Hirsune Pt. 14 - Never Alone

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 14 - Never Alone

by argouru



Kylenus awoke alone within a bedroom located at the back of the temple. The large king-sized bed he had shared with the temple acolytes was empty but for him.

*Speaking of empty butt...* he thought, remembering the sensual welcuming mating he'd received from them last night before sleep had claimed him. He rubbed his anus with a smile, and got up slowly, fighting free from the desire to just lay here in the soft bed longer. He could begin to see why the acolytes seemed to enjoy their roles within the temple's hierarchy so much.

Rising, he left the bed chamber and followed the hallway to his right as he exited, walking to the doorway at the end which led into the small dining hall for the temple's inhabitants. On the table were a bowl of fruit consisting of oranges, apples in both red and green varieties, and bananas, a loaf of homemade bread and butter, and a pot of lukewarm lemongrass tea.

He ate and drank until the edge was off of his hunger, then opened the doors that led into the main chamber of the temple. He found himself back in the very room where he'd had his first night of services, and saw Priest Welvayan receiving the phallus of one of the acolytes, moaning in pleasure as he sat atop the lap of his servant, riding the lad's phallus gently. His vestments trailed over the altar, and his nipples stuck out firmly from his chest along its open front, as the accolyte teased them gently with his fingers.

Welvayan sighed loudly, and pulled the lad's head up to the exposed tip of his phallus, plunging it into the willing mouth as he gasped in satisfaction. "Receive the blessings of Penis, my son... Let them flow through you," He breathed, his head hung back as he released his load into the acolyte's gullet.

The servant let out a series of muffled groans, rising in tempo and urgency. "Yes, my son," the priest called out passionately, "Bestow the Blessings of Phallus deep within me! Let them wash over the core of my being!" The acolyte let out a long, muffled moan of satisfaction, as his orgasm pulsed forth within the priest's canal.

Kylenus watched them, stroking his semi-hard member gently as he observed them as they enjoyed themselves.

"Ah," Welvayan said, seeing him and smiling. "You looked so peaceful sleeping that we decided to allow you to rest in some. Good morning, Kylenus. I hope your rest was pleasant?"

"Very much so, Sir. Thank you." Kylenus moved forward, gazing around the temple's main room of worship. He studied the torches on the walls, which still burned. "Doesn't it get a bit expensive, burning those all the time?"

"Yes... Fortunately we have a solution. Agarno!" he called.

The other acolyte appeared from the doorway leading back to the dining hall. "Yes, your worship?"

"Open the panels, lad. No need to waste precious fuel needlessly."

"Yes, Sir," the youth responded, moving back to the doorway, and taking hold of a pull cord.

"Kylenus, please help him," the priest added, and Ky moved to comply. Agarno showed him that there was another pull cord on the other side of the doorway, and at his nod, they both pulled downwards.

Ky watched as he pulled in surprise, as a crack of sunlight appeared vertically along the center of the ceiling, stretching between the two doorways at each end of the room, and growing wider slowly as they pulled. The panels had been mounted inside the ceiling, and let in the light as they opened.

Ky was surprised, however, as it wasn't the ceiling itself that moved, but panels set into it behind the intricate carvings cut into the surface of the temple's upper covering. As the light poured in from the widening gap, the carvings formed a shadowy mural of lust upon the smooth, unadorned floor, mirroring perfectly the images from above. The effect was eye-popping, and Kylenus gained a new level of appreciation for the high level of artistry that had gone into the temple's creation. "Wow," he sighed in wonder, taking in the stunning visual effect.

As the shutters in the ceiling rolled downwards into the side walls, the temple took on the lighting of a dappled forest on a sunny day. The rope pulleys reached their end, and he gingerly let go, discovering that there was a built-in counter-balance mechanism that held the shutters down. He walked forward, looking up at the hollow ceiling in appreciation of the high level of craftsmanship.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Welvayan said, beaming with pride as he saw the farmer lad's appreciative stare. "It took years to work out the proper method to achieve the effect, and several years of carving the ceiling into the desired shapes. But those efforts were well worth it, wouldn't you agree?"

