:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8-

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life, Pt.8-

by Argouru

(Febuary, 2002)


(M/M, anal, rimming, animal behavior, self-exploration, self-sucking. )

{Werewolves, humans, weredragon}

[Author's note: One intense scene, and then some calmer scenes this time around, with a more intimate feeling. More plot this time too. Flammers shouldn't play with fire!]


Sunlight lanced in through the window, stabbing into Skyler's eyes like knives. Closing his human-form eyes, he buried his head under the covers, where his human-formed slave had already hidden himself. Martin laid there with his eyes closed, and Skyler laid there, admiring the slave's human face.

The Master stroked his slave's face gently, causing the slave to moan in pleasure slightly, opening his eyes as he stretched his muscles.

"Hey sexy," Skyler smiled, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"'Morning, Master. What time is it?"

"No idea. Don't really care, either," he said, pulling Martin closer to him. "Hey," he said, as something occurred to him, "You said you were born a wolf-morph, right?"

"Yes Sir, I was. I learned shape-changing magicks while I was in graduate school. Why?"

"Well, Greg said he couldn't learn other forms because he's a gryphon, but you're a wolf. What's the difference?"

Martin blushed slightly. "Well, Sir, some people are unable to use shape-changing magick. Greg's one of them. He's kind of embarassed about it, so I guess he lied to cover it up. I wouldn't mention to him, though, Sir. He'd probably get upset if he knew I'd told you. We tend to avoid talking about that kind of thing around folks who can't do it; out of respect."

"Oh. Ok, the secret's safe with me."

"Thank you Sir," Martin said, then shivered violently.

"You really aren't used to just skin, are you, Boy?" Skyler asked in concern.

"N-n-no, S-sir."

"Well go ahead and change to whatever form you wish. I don't want you to get sick just to please me. Your health matters to me too."

"Th-th-ank you Sir." Martin replied, Getting up off the bed. "I don't want to accidentally damage the sheets," he explained, then closed his eyes to concentrate.

Then greybrown lupine fur began to spread rapidly over his body, as he sighed in pleasure. He suddenly gasped as warmth engulfed his phallus. His eyes snapped open, and he looked down to see his master on his stomache on the corner of the bed, sucking on his cock.

As he moaned in pleasure, Skyler smiled up at him around the mouthful of were-meat. "Um hmm!" Skyler vocalized in approval and pleasure, as his slave transformed.

Skyler groaned lustily as his slave's dick changed within his mouth; the head disolving into a tapered tip. An extra firmness made it more rigid as the bone that ran along the length of the canine member formed inside of it, and the temperature increased while it grew longer and thicker. Watery precum began to pour in a thin stream from his piss-slit, and Skyler drank the nectar eagerly. The furry sheath developed at it's base, the short soft fur brushing against Skyler's lips as he suckled and licked it's expossed contents that he buried lustily down his throat.

Skyler had to rise up on his hands, from his position on the mattress as Martin's feet became digitigraded canine paws, and his heels rose up off the floor, making him taller, and he began to feel a breeze as Martin's tail emerged and began to wag lazily back and forth.

Martin placed his hands on either side of Skyler's head, and rode his Master's mouth slowly. Skyler felt claws begin to poke into his skin as the wolf's claws grew out from his fingers, and revelled in the extra sensation as he ran his tongue slowly and deliberately over his slave's wolfmeat. He was temped to transform himself, but wanted to enjoy Martin's transformation without distraction. Besides, the thick sexy musk radiating from Martin's transforming genitals has making his head swim in a pleasurable way, making him even hornier.

Skyler looked up as Martin growled, then lowered his blackening face, and the Master watched as the the now lightly fur-covered human face pushed out gradually into a canine muzzle, the teeth changing into pointed lupine ones and the tongue becoming wide and flat. His mouth lengthening as his nose became black, leathery and triangular. The upper lip became clefted, and short whiskers poked free along the sides. Martin's ears grew fuzzy and triangularly pointed as they rose up the sides of his head. A few more whiskers poked free from the eyebrows as his face stretched out, and the fur filled in over his face.

