:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.11 -

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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  • A New Life, Pt.11

by Argouru

(M/M, oral, anal, transformation, touching, tail-fucking *'cause you know I love it!*)

{Weredragon, werewolf, werebull, stallion-morph, centaur, werefox}

[Author's Note: More plot and a brand new transformation this time. One thing I should mention before you get involved in his chapter, it mentions incest between brothers. If that offends you, stop reading now. I, having an open mind, want to include lots of different things in my works-which are based on being furry as well as being able to find happiness, even if it's in an unlikely place.

P.S. Is it hot in here, or is that a flammer?]


The next morning, Skyler (still in dragon-form) and Martin (in his usual wolf-form) walked around the block to Leo's house. The wolf slave knocked, but there was no answer. He knocked again, but still no response. Skyler walked to the edge of the porch and looked up the drive way to see the lion sheriff's jeep and police cruiser parked up near the garage.

"Maybe he changed to a flying form and went out that way," the dragon suggested.

"Not likely, Sir. Leo's not too crazy about heights and not the best flyer. He likes driving alot more anyways."

Skyler knocked long and loudly on the door. "Maybe we should've called first."

"GO AWAY!" The feline's voice shouted out thickly from an upstairs window, followed by a fit of coughing.

"Leo," the dragon called up to the window, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but we need to ask you some questions. Besides, isn't a bit late for you to be in bed?" he teased.

"I'M SICK, DAMMIT! NOW BEAT IT!" the sheriff shouted, then let out a vicious lion's roar.

Skyler and Martin actually took a few steps back from the threatening sound.

Skyler grew angry. *Alright, he's sick - but he doesn't have to be an asshole about it!* he thought bitterly. He opened his mouth to say as much, when Martin's handpaw on his shoulder pulled at him. He turned to look at his slave questioningly, trying not to be annoyed at the wolf.

"Please, Sir, just let him be. Felines tend to get like this when they're sick. They want to be alone when ill, and get really hostile when disturbed. Don't take it personally, I'm sure he'll feel sorry about this later. Maybe we should go?"

"Yeah," the dragon sighed in resignation. "So much for getting your questions answered."

"I'll call my sister. She has lots of contacts in the magickal community. If she doesn't know someone who can help me, I bet someone she knows does."

"Ok," the dragon said, and they walked back to the wolf's house.


A few minutes later, Martin was chatting with his sister over the phone.

"Yeah, I can bend it most of the way...yeah, that'd be great! Oh, guess what? I got a collar now. ...Yeah, it's great. ...No, you couldn't have been there, we had sex! ...NO you can't watch, that's sick! ...Well yeah, of course I've had sex with Simon, but it's different ...'Cause he's a guy, and you're not. ...Hell yeah I noticed! It's a wonder you don't put people's eyes out with those road-cones you've got on your chest. ...Ha, ha, very funny. Ok, have him call me whenever. ...Alright, have ~her~ call me. ...Well, a lot of you magick users choose such weird-ass names. How was I supposed to know 'Thunderwalker' was a girl? ...Fine, ok, see you soon, Bitch!" he finished, and hung up the phone quickly, grinning evilly before she could reply to the word's alternate meaning.

He turned around to see Skyler leaning against the doorframe leading to the livingroom with an odd smile. "Sorry if it sounds like I'm poking my muzzle where it doesn't belong, but you had sex with your brother?"

"Sure. Why do you sound suprised?" the wolf asked in bewilderment.

"Well, in the old world they called that incest. People there for the most part really hate that," the dragon replied.

"Do you, Master?" the canine asked a bit nervously.

"No, it's just suprising is all. So things like that are ok here?"

"Well, only if both are of the same gender. Male-female pairings in siblings are somewhat frowned on because of the strong likelihood of possible offspring having birth-defects, but gay and lesbian pairings aren't put down. One really happy tiger couple I know on the other side of town are actually twin brothers. They're very happy together," Martin replied.

"Couple? Are they married or something?"