Ky nodded in agreement, then noticed that the great Penis head over the altar was hollow, the urethra letting down a shaft of light that struck the center of the altar, Illuminating the priest's bald head and making his furry face and body seem to glow. It almost reminded him of a stream of urine anointing the altar's center. "This place is amazing! I never knew something like this existed... I didn't really get the best look at the place the other night... It must've taken forever to carve all of this!"

"About ten years of continuous work," Welvayan said, pulling himself off his acolyte's penis with a grunt of pleasure. "This temple has stood for over thirty years now. The old one before it stood on this very spot, but sadly, fell into deep disrepair." He let out a nostalgic sigh as he stepped down from the altar to the floor. "It was made of wood, and carved even more intricately than this one. But sadly, we lacked the resources to preserve the wood properly, and it began to rot. I was heartbroken to have to order it's dismantling, but it was too unsafe for occupation. We managed to preserve it's memory in drawings by a talented member of the community, so while it's gone, it's surely not lost forever in it's entirety. But I'm very pleased as to how this new temple turned out. It was more than worth the effort!"

"I can believe it," Ky breathed, studying the ceiling in detail, then the walls and altar of the temple's heart.

"Ah! Good!" the priest exclaimed, as another Hirsune entered. Kylenus turned and recognized Roderal entering the temple interior, cuming forth nude as was proper when entering the Sacred Home of Lust. "Roderal, I'm glad you came. Please, be welcum within these walls."

Roderal strode forward, his blonde fur shining in the sunlight streaming down through the skylight mural, his soft penis swinging side-to-side as he walked. Kylenus felt his lust rising from the sight, his shaft stirring slightly. Kylenus had thought him handsome back when the lad had still been human, but now that he was Hirsune, he found the blonde figure gorgeous.

Roderal moved up to him, reaching out gently with his hand extended low, Ky stepped into the offered palm of welcuming, responding in kind as their lips came together. The blonde Hirsune both tasted and smelled wonderful to him.

"I'll leave it to you, then, Roderal. Cum my acolytes," he said, turning to the dining hall. "Let us attend to the daily chores and give them some privacy." With that, they moved through the doors, closing them softly behind them.

Roderal mumbled an acknowledgement around Kylenus' lips as the doors closed, then hugged the young Hirsune closely to him, exploring the youth's body which his hands, running his fingers through the fur on Ky's upper back, as the lad explored Roderal's arms with his own hands.

After several minutes of this, their erections were fully hardened, and they rubbed against each other's shafts with their own, moaning in pleasure as the throbbing phalli sent tingles of lust through their groins. Roderal moved a hand around to Ky's front to cradle his fuzzy testicles. Ky sighed into his mouth, pushing eagerly into Roderal's palm, a gush of precum squirting out of his shaft onto their chest fur, and Roderal grunted lustily, grinding into Ky's torso with his own, working the splashed fluid into their intermingling chest fur.

Finally, the blonde Hirsune pulled away slightly, looking at Kylenus for several moments with an appreciative smile. "Wow, look at you. You're beautiful, Kylenus. I'm glad to see how handsome you turned out." He smiled warmly at the young Hirsune, stepping back slightly to take in the lad's transformed appearance.

"Well," Ky said, smiling. "It's partially thanks to you that it happened. All the advice you gave and knowledge you shared really helped make it possible."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. I haven't had a really good chance to meet with you and see how things have been cuming along. As a matter of fact... That's kind of why I'm here." He looked deeply into Kylenus' eyes, his smile fading. "Your father spoke with me yesterday. It seems like you're having some problems adjusting to your new life?"

"Well..." Ky's face fell. "Yeah, somewhat... But it's no big deal," he added, shrugging it off, "It's just going to take some time to adjust, is all. I didn't really mean to worry anyone. Sorry if Dad was bugging you."

