his tailhole. He guestured for the wolf to get up, and Martin turned to him to reveal a nine inch dick that was fully hard. It had a narrow tip like his own, but something else was different - there was a large swollen area just before the hilt.

"What is that?" Skyler asked, innocent of canine anatomy.

"My knot sir, most digitigraded canines and some flat foots have them."

Taking the wolfhood in his hand, the dragon studied the knot in wonder. It didn't look bad to him, kind of neat when he thought of it. He stroked the knot with a thumb, and Martin moaned.

"You like that?"

"Yes Sir. The knot is pretty sensitive like the rest of the shaft."

Skyler massaged the area behind the knot, causing the wolf to convulse and moan loudly.

"And that's even more sensitive, huh pup?"

"Y-y-y-yes Sir!" Martin finally managed to get out.

"Well, I guess I'll have to see how it feels." he said, and moving his wings out, then back in as he laid down, managed to end up comfortably on his back. "Go ahead, give it to me."

Martin got into place and pushed the tip of his precum slicked penis into the dragon. Skyler moaned as it entered, until the wolf stopped at the knot. He began to pull out, and then push in again, and again as he started to fuck his Master.

Skyler moaned and groaned as he was pistoned, and Martin began the chant. Soon, he started to get close, and shoved against the reptile's tailhole until his knot popped into the scaly hole.

"Oo-oo-ooh-h-h-h-h!" Skyler moaned in a loud shuddering voice from it. "Fuck that felt good!"

Martin pulled hard to extract the knot, and it popped out, bringing another shudder from the dragon. Then the wolf continued his motion until he pulled all the way out. Skyler looked up questioningly at him, but the wolf growled fiercely and slammed his dick hard into the dragon, the knot ramming past the anus muscles.

"Ahhh!" Skyler shouted, and as Martin resummed mounting him, began to push up, meeting the thrusts as best he could.

They matched rythm, and pushed to, then pulled away from each other in unison for many minutes. Martin got his nerve, and pulled the knot out on each pull now, only to slam it hard back inside and the fleshy bulb popped in and out of the reptilian tailhole repeatedly. The dragon roared and growled lustily from the punishment on his ass as his muscles bulged under the straps of his harness. The smell of it combined with that of their musks and over powered them as it poured off their crotches, causing them both to nearly loose conscious thought.

Martin sped up, chanting the spell from memory and finally slammed in a final time so hard the dragon hit his head on the wooden headboard of the bed. Skyler was too busy roaring loudly and spraying cum everywhere to notice as he climaxed, driven to the breaking point by the wolf's ride. There was only two creatures: a weredragon roaring as he shot his spunk all over himself, the wolf, and the bed; and the howling werewolf, locked to the dragon's ass as the magick carried his form into the reptile's insides along with several pints of wolfseed...


Skyler awoke to the new bedroom to find he was alone. getting up, he walked downstairs - the metal and leather of his harness rubbing against his green skin in a sensual way - to see the wolf rummaging through the fridge. Skyler noticed that all of the food from the party was put away and the paper plates and cups were all heaped into a huge trashcan by the back door.

The place wasn't emaculent, but alot better than it had been when the dragon had retired for the night.

Hearing the heavy footsteps, Martin perked up his ears and turned to see the large reptile in the doorway, inspecting his work.

"Very nice! I'm quite pleased with all you've done." The dragon said. "But you didn't have to you know, dispite what we did last night."

"Thank you, Sir. I thought the place needed it, and a slave should always make sure his master's home is presentable."

"Still in character, huh? Ok then, sit down and rest. I was always a firm believer that a slave was only a slave in the bedroom. The rest of his time he deserved to be free to do what he wants."

"I only want you to be pleased, Sir. Sir, I know you're new in town, do you require a full-time slave?"

Skyler was suprised. "Well, you want the job, pup? I'll warn you I'm not always like that. Sometimes I'm worse, but a lot of the time I'm more gentle. I'm quite versatile and have many tastes and moods. You think you're up for that?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm very adaptable, and other than Harold, I've had no one to call Master in a long time. I'm yours for the taking, Sir." Martin answered with his ears back and his tail limp.

