:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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  • A New Life, Pt.10

by Argouru

(M/M, oral, anal, 69, tailfucking, group sex)

{Werewolf, werebull, werebear, Siamese-morph, sex plant, many others.}

[Author's note: One REALLY long scene this time, hope you enjoy it dispite the length (unless you're a size-queen!) A very special scene this time as well. Flammers are served best in a light broth with a side of creamed mushrooms and a nice white wine.]


The next day after Skyler finished his shift at the hardware store, he returned home in wolf-form and got into a chest harness, chaps, codpiece jock strap with a pouch covered in chrome studs, vest and gauntlets. He then walked over to Harold's house as they'd agreed last night. The bull was dressed in an 'X'-style chest harness, vest, codpiece pants, arm bands and cap - all in black leather and chrome. Skyler looked him up and down, smirking.

"What?" the bull asked.

"A bull wearing leather... Doesn't that make you the minotaur version of 'Leatherface'?"


"He was this killer from a movie series. He liked to cut his vicitms' faces off and wear them as masks."

"What kind if sick shit is that? What kinds of stories do they tell in the Earth world?"

"Well, I'm just asking if you think you're a canibal, or something. It is a little odd... first beef jerky, now this."

Harold mock-frowned at him. "You didn't complain the last couple of times I wore leather."

"Well, I think I had my mouth full, most of the time!" the wolf teased.

"Smart-ass! You want me to leave you here? Or maybe I can just gag and hogtie you, then strap you to the hood! Give everyone a show!" the minotaur threatened, his smile showing his threats for friendly jibbing. "Give the neighbors more to talk about... Unless you still want them going on about that three-way we had in Martin's kitchen!"

"You'd do it, too, wouldn't you?" the canine countered, in mock horror.

"Damn right, SLUT!" Harold answered heartily, swatting the furry ass peeking out of Skyler's chaps. He then led the way out to his truck, and they both got in.


They drove to the city's gay district and found a parking place before heading down the street. Harold and Skyler walked into the leather shop in the city and started looking around. Ben came up and greeted them cheerfully. The bear was wearing a full-torso harness, leather wrist bands and denim shorts.

"Hey there! Back so soon?" the proprietor asked, recognizing Skyler by scent.

"Looking for something special." the black wolf-form answered.

"Maybe I can help. What're ya looking for?"

Skyler described the object in detail.

"You're in luck! I've got one left," the bear said, and led the way to a back corner of the store.

On a shelf sat one last remaining number of the desired item. Skyler was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a spotlight shining down on it from above, what with the way it looked in it's resting place. He picked it up and examined it closely, noticing the weight, thickness and design. There was a flat chrome plate on it like he wanted. Skyler tried it on to make sure it would fit right. He then handed it to Ben, and they walked to the counter. He described what he wanted added.

"Sounds nice," the bear said with a smile. "It'll take awhile, though."

"That's fine, I want to show him around anyways," Harold said, indicating the wolf.

"Stop back by in about an hour. I'll have it finished by then."


The bull led the way down the street to a large two-story building made of red bricks that looked like a warehouse. They walked up to a large steel roll-up door that had a large set of hinged steel double-doors built into it. Harold opened it and stepped in with Skyler following.

They were in an entranceway that was about the size of a large closet. There was another steel door on the far wall, which they passed through.

The room beyond covered the entire inside of the building and not only took up the building's two floors, but also desended into a basement level. The floors were metal paneling, steel guard rails and fencing formed walls around the room, and the middle of the first and second floors were open to allow one to look down on the lower levels. The lighting was somewhat dim, coming from factory lights and florescent strips hanging by chains from the ceiling of each level. Everything was in variations of concrete gray, steel gray, chrome, brick red and black.

Tables, stools, benches, slings, racks and other furniture both sexual and non, filled the building. Males of countless species were either roaming around or engaged in sexual activities alone, with a partner or in groups. Some were nude, others were in leather, latex, spandex, cowboy gear, uniforms, overalls, coveralls, and many other types of clothing the wolf couldn't name. The place was obviously a sex club - the first Skyler had ever been to in his life.

