Hirsune Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt. 12 - A Helping Hand

by argouru



The next day, Kylenus had his first lesson with Tenaro, where he began to learn the history of his new people. The Hirsune had originated in western Europe, but after the persecutions began, they had scattered, fleeing by ship across the oceans, scattering as they went in hopes that they would escape to new lands. Some had made their way to Australia, and still survived, hidden deep within the outback. Others had made their way with the ancestors of this community to North America, but then went their separate ways. Some moved north, heading up into what became Canada, the few others spreading out across the country.

Sadly, not all of the Hirsune colonies had survived. Several ships vanished en route, and had presumably sunk with all hands on board. A few colonies died out, unable to survive the harsh conditions of the pioneer life, wiped out by Indian war tribes, or fell victim to plagues. Of the Hirsune that had once thrived in the hundreds of millions, now only an estimated single million survived, and only due to the frantic attempts to repopulate the species...



It was early April, and an older, but still attractive black woman sat at her desk in the Portland, Oregon offices of Equality National. Sighing, she reached for her mug of coffee, taking a sip. The phone rang, and she set down her cup before answering it.

"Equality National; Lilly Mathers speaking," she said professionally in a rich, sultry voice.

"Ah, good," a man's voice said a bit loudly into the phone. "Lilly Mathers, my name is Tenaro, and I'd like to request your assistance in an important matter."

"Please, Mr. Tenaro, Lilly is fine by me."

"Umm... No, no 'Mr.', Just Tenaro... Lilly." the voice said, uncertainly, as though he was unsure of how to speak over the phone.

"How can I help you, Tenaro?" she asked, feeling a bit confused. Tenaro sounded Japanese, but the man had a local dialect which possessed a slightly odd quality... A mild trace of an accent she couldn't place.

"I'm speaking on behalf of my community, and we want to take steps to ensure that our way of life remains protected from discrimination."

"What forms of discrimination do you expect to encounter?" she asked, intrigued at his phrasing.

"Well... primarily religious discrimination as well as that in relation to our sexuality. It would be very difficult to explain over the phone..."

"Well if you're not able to speak freely, perhaps we can meet in person, and discuss this in more detail?"

"That... would be a bit difficult. We're an isolated community, and I personally have never been beyond the limits of our town."

"Are you able to tell me where you are? Perhaps I could come there."

"Well... I suppose that's possible... However, there's a rather significant need to keep this private, as far as the rest of society is concerned.... Very important, in fact. Hence our need to ensure that our rights are protected."

"I can appreciate your desire for privacy, Tenaro. If I were to come, would I have your permission to bring along a trusted associate with me? One who's discretion will be guaranteed?"

There was the sounds of a few people talking on the other end. "Umm, yes... That would be acceptable."

"All right," Lilly said, reaching for a pad and pen. "Where are you located?"



Two days later, Lilly and her associate Ted Reyland entered the outskirts of the small town.

"I hope there's a gas station here," Ted said in concern as he eyed the gas gauge, which only read a quarter of a tank. He ran his hand through his balding brown hair nervously.

"I haven't seen one," Lilly answered, craning her neck. "That's odd... I haven't seen a single mainstream business here. Everything looks like it's privately owned..."

"That's not the only odd thing. Haven't you noticed something missing? I haven't seen a single woman yet, just lots of hairy men. What do you think? Segregated community?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. "There's the town hall," she added, recognizing the building from Tenaro's description.

There were several very hairy men standing at the door, waiting for them.

"Whoa!" Ted exclaimed as he looked at them. "Looks like their hormones when crazy!" he commented, taking in the very hairy state of the townsfolk.

They parked and got out, just as someone, another hairy man, ran over to them panting. Lilly listened as she and Ted approached.

"Hey," the young man said, catching his breath. "It's happening! Almaran's son is about to ha-"

"Lilly Mathers!" the gray-haired man in the center of the group said loudly, interrupting him, looking shocked and fearful at the other's statement. "How very nice to meet you! Please, this way-" he began to usher the lawyers away urgently.

"But Pareus-"

"NOT NOW!" the elder said, panicking.

"Wait," said a young man to the side, who looked to be deep in thought. Everyone turned to face him. "Maybe... They should see this."

"Kylenus! You can't be serious!" the elder protested, looking terrified.

"Yes I am. Look..., they won't believe us without proof, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You brought me in as a consultant in dealing with them," he said, waving at the bewildered lawyers. "Please! They wouldn't believe us if we just told them. This is the hardest piece of evidence we could give them to support our claims... Please trust me in this."

"Well..." The mayor said weakly. "You're asking for a lot..." He glanced at the outsiders. "Very well, but you will bare full responsibility for any negative consequences!"

