:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.4-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life Pt.4-

by Argouru

(January, 2002)


(M/M, Revese-transformation-read on, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private)

{Weredragon, human, werelion, gryphon-morph}

[Author's note: Tamer sex this time, folks. More of the kinds of stuff you've already read, plus a bit of new stuff. Anyone who wants to flame me can go to the hottest place that comes to mind. ;)]


Skyler stood there, taking in the damage. The place was a mess. He picked at a dent in the once beautiful wooden floor with a toe-talon and frowned. It was worse than he'd been led to believe; the damage done to the flooring throughout ninety-percent of the house (by the centaur friend of the dwelling's privious draconic inhabitant) was beyond repair - at least as far as he could tell.

The brown haired, attractive (and fully clothed, no less) human Housing Official wore a sympathetic look. "Those metal horseshoes of his..."

Skyler had spent all morning looking at potential homes throughout the small town, and this was the only one available that met all his needs. Close to his friends (who lived just a few houses down on the next street), tall, wide doors for his eleven foot tall body and wings, a basement that was the size of an entire floor of the house, a HUGE bathtub with jets that made it double as an indoor hot tub, large walk on covered porches, nice yard (dispite the lack of good shade trees), and even a landing pad on the roof, accessed by an extra-wide hatch and ladder from the second floor.

The wood flooring, though, would have to either be replaced or worked on by a carpenter-mage, who would use his magick to restore the wood to it's original luster (as suggested by the human who was showing him around). But the weredragon didn't have the money to do either.

He had a job now, but had only worked three days so far as he'd been given time off to make the change and adjustments to becoming a were. He suppossed he could get some throw rugs to hide it (and protect his feet) until he saved up enough money to get the floors fixed or replaced. He thanked the human (it still felt weird thinking that way), and walked back around the block to Leo's house (having nothing else planned for the day) in a less than enthusiastic mood...

As he neared the house, a shadow passed overhead. He looked up to see Greg soaring high above. His mood lifted, hopefully it wouldn't be too long before he was able to do the same. He caught the gryphon-morph's notice of him, and watched in envy as the mythical creature spiralled gracefully downward to finally land a few feet away.

"Hello, ready for more leasons?" the gryphon asked merrily.

"Sure." the dragon replied, and the two headed for the middle of town.


As they walked, Skyler told him about the house. He new he should be happier, the house (even with it's ruined flooring) would be the nicest place he'd ever lived. The facts that there were no rent or utilities to pay in this world helped immensly.

"Hey, cheer up! You'll be fine. Tell you what, I'll chip in for a couple'a rugs for the place as a house-warming gift," the gryphon said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, it'd be a real help!" the dragon replied in relief. It was nice to know there were folks who cared enough to help.

They reached the 'skyscraper' of the town, the six story apartment complex that housed (among other types) several winged beings. At it's base, Greg taught Skyler more about flying.

For hours they practiced, until the dragon finally left the ground. It was only by a foot, but the dragon felt pleased by his progress. They then took the elevator to the roof, where Greg promised NOT to try shoving him off the building again. Skyler wasn't in the mood for another impromptu cannonball into the swimming pool below.

Instead, the gryphon flew out on his own, while the dragon studied his movements closely as instructed. Again and again the gryphon took of and landed on the roof and flew around until the dragon could copy the movements perfectly. Then came the big moment.

Greg took off and came back around to hover just past one of the gaps in the railing that was put there for take offs and landings.

"We don't have to do this if you don't feel up to it." the gryphon said.

"No, if I can fly in my dreams without wings, I should be able to fly awake with them." came the answer.

"You had dreams of flying on your own? Ho ho! You're a born natural! Come on then, I'll catch you!"

"I'm too heavy for you to carry!" the dragon said in surprise.

"Well, the pool's directly below me, if I can't keep you up, we'll just drop into it and be ok. See?" Greg consoled, pointing down.

Skyler looked down the six stories to the pool below, and his fear of heights kicked into overdrive. "du-uyauh-" he said as fear ruined whatever he'd intended to say.

"Oh don't tell me..." the gryphon said in disbelief. He sighed, and said calmly: "Ok. Don't look at the ground, only look at me. Try to relax. Think of how great it'll be to feel the wind in your wings. You know what to do, I'm positive of it. Take a deep breath, and relax. I'm here, and nothing is going to happen to you."

Skyler did as he said, and felt himself calming down. He watched the gryphon closely, and did as he was told.

Just then, a strong updraft pushed Greg upwards a few inches, and he said: "There's an updraft, do it now!"