The wolf's growls grew more feral as his muscled chest swelled, and he opened his eyes. Skyler watched the eyes in facination, his oral attention to the penis unwavering, as the irises enlarged until the whites of the eyes were no longer visible, and they changed colors from a light brown to gold.

Martin's growls became more urgent; shorter, and louder as his transformation came to it's conclusion. With a wet and sticky pop, his swelling knot burst free of his sheath. Skyler snarled around the wolfen erection, and grabbed the knot in one hand, and the base of the shaft behind it in the other, and squeezed hard.

Martin snarled like a feral beast at the treatment, and when his tool shuddered within the soft, wet throat, he howled loudly as his shaft exploded down his Master's gullet, his glowing golden eyes locked onto the human ones.

Skyler gave him a few minutes to calm down, and also to guzzle down the copious amount of werewolf sperm, then once Martin's orgasm faded and rationality returned, Skyler got up off the bed and roughly shoved Martin down onto his furry back.

He stood over the slave, stroking his own hard erection. Martin moved to touch it.

"No! You be a good little puppy, and watch. You just lay back and watch what you do to me, you sexy beast!"

Skyler reached within, but found himself drawn more to the wolven form than the draconic. He realized he enjoyed being a wolf, and he could share the same pleasures his slave felt naturally. It was also more practical while indoors. He pulled it to him with a mental snarl of lust, and the transformation began as he slowly stroked his maleness.

Black fur burst through his skin, and power flowed into every muscle. He rose up to the balls of his feet as they changed to digitigraded wolven ones, and his toe and fingernails grew into claws.

Martin sighed in awe as his Master, assumed the form Martin loved him in most. He breathed deep, taking in the canine musk that began to fill the air.

Skyler growled as he continued to masturbate his transforming phallus, the head devolving into a tapered tip as the sheath grew out, covering in short black fur. The tail emerged, and began to wave back and forth in pleasure as the euphoric sensations flowed throughout his body.

He kept his eyes open and locked onto those of his slave, just as when Martin had changed forms, and the slave moaned appreciatively as his Master's eyes changed into golden canine ones. He began to growl and snarl like a rabid animal as he freed his canine agressiveness.

Skyler's muzzle thrust forward, the teeth and tongue stretching and reshaping in his open mouth as the lips blackened along with the rest of his skin. The nose and ears changed shapes and positions, the upper lip clefted and whiskers emerged on muzzle and eyebrows. the fur of his shoulders - no, his hackles, he thought - flared slightly as his aggression rose, and his muscles swelled with power.

Martin kept his eyes on his Master's, his Alpha's as the changing creatures feral side rose from the darkness of his transforming mind. He shivered in anticipation of the release of his Master's power. Their combined musk filled the air even more, almost chokingly as they became more and more arroused, driving their lust even further.

Skyler dropped to all fours, releasing his hard shaft, then moved up between Martin's wide open legs to his property's throat. Snarling in lust as he seized the slave's - No! the omega's! - throat in his powerful jaws.

Martin submitted willingly, and raised his arse as he felt the jabbing member stabbing at his crotch. He yipped in shock and pain as the rock hard shaft impaled his sphincter, and Skyler let out a muffled, satisfied growl, then began to piston rapidly in and out of the omega's tailhole.

Martin whimpered rythmically as the knot was repeatedly rammed into, then was torn forcefully from his rear passage, until it suddenly swelled larger, trapping him on his Alpha's dick, tying them together. Skyler slammed his omega's canine arse rapidly, his growls and snarls becoming more urgent as he kept a strong muzzle lock on the furry throat beneith him.

Martin looked sideways, his eye locking onto the feral, lust-crazed one of the black werewolf mounting him. He pushed eagerly against the invading dick, urging it to fill him even more. He moaned and whimpered as Skyler's soft belly fur stroked his still hard phallus, teasing it's hyper-sensative length with sensual pleasure, and another orgasm began to build up within him. The musk that filled their lungs brought forth their feral sides with a vengeance.

