Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences

by argouru

Ky awoke to sunlight trying to murder his eyes through impalement. He groaned in agony, trying to move his head, and finding he couldn't as it was stuck to something. He realized that something was Rod's torso. He tried to put free, and stopped at the severe pain that lanced through the side of his head, feeling like his beard was trying to tear itself off of his face.

"OW!" he heard, and hands grabbed his head. "Oh fuck!" Rod exclaimed in disbelief. "Wha- uh! Oh you gotta be kidding me!" he exclaimed in shocked disbelief as he realized what was wrong.

Ky tried to pull away, but grunted in pain and stopped. He began to half laugh, half cry as the full nature of their predicament sank in. "Oh shit! Don't tell me... are we-?"

"Yeah! It looks that way!" Rod said in shock, his voice trembling with emotion as he replied.

"Oh cum on!"

"No! No more! That's what got us into this mess!"

"He-el-el-elp!" Ky called out loud, half sobbing and half laughing at the ridiculousness of their situation. "Someone? Anyone! He-el-elp!"

"What's going on?" a boy's voice asked, entering the room.

"Av? Go get help!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Well," Rod said, his voice trembling with embarrassed amusement, "We're... kinda stuck together."

Avaran walked into the room until he was facing his uncle. "What? How?" He then saw the tried cum that had cemented the adults together, head to stomach, and his face screwed up in revulsion. "Ewwww! That's gross!"

"Don't just stand there puking on us!" Ky exclaimed in amused exasperation, "Go get us some help! Seriously!"

Letting out a groan of annoyance and disgust, the boy ran downstairs, shouting for help.

A few moments passed before Kavarin came running up the stairs. "What's going on in here! Av's got some stupid story that you're-..." He moved around to look at Ky's face. "You're..." He took in the full nature of the situation and burst out laughing, covering his mouth with his hands. "Are you serious?!? You're literally glued together with cum?!?"

"What's it look like?" Ky snapped, angry that his brother wasn't even trying to help. "Do something!"

"Like what?" he asked, snorting with mirth.

"Cum on! This isn't funny. At least not for us!"

"How...? Oh man, you're tight together. I don't think I can even get a knife in there to cut you guys apart!" Kav said, still smiling open-mouthed with glee. "I don't know what to do." He seemed beside himself with unbridled joy at their predicament.

"Then get someone who does!" Rod snapped, losing his patience.

"Alright! I'll go get Dad! Just wait here," he finished, giggling.

"Very funny! Just move your ass!" Ky snapped.

They had to wait nearly twenty minutes before Kav returned from the far end of the west field with their father.

Ardenus knelt there, looking baffled and amused. "How in the world did this happen!"

"Will everyone stop asking us stupid questions already!" Rod snarled. "Just do something! We can't stay like this forever!"

"Please, Dad!" Ky pleaded. "I love Rod, but absence makes the heart grow fonder... And all that. I don't wanna live like this!" he almost sobbed in exasperation at his plight.

Ardenus sighed, examining them closely. "Damn! There isn't even enough room to safely cut you two apart... Well, there's only one way then. We'll just have to soak you apart." He stood up, frowning. "Shame to ruin a perfectly good bed, though. Can you two move?"

"Not without nearly scalping each other." Rod sighed.

"Well then, we'll just have to move you as carefully as we can. Get you into the shower to soften up that cum enough to let you loose. We'll need help though. Kav, go ask a few of the hands to cum in and help us."

"Ok," Kav said, leaving the room with a smile.

"Oh great!" Ky groaned. "Now we'll never live this down!"

"How did this even happen!" Ardenus asked, baffled. "That's a lot of cum there!"

Rod sighed, and then explained.

"Well, Son. I'm glad you're back to normal, but next time, don't pass out on someone after having an onam, OK?"

Ky sighed angrily, and closed his eyes to throttle his temper down before he leaped up, regardless of the consequences, to throttle his dad.

They had to endure the laughter and teasing from everyone as the sheet was loosened from the bed, and gently lifted up as a makeshift stretcher to get them into the shower, where they were soaked in hot water until the dried cum softened enough for them to finally pull apart without loosing all of the hair on their face and torso.

"Sorry about this," Ky said, looking apologetic to his sire.

"Well," Rod said, looking awkward. "At least we gave everyone a good drinking story!"

Ky groaned in agony...

The early autumn of the next year brought a new round of tours, and Kylenus was not looking forward to this run. Davin was sick with a bad cold, and unable to travel. Worse still, Markano had taken a tumble in the fields and broke his leg in the process. With two sons down and the harvests cuming, Ardenus needed every hand he could get, so Kav needed to stay home to help gather the crops.

Murray, meanwhile, was scrambling to find gigs for Ky, and it was mostly talk radio and college lectures he was doing these days. Ky realized that his star was fading. The Hirsune were becuming old news now, and there wasn't the vast demand for his appearance on popular shows like there once was. That didn't distract the human agent, though. He feverishly worked to find any paying bookings he could get, determined to milk this cow for all it was worth.

Ky was sick of it all, and hated the whole business. He didn't want to go, but he needed every cent he could get to prepare for his future son. Also, he knew just how important it was to educate the world about the Hirsune, and he couldn't let his people down.

Kavarin was helping him load up the rental car he was using with the last of his luggage, Avaran helping as best as he could. Ky saw just how much Av had grown during the last time he was away, and felt a twinge of guilt, wondering just how much more the boy would have changed by the time he returned.

"Sorry I can't go with you," Kav said, looking somewhat sad as he closed the trunk.

