Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 23 - Father's Day

by argouru

Kylenus awoke one morning in late April, seven years later feeling ravenous. He headed downstairs to join his family at the breakfast table and began to eat rapidly and greedily, devouring everything he could reach.

"Ky," his father asked, "You OK?"

Ky paused a moment, chewing slowly as he took stock of his body. "It's time," he said finally. "I'm going into heat today."

Everyone offered their congratulations to him.

"May Penis finally bless you with a son, Brother," Markano said, smiling at him.

"Here's hoping third time's the charm!" Ky said, looking worried. The last two seasons had been unsuccessful, as he spent the three to four days mounting himself. But both seasons had been unsuccessful ones, much to his sorrow.

"You feeling foggy, yet, Son?" Ardenus asked, studying his boy closely. Ky shook his head. "Good. Everyone, join together," the father said, reaching to each side to grasp the penis of Davin to his left, and Kavarin to his right.

The six Hirsune joined together, hands upon the phalli of their neighbors, joining into a circle of Penis.

"Penis!" Ardenus called out loud. "We call to the power of lust and procreation. We call to The Flow, to those who have gone before, and those who await to be reborn. One of us seeks to expand this loving family. He longs to becum a father. Bestow your blessings upon Kylenus, that he may conceive. Let one among you cum forth, to rejoin the dance with those who miss you dearly, and grace this family again with the egg of new life. We six long to becum seven, and we eagerly await your return. Empower his balls, and fertilize his egg, that we may welcum you among us once again. PENIS! ANSWER OUR PRAYERS! HAIL PENIS!"

"HAIL PENIS!" everyone cried out.

Ky gasped, feeling fuzzy-brained. "Ah shit... It's cumming!" He stumbled up from the table. "I gotta get out of here."

"Good luck!" several of his family called after him with their hands over their faces to shield themselves from his pheromones as he left the house.

Ardenus opened a drawer and pulled on a gas mask as Ky bolted out the back door, Ky not wanting to catch anyone up in his heat pheromones, and followed his son outside to help him get to the breeding room safely. He caught up with Ky a moment later, as the lad lumbered across the yard. One of the farm hands saw him and called out, asking if he was OK.

"It's his time," the father shouted across the yard. "Sound the warning."

As the bell began to ring, Ardenus caught Ky's arm, draped it over his shoulder, and helped the feverish Hirsune towards the breeding room.

"Fuck it's cumming on hard this year!" Ky breathed as they hurried along.

"Maybe that's a good sign," Ardenus said, his voice muffled by the mask. "We're almost there."

"Dad," Ky gasped, struggling to remain aware of his surroundings. "What if... What if I can't? What if I'm not able to?"

They reached the door to the breeding room, opening the outer one.

"Ky, listen to me," the father said, seeing the fear and doubt in his son's eyes. "Breeding isn't an exact science with Hirsune. We can take years of trying before it happens. It took me six years just to have Kavarin. Davin was four years in the making, and thirteen years to have Markano. Davin's pregnancy was a fluke. He's the first person I ever heard of who managed to get lucky his first year trying." He cupped the side of his son's face. "It'll take how ever long it takes, Kylenus, so just try to be patient, OK Son? May Penis bless you."

"Penis..." Ky said, his eyes glazing over "Pe-nis..." His hands went to his father's stomach, then moved down to Ardenus' jeans.

"No, Son!" Ardenus said, grabbing the lad's hands to stop him.

He opened the inner door, and pushed Ky inside quickly, using enough force to propel the feverish Hirsune onto the bed as his heat took hold of his mind. He slammed the inner door and locked it, trapping the lad inside.

It was standard practice for those who wanted to self-seed themselves. As long as anyone else was there with them, they would seek pleasure from others first and foremost, so locking them into the breeding room alone was the only way to keep them in the state where they would be forced to tend to their own needs.

He felt Ky pounding on the door, the lad moaning with need, and it took a strong act of willpower to not rip off the mask, hurry inside, and fuck his son silly. He waited until the pounding faded out, and then several more minutes for good measure. It wasn't until he heard a groan of release a few minutes later that he felt it was OK to leave. He closed and locked the outer door as well, just to be safe, then moved slowly around to the window as he heard moaning and groaning from inside.