"All right then, I'll take you on a week-long trial basis and we'll go from there. Your house, possessions and money are yours. I hate those who take everything their slaves have. You worked hard for it, and should keep it." the dragon said.

Martin sighed in relief. "Thank you Sir!" he said gladly.

"Get Harold to print us up a general contract. I'll come over to your house tonight and we'll go over it together."

"Yes, Master."

"You did a good job in here Slave. I'm very pleased. I'm even tempted to reward you by making you a dragon. Would you like that?"

"Yes Sir!" the wolf replied enthusiastically.

"Good! We'll tend to that later, too."

With a playfully gentle swat to the furry posteirior and an intense muzzle-locking kiss, they parted company for the remainder of the day.


Skyler hooked the phone up to the wall, then after eating some left over ham, went upstairs to get cleaned up. Reluctantly, he removed the harness and looked at the tub. Frowning at it's dirty state, he went to the bedroom, got some money and walked to the market for cleaning supplies.

Returning with a bucket, mop, sponges and cleaners, he settled down to scrub the bathroom. He changed to human-form to make the work easier, only to make another mess on the floor as the erotic sensasions caused him to orgasm at the transformation's conclusion. Sighing good-naturedly, he cleaned it up first with a cloth.

By the time he was finished cleaning the bathroom, the were was covered in sweat and found he was panting instead of huffing. Skyler shrugged philosophically, it was just another part of being a were he suppossed.

He turned on the faucet on the bathtub and waited for the water to heat up, however, after three minutes it still hadn't gotten even slightly warm. Frowning, he turned it off and began to search for the water heater. After over fifteen minutes of searching, he finally found it hidden away in a corner of the basement. Opening the grate to see inside, his fear was confirmed - the pilot light was out. A search of the entire house turned up a total absence of any matches or lighters. Fed up, he went upstairs and used a damp wash cloth to clean himself off, shivering from the coldness of the water. Then he went back to the store for matches, and was finally able to light the water heater.

The next hour was spent wandering from room to room as the were decided what to do with each room. The bedrooms were the rooms that he took time thinking about. The basement would be converted into a dungeon; he liked what Harold had done with his basement dungeon and decided to do something similar.

The master bedroom would remain what it was, one side room that connected to the master bedroom by a side door would be a perfect sleeping quarters for his new slave. He'd keep the furnishings sparse and functional, making the room feel more like a cell than a bedroom. Only a twin sized bed - or maybe a cot - and a small flat table. Or maybe a hospital bed instead, he wasn't certain. It would have to be very plain and utilitarian, and have strong metal head and foot-boards to strap or cuff the slave's wrists and ankles to, from time to time. There was a bare lightbulb hanging from a simple chain. Turning it on, it sent out a sickly fourty watts of light. Perfect. The window would have to be covered to prevent escape (he smiled in amusement at the joke), maybe he'd leave about an inch or so at the top uncovered so only a pathetically small amount of light entered, making the cell look more like a sweat box cell that kids at boarding schools and prison camps were locked into as punishment, according to old horror stories.

Another bedroom would be made into a nice guest-room. The last bedroom would become his magick-room. He wanted to get back into the Shamanic and Occult practices he'd once been heavily into, but lost some interest in practicing due to the many upsets in his life. Now that things were picking up in his life, Skyler felt like practicing again.

As for the attic - which was a floor of it's own, he hadn't a clue what to do with. Maybe something would come to him.

He got restless, and decided to head out. Getting the black leather 'Fanny-pack' he'd gotten as a gift that seemed to be the prefered accessory for most folks in this world, he put his money in it and, still nude, walked out the door confidently - knowing most folks wouldn't care.

He walked to the main road through town and went to the funiture store where he found some things for his new home. A coffee table and recliner for the living room, microwave in the appliances department, a tv and a small army-style cot. Talking to the salesman - a stallion-morph, he made out a rent-to-own contract that was reasonable. The stallion assured him delivery by late afternoon.