In addition to the sights were the sounds and scents. Moans, groans, growls, shouts, and voices of countless males filled the building. The scents both fresh and stale of sweat, musk, piss, cum, precum, small amounts of blood, water, beer, alcoholic drinks and the various patrons of the establishment filled Skyler's nose and aroused him to the point where he quickly felt the tip of his dick pressing against the top of the inside of his codpiece.

"Welcome to 'Essex', the best gay sex club on the continent!" Harold said after a few moments. "I thought you'd like to see it. This is where I met Martin."

"I thought you said you met him in a bar?" the black wolf asked in confussion.

"There's a bar on the bottom level. Come on, I'll show you around."

As they walked, a canine creature passed them. He was totally furless. The sight was pretty odd looking to Skyler, but kind of interesting in a way.

"Check him out." Skyler said.

Harold looked the figure over and shrugged. "I never got into body-shaving personally. Too cold for my taste!" He shivered as he continued on, the wolf following.

They reached an area with a dip in the floor in which sat a kangaroo surrounded by a rhino, bear and winged demon who were all pissing on him. The kangaroo seemed to be enjoying himself immensly from the 'shower' as he masturbated and moaned. "Uh yeah Mates! Wash me down. Ah jiminy that feels good." he was saying in an Austrailian accent.

Skyler got a jolt as he noticed that the marsupial's genitals seemed to be upside-down, the testicles bouncing around slightly ~above~ his expossed penis. "What the...?!?"

Harold followed his gaze. "Many of them are like that, but not all. Some 'roos are or animalistic, and the rest are more humanoid with 'traditional' equipment. This one can be pretty fun, though... I've had him several times."

The two watched for a moment before continuing on. In a sling, a ram was being fisted by a fox. A satyr was tied to a flogging post, being lightly whipped by a turtle. They passed a centaur who was fucking a stallion bent over beneith him while sucking the dick of a human wearing a cowboy hat, gloves, chaps and boots in brown leather who stood before him.

Skyler watched the trio of human, horse and centaur (who was parts of both) in interest until a mental image of an evolutionary chart sprung into his mind, and he hurried away before he started laughing. *First the man, then the horse, then the centaur?* he asked himself, trying hard not to giggle. *Or is it the horse, then the man then the centaur? Or maybe...*

Harold led the way down to the bar on the bottom level. Once they reached the lowest level, Skyler saw the middle of the floor was covered in plants made of tenticle-like vines, blue and red flowers, and wide spade shaped leaves. A white line on the floor marked off a gap surrounding the plants. He saw a couple of people tangled up in the vines, and discovered after a closer look that the folks were actually having sex with the plants. His jaw dropped a little in shock. "What is that?" he asked in wonder.

Harold chuckled and laid his arm around the wolf's shoulder. "Those my friend are 'Eroticanis Florotia' better known as orgy plants, sex plants, and by many other names. See that white line on the floor? Pass it and you'll be within the plants' reach. See, not only animals evolved on our world, but some of the plants did too. Orgy plants survive by absorbing protein, and cum is one of the most potent sources of it. These babies have developed ways to get it from any willing donor. They put off a smell from those blue flowers that's just like musk, and the tenticles have mouths on the ends. They even can excrete the parts of the fluid they can't absorb as a cum substitute to stimulate orgasms in their donors. These green plants are pretty gentle, but stay away from the blue ones on the far side of the room, they're the more agressive ones." The bull turned Skyler to look him in the eye. "But if you ever see a yellow one, keep away from it! Those ones are carnivorous. Once they have you, they'll milk you for as much cum as they can, then eat you!"

Harold then pointed to a steel door that led into a room that was totally closed off from the rest of the club. There was a german sheppard guard standing at the door, looking serious. A panther approached the door, but was stopped by the sheppard, who talked lowly to him. the panther looked shocked at what he'd been told, and shaking his head frantically, hurried away. Harold sighed with releif, and said in a low and serious voice: "See that room? What ever you do, don't go in there, ever!"

Skyler looked at the door in interest. "Why, what's in there?"