Still wearing the gas mask, he peeked into the window, and saw a sight that drove his lust to it's fullest. There on the bed, Kylenus laid on his back with his ass in the air, shoving his semi-hard penis into his anus, using his hands to fuck himself with his own dick. Ky was lost to his needs, and no longer even aware of his surroundings.

Sighing with lust, Ardenus dropped his pants to free his own throbbing meat, and began to masturbate as he watched Ky satisfy his own arousal.

"Oh Penis!" he sighed softly, watching Ky with glazed eyes. "Let it happen this year. He wants a boy of his own so badly! Please, Penis, bless him with an egg! Let him succeed... Hail Penis!" He gasped, spraying his load onto the wall beneath the window, gasping with pleasure as he came.

He let his orgasm flow for some time before ending it. He then zipped himself up, and walked back to the house.

All they could do now was wait...

Kylenus came around slowly, feeling the last twitches of his penis within his own egg canal as his orgasm ended. He sat there, resting for several minutes before his phallus went limp, and oozed out of his interior. He sighed, feeling only partially satisfied, then got up. He waited for several minutes to make sure his heat was over, then sat up with another sigh of disappointment. He looked out the window to see that it was daytime, and reached for a bottle of water from several that had been left here for his use.

He rose, waiting for the internal convulsions that would signal the evacuation of his canal of his spent seed, and rang the all clear bell the standard ten times before going to the toilet. He sat there, waiting for his canal to convulse, when he heard the outer door unlock, then the inner one.

Ardenus entered, wearing a gas mask, which he removed when he saw his son wave to him half-heartedly. "I'm over it," he said listlessly as Ardenus removed the mask slowly. "So?" Ky asked, "Is it Thursday?"

"No," Ardenus said, looking at him oddly. "It's only Wednesday morning."

Ky starred at his father. "Isn't that a bit early?"

"Yes," Ardenus answered slowly, "Normally you last at least three days, but this was only two. That's not a clear signal one way or the other. It could just be that your season ended early this year, is all. There's no way to be sure until tomorrow..."

Ky awoke the next morning feeling perfectly normal, and horribly disappointed. Third time -wasn't- the charm, it seemed. He felt sad. He'd really hoped that this year would be the year. Despite his father's words about it taking years, Ky was finding himself beginning to wonder if it even was possible for him to get pregnant. He knew he shouldn't push himself like this, but three years of botched attempts was making him question his virility.

He worked listlessly that day, feeling glum, his work done poorly. Everyone seemed to understand his sadness, and gave him some space to deal with his sorrow. He barely spoke at all that day, ate lightly, and trudged off to bed alone, not wanting any company.

He was jolted out of a sound sleep just before sunrise, as his stomach recoiled horribly, jarring him to full wakefulness in an instant. He gasped at the pain in his insides, and tried to get up. Before he could make it, however, his stomach heaved sharply, forcing the contents of his gut out of his mouth, and he vomited over the side of the bed uncontrollably. He retched with agony, puking onto the floor as the door opened and the light came on overhead.

"Uncle Ky? What's wrong?" Avaran asked, entering the room.

Sudden rapid footsteps followed, and Markano entered the room behind his sireling, looking at Ky with worry. "You alright?" he asked.

Ky shook his head slowly. "I feel terrible," he wheezed. He rolled onto his back, wiping his hand down his face and chest until he reached his nipple, where the fur of his arm brushed against the nub. He writhed in agony as the oversensitive nerve endings there were overloaded painfully by the contact of his fur. "Ah shit!" he exclaimed, yanking his arm away quickly, gasping with effort. "What the... What the fuck's wrong with me?"

"Av, go get Grandpa, OK?" Mark asked, as Kav poked his head into the room his nose wrinkling with disgust.

"Augh! What's that stench?" he asked in annoyance.

"Kav, go get some towels, Ky threw up."

"Threw up?" Kav asked with revulsion, then realization came. "You don't mean-"

"Yeah, it looks that way. Now go fetch something to clean this all up with! Cum on, Ky," Mark said as he turned his attention back to his youngest brother, "Let's go get you cleaned up."

They were entering the bathroom when Ardenus and Davin, who had slept with their father tonight, came upstairs and Mark explained the situation. Kav grumbled, cleaning up the mess in Ky's bedroom as he listened. Ardenus came into the shower, which was set on lukewarm, and smiled sympathetically to his son.

