:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.1-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life Pt.1-

by Argouru

(January, 2002)

A gay man enters a town of shapeshifters

Author's note: Ever write something that took on a life of its own? This was a prime example of this concept. This story turned out WAY different than I originally entended!

This is the very first story of any kind I ever wrote. It turned out to be much longer than I'd originally intended. I was watching the early episodes of Queer as Folk while I was writing this, and that seems to have heavily influenced my writting on a subconscious level. I named the story after the old Sega game Altered Beast, which was how I got into the furry lifestyle.



(M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private, Agressive sex.)

{human, werelion, werebull/minotaur, and others}


[Warning: This story is not like other furry erotica as it deals with the aggressive animal nature of aggressive creatures and how they bring out this quality during sex-even in humans! Read on if you dare, but to those who want to flame me, forget it, I've already warned you!]


The mild wind blew across the grass and through the leaves on the trees along either side of the dirt road in the early autumn afternoon. The man who traveled this road was six feet tall, with russian/brittish looks, green eyes, dark brown hair that had been short originally, but had overgrown from it's original length of half an inch and was now over an inch long. He did not smile - which would have brightened the hansome face considerably - his mouth had no expression whatsoever. The face which would normally be clean shaven had developed stubble from the journey he was on. He wore a simple white t-shirt, grey slacks, tennis shoes and a dusty tan baseball cap uncluttered by any sports team logos. His eyes were covered with an old beat up pair of sunglasses. He walked dully onward along the unpaved stretch of track with the gaint of someone who only vaguely knew where they were going.

It was true, he hadn't a clue where it was he was going, only a strange pull in the direction he was heading. All he knew was that it was somehow connected to the dreams he'd been having since puberty. Dreams of a town inhabited solely by men who were not always men. Werewolves lived there, as well as werebears, wereracoons, weregryphons, and every other sort of half-man/half-animal creatures. Most of them could change from one shape to another and some seemed to have a countless number of forms. He was sure there were no women, none had ever appeared in the dreams, no children either. All there were was men and male creatures. More than that, they all seemed to be gay - or at least bi - and sex was a daily fact for the citizens of this strange town. There was a total lack of inhibitions in the dreamtown and sex was practiced openly - even in public places in some of the dreams. Nudity was acceptable as well in this place, and everyone seemed happy and comfortable there. He'd been having these dreams since reaching puberty - at least once a month, and the dreams were so vivid, he often awoke expecting to be able to open the door and step out onto the streets of this odd dreamworld.

Discovering he was gay was hard enough, but the dreams made his life both better and worse at the same time. He'd realized he was gay almost immediately when he hit puberty at age 14 as he not only had no interest in women, he found the notion of being sexual with a woman repugnant. They simply were a major sexual turn-off for him. He'd come out to his family at age 21, and had immediately been disowned by every last member of the family. Homeless, he'd made his way to California and set about obtaining a life for himself. He got a job, a home of his own, and even got into several relationships, but they always fell apart. The guys he dated were always missing something - but he didn't know what it was that was missing.

He hated living in the cities he moved to, everyone was too cold and artificial. He much preferred the small towns where everyone knew each other and where it was all like one huge family. He'd found himself wishing more and more that the dreams were true - he wanted to live in a place like that one in his dreams. Even the werecreatures seemed more appealing to him than ordinary human folk. It was then that he started to feel the pull. He didn't know what it meant though and ignored it - instead focusing on trying to make a normal human-filled life work.

For six years he felt - yet ignored - the pull, until he finally gave up on the idea of a relationship. It was then that he was laid off from his job at a carwash. It was the tenth job he'd had in less than two years. He'd only had this job for three weeks. Depressed, he knew he wouldn't be able to pay rent this month either. He arrived at his apartment to find an eviction notice on the door. Sitting alone in the darkened living room drinking his sixth beer, he felt the pull again - stronger than ever. In a daze, he packed what few things he could take with him, and started east across the country as he finally followed the pull.

Now he found himself on this dirt road in the middle of what was either northern Nebraska or southern South Dakota. He figured he'd been traveling for about three months now. He walked over to the side of the road and sat down to rest. After a few minutes, a blue jeap pulled onto the road and headed his way. He figured it would pass him by and was suprised when it stopped next to him and a Kevin Sorbo look-alike leaned out to window and smiled at him. *Damn he's hot!* the traveler thought as he looked up at the stranger.