"No, but they really love each other. I've seen them together, and it's really touching how much they care about each other. Maybe I can introduce you to them, they'd like you. And they're pretty hot in the sack!" the slave said with a wink.

Skyler gave his slave a smile mixed with bewilderment and amazement.


'WHAM-WHAM-WHAM!' came the pounding on the front door, sounding both angry and impatient. It was was pissing the home's owner off - not a good thing to do in his particular case.


"Alright, I'm coming dammit!" Harold shouted as he hurried down the stairs, and caught himself on the banister as he almost stumbled. "Shit!" he muttered, but made it the rest of the way down without killing himself.

He flung open the door to see his father looking up at him with an expression that had been rage, but was changing to annoyed confusion.

Harold was shocked. His father? Here?

The human recovered and snapped: "I asume it's you in there! Get out of that... that form this instant!"

"Exuse me?" Harold asked in shock and anger. "Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that in my own home?" He was livid, and trying hard to control his temper.

"You heard me. Change back to your ~real~ self, put some clothes on and get in that car. You're going to appologize to your mother for the disgraceful behavior of you and your 'aquaintance' at the party last week. She's been doing nothing but crying since everyone left! No one will even speak to us now! Then you're going to call up everyone who attended, appologize and beg for forgiveness for shaming us in front of them!"

Harold listened to the tirade in shock, and actually laughed in his father's face once he'd finished. "Unbelievable! You've got bigger balls than I do!" he exclaimed, hefting his testicles in his palm for emphasis.

His father scowled at the action and looked away for a moment. "Stop that!"

"No! I'll do what I damn well please. This is ~MY~ house, not yours! I'll do whatever I want. You think that just because you're my father that you own me? Fuck you! I'm not going anywhere, and I'm staying this way!" he said, tapping his chest in emphasis. This is ~my~ body, and I'll do whatever I damn well please with it! And as for mother, you drag ~her~ out here to appologize to ~me~!"

The human opened his eyes wide in indignation and went to protest -

"QUIET!" his son shouted. "Do you two have any idea how difficult it is to be your child? We always had to be proper and polite, 'Don't make waves', do as you say and live our lives to ~your~ satisfaction, regardless of how miserable ~we~ were in the process! You never gave a single thought to our happiness! The only reason you 'accepted' me as gay is because you didn't want to be seen as a bigot, but you are! You're a were-ophobe! It's alright to hate someone 'cause they like sex to be more exciting, or want to be more than they are, but we have to respect a person for who they are. You're such a fucking hipocrite!"

The father bristled at that, and squared his shoulders.

Harold cut him off before he could get started though, placing his massive bull-hands on the doorframe and squeezing - causing the wood to creak and crack loudly in protest. "I will live my life to ~MY~ satisfaction before anyone else's, and as much as I want you and mom in my life, I do not need your permition to live happily. I enjoy being a were, I'm actually happy, truely happy for once, and I enjoy sex - esspecially when it's exciting. Now until you two feel like appologizing to me for being so damn impossible to live with, stay out of my life! And if you want someone to blame, then look in a mirror! Now get off my property, and take that damn fucking piece of shit town-car with you, it's lowering the property value!"

His father just stood there half in shock, half in confused bitterness. He recovered after a moment and went to argue again.

Harold let out a loud, menacing bull-roar in his parent's face for emphasis.

And with that, the bull slammed the door closed and stormed back up the stairs.

Harold's father just stood there numbly for several long minutes before walking off the porch, getting into his car and driving away.


Skyler, in wolf-form, was just finishing moving some lumber around in the back when Ike poked his antlered head through the door to examine the job his employee was doing.

"All done?" he asked.

"Yeah," the wolf said, panting from his exertions.

"Go take your lunch."

"Thanks." Skyler said, licking his muzzle and panting more.

The black wolf left the store and walked down the block to the park where he sat in the shade of a tree to rest. After a few minutes, he felt better and had stopped panting. A shadow moved to cover him, and he opened his eyes and looked up to see the stallion who ran the furniture rental store standing over him.

"Hello, enjoying yourself? I'm not disturbing you, am I?" the equine asked.