Skyler walked on down the road, and a honking horn made him turn to see a police cruiser cut across the street - illegally - to stop by his side. "Hey there sexy! Out and about already?" Leo asked, leaning out the window in the same manner as when they'd met only a week and a half or so ago.

"You realize you just broke the law, right?" the human-form asked playfully.

Leo looked over his shoulder to the middle of the road, turned back and shrugged. "Eh, I just follow the spirit of the law," he said dismissively. "Besides, there's no cross traffic right now."

He was right, most of the town's inhabitants either walked or flew to where they were going as the community was only three miles square.

"Enjoying the house?"

"Yeah, except the pilot light was out so I need to get matches. I just got some more furniture for the place too."

"Great!" the lion said enthusiastically, but was interupted by the squadcar's C.B.

"‾Leo, this is Jake, come back.‾" came the small voice of one of the sheriff's deputies through the speaker.

"Hold on a sec." he said to Skyler and picked up the mike. "This is Leo, what's up?"

"‾Got a busted up fire hydrant over here on the corner of Wilkens and Myers.‾"

"Shit." the sheriff muttered under hits breath. "How bad is it?"

"‾The damn thing's been knocked clear across the street. Musta been gushin' away all night‾."

"You call the waterworks?"

"‾Yeah, someone's on the way. But there's green paint on the hydrant itself - mint green.‾"

"Jerry," Leo said in exasperation. "He's the town alchoholic. Seems to end up causing some kind of grief every time there's a party." he explained to the human-form. "Don't blame yourself, he does this kind of crap every time, it seems." He spoke to the mike: "Ok, I'm on my way over." "See you later." he said to Skyler, and pulled away. Skyler found himself glad he didn't have the lion's job.

Walking farther, he found the town's occult shop. Stepping inside, he was shocked to see it's proprietor was one of the community's few demon members. The figure had dark gray skin and two horns jutting out of his forehead to point to the ceiling. He had piercing red eyes and fangs protruding over his lower lip. He looked up in curiosity, but seeing the apparently human shopper, dismissed him and went back to his magazine.

The shop itself was dimly lit, and was filled with books, gemstones, decks of cards, knives, daggers, and swords, staffs, herbs, and countless other things relating to the various magickal crafts. The air was thick with pungent incense that smelled somewhat like a forest-fire. Coughing a little at it, he walked around the store. There were things he'd never seen in any new age store in the old world. Animal parts, skulls and bones, poisonous plants, and many other things that would have been found in an occult shop in some corny movie were for sale here.

Skyler walked around, but couldn't find what he wanted. Going to the counter, he waited patiently for the demon to acknowledge his presence. Sighing deeply, the demon looked up.

"Can I help you?" the being asked in a voice that reminded the were of a rock-filled landslide.

"I was looking for a beginner's book on magick."

The demon looked at him and suddenly studied his face more closely. "You look familiar..."

"I'm the weredragon, Skyler."

"Oh yes, I remember you now. What are you still doing in that scrawny form?" the demon asked, growing in a more polite manner.

"Had to clean my house, this form was easier to do it in."

"Oh. Sorry I couldn't attend the party, religious obligations. Don't ask for details, you wouldn't like hearing them," he said with an evil smile. Every last tooth in his mouth was sharply pointed.

"Uh, yeah." the human-form said nervously.

"What kind of magick were you interested in?"

"Well, I mainly practice Shamanism, but I also use general occult practices too."

"Shamanism?" the demon asked, looking curious, he thought for a minute, mubbling lowly to himself. "I know that name from somewhere... tell me about it."

Skyler explained about working in the spirit realms of the upper world and the lower world, totem animal spirits, and soul healing.

"Oh, you mean Spirit-Healers and Spirit-Walkers. Yes, we carry supplies and literature for that path. And occult as in Witchcraft, right?"

At the humanic nod, he led the way to the books. He rummaged through them until he found a thick book and pulled it out, handing it to the human-form. "Here, this is for astral magickal practices. I also recommend..." he looked some more, and finally pulled a somewhat smaller book out and handed it over. It was a book on household magick. "This'll teach you simple spells, like how to make fire, ice, repair broken things, stuff like that. START AT THE BEGINNING!" he demanded, tapping the book firmly with each word. "I've heard lots of stories about folks who jumped ahead to the advanced stuff unprepaired and things ended rather badly for all of them! And practice outside, too! This stuff can cause more damage than good for newcomers!"

