Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad

by argouru

Ardenus was walking to the barn when he heard the sounds of someone crying softly. The voice was young, and since there was only one child around here, he moved slowly into the barn to discover why his twenty two month old grandson was crying. He came around to the door, and his mouth fell open in shock.

"Darus?!? What've you done?!?" the elder exclaimed, looking on with the deepest levels of horror and shock at the nightmare before him.

Pieces were everywhere, strewn left and right, the parts of the carcass scattered about carelessly. Darus sat there sobbing with shame and covered in vital fluids. The boy was sobbing, trying to fit two of the wet pieces back together as he sat there, next to the empty corpse.

As if in a trance, Ardenus walked over to one of the parts, picking it up and blanching. How could the once nice and sweet boy be reduced... To murder?

"Darus, what ever possessed you to do this?"

"I-i-i-I j-just wanted to s-see what i-it w-was like! I-i-i-I w-w-wanted ta' fix it!" the lad wailed, looking deeply shamed.

Ardenus looked down at the piece in his hand, turning the lug nut over and over in his hand, then back to the dismantled remains of the secondary tractor that his grandson had murdered... By disassembly...

"KYLENUS! GET IN HERE!" Ardenus shouted, bringing the boy into the The house by the scruff of his neck and sitting him down at the kitchen table. "Don't you move, or I'll paddle your ass so hard the fur'll never grow in right on it!" He said angrily. "KYLENUS!!!"

"Dad! What are you shouting about?" Ky said, cuming up from the laundry room in the basement. He saw his father, standing there in overalls looking furious, and then saw his son sitting crying softly at the table, his nude body and face covered with grease and oil.

To make sure he could look after his son properly, Ky and Davin had switched places, until Darus was old enough to begin helping out in the fields. Next year, they would switch back, and Ky and the rest of the family would begin to teach the hatchling the ways of the farmer's life.

"I'll tell you what I'm shouting about... THIS!" he held up the lug bolt to his son.

"Darus? What exactly did you do?" Ky asked, looking at his son, who hung his head, sniffling.

"Your boy," Ardenus said through gritted teeth. "Went into the barn, picked up that fully adjustable ratchet set you bought for me last Yule, and used it to almost completely dismantle the old tractor, that's what happened!"

"The one we use to haul around stuff with?" Ky asked with confusion. He turned to his child. "Darus! Why did you do that?"

"I... wanted to see how it worked. I didn't mean it," the boy said, wiping his nose on his bare arm.

"Ew," Ky said, reaching for a hand towel and handing it to his son. "Don't do that, it's gross! Use a towel or something... On second though, scratch the 'or something' part." He sighed and sat down beside the boy. "Why'd you do that, Darus? That tractor is one of the main tools on this farm! Without it, our work becums a lot harder! Why'd you dismantle it in the first place?"

"Well," Darus shrugged, wiping his nose on the towel, then cleaning his arm off. "I did it with the swings, but they fell apart. I wanted to see if I could do better this time."

"Swings?" Ardenus asked, frowning. "There's no swings around here except that old tire swing on the old tree down by the river. What swings are you talking about, boy?"

"The ones I got in trouble for taking apart."

"Darus," Ky asked, leaning forward, realizing something. "The people who were mad at you about the swings, ...were They all humans? Think back and try to remember."

"I think so..." Darus said, looking up and his father in confusion. "Why?"

Ardenus looked at his son in equal confusion.

Kylenus sighed with a slight smile. "Well, Son, that isn't your memory... It's mine." He sighed, turning to his own father. "That was me who dismantled the swings. Everyone got really mad at me, especially the janitor when he had to reassemble it. I was banned from the playground for the rest of the school year. It looks like Darus inherited one of my strongest childhood memories so much that he confused it as his own."

"Oh," Ardenus said, still looking annoyed.

"Is that the only reason?" Ky asked his son, who shook his head.

"It's... It's my job to keep it running," the boy said, causing the adults' brows to wrinkle in confusion.

"What do you mean, Darus?" Ardenus asked.

