:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life, Pt.3-

by Argouru

(January, 2002)


(M/M, Oral, Anal, Self-sucking, Slave/Master, Watersports, Nudity-public and private, vanilla sex *gasp!*)

{Weredragon, werebull/Minotaur, werelion, gryphon-morph, otter-morph}

[Autor's note: Some leather aspects added this time, along with piss. Don't say I didn't warn you. DEATH TO ALL FLAMMERS!]


Sunlight stabbed through a gap in the curtains to land on the face of the sleeping person, and he stirred from his slumber. He raised a hand to shield his eyes and only found the middle of his long neck. Reluctantly, he shifted his head out of the shaft of sunshine as his memories returned. He remembered the transformation completely - as well as the intense pleasure that had accompanied it. Going to sit up, he found himself a tangle of unfamiliar limbs. Snarling, he finally got each body part to work right and sat up in bed. Turning his head caused the foot long neck it was attached to to roll around like a rollercoaster, and his surroundings did the same. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, he grabbed his head until the wave of vertigo passed.

Moving slowly, he grabbed the corner of the bed's headboard and got shakily to his digitigraded feet. The weight of the new weredragon's wings made him feel like he was going to fall backwards, and he reached for the wall in front of him. Using the wall, he traced it's length around the room to the bathroom door and hobbled in. Hands firmly on the sink, he reached over and closed the door, revealing the full length mirror fastened to it's back side. He turned his head and neck slowly to it with his eyes closed, and opened them. The figure he saw staring back at him was otherworldly, and more exotic and erotic than anything else he'd ever seen in his life...

The body stood a striking eleven feet tall and was a dark green color all over, with a few slightly lighter and darker areas here and there, but mostly along the front of the torso and neck. The skin was thick and leathery, yet soft, and had a pebbly texture. Looking closer, he saw it was made of millions of small scales that laid snuggly against each other. His torso, arms and upper legs were still human-shaped, and now sported an athletic muscular build like a professional athlete. His muscles were well defined, from the pectorals, to the abdominals. The muscles of his arms and legs were chisled and strong - much more so than his old thin and un-defined human body had been.

His nipples and navel were gone. Examining his hands, he found the pinky fingers were gone. The remaining fingers were now thicker and there were ivory talons where the nails had been. Low, thin fin-ridges traced along the outside of his arms from wrists to elbows. The lower legs looked as though they had shrunk proportionately to only two thirds of their original length. The feet were half as much longer and twice as narrow. He saw he now only stood on the front half of his feet, and another talon poked out of the former heels of his feet. There were only three thick taloned toes on each foot as well. Looking at the area between his reflection's legs, he saw a long lizard-style tail that stopped just short of the floor. It was six inches across at the base where it attached to the base of his spine, just above the ass cheeks and tappered gradually to a soft point as big around as a pencil-tip.

Looking up, he saw his neck was now a foot long with armored plate-like growths around the back and sides. The head itself was about a foot and a half long from the back of his head to the tip of his nose, which was sloped down aerodynamically at the end of a seven inch long muzzle. The edges of his long mouth touched his cheeks on the main portion of his head. Opening the mouth revealed many spiked teeth and a tappered tongue. The lips of his muzzled mouth were almost as mobile as a human mouth. His ears were gone, now there were only holes in the sides of his head. His brow was beetled and covered with an armored ridge, and a long graceful ivory horn thrust out of each temple upwards and back, adding to the sleek design of his head. The eyes were moss green and the color reached all the way to the edges of the eyelids in all directions. The pupils were slit, and reach from the upper eyelid to the lower. Fringes stuck out an inch from his cheek-bone on either side of the head and were angled downwards.

His new eyes went to the massive wings. There was a claw-like talon at the joint where all the 'fingers' of his wings met. Another was at the tip of each 'finger'. He thought 'finger' as he didn't know what else to call them. The wings were about thirteen and a half feet tall along each 'finger' which stood a half-foot above his head and neck to half a foot short of the floor. He tried to spread them out, but the narrow bathroom prevented it. He did see though that the membranes were paler like his chest.

Finally, his eyes wandered down his torso to his transformed genitals. The testicles were now the size of handballs and a five inch long leathery sheath covered the phallus. A membrane attached the top side of the sheath to his torso, but was fully relaxed to the point where the covered penis pointed to his feet. Taking the sheath in his taloned hand, he pulled the covering back to reveal a pink shaft the same color as his tongue with a tappered head. Taking his naked phallus in his other hand, he shuddered from the physical contact as the penis was much more sensitive now, and he pulled the exposed member out to a maximum length of twelve and a half inches beyond the opening of his sheath.