Understanding the gravity of the demon's words, he took them instantly to heart and agreed to follow instructions. "I thought demons were all evil though." the were asked innocently.

"Not all of us, some are more gentle towards non-demons. I moved here because people are more tolerant of our kind in this town. It's not a bad life. Besides, I got sick of she-demons trying to 'change' me to straight during ritual orgies and almost took to tearing their heads off!"

Skyler went to pay, and the demon gave him a good discount on them. When asked why, the demon, who's name was Folknor, said it was his gift since he'd missed the party. "It's nice to have a dragon in town again."

Smiling, they said goodbye and Skyler headed out. He stopped at the market for matches and a few other groceries, then headed home.


Greg came over about an hour after Skyler got home, and they had more flying lessons in the back yard of the dragon's home. Skyler was once again in dragon-form, and they practiced for two hours until a horn honking at the driveway brought their attention from several stories up in the air. Landing, they saw it was the furiture delivery people, and helped to carry the dragon's new furniture into the house. A bull and a bear were the professional movers, and Skyler invited them both in for a beer. The two movers thanked him, but declined, saying they were already behind sceduel, but were willing to take a rain check.

Dusk was coloring the sky orange by the time they were alone again, and Greg wanted to pick up again tomorrow, but Skyler pleaded that he wanted some training with night flying. Seeing the dragon's deep-felt need to learn, and knowing he would probably try it alone and end up hurt, the gryphon relented to continue for another two hours. By the time they landed, Skyler had gotten down many of the nuances of night-flying. Greg left, promising to come by tomorrow for more training, he used the rooftop landing pad to lift off and head for home.

Skyler went inside after seeing him off, and assembled a differently shaped harness from the one he'd worn last night. This new harness formed an 'X' over his chest and back, the leathery green wings on either side of the 'X'. A single strap went from the ring in the middle of his chest down to a membrane cockring, through the ass with a buttplug to the tailring and up another strap to the ring in the middle of the X on his back.

Feeling properly 'dressed', he walked over to the house of his new slave and knocked firmly on the door. The door opened and the dragon saw his new slave standing there submissively. "Please come in Sir." Martin asked.

Skyler walked into an entryway which the werewolf led him through to a cluttered livingroom.

Harold was sitting on the black leather couch in full leather gear. Skyler felt the intended twinge of perversity at seeing a bull wearing leather. Harold smirked at his reaction, but said nothing.

The brown furred bull wore an 'X' style chest harness, vest, chaps, codpiece and biker-cap all in black leather. His firm hooves were bare of course, as boots were unnesessary. A leather arm band was around his left arm, the dragon noticed, and he suddenly felt uncertain of his role in this unexpectedly changed senario at the unexpected company.

"I wanted to witness the signing of the contracts," the bull said. "I have a vested interest in this one," he added, nodding towards the wolf.

"You two..." the dragon began to ask, wondering if he was taking the bull's property out from under his horns.

"No, just friends," The minotaur answered. "We play around fairly often though, and I hope you know I'll be coming over to borrow him on occassion - with your permition, of course."

"Alright, but I want to be able to watch whenever I please." the dragon said back.

Harold nodded in agreement.

Martin was standing there, looking submissive throughout the exchange.

Finally the dragon turned to him and commanded, "Where are the contracts?"

"Here, Sir," the wolf said as he picked them up off the table. Getting down on a knee, he offered them to the reptile.

Skyler took the contract and went through it. Everything seemed to be in order, so he handed it back to Martin and told the slave to go through it. Martin complied, reading every sentence carefully and checking each sexual activity as to one of three choices: 1) Desire, 2) Do Not Desire, 3) No Expirience with as of yet - but interested, and 4) No Interst. Harold, meanwhile, had gone to the bathroom.