"Wow, you look like you've been traveling for along time!" the man said in a deep sexy sounding voice with an amused smile. "Where're you from?"

"California." the traveler said listlessly.

"That's a long way! I'm glad you made it, most of you never get this far!" the man said with a sad look on his face. "Want a lift?"

"Uh, I'm not really sure where I'm going exactly..." the traveler said in a hazy sense of bewilderment.

The man in the jeep looked at him long and hard, then smiled. "Believe me, I know where you're heading. It's the pull, isn't it? Some strange force compelling you to travel to some odd unknown destination. That and the dreams. You've been having them too, right?"

"How do you-?" the traveler began, his hands tightening around the straps of his backpack nervously.

"Hey, relax. I've met several others like you. And don't worry, the pull, the town, the changes, they're all optional, you don't have to do anything you don't want. We believe in freedom of choice."

The traveler turned away and started back the way he came at a quick pace.

"Are you sure you don't want to at least see it? It's ok to be scared, we're talking about leaving everything you know behind for the most part. But it doesn't have to be permanent, you can always come back."

"From where?" the traveler said in exasperation as he turned to look back to the man.

"The town - the one in your dreams? It exists." The man stopped for a second as he studied the tired wanderer. "I remember you, from the dreams. Sometimes I share the dreams of the people who are meant to come. Not many make the journey, fewer still ever complete it. Some just reach a certain place that seems close enough to the town in their dreams and settle down there. But you needed to come all the way, you'll never be happy anywhere else. I can see it in your eyes."

The traveler turned around and said: "Who are you? And how do you know all this?"

The stranger smiled and answered: "My name's Leo. And you?"


"I know about the dreams and the pull because it's how people from here find their way to us. It's the magick that brings you to us. Want a lift the rest of the way?"

Slowly, Ran turned and walked to the jeep. Leo smiled as Ran threw his pack into the small back seat at Leo's instruction and climbed into the passenger seat. Ran noticed there was an awful lot of shed hair in the interior of the vehicle. The hairs were mostly tan colored, with a few brown, black, white and gray ones as well. Most were short, but a few were long, like the hair of a woman. Of course it was possible that Leo had had long hair until recently, as most of the long hair was along the back and sides of the upper half of the drivers seat. Leo's hair was - at least currently - short. It was his color - but the rest?

"You have a dog?" he asked, thinking of a golden retriever.

Leo chuckled, "No but a large cat tends to ride around in here," was the reply.

They took off down the road and soon reached a covered bridge. As they began to cross, Leo spoke lowly in an odd language that Ran didn't understand. Then he suddenly felt a strong pull forward towards what felt like a strong sudden gust of wind against him and then they were past it.

"Sorry, I should've warned you about that."

Ran said nothing as they continued, but was curious as to what had happened. They traveled a few more miles, with Leo scratching at his arms, legs, chest and groin in annoyance. Ran realized Leo had been doing this all along their trip. Finally he pulled off the side of the road and got out. "I'm sorry, but I can't stand it anymore!" he said as he began to remove his clothes right out in the open.

"What're you doing?" Ran asked, shocked yet amused at the same time.

"I just can't get used to this stuff!" he grumped as he struggled with his shoelaces. "I don't know how you humans can stand being buried in so much heavy fabric!" He finally got his shoes off and worked on his socks. "Feel free to join me."

Ran hesitated, he wanted to, but..."Won't we get busted for indecent exposure?"

Leo snorted, "Not in this world, ninety percent of the folks here go natural."

"This world?"

Leo pulled off his pants - the last of his clothing as he wore no underwear. Letting out a contented sigh, he scratched his bare chest. "Come on," he said, noticing his companion was just standing there, "Those clothes are filthy anyways."

Numbly, Ran did as instructed until he too was nude. He felt the cool breeze wash over his body which was thin, but not scrawny and bore no markings other than a few scars from life's occassional accidents. His arms, legs and even his smooth firm ass were covered in a thin layer of slightly long dark hairs.

"Nice, really nice." Leo said as he looked Ran over. His eyes came to rest on Ran's phallus. The traveler's dick was an inch thick and of an even circumference from base to piss-slit. It hung slightly away from his body at and was about 3 inches long. Leo smiled at the length of the soft member, knowing it surely reached a good length. He frowned mentally at it being circumsized, but said nothing more.