A sudden, strong odor in the air reached his nostrils, and he inhaled sharply. The scents of the trees, grass and plants from out the open bathroom window mixed with the fading smell of disinfectant and fresh water and all the other scents inside the bathroom were strong and clear to him. He was filled with a sense of wonder as he realized his sense of smell had dramitically increased. But none of these things were the animalistic smell he now detected. The attention of his hands caused his transformed phallus to rapidly stiffen, and it thickened until it was two inches wide. He realized that the musky scent was coming from his crotch, and as he breathed it in, he found his arousal was rapidly increasing.

Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, he lowered his head and neck to his own dragonhood and found the animal scent coming from himself became even stronger. Leaning farther forward, he found it was easy to take his stiff reptilian dick into his own mouth. The sensation was incredible, and he quickly reached the base of it. The massive muscle swelled its full twelve inches of length and went well down his long throat, it's length and thickness filling him up. He opened his left eye and looked over to the mirror. The image he saw - of a well muscled weredragon with the full length of his sex buried down his long throat, tiggered a change in his mind and he lost himself to his primal nature. Conscious thought left him, leaving a lust-filled animal in it's place.

Getting to his feet, he found he now had no trouble balancing. Curling his tail up between his legs, he disengaged from his cock to suckle on the end of his tail-coating it with a liberal amount of saliva until it was slick. Releasing it, he turned the attention of his mouth back to his member as his tail lowered and curled more to where the tip pressed against his asshole - no, his tailhole, as it now was. His tail gained easy entry, and the texture against his sensitive ass muscles sent him into an even greater sexual fever.

Grabbing the sink with one hand, and the other to the opposite wall for support, he watched himself in the mirror-lost in the overwealmingly erotic imagery of his own pleasure. His consciousness was gone, leaving only a sexual beast seaking release. He growled and roared, but the sucking of his own tool muffled it so that only he himself heard the cries. They only pushed him further as he tail-fucked himself and suckled on his own massive thick dick. Precum started to ooze from his dragon dick, and he revelled in it's taste.

His pace quickened desperately as he got close. The precum flowed continually now, and increased his sexual fever even farther. He frantically bobbed his head up and down his shaft, sending spasmatic shivers throughout his new body. Suddenly, orgasmic convultions racked his body and he unloaded a huge amount of his seed deep into his own throat, some of it escaping his mouth to ooze onto the floor. The strong, thick substance blasted free in an unbelievable amout in spurt after spurt. He tried to roar with pleasure, but only moaned from the attention he gave himself, pungent dragonseed drooling out onto the floor of the bathroom. Driven to a blinding passion, he continued to stroke his tail in and out of the well used tailhole and his tongue continued to slaver over his shaft. The spasms continued, and he dropped weakly to his knees, continuing to roll his tongue over the over-stimulated head and fuck himself with his textured tail. He fell onto his side and writhed on the bathroom floor for ten minutes before conscious thought returned and he reluctantly disengaged from himself both front and back.


After cleaning up, he stumbled slowly down the stairs, relying heavily on the banister for support. It seemed his new found control of balance had deserted him once his body's lust had been satisfied.

"I thought I heard you walking around up there," a werelion said as he entered the livingroom from the kitchen door.

He smiled at his newly reborn houseguest and offered his help to reach a chair at the kitchen table.

"Put your tail through there." the lion said, indicating the gap in the bottom of the chair's back. The weredragon did this carefully, and gingerly sat down. "Sleep alright?" his host asked.

"Pretty good I guess. Now I know why you acted the way you did when you changed the day we met!" the dragon said, recalling the intense sexual euphoria that accompanied the transformation.

Leo sniffed the air. "Well, well. You certainly didn't waste any time. Semen and...oh ho! Anal fluids too huh? Damn! I wish you'd've let me watch! It must have been hot!"

The dragon flushed with embarassment - his red blood darkening the green skin to a brownish tinge.

"Oh relax! We're more open about sex in this world. Remember, there was an orgy in the town square last night thanks to you!"

"Is sex always going to be like that? Mentally, I mean?" he asked in some concern.