"What's this about?" Lilly asked, feeling confused.

The young man turned to them. "How would you like to be the first people from outside the community to see a rare event?"

"What kind of event?" Ted asked suspiciously. Lilly beginning to feel as though they were about to be scammed.

"If I told you, you'd think I'm crazy," the youth smiled sheepishly. "I think that it'd be better if you simply saw for yourself. This way, please."

Raising an eyebrow to Ted, Lilly followed him down the street and into the town's medical clinic.

"Where...?" the lad asked.

"This way, the room's just over here," a dark haired man in a white doctor's coat said, and led them all to a window set into the wall. "Please keep your voices down, so as not to disturb them," he said as they reached the window. Lilly saw it was actually a two-way mirror.

"Disturb who?" Lilly asked, peaking inside through it.

"That man's naked!" Ted exclaimed.

"Shhh!" the doctor scolded him.

Lilly and Ted looked through the glass into a small room with heavy padding covering the walls and floor. There was a nude, very hairy man sitting on his knees, staring unblinkingly at the object before him. It was a pale gray colored object that was about six inches around at the widest point, and stood about nine inches high.

"Is that an... egg?" Lilly asked quietly in disbelief.

As they watched, the egg wiggled, then shuddered. Suddenly, it tipped onto it's side and rolled about a foot to the side, the nude man shielding it with his hands to protect it from harm as best he could without touching it. As the observers watched, a crack appeared, then several more, and finally a split appeared.

"That's it, Son," the man said, encouraging the egg with a joyfully expectant expression. "You can do it... Come on..."

There was a rough motion within the egg, and a section of it broke outwards, letting in a rush of air. From inside, a tiny gasp could be heard. Then a smaller section broke away, followed by another as the egg rocked slowly. After several minutes, the hole was worked wider, and something flesh colored slid out onto the padded floor. It laid there panting, crouched on it's side in a fetal position with it's back to the window, slowly regaining it's strength, as clear fluid leaked from the hole in the egg.

Lilly's eyes bulged in their sockets, staring mutely at the small creature, which unfolded itself into a small humanoid form, looking like a somewhat miniaturized small boy with fully formed limbs. The new life looked around, blinking in confusion, then looked up at the man smiling down at him.

"Hey there... Wow, look at you! You're beautiful, Son. You're so handsome... You're name is Gavahan, and I'm your Dad."

Gavahan began to root around the padded floor, letting out grunts and whines of fustration.

"You hungry, Son?" the man asked, squeezing his nipple.

The new hatchling sniffed the air, and discovering it's source, scrambled forward, moving as best as he could on all fours, still unable to use his limbs properly. He reached the man, and dove onto the offered nipple, beginning to nurse greedily, as the man chuckled and began to pet and hug him gently.

"There you go. It's OK, Gavahan, take as much milk as you want, I've got plenty... I love you, Son... I love you..." He sighed, crying gently as he gazed lovingly down at his offspring, who sighed gently in contentment as he was fed.

"What? How? What's going on here?" Ted sputtered in shock.

Lilly pressed her hands to the glass, gazing in wonder at the spectacle before her. "Look at him..." she breathed in shock and awe almost smiling despite the shock of what she had just witnessed. Slowly she turned to the townsfolk. "What is all this? Who are you people?"

The mayor stepped towards her, looking at the woman pleadingly. "We are called Hirsune... And we need your help..."



Lilly sat weakly in one of the chairs in the clinic waiting room as she and Ted listened to these unusual people tell their story. As they talked, though, Lilly began to get a funny feeling that they were skirting something, some issue that she couldn't get the exact shape of. The more they talked however, the more she began to see at least the general nature of it. It seemed to have something to do with how they interacted with one another. Frowning slightly to herself, she leaned forward towards the council of elders who were speaking with her.

"There's something else, though," she asked. "What about social structure? For instance, what's family life like for Hirsune?"

"Well... um... Family is very important for us..." Pareus hedged.

Lilly knew she had him. This was one of the things they were very nervous speaking about. The simple statement seemed to have a much deeper meaning than usual. She sighed.

"Pareus... I'm going to tell you right now that I, personally, have already made up my mind to help you as much as I can."

The Hirsune relaxed visibly.

"However," she added, as they tensed up noticeably once more. "If I'm going to be able to help you effectively, then I need to know the entirety of what, exactly, I'm defending. I need to understand exactly all of why you feel the need to be protected. And I can't protect you properly if you keep me in the dark on sensitive issues. Trust me, I'm very openminded."

"Opemindedness has its limits, though," the young man Kylenus said, looking worried.

