Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 16 - The Round Up

by argouru

Several hours later, the last of the Hirsune had been rounded up in the middle of town, Lt. Maven walking down the line, feeling very uneasy. He'd had to follow incomprehensible orders before, but never one like this. It made no sense to round up a small town of men and boys and line them up along the main road of the small community. He felt slightly sick, seeing the children, unable to justify to himself why this was happening.

While it was true that the lack of women was very strange, and the men looked rather odd, what with their very hairy bodies, it was seeing the several nude men that had shown him just how odd these people were, as the hair seemed to cover their entire bodies. And they all seemed to possess the kind of dicks he'd kill to have for himself. The ladies would go nuts over him if he had a tool anything like the ones these guys were sporting!

It was the children that shocked him the most, though. Some of the older ones were growing hair like crazy too, and the smaller ones looked very odd. They seemed, despite their size, to be much more physically developed than they should be. It was the presence of the children that bothered him the most. Why round up children along with the adults?

Once a full sweep had been made, and the last of them lined up, he made his way to his CO's tent.

"That's the last of them, Sir."

"Good," the Col. said, rising. "Get all the men together and have them ready their weapons."


"We'll execute the prisoners immediately. That's all, Lieutenant."

"But Sir! Why? These are just unarmed civilians... It-"

"I GAVE YOU AN ORDER, LIEUTENANT! NOW CARRY IT OUT!" the Col. shouted, looking deranged.

"SIr," a private entered, holding a field-op phone. "There's a call for you, Col."

"I don't have any time for calls, Private. Have them call back."

"But, Col., It's the Chief," the private said, then pulled the phone back to his ear. "Yes, Sir? Yes, right away Sir," he said into the phone, then pressed a button. A strong man's voice came out of the attached speaker on the phone that was used for conference calls.

"Col. Alistare, you are to stand down immediately."

"But Mr. President, Sir," Alistare stammered, shocked that the Commander and Chief would call him directly. "I'm acting in the best interest of national security! You don't know what those things are! If we let them run loose, they'll be a threat to the entire country!"

"That's not for you to decide, Col., nor was it your place to conduct a covert operation without authorization. You are to stand down immediately..."

Col. Alistare couldn't believe his ears. Surely the president couldn't be so blind as to not understand what they were dealing with! These were monsters, breeding immorally in secret, working to tear down the greatest nation in the world! He couldn't just stand by and allow that to happen! That was why he'd engineered all of this in secret, knowing that the bleeding-heart liberals would try to stop him from acting. They'd be too blinded to see these malignant creatures for what they truly were. It didn't matter what happened to him afterwards, so long as America was kept safe.

No," he said, moving forward. "I'm sorry, Sir, but in time, you'll see that I was right to do what I'm doing. I have to do this!"

"Col. Alistare, you are violating a direct order from your Commander and Chief. I order you to stand down immediately!"

"I can't do that, Sir. You'll thank me later for this, trust me!"

"Lt. Maven?" the president said through the speaker.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Place Col. Alistare under arrest, then have your forces stand down."

"NO!" the Col. shouted with rage, refusing to allow the plan he'd worked for months to get into place shattered by some idiot bureaucrat who hadn't the slightest idea of the danger he was so blithely ignoring. He pulled out his pistol. "LT. I'M GIVING YOU A DIRECT ORDER! EXECUTE THOSE THINGS IMMEDIATELY!"

The Lt. And private didn't obey, instead, they drew their own sidearms, aiming them at their commanding officer.

"STAND DOWN, COL.!" Lt. Maven shouted back. "DON'T MAKE ME FIRE!"

Col. Alistare took aim at his lieutenant's face.

Two shots rang out.

"Hello? Anyone! What's happening?" the president shouted through the speaker phone.

The private picked up the phone. "I'm sorry, Sir, but the Col. pulled his weapon on us, we were forced to fire in self defense..." He looked to the Lt., examining the Col. Who was slumped against the wall of the tent, then shook his head. The Private spoke into the phone. "I'm sorry, Sir, but the Col. is dead."

"Understood, Private. Lt. Maven?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I am hereby placing you in charge until help arrives. You are ordered to stand down immediately. Let the town's folk go about their business, and withdraw your forces from that town. You will retreat to a distance of fifty miles west of town, make camp, and await further orders. But before you leave, Lt., I want to speak to whoever's in charge of the community..."