Ran, meanwhile, was taking in Leo's physique as well. Leo was a little over 6' 2" and was athletically built. His chest was covered in short dark blonde fur that was trimmed short so it laid close to his skin, and his uncut penis was about an inch and a half thick and hung down about four inches. Curiously, it narrowed slightly as it wentdown it's length to the covered tip. He had a strongly Nordic face that had slight neanderthalithic traits that were only barely noticeable. He had sharp yellow-green colored eyes, slightly thick eyebrows, and his nose seamed to widen as it went out to the tip. He had a slight stubble and short dark blonde hair that was almost brown. There were no piercings or tattoos, just natural beauty.

Finally, what Leo had said sunk in. "What do you mean, 'You humans', and what about 'This world'?" he asked in confusion.

"That town you keep dreaming of, and the people in it? They're all real, Ran. I should know, I'm the town Sheriff!" Leo shivered as a cool breeze blew passed them, Ran shivered from it too. "Need more proof huh? Well, I'll get into a more comfortable form and show you."

Leo closed his eyes and concentrated, then it began. Everything happened simultaneously...

Short tan fur appeared everywhere along his body; back and sides, arms, legs, and the upper half of his face were being covered in it. Meanwhile, white fur sprouted from his lower face and the front of his torso. Leo's hair began to grow longer and also started coming out of his upper back along his shoulderblades and around his neck and the edges of his face. His nose and mouth pushed out into a muzzle as whiskers poked out of his changing cheeks. The nose changed color to black and became triangular, while the upper lip developed a cleft. The ears became rounded and rose up along the sides of his head to the top of the sides. A long thin tail grew out of the base of his spine to a length of three feet where a puff of brown fur covered it. The nails on the changing creature's fingers and toes turned brown and grew out into sharp claws. He opened his mouth to reveal a wide, flat tongue and long fangs in his newly reshaped mouth. His testicles were also becoming furry as his covered penis pulled back a ways towards his body.

All along, Leo was letting out moans of what appeared to be sexual pleasure. As the transformation reached its conclusion, Leo's transformed dick pushed it's way free of it's sheath and hardened to a full eight inch length. It was tapered at the end and appeared to have a pebbley texture a bit ways back from the tip. Leo started to lose his balance and dropped to hands and knees and stretched in a seductive, feline way. The shaft bounced in the air on it's own and spasms racked Leo's altered body as he let out a loud deep lion's roar and cum sprayed out from his dick onto the grass. He shuddered for a awhile after climaxing, flexing his finger and toes - the claws digging into the turf. Finally he got to his feet and smiled at the human who stared at him with a half smile on his face.

"That didn't hurt?" Ran asked.

"It's magickal, not forced like a curse. It's... (he shuddered in post orgasm aftershock) quite enjoyable!"

Ran saw that though Leo's head was now that of a lion, he was capable of expressing much more emotion than a regular lion.

"Come on, I'll show you the town." Leo said as he picked up his clothes and walked back to the jeep.

"Won't someone've heard that?" Ran asked in concern.

"So what if they did? They're probably masturbating to it by now if they did!" Leo said as he threw the clothes into the back.

Still nude, they got back into the jeep and drove on. They rode up a steep hill to the top where Leo stopped so his passenger could enjoy the view. Mountain ranges sprawled to the left and right of a valley covered in grass and trees. The mountains to the right were covered in snow at the upper reaches and peaks. In the middle of the valley laid a town of about three square miles. The largest building was six stories high above a swimming pool and there wasn't a single spire or crucifix to mar the town's beauty. Many of the houses seemed to be of Victorian design and the air was so clear that he could not only make out the town itself - a good four miles away, but in the distance was a huge city along with *The sea? Now I ~know~ I'm in another world, unless someone had moved a whole ocean to the Nebraska/South Dakota border without telling anyone.* The sky there was as clear as it was out here - there was no brown layer tainting the sky.

"Why isn't there any smog?" he asked Leo.

"Hmph, because we in this world care about our environment. We use alternate kinds of power for our machines."

Having seen enough, they followed the road into town. A hand crafted wooden sign proudly proclaimed: Wereman Falls, Population: 243, Elevation: 60 feet.

"'Wereman Falls'?!?" the human asked his guide humorously.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a pun. Most of the town's people are weres."

As they made their way through the town, several creatures smiled and waved at the jeep's passing. A werebear accompanied by a werehare here, a werepanther with solid black fur there, at a stop sign a streak of brown, black and tan said it's hello as it flew past.