Reacting quickly, the dragon jumped off and opened his wings to their fullest. He felt himself pushed upward, and Greg grabbed his hands. Together, they rode the rising gust of wind. It pushed up at them, but their body weights kept them level. As it died, Greg instructed him to start flapping, using his wings to push downward. Skyler complied, and found himself staying in place. Greg smiled at him.

"See, I told you you were a natural."

Another updraft caught them, and they stopped flapping for a moment and rode it. For Skyler, time seemed to slow, and he revelled in the moment. The wind pushing him felt almost like a hand that conformed to the shape of his nude body. The wind was warm, and smelled of the not-too-distant ocean. He also caught the scent of his teacher. The warmth of the sun overhead pressed down on him, and his heart-beat slowed. He felt the hands of Greg, holding him in midair, and had felt the gryphon's strong wing-beats a moment ago. The whole expirience had a mystical, sensual feeling to it, and the dragon felt endorphines kick in.

Greg smiled at him, and as the wind died down once again, he flapped hard, and tugged the dragon with him, who flapped his own wings to aid his own flight. They started slowly at first as Greg led them back towards the ground, but stayed a few feet above it and flew around.

After awhile of Greg leading him, he became so entranced that he didn't notice when the gryphon let go of his hand. He continued to fly around, following his teacher with his hand still extended for several minutes before the gryphon made a quick turn, and suprised by the quick movement, he was unable to copy the manuver. It was then that he realized he was flying on his own.

The gryphon came up along side him, and his sudden panic at being on his own subsided. Greg flew a bit ahead, and got the dragon into a game of fallow-the-leader. They flew a few feet higher, and higher yet, until they were well above the apartment complex. Greg took his hand and encouraged him to look around. It was beautiful. Even the ground far below no longer seemed so scary.

He revelled in the feelings of the wind along his body, the warmth of the sun upon his back, the smells carried to him on the wind, the taste of the air and the way eveything looked from way up here, and he feel in love with flying. He knew he'd be doing it as much as possible from now on.

Greg flew with him back home, and Skyler invited him in for a drink. Leo had some bottled beer in the fridge, and they toasted the dragon's success. Sadly, the lion was still at the sheriff's station, so they were alone in the house.

"I can't believe how sensual it felt up there." he told his teacher.

"Wait 'til you have sex up there, it's really intense!" Greg replied. He moved over on the couch until he was next to the dragon, "I could tell how much it turned you on." he added, and placed a furry hand on Skyler's sheath.

The weredragon looked at him lustily, and placed his own scaled green hand on Greg's covered phallus. Carefully, he pushed the tip of his index finger talon into the opening on the gryphon's furry sheath and carelully caressed the pointed tip of the hidden penis, which swelled and emerged from it's hiding place. Skyler leaned forward until his muzzle was close to the gryphon's sex, and inhaled. Greg's musk was pleasant, and he noted it was different from that of either Leo or Harold.

Opening his mouth, the dragon stuck his tongue out and began to gently lick the head of Greg's dick. Greg laid his head back until his beak pointed to the ceiling and moaned in pleasure.

"Oh yes, that's it. That feels good." he moaned.

Encouraged, the dragon took the full length of gryphon-meat into his muzzle and sucked it deep. Skyler then used his tongue to push the phallus completely out of his muzzle, then, putting his lips to the side of the gryphon dick, sucked at it as he turned his head slightly towards the tip of the shaft to guide the motion he was creating. The effect was that Greg's cock was bent and pulled backwards into the dragon's mouth until the head finally disappeared into his warm mouth. Greg shuddered at the special attention and exclaimed : "Oh fuck!" in a low voice that was full of wonder. The dragon smiled at the reaction, glad he'd pleased his partner. He repeated it several times for good measure, bringing groans and verbal encouragement from the recipient.

The dick was very nice; nine inches long and an inch and a quarter thick. The tip was narrow, but there was no rough patch behind the tip like on Leo's. Skyler enjoyed the firm member as Greg moved his hips forward and back, again and again as he face fucked the reptilian head. The dragon sucked down the precum as it started to dribble out of the gryphon's prick, and sucked hungrily at it as the flow increased.

Suddenly, Skyler felt hands on his head pushing him away. Bewildered, he complied and looked up into Greg's eyes. "I don't want to cum yet." Was the reply, before he bent over to the dragon's own member, stiff, but forgotten until now.

