Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings

by argouru

Doctor Harian was alone at home, enjoying an early evening cup of hot chocolate and listening to instrumental piano music playing on his surround-sound stereo, when the phone rang. He turned down the volume of the music before he answered the phone.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Is this Dr. Harian?" a woman's voice replied.

"Yes, that's me. May I ask who's calling?"

"My name is Dr. Sandora, and I work at Emory State Hospital in Atlanta Georgia. I have a medical emergency. Kylenus is here and in serious condition. I need your help."

"What?!? What are his injuries?" the doctor said, recovering from his shock and going into professional mode.

"Broken ribs and possible internal damage, most likely to his right lung. Luckily he was wearing a bulletproof vest, but the gun was a strong one. The shock of the impact still did a lot of damage."

"What are his vitals?"

The human rattled off the stats to him. "Hmm," he said, frowning. "Temperature is not too far above normal, but the blood pressure is too high. I recommend a mild sedative in a low dose to help bring that down. It sounds like surgery will be required."

"I agree, and I'd like you to be here to assist during the operation."

"I want to be there, but that's a long way to travel, and I'm not sure I can be there in time to assist."

"What?" the woman asked to someone off the phone. "Just a moment," she told Harian. "Dr. Harian, the dean of the University has a private jet, and is offering to fly you out here. Is there an airport close to you?"

"Yes, Kalispell isn't too far away, they have one there."

The woman talked to the dean, then returned. "He says he can have you here within nine hours maximum. I think we can keep him stable long enough for you to arrive."

"I want to bring someone with me. His father has the same blood type, and if a transfusion is needed, he'd be the most appropriate person. He should be there, regardless."

"Alright, be at the airport in four hours..."

Ardenus stepped off the plane, Doc Harian close on his heels. There was a car waiting for them, and they sped off towards the hospital.

Thirty minutes later, he laid on the operating room gurney positioned next to his son. They had shaved Kylenus' chest so as to make room to operate. The lad's face was slack and exhausted looking as he laid there unconscious. Ardenus was shocked at the tired and drained look on his offspring's face, and noted the deep bags under his eyes. He looked terrible, and it seemed as though he'd been like this for some time.

*What's happened to my poor boy? What's been going on with him?*

"Ardenus?" a female nurse said, leaning over him. "I'll need to shave your arm some to hook up the transfusion."

"Screw it, it'll grow back. Just do what you need to..."

Hours later, Ardenus was wheeled into the same room where Kylenus would be brought later. He used the hospital phone to call home, letting the boys know what had happened so far. Then he waited.

Lilly arrived sometime later, much to his surprise.

"Markano told me where you were," she said as she sat down in the chair in the room.

"What're you doing here? It's good to see you, Lilly, but how did you know?"

"I was visiting an old friend down in Florida when I heard on the news about the attack on Kylenus. I called the farm, and your son told me what happened. I drove up here as fast as I could."

"Thanks for cuming. It's nice to have someone here I know."

"What're friends for?" she said, smiling kindly as she sat down to wait with him.

Awhile later they wheeled in Kylenus, who was still unconscious.

"How is he?" the father asked.

"We managed to fix the damage," Harian said. "Fortunately, the damage to the lung was minimal, and he should make a full recovery."

The father breathed a sigh of relief as Lilly relaxed...

Kylenus came to slowly, feeling terrible. There was something sticking up his nostrils, and a loud beeping sound. It was the sound that finally woke him. He moaned in pain.

"Kylenus?" a woman's voice said to him, one that was familiar.

He opened his eyes slowly, wincing as he looked up. Things slowly swam into focus, and he saw Lilly smiling down at him. "L-Lilly? What're you doing here?"

"Checking in on you, you gave us all a fright."

"Ky? You awake, Son?" Ardenus said from his other side.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"You don't remember?" Lilly asked. "What's the last thing you do remember?"

Ky thought back. "Well, I did a lecture at the University... Went to the bathroom... headed outside to leave, and there were a lot of people waiting for me. Somebody screamed at me, I think... Then I was here. What happened?"

"You were attacked, that's what happened!" Ardenus said with fierce emotion. "Some bigoted dickless human decided to use you for target practice! He shot you right in front of a crowd of students! It's all over the news!"

"If you hadn't been wearing that kevlar vest, we would've lost you," Lilly said.

"I... almost died?" Ky said, the color draining from his face.

"But you, didn't, Kylenus," Lilly said, patting his arm comfortingly.

Ky just sat there, looking shocked. He didn't know what to think or feel, except fear.

"Son?" Ardenus said, looking worried.

Ky was too shocked to respond.

They looked at him, worried at the expression on his face, when there was a knock at the door, and a police officer entered.