"I remember working on them before. It was broke, so I tried to fix it, but I can't remember how," the boy said, looking guilty.

Ky blinked, unable to understand why the hatchling felt personally responsible for maintaining the tractor. He looked at Ardenus, who appeared to be just as baffled as his son.

"Well, Son, you did mean well..." Ky said, looking down on his hatchling, "However, that doesn't excuse what you did. We need that tractor, Darus! You fiddled around with something that wasn't yours without asking, so you need to be punished. Firstly, no dinner tonight."

"But Dad!"

"No! No dinner! Second, you're going back out to that barn as soon as we're finished talking, and search every inch of it for every single piece of the tractor and put it all next to it. If even a single piece is missing, you loose every dinner for a week! You're also going to spend as long as it takes to help your granddad put it back together! That means no wandering off, and no just handing tools to him when he asks for them! As an added incentive, you're on half rations until it's back up and running properly."

"Half rations?" Darus said, half in protest, and half in confusion.

"That means two plates maximum per meal, and no dessert!"

"What?!?" the boy shouted in protest.

"Want me to knock it down to one plate?"

Darus shook his head no, looking fearful.

Ky turned to his father. "Well, he's sorry, so that means something. Good enough?"

"Yeah, it'll do, Son. Alright, boy," he said, turning to his grandson. "You heard your dad. Get going. And remember, no dinner for a week if any parts are missing!"

"Ok," Darus said glumly, getting up from the table, and heading out to the barn.

Ky and Ardenus watched him disappear inside, and the younger father sighed. "Memories..."

"Did you really do that as a kid?" Ardenus asked.

"Yeah... yeah I did..." Kylenus replied sadly.

"I don't get it," Ardenus said, looking thoughtfully out the window after his grandson. "I never said any such thing to the boy, so why does he think that the tractor's his personal responsibility? I taught Markano how to work on them, but not anyone else yet. The only other person who ever worked on tractors besides the two of us was my father..."

"He said he remembered working on the tractor," Kylenus said, sounding hesitant. "But I've never worked on a tractor in my life! I don't ever remember doing anything like that. I remember a little bit about farming, thanks to the memories I inherited from you during my transformation, but nothing very clear, and -definitely- nothing about mechanical work. So where'd he get -those- memories from?"

"I don't know Son. I just know for a fact that it can't be from me through you. Inherited memories, even strong ones, never carry over past a single generation. Everything he inherited was solely from you. That's the way it works for us. It's literally impossible for him to have inherited those memories he's talking about from me. I haven't the foggiest notion as to where he's getting that from." Ardenus stood there, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ky shrugged silently, feeling just as in the dark as his parent...

Davin moaned softly as Kylenus fucked him slowly, gazing down at his brother lustily as he impaled his sibling on his rock hard phallus. Davin rose up, and latched onto Ky's left nipple suckling milk from his younger brother's body as he was mounted.

"Are you at it again?" Darus asked, walking in on his father and uncle, who continued to mate without shame in Davin's bedroom.

"Don't be a spoil-sport, Darus," Davin said, letting go of Ky's nipple to answer the boy.

"Yeah, Son," Ky said, gazing at his four-year old son as he pleasured his shaft deep inside Davin's insides. He smiled at the lad, who now looked like a human twelve-year old. "About a year from now, you'll start growing your fur in, hit puberty, and start begging for this kind of thing." Ky felt his penis twitch, the feelings building in strength.

"Yeah right!" the lad answered, looking skeptical.

"It's true," Davin said. "Just go ask your brother. He thought sex as stupid too when he was your age. Nowadays, he wants it all the time!" he added with a grin.

"I ain't asking him nothing! He's just as bad as the two of you!"

Ky chuckled. "Well, we choose to take that as a compliment!" He then shuddered and moaned. "Yesss... Prepare yourself, Davin. He readies Himself to offer you His blessings."

"Ahhh... Do it, Penis, fill me with Your essence. Pour it! Fill my ass up, Ky!" Davin said as he began to push his rear eagerly onto the erection buried within him.