"Sir?" the private said, approaching Pareus. "The president would like a word with you, Sir."

"The president?" the head elder said, looking confused and stunned.

"The President of the United States, Sir."

"I, uh... umm... I don't..." Pareus stammered, looking shellshocked. He looked around helplessly at the others, unable to speak. Not knowing what to say or do. He couldn't think or feel. He'd never been in shock this deeply before, and felt that he was far out of his element. Finally, his eyes fell on Kylenus, who was being examined by Harian. "K-Kylenus... C-could you..." He stammered, gesturing at the phone. If anyone could speak with a human under these conditions, it was the boy...

Ky moved forward slowly, feeling very awkward, and took the phone from the private reluctantly. "Hello?" he asked, wishing he was safe at home in his bed, instead of in the middle of town talking on the phone as everyone watched him.

"To whom am I speaking?" the voice on the other end said, sounding vaguely familiar to him.

"Uh, Kylenus. I'm... A son of one of the town elders. The mayor's not really up to speaking at the moment..."

"I can appreciate that, Kylenus. This is the president of the United States. I'd like to ask you to pass on a message to him, and everyone else in your community. Firstly, I deeply regret what has happened there."

"Then why did you do it?" Kylenus exclaimed, the tension and fear of the last few hours making him emotional. "We never hurt anyone. We're no threat to humans! All we Hirsune want is to be left alone! But you came anyways, dragging us out into the street, even the hatchings, and lining us up like you were going to kill us! What did we ever do to humanity, other than exist in the first place?"

There was a long silence on the other end. "What do you mean? Are you saying you're not human?"

"What?" Ky asked, shocked. "No, we're not human. Isn't that why you stormed our town?"

"The actions of Col. Alistare were conducted without the knowledge or approval of the United States government. We had no knowledge of your people, or that the Col. was acting against you. The army platoon has been ordered to stand down, and leave your community. You're all free to go about your business. Once again, I want to offer my heartfelt apology to your town for the events that have transpired. I would also request permission to send a small delegation to your community so as to clear up any misunderstandings between the US government and your people... The Hirsune, you said?"

"Uh, yeah, that's us... Look, we just want to live in peace, that's all. If you send someone to talk to us, make it a small group, about two or three, but no more!"

"Very well, Kylenus. You have my word... And once again, I'm very sorry."

Ky nodded silently, and handed the phone back to the soldier. He walked numbly over to Pareus and the other elders, and told them what he'd learned.

"You alright, Ky?" Ardenus asked him, seeing the shellshocked look on his youngest boy's face.

"I... I just want to go home..."

"Alright, Son. We can go."

Later, back at the farm, Kylenus sat in the shower, letting the hot water soak him thoroughly as he sat in a fetal position on the floor, the water raining down upon him. He sat there, staring blankly at the wall of the shower below the handles without seeing it, the left side of his face throbbing painfully...

"Ky, You awake yet?" Kavarin's voice came from beyond the door.

Kylenus pulled himself into a fetal position, his back to the door. He still didn't want to be around people.

"Ky?" Kav asked, entering slowly. "Aren't you hungry?"

He shook his head slowly, then winced with the pain the movement caused in his face.

Kav moved forward slowly, and sat down. "Please look at me."

Ky sighed, and rolled over slowly, his face wet with tears.

Kav looked upon the dark bruise covering the side of his younger sibling's head. "That jerk really got you good, didn't he?"

"No, he wasn't."


"He wasn't a jerk... He was a monster."

Kav stared mutely at his sibling, unable to think of what to say.

"I've been a real idiot!" Ky said fiercely.

"No you haven't! Why would you say something like that?"

"Because I was wrong... And Volnaro was right. Humans are evil... They only know how to hate and destroy!"

"That's not true, Ky, and you know it! You should know that better than anyone!" Kav said, angry that Ky was doubting himself.

"That's just it! I was going on and on about human kindness, but what do I know? Everyone I knew hated me, just because I was different! They all treated me horribly! And then there's that damned guy who punched my lights out! He wanted us dead, Kav! He wanted to exterminate us like roaches! I saw it in his eyes! It's like we weren't even people to him! I blew it! I was supposed to prevent something like this from happening, and it happened anyways! ...I'm A failure..."