"You're still getting settled into your new body and mind-set. The more often you have sex, the more controllable it'll become. Time'll help you to get a handle on it too. You'll always be able to let go like that when you want to, and it'll become more comfortable to do so after awhile. Humans always have a hard time adjusting to that part."

He got up to put the fried eggs and sausage he'd finished cooking a minute ago onto plates where pancakes were waiting for company.

"Watch your temper though! It'll be alot easier to loose it now that your animal instincts are more dominant. As a carnivore, you'll have to be even more careful! Your temper will be much higher now, and you're more prone to violence than before. You have a responsibility to the community to keep it under control."

The dragon took the plate he was offered and took the information seriously. "I'll do my best." he answered.

Leo smiled. "There's a guy who teaches self-control - name's Larry. I want you to start seeing him, ok?" The weredragon nodded. "Now, are you going to change your name?"


"Some weres change their name to fit their new life. If you do, please pick something nice. So many dragons call themselves 'Shale', or 'Char' or 'Drake' or some other silly macho-draconic thing."

The dragon thought for a moment and said: "What about 'Skyler'?"

Leo studied him for a long moment and replied: "I like it! It suits you!" He raised his orange juice glass and toasted: "Here's to Skyler, welcome to your new life!"

They clinked glasses, and the last of the creature's old human life as Ran was no more...


Leo had two days off, so spent them helping Skyler get used to his new body. At first, Leo had him learn how to move around on all fours, which the lion explained was perfectly acceptable and was used by most digitigrades for getting around more quickly.

By the end of the second day, he could stand, walk and even run upright without any physical aid. The feelings of vertigo where almost completely disipated and only occurred when he moved his head and neck quickly.

He discovered during this time that more than just the shape of his body had changed. He learned that not only had his olfactory senses increased, but his vision had grown sharper and he was able to see farther and clearer than ever before. He also learned he had built-in sunglasses in the form of his thick eyelids and new slit-pupiled eyes - the eyelids helped to control the amount of sunlight that entered the eyes through the tall, narrow pupils.

He found his head, neck, wings and tail were all moving more animatedly to help convey emotions. His emotions were also hightened, and animalistic instincts made him jump at unexpected sounds. He wanted to smell everything, esspecially when going to eat or exploring new parts of the house and yard. Movements attracted his attention easily, and he sometimes had to force himself not to let them distract him. Skyler felt inclined to use growls, hisses and other animalistic sounds when conversing, or pleased or repulsed by someone or something. The lion was right, his mind was regressing somewhat to that of a beast. The werelion comforted him, and assured him such changes were normal, yet Skyler wouldn't loose his rational mind except in times of exstreme emotion or lust. The dragon was only partially comforted by this, however. It was definately going to take some getting used to!

The lion let him satisfy the curiousity of getting his scent, and laid still in the grass while the new were explored his benefactor's feline body with his nose. The scent was strongest around the crotch and under the tail at the lionic tailhole. Skyler became facinated by the exotic pungent scent coming from Leo's genitals.

"That's my musk you're smelling. It gets stronger when I get aroused. You have it to. You probably noticed your own musk when you came this morning."

"Um hmm." the dragon groaned in response.

"I wish you'd asked me to join you, but I've got your undivided attention now,don't I?"

Gently, the lion stroked the long graceful green serpentine head, and moaned loudly when the tapered tongue snaked out to begin licking his furry ballsack. His sheath swelled until the penis emerged from it's covering. Feline dicks were more mobile and controllable than those of other types of creatures, and he wiggled it around and stroked the dragon's head with it. The soft, gravelly texture against his hyper-sensitive meat felt incredible.

His musk increased, causing the reptile's groans and growls to get louder as his own cock swelled free of it's leathery sheath. Laying down, the lion turned on his back until he was facing the reptilian phallus; the dragon hadn't lost contact with his friend's member during the change of positions. Leo gasped silently at the dragon's size, it was the first time he'd ever seen an erect dragon phallus (He'd never mated with the only other dragon that had once resided in town), and couldn't help but compare it's length and thickness to Harold's bull dick.

Gingerly, he took the newcomer's toolhead into his mouth and started to lick. Skyler moaned at the attention, and did the same as a reward. Leo had sucked countless dicks over the course of his thirty-four years, and Harold esspecially, many times, he knew to go slowly and allow himself to relax his muscles. Slowly, he worked the tip of the dragon down his throat until it was buried to the hilt in his furry muzzle. He sucked and stroked with expertese until the reptilian shaft grew thick and began to unload into him. The dragon lifted his head free of the lion's prick and roared loudly as he came and his talons sunk into the soft turf as he shuddered in orgasm.