"Kylenus?" he asked, and Ky nodded. "We've arrested the man who attacked you. We need a statement from you, as well as whether or not you wish to press charges against him."

"Yeah," Ky said with difficulty. "I do..."

Dr. Sandora stormed into the hospital room to see for herself if the nurse's accusation was true, and entered to see Ardenus with his shirt off, rising up from Kylenus' face. She grew angry, now having seen for herself that it was true. The Hirsune were engaging in sex in the patient's room, violating several hospital rules in the process.

"What -are- you doing in here? This is a hospital, not Fire Island! You can't do something like that in here!" she said angrily, mad at them for their behavior.

"I'm just nursing my son is all!" Ardenus replied, shocked and injured at the human's behavior. "He needs nourishment, and my milk is the best source of that!"

They began to argue, Ky watching them go at it silently, looking as though he were developing a headache. It was in this state that Doc Harian found them all as he came down the hall from the bathroom, were he'd just finished sating his own needs within one of the stalls.

"Hey! Hey!" He shouted, getting their attention. "What is all this? Dr. Sandora, I'd have expected a bit more professionalism from you."

"ME?!?" The Hindi doctor said, looking affronted. "I'm not the one having sex with the patients! We do not put up with this kind of behavior in human society! This is totally unacceptable!"

"Har, I was only nursing the boy for Penis' sake!" the father defended himself, looking exasperated.

"It's alright, Arden, I'll handle this. Dr. Sandora, may I speak with you privately?" he asked the human.

"Fine," she said in a strained voice. "NO SEX!" she said to the parent, jabbing a finger at him to emphasize her point, before she led the way back to her office. They entered, and she plopped down heavily into her chair, gesturing impatiently to the empty seat on the opposite side of the desk.

Harian said down slowly, clearing his throat. "The reason why Ardenus was nursing Kylenus wasn't so much about sex, he was genuinely trying to help his son recover more quickly. For us, nursing is a very potent method of healing."

"But they're both adults! If it was a mother and her infant I could understand, but this?" She sighed heavily. "Look, I'm not a villain. My daughter is vegan, -militantly- vegan, so I'm used to extremes, especially working in the ER. But this is just too much to ask from me."

Harian smiled soothingly at the woman. "I can appreciate that this is difficult, but you must understand that our ways, even in medicine, are vastly different than human ways. For us, nursing another Hirsune back to health using our milk, regardless of the patient's age, is perfectly natural for us. Hirsune milk has healing and soothing enzymes that speed up the process of recovery. It's the most potent form of medicine we can produce most easily, and provides the patient with the proper nourishment at the same time.

"Nursing is also an important act of bonding between loved ones among our kind, and Kylenus needs that very much right now. Ky is still in a great deal of shock from his experience. I can see it in his eyes. He's aware that he nearly died. If he hadn't been protecting himself with that kelvar vest, we would've lost him."

"It's called Kevlar," she corrected him gently as she calmed down.

"Kevlar. ...If this was a human patient, I would gladly yield to your expertise, but Hirsune medicine is a good deal different from human. I'm asking you to please try to understand our ways, and in the meantime, I'll talk with them and make sure they don't take things too far."

Dr. Sandora sighed, rubbing her eyes with the fingers of one hand. "Just as long as they don't start pole dancing in there, ...I'll try to be more tolerant."

Harian chuckled. "I'll do my best..."

Awhile later, Kylenus was alone in his room. Ardenus and Lilly had gone off to eat, and Doc Harian was exchanging knowledge with the human doctors, leaving Ky time alone to think.

He still trembled as he thought about how he had almost died. He hadn't been this scared since the time Col. Alistare had hit him, and he shook with fear. *If I hadn't bought that vest...* he thought to himself.

He wanted out of here. He wanted to go home and hide in his closet for the rest of his life. He felt ashamed of himself at the same time, though, feeling less than manly for being so scared. He'd always been fairly masculine, even as a Hirsune, but at this moment, he was reduced to the level of a terrified child, and he didn't know what to think or feel except shame and fear.

He turned on the TV, trying to distract himself, but the CNN news feed came on, showing the latest news about the attack upon him. Someone in the crowd'd had a cell phone with a camera, and had recorded a video of the attack. He watched himself staring dumbly at his attacker, frozen with shock. "DIE YOU -bleep- FREAK!" the human shouted, pulling the trigger. Ky watched himself be thrown back by the force of the bullet, and people began to scream. Several people jumped the attacker, seizing his gun hand and dragging him to the ground. "PRESERVE AMERICA! PRESERVE HUMANITY! KILL THE MONSTERS!!!" the attacker screamed as the other humans pinned him to the ground. He saw the man snarling in rage at the camera, before the picture froze.