"How you feeling, Ky?"

Ky shot him a dirty look. "Horrible, alright? ...Feels like my stomach's on fire!"

"Don't worry, the morning sickness will only last a week or so. But look on the bright side, you're finally gonna be a Dad."

Ky's features melted. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I'm proud of you, Son," the smiling father said, leaning in to kiss his son on the top of his soggy head...

Being pregnant was far from enjoyable, though. Kylenus' appetite skyrocketed, his bladder began to fill almost every two hours, requiring frequent trips to the bathroom, and he found that he was more emotionally on edge that normal. Things that simply annoyed him before became major sources of hatred to him, and as his stomach began to grow, he felt a deep level of disgust with his appearance as well as stinging growth pains as his gut stretched out to make room for the growing egg. He was moved downstairs to Ardenus' bedroom, so that he could move around easier and have a private bathroom.

He stood before the mirror in Ardenus' bedroom one day, almost three weeks into his pregnancy, and frowned, half in discomfort from minor pains in his abdomen, and half at just how fat he was getting. *I look so fucking gross,* he thought, turning sideways and wincing at just how far forward his stomach now protruded. *There goes my sex life. No one will want to fuck me now,* he added, seeing that his belly was distending like a large bear gut.

His stomach growled at him, and he walked out to the kitchen for a snack, angry with himself for being hungry again so soon. *I just ate three hours ago! No wonder I'm turning into a porker!*

He fixed a few turkey sandwiches with pickles and green tea. He had to avoid the usual lemongrass tea so as not to interfere with the pregnancy, so green tea sufficed. He sat down, lifting the first sandwich to his mouth, when his bladder screamed at him suddenly for release.

"Oh for crying out loud!" he grumbled, tossing the sandwich back onto the plate in irritation, getting up awkwardly, and heading to the bathroom.

As his stomach grew, it got to be more difficult to sit or lie down comfortably, and even getting to his feet began to involve major effort. His back began to ache regularly as his weight increased, and he felt slightly nauseous much of the time. He was getting short-tempered with everyone, who gave him more and more privacy whenever he was moody. Things only got worse a month after his pregnancy began...

Markano knocked lightly on the door, then let himself into his father's bedroom with a plate of ham sandwiches for his brother.

"Hey, Ky," he said with a smile, looking at Ky who was squatting on the large bed with his back against the headrest. "Feeling any better?"

Ky just sat there, his knees up on either side of his stomach, and hands around his knees, glaring angrily at his brother.

Mark's smile faltered slightly with uncertainty. "You OK?"

Ky just continued to glare at his eldest sibling with open hatred, not saying a word, or even making the slightest movement beyond breathing. He just stared unblinkingly at Mark with an intense rage in his eyes.

"I got some food... You hungry?"

Ky said nothing. He just stared hatefully at his eldest sibling.

"Ummm..." Mark stammered, feeling deeply disturbed by his youngest sibling's frightening behavior. "I'll uh... Just leave it here for you, OK?" he said, placing the tray onto the dresser, then backing out of the room slowly. "Let me know if you need anything, alright?"

Ky said nothing, he just glared at Mark with a seething rage.

Mark eased out of the room, shut the door softly, and collapsed against the far wall, trembling with fear, deeply disturbed by the way his sibling was behaving...

It had taken every ounce of self control Kylenus possessed to remain in place on the bed. Markano had stood there with a plate of stinking ham sandwiches in his hand, the smell nauseating Ky's stomach, and wearing that smug, self-satisfied smile as he tried to talk to Ky. But Ky knew better. He knew what Mark must really be thinking. It was perfectly logical.

Markano hated him. He looked at Ky and saw a fat pig he could make fun of.

It was all right there, on his smug face.

It was only the knowledge that he might hurt his unlaid egg that had kept him from leaping to his feet and using his fist to wipe that smirk off of Mark's filthy face once and for all. Instead, he poured every ounce of his hatred into his eyes, willing the bastard to leave.

After the door closed, he stared at the food. He wanted it, but he didn't dare. There was no telling what Mark had done to the innocent-looking food, which smelled less horrible than before...

