Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

by argouru

"Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?"

"We're doing good," Kylenus answered putting down the book he was reading, and rubbing his stomach self-consciously. It was much of the way back to normal now, having mostly shrunk back down from it's formerly inflated size.

"I gotta gift you You," Ardenus said, holding forth a flashlight. Ky recognized it as a stronger that usual variety of light than many of the cheaper kinds.

Ky stared at it, frowning slightly. "So which is it? You want to do some rewiring, or you forgot to pay the electric bill?"

"Don't get cute! It isn't exactly for you. It's for your son, dummy!"

"And how do you suggest we get it to him? That egg's like a vault."

Ardenus gritted his teeth. "Son, much as I love you, knock it off! 'Cause if you don't, I'll shove this flashlight up your ass!"

"Ooh!" Ky said, smiling widely with interest.

"Sideways!" his dad finished, glaring at him mildly.

"Ooh!" Ky replied, wincing painfully at the thought.

Sighing, the older Hirsune clicked it on, the light blinding his son accidentally, who yelped in pain, tensing his body instantly to avoid hurting his egg by thrashing around in pain.

"Sorry," Ardenus said apologetically, then placed the light behind the egg, shinning it through the walls as Ky blinked away the spots in his eyes. "Look."

Ky gasped in wonder, seeing his son for the first time as a shadow inside the egg. The form was tiny, curled into a fetal position inside as he slept away. He stirred slightly as the light struck him. Seeing the reaction, Ardenus moved the light so it wasn't pointing at the offspring's face, holding it down lower so as not to blind the unhatched child.

Ky placed a hand on the egg, gazing in wonder at the image of his child for a long time. "Oh wow! Just look at him! He'll be hatching soon, huh?" he asked.

"Yep," his father answered, looking at the shadow, then placing an ear to the egg to listen for the sound of his grandchild's heartbeat. "I can just hear his heart beating. Sounds good to me. Doc Harian will cum by tomorrow to check up on him, just to be sure, but I think he'll be OK. About two more weeks or so, and he'll be ready to cum out and greet the world."

Ky suddenly looked worried. Ardenus saw his face. "What's wrong, Son?"

"What if..." Ky asked in a low voice. "What if... He can't get out? What if he can't make it out of his egg? We won't just give up on him, will we?"

"What?!?" Ardenus whispered in shock, "You mean just let him die?!?"

"Well, if he's not strong enough to make it out on his own... That's the way it is with other egg-laying creatures, right? But I couldn't do that! He's my son!"

"Ky! No! We're not animals, we're people! We'd never do that! If he can't get out on his own, then we'll help him. I didn't give up when it happened to me, and I won't let that happen to your boy either!"

"You?" Ky asked, confused.

Ardenus sighed. "It happened to me once... Look, don't go around blabbing about this to anyone else, especially Kavarin. He doesn't know, and if he did, he'd never let his brother live it down. I love that boy, but he has not the slightest shred of sense... Don't say anything to anyone, OK, not even Markano. He'd never forgive me if he knew I'd told you."

Ky nodded in agreement.

"Markano..." Ardenus sighed slowly. "...wasn't A successful hatching. He couldn't make it out on his own. He tried and tried, but he ran out of air and nearly drowned in his egg trying to hatch. He opened the air pocket too early, maybe, or he just couldn't focus well enough to work away at a single spot. I don't know. It happens every once in awhile...

"Anyways, I had to carefully break his egg open, pull him out, and do CPR to bring him back from the brink. He's always refused to talk to anyone about it. I guess he's really embarrassed that it happened. But that doesn't make him anything less than any other Hirsune, even if he doesn't believe it himself. He's just as strong and capable as any other person, even though he couldn't get out on his own.

"Maybe that's part of why he doesn't like to be mounted. He always has to think of himself as strong and self-sufficient. Anything that makes him feel weak really bothers him. I try to talk to him, to make him see that he's not weak at all, but it just doesn't seem to be enough for him, I guess.

"So don't worry, Ky. We won't give up on him," he said, placing a hand onto the warm egg. "We'll never give up on him, no matter what, OK? It's true that it would be best if he can get out on his own, but if he can't, then we'll help him, Son."

