:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt. 12

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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-A New Life, Pt. 12

by Argouru ([email protected](M/M, )

{Weredragons, werelion}

[Author's Note: Sorry it took so long, but I'd forgotten that I'd never posted this chapter. It's very short, but perhaps I'll come back and flesh it out more after I finish my current writting projects. Admittedly this isn't my best work, hence my willingness to eventually rework it. For now, enjoy the final chapter of the series. Perhaps I'll make a sequel to it in the future, but I'm not making any promises.]


Sunlight poured in through a gap in the curtains, and the weredragon groaned as he awoke to find it hitting him full in the face. Martin lifted his head, and the room spun around in an odd way that made his stomache recoil. Moaning, he went to get up, only to find himself a tangle of unfamiliar limbs. He rolled to his side...

Skyler was in the kitchen looking for something for breakfast for himself and his slave when a massive weight struck the ceiling above him. He scrambled for a second, grabbing tightly onto the edge of the countertop and looking up at the ceiling above him with eyes wide from fear, hissing by instinct in shock at being startled..

After a moment, he finally got control of his animal side and overcame his combination of shock and need to escape to safety.

A moan drifted down to him, and he recognized it dispite it's new deeper tone. He sighed with amused relief, and headed upstairs to check on his mate.

He arrived at the bedroom door to gaze upon a heap of golden-brass colored scaley flesh rolling around on the floor next to the bed. The mass let out a draconic snarl of rage at it's predicament, and he walked over to it with a simpathetic chuckle.

"Morning, sunshine. Having problems?"

"Oh, bite me!" the new weredragon snarled in reply.

"Alright, I'm sorry. But it really does look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"Hey, I--OH GODS!" Martin exclaimed as he whipped his head around to give a response, only to have his vision spin around in an unnatural way that caused an instant migraine. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and dropped his head back down to the rug on which he laid to recover.

"Take it easy." Skyler said gently, stroking the metalic yellow scales of his lover's head soothingly. "It's just a real bad case of vertigo, just lay still. When it passes, keep your eyes closed, ‾slowly‾ move your head and neck to where you want them, keep them still and open your eyes slowly."

"Damn that was awful! Why does it hurt so bad?"

"Your neck is long and flexable like a tail now; your brain isn't used to seeing things move around like that and reacts badly. You'll adjust to it in a few hours; until then avoid making sudden movements in your head and neck."

After a few minutes, the slave felt up to getting up, and rose slowly to his feet with his master's help. He started to fall backwards as he stood, and the green dragon grabbed his upper arms to catch him.

"The weight of your new wings is pulling on you, lean forward a bit to compensate for the added mass." Skyler instructed.

"This is gonna take a lot of getting used to." Martin said uncomfortably.

"You wanna change back? It's ok by me."

"No, no, I want to get used to this form-maybe even learn how to fly."

"We'll give you a few days to adjust before we even think more about that, ok?"

"Sure." the slave replied in total agreement.

"Feel like some breakfast? My treat."



Leo sat in his bed and blew his nose again. *That's what I get for fucking in the rain.* he thought philosophically, thinking back to the rather enjoyable encounter he'd had with a unicorn-morph who had just moved into town a few days ago. He'd been eager to get another new form, and had found the mythical equine very hansome-still did in fact. It had been worth getting wet, even worth getting the flu.

The only thing he regretted, now that he thought about it, was the way he'd treated Martin and Skyler yesterday. True, he was feeling lousy, but he should've been a bit more gentle on them. *Why do I always turn into such an asshole when I get sick? No wonder people hate being around me when I'm ill. Just because I want to be alone to recover in peace doesn't entitile me to bite peoples' heads off like that!

*At least I'm not the only one.*

He'd heard the arument between Harold and his father the previous day-it had been hard no to, and was glad the bull had finally stood up to his parents. Leo remembered quite well the last time his best friend's overbearing parents had come to town, hoping to 'convince' their wayward son to come to his senses and return home to live a 'decent' life. They'd been escorted to the edge of town by Leo personally with orders that if they came back and caused a further disturbance, he'd throw them in jail for disturbing the peace.