"Ah! Ah! Hail Penis!" Ky gasped, as his boner began to pour hot liquid spew up inside Davin's egg canal.

Davin moaned, masturbating as he was filled, until his orgasm arose within him. "Yeah, yeah! Ah! Hail Penis! OH!" he gasped in surprise, as Kylenus dove onto the pulsing shaft with his mouth as it began to disgorge it's cream, sucking the white mangold down greedily, headless of his son, who just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking bored.

Darus had long ago gotten used to his father having sex several times a day, even right in front of him sometimes. He stood there, watching the blissful, half-open eyed expression on his uncle's face as he came, thinking that they were surely exaggerating. Sex couldn't possibly be -that- good a thing.

"Are you two done yet?" he asked with annoyance.

Ky lifted his head, looked at his son with slightly bulging bearded cheeks, then spat some of his brother's load at the boy, who jumped back in shock. It splattered at his feet, some of it getting onto his feet and legs. "Yeah, we're done," the father said with a smile.

"That's gross!" Darus said, wiping the stuff off of him with annoyance as they chuckled at him...

"...And Then Dad went and spat it all over my feet! It was disgusting!" Darus finished telling everyone, then took another bite of steak.

The family was eating dinner together, as was usual, and the boy grew annoyed when everyone chuckled.

"It's just sex, Darus," Ardenus said with a smile. "You'll be wanting it yourself soon enough."

"Everyone keeps saying that! What if I don't want it?"

"Well, Kiddo," Kylenus said, leaning forwards as he spoke. "No one will ever force you to have sex against your will. It's just that it feels so good, is all. And if it wasn't for sex, then you wouldn't even be here, let alone the rest of us. Sex is a perfectly natural part of life, Son. You may not like it now, but once you get older, you'll begin to understand why it's such a big deal for us adults. Don't be scared, OK? We won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, OK Kiddo?"

"Alright," Darus said, beginning to relax.

"Don't worry, Boy," Ardenus said with a sly smile. "About another year or so, and you'll start loving it!"

"Quit acting like an ingrown ass hair," Darus answered with annoyance.

Ardenus' fork slipped out of his fingers and clattered onto his plate, as he sat there looking at his grandson with shock. "Darus!" he asked, leaning forward with a look of utter disbelief on his face. "Where'd you hear that phrase?"

"I'm sorry," the boy answered, looking scared.

"No, no!" The grandparent said, holding up a hand in placation. "I'm not mad, I just want to know... Seriously, Boy. Where'd you learn that phrase?"

"I don't know... It just came to me, is all."

"You never heard anyone ever actually use that phrase with you?"

Everyone went quiet, not understanding why such an offhanded remark was making the eldest Hirsune of the family look so alarmed.

"No... I think I've said it to you before, though..."

"Really? When?"

"I don't know... I think I was on a chair or something, though... 'cause I remember looking down at you when I said it."

"Umm, oh... Alright then," Ardenus said, blinking rapidly and looking rather taken aback. "Well, um... Sorry I keep pestering you about sex. When you're ready, you're ready, so don't worry about it, OK?"

Darus just shrugged, and returned his attention to his food.

"Dad?" Markano asked, placing a hand on his father's forearm. "You alright?"

"Yeah..." Ardenus said, calming himself. "Just... Remembering something from years ago, Son. Darus just made me recall it, is all."

Everyone continued to look at the elder with concern.

"I'm fine, alright? Just a bit surprised, is all..." Ardenus said defensively.

After dinner, Ardenus and Kylenus cleared the table and began to prepare the dishes for the dishwasher. Ardenus was still looking distracted.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Ky asked, still worried for his father. "You've been acting weird ever since Darus made that ass hair comment. Talk to me!"

Ardenus sighed deeply, then looked his son in the eyes. "There's no possible way that Darus could've just invented that phrase... I haven't been called that in decades."

"By who?"

"'Ingrown ass hair'. It's something my own dad used to call me every time I annoyed him. I haven't heard that phrase in years..."