"Try me," Lilly said to him. She'd noticed that the elders seemed to be differing to this lad, a fact she found a bit odd. Odder still, was the fact that he seemed much more comfortable with the humans than everyone else among the Hirsune here, as well as knowledgeable about human attitudes. There was something different about this particular person. It was a mystery she wanted to unravel.

He sighed, wiping his hands on his jeans, and looking to the mayor, who shrugged, clearly feeling out of his element. The young man thought hard for a moment before speaking.

"You've dealt with a lot of different cultures, right? People who's ways were vastly different from your own?" (she nodded.) "Well, our ways are radically different from those of any human culture. We've existed as a species with much different attitudes and beliefs than those followed by modern human cultures, American culture especially, for thousands of years. Our culture hasn't changed very much in general principal or practice in all that time. It's those differences that will prove to be the biggest obstacles to us gaining equal treatment to humans..."

"How so?" she asked, Ted shifting uncomfortably in his own chair.

"We don't live our daily lives in the way humans do... There's a lot of aspects to our lives that humans would find... deeply offensive."

"Go on..." she prodded.

"Most of our differences are in our sexuality... And how we express it. Hirsune have very high sex drives, much stronger than humans, and in fact, much stronger than any animals on the planet. Sex is a major part of our daily lives. You'd probably classify it as a sexual compulsion, or maybe even an addiction... kinda like nymphomania."

Lilly had already noticed this. Several times during their narration, individual Hirsune would vanish for minutes at a time, and when they weren't, they seemed to strain themselves not to grope themselves through their clothing. "I think I've already noticed that. But there's more?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding with a pained expression. "Second... We're a non-monogamous species. We don't settle down with an individual mate to share our lives with. Some of the people we mate with are close friends... Kind of like fuck-buddies, who we get together with regularly."

"Some?" Lilly asked, raising her eyebrow.

He sighed, blowing air out of his lungs slowly, rocking slightly as he prepared himself to continue. He spoke with a pained expression on his face.

"The bonds between Hirsune families run very deep, so much so in fact, that we feel much closer to our families than anyone else."

"Wait a minute!" Ted exclaimed, rising to his feet. "You don't mean your talking about-?"

"Please!" Kylenus said, holding up a hand. "Let me explain our reasoning before you condemn us!"

"Ted, please," Lilly said, grabbing his sleeve. "Let him have his say!"

Ted looked down at her in shock. "Oh come on, Lilly! It's one thing to be built differently, but this?"

"Why is incest wrong, Ted?" the young Hirsune asked. "Can you seriously explain why that is?"

"What?" Ted replied, the question taking him aback. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I want you to literally explain to me the reason that incest is wrong. Why is it considered a bad thing?"

"Well everyone knows," the human stammered. "Children of incest are sickly... Deformed! Two heads, no eyelids, weakened immune systems, that kind of thing!"

"Among humans, yes, but not among us."

Ted stopped, looking at him in confusion.

"Among humans," Kylenus continued, "DNA bonds together very easily. A strong difference in genetics among the parents makes for a stronger, healthier child. If two people who are too closely related were to have offspring, then the resulting child could lack a strong enough diversity of genetics. The similar DNA strands would be a weaker mix, and birth defects could result, making for a less stable, more sickly child. The leaders of humanity discovered the cause, and wanted to make sure that future generations of humanity would be strong and healthy.

"The religious leaders and healers began to tell people that producing offspring with another member of your own family would be a very bad thing. They worked on the minds of the public to make them see incest as taboo, making it into a repulsive practice within their minds. That mindset has continued to this day, and now, when most people think of incest, they get offended without always considering why. That's why most humans always have such strongly negative reactions to the concept of sexual relations among family members, even if there's no chance for offspring, due to illness, injury or same-sex pairings within a family line.

"The Hirsune, however, are very different..." He turned and looked to Dr. Harian, who cleared his throat and continued the thread of conversation.

"We've had the opportunity to compare human and Hirsune DNA," the doctor said. "Including the differences in semen samples between the two species. Hirsune sperm contains roughly fifty times as much genetic material and diversity as that of human sperm. Because of this, the chances of birth defects are infinitesimal, with only one recorded case within the last eight hundred years. Therefore, we never felt the need to develop a taboo against incest. And because of this, as well as the deep emotional bonds each Hirsune forms with his family members, we see sex among relations as a very sacred and natural thing. To us, it's the most important bond we can have, and forms much of our religious structure."

Welvayan leaned forward in his chair, wearing a traditional white robe with sleeves and closed at the front and back. "Much of Hirsune religious practices consists of Rites shared by the family. As our sexuality and the worship of it is our religion, we love each other very deeply without shame. It is more than simply a part of our culture, it is one of the most sacred parts of our lives, as well as being the core of the family structure and interaction between them."