Skyler wanted to lean back to enjoy it, but the wings prevented it. Instead, he sat still while the gryphon set to his chosen task. Greg rubbed his beak along the length of the thick shaft of the dragon, and a trail of precum smeared along it's tough side from base to tip as he moved. He wiped his hand along his beak as though it were a sacred rite, and licked the tasty fluid from his palm. He smiled up at Skyler, and took the phallus into his beak.

The scaly creature sucked in his breath in a gasp as Greg sucked, licked and chewed on his cock. The tongue and fleshy interior of the beak were feather-soft, while the hard textured edges of the beak's shell were firm and strong. He heard the gryphon's moans of pleasure as he serviced Skyler, and added his own groans to the symphony of passion. Greg guzzled his precum like a true bird as he sucked away.

For quite awhile, Greg enjoyed the huge dragon-meat until he sat up. Skyler was a bit annoyed as he was close, but decided to be patient.

"Would you like to become a gryphon too?" he asked.

"Sure. You want to become a dragon?"

Greg shook his head. "I can't, I'm not a were - I'm a traditional gryphon-morph. You could try, but without Leo's initial magick, it wouldn't take. But since you're a were, I can give you my form. I know the spell."

"How do you know it?"

"Leo taught me. Another new comer wanted to become a weregryphon, so Leo taught me the spell to do it."

"I want you. I wish I could lay on my back to do it, but my wings won't let me."

"You just need to learn how to position them properly. Here, I'll show you." He showed the dragon how to open his wings part way and flatten them against his back. As Greg laid him on his back, the gryphon had him close his wings some and relax the muscles in them more. Now Skyler was laying comfortably on his spine, the wings feeling no discomfort whatsoever.

"There, see? You just needed to relax." the gryphon said smiling.

He reached down to take the dragon's slightly softened phallus in his hand. The musk rose from Skyler's crotch, exciting him all over again as it's potency increased from the attention. He took Skyler's dragonhood into his beak again and suckled at the half-dried precum along the outside and head of the shaft.

Soon, he was hard again, and not breaking stride or contact with the reptile's dick, Greg lifted the scaled hips and pulled them to him, sliding the dragon's ass into his lap, with the long green tail between his legs. Reaching around the one hip, he grabbed his hard gryphon-hood and rubbed the precum soaked tip against Skyler's tailhole, smearing the natural lubricant onto the flexing ring of muscle.

Looking up without letting go of the oozing phallus in his beak, he locked eyes with his pupil and pushed the tip of himself past the barrier of flesh. Seeing the silent, open-mouthed gasp of pleasure from the reptile was all the go ahead he needed, and he slowly impaled the creature upon his firm dick. He pushed until his balls touched the green scaled ass and he was buried to the hilt.

His eyes still locked with Skyler's, Greg began to piston in and out of the dragon, causing the fellow were to push against him to meet each thrust. Soon, the two got into a rythm, and humped in unison as the dragon rode the gryphon's penis, their musks filling the air and spurring them onward.

Greg folded his wings down until they wrapped around his scaled partner, covering him. He took his beak off the large twitching phallus and pressed his furry chest against the scaly one as he ground away at the ass benieth him. Skyler brought his head up and the two rubbed muzzle and beak affectionately. Greg parted his beak, and Skyler slipped his tongue in to lick at the soft interior. Greg moaned loudly at this and when the dragon opened his muzzle, shoved his own tongue into the reptilian mouth. The two moaned and licked until the gryphon sped up his pace.

Suddenly the gryphon realized what he'd forgotten in their passion as he felt his climax building up. Pulling his beak away, he rapidly spoke the spell-chant, and just barely got the last syllable out as his cock burst it's thick odorous cream into the dragon. He felt something flow out of him into Skyler, and knew he'd succeeded... barely.

The feeling of the gryphon's hot seed filling him, the twitching of it inside his sensitive ass and the ginding of their torsos masturbating his own dick between them combined was too much for the dragon, and he unleashed his jism to splash all over their torsos and heads.

The two mythical creatures shuddered for awhile in the force of their orgasms until they finally subsided. Sated and weary, they laid there until a voice said: "Skyler, I can't leave you alone for a minute."

The two looked up to see a smiling Leo holding his spent lionhood in a firm hand. The proof of his own orgasm lay all over the bare wood floor. "How come we didn't hear you?" Greg asked.

"Hey, I can keep quiet when I want to. And with all the musk in here it's no wonder you didn't smell my presense, either."

Greg just sighed philosophically.


The gryphon stayed for dinner, and shared Skyler's success with the lion-sheriff. Leo was proud of his house-guest, and Greg promised to teach the dragon more about flying over the next several days. Skyler told them about the house in detail, and the full amout of damage to the floors. Leo winched at that, and asured the dragon that they'd come up with some way to help him.