Leo was shocked by the amount, and couldn't swallow all of it - some of the potent jism leaked out of the corners of his muzzle. As it faded after about a minute and a half, Skyler took the lionine organ back into his muzzle and returned the favor, the residual feralness and fading sexual fever being hightened again by the increasing output of feline musk into his nostrils. His enthusiasm was too much for the sheriff, and rolling his head, Leo let out a long, deafening roar as he climaxed for over a full minute...


Leo was pleased at Skyler's quick progress. The lion explained that dragons had lifespans much longer than most folks and that Skyler could live to be over two thousand years old if he was careful enough and lucky enough.

Two thousand years?!? he was already thirty, and had not only the rest of this century, but many moremore on top of that?!? He was shocked into silence.

The lionic sheriff also told of the space ports and the thousands of other inhabited worlds out in space. Skyler had seen several ships a day blasting off from the city in the distance since he'd first arrived here. His life seemed so full of possibilities now... but first he had to learn how to fly.


On the third day of his new life, Greg, the gryphon-morph, came over after Leo had left for work to take him out for his first leason on traveling by air.

His scent was a mixure of bird and feline, with the feline half smelling somewhat like, but not identical to, Leo's scent. The gryphon had a body somewhat like Leo's. A humanoid body covered in short, tan fur and a lion's tail. But the similarities ended there. The feet were digitigraded like Skyler's, there were brown and blue feather-covered eagle wings, and the face had sharp brown eagle eyes and golden beak-the top of his head had a feathery mohawk while the rest of it was covered in tan fur. He had a sheath that was attached to the torso by a membrane just like Skyler's and hung down a good length. The furry balls were of a nice size and shape. His hands were bird-like with talons, yet the furry feet had lion's claws. He was quite hansome.

Skyler introduced himself by his new name, to which the gryphon gave an open beaked smile with the soft fleshy edges of his mouth curving up to complete the expression. "Nice name, it suits you as an air dragon. I'm Greg."

"Hi." the dragon shook his hand and asked: "Air dragon?"

"Oh yeah, there are dragons for all the elements, as well as light, darkness, storms, and even chaos." he shivered at the last. "Those guys give me the creeps! Worse than malicious demons! We had another dragon in town until a few seasons ago. He was an earth dragon. A bit egotistical, but bearable to a few of us. He graded on most folks nerves though and finally got tired of it and left. Good riddens, too! Come on, let's go!" he said enthusiastically.

"Hey!" shouted a deep familiar voice. A brown werebull stepped over from the next yard. "Oh gods! Don't tell me ~you're~ gonna be the one to teach him!" the large muscular minotaur said in his deep baritone voice as he strode near on his thick hooves, his massive sheathed phallus and bull balls swinging freely in an erotic manner as he went. He stopped and placed a huge hand on the dragon's shoulder and said sadly: "It was nice knowing you." Before he walked away.

"Very funny!" the gryphon snapped at the bull's retreating back before leading the way off to the center of town. "You have one or two accidents and people never let you live it down!" he grumped.

"I heard it was three." Skyler corrected without thinking.

The gryphon gave him a dirty look that made the dragon go quiet.

As they walked, he explained the principles of flight to his apprentice, as well as about air pockets, wind currents, and the importance of watching where one was going and not letting yourself get distracted.

Skyler knew enough ~not~ to comment on that - it seemed that that was the gryphon's main weakness according to Leo and Harold, along with half the town. Soon they reached the tallest building in town-six stories high, with a swimming pool on one face of it, close to the building itself.

They practiced in the sunlight near the building - which was one of the town's apartment complexes, the roof equiped for those with wings to use it as a take off and landing strip - for most of the day. Greg taught him how to flap his wings for lift, speed and control, how to steer, deal with obstacles, wind pockets and sudden gusts of wind, as well as how to land.

Finally, towards late afternoon, they rode the elevator to the roof. "Just relax," his teacher said. "We're just going up so you can get the feel of the wind, ok?"

They walked to the edge of the roof and admired the view of the town. "You think it looks great like this, just wait 'til you're a couple of thousand feet up! It's all about using what I taught you."