"Voraphiles. Anyone who goes in there has about a fifty/fifty chance of getting out alive. Those who go in there are seeking to receive or give the ultimate - and final - sexual expirience of one's life. Folks in there like to kill their partners at the climax of sex, or be killed as they climax. Those guys scare the shit out of me." he whispered in fear. He turned to look at the wolf. "Please, promise me you'll never go in there-no matter what!"

Skyler saw the genuine fear in the minotaur, and answered: "I promise." He was too used to living anyways, to court such an expirience!

Harold saw the sincerity in the wolf's eyes and relaxed a little. "You've come to mean a great deal to me, Skyler. I don't want to loose you!" the bull said in a tender moment.

"You won't. Come on, let's get a drink!" he said towing the bull towards the bar.

As they walked past the sex plants, Skyler saw a Siamese fully engaged in one of them. One tenticle was latched onto his cock, another shoving itself down his throat, a third buried up his tailhole, one latched onto each of his nipples and many others wrapped around his arms and legs, holding the feline suspended in mid-air as the tenticles stroked back and forth in his orifices and over his shaft. The cat was purring loudly in the plant's embrace.

"Are those things intelligent?" the wolf asked.

"They're sentient, but the mind is purely animal. Don't expect to be able to strike up a stimulating conversation. There's a few of the green ones and blue in town, I'll introduce you to the the green ones first," the bull chuckled, and followed the wolf into the bar area.

They each got a beer, and watched a golden retriever and an otter sixty-nining on the floor of the bar. They then continued to wander the building, making their way to the top level, where they came upon a gray bull fucking a lizard.

Harold pressed up against Skyler's back and reached around to squeeze a nipple in his fingers. The other hand grabbed the root of the wolf-form's tail and yanked on it, bringing a lustful moan from Skyler.

"You know what that reminds me of?" Harold asked in a low husky voice into the canine's ear, which swiveled back to him. "The first time we fucked. You remember that?"

"Yeah..." the wolf whispered back, his ears laying back in pleasure.

"And the time we first had sex? With Leo? Remember how much I wanted you? I want you now, the way I wanted you then. I've been saving myself for this. I opened you up with that spell, so I know you can take me. I haven't had you as a wolf yet... you wanna get fucked?"

"Oh yeah, give it to me. Ride my ass!" the wolf growled in pleasure.

Harold shoved him roughly to the floor. "Then get me ready!" he ordered.

Skyler turned around and began to rub his muzzle along the leather covered thighs of the minotaur, working his way up to the crotch. He licked and rubbed the firm bulge, his wiskers being tickled as they were bent out of the way. He then moved slowly and deliberately to the top of the pouch and dug his upper fangs into the gap between the pouch and the wall of the codpiece's separate halves.

He looked up into Harold's eyes for a moment, then with a snarl, yanked down and back to him - tearing off the pouch-shell of the bull's cod in one quick guesture - the metal snaps 'pap' ing in a quick rapid fire as they were pulled apart. Skyler immediately snapped at the massive bullcock, taking it into his muzzle suddenly and fiercely without damaging it. He let out a sadistic growl of pleasure at the way the minotaur jumped at the action, and began to aggressively suck on the thick tube of beef. A strange smell tainted the bull's musk for a moment, making him grow even more aggressive. But the strange odor faded to be replaced by the bull's natural musk as he was serviced. Skyler settled down as it faded, and went back to a more playful kind of aggressiveness as he continued to suck. He didn't recognize the fear-scent, and it's effect on his instincts for what they had been. He was glad he was able to calm down from that, and made a mental note to ask about it later.

Harold moaned as the wolf sucked on him, his heart-beat slowing some after the scare the canine had given him. He groaned in pleasure at the attention the wolf was giving him. He was fully hard now, and the scent of his own precum reached his nostrils, causing them to flare. He pulled the wolf off him, and looked him in the eyes.