"No, just relaxing," the wolf replied with a smile. "Wanna join me?"

His eyes traveled over the stallion's body. The horse was well muscled and covered in brown hair everywhere except on the hands, ankles, and in a stripe along the muzzle that were white. He had a traditional horse's head with an expressive mouth and alert ears that stood up from his head. A dark brown mane ran from between his ears and down the back of his thickly muscled neck. His large round eyes were brown. His nipples stood out a short ways from the bulging pecs, and his gentials were amazingly large - almost as big as Harold's. The furry sheath hung down a good four and a half inches, and the testicles were larger than golf balls. His dark brown tail swished back and forth behind him, and he stood on large ivory hooves.

"I'd be delighted," the horse answered, and carefully sat down. "You enjoying the furniture?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's great," the wolf said, then placed his hand on the stallion's thigh as he caught the increasing scent of the stallion's musk. "There's something else I'd enjoy too. Well, more than one..." he said, cupping the huge equine nuts in his handpaw.

The stallion looked up at him and smiled. He grabbed his sheath in his hand and began to stroke it. "You want my form?"

"You bet. Sorry, but I forgot your name."

"Maxwell. Skyler, right?"

"Give the guy a prize," the wolf joked.

"Ok." the stallion said, and lowered his head to take the wolf's testicles into his warm mouth.

Skyler murred as he was licked. "I've been meaning to look you up, you've got a great body. And on a personal note, I can't wait to see what I'll look like as a stallion."

Maxwell chuckled.

The equine's dick was firming up now, and extended out into the open. Skyler caught the scent of horse-cock and turned around in the grass to take the length of flesh into his muzzle. He growled lightly at the taste and smell of the horse-flesh, licking and sucking eagerly.

Maxwell moved up to take the tip of the growing wolfdick into his long mouth as it emerged from the thickly furred sheath. He pulled on the root of the canine's tail, and smiled as the wolf-form moaned in pleasure. Once he was fully hard, the stallion motioned for them to get up.

"I want you, but are you able to take me?" the stallion asked in concern.

"My bull-friend Harold used magick to change my insides so I can safely ride guys like you. Shove it on in, I can handle it." the canine said huskily.

Maxwell rolled onto his back, and lifted the wolf by the waist over him.

Skyler saw what he was about to be impaled upon and growled lustfully. The horsedick was fifteen inches long and almost three inches thick. The head and upper half of the shaft were slick with a combination of precum and canine saliva. "Uh yeah, shove that huge prick up inside me!" he growled in pleasure and anticipation. He then sighed long and deeply as the stallion sank his length into him.

Maxwell watched Skyler's face as he hilted himself in the wolf. The look of unbridled joy on the canine's face was worth it. He gave Skyler a minute to get used to his phallus, then began to slowly stroke a few of his inches in and out of the canine's tailhole.

Suddenly the wolf started chuckling.

"What?" the stallion asked.

"'...And the horse you rode in on!'" the wolf said, grinning.

Maxwell rolled his head back in exasperation, sighed loudly and said: "Why does everybody feel compelled to say that to me?"

"Of course it's much better to have the horse ride you," Skyler moaned in satisfaction.

"Oh I'll give you a ride all right!" Maxwell said teasingly, and began to lengthen his strokes.

Skyler murred and rolled his head around from the sensations as he felt the massive stallionhood pump his posterior. He leaned down to kiss the horse, his long tongue stroking along the thick equine one.

They went like this for awhile, not noticing as first a centaur and then a fox wearing a badge and a belt with a holstered stun-gun approached them. The two watched in interest as the wolf and stallion fucked. The fox began to masturbate as he watched, growing hard from the scene before him. The centaur stood there and watched, his dick was extending outward and he rubbed his hands along his human torso as he enjoyed the show. The fox noticed, and walked over to him. Getting on his knees, he took the long equine member in his free handpaw and began to massage it's length. The centaur looked down at him and smiled in graditude.

