Hirsune Pt. 18 - A Brand New Day

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 18 - A Brand New Day

by argouru

It was the second week of March, when Davin went into season, and each of the family was tending to his needs in turn. Markano was with him, and Ky was walking out the back door, a spare gas mask in his hand as he pulled another over his face, eager for his second turn. He was halfway to the barn when the bell above the barn doors rang ten times. Ky stopped in his tracks, staring up to it in disappointment, then did the math. It have only been just over a day since Davin's heat had begun.

*He ended early?* Ky thought to himself, pulling off the gas mask as Ardenus jogged in from the west field.

"He can't've ended so soon," the father said, looking perplexed for a moment, before his face lit up. "Cum on," he said, smiling as he hurried to the breeding room.

They looked through the window to see Mark waving them in.

"Davin?" Ardenus said as they entered. "You OK, Son?"

"Yeah, I'm OK. What day is it?" he asked, laying back as the final effects of his pheromones wore off.


"But... Then it's only been a day!"

"I know, Son. I think you did it!" the father said, smiling with joy.

"Did what?" Ky asked, looking at them without comprehension.

"Well, Kylenus," their father explained, "When a heat ends prematurely, that's a good sign that the one who was in it is pregnant."

"So then, who's the Sire? You Mark?" Kylenus asked his oldest brother.

"Well," the eldest sibling said, looking down at Davin, "I think maybe so."

"You OK with being his Sire, Mark?" Davin asked, looking up at his elder brother with concern.

"Yeah..." Mark said, smiling slowly. "I think I am."

"Well, let's not get too into this just yet," Ardenus said. "We won't know for sure until tomorrow..."

They got their answer very quickly the next morning.

Ky was heading to the bathroom when Davin charged past him, diving head first to the toilet, where he began to retch


"You OK?" Ky asked, worried.

Davin didn't answer, except to keep mentioning someone named Ralph. Ky just stood there helpless until Mark and Ardenus rushed up the stairs, followed a moment later by Kavarin, who came out from his room, smelling of spent cum.

"What's going on?" Kav asked, wiping the last traces of his sperm from his beard.

Ardenus went to his ailing boy, helping him up into a sitting position. "You OK, Davin?" he asked, then brushed his hand lightly over the younger Hirsune's left nipple.

Davin reacted violently, as though in pain, and pushed the hand away quickly, shielding his chest without touching it himself. "No,don't!Don't!Don't!" he babbled quickly.

"Davin," the father said, his voice thick. "You're pregnant!"

"Wha- Really?"

"Yeah, Son. You've got all the signs! Heat ended early, morning sickness and sensitive nipples... You're gonna be a Dad!"

"But I can't be, Dad! This is only my first year of trying!"

"I know it sounds impossible, but you got pregnant the first try, Son! I'm so proud of you!"

"Wow!," Davin said weakly, "That's gr-"

Suddenly he vomited all over Ardenus' thigh.


"Happy Hatching Day!" Everyone cried, as Ardenus set an egg-shaped cake with white frosting which featured a large crack down the front from the narrow top end, in front of Kylenus. Upon it was a pink outline of an erect phallus gushing sperm, and the words 'HAPPY 1ST / 7TH HATCHING DAY!' in yellow icing. He stared at the wording, his brow wrinkled in confusion.

"First-slash-Seventh?" he asked.

"Well, Son," Ardenus said. We know this is your first actual Hatching day, but you're technically seven years old, so we combined the two together for you. We thought it'd be easier that way. Next year will just be your eighth, and we'll go on from there, OK?"

"Alright," Ky replied goodnaturedly.

"Presents!" Markano said, pulling a sheet off the end of the table.

"PRESENTS!!!" Ky exclaimed, reaching forward towards them from his chair and fake-drooling like a zombie. The motion was so sudden that everyone stared at him with shock.

He looked around at his family, pulling out of the zombie-pose. "What?"

Everyone began to laugh, recovering from their surprise, and Mark shook his head, chuckling as he handed a wrapped gift box to Ky.

The gifts were very nice. A chrome metal cockring with an enlongated portion to stimulate the prostate came from Mark, a copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 for his PS3 from Davin, the latest expansion for the Arkham Horror boardgame from Kav, and a mono-colored western hat with a flat brim from his dad that looked good on and fit him very well.

Those, combined with being surrounded by a loving family, made this the best holiday Ky had ever had.