Skyler enjoyed the scenery, and was shocked when a pair of hands shoved him over the railing. Roaring, screaming and thrashing, he plunged down the six stories and as he saw he was about to hit, tucked his wings close to his body. Cool water slammed into him and engluffed him.

A pair of dark brown furred hands helped him first to the surface, then to the shallow end of the pool. He looked up to see an otter helping him and patting his back between the wings to aid in coughing up half the swimming pool's contents. A shadow passed overhead, and the gryphon landed gently.

"What happened? You didn't even try." Greg asked numbly.

"You almost killed me!" the dragon snarled. Then he remembered what Leo had said about loosing his temper, and stiffled the need to rip his 'teacher' to pieces.

"Not going so well, huh?" the otter asked.

"Apparently not, Charlie." He turned to the fumming dragon. "I'm sorry. Why don't we take a break until tomorrow. I promise no more shoving you of the roof."

Skyler mumbled his assent, and walked home alone, still dripping wet...


He arrived at the house to find Leo still gone as his police cruiser as not in the driveway.

"Just getting in? How did it go?" Harold asked loudly from his porch next door.

"Don't ask!"

"Leo'll be gone for a couple more hours, wanna come over fore a beer?"

"Sure," the dragon replied, feeling very much as though he really needed to get drunk right about now...


Harold's house was Victorian style like Leo's, but the floor plan was different and the decor more masculine than the neutral furnishings of the sheriff's home. Harold's furniture was all in black leather and chrome, and the walls were panneled in dark wood. The minotaur soon returned with two cold bottles of good beer. Skyler told the bull of his new name which pleased the host.

"Sounds nice. A good masculine name." he said huskily and drunk in the dragon's body with his eyes. They kicked back, and talked. Skyler told him about his life, and the bull did the same.

Harold was from a large family from the nearby city - named Reefton for it's being built at the ocean-side, and how they approved of his homosexuality. They did not, however, approve of his leather lifestyle and were-hood. They never talked about his lifestyle (except his twin sister, who he still keeps in touch with) and when he announced he was going to move to a small gay community to the west and become a were, most of the family disowned him. They'd said the leather was bad enough, but turning his back on his humanity was even worse. Harold explained that they were one of the family lines who believed that a person should be stuck with-...er, happy to be the way nature intended and didn't approve of weres in general.

Skyler gave his sympathy, he knew what it was like as his whole family had disowned him when he came out to them. Harold went on to tell of his coming here at the advice of a werewolf he'd met in a leather bar in the city, and Leo had made him a were. Skyler asked why Leo had been the one instead of the wolf. Harold answered that Leo had the strongest were-magick of all the townspeople, and it was also tradition since he was a direct desendant of the town founder. It was one of the lion's reasons for becoming town sheriff.


Five emptied beers later for each of them, they grabbed a sixth and Harold showed him around. Their massive bodies' metabolisms keeping the drunkeness to a light pleasant buzz in the back of their brains as they explored. The two story house was nice and done in masculine themes. Skyler knew the bull was thinking of sex and was suprised when the tour wisked quickly past the master bedroom.

They went down into the basement with a high ceiling, and Skyler saw that it had been converted into a sex dungeon. There were two leather slings, one solid and the other made of strips of thick black leather. A steel examination table was near one corner, a flogging post against one wall, a low steel cage in another area. One wall was covered in racks and hangers full of leather clothing, restraints and sex toys. Several tvs were mounted in strategic places and another wall was one huge mirror.

"You actually use all of this stuff?" the dragon asked, looking at the contents of the room- half in suprise, half in desire.

"Well," the bull breathed into his earhole, "There's a racoon who likes taking my fist, a doberman that likes being caged, a hare that comes once a week to be flogged, a lizard gets an enima now and then... S&M, B&D, Cock and ball torture, ...spanking..." He said, swatting the dragon's ass cheek with a large furred hand. Skyler shivered at the attention, enjoying it - it had been quite awhile since he'd had sex like this. He was no stranger to leather sessions, and found he was eager for another.

"Yeah..." the bull wispered into his guest's earhole, "Being a real man, with another real man... finding your strength... giving it away..." he continued, grabbing the dragon's cock and balls and squeezing as he pulled them hard. The victim let out a gasping hiss of pleasure. "That's it! Let me hear you!" the bull said in an agressive and growling voice. "Come on!" he demanded, pulling the dragon by his genitals to a padded mat on the floor. It stank of sweat, musk, cum and precum, fur, feathers, scales, stale piss and beer. The intensely erotic combination of scents was enough to make his head spin. The minotaur shoved him roughly down onto it and released him before getting on his knees next to the hips of the dragon - who was now on all fours.

