Hirsune Pt. 19 - Family Time

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 19 - Family Time

by argouru

Two nights later, the rest of the family gathered outside the hatchery, where Davin continued to spend time with his egg, talking almost non-stop to the child-to-be who slumbered within. His stomach had already shrunk back down to normal.

"So," Kylenus asked nervously, still not completely sure as to what to do. "What kind of rite is this?"

Ardenus smiled at him and Kavarin, who was almost as in the dark as his younger brother. "Well, this is an old tradition passed down among the Hirsune, and dates back to the founding days of our beliefs.

"Each of us will offer the blessings of Penis to the egg, willing a long and happy life to the unhatched child. It's a simple rite, but one that's considered very important for Hirsune families. This is the first step in bonding a new Hirsune into the family unit through our lusts. We'll each have a turn. All you need to do is anoint the egg with your semen and offer a personal blessing unto the child. The blessing should reflect what you, personally, will offer to that child. Not lust, but the qualities you feel will help your nephew to grow up strong, smart, healthy, and most importantly, happy. Just speak from the heart, and you'll do fine. Make sure you enter slowly, and concentrate on cumming quickly, then leaving carefully. That way you won't risk damaging the egg, OK?"

The youngest sons nodded their understanding.

"Davin will go first, as the father of the child," Ardenus added. "Followed by Markano as the Sire, then Me as the progenitor of the father, then each of you. We'll go with you each by age, OK?"

"Fine by me," Ky asked, feeling a bit nervous. "But what if I trip or something?"

"Just enter on your hands and knees, and kneel in front of the egg. Davin will help make sure you don't damage it. Stroke yourselves away from the egg, and then move your phallus to the egg and hold still when you orgasm." He turned to the doorway. "Ok, Son, we're ready when you are."

Davin nodded, and knelt, staring at the egg and concentrating as he masturbated. After a few minutes, he leaned forward over the egg, and climaxed, covering it in his spunk.

"Child to be," He gasped as he orgasmed. "I, your Father, Davin, offer you the blessings of Penis! Be anointed with the seed of he who bore you, and may Penis bless you with happiness and pleasure for all of your days. I will always be here for you my Son. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone else responded in unison.

Markano crawled into the room, smiling first at Davin, then at the egg. He knelt, and pleasured himself with long, firm strokes along the thirteen inch length of his manhood. After about a minute, he leaned forward, bathing the egg in his jizz. "Sireling to be, receive the blessings of Penis! I, Markano, your Sire, offer to be a guide and mentor to you in your life, and I shall always offer you aid when you need it. May the power of Penis bless you with strength and happiness for as long as you live! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" the rest of the family said in reply.

With that, Mark exited the room carefully, making way for his father. Ardenus entered the room slowly, kissing Davin's forehead, then the spew-covered top of the egg. He rose to his knees, licking the traces of his two eldest sons' cum from his mouth as he began to masturbate, staring at the unhatched Hirsune in deep concentration. His breathing became erratic, and he growled lustily as he came, adding to the coating of semen that soaked the outside of the egg. "Grandson to be! I, your Grandfather Ardenus, offer you the blessings of Penis, the Penis who brought forth your Father! I offer my experience and strength to aid you whenever you have need. May the blessings of Penis guide you throughout your life, in all your endeavors. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" they all said again.

He spent over a minute liberally coating the egg, before ending his orgasm and backing out slowly with a smile of pride for his son. Kav entered next, moving slowly and carefully. He smiled nervously at his older brother, the rose up. He gasped, as his left knee slid a bit, and Davin's hand shot forward like lightning to steady him. "Sorry," Kav said nervously, the look of panic slowly leaving his face.

"It's OK, Kav," Davin said with a smile. "You wouldn't've hurt him anyways, but better safe than sorry."

"Yeah," the third son said with a deep sense of relief, then making sure he wouldn't slip again before he began to fondle his shaft, bringing it back up to erection after it faded some from fear. He looked hard at the egg, as though trying very hard to see what the Hirsune hatchling looked like through the wall of the egg-shell. He began to groan, and moved closer, Davin supporting him just in case. Kav sighed in satisfaction as sperm gushed forth from Penis, splatting onto the shell. "Nephew to be, I, your Uncle Kavarin, offer you the blessings of Penis, channeled through my body! I offer you my protection, and my expressiveness, that you may grow up happy and safe! May the blessings of Penis be with you forever! Hail Penis!"

