:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life Pt.2-

by Argouru

(January, 2002)


(M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private, Slightly agressive sex)

{human, werelion, werebull, gryphon-morph, *undisclosed-read on to see what*, many others.}

[Author's note: Don't worry folks, things are tamer this time around in terms of agressiveness, but there's a section with LOTS of voyurism. Don't bother Flaming me, I hate you too. icon_biggrin.gif]


Ran woke up in a soft, full-sized bed with soft blankets. Slowly, he sat up as he tried to recall how he'd ended up in this bedroom. He began to wonder what had happened; he had been walking along a path when a man in a jeep had picked him up. They'd gone across a windy bridge and came out into another world. There, the man-who called himself Leo-had stopped the vehicle, gotten nude, and then transformed into a werelion. They'd come down to a town Ran had only dreamed of before, and found it full of other werecreatures. They'd come to a house-this house?-and he'd showered and had dinner with Leo. A werebull from next door had come over to watch t.v, and then they all had sex. Ran remembered the way he'd acted and felt-like a raving monster, roaring and snarling along with his companions- and felt a combination of embarassment, nervousness, and pleasure. Then he had collapsed into slumber and awoke here.

The man started to look around, but there were no traces of the previous day's events. This bedroom looked perfectly normal. Sadly, he began to realize that it must all have been a dream. His dreams tended to be quite realistic. Maybe it was another of the strange dreams he kept having. Sighing in what was far beyond disappointment, he got up and searched for his clothes. The room was nice, apparently someone had found him passed out along the roadside and taken him in. He'd get dressed and go thank them for their hospitality. But his clothes were nowhere to be found, and he was totally nude.

He turned to grab a blanket when the door opened and his dream walked in smiling. The werelion smiled at him and asked: "Sleep well?"

*It was real, all of it!* the human thought in shock. "Uuhhd..." he sounded in confusion.

"I'll take that as a 'Well enough'. Come on, I'll make you some breakfast." With that, he padded away.

Numbly, Ran followed Leo downstairs. The human stopped at the front window and looked out. What he saw was a perfectly suburban neighborhood filled with Victorian-style houses and packed full of trees that formed a natural covering over the street. The only indication that it was not a normal neighborhood was a werebadger washing his car in the driveway a few houses down on the opposite side of the lane.

"Why do you all have to keep doing that? Does your world scar your minds so badly that you doubt everything?" Leo asked, shaking his lion's head sadly as he continued on into the kitchen.

Ran followed him and stood there studying the figure before him. The torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet were human-shaped, as were the testicles- even though they were all covered in short tan fur. The differences were in the shape of the head, which was that of a lion, but more animated; the tall, and the fact that there were claws where finger and toe-nails would normally be. Ran admirred Leo's body as he worked, watching how the muscles moved under the fur, which laid flat so that the shape of the body beneith it showed clearly.

The phone rang, and Leo picked it up. Ran noticed that the reciever was about two or three inches longer that a traditional phone-so as to allow for those with muzzles to use it properly. "Hello? Oh hi! Yah...No it wasn't a demon, it's a human crossover I found on the way back. Yeah, he does have a healthy set of lungs,doesn't he? Sure. Give him a few days, they're all a bit edgy at first. Ok, see you later."

Ran began to blush at the mention of him to the person on the phone, and soon his whole face neck and even his chest were hot from the flush of embarassment. He was so warm that he felt like a used match. "A...uh...friend of yours?" he finally managed to ask.

"Yep," Leo said as he hung up. "You sure let loose last night! Harold couldn't believe it!"

"And the neighbors heard me?" Ran asked, his voice sounding smaller.

"Are you kidding? That phone call was from a guy two streets over!" the lion said admiringly.

The human wanted to crawl under a rock. He could practically feel himself shrinking in size.

"Don't be ashamed, be proud! Most humans are never able to let their primal side take over like that! It's a mark of honor." He sat down and offered the human a chair, who took it numbly. "Don't worry, it isn't always that intense. I kept some control and would have stopped you if you went too far. But I think you needed to release like that. When's the last time you had sex?"