Skyler stopped and twisted around on the stallion's shaft until he was facing the hooven feet. He looked back and said: "Get up onto your knees."

With some difficulty, the equine complied, as Skyler got down on all fours. Finally when they were in position, the wolf instructed: "Long slow strokes, I want to feel every inch of you."

Maxwell whinnied in pleasure and did as he was told; riding the canine slow and deeply, pressing firmly against the furry ass each time he hilted, then pulling slowly out to the base of the head. Maxwell began to chant as he mounted the black furry wolf-form.

The fox nodded in recognition, he'd used that same chant many times. He bent his muzzle around to take the tip of the centaur's sex into his mouth. The centaur stomped a hoof in satisfaction at the contact. "Cawful." the fox mumbled in a gentle warning around the centaurhood in his muzzle, it's thickness slurring his speech. The last thing the sidewalk needed was a large hole in it.

Skyler was letting out short soft 'woof's each time the stallion stroked inward to the base and his dick swelled thicker. He felt the lumps of his knot starting to form, and pushed eagerly against the equine. He heard the stallion's voice get quicker and more urgent, the chant becoming a plea as his dick grew thicker. The stallion shouted out the end of the chant, and his dick exploded inside the wolf.

Skyler felt the familiar sensation of the magick carrying the stallion's form into him and he howled as his knot burst free and he released his seed into the grass.

The centaur moaned loudly as he too shot his cum onto the fox's face. the vulpine sat back and masturbated rapidly as he was hosed down in the mythical creature's fluid. He moaned louder and louder until his knot popped free and then a few seconds later he climaxed onto his own torso.

Skyler and Maxwell watched the two voyuers with suprise and interest. They hadn't realized they weren't alone until the centaur's moaning attracted their attention.

"Shame on you Larry! Slacking of on duty!" the stallion teased.

"Hey," the fox said in self defense, "I'm allowed to take a break! Besides, I'm suppossed to make sure trouble-makers like you two don't go breaking the law."

"And what laws, please tell, are we breaking?" Maxwell retorted.

"Well," the fox said with a groan as the centaur helped him up, "Thanks." he said with a smile and a friendly pat on the front of the equine back of the creature. He turned his attention back to the two in the grass and continued. "Noise pollution, scent pollution, public indecency, making a spectical of yourselves, walking ~and~ fucking on the grass, and," he said, pointing to the wolf's spent seamen in the turf, "Littering!"

"Oh please!" the horse said smiling.

"Hey, hey! That's harassment of a member of law inforcement and obstruction of justice!" the vulpine interupted with a huge grin. "And as for you," he added, turning to his sex partner, "Be more careful with those overgrown clod-hoppers next time. You almost cracked the pavement."

"Sorry," the centaur said sheepishly. He turned to the wolf and said: "I'm Riley, I hope to get to hook up with you sometime - you look like a great ride!"

"Thanks," the canine replied.

"Hi," the fox said, "I'm Larry - one of Leo's deputies. I'd like to get together with you sometime too. You got a fox-form yet?"

"No, not yet. I'd be happy to get yours." he walked up and licked the fox's muzzle, getting a taste of combined vulpine and centaur cum. "Mmm." he remarked in satisfaction.

"Hey! That's assault! That's it, you're coming with me!" he said, reaching for his handcuffs. "Oh, I'm just kidding!" he replied, snickering at the wolf's wide-eyed expression of uncertainty. He looked down at himself. "Shit! I'd better go get cleaned up. Can't have the public seeing me like this, I'll loose my respectable image!"

"What respectable image?" the stallion asked smirking. "I gotta go, stop by later. I wanna see what you look like as a stallion." he said to Skyler, rubbing the canine's ass affectionately before walking away. The centaur and deputy took their leave as well.

Skyler, now alone, walked, stiffly, to the diner on the corner to get some lunch...


Later that evening, Skyler and Martin were cuddling and watching t.v. Skyler playing gently with his slave's collar, flicking the tiny lock repeatedly with a claw. They were watching a sitcom about a lionese with a southern accent raising two children on her own, the mother reminding Skyler strongly of the actress Brett Butler from the old world.