"I know," Ky responded, "But I know how much the crops mean to our livelihood."

"I wish there was something I could do to make this tour easier on you," Kav added.

"Actually, there is," Ky said, and spun his brother around before yanking his pants down. "Open up," He commanded, as his phallus erected.

Kav smiled, and did as instructed, pushing his ass outward eagerly as Ky's dick sunk into him.

"Oh brother!" Avaran said, watching them go at it. "Not again!"

"Don't knock it, Av. Once you get old enough to feel the call of Penis, you'll understand," Ky breathed as he began to fuck his brother over the trunk of the car. "I know you think we're being silly, but the call of lust feels -so- fucking good! ...One day, you'll understand."

"Yeah, Av," Kav said, moaning as he was fucked. "This feels incredible! I can't wait for you to hit puberty... Then I can show you just how good this is!"

"Whatever," Av said, shaking his head as he watched his uncles mate in front of him without the slightest trace of shame. "But that's all you guys ever do. You just fuck each other all the time!"

Ky shuddered, and groaned in pleasure as he came, filling Kav's egg canal with spunk. "Trust me, Av," he said as he came down from his orgasm, "One day you'll be begging for this." He pulled out, turning to face his nephew. "But until then, don't worry about it so much, OK?" He went to tuck himself into his pants.

"You're not gonna clean up first?" Av asked, wrinkling his face in disgust at the spent cum and solem covering his uncle's shaft.

"Well," Ky said, turning to Kav. "He has a point. Get down there and clean me up," he said, shoving Kav down to his knees.

Kav grunted in exasperation as he got down, and began to lick Ky's dick clean. Once he was finished, he stood up, looking at his nephew. "There. Better?"

"Whatever," Av said, rolling his eyes, making Ky chuckle as he buttoned up his pants...

It was late winter, and Ky said goodbye to the sociology class at Georgia State University before leaving the lecture hall. He made his way out the back, and ducked into a bathroom without being seen. He was tired, and wanted a moment to himself.

He went to the sink, rinsed his eyes in cool water from the tap, and caught his reflection in the mirror. He was shocked to see how haggard he looked. There were deep bags under his eyes, and his mouth sat expressionlessly on his face. He was thin, and there was a dull, listless look in his eyes.

He knew why he looked like this, it was several things that worked to make him feel so miserable.

First, and foremost, he missed his family deeply. For the first time, he was traveling alone, and didn't have anyone to distract him from his thoughts. There was no one to sate his lusts with, and while he masturbated several times a day, it just wasn't as fulfilling as sex with other Hirsune. He felt very lonely, traveling by himself, as Murray always made his own travel arrangements, so he didn't even have the human for company. Not for sex, of course, but just to even have someone that he knew to talk to.

Second, he felt guilty in regards to his nephew. He remembered the promise he had made when he bestowed the blessings of Penis upon the egg that Avaran had lain within. He had promised to be there for the boy, but he was hardly ever around. So much of the boy's childhood had slipped by, and he was scared of how much more he was missing.

What Kylenus wanted more than anything, was to simply go home. He missed his family so much it hurt inside. He was a farmer's son who hadn't ever even finished a single full year's worth of crops. The family never complained, and said they understood why Ky had to do this. He was the national representative for the Hirsune, and an international figure for education and equality.

That brought him to the third and last of his troubles. He felt guilty for wanting to quit. He owed his people so much, and they needed representation. He felt inadequate to represent them, but they, obviously, felt otherwise. It was a great honor, and he was doing a lot of good for all Hirsune, but he still wanted out. Then there was his future son. Ky was doing all of this for his sake, more than anything. The guilt ate away at him, becuming more so over time, and now he hated himself for his selfishness.

He pushed it all down, deep inside of him. He had to keep going, for everyone's sake, no matter what his personal feelings may be. All that mattered was the future.

Making sure he looked fairly presentable, he adjusted his shirt, making sure it was laying right, and walked out of the rest room, then to the front doors of the building. As he exited, several of his supporters came forward, wanting to talk with him and shake his hand. He put up with it, plastering a hopefully sincere-looking smile on his face, greeting them with a warmth he didn't feel inside. He didn't hate them or anything, he just felt so tired and miserable inside that at the moment, he'd rather be left alone.

As the humans gathered in close, he caught sight of an angry looking man near the back, but was distracted by another student who wanted to thank him for the lecture. He lost sight of the man for a moment, until the man moved in closer, looking as though he had something to say.

Ky sighed inwardly. *Great! Another bigot wanting to tell me how horrible I am. Might as well get it over with,* he thought to himself, turning for a moment to another supporter and thanking them for their encouragement. This wasn't the first time he'd had people spew hate speech at him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. He turned back to see the man standing right in front of him. He waited for the man to speak.

The human wasn't a great conversationalist. In fact he only said four words. "DIE YOU FUCKING FREAK!!!"

Ky barely had time to register the fact that the man was aiming a gun at him. He never heard the shot, or saw the flash. All he experienced was a sudden impact, like a strong punch to his chest, which knocked him backwards off of his feet...

And then there was nothing...

Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 22 - Ends and Beginnings by argouru Doctor Harian was alone at home, enjoying an early evening cup of hot chocolate and listening to instrumental piano music playing on...

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Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters by argouru ? ? Kylenus felt restless. It was a year after Avaran had hatched. Ky'd already eaten and mated with Kavarin, who had accompanied him on...

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Hirsune Pt. 19 - Family Time

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 19 - Family Time by argouru Two nights later, the rest of the family gathered outside the hatchery, where Davin continued to spend time with his egg, talking almost...

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