Ardenus entered the room slowly, having been warned by his eldest son about Kylenus' unusual behavior. He brought a plate of macaroni and cheese for his boy, figuring the lad must be hungry by now. As he entered, he saw that the sandwiches Mark had brought earlier had remained untouched.

He entered the room, and noted something tingling the inside of his nose, some odd, indescribable subtle scent he barely noticed. He ignored it, looking at his boy, who sat silently with his knees up and his arms wrapped around his shins as best as he could manage, and glaring at his father with open hostility.

"Aren't you hungry, Ky? You really should eat, for your child's sake if not your own. If you don't want sandwiches, I've got mac and cheese?" He asked uncertainly.

Ky just sat there silently, still glaring at him.

"These sandwiches are a bit old. Why don't I take them and just leave the pasta instead, OK?" he said with difficulty. He was having a hard time concentrating. His brain felt slightly odd, almost fuzzy in a way. He shook himself mentally, then sighed with annoyance. "Ky, please talk to me. What's wrong?" He breathed deeply, then sighed, trying to think of what he could do to help the boy.

Ky said nothing.

Ardenus began to get irritated. "Can you at least say hello? Something? Anything!"

Ky remained quiet.

Ardenus gritted his teeth, becuming angry. "Dammit, Kylenus! Eat already! You need to keep your strength up! You got a kid in there who needs all the nourishment he can get. Starving yourself will only hurt him. Now eat!"

Ky finally spoke, asking a question in a calm, level voice tinted with a dangerous edge of hostility as he spoke. He asked: "Did you poison it?"

"Pois- What?!?" Ardenus replied with shock, staring angrily at his son in outrage at the accusation.

"Did? You? Poison? It?" Ky asked with emphasis.

"Why the fuck would I do something like that?!?" Ardenus shouted, feeling deeply insulted, his anger growing in strength.

Rapid footsteps came from above, heading for the stairs.

"I don't know," Ky said, maintaining the same conversationally hostile tone with a shrug. "Maybe it's because you hate me? After all, I'm just some human fuck-toy you dragged out of the river, right? Made me more like you so you could stand to be around me. So I wouldn't stink quite so much, and hide my hideous body under all this fur so you wouldn't have to look at it. But now I'm all fat and gross, and you're sick of me, so you're trying to finish me off. 'Been there, done that' and such, right? You must really think I'm stupid!"

"Ky," Ardenus said with effort, feeling his mind go fuzzier and his blood rushing in his ears. "I didn't poison your food! I don't hate you, and you like fucking as much as any of us! You're not hideous, you're just fat is all!" he blurted out, unable to think clearly from the ringing that had begun in his ears.

"FAT?!?" Ky screamed with rage at hearing his own worst fear confirmed, "IS THAT WHY YOU'RE TRYING TO MURDER ME WITH TAINTED FOOD?!? BECAUSE I'M ALL FAT AND HIDEOUS?!?"

Ardenus' blood boiled with fury. "THAT FOOD IS PERFECTLY FINE, DAMMIT!" the farmer screamed, jabbing a finger at the plates. "NOW EAT IT BEFORE I SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR DAMNED THROAT!!!"

"Dad?!? DAD!!!" Kavarin said, rushing into the room. "What's going on in here?!?!"

"STAY OUT OF THIS, ASSHOLE!" Ky shouted at his brother, rising up and onto his knees with effort. "UNLESS YOU WANT TO PROVE JUST HOW MUCH OF A CARBON-FUCKING-COPY OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE!!!"

"What did I do?!?" Kav asked in shock, then shook his head as he noticed a tickling in his nose and a slight disorientation.

"HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BRINGING YOU TAINTED FOOD!!!" Ardenus screamed at the top of his lungs. The one thing no one in their right mind would ever do, would be to insult a farmer by saying the food they bore was bad. "YOU'RE GONNA EAT EVERY LAST BITE OF IT! EVEN IF I HAVE TO RAM IT DOWN YOUR UNGRATEFUL LITTLE THROAT!!!"

"Hey!" Markano said from the doorway, looking shocked. "Will you guys give it a rest?"