"Kylenus! Please don't treat this lightly!" Roderal said, looking at the lad with concern.

"What?" Ky said, starting to feel awkward. "So I'm a little confused is all. I'll work it out OK, so don't worry." He was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Forcing his problems off onto others wasn't something he wanted to do. It felt wrong, especially after what he went through growing up.

"Kylenus... Ky? Is it OK for me to call you that?"

"Sure," he shrugged.

"Cum here," Roderal said, leading the way over to the altar, and sitting on its edge. Ky sat down beside him.

"My father, - my human one, that is, - was the only family I ever knew. My mother abandoned us when I was a baby, and we never saw her again. He did what he could, trying his best to raise me alone. It was when I was fifteen human years of age, that we first met the Hirsune living in the east end of Kansas. It was a nice fellow who's car had broken down on the way back home, and we helped him get back to his town. The elders weren't too happy with him, but after seeing how nice we were, and that we didn't mind their differences, they befriended us. My human father was fairly openminded about other peoples, and we hit it off with them. We stayed in touch after that.

"When I was sixteen, I had my first gay experience, really enjoyed it, and finally understood why I was never really interested in girls. I talked with my father about it, but that's when I discovered that his tolerance for differences had its limits. While it was OK for others to be different, he had very narrow expectations in regard to me. He didn't boot me out, but he stopped being friendly with me. It was like a wall went up between us, and that wall stayed in place until he died the next year of a heart attack.

"I had nowhere to go, and no relatives who would take me in, so our Hirsune friend adopted me, and brought me home to live with him. After a year of living among the Hirsune, and knowing about Gifting, I asked my foster father if he would make me like him. We talked it over for days before he finally agreed. The transformation was long and difficult for me, but once it was finished and I achieved onam, I knew I'd made the right choice. He was so happy to have me as a true son. He took my virginity, and I never looked back with regret over becoming what I am now.

"The change wasn't easy, though. There was a lot of ingrained human thought patterns I had to learn to get past. I was confused a lot in the early days, trying to make sense of it all. Dad tried to help as best as he could, but there were things that he, hatched and raised as Hirsune, could never understand. It took me several years of hard work and self-analysis before I was finally able to be truly comfortable with being Hirsune.

"The worst part of it was having to do it on my own. There were no other changelings that we knew of, so I was in uncharted waters, so to speak. I had to do it alone, but you don't have to. What I'm saying is... I want to be there for you... To help you in the way that I wasn't. Of all the Hirsune in this town, I'm the one who can truly understand what you're going through, because I've been there myself. The self-doubt, the confusion, not knowing how to think of yourself. The human hang-ups and programming that we changelings carry with us into our new lives. I've been there, and I would've given almost anything to have someone I could relate to... Someone who could offer understanding and experience, as well as emotional support. Ky... I want to offer that to you."

"But, how can I be an adult if I'm always leaning on others?" Kylenus asked, frowning. "How can I solve my own problems if I'm always running to other people to fix them for me? I have to do this for myself." He shook his head sadly.

Roderal gave him a pained smile. "Ky, you've got it all wrong. Wanting to confide in others, to want a shoulder to cry on, or someone to ask advice from doesn't make you any less an adult that going it alone. That's the -true- purpose of family! To have people who love and support you... Who're there for you when you're confused, or hurting. People who love you, and help you in any way they can, no matter how small... You've never really had that, have you? People who you could turn to in times of need? You've always felt like you were alone in your problems, haven't you?"

"Well," Ky said, hanging his head. "Yeah... kind of... They were never there for me in that way... I mean they were there to make sure I had clothes and food, even toys... But when I had problems, they were always too busy with their own... or maybe... They just didn't care at all in the first place... I'm not sure. All I knew, was that if I didn't solve my problems myself, then no one would..."