"Are you sure he didn't inherit it from you through me?"

"Not possible, Son." Ardenus said, shaking his head slowly. "Inherited memories only pass from one generation to the next in line, then peter out. They can't ever pass to a third generation because they're never strong enough parts of a person's mind to be passed on again. Think of them as echoes that fade over a distance. The echo can't reach beyond the first person to hear it. Besides, he'd only be able to inherit things that you, personally, consciously know. You've never heard that phrase, have you?"

"No, never," Ky said, shaking his head.

"Then he can't have gotten it from you or me... There's only one other possibility, but I've never witnessed it before, personally."

"What?" Ky asked.

"You remember your religious training? The part about The Flow?"

"Yes... Wait a minute! You're not saying what I think you are!" Ky asked, staring at his father in shock.

"It's possible..." Ardenus shrugged. "After all, reincarnation is a big part of our spiritual beliefs. That's the only explanation I can think of...."

"Are you sure this isn't just wish-fulfillment, Dad? Maybe you miss your father so much you're seeing more than is there."

Ardenus shook his head sadly. "I said goodbye to my father a long time ago, Son. I do miss him sometimes, but not enough to be looking for the smallest sign that he's cum back.

"Dad was the one who taught me how to work on the machinery around here. He could strip that tractor down and have it put back together in a matter of hours. Darus said he -remembered- working on that tractor before.

"And I know for a fact that no one around here could've told the boy that phrase. Everyone, me included, thought it was a really stupid thing to call someone, and Dad was the only one who ever said that. The one good thing everyone around here agreed on about Dad's death was that we'd never have to hear him call anyone that ever again. He couldn't have just picked it up from someone.

"And you heard what he said, he said he remembered saying that to me before, and he was looking down at me when he said it. Not only that, but he also said he remembered saying that to me before, but he never has. That was the first time I was called that since before my father passed away."

"So basically I did some weird Futurama thing, and gave birth to my own grandfather?" Ky asked in shock.

"What?" Ardenus asked, confused.

"There was an episode where the crew went back in time, and the main person got the man he knew as his grandfather killed, then had sex with his grandmother by accident, thinking it wasn't her even though it was, making him his own grandfather."

"No wonder you always sound so nuts!" Ardenus said, shaking his head sadly. "It's a wonder you're sane at all watching crap like that!"

"Well, I like it," Ky sniffed, sounding vaguely hurt.

"...Well, I'm not sure, but maybe that's what happened. It's possible, from a religious point of view."

"So maybe you did get your father back then," Ky said thoughtfully.

But Ardenus shook his head. "No, he's not my Dad, not anymore anyways. While there may be fragments of the man I remember, that's not him, at least not the same person I knew. My father is dead and buried, and our dance is over. He doesn't remember me the same way as before, so he's your son now, first and last. It's your turn to dance with him, Son. I'll just stand back and observe... Just think of me as a backup dancer."

Ky sputtered with indignation. "Dad? What's wrong with you?!? Don't you have any self respect?!?" (Ardenus held up his hands in confusion.) "A backup dancer?!? That's disgusting! Can't you be a security guard or something?!? At least security can get folks backstage! You need to learn how to love yourself," Ky said, looking at his father like the elder should know better than that.

"Son? What the blue blazes are you going on about?" Ardenus exclaimed, looking at his son even more confused than before.

"Scary Movie one?" Ky asked, but Ardenus shrugged even harder. Ky looked crestfallen. "Kav would've found that funny..."

Ardenus sighed, then leaned forward, kissing his son's head gently. "Boy, as much as I love you, you don't ever make a lick of sense!" He left the kitchen, shaking his head sadly, as Ky stuck his tongue out at him from behind...

Hirsune Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 26 - Let Me Take You There by argouru Ardenus sat there in the temple's altar room, staring up at the shaft of light pouring down through the urethra of the central...

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Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You by argouru "Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?" "We're doing good," Kylenus...

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Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day by argouru Kylenus awoke one morning in late April, seven years later feeling ravenous. He headed downstairs to join his family at the breakfast table...

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