Ted groaned and placed his forehead into his hands. "That's all well and good for you, but what about the rest of the world? If you think my reaction is bad, then just wait until the GOP hears about this... or worse, the church! They'll have a field day with this!"

"Oh come on!" Kylenus exclaimed. "It's not like we're going to put a gun to the world's head and make them share our beliefs! These are -our- beliefs, and we don't ask everyone else to act and think the way we do. All we want is the right to live our lives in peace, the way we want to. Whatever humans do with their lives is up to them, so long as they just leave us alone. That's all we ask."

"But if word of that got out-"

"Exactly! That's why we don't want people to know... they'd never understand. That's why we keep that to ourselves. Humans will never support us if they knew we're an incestuous species."

"Well," Lilly said slowly, "I've heard of stranger things, and your reasoning makes a lot of sense, when you explain it that way. Dare I ask if there's anything else, apart from your religious beliefs? "

Kylenus looked around uncertainly. His father, Ardenus, placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. "It's up to you, Son."

The lad sighed, then got up and pulled a plastic card from his wallet, handing it to Lilly.

"A driver's license?" she asked, looking at it in confusion. The man in the picture was looking blandly at the camera, a hollow look in his eyes. The eyes looked familiar. She looked more closely, then looked up at the young Hirsune in shock. The face was different, but similar, especially the eyes. "It can't be..." she breathed, the truth dawning on her. "This is you?" she asked in shock and disbelief.

He nodded, a lump in his throat. He leaned forward, and began to tell the humans his story...

"... And I don't regret my decision," he said, finishing with a smile tinged with pain from relating his troubled past. "Even if it were possible to reverse the process and become human again, I'd refuse. I made my choice, and I'm happy with my new life." He reached up to take the hand of his father, which was resting on his shoulder. "I love this life, and my family... especially my father," he finished tilting his head up to look at his parent.

Ardenus smiled warmly down at the boy. "I love you too, Son." He leaned down, and kissed Kylenus warmly, then more passionately, his hand sliding down into Ky's open shirt front.

"Umm, umm," Ky vocalized, gently placing one hand over his dad's to stop the motion, the other gently pushing at his face, making the parent halt his actions slowly. "We should probably tone it down in front of the humans," he said, looking regretful.

"Oh, right... Sorry," the farmer said to the humans.

Ted was looking away and clearing his throat awkwardly. Lilly had a stiff back and a fixed smile, trying not to show her ingrained discomfort at the display of passion. She seemed to shake herself mentally. "No," she said, "Don't be. That's part of who you are, so don't let me get in the way."

"Well, we don't want you to feel too uncomfortable..." The lad said.

Lilly recovered, and smiled at him with a touch of amusement. "Well, that certainly explains how you seem to understand humans more that the rest of your people."

"Yes, and I hope you can see why it's vitally important that my nature remains a complete secret, as far as human society is concerned."

"Why?" Ted asked innocently, turning back to them.

"Some humans will see us as a threat, merely because we exist at all. But what if they discovered that humans can be transformed into us?"

"It'll be a nightmare," Lilly sighed, closing her eyes and bracing herself.

"Exactly! It won't matter how rarely or how special the circumstances have to be for a human to be Gifted. The fact that we can do so at all will be all the ammo the zealots will need to spread panic and try to have us wiped out in order to protect themselves from the threat they'll believe us to be, even though we're nothing of the sort!"

"You're right," she breathed, suddenly feeling very, very old despite the fact that she was only in her early forties.

"Above all else," Kylenus added, "We need to keep the knowledge of incest and Gifting under tight wrap. If anyone were to discover either of those things, we'd lose any public support we would get."

"Agreed," she said nodding, looking to Ted.

"You're correct. No one should know about those things, it'd only hurt your case," he said.

"So," Pareus added, "All we ask for is the means to protect our rights, should humans come here and discover our existence. All we want is the right to live alone in peace."

"But that doesn't address the problem Bertha had last month," Tenaro said, looking worried.

"Bertha is a human ally of ours," Pareus said, answering the confused look Lilly gave them. "She drives the truck that brings us supplies from the outside world, and carries away the food we sell to a human farmer outside the community."

"What kind of problem?" Ted asked.

"She was stopped on her way here," Tenaro explained, "by a pair of humans who showed a very unhealthy interest in where she was going, and asked her many prying questions. She believes that they were not tourists, as they claimed to be. I trust her judgment, and feel that her concerns are valid."

"That certainly sounds suspicious," Lilly said slowly. "The perhaps we should start setting things up as quickly as possible, just in case."

"Very good," Tenaro said, looking relieved. "The sooner, the better, in fact."