"WHAT'S WRONG -DAD-? NOT MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE ME BY YOURSELF?!? FINE!" Ky reached back, seizing one of the wooden poles in the headboard of the bed, and ripping it loose in an adrenaline-fueled rage. He brandished it viciously. "I'LL TAKE ON ALL YOU DIRTY PIG FUCKERS!!! COME ON!!!"

"DAD!" Kav shouted in shock as he understood what was happening. "We have to get out of here! NOW!!!" He ran over and grabbed his father's arm, who began to struggle against him. "Mark! Help me get him out of here!"

Mark ran forward, and the two clear-headed sons began to wrestle their enraged father out of the room.


"GO ON!!! RUN AWAY YOU PUSSY-ASSED COWARD!!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU FILTY HORSE FUCKER!!!" Ky screamed, as the two sons literally drug their father from the room. "AND IF -ANY- OF YOU ASSHOLES EVEN TRY TO COME BACK IN HERE, I'LL BASH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS IN!!!" He swung the wood in his hand hard, shattering a lamp on the nightstand beside the bed.

"LET ME GO!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!!" Ardenus screamed with rage, as his sons drug him all the way outside the house and into the yard.

"DAD! STOP!" Mark shouted, as they fought to keep their father from charging back inside, and pinned him to the ground. "DAMMIT! DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!!!"

Ardenus was crazed and enraged, unable to think of anything but getting back into his bedroom and smashing the boy's face in.

Mark had no choice. He drove his fist hard into his parent's guts, driving the wind out of his lungs. Ardenus choked and coughed, his lungs burning as he drug in deep gasps of air to fill them back up. He coughed and sputtered for several minutes, his mind clearing as his lungs burned with effort. Finally he moved to sit up slowly.

"Take it easy, Dad. You need to clear your system," Kav said, gasping from exhaustion.

Several of the nearby farm hands came running over, wanting to see what was wrong, but Mark waved them away. "It's all right," he said. "Everything's under control now. Everyone stay out of the house until we say otherwise."

"Oh Holy Fuck!," Ardenus said, still gasping. "What happened in there? I literally wanted to tear his head off!"

"I thought I smelled some pheromones in the air," Kav explained. "I think that's what set you off like that. Maybe his chemistry went all wonky from the pregnancy, and they went toxic."

"Ky's pheromones normally trigger levels of aggression, especially in you, Dad," Mark added, recovering his breath. "Maybe that aggression went into overdrive, making you both hostile. You know he doesn't meant it. He just can't help it, Dad. It's just the testosterone poisoning, is all."

"Yeah, yeah I know," Ardenus said, recovering and looking at the house as he continued to pant. "Kav, you and I need to stay out of the house until the TP phase passes, just to be safe."

"Good idea," Kav said, panting...

Kylenus stood there, two days later examining the shattered remains of the lamp, then trying vainly to put the wooden rod back into place in the headboard before he finally gave up. He lumbered to his feet, went to piss, then gingerly made his way out to the kitchen to find Davin sitting there drinking coffee.

"Hey!" his older brother said, smiling up at him uncertainly. "Feeling any better?"

"Somewhat," Ky said, easing himself into a chair at the table with difficulty. He sighed. "Please tell me I didn't accuse Mark and Dad of trying to poison me. Or that I threatened to bash everyone's skulls in! Shit! What was I thinking?" he asked, deeply ashamed of himself. "I wasn't even worried about my son, either," he said, rubbing his large stomach apologetically. "I just hated without reason. But the scariest part was how logical it all seemed at the time!"

"It happens to all of us, Ky," Davin said, shaking his head. "Remember how I almost stabbed you with a fork when I was pregnant? The important part is that it's all over now."

"All except for the apologies, that is," Ky said with a sigh. "At least the worst part's over."

"Actually, Davin said, wincing, "No. That's not the worst part of the pregnancy..."

Kylenus was standing in the kitchen a month later, looking out the window over the sink at the clouds in the sky. He was longing to get outside, and was also thoroughly sick of being house-bound. He turned to get a glass of water when a sudden, intense pain stabbed through his gut, making him gasp in shock. His knees almost buckled, and he clutched at the counter desperately, panting in agony until it stopped. He then noticed he was standing in a puddle of warm fluid, which was also soaking his legs and feet.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed, realizing what this meant. He panicked as he realized that he was alone in the house. Davin was out in the chicken coop, and everyone else was off tending the fields. There was no one here to help him. Another wave of pain struck, and he felt tears of pain in his eyes. He gritted his teeth, moaning until it passed. "Dammit!" He swore, and began to lumber his way to the hatchery as fast as he could, begging for his body to give him time to get there...