Martin took his time at it, with Skyler watching over his shoulder as to save time in reviewing it. Finally the last page was reached, and Martin went to sign it under "Slave", but the dragon stopped him. "You sure you want this?" he asked the wolf.

"Yes Sir. I thought about it all night and all day today. I want to give myself to you. I want to be yours," Martin answered with conviction and need.

Skyler could sense not only how much the canine wanted this, but how much he ‾needed‾ this, to surrender himself to someone else. The dragon was touched that he had been the one chosen, but why him? And why so quickly?

He asked the wolf this, to which was answered: "I want you, Sir. I saw you several times since you came here with Leo from the other world. I watched you work at the hardware store, and was there the first time you flew. I wanted you from the first time I saw you, Sir."

Skyler was suprised and flattered at the same time. Harold had spoken well of him, so that spoke well for Martin's character. Skyler felt no danger from him, and didn't think Martin was a stalker, he seemed totally stable.

He lifted his hand from the wolf's hand just as Harold reappeared. "Did I miss anything?" the bull asked.

"We were just about to sign." the dragon said.

Martin signed his name in the appropriate place of "Slave".

Skyler took the pen from his hand and put it to the line for: "Master". He didn't sign yet though. He hugged the wolf close to him, his scaled chest pressing into the furry back as the leather straps and rings of his harness rubbed against the fur, and squeezed the wolf's left nipple. He looked at the furry neck and grabbed it in his muzzle firmly, his teeth just touching the skin beneith the fur without hurting it. The strong muzzle pushed down hard though, restricting the canine's movement. Instantly, The reptile began to grow hard, his phallus pushing out and rising until it pushed up between the wolf's legs and pointed forward, pushing the furry canine balls aside. Growling loudly, the dragon wrote his name in the book, finalizing the contract.

Dropping the pen, his hand moved to squeeze the slave's now hard wolfhood. The dragon groaned and humped at the wolf's posterior, his long dragon dick rubbing along the furred area between the canine tailhole and genitals. Martin moaned at the movement, and the Master pushed his slave forward and down until the canine's head was resting on the contract and his ass was in the air. Skyler got up and moved his tail around to his dick, where he wiped a generous amount of precum onto the tail-tip. Then, once it was nice and slick, pressed it to the expossed tailhole surrounded by fur. He pushed, and the tail tip disappeared inside the willing ass.

The master pushed his tail further into the wolf, bringing moans of joy from the slave. The dragon looked up to the bull over on the couch to see Harold stroking his massive hard shaft, the cover of his codpiece removed and laying to his side on the couch.

Skyler reached down and began to stroke his own organ, moving his hips in rythm with the movements of his tail in and out of the slave's tailhole. Martin stayed still, moaning and murring from the intense pleasure he was having as he was tail-fucked by his new master.

Skyler turned his gaze down to his property and pushed his tail in even farther. Martin growled loudly at the treatment. "You like that, Slave? You like getting fucked by my tail?"

"Yes Master! I love it. Please Master, give me more."

Skyler smiled and pushed more of his long appendege into the slave's tailhole. He was now almost a foot into the wolf, and stroked long and deep. He pulled almost all the way out before shoving back in, making the wolf feel every inch.

"You're a good slave, pup. You've made me very happy." He growled. "You've pleased me so much that I'm gonna keep my promise to you and make you a dragon like me. And the first thing I'm gonna make you do once you change is tail-fuck yourself. Now, move around; let me know how much you're enjoying my tail."

Martin began to pull and push to get the most out of his master's tail. Skyler pulled almost completely out, and as he shoved in hard, the wolf shoved back hard, causing over half of his three foot long tail to disappear into the furry anus.

"Hot damn, boy! You really like taking it deep don't you!"

"Yes Master, I want as much of it as I can get!"

"He sure does!" the minotaur added from the couch, "He's taken my fist up to the elbow!" and held up his massively muscled arm as proof of how much the wolf could hold. Skyler's jaw dropped - the bull's arm was six inches across at the elbow, three inches thick at the wrist and fifteen inches long! The dragon recovered, and looked down at his new slave with appreciation.