A news reporter came onscreen. "Kylenus is in recovery, having pulled through surgery to repair the damage the gunshot caused, and is pressing charges against William Sanderstand for assault and attempted murder. Sanderstand is being-"

Ky clicked off the TV, feeling sick inside. He'd always known there were people like this, but to have barely survived encounters with two of them now was earthshaking. He pulled in on himself mentally, wishing the entire world would just go away. He wasn't suicidal, and didn't want to die, but he couldn't deal with this anymore. He was tired, and all he wanted was to just go home. He was a farmer's son who had never even seen a single crop from start to finish, and he longed for that simple life now so much that he ached inside.

*I can't do this anymore...* he thought. *I just can't. I could've died. I barely know my own nephew, and what about having a son of my own? I just... I just can't do this anymore...*

There was a knock on the door, and he looked up to see Murray peeking around the door.

"Hey! You're up! Good to see you're OK!" the human said, entering the room.

Ky looked at him, seeing the relief on the agent's face. *Nice to see he does care after all,* Ky thought to himself.

"How you feeling?" Murray asked, entering the room.

"Like I was nearly murdered," Ky replied levelly.

"But you're OK, though. That's what matters. Good thinking with that vest, there! Hate to think what would've happened if you hadn't had it on."

"Well, I was always a bit worried about someone trying an assassination ploy on me, it's true."

The human looked taken aback. "Assassination? Isn't that a bit much? It was just one lone nut with a gun is all!" he answered, brushing the matter aside.

Ky got an odd feeling inside, but said nothing.

"So, how much longer you in here for? Gotta get you back on your feet ASAP."

"Why?" Ky asked, growing suspicious.

"Well we got more appearances for you. Got a schedule to keep, you know? Time waits for no man, er, person."

Ky stared at the human in shock, not believing his ears. "Murray! I almost died!"

"Well yeah," the human hedged, looking awkward. "But you're OK now, so the show goes on, you know?"

Ky saw his father enter the room slowly through the door, and he felt a surge of strength from knowing his father was here for him. Ardenus was looking at the human questioningly from behind as he entered.

"No, Murray, it doesn't... Not for me it doesn't."

"Kylenus?" the agent asked uncertainly, faltering, a look of worry on his face.

"Murray! I. Almost. Died! If I hadn't been wearing that vest, I -would- be dead right now! Doesn't that mean anything to you other than business? Is money the only damned thing you think about?!?"

"Hey!" Murray said, looking affronted. "That's a bit harsh! I came all this way to check up on you, and you're giving me accusations here!"

"Was it me you were worried about? Was it me, personally, that you were concerned for? Or were you just checking in on your investment?"

Ky saw a brief flash of guilt cross the human's face before he recovered. "Hey! I didn't have to fly all the way out here, you know, but I did. Stop treating me like a criminal here!"

Ardenus stayed back, letting Ky fight his own battle, and frowning at the human from behind.

Ky saw the human for what he was, and realized that he'd had enough. "Murray, all you care about is business, and I'm sick and tired of being treated like a prize show dog you can parade around and leech off of! You're a heartless, limp-dicked parasite! And you're fired!"

"What?" Murray said, taking a single step forward with anger. "You can't do that! We have a contract!"

"Yes, and I made sure to study that contract very carefully Murray. I found that there's no clause that says that I can't terminate said contract at any time I wish. So you're fired!" He winced with pain, and sat back in his bed. "Just get out!"

"Now you wait a damned minute! I didn't put up with this freak show just so you can insult me and brush me off like that-!" He said, moving forward until a hand came down on his shoulder. He spun around with shock to see Ardenus standing there, glaring at him threateningly. "Ardy! Didn't see you there."

"The name's Ardenus!" he snarled. "And if you even try anything to my son, I'll break every bone in your body! You heard him, Murray! Your -services- are no longer required, now get out!" He shouted, flinging the human from the room.

Murray stumbled out into the hallway, teetering on his feet. He recovered before he fell, adjusting his suit. "Alright! Alright, fine! I don't need to put up with some hairy hermo freakshow anyways!" He stormed off down the hallway, and out of their lives.

"Ky?" Ardenus said, moving to his son's side. "You alright?"

"Dad," Ky said, sighing. "I can't do this anymore..." His shoulders began to shake. "I just wanna cum home..."

Ardenus moved forward, taking his crying son into his arms, hugging him gently as his boy began to weep...

A reporter on CNN began his story: "In recent news, William Walter Sanderstand was found guilty today on all counts in the case of the attempted murder of Kylenus, spokesman for the Hirsune. Sanderstand was sentenced to thirty years in prison without the possibility of parole, on all charges, including attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless endangerment, and possession of a concealed firearm without a permit. The ACLU is declaring this a landmark victory, and a further step in the global recognition of Hirsune rights.