Harold let his own aggressiveness take over, and shoved the wolf roughly down. Getting down on his knees - moving his hooves carefully to avoid tripping on them and falling, he grabbed the wolf and forcefully turned him over onto all fours. The bull turned him around to face away from him and detatched the strap going up the wolf-fom's ass. Positioning himself, the minotaur shoved his thick shaft into the wolf's tailhole, causing the canine to growl in pain and pleasure. The muscles of the anus clamped down hard around him.

Skyler groaned for a minute until the pain died away. Then let out a shuddering gasp as the bull sank in up to the hilt. "Ohhh..." he groaned in pleasure. Harold pulled out to the head of his dick, then shoved it roughly back in to the hilt again. "Ahh...!" the wolf moaned as the bull found his rythm. Skyler groaned and moaned loudly. There was pressure in his ass that was uncomfortable, but was accompanied by tingling sensations within him. He simultaneously wanted it to stop and go on forever. "Oh shit!" he growled.

"Yeah boy, it feels alot different now, huh? Your wolf ass is smaller than your dragon and bull forms, and now you're feeling every last vein and ridge of me fillin' you up. Take my fat bullcock!" Harold growled, and pounded the furry canine ass forcefully.

The gray bull picked up his lizard partner while still inside him and walked over to the two. "Want some company?" he asked Harold.

"Sure!" the brown bull said simply in interest.

The gray bull got down on his knees and twisted the reptile around on his dick until the lizard was facing upward. He then laid the reptile down on the floor and shoved him under the wolf.

Skyler groaned anew as the reptile's muzzle engulfed his hard dick after removing the codpiece's cover, and began to suck on it. He growled fiercely at the sensations on his tailhole and phallus, and dug his claws against the steel floor. He was shoved forward with each thrust into him, and tossed his head around in enjoyment. He hung his head down and opened his eyes to see the lizard's stiff dick pulsing in front of him. Growling lustfully, he pounced on it, sucking the firm flesh into his muzzle.

The lizard moaned as he was fucked by his bovine partner and sucked by the wolf, and wrapped his long thin tongue around the wolf's shaft. He raked his talons through the thick black fur as he lifted his tail. Once it found it's target, the tip of the tail thrust forward, burying itself up the gray bull's ass.

"AHH! Fuck yeah!" the recipient shouted in pleasure as he was penetrated. He leaned forward, Harold matching the movement, and they kissed deeply as they fucked their partners.

Harold broke off the kiss and rubbed his left horn against the right one of the fellow minotaur. They rubbed horns, enjoying the vibrations of the uneven texture of the hard ivory lengths that traveled down into their skulls. The gray bull moaned loudly into his face as he was tail-fucked by the lizard.

Skyler pushed alternately against the brown bull's dick and the reptile's muzzle, wanting the bullmeat more, but enjoying the lizard's muzzle as well. His knot burst free, and he rode Harold forcefully, snarling around the reptilian member as he got close.

Sensing the wolf's approaching orgasm, Harold pulled away from the gray bull and slammed Skyler's ass rapidly with all his strength. He lifted his head to the ceiling and roared loudly as he climaxed, filling the canine with his sperm.

Feeling the phallus swell and spasm inside him, Skyler lifted his head off the lizard to howl to the sky. Harold was still fucking him as he came, making the wolf convulse in furthur sensation as the lizard drank his wolven cream. he looked down to see the lizard begin to spurt, and grabbed the shaft, stroking it rapidly.

Finally the gray bovine bull-roared loudly as he shot into his reptilian friend.

The quartet moaned and panted as they came down, and laid there in their own fluids. Afterwards, the group hugged and parted company.

Skyler and Harold collected their cod pouches, and wandered around for awhile longer.

They stopped by the bar for a second beer, and the wolf asked: "What was that strange smell that came off you when I started sucking you?"

The bull thought back and looked at his friend to reply: "Fear! You scared the shit outta me when you snapped onto my dick like that! I thought you were gonna bite it off!"

Skyler laughed, and they finished their drinks before leaving the club - the hour was up.

They stopped back at the leather shop to pick up the finished item, then headed back to the truck and back home...


Skyler arrived home to find Martin in the bathroom, examining the bandages on his left arm.

"Hey," he said in greeting.