As Skyler walked him to the door, the gryphon invited him to a weekly get-together of all the town's mythicals a few nights from now. In addition to the dragon and the gryphon, there would be a unicorn, a centaur, a salamander, a satyr, and an elf. Intrigued, Skyler agreed to attend.

Heading back in, he went upstairs for bed. Tomorrow, Leo would show him how to change shapes, then he had to work, then get together with Greg afterwards for more flying practice and training...


Skyler woke up early, and walked to Leo's room to find the lion still asleep. Heading downstairs to the kitchen, he rooted around quietly for something for he and his host for breakfast. Finding nothing they hadn't already had, he got an idea.

Padding softly upstairs, he got some of his cash and headed to the donut shop that was a five minute walk away. He soon returned with a full dozen box of multiple kinds (not knowing what kind the lion liked) to find the lion making a pot of coffee.

Leo wasn't a pretty sight in the mornings. There were bags under his eyes, the usual smile was replaced with a mostly blank - partially scowling expression, and his ears and tail hung listlessly. Skyler said good morning, which brought a mumbled reply that didn't sound like anything coming from the mouth of any known creature. It vaguely sounded like: "coffee." The dragon tried several more times to stimulate conversation, even showing the donuts he'd bought, but was only answered with moans and weak 'Hmph's.

The third cup of stinking dirty bean water (as Skyler thought of the noxious stuff) brought some semblance of the person he knew to the surface.

"Sorry," the lion appologized, "I'm useless until I've gotten a couple cups in me in the mornings." Finally showing interest in the donuts, he dug a paw in and pulled out a jelly one. "Is this it for breakfast?" he asked. At the dragon's nod, he rolled his eyes. "City folk! It's like they bury you people in the mud in the ass end of a cave somewhere for your childhood." The lion set about making a real breakfast for them.

By the time the 'proper' breakfast was over, Leo was his usual self once again.

"Ok, now we teach you how to change shapes. It's just like when you triggered your change into your dragon-form, only this time you have to call up a specific creature from the depths of your mind. We'll start with an easy one: human."

Skyler frowned at that, he had never liked being human, and wasn't too inclined to go back to his old ordinary self.

"Relax, you don't have to stay that way. I just want you to do it at least once, so you can do it again in the future. If you ever have to go to the human world again, you'll need to disguise yourself as one of them. Now close your eyes, and call up your human self in your mind, embrace it, and merge with it."

Reluctantly, Skyler closed his eyes and concentrated. He heard Leo moving something around. "Don't get distracted, just consentrate." The dragon did as told, and found his human form in his mind. He reached out to it as instructed, and brought it into himself. He felt the change begin...

Erotic sensations raced through his body, causing Skyler to moan in pleasure. His wings, tail and neck began to shrink, as his muzzle pulled inward. The teeth and tongue changed their shape to human configuations. The dragon's horns and talons retraced to become flat, wide fingernails as his skin paled and turned beige. The texture faded and he lowered his shrinking feet until he stood on flat human feet. The ridges on his arms and face shrank away, along with the armor plates along his neck and back. The membrane on his sheath disappeared as the sheath changed color and texture, while the penis inside transformed as well.

The neck was only a few inches long now, and the wings and tail were gone, along with the green color of the skin, the talons, and the scales. Hair sprouted on his head and body, dark brown in color, and his ears grew back, as nipples and a navel appeared on his torso in the traditional places. The sexual sensations caused his transformed phallus to grow hard, emerging from it's new foreskin to reveal a soft shiney purplish head that was round. It grew to a length of seven and a half inches and an inch thick. The transformation finished with an intense orgasm that wracked his body and drove him to his knees as he shot a load of cum onto the wooden floor of the lion's living room. Sadly, however, this orgasm only lasted a few seconds.

Once the last of it passed, he felt Leo help him to his feet with his eyes still closed. "Well, take a look," the lion said.

Puzzled, the were opened his eyes, and was shocked with just how much he'd changed as he gazed into a full-length mirror the lion had set up during his change...

His face was as he remembered it, and he was the same height, with the same colored skin and hair. The hair was a little shorter than it's slightly overgrown length at the time he'd first changed. The eyes were the same as well.

There were only two differences as far as he could see, but they were enough. His body now sported an athletic muscular build, with sharply defined (but not huge) muscles. He still had the well deffined pecs, abs, arm, leg and neck muscles he'd had in his dragon-form. He admired these for a moment before he noticed the other change. His formerly cut dick now had a full foreskin over it, and seemed slightly larger than before. Reaching down, he pulled back the skin to reveal a head that was as smooth as glass and soft as silk. Touching it sent a spasm of sexual pleasure through him, it was alot more sensitive now as well!