Davin returned a few minutes later, entering the kitchen. He slipped, loosing his balance and dropping several eggs, which smashed on the floor. "Shit!" he exclaimed, looking to see that it was a large puddle on the tiled floor that had made him slip. He barely had time to notice it when he heard Ky groan loudly in pain from the hallway.

"Ky!" he shouted, tossing the basket into the sink and running to find his brother leaning heavily against the wall, reeling in pain. "Cum on, you're almost there. Shit! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left the house!"

"Uhhhggg! Oh cum on, Dave, it's not like I had a countdown clock above my head or something. Oh fuck!" he gasped, as another wave of pain hit him. "I thought contractions came on gradually!"

"Maybe with humans, Ky, but not with us. And don't call me Dave!" He helped his brother into the hatchery and laid him down. "I gotta get help, I'll only be gone a minute, OK? What ever you do, don't push yet, no matter what!" With that, he took off, leaving Ky alone with his pain...

Ardenus swore as the older tractor sputtered again. The engine was acting up, and getting worse the longer he drove, hauling the sprinkler assembly behind him. He stopped, disconnected, the assembly, and drove onwards, making his way back to the barn, the vehicle fighting him all the way. He swore as it sputtered and died, several yards short of clearing the field.

Cussing a mean streak, he stomped down onto the ground, angry at the tractor for breaking down. He couldn't work on it here, either. If any fluids leaked out, it would not only ruin the growing carrots beneath the vehicle, but the spoil the land here as well with toxic chemicals.

He heard shouting, and looked up to see Davin running towards him, shouting.

"Dad! Dad, get in here! Ky just went into labor!"

Alarmed, Ardenus took off running, making right for the house, and his son's side...

"Ok, Son," Ardenus said as he knelt between Kylenus' legs. "Next time you feel a contract-" He was interrupted by Ky's scream of pain. "PUSH!" he shouted, and saw his son's anal opening expand further.

Ky gasped, drenched in sweat. He'd never experienced this much pain in his life, not even the time at age twenty four when he'd dislocated his knee. The worst part was that the damned egg wouldn't cum out. He pushed and pushed, but every time he ran out of strength and had to stop, the egg slid back inside, refusing to cum out all the way.

Another wave of pain hit, and he screamed. "Push, Ky, cum on!" his father ordered.

"I'm trying!" he snarled, angry at his father for telling him what he already knew he needed to do. He pushed hard, forcing himself to keep bearing down as long as he could, but his energy faded, and he had to stop yet again, panting with exhaustion.


Outside the room, Markano, Kavarin and Avaran watched helplessly as their kin struggled to lay his egg.

"Oh brother!" Kav said, laughing as he video taped the delivery. "That kid's gonna be sooo pissed when he watches this video!"

"Was this what Dad went through with me?" Avaran asked, looking upon his uncle with deepest sympathy for the ordeal Ky was enduring.

"Well," Markano said, looking worried. "You came out of Davin a lot easier than this. Ky's having a real difficult time of it, that's for sure."

Back in the hatchery, Ky relaxed again as he ran out of steam.

"Almost there, Ky!" Ardenus said. "Push! I know it's bad, Son, but it'll be over soon!"

"Oh shut up!" Ky snapped, his pain making him irritable as he waited for the next contraction. "How would you know how I'm feeling right now?"

"Ask your brothers!" Ardenus snapped.

Another contraction hit, but Ky was already prepared. He bore down hard, feeling like his ass was splitting in half. He screamed in agony, just wanting the whole awful experience to be over already. Again his strength faded, and he laid back gasping for breath.

"He's not cumming out! He wants to just wait until he can claw his way out of my gut like those damned aliens!" Ky sobbed in fustration as he laid there.

Davin was wiping his brother's brow with a towel, and offered him some more ice chips. "Ky, don't cop out on this! It'll be over soon!"

"Cum on Ky!" Ardenus said, looking at his son. "You can't give up. One more time! Cum on!"