Suddenly Skyler released his hold on Martin's throat, and began to hump even faster and harder, growling and snarling at the omega, their eyes locked onto each others', baring his fangs and showing the lesser wolf just how powerful and savage he truely was. He dug all of his claws into the floor as he remained on all fours like the animal he had become, his muscles bulging with strength. His ears laid back and his tail rigid as his hackles rose, making the fur on his back raise up and making him seem to increase in size. He slammed Martin's tailhole with monstrous force and speed, causing Martin to slide back and forth along the floor from the strength of their mating.

Skyler's body began to sudder violently, as if in seizure, and he snarl-howled at the top of his lungs into Martin's face as he filled his property with his power, the masculine seed gushing like a river into the warm soft passage he as tied to.

Overcome with lust, Martin howled as well, as cum burst forth from his own hard wolfdick, spraying all over the fur of their torsos and arms. Skyler's muscles gave out, and he collapsed onto Martin, still growling and snarling, but lowly and weakly from exhaustion.

They laid still, panting violently as they came down from their lust, their blood cooled, and rational thought slowly returned as the Alpha's knot slowly shrank, bringing eventual - but unwanted - freedom from the tying...


Skyler hurried as fast as he could, letting out occassional canine groans of worry, fearing that he wouldn't get there in time. His furry wolfen hand-paws grabbing the necessary items while trying not to drop anything. Every second counted against him. He wasn't going to make it!...

"Hurry, Sir! Before it's too late!" His canine slave shouted from the other room in a paniced voice.

Finally the were managed to gather everything into his arms, and hurried out of the kitchen to his wolf-slave partner's side - just in time, too. Skyler climbed over the couch and settled into place as 'Far Star' started.

"Next time ~you~ make the popcorn," the Master said in annoyance. He frowned at himself though, he ~had~ volunteered to make it himself. Sighing, he settled down with his mate to enjoy the show.

He didn't notice Martin's scratching until the second commercial.

"You alright?" he asked in concern as the brown wolf-slave had been scratching himself here and there all along.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is, I've been like this all afternoon." Martin answered.

The show came back from commercial, and they dropped the subject until it was over. By then, however, Skyler was itching as well.

"What the hell..." he griped.

"Let me see, Sir," his slave said, and began to comb through his master's shoulder fur with his claws. "Oh crap!" he sighed, and showed the black wolf what he'd found. "I'm afraid we've got fleas."

"What?!?" the master said, looking at the tiny thing in the servant's fingers. It was a flea all right.

"I must've gotten them when I was working on the wiring in that barn over in Burkitsville. Come on." he said, leading the fellow wolf outside and over to the slave's house. They went up to the bathroom, and climbed into the bathtub after Martin made a bubble bath using a mixure designed for killing parasites.

It was an interesting expirience for Skyler, who hadn't had a bubble bath in many years. Martin dunked his head under the water, and when he came up his fur was slicked down and a pile of suds on top of his head. The black wolf started laughing.

"Oh yeah?" the brown canine said, and shoved his master's head under the suds.

When Skyler came up, he looked even worse that his slave, who snickered.

The two weres continued to play for awhile longer before draining the water from the tub.

Martin closed the glass doors, then got down on all fours. "Watch your eyes, Sir." the slave said, and shook himself off in the manner of a true canine.

Skyler watched him do this in a mixure of humor and arousal. The brown wolf looked very sexy like that. Watching the wolf shake off caused him to want to do the same, in the manner of when someone yawns, but he waited 'til Martin got out and closed the door behind himself.

The black wolf got down onto all four paws and began to shake. The skin and fur shifted in opposite directions as he twisted his head and torso back and forth. His balls and sheath smacked alternately against each thigh as the room rocked quickly side to side in an arc. He felt gravity go crazy in and around him in a vertigo effect as the water was flung off him in all directions. He stopped after a few seconds, before he started to get dizzy.

The totally animal action had triggered a change in him as he shook, and once he'd stopped, he felt more like a true wolf than a werewolf. His mind didn't think in sentences like human and sentient type creatures did, or worry about what others would think. He now thought in ideas and feelings, just like a calmer form of when his lustful instincts overpowered rational thought patterns. Sights, sounds, tastes, textures and smells were the basis for his thoughts. His human side wasn't gone, nor was it supressed. He was consciously aware of himself and his thoughts and actions. He knew he could go back to a 'human' way of thinking, but decided to stay like this for awhile.