"Then we should get going," Lilly said, getting up.

"Umm," Ted began hesitantly. "I don't suppose you folks have any extra gas...?"



Over two hours later, the lawyers were nearing the junction with interstate ninety, when a man parked on the opposite side of the road waved frantically to them. He was dressed in slacks and a button front shirt, with a map in his right hand as he flagged them down.

"Looks like he's lost," Ted said, as they slowed down.

Lilly took a good look at the man, and her internal alarms rose sharply. Something was very, very wrong here. Something she rapidly identified. "Whatever I do and say, play along! I've been nagging you non-stop!" she said quickly as they got near.

"What?" Ted asked.

"Just do it!" Lilly ordered.

Complying, Ted adopted a deep frown as he pulled over and rolled down the window.

"Good!" Lilly said waspishly, taking the initiative. "Someone with a map! Maybe he has a better sense of direction that you do!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Ted snapped at her, easily falling into his assigned roll.

"So you were getting us lost on purpose, then? What a novel concept!"

"Uh... I'm sorry," the stranger said, looking confused. "I was hoping you can help me. I seem to be a bit lost here..." He said sheepishly.

"Well join the club, then!" Lilly snapped. "I just happen to have the president of it right here with me! Well," she shouted at Ted, "don't just sit there like a moron! Hand him some brochures! I'm sure he'd love to glean some valuable insight from your wonderful sense of direction!"

"Umm," the business man said, taken aback by their arguing.

"Look, it was a perfectly good road, and it was heading north!" Ted shouted back, sounding offended.

"Yes, to absolutely nowhere! Fifty miles of you saying 'don't worry, I know where I'm going.' If I'd let you have your way, we'd be half way to the damned North Pole by now!"

"You want to get to Moyle Springs, or not?" Ted shouted back.

"Yes, but I'd like to get there -before- the party ends! You know how long it took for me to get invited to one of Mildred's parties? If you blew my chance to get her to sign off on the deal, I swear I'll make your life a living Hell!"

"Like it isn't already?" Ted shouted, his face going slightly red.

"But," the business man said, trying to interrupt.

"Oh forget it, Pal!" Ted snapped at him. "I've got enough problems of my own!"

He hit the gas, spraying a rooster trail of dirt behind them as they took off, leaving him behind. They continued their argument until they'd left him far behind.

"You enjoyed that!" He accused, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards.

"So did you," she said, smiling nervously. "I never thought my acting class would pay off that well!"

"Why'd you do that, anyways. What's the deal?"

"That man wasn't lost," she replied darkly.

"How can you be sure?" Ted asked, feeling nervous.

"The car, his clothes, even the map were all new."

"So what? That doesn't prove anything."

"It wasn't just that. He was a soldier... I could tell."

"How?" Ted asked, looking at her in confusion.

"You don't grow up the daughter of a drill sergeant without getting to know how soldiers move and behave. That man was army, I'm sure of it."

"Dammit, Lilly," Ted spoke, looking pale. "What've you gotten us into?"

They drove in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. "They really are in trouble, aren't they?"

"Yeah, I think they are," she replied grimly...


Kylenus awoke alone in his bed the next day. Kavarin had once more offered to share his bed, but there was a downside that Ky had rapidly discovered: Kav had a very bad habit of being a restless sleeper who thrashed around during his sleep.

After being awoken two times the same night due to having an unconscious backhand to the face, then a heel to his knee, Ky had politely refused to stay after their next mating was completed. He was sure that if not for the dense layer of furry body hair he now possessed, he'd have large visible bruises on his body. Kav had pouted slightly, but after seeing the bruise on the left side of his sibling's face poking out halfway above the beard-line, he'd relented and apologized.

Ky stretched and sighed, arching his back so that his hairy chest rose up, grunting in pleasure. He got up, and studied his nude reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of his closet door.

He now stood at seven feet, two inches, and his body had the young, toned look that many fit teenagers possessed. The fur of his body was dark brown, and short, hugging his torso, neck and limbs, and allowing the shape of his body to show through clearly despite the fact that his fur completely hid the skin beneath. His beard and hair were short, and trim, his eyes a clear deep green beneath a strong brow, flat cheeks, and his jaw squarish in shape.

He took a moment to flex, admiring his body, but his face fell slightly. Kav had made him feel strong and muscular, but his body was more trim than buff. *Maybe I should take Kav up on his offer to help me bulk up,* he thought to himself, smiling at the image of himself sporting a set of well-defined muscles beneath the fur.

*How long have I been thinking of this as fur?* he asked himself silently, turning to admire the back half of his body in the mirror. Honestly, he couldn't remember. *My thought patterns are becoming completely different from what they used to be,* he noted... But there was no trace of concern. He liked the way he thought now.