"In a related story, Kylenus has made a formal announcement today that he is retiring from his position as representative of the Hirsune. In a released statement, he said. quote: 'While the work I have done has been very important, it was also been very difficult for me. I have missed my family terribly, and I want to devote my time to being with them. I'm a farmer's son, and want to start acting like one. To all of my supporters and friends in the world, I thank you for helping me go as far as I have, and I am deeply grateful for your support. I hope you will understand and respect my wishes.'

"Balanaro, of Green Field, Kansas, has been nominated to replace Kylenus as speaker for the Hirsune, and has been quoted saying: "I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve my people, and look forward to enlightening the rest of the world about Hirsune culture.'

"In other news..."

Kylenus groaned in satisfaction, filling his nephew's ass with white cream, shuddering in bliss as he emptied his balls into Avaran's six-year old insides, still fucking that willing hole with long, firm strokes of his manhood. Av had reached puberty the year before,and was about to enter his month-long internship at the temple in town to undergo his own religious training.

"Gush! Gush! Gushin' Dong up yer hairy asshole! Fuck yeah!" Ky growled lustily as he came.

He pressed himself up behind the younger Hirsune, spooning him in the older Hirsune's bed from behind as his climax started to fade. He sighed into the fur on the back of the lad's neck, and reached forward and down, fondling his kin's erection, noting that it was only mildly damp from precum.

"You didn't get off?" he asked with surprise.

"Not, Yet," Av said in his now deep baritone voice, pressing back onto his uncle's shaft. "I want to save it for mounting you, if you're still up for some more."

"Sure, just let me relax for a few minutes first, though." He sighed with contentment, stroking the younger Hirsune's chest with his hand, brushing the right nipple slightly. "Thanks for sharing my bed tonight."


"So now you understand what I meant about sex, right? See how good it is?"

"Fuck yeah, I can't ever seem to get enough!"

"Ready for more?" Ky asked, pulling out and making his nephew gasp with pleasure as he was exited.

Av twisted upwards, looking up at his uncle with a sexy smile. "Yeah? You ready?"

"Oh yeah," Ky said, rolling over onto his other side as he relaxed his anus and lubed himself with solem. "Slide it on in." He shuddered with lust as Av's cockhead disappeared up inside him, sliding easily up into his egg canal. "Ah yeah... Fuck me, Av."

He felt Avaran's hot breath on his left ear, as he was mounted, moaning in pleasure as his nephew's phallus slid in and out repeatedly, filling his insides up with that hot, throbbing dong. Av hit his stride, sighing in pleasure as he mounted his uncle. "Uh yeah, take my fuckin' egg maker!" he sighed. "Feel Him dance inside you."

"Yeah, do it. Paint my insides white with your ball cream! Give me the Blessings of Boner!" Ky reached back to Av's ass. "Gimme some more solem."

Av obliged, covering his uncle's hand with his anal lubricant, who greedily slurped it up. Av pulled Ky's face back and kissed him, wanting some of his own aphrodisiac. They kissed as Av fucked him, sighing into each other's mouths as the solem drugged them up.

Their pheromones made for a pleasant mixture, making them want to fuck each other firmly as they spoke aloud in worship. They both found words like Boner and Dong very erotic when high together, and loved to share their religious expression verbally as they fucked each other, speaking macho sex talk to each other while they mated.

Av fucked Ky for several minutes before he felt his testicles firm up. "Uh yeah! Get ready for it, He's gonna cum!"

"Do it, Boner, blow that hot spunk all over my insides! Fill me up with egg cream!"

"AH! GUSHING BONER CUM! YEAH! FUCKIN' SPRAYING DONG JUICE... FUCK YEAH!!" Av shouted filling his relative's insides with jizz.

"AH FUCK YEAH!" Ky shouted as he came a second time, soaking the sheets before him. "FUCKIN' PUKE IT OUT, BONER! AH SHIT!!!"

They writhed in pleasure for some time before they came down from their high and their orgasms trickled to an end. Sweaty and tired, they laid there, chests heaving as they recovered from their efforts until sleep claimed them...

Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 23 - Father's Day by argouru Kylenus awoke one morning in late April, seven years later feeling ravenous. He headed downstairs to join his family at the breakfast table...

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Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences by argouru Ky awoke to sunlight trying to murder his eyes through impalement. He groaned in agony, trying to move his head, and finding he couldn't...

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Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters by argouru ? ? Kylenus felt restless. It was a year after Avaran had hatched. Ky'd already eaten and mated with Kavarin, who had accompanied him on...

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