A clear drop fell from his face to splash onto the altar, followed by another. The pains of his past that he'd tried so hard to shove away came back to the fore, and his shoulders began to tremble.

Roderal saw him shaking, and grabbed the lad into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything they put you through..." He held the lad until Ky began to stop shaking with sadness.

He moved away slightly, lifting Ky's face to look deep into his eyes. "Ky... That was your past, but it doesn't have to be your future! You have a -real- family now. People who love and support you through good times -and- bad. They see your pain, and it hurts them to see you suffering like this. They want to help you, to make all of that pain go away as best as they can. But they can't help you if you refuse to let them in. It's not easy... I can see how hard it is for you. But always remember that we're not like the humans who always pushed you away. We'll always be here for you, offering you the love and support you need and deserve."

"We?" Ky asked, looking at Roderal in confusion.

"Well," the blonde changeling said, "I talked it over with your Father, and he likes the idea we came up with. If you're OK with it, then he gives his blessing. Ky... You don't have a human family anymore, and your new Hirsune family are all naturally-hatched folks who can't really relate to the unique problems you face as a Hirsune who was born as a human. The challenges we face in adjusting to Hirsune ways can be difficult. There's all kinds of human labels and mental programming instilled into us by their society that are at direct odds with the ways of the Hirsune. Learning to totally change the way we think and see ourselves is a very difficult process, and not something that just happens overnight.

"Unlike you, I never had the chance to interact with someone who went through those same trials. Therefore, I'm offering my experience to you, to draw upon whenever you need to. Since you have no human relatives left in your life, I'd like to offer to becum a foster Sire for you. I'm offering to be a guide to you, and share my experience and understanding as you work towards adjusting your thinking, and finding a sense of balance and understanding of yourself in your new life as Hirsune. Let me be for you the one thing that I never had. A person who's been through what you're going through, who can truly know what it feels like to have all of those confusing, conflicting thoughts and habits.

"Among Hirsune, a Sire is like a godfather to a hatchling, offering his guidance and wisdom. I'd very much like to becum yours.... If you're willing, of course..."

"I... I don't know... I'm not the best at opening up to other people. I like the idea... But I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good at taking you up on it very much..."

"Well, if need be, I'll push you a bit. Pry if I have to, if that's what it'll take to get you to open up. I don't mind if you don't."

"Well... If you think you have enough patience. I can be a real hard nut to crack sometimes. Like those dark brown shelled ones, you know, the ones almost shaped like a lemon wedge, with the pale whitish nut inside? What are they called?"

"Sorry," Roderal said, shrugging. "The only nuts I've ever really had an interest in are right here," he said, hefting his testicles in his palm.

Ky groaned, then looked him in the eye.

"So then you're my Sire now, huh? Is that what I should call you?"

Roderal scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Nah, that makes me sound like a classical knight or something. Just call me Roderal... Rod for short."

He hugged Ky close, kissing the side of his head above the ear. "Thank you, Ky. It really means a lot that you letting me becum your Sire. I can't just stand by and watch you struggle through this alone like I did. I'll always be here for you, OK?"

"Thanks, Rod," Ky said, smiling.

Rod's hand rose and began to stroke the soft fur of Ky's belly. "Well, as your Sire, I suppose I should get to know you better... Find out just how good a lover my new Sireling is..."

They began to kiss and stoke each other's bodies, as they laid back upon the altar.

"So," Rod breathed, his penis stiffening, "What's your pleasure? You like to mount, or be mounted?"

"I really like both, but I've mostly been mounted... I don't know though... Does that make me more woman than man?"

"What?" Rod asked, looking confused and slightly bothered at the question, though there was a touch of understanding there as well. "No!" he replied with firm denial. "No, not at all! Being mounted is no less masculine than mounting another! That's one of the perceptions we need to free you from, Ky," Rod said, his expression softening with sympathy.