Before, as a human, he'd been a rather glum and suspicious person, always waiting to be wronged. Now, however, he felt carefree and happy. The dull, hollow look was gone from his eyes, replaced by a sparkle of amusement and mischief. He'd meant what he'd said to Lilly. Even if it were possible to return to his former human state of being, he'd refuse. He also knew, from the small part of his mind that was still human, that the human part was as glad of the change as the rest of him. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy.

In truth, he felt like a teenager, restless and full of nervous energy. He looked at his face in the mirror, noting that he looked like a six-year old. *No, wait,* the remaining human part of himself corrected. *A very hairy eighteen-year old.* He frowned slightly, for an odd moment, as the human memories collided with Hirsune thinking. *Hirsune mature three times as quickly as humans, so I guess both are true. I'm six, but eighteen from a human perspective... Besides,* he continued, looking deep into his reflection's eyes. *I'm Hirsune now, so I need to start thinking like one. Therefore, I'm six. So shut it!* he thought, annoyed with the human thought-patterns that seemed to want to hang around and nag him about what should be.

He flexed a bit more in the mirror, displaying his masculinity to himself, but after a few minutes, he realized that he wasn't becoming aroused like he thought he'd be. *Maybe I don't do it for myself the way others do...* Frowning slightly to himself, he slipped into a set of overalls, suddenly realizing how very hungry he was.

He sighed, turning away from the mirror. That he still had this internal struggle bothered him. He wanted the human part of him to stop trying to contradict the Hirsune side. He found himself envying the rest of the family, who were free of such problems. *Maybe it'll fade away over time,* he thought, groping his penis idly through his overalls, worried that it wasn't responding to his attentions like it normally did. *Why aren't I horny today?* he asked silently, concerned that he wasn't. This was the first time since his transformation that his ever-present horniness was mute. It bothered him.

*Maybe something's wrong?* he wondered, feeling apprehensive. He considered talking to his dad about it. But could he help? Maybe this was something that Hirsune didn't deal with. Perhaps it was a fluke of his transformation. *I hope nothing's wrong,* he thought, frowning. *If I'm not horny again by tomorrow, then I should call the doc, or maybe Roderal... He'd probably be a better choice, since he's already gone through this. Maybe he can explain it.*

His stomach growled, demanding food with an annoying urgency. Rubbing his stomach, he went down to the kitchen, where he heard singing from below.

*Davin's doing laundry. Fuck it, I'm old enough to make my own meal,* he thought, digging around in the fridge.

He was so busy stuffing his face, that he failed to notice exactly how much food he was eating. A whole bundle of bananas, a pound of cooked ham, and twelve pancakes, washed down with a three-quarters of a gallon of orange juice, disappeared down his maw before his hunger abated. He drank two large cups of coffee to jolt himself awake, and headed out to the barn.

Ardenus was waiting for him in a pair of old, faded overalls, standing in the barn and leaning in a hoe with it's blade on the ground, holding it in both hands like a pole.

"There you are! I was about to come drag you out of bed!" the parent said, looking slightly annoyed. "You know we're up at dawn around here. You'll have to get used to that. Every moment of daylight is precious to a farmer. We can't go lighting up the fields with floodlights all the time because we want to sleep in, you know."

"Sorry, Dad," the lad said, looking crestfallen. "I'll try to work on that."

Seeing that his son was sincere, Ardenus' mood softened. "Ok, Kylenus. We'll see about getting you an alarm clock, OK? Now... How much do you know about farming?"

Ky looked down, poking the earthen ground of the barn with his big toe. "Well... dirt's this brown stuff, right?"

Silence greeted this, broken only by the sound of wood creaking slightly, and he looked up to see his parent standing with his head hung, and his knuckles whitening around the handle of the hoe as he squeezed it hard with both of his strong hands. After a few moments, he lifted his head, a pained smile on his face. "Yeah, Son. Dirt's the brown stuff..."



Kylenus went to work with his father, breaking up the earth that the horse and plow had loosened. As the sun shined down on them, they slowly worked their way down the row, Markano and a field hand from town named Nasharhan chopping away at the next row over. As he worked, Ky noted an odd ringing developing in his ears, and he was beginning to have a hard time concentrating. His world narrowed to the dull thuds of the hoe in his hands as the blade stabbed into the soil, the smell of the raw earth as he broke it up at his feet. He began to sweat, his vision getting blurry around the edges, and his breathing becoming rapid.

He wasn't panicking, though. His brain seemed to be going on autopilot, and a dull ache was beginning to grow in the pit of his stomach. His strikes with the hoe became half-hearted, growing weaker and weaker until he slowed to a stop. He leaned on the hoe, beginning to pant heavily without even knowing why, or aware that he was even doing so at all...