"Watch the speed limit, Greg!" Leo shouted after the figure - half friendly, half threateningly. "If you get a flying form, watch out for that one," Leo said to his passenger, "he's hit three people so far with his wreckless flying! Got hurt so bad one time he had to be transported to the city for extensive healing therapy!"

They passed a werestallion and a human along the way and Ran noticed that everyone they passed stared at him with interest. Finally they reached a street where the trees grew up and over the road to the point where they provided a natural canopy over the road. Leo pulled into a driveway on the right and drove to the back to a garage separate from the brown Victorian three story house it belonged to. Maple and oak trees ringed the property and the leaves were in shades of green, yellow, red, orange and brown. Many of them had already fallen and covered the pebbled pavement of the driveway and walkways. They got out and were greeted by a deep barotone voice from the driveway.

"Welcome back stranger, what took you so long?" asked a large brown werebull (or was it a minotaur?) who lumbered up the driveway on cloven-hooved feet. He stood about seven feet tall and had a well muscled body. His hands seemed massive, as did his huge brown-furred testicles and sheathed penis. Long dark ivory horns thrust forwards from his forehead and large brown eyes gazed forward in a way that was sharp, yet gentle.

"Hi, Harold, the traffic out of the city over there was horrendous, and then I met a new friend along the way back," he said, guesturing to Ran. "Ran, I'd like you to meet my friend, neighbor and housesitter while I'm away, Harold."

"Pleased to meet you." Ran said, extending his hand.

The bull-man shook the offered hand lightly and held it for a bit longer than nessesary as he took in Ran's nude body with a look that was more than partially lustful. "It's very nice to meet you." Harold said in a soft masculine way that Ran found erotic.

Harold winked and released the human's hand before walking over to the opened back of the jeep. "Did you get what I asked for?" he asked Leo.

Leo sighed as he pulled something from a grocery bag and went to hand it to his friend. "You. Are. One. Sick. Bull!" Leo emphasized as he reluctantly handed a rounded container to Harold.

Ran looked at the object in curiousity to see it was a can of... *Beef jerky?!?*

Harold tore off the lid with gusto and bit into a strip he withdrew and said, his voice distorted by the food: "Hey, you are what you eat! Want one?" he offered the can to Leo, then Ran, who both took a piece. Leo handed a bag to Harold who swallowed and said: "I'll see you later," in a suggestive way Ran was certain was meant for him.

"Help me carry this stuff in, will ya?" Leo asked as he picked up some of the bags and headed for the back door. Ran grabbed a few bags and followed. Leo opened the door and walked in.

"You didn't lock the door?" the human asked.

"Why? There isn't anything people can't get without magick in here. Besides, there aren't many trouble-makers around here, and there hasn't been a theft in town in over two decades. And even if anyone tried, Harold'd pound 'em into the ground!"

"Don't you worry about kids coming in and pulling pranks or breaking something?"

"The youngest people in town are seventeen and they don't do too much of that. Besides, they're smart enough to know ~not~ to try anything to the Sheriff's house."

"There're no kids at all in town?" Ran asked as they set the bags on the counter.

"Nope," Leo said, leading the way back out for the rest of the stuff, "We're a segrigated community here. No one under legal age - that's sixteen here - and no females or religious zealots are allowed to move here. We want a good clean, peaceful community where males can live and enjoy the company of other males in total freedom. It's a gay guy's paradise here. No mass violence or severe crime, no one trying to preach to us as to how we're ~supposed ~ to live our lives. It's all about sex, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness here. Public nudity is totally acceptable as well as sex in public, mild narcotics are legal - pot, poppers, catnip, wolfsbane, etc. - but you can get arrested by me or my deputies if we catch you driving under the influence! Foul language isn't frowned upon. We're a lot less inhibited here. It's a paradise." He concluded as they took the last of the bags into the kitchen. "Go ahead and go take a bath. Upstairs, second door on the left. If the drain's clogged, use the downstairs bathroom off the hallway. I try to keep the drain clear, but with all this fur, you can imagine how easily it stops up quickly. I try to keep my fur brushed, but there's always loose stuff. I should have listened to mother, I should've become a plumming rooter - those guys make a fucking fortune!"