Skyler felt pressure in his bladder and commanded the slave to stand, offering his grip on the upper arm to aid the wolf's rise. The dragon kept his tail in place the whole time, and shoved the wolf into the kitchen.

"Come in here," he commanded the werebull, who complied, "I want you to watch."

Once the trio reached the solid linoleum floor, the dragon commanded the werewolf to get down on all fours. Once there he told the slave to raise his head.

With Martin's nose pointed to the ceiling, the dragon took aim and said: "Alright, puppy, time to mark my property." and let go.

A thick stream of piss poured out of his dick to matt the wolf's fur and plaster it to his skin. Skyler moved his dick around to thoroughly hose down his slave. This was one of the many things that Martin had listed as 'Desire'.

After two minutes of this, he said: "Roll over boy, I wanna get the other side."

With a little difficulty, the slave complied, getting down and rolling onto his back to lay in the pool of urine on the floor. Skyler's tail never slipped out of the canine's tailhole, though the dragon had to squat down to keep the tail inside his slave. Martin gyrated and moaned as he was bathed in his master's fluid. Finally he opened his mouth and drank greedily from the fountain, never rising from the floor.

After a couple more minutes of pissing, the tap ran dry. Skyler went back to tail-fucking him and stroked his own dragonhood to get it hard again.

Harold stood there watching and beating his bullmeat as he watched on, enjoying the show.

Skyler yanked his tail free and bent down. Lifting the wolf by the hips, he raised the wolf up until he was upside down and resting on his upper back with his ass in the air. Skyler asked if he was ok.

"Yes Master, do what you will with me." he said, his nose aimed up to keep him from accidentally inhaling the piss on the floor. The urine dribbled down his fur and skin to his head, and he wiped occassionally at the marking fluid to keep it from his eyes and nose.

Skyler aimed his hard cock down, and speared the wolf's tailhole without pause, sinking his full length into the slave's ass to the hilt in a single motion. He put his hands onto the furry thighs to hold the slave in place, and began to ride the canine tailhole. Martin wrapped his legs around the scaly hips and locked his ankles together. Skyler bounced off the furry posterior repeatedly as his dragonhood slid in and out rapidly. He began to chant the form-giving spell.

Harold came up behind him and reached around the reptile from behind. He tried to tweek the dragon's nipples, but couldn't find them. Finally, chuckling silently to himself, he remembered that the dragon - and all other reptiles and feathers - had no nipples. He instead contented himself with massaging the new master's pectoral muscles.

Skyler began to slam the slave's ass hard as he felt the seed rising up in him. His chanting became more urgent as he got closer and closer to climaxing.

"Yeah," the bull moaned huskily into the dragon's earhole, "Shoot your hot load into him, make him a big sexy dragon just like you. Do it, blast away into his furry little puppy ass!" He growled, and moved his hands around to squeeze and massage the scaly ass cheeks.

Skyler finished the chant just a few seconds before cumming. "Ah fuck I'm gonna do it. Get ready Slave! Get ready to become a dragon like me!"

"Give it to me Master! Please make me like you. I need your hot cum!"

"Uh yeah! Then take it bitch! Take my seed you fucking puppy slut! ROOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" the dragon shouted and roared, his sperm rocketing out ot him and into the wolf's tailhole, taking his dragon-form deep into the slave's ass. Skyler spasmed uncontrollably for several minutes before it faded.

Driven past the breaking point, Harold shoved the dragon forward and, removing the ass strap and yanking the buttplug out, uncerimoniously sank his huge bullcock into the reptile's tailhole. Skyler roared in a combination of pain and pleasure, until his advanced healing kicked in and the pain subsided. Relaxing, he pushed back to take the minotaur's full length. Encouraged, the bull began to fuck him.

Skyler kept his eyes on his slave, who looked up into his eyes. Their eyes locked on one another, Skyler took the minotaur's long, thick dick and rode it for all it was worth. He also fucked the wolf's ass, still hard from his orgasm. Martin pushed up to meet him and murred from the ride.