The humans had protested furvently, of course, but Leo stood firm. The bull's father had been lucky the town sheriff had felt too badly to get out of bed yesterday. The human would be cooling his temper in a cell right now if the lion had felt up to getting up.

Leo promised himself that'd he'd appologize to the wolf and the dragon-or wolf? Skyler seemed to spend most of his time in canine form ever since getting involved with Martin-and go congradulate Harold for standing up for his beliefs.

He sniffed, and the stench of his own illness had saturated the room and now flooded his sensative nostrils. Recoiling from it, he groaningly got up, opened the window, put a fan it it to suck out the foul odor and began to spray air freshener. He frowned at the artificial scent of it, and regretted not buying more non-scented air deodorizer when he'd last been at the market.

Feeling up to it-thanks to his magickally boosted healing abilities-he went to take a shower. After being cooped up for three days, it was time to rejoin the land of the living reguardless of the congestion...


Skyler picked up the phone on the third ring.


"‾Hi, it's Leo. I'm sorry I was such a jerk yesterday, it was uncalled for.‾"

"Thanks, that means a lot. We didn't want to disturb you, but Martin's hand hasn't healed completely. He had a few questions he wanted to ask."

"‾Is he there?‾"

"Sure, hold on."

He handed the phone to Martin, who spent well over half an hour talking. When the golden serpent hung up, he was smiling.

"What'd he say?" Skyler asked eagerly.

"Well, he said he didn't know how magickal healing worked on injuries like mine, but I could talk to his great grandfather. Leo said he'll call him and see if I can get an appointment with him."

"An appointment?"

"Oh, I thought you knew, Leo's great grandfather Collin is the mayor."


They were lucky enough to get an appointment that afternoon, and headed out to city hall, both in wolf form. The mayor's squirrel secretary led them into the mayor's office and sat down to wait. The room was circular in design, with bookcases covering half of it. There was a dark wood desk covered with papers and documents. A large window framed with forest green drapes looked out onto the lawn of green grass and trees. The walls were a medium blue with wood trim that matched the desk and bookcases. The carpet was a deep red with a large circular crest of the town in the middle. The insignia was of a road leading through the woods towards the sunset in gold on an orange background.

The door opened, and - of all things - a bald eagle-morph walked in, dressed in a dark blue suit and tie. He gape beak smiled at his guests in greeting as he walked over to them.

'Hail to the Chief' played in Skyler's head, and he shook it mentally to get the music to stop.

"Hello, gentlemales, It's always an honor to meet some of the townsfolk. My name is Collin, and you?"

"I'm Skyler, and this is my slave, Martin. We were told that you might be able to help out with a problem."

"Yes, my great grandson told me all about it. Let me see the wound, boy." he said to Martin in an instructive tone.

Martin did as instructed, and the mayor examined the scar closely. He 'hmm'ed and 'um hm'ed for several minutes as he moved the hand around some, the released it. "Well, the only thing I can suggest is a shapeshifting mage. He should be able to work loose the muscles again. I've never seen a wound this severe, It's a wonder you're still alive! Well, I'll have my secretary find a therapist for you, and since you were doing a public service, I don't see why we can't foot the bill for your sessions. Just have the therapist sent the bill to the tresury office. Son, I'm very glad you survived. I've never heard of the healing magick I added to the were-gift bringing back someone so close to the end, you're to be commended. Anytime you need a favor, just let me know."

"Is this an election year, by any chance?" Skyler teased, not believing their good fortune.

"Not in Wereman Falls, why?"

"Oh, nothing." Skyler said, waving his hand and regretting the joke.

The wolf-forms said their goodbyes, and headed back to Martin's house, Martin feeling much happier.


The two, back in dragon-form to give Martin more time to get used to it, relaxed to watch tv.

During a commercial for dog biscuits, Martin's head perked up. "Oh hey I love those! That reminds me, I'm almost out."

"Are you serious?" the green dragon asked in amusement.

"Sure. But they taste best in a canine form."

They watched the rest of the show, then flipped through the channels until they came upon a gay porn show. A male otter and a male snake were engaged in a two-way rim-job. The two looked very hot together as their fluid, streamlined bodies gyrated against one another.