"Ok," Ky said, smiling at his father with relief...

Kylenus awoke suddenly to a small ticking sound. The Hirsune rose up slightly, looking around, but there was nothing. He sighed, and settled back down to return to sleep. He was nearly unconscious again when another ticking sound brought him back to wakefulness once more. He then heard a slight rustling sound.

He sighed with annoyance, looking around as he sat up. *Damn mice in the walls again,* he thought grumpily to himself, scanning the walls to try to locate the source of the sound. He'd had the same problem in his bedroom upstairs, and resolved to make sure somebody picked up some traps next time they went into town.

He was sweeping the walls with his eyes, moving his gaze past his egg when a slight motion caught his attention. The egg had wiggled, ever so slightly.

Another tick, then a scrape, and Ky's eyes went wide with shock. He got up onto his hands and knees and crawled over to it, placing a hand upon the shell. He could feel the warmth of it under the comforter that covered it, pulled it away... And then he felt movement under his hand, vibrating up through the shell.

The egg went quiet for several moments, and Ky placed his ear to the side of the egg, listening closely. He heard a slight stirring, then a tiny muffled moan. He stroked the shell softly.

"Are you awake in there, little guy? Is today the day?" he asked softly, and was answered with another, louder tick, making the egg vibrate sharply.

Ky backed away carefully, got up, and moved to the door. "Davin?" he called outside the hatchery, and soon heard footsteps on the stairs cuming up from the basement.

"Hey." Davin said, entering the hallway. "What's up?"

"I think -he- is!" Ky said with a smile.

"Really?" the second son said asked with shock, then entered behind his sibling. "Let me see."

Davin knelt beside the egg, placing an ear to it and listening carefully for well over a minute.

"Well?" Ky asked nervously. "Is he just restless, or is he...?" He trailed off apprehensive and not wanting to develop a false sense of hope.

"I think maybe he's ready," Davin said slowly. "I better go get Dad. He'll know better than me about this. Wait here!"

He got up quickly and left, leaving his youngest sibling alone with his child to be.

Ardenus arrived about ten minutes later, smiling at his son. He got down beside the egg, listening and feeling it carefully.

He lifted his head, smiling with excitement. "This is it, Kylenus. Today's the day!"

"You sure?" Ky asked, kneeling next to his father.

"Yep, he's waking up, slowly, but surely, and will start hatching in ernest pretty soon now."

Ky suddenly realized something. "I need to do something!"

"Where're you going?" his father called out as he left the room.

"To make a few quick calls!" Ky shouted, running for the nearest phone...

Lilly entered the hallway of the farmhouse, squeezing her way in among the Hirsune.

"Glad you could make it," Ardenus said to her with a smile.

She smiled back warmly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Oh, you know Roderal, Kylenus' adopted sire, and this is his son Salaus," Ardenus said, making the introductions.

"Hi," Sal said, waving over top of Kavarin's head at her with a warm smile.

She nodded in greeting, then worked her way over to the open door. "Kylenus?"

"Hey!" he said softly, "Thanks for cuming."

"Well thank you for inviting me to this."

"You deserve to be here, Lilly," Ky said, smiling at her. "This child, and the rest of us, for that matter, wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you for everything you've done."

"You're welcome," she answered, smiling at the egg.

"Lilly?" Ardenus said. "We gotta close the door now."

"Right," she said, gave Ky the thumbs up, and left the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Everyone crowded up to the window with difficulty, trying to get a good look.

It was over an hour later that the egg began to shake sharply, the ticking and scrapping cuming more often until it became nearly constant. The egg rocked occasionally as the life inside began to stir. Everyone waited with baited breath. As the ordeal went on and on, Ky began to grow nervous. "Dad?" he asked uncertainly.

Ardenus listened closely. "He's OK, Son. If he was in trouble, it'd sound more like he was having a seizure. He's just having a bit of difficulty is all."

Ky's nervousness grew, however as the randomness of the movements inside the egg continued. He listened closely, then got an idea. He reached forward, and began to lightly scratch the side of the egg with his fingernail where he heard the most scratching.

"What are you doing, Ky?" Roderal asked him.

"Giving him directions, hopefully," Ky responded.