Ardenus began to notice something was wrong. Kylenus was slowing down, his shoulders heaving even though he didn't seemed winded. Ardenus stared at him for several moments, wondering what was wrong with him. It was then that the parent noted a slight fuzziness in his own brain, and a constricting tightness developing down below. He stopped working, realization dawning on him.

"Guys, get back!" he said, turning to his son and employee, tossing his tool aside.

"Dad?" Markano asked, "What's wrong?"

"Get back! Now!"

Markano and Nasharhan backed away quickly, looking alarmed.

Ardenus moved slowly, stalking towards his son. "Kylenus?" he asked. The youth didn't answer. "Son? You OK?" he persisted, feeling that he knew what it was. He moved around Kylenus to face the young Hirsune, who was sweating, staring blankly at nothing, the hoe held loosely in his hand. He moved closer. "Ky?"

The lad turned slowly to him, looking feverish. When their eyes met, Kylenus groaned in a shaky voice of deepest need, tossed the hoe aside, and flung himself at his father, trying to tear the overalls from the older Hirsune's body and letting out a wet sound from his posterior as his anus dilated and secreted solem.

Realizing what was happening, Ardenus went wild with need, striping the boy quickly, and taking a deep, long breath from Ky's body, his head rising quickly up the lad's torso to his face as he inhaled. Then moaning loudly with lust, he grabbed his son by the shoulders and spun him around, shoving him to the ground.

Ky fell to his hands and knees, lifting his open ass eagerly. Ardenus bellowed like a bull, dove onto the lad as his stiff phallus plunged eagerly into the gapping, lubricated hole, and began to fuck him hard and fast, possessed with the overpowering need to fill him with cum...

"Kylenus!" Markano exclaimed, smiling as he watched his brother come into heat, groaning and moaning incomprehensibly as their father mounted him furiously, who finally shouted with joy as he orgasmed deep inside his son. "Come on!" he said to his assistant, running to the barn before the heat pheromones could claim them as well.

All Hirsune knew the drill, and as Nasharhan rang the bell attached to the front door of the barn in a repeating, four clang rhythm, Mark grabbed a gas mask from several that hung from hooks inside.

Davin came running out of the house, his hand over his mouth, as Kavarin rushed over from the chicken coops. "Who is it?" Davin asked, looking confused. Everyone on the ranch knew that a four-bell ring meant someone had gone into season, and caution was required.

"Ky! It just happened!" Mark said, with an amused look of shock.

"Really?" Kav said, looking fit to drool, gazing around frantically. "Where? Where is he?"

"No you don't!" Davin said, seizing his younger brother's arm in a firm grip.

"Oh come on! I didn't get enough time with Mark! This isn't fair!" he sulked shamelessly.

"Dad's with him now, Kav. They're in the south field, not too far past the barn. Besides, Kav, you know Dad wanted him first!"

"Shit!" Kav swore. "Alright! Fine! But I get him next!"

"Ok, OK!" Mark said, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "But -after- we get Ky moved to the breeding room, and not before. Go take some lemongrass. Oh fuck!" he exclaimed in horror, turning to look back at the field. "Did Ky have any today?"

"I don't know," Davin said, looking concerned. "I never saw him this morning, but I thought I heard him rooting around in the kitchen."

"Shit!" Mark swore, and tore off for the barn. Fortunately, they were prepared for this. He ran to a large pill bottle, and opened it, shaking out two capsules of powdered lemongrass, and grabbing his water bottle from the table where he'd left it, running out as he pulled the gas mask over his face. He reached the pair, who were both lost in a world of passion.

He forced the pills into the protesting lad's mouth, then pushed the mouth of the water bottle to his brother's lips. "Come on, Ky! You'll thank me for this later!"

Mark breathed a sigh of relief as Ky swallowed the pills grudgingly. He then stood and moved back, watching his family members rut in the dirt. His hand strayed to his crotch, and he kneaded his tool through the fabric, sighing in lust as he watched them go at it.

"Fuck, Ky. That's so hot! Congratulations, Bro! Now you really are one of us! I can't wait for my turn to come around," he said, opening his fly, and pulling out his shaft, which oozed precum. He stood there, masturbating, breathing hard through the gas mask as he stroked himself. He masturbated rapidly, walking closer to his youngest sibling's face, Ky's eyes rolled back in his head, his mind lost to his lust.

Mark groaned as his orgasm came, and he covered his delirious brother's face in his sperm. He stepped back, letting his member soften before stuffing it back into his jeans. "Just you wait, Ky. When my turn comes, I'm gonna tear your ass up!"