Skyler lifted his tail and moved it around to tickle the ass cheek of his mate. Martin looked at him and winked. They moved their heads towards one another and kissed, Skyler flicking his tongue over the golden dragon's teeth and lips. Skyler carefully turned over onto his back, spreading his wings so he could lay flat without hurting them. He pulled Martin's hand, and the slave moved over him to rest his chest against that of his master. The golden dragon kissed him again, then stroked his muscular torso. Martin moved his hand around on Skyler's pecs for a minute before breaking off their kiss to look. "Oh, that's why I can't find your nipples."

"Dragons hatch from eggs, and don't need to nurse, so we don't have nipples or navels." He reached down to stroke Martin's dick slowly. "Hey, wanna try out that big dragon dick?"

"Definately!" they kissed some more, before Martin moved down to lick the green dragon's dick, then gobbled it up into his muzzle to suck and lick on the thick phallus.

Skyler moaned at the attentions his slave was giving him, and stroked the soft scales along Martin's head as he was pleasured.

Martin lifted off him, then pulling up on his thighs, started to lick the green scaled ass of his partner, working his way to the soft anal ring. Once he reached it, he lightly licked at the muscles for a few minutes before pushing his long tongue inside.

Skyler moaned loudly in exstacy as he was reamed out by the serpentine tongue, and pushed his ass down towards the golden muzzle to get as much of the flexing mass of muscle in as far as possible. He wrapped his tail around Martin's neck, and squeezed gently to get a grip, then pulled the slave's head closer to his ass.

Finally, Martin rose up, placed his slick dickhead against the well reamed ass, and slowly pushed in, meeting his master's gaze of extasy with a gentle smile. He pushed forward slowly until he hilted himself deeply inside the green weredragon.

Skyler growled in pleasure. "Oh, yeah, that big fat dragon dick feels great inside me! Uh, fuck my brains out!"

"With pleasure!" Martin growled back, and began to stroke in and out of him. He soon got into his rythm, and slammed his mate's ass hard with every pump of his golden brassy hips. He grunted and hissed with his efforts, loving the tight fit of his large dragon penis inside the rear passage of the green weredragon.

Skyler moved his tail around and pressed the tip against the tailhole of his partner. He hissed agressively as he pushed it up inside of Martin, then began to move it in and out, tail fucking him. He reached his wings up and wrapped them around his lover, who wrapped his own wings around the green ones to cocoon them both inside the leathery appendages.

They kissed again, and when Martin grabbed his hard shaft and started stroking it, Skyler gasped and moaned into his mouth. He pushed eagerly against the dragonhood pistoning in and out of him as well as the hand around his maleness. His moans grew quicker and more urgent as his leathery ballsack shrank and pulled his nuts up close. His moans raised it pitch with each stroke until he roared loudly, his dragonseed spraying out onto both their torsos, necks and heads.

The convulsing anus around his member was too much for Martin, and he let out a long, loud hiss of triumph as he shot his cum deep inside the green scaley ass of his beau.


Things got better for everyone after that day.

Leo recovered from the flu and was grateful he was able to help find someone to help Martin.

Harold's parents never came to his home again, his sister moved out shortly after the incident at the parents' home. She invited everyone to the wedding, where Harold and his folks avoided each other. He was grateful he never had to deal with them and their prejudistic attitudes ever again.

Martin went to the city for his treatments for about two monthes before finally regaining the full use of his hand. He had the scar for the rest of his life, but got used to it's presence as time went on. He remained Skyler's sex slave for many long years out of personal choice, and they loved each other deeply.

Skyler came to love his new life deeply, and enjoyed a very long relationship with Martin. He learned magick, but it took several decades before he could do any successful spells. He attended the mythicals weekly get together for several decades. He and Martin remained in Wereman Falls for a long time.

Greg still kept hitting things when distracted, even ending up with a broken collar-bone after one particular accident involving the side of a delivery van. He recovered completely, only to break his arm a week after finishing his recovery.

All in all, the sleepy little community enjoyed a long and prosperous existence, and many other new arrivals came as the centuries wore on...


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