They celebrated with an orgy, Davin limiting himself to masturbation, now that he was pregnant. Ky smiled up at Mark, as the eldest brother bathed the Hatching Day boy with his hot piss as Kav rode his canal, and Ardenus massaged Davin's ass as he stroked himself to cumpletion as they watched...

Markano took over the duties of running the house, Davin helping for as long as he was able. Within a week, his stomach had grown noticeably. Kylenus came into the second son's bedroom one morning to say hi.

He looked around the walls of Davin's bedroom, which were covered in posters, post card, and clippings from newspapers and magazines. The various images were of famous places from all over the world, and Ky noted that the several of them had a red check mark on them, which Davin had added when they got back each time after the younger brother's talk and news shows tours.

He sat down gently, as Davin smiled at him and handing him a bowl of shelled, hard boiled eggs. He watched the pregnant Hirsune devour them greedily, his condition heightening his appetite. "Aren't you worried about turning the kid into a cannibal?" Ky asked, smiling.

Davin shot him a dirty look. "I thought we covered the whole egg thing!"

"Sorry," Ky said, smiling still. "Congratulations once again, though."

"Thanks... Oh, um... I'm about halfway through gestation now, so I want to apologize... In advance..."

"For what?" Ky asked, confused...

Ky came into Ardenus' room a few days later with a plate of food. Davin had begun to have difficulty using the stairs to reach his own room, so Ardenus had switched rooms with his son until after his pregnancy concluded.

"What're you doing in here?!?" Davin snarled, looking at Kylenus with an intense hatred.

"I..." Ky stammered, shocked at the way he sibling was acting. "I'm just bringing you your lunch."

"Bullshit! You think I'm stupid!" Davin snapped.

"No, I..." Ky said, terrified at the look of deep-seated rage on his brother's face. "Why would you think that?"

"I know what you're up to!" Davin snarled.

"Davin, please! Just eat your lunch, OK? You'll feel better!" He held the plate forth nervously.

The pregnant Hirsune struck upwards with his hand, sending the plate of spaghetti flying upwards and spraying everywhere. "I don't need to feel better, Shit Canal! I need you to stop trying to sneak in here to murder my child!"

"What?!? No! I'd never..." Kylenus sputtered in horror, unable to understand why his brother would say such a thing.

Davin glanced down, saw the fork on the bed, and seized it, brandishing it like a knife.

Ky backpedaled in terror until he reached the door. He bumped into someone, and turned to see his father behind him.

"Davin, cum on Son," the parent said, looking almost as scared as Ky. "Please don't do this! Everything will be OK."


"Son, please! We're not gonna hurt you or your egg! Please be reasonable!"

Davin lunged forward, halting a few inches from the door as Ardenus pulled Ky back out into the hallway and slammed the door closed behind them.

"AND STAY OUT!!!" Davin screamed through the door.

"Dad," Ky stammered in shock, "I swear I never-"

"No, Ky," his father said, cutting him off. "It's not you, it's just the testosterone poisoning, remember? Davin will be OK in a day or two. It looks like his protective instincts turned to paranoia. Let's just leave him be until it passes. Trust me, Son. It's all just part of the Hirsune breeding cycle. It's perfectly natural."

Something wooden like the nightstand, from the sound of it, struck the door hard from behind, shattering as it hit...

Davin came out the next evening, acting very timid, and sat meekly at the dinner table with his head hung down. "I'm sorry," he said quietly to them all, still looking downward.

"It's alright, Son," Ardenus said, smiling gently at his pregnant offspring.

"I'm sorry."

"Davin, it's alright. No one got hurt, and we know you didn't mean anything you said. It was just the testosterone talking, so don't worry about it, OK?"

"I'm sorry."

Davin spent the next day and a half apologizing so often, that the rest of the family rapidly grew tired of hearing him say those same two words again and again. Liberal use of duct tape was considered, and finally offered up as a threat if he didn't let the matter drop. Fortunately, that was enough to make him do so...

Kavarin went into season three days later, and Kylenus was allowed to go second. He entered the breeding room, wearing a gas mask and carrying a second one, to see Markano fucking Kav roughly, grunting as his phallus pistoned within Kav's eater canal. Ky fitted the gas mask onto Mark's head just after he came, when his resistance was low, and the eldest brother came around slowly, moaning as his orgasm faded, and rational thought returned. Kav laid still, having passed out momentarily from exhaustion.