It seemed to work, as the scratching and scraping focused on the spot he was making noise at, and suddenly he jerked back his hand as a set of cracks appeared where his finger had been. The crack widened, and then a small hole appeared, letting the fluids within the egg leak out. The hole began to widen, and the scrapping inside the egg became more pronounced.

"That's it, Son," Kylenus said, watching the hole closely, "Cum on, you can do it!" he said firmly.

A small piece of the egg fell away, and there was a small coughing sound from inside, followed by a little gasp. Ky could hear his son panting with effort from inside the egg, but was no longer worried. There was fresh air getting inside now, and the danger point was past.

Outside the hatchery, Markano sighed quietly with relief, hearing the sound of his new nephew's breathing. *He'll be alright,* he told himself. *He didn't blow it like I did.* He relaxed greatly, knowing everything would be OK.

It was a few minutes before there was stirring inside the egg again. The child began to work away at the hole, grunting until he squeezed his head out of the hole, and let out a small sigh of satisfaction. The angle he was at didn't allow Ky to see the boy's face yet, but he didn't want to move around and risk startling the child.

The boy grunted, realizing he couldn't get out any farther as the hole wasn't big enough for his shoulders. He grunted again with annoyance, then tried to pull his head back in, only to find it was stuck. He began to whimper, tugging hard until his head finally popped back inside.

Ky watched patiently, letting his son fight this battle on his own, as was proper. He smiled at the sounds of fustration, and saw the egg suddenly tip over onto it's side, trapping the hole against the mattress and blocking his son's egress from the shell. He sighed goodnaturedly, and reached forward, rolling the egg carefully until the hole was free and facing him. He heard squeals of protest from inside as the egg was slowly rolled.

"Well, don't knock your egg over like that," Ky said with a chuckle, then pulling his hands away to let his son resume his efforts.

Tiny hands struck forward, bashing out the wall of the egg around the hole, widening it further. Then with almost a charging motion, the lad finally burst free of his prison, and laid there panting for a few moments. recovering from his ordeal. He rested for a bit, then rose up slightly, sniffing the air hopefully. Ky, knowing what the boy wanted, squeezed his left nipple slightly, wetting it with his milk.

The boy caught the scent, looked at him, then scrambled towards him desperately as Ky laid down on his left side as the boy reached him, diving onto the nipple and beginning to suckle greedily. Ky gasped at the pleasurable sensation of being nursed on, and reached forward to pet his new son's head gently, then leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

"Welcum to the world, Son. It's good to finally meet you," Ky said, his heart swelling with pride and joy as he looked down upon his offspring, who sighed in relaxation as he was fed, and closed his eyes, looking exhausted. The hairless boy seemed to look somewhat similar to Ky himself, but that was only because his face was still soft with the look of a child. Ky felt certain that the features would mature until they closely resembled his own.

Outside, Ardenus smiled, crying gently as he watched them begin to bond. He felt a deep pride and joy that he couldn't describe as he stood there. "Congratulations, Kylenus," he finally said. "You're a Dad... Just like your old man."

"Do you have a name for him, Ky?" Davin asked quietly.

Ky looked down at his son, still smiling. "I want to name him ...Darus."

"But that's only two syllables," Kavarin said, sounding confused and annoyed.

"So?" Davin asked defensively. "My name's only got two."

"But everyone else in the family has three syllable names. Ky's just being lazy!" Kav said, looking through the window at his brother and newly-hatched nephew.

"Lazy?" Ardenus said defensively. "This from the ungrateful brat who can never use someone's full name?"

"Just easier to pronounce, is all," Kav said, shrugging in self defense.

"Hey!" Ky said defensively. "There's nothing written down in stone that Hirsune names are legally required to have three syllables. Don't mess with me. I've got a lawyer right here to defend me."

"Don't look at me," Lilly said, raising her hands helplessly as she chuckled. "I'm not an expert on ancient Hirsune customs."

"That's a good name, Son." Ardenus said in defense of the new father, speaking through the window. "Dar-us. I like it."

"As do I," Lilly said with a nod of approval. "So? What does the name Darus mean? Is it something from your native language?"