The human struggled for an answer.

"Too long, if you have to think about it. So," he said, changing mental gears, "I take it you've decided by now as to wether or not to become a were. But there are thinks I need to tell you first. For one thing, your libido will get stronger and will become part of your thoughts and drives, sex will become more important and nessesary for you on an emotional level. The longer you go without sex, the more you'll want it until your instincts take over and you'll take it forcefully if need be! That won't be a problem here though. You'll always have several willing sex partners at a time in this world.

"Second, I have no idea what were-form you'll take, no one does-but it will determine your mind-set from then on. You were really agressive last night, so I'm sure it will be some kind of carnivore. Your personality will change to fit your new nature and you'll never be the same. Once you change, there's no going back. It can be pretty frightening to humans...

"Lastly, there's a ritual that takes place to change you... and if you decide to stay here in town to live, the ritual has to be witnessed by everyone in town. Everyone who lives here must watch as I awaken the powers in you through sex, it's tradition... and I'll have to bite you."

Ran's eyes widened at that. "Bite me? But why, it'll hurt like-"

"I know, I know," Leo interupted, looking a bit simpathetic, "But for it to take, my saliva must enter your bloodstream while I cum into your ass. Don't worry, I'm clean, we've made magickal and medical breakthroughs in this world in curing diseases. It's just being in public and being biten that are the hardest parts for humans to accept."

Ran thought about it for several long minutes while he and Leo finished breakfast. After they finished, Ran knew his answer. "Yes, I want it. I want to become a were."

"You sure?" Leo asked. At the human's nod, he beamed. "Great!" he almost growled. "It'll take a few days to set everything up, though. Oh, you can't have any anal sex until then - well not recieving anyways, you can top others. It'll help make the magick take more easily. You know much about hardware?" The human shook his head. "It's not too complicated, I'll talk to Ike, he's been wanting an extra hand at the store, besides, you'll need to have a job if you want to afford your own food and stuff."

"If I live here in town, where in it will I live?" the human asked his host.

"Well, you can stay here until you find a house you like. There's a really nice place over on Alder Drive - the next street over. Used to belong to a dragon, until he moved back to the city. The floors are a wreck though - he had a centaur friend from the city who came to visit a lot, those metal shoes of his scarred up the woodwork something awful. I suppose you can get rugs to cover them up until you can save up enough to get the floors redone."

"But even with a job I won't be able to afford a house on my own! Rent and utilities alone will be more than I can afford on minimum wage! Isn't there some place I could rent? The house sounds nice, but I'm sure it'll be beyond my means."

Leo looked at him in confussion for a moment, then understood. "That's right, you people over there have to pay for your homes, land and resourses. Well that's all free here. All you'll need money for will be food and possessions - along with special services like repair work. Don't worry, you can afford a house here. I'll take you over to the housing office to talk to Bill once you're working."

The phone rang again and he answered it. "Hello. What?!? Yeah, no, Dammit! Alright, I'm on my way." He hung up and grabbed a set of keys off a hook by the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Clemens almost hit Zeke when he ran a stop sign, and when he came back to see if Clem was alright, the old boy started attacking him." Leo explained as he unlocked a drawer and pulled out a belt with a gun holster and a sheriff's badge attached to it. He pulled out the gun to check it - which didn't look like any kind of gun the human had ever seen.

"What's that?"

"Stun gun, non-lethal. Don't ever get into this drawer, ok? It's my work stuff."

"Ok, need some help? I know how to fight."

"Oh no! Trust me, we weres get bad enough, but an enraged badger-morph is way out of your league! I'll be alright. Still, I'd better get there before they kill each other." He said as the door closed behind him.


Leo made it back and told his houseguest what had happened. Zeke had been uncooperative and began making threats, then ended up being stunned into unconsciousness when he charged Leo and his deputies. The badger was at home with a telepath working to calm him down...