"Hi," the brown wolf said, smiling at his master - but the smile was tinged with worry.

"You haven't removed them yet?"

"I wanted you to be here when I took them off."

He looked scared, and Skyler walked over to comfort him. "You're scared."

"I know we regenerate, but I've never been hurt so badly. What if I'm crippled? I can't tell with these thick bandages on. I can barely move my hand, but what if that's the way it'll be for the reast of my life?"

"Hey, I'll still be here, no matter what."

Martin smiled a bit more strongly. "Thanks."

"Now let's get those bandages off before your fur grows through them."

Martin winced in mock hurt, then smiled at his master.

It took awhile with some scissors, but Skyler got all of it off except for the hand. The arm looked normal except for the fur being unusually flat from the wrappings.

"Ready?" Skyler asked, his hand on the edge of the gauze.

Martin nodded.

The black wolf pulled the bandage the rest of the way off to reveal the handpaw itself. The fur looked normal.

Martin turned over his hand to look at the palm, and winced. A scar a few cenimeters wide ran diagonally across the palm. It was a straight line that was about three cenimeters deep. Martin closed his hand into a fist, but the fingers stopped moving an inch or so short of making a fully closed fist. He began to whimper.

"Shh, It's alright. You haven't completely finished healing, have you?"

"I don't know, I'll have to talk to Leo to be sure..." the slave answered sadly.

"And you may just have to work it out some to re-strengthen the muscles. Maybe magick can fix it too."

"I guess so," Martin said sadly, not looking up from the scar.

"Hey," Skyler said, lifting the brown wolf's face to look at him. "You got off real lucky. It could've been alot worse. I could've lost you..." he finished quietly.

"...I know. It's what I've been thinking all along: what if I'd died."

Skyler hugged him for a long time, then kissed him. "Are you gonna stay an electrician?"

"I think so. I don't want it to beat me. I just need to be more careful with my tools from now on. And believe me, I won't forget ~that~ leason, and no more working when I'm tired. I wanted the money from that job to get a newer car with, and exercised poor judgement. I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

"Good." the master said simply, and kissed him.


They spent some time - after Skyler got out of the leathers Martin had given him - watching t.v. so the black wolf could rest up some more from work and his exertions at the club. Martin began to sniff his fur as they laid on the couch.

"You went to club Essex!"

"How'd you know?"

"Please, Sir, I can smell it on you. I practically lived there until I moved out here. Hmm..." he added, sniffing the black canine's torso. "You definately had fun! Harold..., another bull..., and Jerimy!" he said, his ears perking forward. "Shit! I wish I've known you'd hook up with him, I'd've told you to say hi for me."

"The lizard?"

"Yep, I haven't talked to him in ages."

"He seemed happy enough."


"You're not jealous?" the alpha asked, looking suprised.

"Why should I be? It's just sex, and you did come home to me. Or did you?" he asked as he screwed his face into a mock look of over-exagerated suspicion.

"Wanna know why I went out there?" the black wolf asked in a suggestive voice.

Martin looked interested as Skyler got up and pulled him to his feet. "Go to the basement, and wait in the middle of the floor on your knees, I'll be there in a minute," the black wolf ordered.

"Yes, Master." the slave replied, and left the room smiling.

Skyler waited until he was gone, then consentrated.

Orgasmic feelings surged through him as the fur shrank away, the tail and neck grew longer, and the skin went scaley and changed to green. Black claws changed into ivory talons, the feet grew a bit longer - but remained digitigraded, and wings sprouted from his back. Fins grew along his jaw-line and on the outside of his lower arms. Ivory horns extended out from his head to point backward in an aerodinamic effect. The eyes changed to slit-pupils. His brow became rigid as the tongue became tappered the nipples and navel faded away.

He finished the transformation while supressing his orgasm - he didn't want to cum yet.

Getting the bag from the closet, he walked to the door under the stairs in the entryway of his home and desended to the basement playroom.

He found the brown wolf kneeling nude on the black mat Skyler had gotten the other day from Harold, just as instructed. Skyler hid the bag behind him with a bit of difficulty due to the wings, but wanted to be in his primary were-form for this occassion. He walked over to the slave who awaited him in silence.