Kylenus bore down again as his insides convulsed, his face going red. He groaned and screamed, the pain in his anus spiking sharply, and suddenly, the egg slid out, leaving a gaping, aching emptiness within him. He collapsed, feeling as though he wanted to pass out.

It was several minutes before he had regained enough strength to sit up, and saw Ardenus wiping off the egg with a large towel. He gently raised it up for Ky to see, bringing it around to Ky's left, between him and the window as Davin wiped the sweat from his face for him.

"Here he is, Son! Here's your boy!" He sat the egg down gently next to the new parent, who lifted a trembling hand to stroke the side if the egg slowly, feeling the heat radiating from it. He looked in the five inch wide egg an wonder and relief as he took in how wide it was.

"No wonder I couldn't get you out!" He breathed, resting his head on the pillow Davin put beneath it for him.

"We'll give you some time alone now," Ardenus said, after he used another towel to clean Ky's ass for him.

"What do I do?" Ky asked his father uncertainly.

Ardenus smiled down at the lad. "Just be really gentle with him. Don't move him around if you can help it, for now. Talk to him as much as you can, and let him get used to the sound of your voice. Keep him warm, and safe. I'll be back in a few hours, and we'll rotate him some."


"You have to turn the egg, from time to time, to help relieve pressure on him inside there. That way he won't develop any sores or flat spots. He's still growing inside there, but he's most of the way along. In about four weeks or so, he'll be ready to cum out and greet the world. Until then, we just have to be patient." He leaned down to kiss Kylenus on the side of his head. "I'm so happy for you, Son. I wish all the best for him. We'll do the Rite of blessing once you've recovered, OK?"

"Ok, Dad," Ky said, staring at his egg as they left the room and softly closed the door, leaving him alone with his unhatched son in the low glowing light of the hatchery.

Ky stared at the egg, imagining what the boy would look like. What will his favorite color be? Would he be a jokester like his father? Would he be clever?

Ky laid there, lost in the possibilities as he stared at the vessel that contained his child, feeling the heat radiating from it under his hand as he stroked it slowly...

Kylenus knelt there, masturbating as he visualized the life within his egg. He pictured The Flow pouring down into his balls, empowering his semen with the blessings of all the Hirsune.

"Penis! Penis!" he said in prayer. "I call out to you and ask you to use me to bestow your blessings upon my son-to-be! Let your power flow through me and into him! ...Son To be! I, your Father and Sire, Kylenus, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my strength and my love, my wisdom and my wit, that you may draw strength from them throughout your life. I shall always be here for you, my Son. May Penis bless you with a long life full of happiness and lust. I anoint you with the seed of the one who brought you life! Receive His blessings! Hail Penis!" He shouted, anointing the egg with his sperm, the seed that had brought this egg forth.

"Hail Penis!" his family cried out in response.

He sat back down slowly. Ardenus entered, smiling at him.

The grandfather knelt, and began to pleasure himself. "Grandson to be! I, your Grandfather, Ardenus, offer the blessings of Penis upon you, from the Penis that brought forth your father as he is, that he was able to bare you forth! I offer you my strength and my experience, to help you whenever you have need. May Penis bless you with the sation of your lusts, and happiness everlasting! Hail Penis!" He groaned as he bathed the egg bearing his grandchild with his spunk, letting it mix with that of his son.

The family replied in kind.

He smiled at Kylenus, kissed the egg gently, then backed out, licking the sperm from his beard as he went.

Roderal entered next, standing on his knees before the egg. He looked up at Ky and smiled. "Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this," he said.

"You're my sire, Rod. You may not be genetically related, but you're just as much a part of this family as everyone else. I wouldn't dream of doing this without you."

Rod smiled warmly as he took his shaft into his palm and began to stimulate himself. Finally, he moved closer to the egg. "Grandsireling to be! I, Your Grandsire, Roderal, offer you the blessings of Penis! I share with you my knowledge and sympathetic ear, for you to use and benefit from for all of your days! May the blessings of Penis pour forth upon you, and wash you in passion for all of your life! Hail Penis!"

Everyone sounded the response.

With that, he covered the egg with his liquid essence, adding to the blessings already there. He came for over a minute before he finished, then smiled as he left the room.