"What?" Ardenus asked, looking at the human with confusion.

"Well, my name is the name of a flower. Some people are named after trees, or animals, or take their names from religious texts. So what does Darus stand for?"

"'One who's name sounds phonetically pleasing,'" Ardenus said with a smile, which grew broader at her look of confusion. "Hirsune names are always unique, and don't have any special meanings. We create names that sound pleasant to say and hear. There's not really anything else to it."

Lilly nodded with understanding, then turned back to watch Kylenus and Darus begin to form their bond as Father and Son. "Congratulations, Kylenus. I'm very happy for you."

"Thanks," he smiled warmly up at her, before returning his attention to his son.

"Alright, everyone," Ardenus said. "Let's give them time alone to bond properly. It's time for us to go celebrate!"

With that, the grandfather ushered everyone away, as Ky stared down lovingly at his son...

Kylenus spent the next two days alone with his son, getting to know him. Ky studied every feature of his son, memorizing his boy's face, examining his small hands and feet, including the tiny egg-teeth on Darus' middle fingers, which would brake off the second week, making his parent panic at the blood until he realized that the bleeding stopped fairly quickly. They were taken away by Ardenus to be put away as keepsakes, along with the egg shell. The egg was carefully flushed out so that the residual fluids wouldn't make the shell itself go rancid.

But before that minor crisis came along, Ky spent most of his time nursing the hungry boy and talking to him non-stop. Hating baby-talk, Ky spoke in a normally conversational tone to his son, who seemed to be only occasionally interested in the things his father said to him. Ky would either nurse Darus or watch him explore the room or his father's body. Ky spoke to Darus about his own life, his hopes and dreams for his son, and about the boy's new family.

Kylenus was learning that Hirsune hatchlings were more developed physically that human infants. Calling a newly hatched Hirsune offspring an infant would be inaccurate, as a Hirsune child was able to crawl around almost immediately, and acted vaguely animalistic at first, slowly developing a civilized manner as they began to grow and process the inherited memory fragments of their parent and sire into a working system through learning and experience.

Within four weeks at most the child would becum able to walk, and able to speak coherently after about three months or so.

Darus, when he wasn't rooting around the room in curiosity, liked to snuggle up to his dad, sometimes staring up into his parent's smiling face, and sometimes smiling back, making small vocalizations of contentment.

On the morning of the third day after Darus had hatched, each member offered a piece of well-worn clothing, allowing the boy to get used to the strange scents. The day after that, Ardenus slowly entered the room on all fours, sitting on the opposite side of the room as Ky offered his father's shirt to the boy as he petted him, teaching the boy that the new scent was a good one, then holding the hatchling as Ardenus slowly worked his way closer to them, until he was able to reach out and touch the top of his grandson's head, which had begun to grow hair.

Darus was very nervous at first, but as he slowly realized that this stranger wouldn't hurt him, he became curious, moving away from his father to explore his new person.

"Hey there, Darus. I'm your Grandpa Ardenus. Nice to finally meet you, boy. Look at you. I won't be surprised if you're nearly identical to you dad."

"You think so?" Ky asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, self-seeded hatchlings almost always look a lot like their dads. He might be a bit different, as the genes he has can cause subtle differences, like with me and Kavarin, but he'll most likely be the spitting image of you, Son."

Everyone else got a chance to meet the boy, starting with Roderal, then working downwards in age, leaving Salaus for last.

"You did good, Ky," Sal said, playing with Darus' fingers as he sat there. "You're going to be a great dad."

"Thanks," Ky said, smiling at them.

The next day after that, Doc Harian arrived to perform a medical examination of the boy, and pronounced him fit and sound. "He seems to be a perfectly healthy boy, Kylenus. Keep nursing him for the next year or so, and begin to introduce him to solid food very slowly once his teeth cum in. Keep talking to him as much as possible, and give him another two weeks in here before you take him out into the rest of the house. Keep him indoors for the first month so as to give his immune system time to strengthen, but let him get near windows in the last week in order to get him used to sunlight, OK?"

"Alright, Doc," Ky said, slowly fondling himself. He'd done without sex for days now, and was certain his next orgasm would be an onam again, but he didn't want to leave his son. Having another adult Hirsune in the room with him was making him horny, and his erection began to arise. He didn't want to make his son worry though.