Kav looked at him in shock, then anger. He lunged forward, dragging Ky up by the arms, forcing his brother into a sitting position, then shook him fiercely. "NO YOU'RE NOT, KY! WHAT KIND OF STUPID THING IS THAT TO SAY?!?"

"What's going on in here?" Ardenus said, rushing in, with Markano and Davin.

"Just Kylenus acting like a moron!" Kav snapped.

"Knock it off!" Ky shouted, shaking free of his sibling's grip. "I feel bad enough as it is without you rubbing it in!"

"Urgggg! That's not what I mean at all!" Kav shouted, his face reddening. "What I mean is, you're acting so stupid for thinking of yourself like that! You're not a failure, Ky! ...And If you say it again, I'll give you a bruise on the other side of your face to match the first one!"

"Kylenus," their father said, looking at his youngest in shock. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true," the lad said, looking away, unable to meet his parent's eyes. "I told the elders to trust humans, and look what happened! We almost got wiped out today! You shouldn't've trusted me. I'm so stupid, thinking we could live together with them!"

Ardenus, moved quickly, pulling Ky up from the bed into a fierce hug. "Stop it, Ky, please!" he said, his voice breaking. "You didn't do any of this! They were already going to cum here! They've been trying to get info out of Bertha for the last few months. That started this before you even came here. You can't blame yourself for the actions of others!" He pulled back a bit, looking his son in the eyes.

"Ky," Markano said, moving forward, "They weren't doing that on the government's orders. That was just one bigot acting on his own. There's been a public outcry against the people who engineered this. From what they're saying on the news, there's a lot of people out there who are taking our side on this."

"Besides, Ky," Davin said, stepping forward, "It's because of Lilly that word got out about all of this. The elders aren't really all that happy that humans now know about our existence, but they understand why Lilly told the public about us."

"Lilly?" Ky asked, looking stunned.

"That's right, Son." Ardenus added. "If it wasn't for her going public about our existence, no one would have ever known. That Alistare man would've killed us all, and no one would've ever been the wiser. When she told the world about our existence, that made the president aware of what was going on in time to stop him. Because of you, we got to know Lilly, and she saved us. We wouldn't have ever met her if it wasn't for you, Kylenus. So you didn't endanger us, Son... You saved us."

Ky felt weak, and sat down heavily on the bed. Ardenus knelt before him.

"You saved us, Son... You saved us all!" He hugged Kylenus fiercely, as the rest of the family came together to share the hug.

Ky no longer knew what to think or feel. The pain and self-doubt of the day overwhelmed him, and he cried uncontrollably onto his father's shoulder...

Later that evening, Markano asked to share Kylenus' bed with him. Ardenus had wanted to be the one, but Mark and Davin had talked him out of it. Ky and his father made for a rather aggressive mix of pheromones, and the older sons felt that a more smoothing presence would help the still emotionally fragile youngest son at this time.

Mark laid there, hugging his younger sibling protectively in Ky's bed, as they petted each other softly.

"We've been getting a lot of calls tonight, from almost everyone in town," Mark said. "The phone's practically ringing constantly."


"There's a lot of people who want to thank you for helping to save us. They're calling you a hero."

"What?!? That's ridiculous!"

"No it's not, Ky! If you hadn't told Tenaro who to contact, and if you hadn't told us to what to do when the soldiers came, then people could've died, all of us, in fact if Lilly hadn't gotten involved, and that was because of you, too."

"I still think that that's going a bit far though. I mean cum on! I wasn't out there fighting the humans, I just gave some advice, is all."

"And that advice saved many people from getting hurt. Therefore, everyone's grateful to you... Well, almost everyone."


"There's a few folks who're still outraged, saying that this is only the beginning. That more humans will try to kill us. That kind of thing. ...There's Even a few whackos who... think you're responsible. But don't listen to them! Just listen to the people who recognize you for the hero you are."

"Alright... But only if they get me a spiderman costume, or something else that shows off my ass... I always did like masturbating to him..." Ky joked softly. The mental imagery of that lycra-clad muscular body twisting into all of those kinky positions made his shaft stir.

"Looks like you're getting your arousal back," Mark said, taking the stiffening shaft into his hand and stroking it gently.