The next day Leo took him to meet Ike at the hardware store, who turned out to be a elk-morph. He was only too happy to meet the human as almost everyone in town was talking about him, (The rest were talking about the incident with Zeke and the badger). "When can you start?" Ike asked the human.

"Right now if you need me."

Pleased with the answer, Ike set him to work organizing the shelves. Leo said his goodbye along with congradulations and encouragement and left. Eight hours later, the human walked home fifty dollars wealthier. He stopped by a small market along the way and bought ingredients for dinner. Leo was not there when he arrived, so he rested up and then started cooking.

Leo came in to find a nice beef and vegitable stew finishing cooking. "Wow, you can cook?"

"Some." the human replied as he poured it into bowls for them.

"You like the job?"

"Yeah, it's good and relaxed there. All my privious jobs had me running around like a chicken with my head cut off! Here I can take my time."

"That's good."

"I suppose I should probably start looking for my own place."

"If you want, there's no rush though. You're welcome to stay longer if you want."

"I guess I could wait until after you change me. I jut don't want to be a burden, is all"

"Oh don't worry about it now. Wait until after you've gotten used to your new form and learned the magicks."


Two days later (Ran's fourth), was the big day. Everyone was gathered in the town square. Weres and morphs with a few humans and even three demons were there. Everyone was talking about the newest addition to their community. They all speculated as to what the human's new form would be. When Leo and Ran appeared, there was lots of applause. Ran was numbed by it.

"This is a great honor, it's also very exciting for us. Everyone is hoping you'll have a form that no one else does. If so, everyone will want it too. You'll practically become a commodity!" Leo half-joked.

The lion led him to the middle of the square and everyone gathered into a circle. Everyone was nude, and the combination of bodies was highly erotic to look upon. Several of them were already sporting erections.

"My fellow townsmen, we are here to witness a most sacred right of passage. One who has traveled far across his native land has answered the call of our world, and stands before you now. Let us welcome him into our hearts and our community as one of our own. Witness now as he sheds his human existence to become something more. To become a part of nature, as the animal he was meant to become. Let us bring it forth." He turned to the initiate. "Are you ready to recieve the gift I offer, human."

"Yes." Ran answered.

"Are you willing to sacrifice your humanity, and all that you are so that you may be reborn into a new life and body? Are you willing to endure the pain needed to bring it forth?"

"I am." the man said nervously.

"Then let it begin." The lion said.

He began to chant in the same language that he'd used to open the gateway into this world. It was a language that was fluid, yet gutteral at the same time. Slowly, he walked around behind the human and guided him to his knees, then lowered him to his hands as well. Leo's dick swelled as it grew hard, pushing free of the sheath that housed it. He got on his knees and drew close to the willing ass of the human-initiate. Positioning himself, the werelion pressed the tip of his shaft against the opening of his partner, rubbing his liberal amount of pre-cum onto the asshole of the initiate. Still chanting, he gently pushed forward and gained easy entrance to the human's interior. Ran moaned at the peebled texture of the area behind the tip - it felt like a ribbed condom as it slid in.

The two began moaning as they fucked, Leo continuing to chant the spell as he stroked in and out of the ass he was imbedded in. Ran began to push against the lion's thrusts, meeting the creature's movements. They continued to fuck as the townsmen watched and masturbated themselves and each other. There was no fucking or sucking among the crowd however, as all eyes were on the lion and the human in the center of the gathering. Moans from townsmen mingled with the initate's moans of pleasure.

Leo's pace quickened as did his chanting as he neared release. Ran moaned louder as he too neared his climax and pushed more eagerly against the werelion's thrusts. The lion's chating became a desperate plea as he came, and suddenly lunged at the man's right shoulder, his large fangs biting into the soft flesh. The human screamed from the pain of the bite as the lion's mouth and tongue slobbered over the wound he'd made. Ran's scream changed to a shout as he began to sudder as his orgasm burst forth from his manhood onto the manicured lawn of the town square to the cheers and roars of climax from the crowd.