Markano came next, offering his own blessings of Penis: "Nephew to be! I, your Uncle, Markano, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my power and compassion that you may becum strong and be supported throughout your life. May pleasure and joy be yours everlasting! Hail Penis!" he called out as his semen added to the mixture on the egg.

"Hail Penis!" everyone shouted.

Davin entered after Mark left, looking down at the egg tenderly. He offered his blessings, bathing the egg in white spunk. "Nephew to be! I, your Uncle, Davin, offer the power and blessings of Penis, which flow through me! I give you my gentleness and love to help nurture you. May Penis bless you with happiness and lust forever and ever! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" the family answered.

Davin smiled down at the egg, then at Ky as he backed out of the hatchery to make way for Kavarin. As the third brother and last of the child-to-be's uncles entered, Ky grew nervous, remembering that Kav had almost slipped and fallen during Avaran's Rite of Blessing.

Kav saw his brother's fear, and sighed. "Relax, I know what I'm doing this time." Kav knelt, making sure his positioning was secure before he began to beat his meat.

He leaned forward, cumming onto the egg. "Nephew to be! I, Your Uncle, Kavarin, give you the gift of spunk from Penis, and with it, all of His blessings! I give you my protection and expressiveness, that you may learn from them. Let Penis fill you with sexual gratification and prosperity for all time. Hail Penis!"

Everyone replied in kind once more.

Kav backed out very carefully, then, lastly, Avaran entered the room. Ky watched his nephew enter slowly and uncertainly, looking awkward. He knelt, looking down into the egg. He remained so for a very long time.

"Av?" Ky asked. "You OK?"

"I... Don't know what to do," he said, sounding ashamed of himself.

Ky smiled. "It's OK, Av. I didn't know what to do my first time, either."

"But... I can't think of what I can offer him," the young man said, looking down at the egg with concern and guilt. "Everyone already offers him so much," Av said, staring down at the egg. "I can't offer anything that someone else can already give him."

"Av," Ky said, smiling. "You've got it all wrong! This isn't a competition! No one can call dibs on talents or strengths. Do you think that your Uncle Kav or your Sire Mark are any less strong than your Grandfather? Is your Dad any less wise or compassionate than me? That Kav is any more witty than me? Or Mark is any less protective than Kav? That's not it, Avaran. We choose the things that we feel most define us as individuals. Even if those same qualities also define others. But that's not all of ourselves that we offer. We each give everything we have to each other, regardless of what it is. We say we offer certain parts of ourselves, but we really offer everything that's a part of each of us. Just say the things that you feel are the best parts of yourself, but give him your all, OK?"

Avaran thought long and hard as he stroked himself idly, then he seemed to cum to a decision, and pleasured himself seriously. His breathing grew rapid, and he moved forward to bathe the egg in his essence. "Brother to be, I, your Half-Brother, Avaran, offer you my blessings of Penis! I give to you my protection and compassion, to aid you whenever you have need of them. I offer onto you all that I am, that you may be strong and happy for all your life. I'll always be here for you, dear Brother... Always! Be anointed in the blessings of Penis! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone called out.

Av smiled, looking much more confident as he backed slowly from the room.

Kylenus smiled down at his son to be, and raised his hands to the egg, beginning to swirl the various samples of sperm together, combining the blessings of Penis onto the egg until it was completely covered in the seed of his family. "Hirsune to be, we give you all of our blessings of lust and happiness. Let all of the qualities we possess nourish and enrich you, to give you strength and joy and lust throughout all the course of your life. We welcum you into this family, and bond you to us, that you may always be loved and supported. Never doubt for a moment," Ky added, tears of happiness cuming to his eyes, "that you are wanted and loved by all of us. We will be here for you... As Parent -both Father and Sire, as Grandfather, as Grandsire, as Uncles, and as Brother to you. Let all the blessings of Penis be within you forever and ever. We Welcum you. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone said joyfully.

Ky looked around at his family, smiling with gratitude, then back to the egg, which glistened wetly in the light...

Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You by argouru "Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?" "We're doing good," Kylenus...

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Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings by argouru Doctor Harian was alone at home, enjoying an early evening cup of hot chocolate and listening to instrumental piano music playing on...

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Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences by argouru Ky awoke to sunlight trying to murder his eyes through impalement. He groaned in agony, trying to move his head, and finding he couldn't...

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