"Receiving a phallus is a natural part of who we are. To enjoy being penetrated by your fellow Hirsune doesn't mean submitting to them. By taking a hard shaft up inside your passage means that you show your love of Penis and your virility at being able to handle the rough pounding of another upon the most intimate part of your body. By doing so, you show just as much manliness as when you slam your throbbing cock deep inside of them. But if you don't believe me, then let's Gemini, and I'll show you what I mean."

"Gemini?" Ky asked in confusion.

Rod's eyes lit up with a lustful surge of surprise. "You don't know? Then you're in for a real treat! Lay on your back, and lube yourself both front and back."


"Oh, precum and solem... Let them both pour freely from your penis and anus. Get yourself semi-hard, but not fully," Rod added, twisting around.

Curious, Ky did as his Sire instructed, as Rod positioned himself face down, his head between his Sireling's feet, with his own on either side of the lad's head. After a moment of Rod positioning himself, he felt Rod's cocktip poke his anus, and slide in. Then, Ky felt his Sire's hand on his own phallus, aiming it down towards his feet, and gasped in shock as his penis was guided into his Sire's ass. The youth's mind reeled at what was happening... Both he and Roderal, were penetrating each other's egg canals... Simultaneously!

As Rod pushed his hips back onto Ky's, the lad felt his Sire's penis spear deep inside his egg canal, yet at the same time, his own penis buried itself deep inside the egg canal of his Sire, until their pelvises bumped together, and Ky's erection flared to full force as he felt the shaft of the other Hirsune firm up inside him.

Just as his shock began to fade, Rod began to pull away, then reverse direction. Ky moaned with lustful joy at the mind-blowing sensations of this incredible act.

"Oh fuck! I can't believe it! Rod! What we're doing! I never knew it was possible!"

"That's right, Kylenus! This is called the Gemini position, and it's one of my personal favorite ways to fuck! ...Can A woman do this, Ky? Huh?!? This is something only males can do! Don't you EVER think of yourself as a woman, or as weak! You're a man! And I want you to show me all your masculine power! Now give me that dick, boy, and take mine up your ass! Let's breed each other at the same time! I want us blowing our spunk up each other's asses simultaneously!"

Roderal slammed his hips down rapidly in an aggressive manner, using the motion and force to pound their holes in unison, feeling testosterone flooding his system, and smelling a similar reaction cuming from the lad...



Welvayan heard lustful grunts coming from the altar room, and his passions compelled him to take a peek at the proceedings. He opened one of the doors enough to look out, and his penis sprang to full attention at the sight, sounds and smells that he beheld. The two Hirsune were deep in lust upon the altar, locked into the Blessed Gemini. Welvayan began to breathe heavily, and his hand went to his phallus as Lust commanded him to indulge his passionate voyeurism, and bare witness to this most Holy Union of Penis. He stroked himself rapidly, his well trained senses picking up the subtle telltale signs of the pair's pheromones as they neared completion...



Rod and Ky grunted huskily, pounding away, their vocalizations becoming more desperate as their passions rose higher and higher.

"I feel it!" Ky shouted. "The power of Penis! He rises within me! Growling for release!"

"Oh, Fuck, Ky! I feel it too. Let the power of Penis flow through us both! Cum, Penis, Let us share our blessings with each other as one!"

"Ah fuck... fuck yeah! Ah Penis! Hail Penis!" Ky screamed in a gravelly voice, snarling as his shaft exploded deep up his Sire's ass.

"Yes... yes... Yes... Yeah, Penis! Yeah! Fuckin' spray it! Hail Penis!" Rod cried as his own orgasm came, filling his Sireling with his jizz.

"Fucking pulsing Phallus, Yeah!" Ky shouted with joy as his orgasm continued.

"Fuckin' spunk-sprayin' Dong! Ahhh!" Rod replied huskily.

"Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!"

They chanted back and forth, filling each other with their hot liquid white blessings, writhing with passion upon the altar...