"Hey Doc? How long until it's OK to duck out for some Penis time? It's been awhile, and I don't want Darus freaking out when I start thrashing around in orgasm right in front of him."

"Well, give it another day or two for him to get used to the rest of the family, make sure you give him a full feeding, then you should be OK to leave him in someone else's care for a few hours. Try not to be gone for too long though. You don't want to start weaning him from your continued presence for about three weeks or so. By then, the bond between you both will be strong enough to withstand more time apart. After that, you can let others watch over him so you can have some private time or mating time with others.

"As for exposing him to sex, wait until he's about three months along, then gradulally get him used to the idea that adults are sexual. That will make his transition into puberty easier. Don't let him becum actively involved in any matings, of course, until he reaches puberty. Once he develops an interest in experiencing sex, though, the sky's the limit."

"Right, I remember," Ky said, having given many speeches about sexuality and Hirsune offspring after learning about it from his family and month of religious training. "Thanks, Doc."

"Anytime," the doctor said, giving Darus one last smile before leaving...

Once Darus was big enough to walk around, he and Kylenus moved back into the parent's bedroom. Ardenus had begun to speak of plans to expand the farmhouse and add another bathroom and four more bedrooms. That way they could have a guest room again, seeing as the old one was now Kylenus' bedroom, as well as a secondary first floor bedroom for paternity use and rooms for each of the third generation of the family. The grandfather had wistfully spoken of longing to have his bedroom to himself again.

Avaran was very much for this, as he was tired of sharing the same room with his father, no matter how much he loved his dad, and wanted a room of his own. Davin was mildly disappointed, but realized he could now host mates again, rather than having to go to their rooms, so his sadness faded quickly.

Ky awoke one night with a raging erection, and not wanting to awaken anyone else, took matters into his own hands. He bent forward as he laid on his back, sucking on his own long glands, and enjoying the pleasure his tongue was triggering in his penis, when Darus awoke and stared at him.

"Sorry, Son. Didn't mean to wake you, but Penis wanted some attention." He began to masturbate, staring at his shaft as he stroked it. Darus sat there, watching his father curiously and looking as though he couldn't understand why his dad was so interested in a part of his own body.

Ky spun around slowly, moved his buttocks up against the headboard of the bed, then began to fuck his own throat, sighing in pleasure as he pleasured himself. It wasn't long before he came, pulling back so as to watch as Penis gushed cum into his open mouth.

He saw movement to his side, and glanced over to see Darus sniff at him with interest before his face wrinkled with distaste, and he let out a sound of disinterest.

Ky swallowed the mouthful of cum, then smiled at his boy. "Don't knock it, Kiddo. This is the very same stuff you're made of! One day, once you're old enough, you'll be begging for cum."

"Cum," Darus said.

Ky stared at the boy in shock, then nodded rapidly with a smile at his son's first word. "Yes, Darus, that's right! It's called cum! That's your first word! Wow... Congratulations, Son!" He beamed at the boy with a deep sense of pride.

"Cum," Darus repeated, seeing the smile on his dad's face. He moved forward to cuddle up to his dad, but the smell of the cum made him scrunch up his face with distaste. He stayed in place instead, sighing as he laid back down.

Ky gently spun himself back around, and cleaned himself of the last traces of sperm. "Don't worry, Darus. One day Penis will call to you, and on that day, I want to be the one to help you answer to His lust. And would it've killed you to have said 'Dad' first?" He joked goodnaturedly, then sighed deeply in satisfaction as he settled back down to sleep.

For now though, he was tired, and when Darus saw he was finished, the lad moved over and snuggled close to his dad as they both drifted back to sleep...

Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 25 - Lessons as a Dad by argouru Ardenus was walking to the barn when he heard the sounds of someone crying softly. The voice was young, and since there was only one...

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Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day by argouru Kylenus awoke one morning in late April, seven years later feeling ravenous. He headed downstairs to join his family at the breakfast table...

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Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings by argouru Doctor Harian was alone at home, enjoying an early evening cup of hot chocolate and listening to instrumental piano music playing on...

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