Exausted and realing from the pain, he passed out...


The human awoke once again in the same bedroom as he'd been using since he began to stay with Leo. He winced as he sat up, a large bandage covered his shoulder from front to back. He got up slowly and stiffly and walked with difficulty - as all well fucked men do, with a stiff legged gaint - to the bathroom. After using the toilet, he headed downstairs for something to eat. Leo met him on the stairs in human form. He was as attractive as Ran remembered with his athleticly muscled body covered in short dark blonde fur that hugged it and strong Nordic looks that were almost identical to a short-haired Kevin Sorbo. The color of his human-form hair was the same as his lion's mane, the initiate noted.

"What are you doing up? You should be in bed!" the sheriff exclaimed in concern.

"I got hungry." Ran answered.

"Come on." Leo said, guiding him to the livingroom couch and covered him with a blanket.

"You look bald today." the human joked teasingly.

Leo smiled. "I thought it'd be easier to deal with me like this after yesterday."

"Hm. How long was I out?"

"About twelve hours."

"So I can change now?"

"Not yet, I want you to recover more. Let me see." he said, carefully removing the bandge as Ran winced. The wound was already closed. "Hm, Your healing has already increased. See?"

Ran looked at the wound to see it already mostly healed. "How?"

"We weres can heal ourselves at a vastly increased rate. We can even regrow severed limbs. Don't get to thinking you're invincible, though. Major injuries are still serious buisness for us, esspecially to the head and internal organs. Your soreness should be gone in a few hours. Well, say goodbye to your human life, you're a were now, a were-what we'll find out this afternoon."

Leo gave him an energy-drink and a healthy breakfast, which the new were dug into greedily. As they ate, Ran said: "I don't feel any different. You said my personality would change."

"It'll happen when you change for the first time. Don't be afraid of the change, you'll feel a little more like you did the night you fucked Harold." was the sheriff's response.


By afternoon, the pain from the bite was gone, and only a large yellowish bruise was left to mark it's presence. They left for the town square where everyone was gathering to witness the rebirth of their newest citizen. Everyone who was a were was there in their primary beast-forms. Again the crowd buzzed with speculation as to Ran's new form.

Leo led the new were to the middle of the crowd and called for attention, which wasn't difficult as almost everyone's eyes were locked onto him. "My fellow men, we have gathered to witness the rebirth of our fellow creature into his new life and form. Bare witness and rejoice in his glorious transformation!"

He turned his once again lion's head to the initiate and said: "Relax and close your eyes. Look deep inside your mind and heart. In there you will find your animal-self, your true form. Do not fear it, see it, feel it, touch it, embrace it! Reach out to it and pull it to you, let it merge with you and become you. Become one with it and surrender yourself - all of your being, to it!"

Ran reached inside himself mentally and found a massive creature lurking deep within. He sensed it's power as it gazed opon him. He reached out to the monster (as that is what it seemed to be as it stood there in the dark). The creature moved out of the dark and embraced him. Ran knew what he was - what he was always meant to become. The new were knew why he had been drawn here... to fulfill his destiny. He welcomed the creature to himself and the two halves became a new glorious whole as they merged into a single being. Then the transformation began...

In the physical world, his body started it's transformation into it's true form. Endorphines flooded throughout his body and every pleasure center came alive as his body temperature rose as though he was buring up with fever. The being felt no pain as he changed his physical form to match what dwelled inside him. He felt as if he was having the most intense sexual expirience of his life, and knew this was what Leo had felt when he changed forms. The physical changes began to manifest. He began to moan in pleasure, mindless of the townsfolk...

His nipples and navel faded and filled in until they disappeared. His ears shrank and flattened against his head until they too were gone. All of the hair on his head and body pulled back into the skin until it too, was gone. A few in the crowd murmured in excitement as they felt they knew he was going to change into. Then the skin of his body pebbled, darkened and textured until he was covered in green leathery skin as the transformation progressed. His fingers and toes merged together and then separated into three toes and four fingers (counting the thumbs) that grew sharp ivory talons.