Again the response came from the family.

"Your turn now, Kylenus," his father said as Kav backed out of the hatchery with a painful amount of caution.

Getting down on his hands and knees, Ky entered slowly, seeing the low-level light of the room shining on the damp egg. He knelt before it, smiling at Davin. "Thanks for letting me be a part of this," he said to his brother.

"You're family Ky, always!" Davin said, looking deep into his eyes. "It doesn't matter to me you came from a human instead of an egg. You'll always be my brother, and I couldn't bear to do this without you being included." He patted the side of the egg gently. "This is your nephew, and you, his uncle. Don't ever doubt how much a part of this family you are. Now cum on, Ky. Let the power of Penis flow though you, and bless my Son."

Ky smiled warmly at him, then began to stroke his length, willing Penis to possess him and use his body for pleasure and as a vessel for His blessings. As he masturbated, looking deep into the center of the egg, he pictured The Flow pouring into him through his anus, and building within his phallus. He knelt there, wondering what his nephew to cum would be like. Which would he look like, Father, Sire, or a mixture of the two? Would he be smart, yet calm, nurturing and strong at the same time? Ky was certain that mating with him would be a soothing experience, if his parentage was any indication. Ky was looking forward to getting to know his nephew, and wanted to offer everything he could to make the boy's life a happy and prosperous one.

But what could he offer? After a few moments of deep thought, he knew. As if Penis was waiting for him to reach this understanding, he felt his orgasm approach quickly. He pointed his phallus, and let the power of Penis flow through his body, washing the egg in his cream "Nephew to be!" he cried out. "I, your Uncle Kylenus, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my wisdom and wit, that they may guide you through your days and nights. May all these qualities of mine be ever yours to call upon. The power of Penis flows through me, as it does you and all Hirsune. Be anointed in His liquid blessings and power! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded again in unison.

He came freely for a minute or so, before allowing his orgasm to draw to a close. He smiled down at the glistening egg, then at Davin, and slowly backed out on all fours. He then rose to stand with his kin.

Davin wiped the egg with his hands, smearing and mixing the seed of the family members together so as to completely cover the shell, speaking as he rubbed it: "Hirsune to be! You have received the blessings of Penis, given freely and lovingly by all your kith and kin! May Penis bless you with a long and joyful life, full happiness and pleasure, guidance and aid, experience and strength, protection and expressiveness, wisdom and wit! May all these things and many more be yours for all of your life! Be bonded into this family, through love and lust, and always know that you are both wanted and loved! We will always be here for you, as Father, as Sire, as Grandfather, and as Uncles. May Penis be within you always! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone said, smiling.

Ky began to sniffle, wiping at his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Kav asked, wondering why Ky was misting up.

"It's just..." He said, smiling around them all, then at the egg. "This is the way I always felt families should be... It's... It's the way my human family should've been. Children should always cum into families that want them."

"Screw them, Ky," Mark said, smiling at him. "-We're- your family, and that's all that matters as far as that's concerned right?"

"Yeah," he said, looking at the egg. "And the family just got bigger."

"Well," Ardenus said, "Let's wait until he hatches to before we celebrate in ernest. Cum on guys, let's leave the two of them alone for now," Ardenus finished, ushering the others away so that Davin could be alone with his egg...

"Hey there!" Kylenus called out as he let himself into his Sire's house.

"Hey," he cousin Salaus answered from the couch, waving with his free had, the other wrapped around his erection.

"Oh brother! Are you getting off to Kevin Sorbo again?" Ky asked, seeing an episode of Hercules, the Legendary Adventures playing on the TV. Kevin, as Hercules, was pouring a bucket of water over his bare chest in slow motion.

"Why not?" his cousin asked defensively. "He's really sexy. Bald, but sexy!"

"He's not bald, look at all that long hair of his!"