He wanted to get dryer, so used his human side to open the door, then got out while still on all fours. His mate looked down at him in curiousity, and saw the look in his eyes. The black wolf looked at his mate appreciatively as he sat back, his lower legs folding under him.

Martin looked at his master for a moment before he understood; Skyler's wolfen mind had surfaced and he was enjoying the expirience. The slave thought it would be good to get away from his troubles and stress from dealing with others, and sat down in the same manner as the black wolf. Martin had spent his entire life able to switch freely between intellectual mind and animal mind. There was no fear of loosing himself, just as he knew Skyler had complete control over his mental nature as well. The brown wolf let go of his intellectual self until the wolfen side took control.

The two wolves got up to their four paws and walked out of the bathroom, down the hall and into the bedroom. They stayed on the floor, curling up on a thick rug of fake fur which laid between the door and the foot of the bed. They sat down on the rug as the central heat kicked on, sending a breeze of warm air to them. The scent of wet canines was strong in the air, but neither of the two were replused by the smell, it was just natural that they smelled that way.

If they had chosen to exercise their rational minds, they would have been surprised that how gentle they were being with each other, in contrast with how they had behaved during their last mating. Both were enjoyable, but at the moment, they were calm and at peace with the world, rather than fueled by aggresive tendencies, and wanted to relax and take things easy at the moment.

The black canine sniffed his mate's tailhole in interest, then began to lick it. The brown wolf watched this carefully, not moving a muscle (everywhere except in his tailhole, that is,) as he let his Alpha have his way. The black wolf dug his tongue deep into the expossed hole, murring as the muscles clenched around his invading length of flesh. The black wolf pulled his tongue out, got up and mounted his lover, his now hard wolfdick gaining quick and easy entry into the soft warm interior of the brown wolf benieth him.

The black furred chest pressed against the brown furred back as the Alpha found his rythm. He fucked quickly, seeking release as his knot swelled and freed itself from the sheath. He humped faster, and finally drove the knot in, causing his mate to let out a groan of combined pleasure and pain. He licked the side the the brown wolf's head to comfort him, which the lower canine returned in gratitude.

The alpha began to hump again, and started to moan softly as he got harder. The smells of their musks combined in the air with the scent of wet canine fur, and spurred them onward as they mated.

The black canine pumped frantically in short strokes as the knot that kept them bound together hindered his movements. Finally he groaned as his seed shot out into the ass of the greybrown wolf.

The swollen knot rubbing against his prostrate was the final push for the lower canine, and he sprayed his wolfcum out onto the wooden floor.

They stood there on all fours for awhile until the black wolf's dick softened enough to slip out of his mate's tailhole. They then laid back down to rest. Skyler licked his mate's face affectionately, which the brown wolf returned. Feeling groggy, the two laid down and soon fell asleep nose to tail.


The sound of the phone ringing a few hours later startled them both from their slumber. Skyler whipped his head around in shock to the source of the sound, and after a moment, his intellectual side recognized it for what it was and he calmed down. With a groan of regret, he let his intellectual side re-assert itself, and he walked over to pick it up on his hind paws, uh, ...feet, he corrected himself.

"Hello? Yeah, he's here, what's that? Sure, just a moment." He turned to Martin who got up to his full height. "Someone wants to talk to you, they say it's an 'electrical emergency'."

Martin took the phone and looked as if he was shaking his head mentally to fully shift over to rational thought. "Hello? Yes. Oh wow, really? Sure, sure I'll be right there!" he said, looking at his master for permition, who nodded his approval.

Martin hung up the phone and turned to his owner with a sad smile. "So much for my time off. Well, at least I can charge them extra for off hours work."

"Who was it?" the master asked.

"The hospital. The power went out in the labs, and they can't wait for morning for the electric company to send someone out from Larksmoor. There are medicines and other stuff that's perishable and can't be left to thaw out. I'm sorry to take off like this, Master."

"It's ok, that's what I get for marrying a buisness man, er, wolf," the master corrected himself. "Just be careful, ok?" He was concerned as Martin still looked somewhat tired.