Sighing in anticipation, he walked over to meet his gas masked siblings, who began to pleasure themselves as they watched the pair go at it...



Meanwhile, Kylenus was lost in a world of sensation, unable to form any coherent thoughts. All he knew was a burning, all-consuming need to take as much dick as he could. It was a ravenous hunger deep inside him that demanded to be filled, nothing else mattered. As his hole was savaged by the thick phallus that rode it, he felt an all-encompassing euphoria fill him, and he dug his fingers and toes into the soil, thrusting back frantically onto the shaft riding his egg canal, which screamed for more.

Finally the penis within him exploded, gushing cum deep inside of his body, and Ky finally knew a moment's peace, as a deep sense of satisfaction flowed through him. For a moment, traces of rational thought came back to him, and while he wasn't able to form words, even within his own mind, he realized that something had happened to him. A mental image of Markano, moaning with need as Davin fucked him on their father's bed swam to the fore, and his mind reeled as he realized that this must be what Mark had experienced. He understood what was happening to him, now.

Far from feeling afraid or confused, he felt joyful. No wonder Mark's face had worn such a blissful expression as he had been mounted repeatedly. Ky now knew the overwhelming pleasure his brother had felt then, and his heart swelled with pride as he realized he had entered the final stage of manhood. Now, he was truly an adult, and equal among Hirsune. If this was what it was like to be in heat, then he hoped it would last forever.

An instinctual memory of his conversation with his father in the barn, the second night of Mark's season came to him. He recalled begging his father to rape his ass when his heat finally was upon him. He felt a lust-fueled gratitude to the man for keeping his promise. As this realization hit him, so did the needs of his hormones. He began to thrust back onto that hard shaft stuck up his ass desperately, groaning with need. He heard a lustful growl, and the assault on his canal resumed, making him gasp in pleasure...




For the next three hours, Ardenus fucked his youngest son with a burning need and ferocity. His other sons stood a ways away, still wearing gas masks and waiting for the pair to ride out the wave of lust. Finally, the father collapsed onto his son's back, heaving with exhaustion as the pair laid in the dirt. Ky had already passed out from fatigue.

"Ok, let's go!" Mark said, and the three moved in and picked them up out of the dirt and mud, which caked their legs, hands, and Ky's front. They then proceeded to carry the pair across the field, heading towards the back of the barn to the isolated pair of rooms built next to Mark's dojo and Kav's music/workout room. Ardenus moaned, coming to slightly. He began to try to stand on his own, his weak legs moving feebly.

"Dad?" Davin said, looking at his father. "Dad! Did you take lemongrass today? Dad!"

"Huh?" the parent grumbled foggily. Davin repeated the question. "Ummm.. uhh, y... yeah... tea...."

"Good," The second son said, sighing with relief.

"Dad," Mark said, lugging his hormone-driven brother along by the arms as Kav held his feet. "You need some rest! Trade off!"

"But I promised..." Ardenus said thickly, drunk on pheromones.

"You can have him again later!"

"Dad, please!" Kav begged, his voice muffled through his gas mask. "I want him! Please!"

"Okfine..." The father mumbled, slurring the words together in his exhaustion.

"Yes!" the third son said in excitement.

"Did you have any lemongrass today?" Markano asked him.

"I'll have some later! Let's just get Ky-"

"NO, KAV!" Mark shouted angrily between pants of effort from carrying his burden.

"Oh come on!" Kav protested.

"You know the rules! We NEVER impregnate someone against his will, heat or no heat! You take some right now, or forfeit your turns this season! You know better then that! How would you feel if we knocked you up without your permission?!?"

"Ok," Kav said, looking shamed. "But if someone goes in there ahead of me," he said, as they reached the door to the breeding room, "I swear I'll take a two-by-four to the back of their head!"

With that, he ran around to the side door to the barn to grab some pills, as Davin set his father down on a bench several yards away so their parent could clear his head of the potent pheromones.

"Shit!" Mark swore, as he and his second brother heaved Ky into the room and onto the bed after brushing the worst of the soil off of his body, "You'd think Kav was the one in season!"

Davin just shook his head sadly, unable to come up with an appropriate response...


Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains by argouru ? ? For over three days, the family tended to Kylenus' need to be fucked non-stop. Each of the family taking several turns with him, going...

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Hirsune Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 11 - Gaining my Religion by argouru ? ? Sunlight poured in through the window, stabbing Kylenus in the eye. Groaning, he turned around, pressing himself into the hairy...

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Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 10 - Roles in Life by argouru ? ? Later, as everyone was winding down for the night, Kylenus stood nude on the front porch, leaning against one of the banisters and...

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