"Yeah, but it's only on his head!" Salaus said, grabbing his stomach fur with his free hand. "Now stop breaking my concentration!" He turned back to the TV, stroking himself.

"Only if I can join you," Ky said, dropping his overnight bag, and beginning to strip.

Once nude, he sat down on the right side of the dark blonde-furred Hirsune, and began to pleasure himself to the scene as it suddenly skipped back to the beginning. Salaus, or Sal, as he liked to be called, had set the DVD to loop the scene over and over.

They sighed in pleasure, watching the scene again, stroking themselves. After a few minutes of occasionally glancing at his cousin, Sal reached over with his right hand, the left still on his phallus, and began to stroke Ky's fur-covered testicles sensually. Ky reached over with his left hand, returning the favor as he masturbated with his right.

The fondled themselves, and each other, as Roderal entered the room smiling. "Thought I heard you cum in," he said to his Sireling. "Mind if I join you guys?"

"Sure, Dad."

"Fine by me," Ky said. "Pop on a squatty."

"Huh?" Rod said, looking at his sireling in confusion. Sal stopped masturbating and looked at him in a 'what the fuck?' expression.

Ky patted the couch cushion beside him rapidly, indicating it's emptiness to his Sire. Shaking his head, Rod moved over and plopped down beside Ky. "You're really weird sometimes, Kid!" He sat down with a sigh. " I wish I'd known in advance," Rod said, sighing again as he finally saw what was on the screen, "that this would be the only disk out of the entire collection you'd be watching. I could've saved a lot on your Hatching Day gift by only buying the single season!"

"Oh, cum on, Dad! Just enjoy the show!" Sal said, as he resumed his stroking.

Rod shook his head goodnaturedly, and began stroking himself stiff, placing his free had on Ky's knee.

The three Hirsune pleasured their boners, watching the water cascade down the actor's pecs again.

"He does have a good body for a human," Rod said appreciatively.

"Umm, hmm," Ky answered. He moaned as Rod's hand came up, and the older Hirsune began to flick his sireling's right nipple lightly with his thumb.

Rod then leaned forward and down, taking the head of Ky's penis into his mouth. Ky let go, allowing his Sire's mouth to do the work for him as he stroked the blonde fur of Rod's back.

It wasn't long before Ky came, filling his Sire's mouth with his spew, convulsing in time with his boner's throbs of release. He heard Sal's moans of lust, and looked over in time to see his cousin release his load onto his furry torso. Ky smiled and leaned over, licking the spent cum out of Sal's fur as his own orgasm dwindled. He both heard and felt Rod's grunt of completion as his own member discharged copious amounts of sperm into himself and Ky.

After his climax faded, Rod rose up to a sitting position, and massaged his cum into their fur with his hands. "Glad you came, Ky... Oh, and glad you're visiting, too."

They all laughed...

It was three weeks since Davin's egg came forth, and the father-to-be was with Ky in the kitchen. Markano was watching over the egg, allowing his sireling's parent a chance to get out of the hatchery and stretch his legs. He was frowning, watching as his youngest brother was all but screaming into the phone.

"No, Murray!" the youngest of the siblings said, nearly shouting into the phone in his hand. "Because Davin's egg's about to hatch, and I'm going to be here to greet my new nephew! ...I Don't know, a few days, I guess! It's the last week before the hatching! ...No I can't cum next week, I still need time to meet him officially and get to know him! ...Yes, I know 'The View' wants me on, but if you tell them why I'm delaying them, they'll understand! ...Family is -not- bullshit, Murray! Just because you grew up in an orphanage doesn't mean everyone else has to go it alone! ...I'm staying here TWO! MORE! WEEKS! PERIOD!!!"

With that, Kylenus slammed the phone onto the hook so hard David was surprised that it didn't break. He watched his sibling fuming for a few moments, before Ky snatched the phone back up, and began to slam it down fiercely again and again with rage.

"Hey! Hey!" Davin said, rushing forward in alarm and taking the phone from the fuming brother's hand and setting it back down gently. "You're going to break it!"

"That's not the only thing I'll break!" Ky snarled as his aggression overrode his sense. Davin knew Ky was thinking of Murray - probably his face, to be specific. Davin didn't pity the human in the least, he still had a personal grudge against the agent for the way he treated Ky.