"Change into a bull, Skyler. I want you to be like me now. I want you to shoot in him again as you transform. I want him to see just how much of a beast you really are! Keep your promise, dragon!"

Driven by the lust in Harold's words and the overwelming musk in the air from the three of them combined with the stench of his piss drove him to want to cum again. The lust in his slave's eyes drove him even further. He closed his eyes for a minute, and pulled the bull in his mind to him and embraced it. The change began, and as the endorphines flooded through him, he felt the change begin.

His wings, tail and neck shrank until the tail was thin and about six inches long and the next of bovine length. Skyler's wings were gone, and the neck thickened to a width of six inches as it stopped shrinking. The talons on hands and feet shrank inwards and flattened into finger nails, the feet shrank to stumps and grew thick cloven hooves. His muscles broadened and became even more pronounced. The straps strained, and Harold yanked the snaps of the harness apart quickly to keep the leather snaps from breaking, he then yanked the were's dick out of the slave, and pulled the cockring off as the creature's genitals began to change. Harold then shoved his friend's dick back into the waiting ass. The balls grew bigger as the sheath sprouted black fir and the dick grew three inches longer and half an inch thicker as he continued to fuck his slave. Harold tossed the were's harness aside and continued to pound the changing ass.

Skyler's muzzle shrank an inch and the teeth inside became flat, while the nose became triangular and black with a gravelly texture. His eyes chaged color to brown as the pupils rounded out. The tongue expanded and thickened. He shrank two inches in height, and the skin turned flat and changed to a smooth texture with a brown color. Bull's ears sprouted from his earholes, and the face became smooth as the fringes on his face and arms shrank away. Black nipples and a navel appeared and black fur grew quickly all over his body until he was covered in a thin layer of fur that let the shape of his muscles show through. The horns on his head twisted around to point forward and grew a few inches longer.

A black werebull with well-sized muscles was riding the dick of the brown werebull now while he fucked the fuzzy wolf on the floor. He moaned and bull-roared in passion as he was fucked, and pounded into his slave, the sensations of orgasm rose impossibly high, higher than ever before, as the transformation concluded. He thrashed around wildly as his climax reached the breaking point, and he roared even louder. He opened his now brown, round pupiled eyes wide and stared into Martin's eyes. He roared again. Harold had a fierce grip on him, keeping the were from collapsing as his body spasmed like he was having an eplileptic seizure.

"OH FUCK!!! I'M GONNA SHOOT! GET READY SLAVE! TAKE MY BULL SPUNK!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs in a deep beastly voice that shook the walls and windows. "TAKE IT!!! ROOOOAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" he bull roared so loud it hurt his throat and lungs as he came, the orgasm making him loose his footing as he convulsed violently, as if having a seizure, but Harold grabbed him more firmly and kept him up.

"YEAH!!! SHOOT IT!!!" Harold shouted. Holding him up and cumming into his ass, the new werebull's climax driving him to cum as well, and he shivered intensely as he ground his hips roughly. He too roared loudly, the sound almost deafening to his fellow werebull.

Skyler looked into his slave's eyes and saw the need in them. "Please Master, please can I cum, I can't hold it any more, I have to cum. Please Sir!"

"Go ahead, shoot your shit, but spray it on your face!" the black bull growled fiercely. He reached forward and grabbed the slave's hard dick in his hands, squeezing the knot in one, and the base of the cock in the thumb and index finger of the other hard.

It proved to be too much for the wolf, and his seed shot forth from the narrow tip to soak him in his own seed.

"Ugh, Ugh, UGH, HOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!" the wolf slave howled at the top of his lungs as he gushed his jism all over his face and into his open mouth, locking eyes with his master.

The three inhaled deeply almost as one, and the reek of musk, piss and cum drove them to further lust as they came.

Skyler felt like the orgasm was going to kill him, but didn't care. He was driven beyond rational thought and revelled in it. Martin's spasming tailhole muscles drove his over-stimulated cock further, and his orgasm actually increased instead of slackening. The motion of his fellow bull's monster sized cock fucking him added to the sensation. His fading orgasm was replaced as he incredibly came again. He roared at the top of his lungs as he looked into the wolf's eyes with his own now wild from delirium as his bull dick gushed again, the massive amount of cum over flowing from his slave's ass to flow like surup from the overused tailhole.