Chuckling, Ran went upstairs to the bathroom and looked around for the toilet. He needed it pretty bad as he hadn't gone since morning. The toilet was saddle-shaped with the tank mounted low along the back side. He sat on it facing outward and a large mound shaped rise rose up to the bottom of his chest. He wondered why, and after recalling the anatomy of several people he had seen in dreams and on the drive into town, realized that it was nessesary for some of the town's citizens. Getting up once he finished was a bit tricky, but he succeeded without killing himself. A floor pedal flushed it. He walked over to the sink to see an elaborate collection of brushes with loose fur in them. He walked to the shower to find it to be normal. There were, however, lots of bottles of shampoos and even one or two for fleas and ticks. After he finished, he went back downstairs to find Leo finishing setting the table for dinner. Ran saw a clock on the wall and winced at the time. Dinner before eight pm? Dinner was being served at six thirty?!? It was totally unnatural. Also, the clock had way too many numbers on it. Confused, he sat down and tried to ignore it.

They ate BLTs and chicken noddle soup with iced tea for Leo, and Pepsi for Ran. Everything about the meal was normal except that Leo drank with a straw due to the muzzle, and the soup bowls had a strange pouring trough three inches long coming off the side which Leo used to eat his soup. It made sense actually. The only other odd thing was the people eating were a nude werelion and an equally nude human.

As they ate, Leo talked about the town... of how his great grandfather had come here one hundred and sixty years ago to form a community where gay and bi males of all species could live a life of emotional and sexual fulfillment. He then went on to explain about the people of his world. There were humans, weres, and morphs - morphs being animals who had evolved to the equivallent level of humans, but only certain genetic lines within the animal world had evolved. The rest of the animals were as low on the evolutionary chain as the animals of Ran's world.

Magick was never stamped out in this world, and it's influence had remained strong, unlike in Ran's world where it was only tangible to those who worked at it for years and decades. Mages, sorcerers and witches had learned the magicks that broke down the barriers between human and animal and learned how to shapeshift. Over time, there grew an ever larger following of those who learned how to unlock their own alternate forms, as well as how to gain the forms of other weres and morphs through sex-magick.

Over a millenia ago, there had been a full out multi-sided war between the species that had lasted for over a decade. Hundreds of millions had died, until a group of peaceful people from all the different species had declaired a mutual truce and left for a small island where they lived in secret for two years before revealing their ways to the public. Everyone was tired of the war, and seeing how these brave peoples could live in peace, decided to start mass protests. The word spread to the battlefields, where disheartened soldiers abandoned the war in increasing numbers. Within a few months, there was no one left to fight the war. World peace started to become a reality. Within a dozen generations all the old predudices had been forgotten. People started living in multi-species societies and morals and inhibitions became lesser and lesser. The only difference between the little town of Wereman Falls and the rest of the world was that it catered solely to males who were attracted either only or at least primarily, to other males.

After dinner, Harold came over and Ran got his first dose of inter-species t.v. as they watched Leo and Harolds' favorite show: Far Star, a program about an inter-species crew who traveled through space seeking adventure and was led by a cunning and sexy fox-morph, who Harold and Leo just called a fox. Ran noticed that the 'morph' part was never used except in comparison to ordinary animals they refered to as 'lessers'.

When the show ended, Leo and Harold talked about the show and the days events, letting Ran flip through the channels until he found a porn channel where a male bear was fucking a male lizard. "You get porn channels here?"

"Huh? No, sex channels are available to the public here." Leo answered.

"That's right, people are actually ashamed of sex in your world." Harold said. Then the bull's eyes caught the action on the t.v. and he lowered his hand to his balls and phallus - which began to harden.

Leo moved closer to him as Ran watched in fascination. Harold's dick was soon fully hard - two and a half inches thick and reaching to the bottom of his chest. He ran a large brown furred fist over it as he started to masturbate. Leo's feline member was already hard and he sat back, then bent forward and took his own lionhood into his muzzle as the others watched.

"Come over here." the bull beckoned to the human, who moved as if mesmerized to stand before the massively endowed being.

Harold leaned his head forward and englufed the human cock with his muzzled mouth. Ran closed his eyes and moaned at the feeling of Harold's mouth, Soon he grabbed the bull's horns and used them to move the head they were attached to back and forward as he rode the willing mouth. Leo had stopped and turned his attention to the others. He rose and came up behind Ran and pressed up against the human's back as his hands explored the man's chest. After awhile, Ran started to get close, but Leo pulled his hands off of the bull's horns and guided him to get down on hands and knees. Ran saw with relief that Harold walked around to face him. There was no way he could take that enormous dick up his ass. Instead, Harold got on his knees and stroked himself lustfully. Leo got down and nuzzled Ran's butt.