"Will who ever's doing that knock it off!" Mark said, poking his head out into the hallway. "You're gonna make my sireling shit in his shell!"

"Sorry!" Ky called out to him, looking embarrassed.

"Ky!" Davin exclaimed. "Why in the name of Penis do you put up with that guy? He treats you like a show piece without any concern for your thoughts or feelings. Why not just fire him and find someone better?"

"Because he works cheap, and every cent I don't have to pay him is another I can put into savings. He's a pain, but it's worth it."

"Why? What are you saving up all that money for, anyways? What could possibly be worth putting up with that greasy shit-smear?"

Ky turned to him, as his anger ebbed, and he looked like he wanted to talk, but stopped himself. "It's ... A project of mine."

"Oh ho! What kind of project? Cum on, tell me."

Ky hedged. "No... Not now."

Davin sighed with annoyance. "I promise not to tell anyone, if it's such a big secret! Cum on already, spill it!"

"I just... This is -your- time, Davin. I don't want to steal your thunder, is all."

"Ahh! You're the sweetest, Ky. But I'm not letting you off the hook! Tell me!"

"I want to tell everyone at once, but seeing as how you'll be a dad any time now..."

"Oh for Cuming's sake, Kylenus! By the time my boy goes to hatch, everyone will've forgotten whatever you want to say anyways, so just spill it!"

"Gee, thanks!" Ky said, glaring at his second eldest brother.

"I don't mean it like that! Ky... You put up with way more than I think is healthy for you, is all. I'm really worried for you. I want to understand why you're subjecting yourself to all of this. What could possibly be worth it?"

Ky sighed explosively. "You really aren't gonna drop it, are you?"

"Not on your egg-shell!"

"I never had one!"

"You know what I mean," Davin said, rolling his eyes.

"All right, but I want everyone to hear, so I'll wait until dinner."


"The only but around here should be yours moving away from me as you get back to your egg. Live with the suspense! They say it's good for the heart!"

"No it isn't! Who says that anyways?"

Ky shrugged. "Just some people I made up to get you out of my fur."

Shaking his head in disgust, Davin left the kitchen...

Dinner was almost finished when Davin cleared his throat. "Well everyone, I believe someone has an announcement to make, don't you Ky?"

Ky glared at him, the right side of his face twitching. He put down his fork, swallowed some tea, and cleared his throat. "I'm sure many of you wonder why I put up with Murray all the time... It's because he works fairly cheap, leaving me with a lot of money to stock away.That's the only reason I put up with him."

"Son," Ardenus said, looking at his youngest with concern. "If money's an issue, I'm sure we can work something out. You shouldn't have to torture yourself needlessly if you don't have to."

"No, it's not money concerns, if that's what you're thinking. It's just that I want to save as much as I can... For the future."

"Well, we are long-lived," Mark said.

"Yeah," Kav added. "But that's a long way off Ky. You're only seven years old!"

"No, it's not like that! It's not my future I'm concerned about... It's my Son's."

Everyone stared at him, and he blushed with embarrassment.

Ardenus leaned forward, "Ky?"

"After Davin made his announcement last year, I began to think about it, and I realized that I want to be a Dad myself. Not now, mind you, but someday. Maybe about a decade or so down the line, once I've gotten my head and heart together, and have a decent understanding of what it is to be Hirsune. I want to raise him right, you know? And part of that is making sure I have enough to make sure I'm not scrounging around to make ends meet. I don't want to just rely on what we take in from the crops, I want to have a nest egg for my egg, make sure he's never wanting for anything. Maybe he'll want to go to college or something, who knows? But I want to be ready in advance for when it happens.

"I was -going- to wait a few more months before saying anything," he added, glaring mildly at Davin, "But some people couldn't wait that long! Someday, I want to be a dad too. But I didn't want to distract for Davin's fatherhood. That's why I was holding off on saying anything, is all."

"Wow! Two second gen dads in the same family!" Kav said. "Any idea who'll be the sire yet?"