The display of Phallic bliss, the Holy Union of two wielders of Penis, was too much, and the priest gasped and shuddered as his sperm flew free to splatter upon the intricately carved golden door, his eyes glued to the pair of lusty, furry Hirsune upon the altar. He stared at them lewdly, his eyes wide, his mouth wide open half in a moan, half in a smile. He held Penis in both hands, feeling Him spasm powerfully in his grip, the squirting semen slowly beginning to ooze it's way down over the carvings of lust upon the door before him...



Sometime later, the pair laid there upon the altar, snuggling and enjoying the afterglow of their mating.

"Thank you, Ky," the blonde Hirsune said, smiling as he nuzzled the top of Kylenus' head. "It means a lot to me that you've accepted me as your Sire. Any time you need someone to talk to... Any time you're having difficulties, feel free to talk to me. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks," Ky said, burying his face into Roderal's chest fur.

"Say," Rod added, "Once your religious training is complete, and you spend some time with your family, why not cum spend a night at my home? We can spend some quality time together, and you can meet my son, Salaus. He's your cousin now, so you should get to know him too. I think you'll like him, he's kind of a smart ass at times, but a good kid."

"I'd like that," Ky said, smiling into Rod's chest.

"So... No more thinking of yourself as a woman, OK? Outwardly we resemble men, and just because we can create offspring, doesn't make us feminine. Testosterone is what drives us Hirsune, Kylenus, and we pride ourselves on our masculinity. While we may, technically, be hermaphrodites, we exalt the masculine, and see ourselves as such. Does that help you?"

"I think so..." Ky said, feeling some of his confusion easing. "But still... What about the age problem? Technically, I'm still thirty five, but when I look into a mirror, I see a teenager. Everyone says I'm a six-year old, though, and I just can't figure out what to think."

"Well, from a Hirsune standpoint, you -are- a six-year old. You feel like a eighteen-year old because your human experience tells you that that's what you feel like. As for your being alive for thirty five years, well... Why not think of it as being something like inherited memories?"

"Inherited memories?"

"Well yeah. Naturally hatched Hirsune have them more strongly than changelings like us, but all Hirsune have them. It's not really actual memories, mind you, but we have partial impressions of their parent's experiences and knowledge. It's like a vague deja vu type of feeling that the hatchling has. That's what allows them to learn things like language and walking so easily, as well as helping them to assimilate history and religious teachings so rapidly. Because it's almost like they've done it all before - in a way - so they learn very fast. My son was able to speak fluently after only eleven months from hatching. He got walking and such down after only six."

"That explains why I feel as though I've farmed before, even though I never have. But I have -actual- memories. I remember going to school, getting my first job, ...making The horrible mistake of kissing a drag queen with a face like a ferret. It's not quite the same thing."

"True, but that's part of what we need to accept about ourselves as changelings. We need to learn to live with the fact that we've had former lives that were completely different from the ones we have now. It isn't easy, but by treating my human memories as a former life, I found a bit of balance. That's what I'd recommend, Ky. Just try to look upon your humanity as a separate life that was before you became Hirsune."

"I guess that makes sense, when you put it like that. Thanks...I'll try."

"Good," Rod said, smiling and hugging him tightly.

"Umm," Ky said. "Much as I'm enjoying this, can we get up? My back's starting to kill me."

"Yeah, mine too..."

Chuckling, they rose slowly and painfully from the altar...



"Kylenus," Welvayan said as he gently shook the slumbering Hirsune to wakefulness.

"Huh? Wha?" he stammered groggily as he awoke.

"Shh," the priest said. "Don't wake the others. I want you to cum with me."

Grumbling softly, Ky untangled himself slowly from the slumbering embraces of the acolytes, and climbed out of the bed. He yawned hugely as they quietly shut the door to the sleeping chamber. "What's going on?" he asked thickly.