"Yes, Sir," the slave said softly, then they headed downstairs. Skyler helped him get ready, and watched the greybrown wolf take off in his work truck.

Sighing, Skyler closed the front door behind him and walked back to his own home.

He went into the living room and settled down to watch some t.v.


After flipping through the channels fruitlessly for over an hour, he got up and headed upstairs. In the bedroom, he caught sight of his wolfen form in the mirror on the bathroom door. He walked over and inspected himself after pushing the door around until it rested against the bedroom wall - thanks to the way the hinges were designed.

He thought he looked pretty good as a wolf, what with the thick black fur and piercing golden eyes. It was certainly easier to get around in this form, rather than his own draconic main form. Much as he liked his primary were-form, the wings tended to get in the way alot. The flat furry back of the wolf-form was much more practical.

Skyler ran his clawed fingers through his thick chest-fur, enjoying the sensation. *Besides, I really like this fur - not to mention the influence Martin has on me.* he thought. His thoughts turned to the slave. Martin was a great match for him, what with his versatility, easy going nature, lack of hang-ups, emotional stability and eagerness to please. Skyler was glad they'd met and became a couple - even if it wasn't a 'conventional' gay couple.

The master didn't mind, it felt good to be needed. Martin seemed to enjoy being a slave immensely as well. He'd talk with the wolf more later to see if they both wanted to change anything, but the black wolf was sure they'd end up together for a long time no matter what changes - if any - occurred. Skyler knew of one thing he'd like to change, but it would have to wait 'til later.

He walked over to the bed and flopped down, tucking his tail between his legs in order to be able to lie comfortably on his back. He lifted his hand-paw to examine it: the claws weren't razor-sharp, but still and points and edges to them that would make anyone who got struck with them take serious notice. The fingers were a tinny bit shorter than before though, and slightly thicker. The palms were black and thickly calloused with a grainy texture. They were suprisingly soft and sensative, rather than rough like the pads on a true wolf.

He sat up and looked in the mirror to see his canine face looking back in interest. The ears were fully erect and as he opened his mouth, he moved the lips to create different facial expressions. He did a mock-snarl, lolled his tongue out the side of his mouth, and every other expression he could think of. His tail began to thump against the bed to show his amusement.

He pilled up some pillows and laid back into them. His gaze feel to his groin and he took his limp sheath in his hand-paw. He examined the soft limp membrane that connected the sheath to his torso, then the sheath itself.

Carefully, he inserted the tip of his index claw into to opening on the front of the furry tube, and moved the claw around in a circle. He murred at the feeling, and noticed that the sheath was swelling and the membrane was contracting, pulling his sheath up to point at his head. He pulled the claw out as he felt the tip of his dick press against it. The red tappered end pushed out into the open as Skyler stroked his sheath back and forth.

He sniffed the air, catching the scent of his freed wolfcock, and the smell mixed with his strengthening musk made him even hornier. He looked closely at the dick, which was growing redder as it hardened - filling with blood, and took it in his hand. He bent over so he could look closer at it, and found his spine was much more flexable than when he was in dragon-form. He bent forward until he was able to take himself into his muzzle.

The sensations made his head swim from the intensely erotic sensations in his dick, which spasmed and hit the roof of his mouth. He cupped his furry testicles in his hand and squeezed them gently. The scent of his musk rose up to his nostrils, and Skyler drank it in through his hyper-sensative nose. He licked the cock-tip and tasted his precum. He lifted his head up off himself to look at the penis again. It was a deep red now, and he felt lumps developing inside the sheath.

The black werewolf stroked himself more until the lumps on his shaft forced the sheath down and the knot freed itself with a wet popping sound. Skyler gasped with shock and pleasure as the air hit the sensative nerves on his knot. He examined the lumps with interest as he stopped stroking, and frowned after a moment as they began to shrink away. He stroked his dick until they firmed up again.

Looking at them, he was suprised to see that they looked almost like testicles, rather than a solid lump as he'd thought. He was always too busy having sex to notice how the knot was truely formed before. The lumps were smaller than his balls, being about two thirds the size of the testicles. They were positioned on the sides of the underside of the shaft, and stood out ward to the sides, making them look alot like testicles. He massaged them, and spasmed in pleasure from the touch.