The sensation of his master cumming a second time drove the wolf to cum again as well, and his second load of wolfspunk shot free from his canine cock. He howled loudly, loosing his conscious mind and not caring who heard them, caring only about the sensations in his dick and ass.

Harold felt the black bull's spasming anal passage, and driven to a new height by the sensations of Skyler's thashing and convulsing bull body combined with the maddening stench of their sexual efforts, lost it and climaxed a second time into the black furry ass, roaring at the top of his lungs. He too was beyond conscious thought by the lust they all shared.

The door to the back yard was suddenly kicked in, and Leo came barging in with his stun gun aimed at them. He looked wildly at them, his face full of fear and shock, until the stench of musk, cum, piss and sweat hit him like a wall, and he took in the scene: Two bulls and a wolf in the finale of a sexual three-way coupling. The one in the middle-a dark mintoaur-was hanging limply in the arms of Harold. The wolf he knew was Martin. After all, it ‾was‾ just the wolf's house. He ran forward, and almost slid off his feet as he hit the pool of mixed fluids on the linoleum. He came up close to the three to check the vitals of the black bull he didn't recognize in the middle, but the scent of the strange minotaur told him it was Skyler, who was unconscious. He reached for the throat, and felt the large veins. Sighing, he took his hand away. Skyler had simply passed out from over-stimulation.

Leo looked at the other two, seeing the uncomprehending look of beastial lust sated. All three of the trio locked together were smiling and murring, even the unconscious Skyler. The lion sighed, there'd be no getting through to them until they came down off their highs. At least they were no longer dangerous...


An hour later, Leo and Harold were sitting at the lion's kitchen table. Martin was upstairs tending to his 'master' who still lay unconscious in the same room he'd occupied during his stay here. They had all moved locations to Leo's house, as the mess in the wolf's kitchen was too distracting.

Leo had known Martin was looking for a full-time master, and while he and Harold were friends and frequent sex partners, there wasn't the strong connection between them to cause them to seriously commit to each other. The lion was glad Martin and Skyler had found each other.

He pushed another cup of strong black coffee into the brown bull's hands. He and Martin were still somewhat fuzzy in the head, and Leo knew the caffine would snap them out of their legarathy inhuced by excessive sexual euphoria. Martin was left to watch over his owner armed with a cup and pot of the strong liquid stimulant.

"Leo, you should have been there!" the minotaur sighed, resting his elbow on the table and his head on his fist. "It was ‾thee‾ most intense expirience of my life! I honestly don't know how I'm ever gonna top it! I almost thought it was gonna kill one or more of us! And I didn't care!" He looked up into his friend's eyes. "I've never lost it that severely before. If I'd've been able to think, I think I would've believed I was never gonna be able to get back my conscious mind." the werebull looked both scared and excited at the same time. "And the ‾really‾ scary part is that I can't wait to do it again!"

Leo sat down and opened his mouth, but the ringing of the phone cut off what he wanted to say. Sighing in an exasperated growl, he picked it up.

"Hello? Hi - yes, everything's fine. No! No one was murdered, it was just three members of the community having the time of their lives. Yes, literally. Yeah, they're all fine. Ok, good night." The lion hung up, then took the phone off the hook. It was the eighteenth call in the last half hour.

Leo sighed, and looked at his friend. "I hope you're happy." he snapped sarcastically.

"Exstatic!" the bull said smiling.

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6- by Argouru (January/Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, S & M, Leather, Blood - no deaths though! Rimming, Horse Role-play, 2-Way Fucking, Nudity-public and private) {Werebull,...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.4-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.4- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Revese-transformation-read on, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private) {Weredragon, human, werelion, gryphon-morph} [Author's note: Tamer sex...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Oral, Anal, Self-sucking, Slave/Master, Watersports, Nudity-public and private, vanilla sex \*gasp!\*) {Weredragon, werebull/Minotaur, werelion, gryphon-morph,...

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