"Well... I was thinking... I'd do it myself, like Dad did with you Kav. I'll have future ones, if I still want more, by others. But I want the first to be wholly my own. One reason I never even donated sperm as a human was because I'd have to have shared the kid with someone else. This way, my Son will be mine and mine alone." He sat up straighter. "So enjoy the next several seasons, because once I go to have him, I guess I'll be riding solo."

"Well, Son," Ardenus said, smiling. "We'll all be here for you, and you won't have to raise him alone, or worry about his needs. We'll all pitch in to help."

Everyone murmured their agreement.

"Thanks, everyone, but let's get Davin's boy out into the world before we worry about any relatives for him... Hey," he asked suddenly, realizing something. "What relation would my boy be to Davin's? Brother? Cousin? Murderer?"

"Half-brother, is the generally used official term," Ardenus said, with a half-annoyed smile. "But 'Brother' is the general usage."

"Ok, good to know," Ky answered.

Everyone returned to their meal, their various thoughts on the next generation of Hirsune to cum...

Ky jolted awake as someone pounded on the floor beneath him. His bedroom was positioned above the hatchery, and the frantic sounds from below made him panic. He dashed from the room out to the hallway, and pounded on his brother's doors. "Wake up, guys, something's happening!"

He heard stumbling from Markano's room, and the door flew open a moment later. "What?" he said, looking alarmed.

"I don't know! Davin's pounding on the ceiling!"

Kavarin's door opened quickly, the third son trying to untangle his leg from his bedsheet. "Wha-?" he started to say, before their father's voice came up from below, interrupting him.

"Boys! Get down here! It's happening!"

Kav tried to force his way onto the stairs first, blocking Mark, but Ky grabbed his arm roughly. "Sire, first!" Ky said with annoyance, letting the eldest brother go down the stairs before he released Kav's arm. Kav bolted ahead, quick on Mark's behind. Ky was deeply annoyed, but followed, grumbling about his sibling's rudeness.

"What's wrong with you?" he whispered as they reached the hatchery window.

"It's my first Hatching," Kav answered.

Ky sighed and let the matter drop as he looked in through the long window, which barely gave each of them a clear view. "How long ago did it start?"

"About twenty minutes ago," Ardenus answered in a low voice. "We wanted to make sure it was really the Hatching and not him just fussing around before we called you all down."

"How long does it take, Dad?" Kav asked.

"Sometimes it can be a few hours or so, once a hatchling is ready to start seriously trying. He only started to seriously try to get out about a minute ago now."

Mark gasped as the egg rocked, then sat still a moment. Suddenly, it almost jumped, as the child inside struck the side hard.

"Whoa!" the granddad to be said with a chuckle. "Someone's a strong one!"

Davin guarded the egg, trying to keep it from moving around too much. He began to hold it firmly.

"Son, don't hold it too tight! You don't want to risk-"

"Ah!" Davin exclaimed, yanking his hands away as a crack formed.

"You OK, Son?"

"Yeah, just scared me more than anything. For a moment I thought I'd gotten cut!"

"That's why you keep your hands clear, Davin. Just stay close without touching the egg, OK?"

A large split appeared a few minutes later, then a violent motion broke a portion loose. A tiny voice could be heard inside, coughing as the liquid of the egg oozed out of the hole.

"Dad?" Davin asked nervously.

"Hold on..." Ardenus said, listening carefully as the coughing died out. "It's OK Son, he's just clearing his lungs, is all. He's fine."

Davin sighed in relief.

After a few minutes, the hatchling worked his way out, and laid gasping for breath for a few moments, recovering from the ordeal of escaping the egg. Ky noticed that there was a thick scent in the air. It smelled vaguely like a cross between a boiled egg and some type of red meat. The smell was interesting, rather than offensive, and he noted it mildly as he watched his new nephew uncurl and begin to move slowly, whimpering and snuffling around like an animal, blinking his small eyes.

"He's hungry, Son. Squirt out a little milk for him. Let him find it on his own, though."

Davin did so, and the small boy lifted his head, sniffing the air and whimpering urgently. He whined, almost crying in fustration as he snuffled around, unable to find the source of the delicious smell.

"Kinda stupid, isn't he?" Kav asked, then exclaimed in surprise as Mark smacked the back of his head hard.