Chuckling at a joke in the show, Skyler got up. "Piss break," he explained, and walked to the bathroom.

The saddle shaped seat was cold against his fur, and he was glad to be in wolf-form to avoid frostbite. The membrane on his sheath tightened up until his sheath pointed upwards. The tip of his dick pushed it's way free of the furry tube, and urin streamed forth from his piss-slit. Skyler closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasurable sensation of pissing as the warm stream rained against the inside of the urination mound on the front of the toilet.

Laughter from the livingroom got his attention as he finished, and he moved forward - slamming his sheath painfully between himself and the urination mound.

The world went white for a moment.

Gasping in pain, his eyes opened wide and his muzzle dropped open. He plopped back down onto the toilet seat, craddling himself in agony as the sound of the laugh-track on the t.v. came into the bathroom, making him feel like he was the one in a sitcom.

After a few minutes, the pain subsided enough, and he was finally able to stand, clean himself up and walk back out to re-join his slave on the couch.

"You alright, Sir? You were in there for quite awhile." Martin asked.

"I'm fine," Skyler said simply, not wanting to rehash the incident. He turned his attention back to the show...

The show ended with the two wolves chuckling. They flipped through the channels, but nothing else looked good. Sighing, Skyler turned the t.v. off, and looked at his slave. The pain was completely gone now, much to his relief, replaced by the usual horniness.

"Guess we'll have to find some other way to entertain ourselves. Feel up to some play?"

"Yes, Master," the greybrown wolf said, smiling as he got up from the couch.

"'To the Bat-cave!'" Skyler said in a dramatic voice.

"Huh?" the slave asked in confusion, twisting his head a bit diagonally with his ears perked forward in the same manner as a true canine's confused.

"Pop-culture reference from the old world," the black wolf-form replied dispiritedly, and led the way to the basement.

Once there, Skyler took his property by the waist and brought him to arm's length. He examined the wolf carefully and finally asked: "How many forms do you have?"

"Well, Sir... there's my natural wolf-form, my human-form, dragon - thanks to you, Master; bull, tiger, lion, black panther, wolfen wolf-taur,-"

"'Wolfen wolf-taur'?" the master asked in confusion.

"It's like a centaur, but the lower body is pure four legged wolf, while the upper body is that of a wolf-morph. There are lots of different 'taurs out there, a normal wolf-taur has a human upper body. My other forms are otter, bear, lizard, fox, stallion, coyote, centaur, gryphon, snake, german shepard, yellow tabby, and satyr. That makes..." he counts on his fingers, "Twenty, ...so far that is."

"Damn! I had no idea. Why don't you spend more time in other forms then, if you have so many?" the master asked.

"I'm proud of being a wolf. I sometimes change to other forms though; I like flying sometimes, but I enjoy being myself most of the time. Would you like me to change forms, Master?"

Skyler thought about it for a moment. "I want to see what you look like as a dragon."

Martin smiled, then closed his eyes and consentrated.

The greybrown fur pulled into his black skin, leaving him looking totally shaved for a moment before the head changed. The ears shrank into non-existence and the brow grew thick and ridged until it was beetle-like. His eyes lightened in color from light brown to dark gold as the pupils became slitted behind the closed eyelids. The neck grew a foot long with armored plates around the back and sides as fringes poked out along the bottom edges of the sides of his head as the nose pulled inward until the front of the muzzle curved downwards at the tip. Ivory horns sprouted, growing up and backwards from the temples. The canine growls and moans of pleasure deepened slightly into draconic sounds of pleasure. The tail grew thicker and longer as the nipples and navel faded away. Fin-ridges appeared along the outside of his lower arms. The brown claws became ivory talons, the feet grew longer as another talon punched out of the heel, and massive wings grew out of his shoulderblades. The skin became scaled and changed to a brassy golden color.

He dropped to all fours and finally let out his first ever draconic roar as he came, spreading his first load of dragon seed across the floor.

Skyler watched with a smile as the new dragon took shape before him.