Harold grabbed the reptilian tail by the base and squeezed - it was an erogenous zone for all weres and morphs, and Skyler tossed his head and neck around in abandon from the treatment, as well as the sense of discovering something new about his body. Suddenly the bull slapped his ass cheeks hard with his free hand, causing the victim to hiss and growl with pleasure from both the pain and the pleasure of it. Harold rubbed his hand over the now tender area to add to the sensations of his recipient. He spanked again and again and then rubbed some more.

After several minutes of this, he got up and went to the dragon's head. His now fully hard fourteen inch long bull-dick thrust forward like a lance as it pointed to the reptile's face. The bull's musk was very strong, and the dragon inhaled it deeply, wanting to get as much of it as possible. Skyler looked up to Harold's face to see his nostrils flaring as he too took in the pungent smell of himself.

"Smell that? It's how much you turn me on. Now my studly little dragon, now I'll ~show~ you how much you turn me on." He grabbed it and stroked it's two and a half inch thick length.

"I knew you were my type," he said thickly. "I could use another part-time slave. You like the things in here, don't you? I saw how you looked at them, you wanna use every last thing in here, don't you?" he said more than asked in an authorative tone. "I want you," the bull said, grabbing the dragon roughly by the horn and pulling his head close. "You want me too, huh? You want a prize bull to play with... to ride..."

"Yes." the weredragon answered, lustily.

"I wouldn't mind being your slave on occassion, too. But right now... I want you! I wanna see what I'm paying for, so to speak!"

He began to slap the dragon's face with his massive phallus, causing the recipient to moan in satisfaction as the thick long tool hit him almost as hard as the hand had struck his ass.

"We'll go over the contract later, Right now I gotta piss. I own you for now, so I guess I'll have to mark my property. You want that, slave?"

"Yes Master. Make me yours!" the dragon said. He was comfortable with this, and the added bonus of being able to change roles leter made it even more desirable. Being versatile had it's advantages.

The bull let go, and his hot urine flowed out onto the face, head and neck of the willing mythical reptile. The smell of the clear, faintly yellow fluid - pale as it was from the beer - was strong and filled with the bull's musk. It poured down off Skyler's muzzle and ran down his long neck and back to drip down his arms, legs, wing, tail and even off of his own stiff dragon dick and heavy testicles. Skyler revelled in it as it continued to flow onto him for over a minute, and greedily took the bull's gushing tool into his mouth where he proceeded to suckle on the golden necter.

This lasted for well over another minute when the dragon pulled off the mintoaur's shaft and asked his master to stop. "What is it boy? What does my sexy slave need?"

"Master, I need your piss in me, please, Shove that huge dick up my ass and blast your hot piss up inside me. I need you to mark me from the inside!" The dragon said, lost in his role of slave to his bull Master.

Growling in pleasure, the Master got behind his slave and impaled the dragon on his long, thick piss-slickened bull dick. Once the head was in, he let go again, and his bladder began to empty itself into the interior of his scaled sextoy. It heated up Skyler's anus and rectum as it flowed into him, and he moaned and growled in pleasure.

"Oh yeah, you love that, don't you slave?"

"Yes sir! I never did this before, but I always wanted to do it Master! Thank you for being the first!"

The bull roared loudly in lust. "Hot damn! I'm your first huh? The first one to throw his hot bull-gold up into your body, huh? Damn slave! Well, I'm gonna make you remember it!" The bull pushed his long tool up farther into the dragon. "I'm gonna change your ass with magick, and then I'm gonna use my magick and shoot my thick bull jism deep into your gut, and you'll become a bull like me. You want that?!?" he snarled as he grabbed the dragon's horn and wrenched the reptilian head as he spoke.

"Yes, Master! Make me like you! I want you to give it to me!"

"Yeah! Then you know what, you're gonna do the same to me! Then I'll be a dragon at last, and we'll be two hot hulking beasts who'll fuck and suck! I'll fuck you while I transform into a dragon and have the most fucking intense orgasm. Then you get lucky...'cause you're gonna pound my ass as you change into a bull, and you'll shoot your fuck juice and have the greatest fucking orgasm of your fucking life! You thought it was intense when you change on your own? You'll loose your fucking mind when you blast your hot bull-cum up in me just as you finish changing!"