"Good," he said as his head cleared. "I don't think I could've lasted another round! Just let me catch my breath... What day is this again?"

"Friday. Looks like we're missing Services again," Ky said with a slight frown, looking out at the darkening sky beyond the window.

"Damn... Oh well, this is just as good, so no worries. Ready for your turn?"

"Yeah," Ky said, removing his mask and handing it to Mark. He breathed deeply a few times, sighed with deep lust as the pheromones overcame him, and he dove onto Kav, who was beginning to awaken.

"Have fun!" Mark said, patting Ky on the ass, who thrusted into his rousing brother with a growl of lust...

Kylenus was feeding the chickens when a loud bell attached to the house began to ring continuously. This bell was slightly different from the Heat bell, but it could only mean one thing... He tore off to the house, seeing Ardenus come running in from the field.

Mark was helping Kav in the east field, but Ky thought he saw them moving rapidly towards the house as well. As he was the closest, Ky made it into the house first, finding Davin in the kitchen, panting and grunting in pain.

"Davin! What is it?"

"Ky, help me get to the hatchery. Shit! I think he's about to cum out!"

Kylenus ran forward, draped Davin's arm over his shoulder, and did his best to help the laboring sibling down the hallway. They reached the door to the storage room, which had been converted back into a hatchery, and they entered, where Ky gently sat his brother down on the mattress pads that covered the floor and lower walls, legs spayed due to his massive stomach.

"Davin! Ky?" Ardenus shouted from the living room.

"In here!" Ky shouted, bringing their father to the room.

"Davin? You alright, Son? Is it time?"

The second son nodded rapidly, sweating. "Yeah, it's time..."

"Ky," their father said, turning to him. "Go get a large cup of crushed ice. Kav," he added, as the third son appeared. "Go get some towels."

Mark appeared, entering and kneeling next to his brother. "It's OK, Davin. We're here for you. Don't worry, I helped Dad with you and Kav, so just try to relax as best as you can, OK?"

Ky crushed the ice and scooped it into a large tumbler glass, then returned. "Here," he said, handing the cup to Mark, who offered a handful to Davin...

The process was slow, as Davin's rear passage dilated as much as possible, his other muscles beginning to contract.

"Ok, Son, you're as ready as you're going to be," Ardenus said. "Remember, the egg cums out wide end first, so it'll hurt like the dickens. When you feel the urge to push, push as hard as you can. Don't worry, the egg can take the strain, so just concentrate on pushing."

Davin nodded. Almost fifteen minutes later, he groaned in agony.

"Now?" Ardenus said, sitting between his son's legs.

"Now!" Davin shouted, and yelled with pain and effort as he bore down, his face twisted and eyes closed.

Ky was behind his father, and saw a light grey wall appear from his brother's insides, which grew larger rapidly. Davin yelled as the egg was expelled, popping out quickly once the widest part of the egg moved past the anal muscles. It slid out wetly, covered in solem that smelled of muted pheromones, and Ardenus held it gently in his palms, smiling warmly down at it as he cleaned it with towels, before raising it up for the new father-to-be to see.

Panting from his ordeal, Davin reached forward, placing a palm tenderly onto the side of the egg, looking at it with wonder.

"Congratulations, Son," Ardenus said, beaming with happiness to his offspring. "You did it. The worst part is over now. All you need to do now is keep him warm and watch over him until he's ready to hatch. We'll leave you two alone for awhile. Just talk to him, Son, he he'll need to get to know the sound of your voice for when he cums out, OK?"

"Ok," Davin said, hugging the egg gently and stroking the smooth exterior of it. "When do we do the Rite?" he asked.

"We'll give you awhile to recover, then we'll perform the Rite, OK?"

They got up to leave, allowing the new father time alone with his unhatched son. "I'm proud of you, Son," Ardenus said, kissing Davin on the forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"Hey in there," Davin cooed, rubbing the egg tenderly. "I'm your Dad. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, Son... I can't wait to meet you. I wonder what you look like in there..."

Hirsune Pt. 19 - Family Time

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 19 - Family Time by argouru Two nights later, the rest of the family gathered outside the hatchery, where Davin continued to spend time with his egg, talking almost...

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Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse by argouru Ky frowned, looking around at the crowd of both Hirsune and humans gathered in the town hall's meeting room. \*I'm getting real sick of...

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Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up by argouru Several hours later, the last of the Hirsune had been rounded up in the middle of town, Lt. Maven walking down the line, feeling very...

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