Sitting up, he took the member back into his muzzle and proceeded to lick at the swollen glands of the knot, sucking his precum down his throat as he pleasured himself. The musk grew stronger as he grew harder still and his nuts firmed up tight. He moaned in a fully canine voice as the feelings grew stronger until he released his own seed into his muzzle.

The taste was strong, but suprisingly pleasant as he tried to swallow it all. He was unsuccessful though, and a large amount of it oozed out the sides of his mouth to soak into his fur. He swooned and moaned as he came, trying not to hurt himself as he convulsed.

Finally after what felt like forever, the feelings faded and the flow of cum slowed and stopped. Sated and feeling peaceful, he laid back to rest. But his breathing continued to slow until the rythm of the were's breathing was slow and deep as slumber claimed him...


Darkness surrounded him. He was alone, outdoors in the wilderness in the middle of a moonless night. There was a cold harsh wind that came down out of the overcast sky and tore through the trees and brush to whip at his black fur. The air smelled of rain and ozone, and a sudden blast of lightning struck the ground a few yards from him. Frightened, his animal insticts took over and he ran on all fours, crashing through the bushes and long grass to escape the storm. Another lightning flash hit the earth near him, driving him off to the side. He ran up a slope as rain began to slash fiercely, hitting his back sharply like knives. Suddenly there was a flash that surrounded him and hit him like a fist...


Skyler bolted upright in the bed, letting out loud canine yipes of fear for several seconds before he saw he was in his room... safe. He stopped, and finally got his intellectual side to re-asert itself. His heart-rate slowed as he calmed down and his fur - which was standing on end with his hackles raised - began to smooth back down, but the were shivered uncontrollably dispite the fairly warm air in the house.

He got up and went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out with cool water. He looked at his reflection to see a sliver of white around the edges of his eyes - they were so wide from his fear. *What a nightmare!* he thought in awe.

He walked downstairs to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. Pulling out a bottle of Tequila, he opened the bottle and took a swig, wincing at the taste. He walked around for a few minutes, pacing along the main floor of the house, and was part way up the stairs when the phone rang. Sighing, he walked back down into the kitchen to answer it.


"~Hello, is this 'Skyler'?~" asked a male voice that sounded small through the phone.

"Yes, who's this?"

"~This is the hospital, do you know a wolf named 'Martin'?~"

"Yes. Why?" Skyler asked, his hackles rising again in alarm.

"~There's been an accident. Would you please come down here as soon as possible?~"

"Is he alright?!?" Skyler asked as his voice rose in fear.

There was a pause on the other end that seemed to last an eternity. Finally the male on the phone said: "~I don't know, they're still working on him. Your phone number was on his file under emergency contacts.~"

"I'll be right there!" Skyler said, and hung up quickly.

He started to walk away, then turned back to the phone. He dialed a familiar number, but there was no answer. Growling in fustration, he slammed it down. After a second, he remembered the second number he'd been given, and dialed. He went to hang up on the fourth ring when Harold's deep voice came on frantically:


"It's Skyler. Martin was hurt at the hospital, I don't know how bad it is, but I'm on my way there now. You're the only person I called."

"~Alright, I'm over in Marvinsgate, I'll head out now. I'll call his family on the way, and meet you there in about thirty minutes, ok?~"

"Ok," Skyler said, and hung up.

He raced up to the attic, climbed the ladder, and went up through the hatch. Slamming it down, he concentrated and quickly shifted to dragon-form. Leaping into the air, he flew quickly into the night...

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9 by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, 69, Rimming, masturbation, mutual masturbation.) {Weredragon, werebull, human, werelion, werewolves, weredog (Irish Setter), werebear, ox-morph} [Author's...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.7-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.7- by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, quick-transformation, docking, worship, sounding, transformation.) {Werehumans, werewolf, werebear, werebull, every kind of creature imaginable, humans} ...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.6- by Argouru (January/Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, Transformation, Oral, Anal, S & M, Leather, Blood - no deaths though! Rimming, Horse Role-play, 2-Way Fucking, Nudity-public and private) {Werebull,...

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