"Don't call my Sireling stupid, dumbass!"

"Quiet!" Ardenus snarled in a low growl, looking furiously at them both. He turned back to the window, huffing in annoyance. He closed his eyes, calming himself back down before returning his attention to Davin and his grandson.

"Squirt some onto your finger, Davin, and use that to lead him to you."

Davin did so, putting his wet finger near his boy, who went wild as he tried desperately to get to the finger. Davin pulled it back as he laid on his side, guiding his new offspring to his nipple, then he squeezed it to leak out a small amount.

The boy latched onto the nipple, sucking furiously.

"Who-ha-ho!" Davin stammered as he was fed from. "Someone's pretty hungry!"

Markano chuckled, looking at the life he had helped to create. "Look at him go!"

"How long until we can meet him, Dad?" Kav asked.

"We'll let them have about two days to cement the emotional bond between them, then we'll introduce our clothing to him... let him get to know us by smell first. Then we'll each meet him one by one, starting with Markano. Davin? Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Well, I was thinking of Avaran for his name."

"That's a good name, Son... I'm so proud of you," Ardenus finished, as a silent tear made it's way down his cheek...

Kylenus entered the hatchery slowly on hands and knees, as Avaran stared at him, sniffing the air. Ky held forth his hand, letting his nephew memorize his scent before gently reaching forward and petting the side of the boy's head.

Avaran reacted poorly to this, smacking at the hand, and making Ky yelp with surprise at the stinging sensation on his forearm.

"He scratched me!" Ky exclaimed, looking at his arm and seeing that the fur had blocked any serious damage. He rubbed the area which stung slightly.

"Sorry, I forgot... You don't know about egg-teeth."


"Oh! Here, I'll show you. Avaran? Son? Cum here a moment..." The new father called to his son.

The boy couldn't have cared less, though, as he started digging into the mattress-like padding of the hatchery floor, trying to see what was underneath, and completely ignoring his parent.

Davin sighed, and moved forward to pick up the boy, who began to squirm and whine. "Avaran! I just want to show him something, is all."

The boy squirmed in his father's arms, trying to get loose. "He's so damned hyper," Davin said, sighing and lifting his son's left hand.

Ky saw a tiny bone-like spike protruding from the hatchling's middle fingertip. It was only a few centimeters long, but was rather pointy. "He has one on the other hand, too. We loose them about a week or so after hatching. We use them to break our way out of the egg, then they fall off. See?" he said, holding up his hand to show Ky a dimple-like scar on the end of his middle finger.

Ky had noticed it before, but had never thought to ask. He looked down at his own finger, but was disappointed to see that he, himself, lacked a similar marking. "I don't have them."

"Maybe it's because you never came from an egg, so you never needed them. It's OK, Ky."

Feeling a bit crestfallen, Ky turned his attention back to To his nephew, who had broken free, and crawled over to him. "Hey Kid, I'm your Uncle Kylenus, but you can just call me Uncle Ky."

Avaran looked up at him, then moved closer, beginning to explore his Uncle's body with curiosity.

"Is there another Rite? Do we do anything now that he's hatched?"

Davin shook his head. "The next step for him on the path to Penis won't be until he hits puberty, and begins to express an interest in learning about mating. We won't hide sex from him, because it's important he know something about it, but he won't be actively involved in any mating until he's ready to ask for it himself. Then I'll begin to teach him and prepare him for the Great Rite."

A small vocalization, as if in query, made Ky look down at the boy curiously.

Avaran stared up at him, looking up to Ky's face, studying it, then he smiled, and Ky smiled back warmly...

Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 20 - Family Matters by argouru ? ? Kylenus felt restless. It was a year after Avaran had hatched. Ky'd already eaten and mated with Kavarin, who had accompanied him on...

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Hirsune Pt. 18 - A Brand New Day

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 18 - A Brand New Day by argouru It was the second week of March, when Davin went into season, and each of the family was tending to his needs in turn. Markano was with...

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Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse by argouru Ky frowned, looking around at the crowd of both Hirsune and humans gathered in the town hall's meeting room. \*I'm getting real sick of...

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