"You remember what we talked about?" he asked.

Realization came to the wolf's face. "Yes, Master!" he said in anticipation.

Skyler opened the bag and showed his slave what he'd gotten. It was a black leather collar with chrome studs around the outside in a single strip, with a chrome plate that had a slot in it for a small ring to fit through as well as a ring to attach a leash to. He handed it to the slave for him to examine.

Martin turned it over in his handpaws and noticed an inscription on the chrome plate:


Property of Skyler

by his own consent

"Master..." he said in awe, his eyes misting over. "It's beautiful."

"You can still back out, you know. This isn't all set in stone," his master said, smiling at Martin's reaction.

"No, I want to wear it. I want everyone to know I'm yours!" the wolf said, looking his master in the eyes with a serious expression.

Skyler took the collar from him and opened it. Martin stretched out his head with his ears laid back submissively. The dragon reached down and placed the collar around his neck slowly in an air of sacredness.

"I, Skyler, do place this symbol of my ownership around you. Do you, Martin, consent to be my slave and wear this collar to show your devotion to me and to let everyone know you belong to me, to do as I say, when I say, for the satisfaction of us both?"

"I, Martin, willingly give myself to you, Master Skyler. I am your property, to do with as you please. To follow your orders without question or complaint. To please you sexually, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am yours, and I accept this collar and commit myself willingly and joyfully to your service."

Skyler reached down to get the tiny padlock out of the bag, and smiled as he noticed he was fully erect in anticipation. He closed the latch on the collar and placed the lock into the loop. He kissed the wolf slave passionately, and while still kissing him, snapped the lock closed.

When he heard and felt the lock click shut, Martin went wild, kissing his master passionately in abandon. He felt the dragon's tail under his crotch, pressing up firmly. Taking the hint, he rose to his footpaws.

Still kissing his property, the dragon grabbed his furry ass and lifted him up and towards him.

As Martin wrapped his legs around the scaled waist, The reptile drove his dick in uncerimoniously to the hilt. He broke off the kiss and saw Martin smiling joyfully through the pain of the unprepared penetration.

"You've made me very happy, Slave. And you're right, no matter who I fuck, I'll always come home to you. And when you want to be with someone else, just ask - but I'm gonna be there to watch!" The mythical reptile growled as he started to fuck his slave.

"Yes, Master!" the wolf sighed in lust.

"You like my dragonhood up in you, don't you boy? I bet you're feeling just what I felt when Harold was fucking me today, huh?"

"Oh yes! Please, stretch out my ass with your big dick, Master!"

Skyler let out a draconic roar, and pounded the canine tailhole roughly. The dragon shoved the tip of his tail up his own anus, growling fiercely as it entered him.

The smells of their musks combined with the scent of fresh leather and chrome and spurred them onward.

Still standing with his slave in his arms, the master fucked rapidly until he came, roaring to the rafters. He continued to fuck the wolf even after he came.

Martin moaned louder and louder as his knot worked free, and he was looking at his master for permittion.

"Do it, Slave!" the dragon snarled, "Spray your fucking wolfjuice all over us!"

That was all the canine needed, and he howled to the ceiling as his seed shot out onto them from his untouched wolfdick.

The dragon held him close and wrapped his wings around the slave as he came, still humping him. As the climax faded, they walked upstairs to take a nap, the slave still impaled on his master...

Praise, coments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.11 -

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.11 by Argouru (M/M, oral, anal, transformation, touching, tail-fucking \*'cause you know I love it!\*) {Weredragon, werewolf, werebull, stallion-morph, centaur, werefox} [Author's Note: More plot and...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9 by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, 69, Rimming, masturbation, mutual masturbation.) {Weredragon, werebull, human, werelion, werewolves, weredog (Irish Setter), werebear, ox-morph} [Author's...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8-

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt.8- by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, anal, rimming, animal behavior, self-exploration, self-sucking. ) {Werewolves, humans, weredragon} [Author's note: One intense scene, and then some calmer...

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