Leo smiled at him. "Like the changes?" he asked.

"How did I get these muscles, and the foreskin? What did you do?"

"I think my great-grandfather had something to do with that. I suspect he added a muscle booster to the transformation initiation spell, he always did like a guy with well defined muscles! As for the foreskin, that's a natural part of the human body, so the transformation restored it to its normal form."

Skyler looked into the mirror in facination, he'd been worried he'd become plain old Ran again - the scrawny human he'd been when Leo had picked him up along the way here. Instead, he found a sexy human male staring back at him that he'd fuck in a heart-beat. He hadn't hated his body back then, but he wasn't very pleased with it. The changes made him feel powerful and desirable. His body had changed, but...

"What about my mind? Is it different too now, I mean different than when I was a dragon?"

"It's different than it was before you changed." Leo answered. "Your instincts are still animalistic, your physical senses are sharper than before, but not as much as in your other forms. Your libido is still alot stronger and more dominant than before, and you'll still want lots of sex. Other than that, you're pretty much normal. Just a horny, sexy feral-inclined human."

"But what if I want to change back?"

"Just use the same process I just taught you. You can change forms as often as you like, and at any time. As you get more used to changing, you'll be able to control how fast you change, and even be able to change only specific parts of your body. The more you work with it, the better you'll get and the more you can do, and faster too! Now, want to stay like this for awhile, or try one of your other new forms?"

"Well," the human form thought, "How about..." He consentrated on the desired form, and the change began.

The familiar erotic sensations swept over him again and he gave into them, moaning loudly as he ran his hands over his torso lustily. His hair grew longer and sprouted form all of his neck and shoulderblades. Golden fur grew all over his body will his finger and toe nails thinned and grew into sharp tan claws. A long tin tail appeared from the base of his spine and grew to a three foot length. His face pushed out into a muzzle as whiskers poked out of his transforming cheeks. His teeth became pointed and the canines lengthened into large fangs. The tongue flattened and widened, growing short bristly hairs along it's top side, and his eyes became slit-pupiled.

The phallus pulled back towards his torso a few inches, and he cupped his newly furry balls in a paw-like hand. The penis pushed free of it's new sheath, and the head narrowed to a tip as the dick stiffened. The area behind the tip developed a rough gravel-like texture. His voice deepened to lustful growls and murrs.

The transformation concluded in typical fasion for the new werelion as sexual convulsions made him spasm as he stood there and his orgasm shot out onto the still damp floor-boards to mix with the human-form seed already spent. He let forth his first lionic roar in orgasmic pleasure until it passed a minute or so later.

Leo examined the fellow lion with approval. The new feline had lighter body fur than his own, the mane fur was darker and he was about three inches shorter than the town sheriff's primary beast-form. The face was slightly different also; it was a little rounder than his own. He smiled, "I like it!"

Skyler smiled a lionine smile, and walked over to him. Leo reached down and squeezed the tip of his new lionhood, causing the new cat to spasm at the touch. He chuckled, then looked at the mess his guest had created. "I guess we should clean this up." he said wistfully. "You have to leave for work soon."

Smiling, Skyler got down on hands and knees and began to use his tongue to lap up the spilt seed. After a moment, Leo joined him. Skyler noted the human cum tasted different from the lion cum, and enjoyed the taste of both as he put his new tongue to work.

After several minutes, Leo sat up and began to flick his tongue distastefully. "Remind me to wash these floors." He sighed with regret. "Damn, I need to get going if I'm going to get to the station on time. We'll have to have our lion-on-lion fun later." He stroked the other feline's ass longingly, then collected his work tools and left.

Once they'd finished, Skyler headed to work, he'd change back to dragon-form for his afternoon flying leasons later...

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.5-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.5- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Oral, Anal, Transformation, Rimming, Leather, Spanking, Agressive, Watersports, Slave & Master, Three-way, Multiple Orgasms, Nudity-public and private) ...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.3- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Oral, Anal, Self-sucking, Slave/Master, Watersports, Nudity-public and private, vanilla sex \*gasp!\*) {Weredragon, werebull/Minotaur, werelion, gryphon-morph,...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2- by Argouru (January, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, Nudity-public and private, Slightly agressive sex) {human, werelion, werebull, gryphon-morph, \*undisclosed-read on to see what\*, many...

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