As Martin was basking in sexual afterglow, the black wolf changed quickly to his natural weredragon form. He finished the change quickly without cumming, and looked down to see Martin examining his scaled flesh. He walked over and offered a hand to him to help him up.

Martin stood up slowly and shakily, and started to fall backwards. Skyler grabbed him more tightly, and helped him to find his balance. "Lean a bit forward to compensate for the weight of your wings," he instructed.

The golden dragon sighed, then chuckled. "This is gonna take some getting used to!" he finally said.

"You'll get the hang of it," the green dragon said. He helped Martin walk to the full length mirror set up on one of the walls to see his new self.

"Wow," the slave whispered in awe at the sight of himself.

"You look good as a dragon." Skyler said, rubbing his hand along Martin's golden chest.

Martin sighed at the touch. "That feels great. I never knew skin to skin contact could feel so good!" he exclaimed in a quiet voice.

Skyler began to caress his slave's body, causing the new dragon to shiver as certain areas were touched: the thighs, the ribs, the front of the neck, the testicles.

The pebble-like texture against Martin's new scaled skin was intensely delightful, even more so than when he was in human-form, and he moaned in pleasure.

Skyler continued to stroke the brassy scaled flesh as he lifted his muzzle to Martin's and they shared their first dragon-to-dragon kiss. He felt Martin sigh into his mouth as they kissed, and the slave began to stroke his master's green scaled flesh in return.

Skyler brought his highly flexable tail up to wrap around their expossed dragon cocks, squeezing them together and stroking up and down. He felt someting narrow pushing up below the base of his tail, and spread his legs a bit to allow entry. He moaned as the golden tail pushed up inside his tailhole, and smiled at Martin who was giving him a half closed eyed gaze of sexual euphoria.

"Now you know why I enjoy that so much, huh, Slave?" he sighed.

"Uh... Yes, Master. It feels incredible."

He shoved in farther, causing the green reptile to let out a suddering moan. He released their cocks and positioned himself, feeling the slave relax to accept him, then shoved his own tail into the golden scaled asshole.

The two mythical creatures continued to ride each other's tails for some time before they released each other at the master's direction. they got down on all fours, facing away from each other and positioning themselves ass-to-ass. They then wrapped their tails around each other like vines twisting around each other, and sank the tips into the waiting holes again.

Skyler heard his slave moan continually in pleasure, and smiled at the sensations in his tail and tailhole. He felt a sudden gush of wind along with the sound of flapping as Martin moved his new wings downward quickly in a lustful reaction to the treatment along his tail and anal muscles.

They continued to stroke each other's ass, the pebbly texture of their tails sliding back and forth in long deep strokes causing incredibly erotic tickling sensations in their tailholes, until the scent of their musks combined and drove them to orgasm. Martin came first, shooting his jism out onto the floor and his chest.

The clenching around his tail spurred the green dragon to climax, roaring as he came as their tails tightened around each other.

The two dragons collapsed to the floor, panting for several minutes before they finally caught their breath.

"You're right, that felt great!" the slave exclaimed happily.

Skyler smiled at him. "One of my favorite things to do." he said sleepily.

They pulled free of each other and kissed deeply, before walking upstairs to go to bed.

Praise, comments, 'What the fuck?!?'s to: [email protected]

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt. 12

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life, Pt. 12 by Argouru ([[email protected]](%5C)(M/M, ) {Weredragons, werelion} [Author's Note: Sorry it took so long, but I'd forgotten that I'd never posted this chapter. It's very short, but perhaps I'll come back and...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10 by Argouru (M/M, oral, anal, 69, tailfucking, group sex) {Werewolf, werebull, werebear, Siamese-morph, sex plant, many others.} [Author's note: One REALLY long scene this time, hope you enjoy it...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9 by Argouru (Febuary, 2002) - (M/M, 69, Rimming, masturbation, mutual masturbation.) {Weredragon, werebull, human, werelion, werewolves, weredog (Irish Setter), werebear, ox-morph} [Author's...

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