All the while he'd been stroking his dickhead in and out of the dragon's ass. He began to chant the spell of reshaping, focusing the spell on Skyler's rectum as he continued. He felt the fleshy passage lengthen as he chanted, and he shoved deeper and deeper with each thrust until he felt the scaled ass come to rest against his torso, his massive furry bull-balls rubbing against the smooth scaled testicles of his property. He chanted a minute more for safety's sake, then changed into a variation of the chant Leo had used in the townsquare.

He fucked slowly, pulling all the way out to the tip of his dick, then slamming it back in up to the hilt. Again and again he removed, then force-fed his full length to the draconic slave. Relentlessly he pounded away at the dragon's ass as he chanted until he climaxed and felt his gift rocket out of him into the rectum of the well pounded dragon.

They rested for a few minutes, then it was Skyler's turn. He slid his long thick dick into the minotaur's furried hindquarters, then fucked the bull rapidly. "Repeat after me." The bull moaned, then repeated the chant one line at a time while the dragon focused on giving Harold his form. The bull tightened down on his shaft, increasing the pleasure of the coupling. The mythical creature quickly reached orgasm and gasped out the last part of the chant. As he unleashed his draconic fluids into the bull, he felt something else flow out of him and into the minotaur's rectum. It was the same feeling as when Leo had climaxed into him the other day, as well as when Harold sprayed his seed into the dragon just minutes ago.

There was no doubt in either creature's mind they had successfully exchanged beast-forms.

Skyler felt urgency in his bladder and said: "Will piss interfere with the magick?"

"You need to unload some gold? Go ahead."

"Yeah, I own you too, now! Go ahead and take it!" he said in a deep growling beastial voice, and let go in the bull's internals. "You said you'd be my slave too, sometimes, so how about now?"

"Ah fuck! Yes Sir!" the bull replied eagerly.

The heat of his own piss got Skyler hard and he was suprised as he felt the piss last for well over a minute, with no signs of letting up. Stopping himself with effort, he withdrew from the furry anus. He got to his feet, and as Harold moved to get up, he shouted: "Get down there! Who told you you could move?!?"

Roughly, he placed his foot on the minotaur's ass and shoved down hard. Harold complied readily, falling down until his torso pressed against the mat. Skyler knelt down.

"I don't remember telling you you could move." He said, and slapped the furry ass hard, causing it's owner to jump a little. He swatted it several more times for good measure, and then stroked it softly. "That's more like it!"

He felt a huge rush of adrenalin and sexual euphoria as he dominated the bull, it was his first time ever in a role of power in such an encounter...he revelled in it. *So this is what it feels like...* But he knew his pleasure came directly from his slave, and without the slave, he was nothing. Now he understood what people said about the slave being the one with the real power. Yet the role of master was just as appealing as that of the slave to him, and he knew he was truely, fully versatile, a rarity in the worlds of sex. He knew he had a distinct advantage over most people, yet the bull was his equal in versatility. They were a good match as fuck buddies.

Getting up, he walked around to the bull's head and stood there, stroking himself. "You want to be my slave too? Fine, Now stay down there so I can prove it." He started urinating again, and moved his dickhead around to thoroughly coat his property. "Come on! Don't just lay there! Get into it!" he commanded.

The minotaur rolled around like a hog in the mud, growling and moaning as he rubbed in it to get it to completely soak his short brown fur. The scent of his piss reached his nose, and the combined smells of urine and musk-both his own-made him even hornier.

After a minute, Skyler still needed to piss more, and, still gushing, grabbed a bull horn and drug his new slave's face to the source of the fountain of urine. The werebull needed no more prompting, and greedily took the spurting phallus deep into his muzzle, forcing it roughly down his throat until he buried his nose against the fleshy membrane on his new fuck buddy/Master's sheath.

The bull sucked until at last three minutes later, the stream trickled and stopped as the bladder finally was completely drained. "Shit!" the dragon exclaimed, "I've never been able to piss anywhere near that long before!"

"We weres have bigger bladders than humans, and the bigger the form, the more piss you can hold." the bull replied.

The two rested awhile before cleaning up and going to get something to eat. They made up a contract of mutual part-time ownership, and went over what kinds of play they would, and would not do, as well as devise safewords and a sceduel.