"Has any human ever rimmed you like this?" Leo asked, before his lion tongue licked at, then pushed up into the human's anus. Ran sucked his breath in sharply and deeply in pleasure-filled shock as the long wide tongue got in farther than he'd ever thought possible. He wiggled his ass as his butt muscles clenched and released over and over again. This brought forth lustful growls from Leo.

Harold held his large dick in front of the human's face, "I want you, human, I want to ride you bad. There are magicks that can make it safe for you. But not tonight. I guess I'll have to settle for something else." He said, and began to smack Ran's face with his phallus.

The man moaned at the attention on both ends, and after a few minutes of dick-flogging, Ran carefully took the head of the bull's member into his mouth. He licked and sucked at it in a way that caused the bull to stamp a hooved foot on the floor.

The attention lasted for several minutes until The minotaur roared loudly: "Gods I need you human! I need to mount some ass!" He looked down at the human in lust-crazed abandon, and if the human hadn't been so swept up in the lust the three beings shared, he'd have been terrified, but he wanted it as well. Harold squeezed his eyes shut tightly for a moment, as though trying to regain control of himself, then looked to Leo, who had lifted his head at the outburst.

Harold and Leo locked eyes and the bull moved quickly to him and grabbed him roughly by the back of the neck. They looked at each other in concentration, then Leo nodded. Harold released him and the lion turned to the side. The bull grabbed a bottle of lube from the livingroom table like a warrior grabbing his weapon and poured a liberal amount onto his still rock hard member and positioned himself. Ran had come around to see from the side, and the Lion and the bull looked him in the eyes as Harold sank his shaft to the hilt in the lion's furry hindquarters. Harold stroked in and out, pulling out to the tip of his cock before shoving it back in all the way to the hilt again, and again as they found their rhythm.

Leo growled lustfully as the bull rode his ass. Ran watched and stroked himself as he watched.

Harold began moaning and roaring lowly as he fucked his friend. He lowered himself until his chest and stomache were pressing against the lion's back, and Ran's lust rose even more at this pose as the bull opened his eyes to look upon the human. He saw the human's lust filled eyes, now as animalistic as his own. Yes, this human was truely one of them, a beast who lived only for lust. "Human," he said, his voice made gravelly by his passion. "Mount me, I need you to fuck me!"

Ran, now beyond thought, applied the lube to his own sex, and positioned himself behind the upper of the two grinding animals, who lifted his tail away. He pushed his shaft-head against the anus of the minotaur and it entered easily, suddenly sucking into the soft, warm, damp interior of the seat of the bucking bull-man. He gasped in pleasure as he reached his hilt, and the bull roared deeply in his lustful satisfaction.

The human lost all conscious thoughts as he pistoned in and out if the ass of the creature benieth him: there was only primal passion and sexual heat as he'd never expirienced before, and he too growled and snarled and groaned in animalistic abandon along with his companions. He had a moment of conscious thought as he continued though, *This is what I've been missing all along! This is what sex should be like! Pure beastial passion, even leather-sex never brought this out in me. I want to be one of them, to be like this always! Free...* Then there was only sex and feral passion as his human mentality faded into the background of his mind.

"Faster! Harder!" Leo growled, and Harold blindly complied, Leo growled louder, and finally let out a long roar as he shot his load out onto the carpet.

Harold was driven over the edge and pounded away at the werelion's ass is if he were about to die. Ran couldn't keep up and he fell out of the bull. He quickly re-inserted just as the bull climaxed into Leo, roaring at the top of his lungs. The human fucked frantically at the bull's ass growling louder and louder as he neared orgasm.

"Do it! Come in him!" Leo growled in euphoria.

"Yes, fuck me! Give it to me!" the minotaur snarled, and their voices no longer sounded like anything other than the sexual beasts they'd become in their passion.

"Yes! Take it, take my dick!" the human snarled in a voice that was so low and feral sounding that it didn't seem to come from any human.

He growled and snarled like an insane monster as he slammed the bull's muscular ass in frenzy. He roared as the cum blasted along his dick and into the willing ass of the bull, his body convulsing violently in orgasm.

Saited, the three collapsed to the floor where they all promptly feel alseep in contentment...

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private, Slightly agressive sex) {human, werelion, werebull, gryphon-morph, \*undisclosed-read on to see what\*, many...

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