"Good, I haven't gotten off once all day. But let's go easy, OK? I don't think I'm up to a serious mating."

"Please!" he eldest brother scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Didn't you learn anything at the temple? Not everything's about mounting, you know."

And Mark bent his head down, peeled back Ky's foreskin, and licked the exposed cockhead slowly.

Ky gasped with satisfaction, letting his eldest sibling stimulate his glands tenderly, petting Mark's head as he was pleasured.

One thing they had discovered, was that Mark and Ky made a rather interesting mixture of pheromones. Ones that triggered a relaxed, sensual feeling in them both. The effect made mating rather Tantric in nature for the two of them, leading to long, slow encounters that made their bodies and minds tingle with sensual pleasure.

They let their musk fill the air, getting high off of each other, and sharing their solem despite the lack of penetration. They moved into the sixty nine position, rimming each other and gulping down the other's solem, letting it dance on their tongues, then pulled back a bit and began to suck each others penises.

Ky groaned in pleasure, as Mark impaled his throat on Ky's phallus, his nose brushing the younger brother's pubes. Ky had been rather shocked at this the first time. How Mark could swallow all of Ky's over foot long meat without gagging or suffocating was miraculous.

Ky tried to respond in kind, the painkilling medicine Doc Harian had given for him helping with the pain in his face, but it wasn't enough, and he winced as he quickly withdrew his mouth.

Markano sensed his brother's distress, and pulled off his shaft. "It's OK, Ky, just do whatever you can." With that, he resumed deep throating the throbbing boner before him.

Ky sighed, and used his hands to help him, compensating for the lack of facial mobility.

Mark was a very talented sucker, and he soon had Ky moaning as his orgasm hit, pouring his seed down his brother's throat. Mark groaned as his own shaft pulsed, and Kylenus drank down his sibling's spunk as it blasted free from the eye of his penis. They moaned deeply as their orgasms flowed throughout both of their hairy bodies, from their toes to the tops of their heads.

More groans of pleasure suddenly sounded from nearby, and Ky looked up just in time to see his father standing over them, spraying his sperm over Mark's furry ass and Ky's bearded face, smiling down at them.

"Sorry, Boys," the parent said, gasping in pleasure and grinding his hips in midair as he covered his sons in his spunk, watching them bred each other's mouths. "I walked in, saw you two going at it, and got too worked up to resist."

Mark pulled free, and looked up to their parent. "That's fine, Dad. Bathe us in the juice that made us. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ardenus breathed, continuing to cover his sons in liquid white.

"Hail Penis," Ky said thickly around a mouthful of Mark's sperm, smiling up at his father.

The three soon came down from the heights of their lusts, and Ardenus sighed. "Oh! Almost forgot why I came in here! Ky, Pareus said that the humans are sending government representatives tomorrow morning, and he wants you there for the meeting. Lilly called and said she'd be there too."

"Alright, Dad. But I still don't know what all I can do... Oh! Call everyone up and tell them to bathe and dress fully for the meeting tomorrow. Humans are squeamish about body odor and nudity. Also, no sex in front of them, and keep the shows of family affection to a minimum."

Ardenus looked a bit apprehensive. "Those last parts may not go over very well, Son."

"Well if they have to sate themselves, then tell them to leave the room. Find a broom closet or something. We need the humans to see us as more than just smelly nymphos."

"Where's the fun in that?" Mark asked, making Ky roll his eyes in annoyance, smiling in spite of himself for a moment.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but please, Dad. We need to make the humans feel comfortable if we're going to gain their support," he said to the elder that was his parent. "Oh, and make sure priest Welvayan wears his -full- robe, not his normal one!"

"Alright, Son. I'll go spread the word..." The father said, leaving the room...

Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse by argouru Ky frowned, looking around at the crowd of both Hirsune and humans gathered in the town hall's meeting room. \*I'm getting real sick of...

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Hirsune Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future by argouru Life at the temple had was very interesting. Much of Kylenus' time was spent learning the ways of sex, which the Hirsune...

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Hirsune Pt. 14 - Never Alone

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 14 - Never Alone by argouru ? ? Kylenus awoke alone within a bedroom located at the back of the temple. The large king-sized bed he had shared with the temple acolytes...

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