"Sorry to wake you so early, my son, but there's something I wanted to show you as part of your lessons. Follow me..." He said, leading the way.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Ky followed the priest down the hall to the back entrance to the altar room, Welvayan grabbing a thick robe from the dinning table as they passed it. "Here, put this on. It's rather cold outside this time of night."

"We're going outside?" the lad asked, noticing that the elder was wearing a thicker robe than usual, one that covered him fully.

"That's right," the priest said to the youth with a smile, leading the way.

As the front doors opened, the cold night air hit them, slapping away the last of Ky's lethargy. The town was pitch black and quiet, only a tabby-patterned cat could be seen darting away down the street, startled by the sound. It ran several yards, before its lamp-like eyes turned back, glaring at them reproachfully at scaring it, before it trotted away in a huff, its tail held high.

"What'er we doing out here in the middle of the night?" Kylenus asked in confusion.

"It's time for you to learn more about our beliefs, son. Look up, and tell me what you see."

Bewildered, Kylenus did as he was told, frowning slightly. "It's just the night sky. What's so special about it?" he asked, gazing with confusion at the twinkling lights scattered across the darkness above.

Welvayan pointed upwards. "Do you see the thick white band?" he asked, tracing it's path across the darkened sky.

"The Milky Way? Yeah, that's the rest of the galaxy."

"Ahh! But to us, it has another name. Our Hirsune ancestors first looked up into the skies, and when they saw that band, they believed it to be a vast stream of semen that flowed across the expanses of the The starry night. While scientifically, we now know otherwise, the symbology remains the same for us.

"We call it 'The Flow', and to us, it represents the times before and after our physical lives exist. See how it stretches from horizon to horizon? We see it as flowing from us, up into the sky, across the vast expanse, then back into us in a never ending circle of seed. It is where all life cums from, and it is also where all life goes after it's end. Within The Flow, the spirits of those who have passed on, as well as those yet to be, reside. We cum from The Flow, through the balls of our fathers and sires, live, grow, and then die. When we die, our essence returns to The Flow, where we begin our long journey through the night until we are ready to return, and then our essence enters into the testicles of the Hirsune who will bring us forth, waiting to gush forth and fertilize the egg-to-be, that we may live again, in a new life upon the world at a future time."

"You're talking about reincarnation," Ky said, glancing at the priest.

"Yes, I am," Welvayan said, smiling. "To us, the cycle of life and death is a long and intricate dance, with breaks in between for us to rest. We dance in and out, switching roles with our loved ones, taking on different portions of the dance as we are rehatched again and again. Our fathers becum our sons, cousins, sires or good friends and we theirs. The bonds of love between Hirsune friends and families bind us together, that we may experience the joys of life and lust in countless different ways throughout the grand expanse of time."

Ky's face fell. "But what about me? I wasn't always Hirsune, I was born a human. How would I fit into that?"

Welvayan placed a comforting hand on the lad's shoulder, smiling at him. "Who is to say that this wasn't meant to be part of the dance for you this life? I feel that you are a Hirsune spirit born as a human, so as to gain valuable experience that would serve us in these times of change. This may be one of the most important portions of your part of the great dance, Kylenus. I feel that you were always meant to rejoin the Hirsune, after living for a time as a human. When you eventually die, you will enter into The Flow to rejoin the cycle of life and death among your kindred Hirsune. Do not fear, or feel that you are unworthy of the dance because you started this part of the dance differently from the rest of us. You -are- worthy, and you will always be one of us."

"Thanks," Kylenus said, his eyes moist as he starred up into the depths of The Flow for a very long time...


Hirsune Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 15 - Working Towards the Future by argouru Life at the temple had was very interesting. Much of Kylenus' time was spent learning the ways of sex, which the Hirsune...

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Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains by argouru ? ? For over three days, the family tended to Kylenus' need to be fucked non-stop. Each of the family taking several turns with him, going...

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Hirsune Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand by argouru ? ? The next day, Kylenus had his first lesson with Tenaro, where he began to learn the history of his new people. The Hirsune had...

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