Harold explained about the magick he'd used to change the dragon's ass. It could be reversed with magick, and he would go longer without using the bathroom due to the increased amount of space inside. He could take longer dicks and arms in fisting - which Harold would now be more than happy to help him out with. They had a few differences in what they liked, but worked through them easily.

They chuckled as they discovered they'd been at it for over four hours, as Skyler went to leave, the bull asked: "Uh, Skyler? Don't tell Leo we traded forms, ok? Traditionally, he was supossed to be the first form you got from someone else. But I just couldn't help myself."

Skyler agreed. Contented that he had a sexual friend for a long time to come, he headed home. There was suprisingly little stiffness in his legs as he walked...


Leo brought home pepperoni pizza for dinner, and Skyler had salads ready in the refridgerator for them. They talked about the day's events as they ate, then relaxed in front of the tv Neither was tired enough to sleep, and the lion flipped through channels until reaching the sex channels. Four wolves were having their way with a female rabbit on one channel, two male dinos were sixty-nining on another, but to the dragon's disappionment, the lion kept going. He finally stopped on a channel where a racoon was holding a fox upside down in order to rim his ass. The shoulders of the fox rested flat on the carpet of the motel room they were in. Skyler watched as the lion began to squeeze his sheath. Soon, the penis emerged and he began stroking it. He turned to the dragon and asked: "You feel ready to take your first secondary form?"

"Alright." Skyler lied, keeping his promise to Harold. He leaned over and took the feline organ into his long muzzle, where he applied the sucking and licking techniques that had gotten him much praise in his old life. Leo gasped and held the reptilian head gently in his hands. The lion was as gentle as Harold had been forceful, and Skyler was pleased to discover he was able to perform again so soon after his encounter with the minotaur.

After awhile, Leo asked to get up, and led him upstairs to the bedroom. There he explained the process of form-giving to the dragon, who listened closely. He felt somewhat guilty about not telling about Harold, but still said nothing. Sometimes ignorance was bliss.

Finally they were ready. Leo fucked Skyler gently, the textured area of his lion dick felt wonderful as Leo chanted gently. He wanted to lean down onto the dragon's back but the wings interfered and he contented himself with fucking on his knees until he came, the magick flowing easily into the dragon. He growled lowly as he orgasmed, and Skyler was suprised at his gentleness.

Once they finished, the weredragon turned to him and stated: "You already had sex today, didn't you?" He'd noticed sexual scents all over Leo from the moment the lion had gotten home.

Leo looked sheepish and simply answered: "Mike's cute, and isn't that what deputies are for?" with a mischievious smile. "Ok, ready?"

He explained the process, and laid on his back. The large reptile got on his knees, then sat on his lower legs with Leo's tail laid out between his legs. He lifted the lion's hips into the air, and easily pulled Leo to him, the werelion's fur sliding along the sheets until his ass was in the dragon's lap. "You never got a dragon's form before?"

Leo shook his head, "Not an air dragon. I wanted Shale's form, but it wasn't worth the effort of putting up with him long enough to do so. He was a jerk! And everyone was glad when he moved away. He never got along with anyone except that centaur friend of his."

They set themselves to the encounter then, all other things forgotten. Leo massaged the draconic phallus to rock hardness with an expert touch, and the dragon was quickly ready.

Taking his cue from the lion, he inserted slowly, and slid forward an inch at a time until he was fully imbedded in the sheriff's furry hindquarters. He moved slowly, stroking in and out gently as the lion moaned and purred in pleasure. He chanted the spell at Leo's guidance and after many minutes, climaxed freely into his friend giving the gift of himself, his form.

Skyler chuckled as a thought occurred to him.

"What's so funny?"

"A guy I used to know said he liked Rocky Road, but Vanilla was good too!"

The werelion chuckled at the joke and laid down. "I though I smelled Harold's spunk and piss on you. I didn't know you went for that kind of thing."

"I like to keep my options open," the dragon replied sleepily as he laid down.

Sated and contended, they fell asleep together in the lion's soft bed.

Compliments, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.4-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.4- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Revese-transformation-read on, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private) {Weredragon, human, werelion, gryphon-morph} [Author's note: Tamer sex...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private, Slightly agressive sex) {human, werelion, werebull, gryphon-morph, \*undisclosed-read on to see what\*, many...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.1-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.1- by Argouru (January, 2002) A gay man enters a town of shapeshifters Author's note: Ever write something that took on a life of its own? This was a prime example of this concept. This story turned out...

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