He rose up onto the front half of his feet as they begame digitigraded and the back halves of them thinned. The heels opened up and a talon grew out from the opening. Low fin-like ridges grew along the outsides of his lower arms from wrists to elbows. A long tail grew from the base of his spine and extended to a length of three and a half feet. It was a perfectly formed repitilian tail that tappered gradually as it went out to a narrowly pointed (But not sharp) tail. The spine itself pushed out more and an armored ridge covered it.

As his face pushed out into a muzzle with a downwardly sloped nose, his voice deepened to a heavy growl. The teeth inside became sharp and the tongue tappered to a narrow tip. His whole body grew two feet in adition to the added height from the digitigraded feet. His eyebrows pushed out and thickened as two ivory horns sprouted from his temples and grew up and back along his head. The eyes that were closed changed to solid green with slit-pupils and fringes came out of the bottom edges of his cheeks.

The crowd grew quiet as they realized he wasn't turning into a lizard or dinosaur like they'd thought. Suddenly the changing creature's neck grew a foot long and became armored along the back and sides. Large leathery wings as tall as his new body grew from his shoulderblades and new muscles grew in the shoulders to work them.

A green leather sheath grew over his dick and a membrain attached it to his torso below the no longer existant navel as the penis itself changed and tappered at the end. The sheathed penis hung low at first, but pulled upwards to point up towards his chest as the sexual feelings intensified. The euphoria intensified as his phallus grew hard and pushed out from it's sheath to a length of twelve inches and a thickness of two inches.

He now stood eleven feet tall from nose tip to foot talon tip, the tip of his long tail stopped a mere inch short of the ground. Orgasmic spasms racked his body and he dropped to all fours. He rolled his head around on it's long neck as he revelled in the sexual pleaure surging through him. He growled louder as his draconic member twitched. He roared at the top of his lungs as the most powerful sexual climax he'd ever expirience rocketed through his body and exploded out of the tip of his dragonhood. More cum that he'd ever had before splashed onto his torso, arms, neck and the grass. He tossed his long head back and forth as well as his tail and his new wings flapped sporadically in the throes of passion.

The orgasm lasted for over a full minute as the males in the crowd climaxed and fucked in a massive orgy. Cheers to the new weredragon were intermixed with roars, hisses, growls and other animalistic calls of lust as the townsmen shot their orgasms all over and into each other and the grass became soaked with semen...


Hours later the sounds of the orgy could still be heard as Leo and Harold put the groggy weredragon to bed. "We should start charging him for all these trips to bed!" the werebull joked.

Leo let out a tired chuckle as they reached the bed. "Careful of his wings."

"Watch his head and neck."

"Don't trip on his tail!"

Finally they got him settled on his stomache. "You didn't have to go to all the trouble, I could've gotten home on my own." the new dragon said weakly.

"You couldn't even stand on your own." the werebull replied.

"And you need to learn how to balance in your new form." Leo added. "You'll get the hang of it."

"Can I fly with these wings?"

"You have to learn how, first."

"Who's gonna teach him?" Harold asked.

"There's one person I can think of..."

"Oh no! Not old Mr. Kamakazi himself!"

"Greg's the best flyer in town, he just gets distracted and doesn't watch where he's flying. Besides, he taught Max."

"Then call Max."

"You know he moved to Terillia."

"Terillia?" the sleepy weredragon asked.

"Another continent. Get some sleep, you need it."

The werelion and werebull left the room quietly as they murmured lowly about the newest addition to the were-community. Exausted, the newly transformed being quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Oral, Anal, Self-sucking, Slave/Master, Watersports, Nudity-public and private, vanilla sex \*gasp!\*) {Weredragon, werebull/Minotaur, werelion, gryphon-morph,...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.1-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.1- by Argouru (January, 2002) A gay man enters a town of shapeshifters Author's note: Ever write something that took on a life of its own? This was a prime example of this concept. This story turned out...

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